05x09 - Sub-Commander Longrack

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
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05x09 - Sub-Commander Longrack

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

PLANET SARGASSO The Cybertrons, continuing to acquire the Angolmois capsules, have picked up a reading from this area of space at Sargasso.

It's kind of a creepy place!

It's a space graveyard after all.

But we're definitely getting a capsule reading from around there.

Additionally, we're picking up a reading from a living organism.

A living organism in a space graveyard?

Hey, do you think a ghost lives there or something?

If it's a game of morphing into different creatures, Heinrad, the tanuki, is good to go.

You do know I can't do such a thing, don't you?

The capsule reading is weak, so it may be difficult to find.

All right, let's investigate right away.

I'm going to organize a drop team!

We'll make teams by splitting into pairs.

No, I can go by myself.

Another can remain here with NAVI.

Well, I guess I'll remain here then.

Hey! You freakin' better NOT be sleeping and waiting!


Everyone is to stick to the return time!

Yes, sir!



Wait up!

Wh... What's this?!

What's the matter? You asked me to teleport you even though you haven't found any capsule.

I guess I should have gone after all.

That's not freakin' important! Big Convoy just got taken out!

Taken out?

Stop talking nonsense.

Explain yourself, Saberback.

Yes, he was easily taken out by a strange creature who nests here.

That Big Convoy was, you say?

It's better to just give up on the capsule since it's sitting in this kind of place!

What about Big Convoy's scrapped remains?

He was wrapped in a cocoon type of thing and taken into the monster's nest.

So that means, we're not really sure if he was taken out.

We were watching the scene for a while, but there was no reaction from him!

He can't be alive!

Well, I think it's better to find Big Convoy's scrapped remains before locating the capsule.

If we do that, you guys can work at ease from this point on, right?

Very well, I'll go then.

I'll go too. I want to see what kind of individual defeated Big Convoy.

We didn't find the capsule.

You came back later than the return time, Break and Stampy!

You say so, but...

We thought we could be a little late, so long as we found the capsule.

Ah! Big Convoy hasn't come back yet, either!

Heinrad, wasn't there any contact at all?

There was no contact.

You were sleeping with that snot bubble of yours, weren't you?

By the way, I've been calling him but he's not responding.

He's not responding?

I'm worried. Something might have happened.

Guys, what should we do?

Let's go look for him!

No... wait.

Maybe he's just testing us.

That IS possible!

That would be what Big Convoy would do.

If that's so, let's sleep and wait.

No, if he's testing us, we should act.

You're right. We should go look for him, shouldn't we?

He might be in trouble for real, so...

No, I think we should wait.

No matter what type of critical situation... this is Big Convoy, so he should be able to get out of it.

Yes! That's right!

Since it is Big Convoy, he's gotta be fine!

But he might think we abandoned him, you know.

Oh, that's not good then.

Stampy, just whose side are you on?

Hmmm... this is tough...

At last, it's time for me to speak!

You see, I, who was the top graduate from the Cybertron training school, should take command now.

In order to sustain this team, it requires proper judgment and...


Alrighty then. We'll go look for Big Convoy!

And then, the capsule as well.


Oh? Longrack, you're not coming?

What? Well... I'm coming...

It's that creature's nest...

It's a graveyard in the middle of a graveyard.

Where's the capsule?

It should be this way where Big Convoy had headed.

NAVI mentioned that there was a biological reading in this Sargasso space...

...but it could be from the Destrons, so we should be prepared.

Split into two groups and keep in contact with each other!

Hey, you guys! Just where are you going?!

I said to split up into two but I'm the only one on the team? That's ridiculous!

Just what kind of monster is that?

He's the one who took Big Convoy out.

Guiledart and Saberback may not be able to handle him.


Leave this to me.

You go find Big Convoy's scrapped remains already!

What did you say?!

Big Convoy!!

Big Convoy, just where have you gone?!

Are they also looking for Big Convoy?

It seems Sling was correct after all.

What happened?!

What is this?

Just what is that thing?!

That is what got Big Convoy?!

Deadend, let's get out of here!

I'm sure Big Convoy's dead if he got att*cked by a thing like that!

Deadend, let's use that monster to take out the rest of the Cybertrons.

You're right.

Let's wipe all of them out.

Magmatron-sama will also be rejoicing.

Big Convoy!

Please show yourself!

Big Convoy!!

Big Convoy, just where did you go?!

I can't believe we still can't find him even after searching for so long...

Man! Just where did he get off to?

I am still sleepy...

The capsule reading should be around here.

Big Convoy, where exactly did you go?!


Lieutenant Longrack ain't reliable!

What are you saying?!

I've graduated as a top student from the training school!

There's no mistake in my judgment!

But you know, this isn't a freakin' school!

It looks like he's not this way.

Stampy, does your probe pick up anything at all?


I think we should be waiting on the Gung-Ho...

There's a reading!


I knew the Destrons were involved in this!

Big Convoy could never be defeated by the Destrons, you know that, Stampy!

You're right about that!




Are they impertinently counterattacking us?

See, we'll lure them to where that creature is.

I know that.

This space rubbish heap is just the right place for the Cybertrons to die.

We'll scrap you guys just as it was done to Big Convoy.

Big Convoy was scrapped?!

Where's Big Convoy?!

Hold it!

It's a lie, isn't it?

...that Big Convoy was taken out?!

Yeah, but those guys know something.

Colada and others haven't given us their routine report in yet.

I'm sure it's just they haven't found the capsule nor Big Convoy yet.

Man... stop freakin' complaining and just contact them now!

Well, that's true.


What's going on, Stampy? Just report in...

No time for that! We're being att*cked by the Destrons!

The Destrons?!

It seems they know something about Big Convoy.

OK, stand by until we arrive there!

If we stand by, we'll be finished!

I'll come and help you now!

Hey! Wait, Break!

Wha-? W-What's that?

B-B-Break! Break, please help me!

Help you?

W-What is that?!

D-Don't come here! Go away! Shoo, shoo!!

Why, YOU!




Cut it out!

Hurry and get over here, Longrack, Break!

No time for that! I want YOU guys to save us!

What happened?!

Change in the strategy!

Did we have such a thing as a "strategy"?

No we didn't.

It's this guy who att*cked Big Convoy!

Wh-Who is 'this guy'?! Wasn't it the Destrons?!

Just come already!

It's ended up like this because Longrack is too freakin' slow!

It can't be helped.

Let's go, Stampy, Heinrad!

We'll take care of the Destrons later!

Did they figure it out?

Without Big Convoy, this is our chance to wipe them out!

Let's get some support.


What the hell are they doing?!

It's freakin' going to eat us!

Rather, he's trying to make us his preserved food.

It doesn't matter how, he's going to eat us anyway!

If you wanna eat something, Colada served up grilled would be delicious, I tell you!

And, Stampy will give you a lot more jumping-high energy than me!

And Heinrad can be useful as an ornament!!

Who the hell would be better grilled?!

Eating me will not give you more energy!

I was hoping you guys would show up if I talked about you.

Couldn't you say something nicer about us?

So you think I'm an ornament?!

We're surrounded!

They'll end up being feed for the monster by just leaving them as is.

After all, it's the monster who ate Big Convoy!

What did you say?!

All that's left is just you guys!

Colada, you take on Guiledart!

Stampy, you go around to the right and take on Deadend!

And Heinrad...!


Longrack, we can't just fight conveniently like that!

Heinrad, up, up!

Stampy, not that way!

Cover Colada!

Uh, which?!

Just ignore him!

SPIRAL b*mb!

Look out!

I...Is this the end?

What was that?!

B... Big Convoy!

So Big Convoy is still alive!

Either way, we'll finish them off here!

Longrack, what's the next strategy?

Stampy and Heinrad, r-rescue me and Break.

Big Convoy, attack the Destrons and c-cover them!

I won't heed to that strategy.

Huh? No way!

Are you saying it's OK that we'll be eaten, Big Convoy?!

I would do the opposite of yours!

Colada, Stampy, Heinrad, cover me!

The priority is to exterminate this monster now!

Yes, sir!


Stampy, I'm leaving these two to you!

Yes, sir!

I'm saved!


Take this!

DOUBLE m*ssile!

Damn! They've gathered more steam!


What's up? Did you defeat the Cybertrons or find the capsule?

What happened?!

No, Big Convoy is alive... and we didn't find the capsule!

What's up with that?!

Nevermind, just teleport us already!

Good grief... why don't you suffer for a bit then?



The Destrons' beauty!



We'll retreat for now!

But, Big Convoy had finished that monster already, so...

...that helped us out!

Let's leave them.

See, everyone? My strategy worked out, didn't it?

Thanks to what I've learned at the training school...


This is not a training school.

We're safe and sound because everyone judged rightly according to the different situations.

No matter how well you did at military school, if it doesn't work in a real battle, it's useless.

The wrong judgment can put everybody at risk.

The situation changes every second on the b*ttlefield, thus, it's considered a living thing.


Go that way!

This is gross!


The capsule is in the nest. We'll pick it up and go home.

Yes, sir!

But after all, my strategy worked out, don't you think so?

Yeah, you maybe right.

I don't know about that...?

He's still at it.


An Angolmois capsule reading has been detected!

Very well. Let's launch toward there immediately!

Yes, sir!

All of you, take your positions!

Navigation momentum - warp speed!

Ready for warp!


Good grief. You teleported these damn things along with us!

It's because you're a clumsy bunch!

This is not beautiful!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Colada! Colada, take a look! It's a giant mouth!

What the hell are you saying all of a sudden, Stampy?!

But you know... it seems like we've entered inside the body of a huge space creature!

What did you say?!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 10 is, Wah-! We've been eaten.

We are not so tasty, you know!
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