05x03 - Burning Heart Under The Ice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x03 - Burning Heart Under The Ice

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity



Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars

Produced by Ashi Production

PLANET SOLID Older Brother, you're an IDIOT!


The Cybertrons' training spaceship Gung-Ho was navigating through the boundless universe,

...pursuing the next Angolmois capsule.

I was able to significantly narrow the investigation area for the Angolmois capsule.

Where is it?

Planet Solid of the Devina star system.

Planet Solid?

It's a planet mostly covered by ocean and has a mild climate.

There is a small number of intelligent beings near the water.

If we use the warp, we can get there right away from here.

The engine is sort of in good shape.

Shall we depart, Big Convoy?

The Destrons' ship hasn't been seen in the vicinity.

Big Convoy, let's go before those Destron guys arrive!

When it comes to a bargain sale and the Angolmois capsule, it's on a first come, first served basis!

They also say, "slow and steady wins the race".

All right! Take your positions!

Navigation momentum - warp speed! Destination: Planet Solid!

Set completed!

Take off!

Yes, sir!

It seems they've headed to the planet Solid.

I see.

Magmatron-sama, it's clearly obvious that the Cybertrons went to get the Angolmois capsule.

If we get there first, the Angolmois capsule will...

...be ours!

I don't like it.

Deadend, what is it?

Chasing around after them is not what a proud warrior should be doing.

Shut up, Deadend!

My plan can't go wrong!

By the way, if you guys don't hurry up, you won't make it before the Cybertrons arrive!

All right, let's make the planet Solid as Big Convoy's grave.

DNAVI, have us take off immediately.

Call me Anastasia.

Whatever, hurry!


We've warped out.

We're on the satellites' orbit of the planet Solid.

What in the world happened to it?!

It's frozen!

It's great, it's a paradise for me!

Hey NAVI, didn't you say this was a warm planet?

It should be... it's odd.

Is it the influence of the Angolmois capsule?

It's possible.

Big Convoy, I'll put together a landing crew immediately.

Me, me, me! I'll go!

No, this time, we all descend.

Y-You're kidding, right?

Warriors should be able to accomplish a mission under all types of conditions.

It'll be a good training session for you guys.

That's right!

True to his title, Big Convoy, you say good stuff!

Geez, Break is taking this opportunity and getting all fired up.

I guess he feels like he's back at his hometown and happy?






The fur helps us feel a little warmer.

At this rate, even our oil will freeze!

It can't be any colder than this!

Getting angry about it won't help, will it?

Hey, hey, what's up with that pathetic look!?

You don't have enough fighting spirit!

Break, that'll be enough from you.

Yeah, yeah...

Hey! There's an Angolmois capsule reading.



It's moving.

There's something going on.

All right, we'll split up into two groups,

...then take a detour around this mountain range, and get to the target from both sides.

Yes, sir!

B-B-Big Convoy, that will be difficult to do.

Everybody's frozen solid.

It can't be helped.

Break, you chase the capsule reading as an advance element.

I will wait for their recovery and take the detour.

Leave it to me!

Older Brother, you idiot!

Older Brother, I hate you!

Older Brother, it's your fault.

It happened because you made fun of me...

It's extremely cold!


Heck! How slouchy you guys are!

Guys, what the heck are you doing?!

Bring the Angolmois capsule immediately!

We know that!

If you know, then get moving!

Damn! He's just waiting in the ship and staying warm!

How nice, isn't it?!

Enough complaining!

Let's move!

I'm Break...

This is cozy!

This is Big Convoy... have you found the Angolmois capsule?

No, not yet.

I see.

You should be at the meeting point soon, though.

I don't see anything like it yet.

Roger that!


...don't be playing around, Break!

Wah~! Of course!

Big Convoy, I think you have the wrong idea about me?!

You think so? I hope so...

I wonder how he knew that?

I'm so hungry.

Everyone, hang in there!

"One for all! All for one!"

"One for all! All for one!"

It's too cold! This is too much!

Don't fall asleep! If you do, you'll die!

He's... walking and sleeping at the same time?!

I can't believe it.

It IS cold!

Is it that cold?

Then don't take it, go ahead, freeze and die!



Ha! Where are they aiming at?!

Not good! They're intending to induce an avalanche!

Now they're finished.

That went well! It was easy!

All we have to do is to join up with Deadend who went to get the Angolmois capsule.

I wonder if he succeeded?


It seems the Destrons went to get the Angolmois capsule.

I see, let me contact Break right now.

Break! Break! This is Big Convoy...

Come in, Break!

What's wrong, Break?!

That bugger of a Penguin might have turned off the radio, thinking he's on vacation?!

Or the radio's broken from an enemy attack.

Or he might be sleeping.

Ah, this is Break...

This is Break! Break!

Please respond!

Geez! It's no use.

I guess the communication function's broken from that impact earlier.

I'm sorry.

Oh well, that's all right.

Say, you, what's the name ya go by?


That's a great name!

I'm Break!

My appearance is a penguin, but my spirit is ecstatically on fire!

Just a bit farther.

This time's an easy mission!


What is a "mission"?

It's something that has to be done even if it costs me my life!

To search for the Angolmois capsule on this planet!

That's my mission!

By the way, what are you doing in a place like this?

I... I had a fight with my Older Brother.

What's wrong?! Get a hold of yourself!

Older Brother, help me!

You're sloppy!

You won't be able to get food if you're like that!


He really is pathetic.

Our species are good at swimming by nature!

With just a little bit of courage, you should be able to swim easily!

Gohmiya, do you really have the motivation to do this?!

If you try hard, you can swim for sure!

Ah, a sh**ting star!

Forget about a sh**ting star!

Listen to Older Brother more closely!

But, Older Brother...!

No "buts!"

Now, take a close look at the way I swim!

Older Brother, you're an idiot!

Older Brother, you're an IDIOT!

Now, Older Brother is frozen, underneath the lake.

I see, that's what happened to you.

Huh? This is strange.

It's been the same distance for quite a while.

Don't tell me...!

Found you.


I thought it would be a boring job of just locating the Angolmois capsule...

I am glad it came with a prey!

Hunting is my hobby!

Gohmiya, hard aport!

Run like crazy at full speed!

But... but...!

Get a hold of yourself!

R... Right.


Hot! It's hot!

Over here, Deadend!


You, get outta here! You can just leave this to me!


My hunting target... is YOU!

I won't let you lay a finger on him!

Outta the way!

Break, run for it!

Be quiet!

I can't abandon you!

But, Break, you have your mission...

To hell with the mission!

I don't care about the Angolmois capsule, either!

I just do as my burning spirit tells me to!

Don't make a fuss about trifles.

I'll send the both of you to hell.

SPIRAL b*mb!



The Angolmois capsule's been...!

What was that expl*si*n?!

It's the meeting spot with Break.

Let's hurry!

I can't do it any faster than this!

Besides, we have this one member who is useless.

Well, pardon me!

Oh, you're aware of it.

I got it! Longrack, we'll use this ice here!



Gohmiya! What's wrong?! Get a hold of yourself!

Did you not manage to get the Angolmois capsule yet?!

You're not reliable. Do you need our help?

No! Just myself is enough!


I... can't go on...


Swim, Gohmiya!

Your Older Brother's watching you!

Older Brother?

If you're that upset, show your fine swimming to your brother and prove him wrong!

Is this good enough?

Let's hurry!

Yes, sir!

Older Brother...

Hang in there, Gohmiya!

Grad hold of your courage, you can swim for sure!

I'll try!

Watch, Older Brother!

I'm able to swim now!

See, you can do it when you put your mind to it!

Older Brother... Older Brother, I'm sorry!

I'm sorry, Older Brother!

That light...?

The Angolmois capsule!

I see now, the Angolmois capsule was reacting to his stone-cold heart,

...and that was making this planet frozen!

And now...!

That's it! That's it!

...your heart is ecstatically burning up!

The spark in your passionate heart is going to melt the ice of this planet!

Wh... What?!

Uh-oh! The avalanche and flood will be rolling in!

DNAVI, teleport us!

Call me Anastasia.

Just which part of you is "Anastasia"?!

Then, you freeze and die there.

I get it. I get it!

Anastasia-san, hurry up and teleport us!

Can't be helped, I'll teleport you now.

That Deadend guy, he never learns his lesson! All right, then!


Fight me, you scumbag!

I'll be taking this.


I can't breathe...


What's that?


Older Brother!

You won't get away!

It's no use!

I'll take care of you next time!

Damn it!

Oh, no you don't!


Wh... What?!

It's up to you, Gohmiya!

Just leave it to me!

Nice catch!

Did it!

Nice swimming, Gohmiya.

Thank you, Break!

We really can't thank you enough.

No, it's nothing.

But you shouldn't be fighting with your brother anymore.


And, you should keep your heart ecstatically burning up all the time!

It's such a pretty planet, we didn't know that until now.

Yeah, it really is a pretty planet.

However, Break...

You forgot about your mission there and were preoccupied with Gohmiya only, weren't you?


If we didn't make it in time then...!

Yeah, yeah, it's my bad!

I'm unfit to be a warrior!

However, Break, you've accomplished a way more important mission than acquiring the capsule.

Your passionate spirit melted the ice which was in the siblings' hearts, and on that planet.

That might have been more important than the primary mission.

Yes, sir!

I ended up saying something not like myself again.

Ready to take off.

All right! Let's depart to search for the next Angolmois capsule!


Take off!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


I'm Stampy, the rabbit!

I will play outstandingly in the next episode!

I wonder how it's gonna be?

You are unusually wimpy and always act as a drag.

You're mean, Break!

I'm doing my best all the time!

Hey! Warriors don't cry!


Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 4 is, Hang in There, Stampy

Hey, they're saying "Hang in there" to you.

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