05x11 - Planet of Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x11 - Planet of Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

The heroic Cybertrons who have been battling against the evil Destrons over the Angolmois capsules... PLANET CHRONOS

...were approaching the forbidden planet after catching a reading from a capsule.

Heinrad, everyone has already reported to the bridge.

What's the matter?

For some reason, my stomach doesn't feel so good.

Are you trying to avoid work?

That's not it!

Where's Heinrad?

He wants to rest because he's not feeling well.

He's faking being sick, ain't he?

It didn't appear that way.

More importantly, let's go and bring back that capsule!

I'll go, Big Convoy.

Just a moment.

What is it, NAVI?

This planet...

I'm investigating now.

I knew it.

What's wrong?

It's forbidden to land on the planet Chronos.

A forbidden planet?

It's forbidden to go anywhere near the planet.

Does that mean the planet is dangerous?!




The Cybertrons also should have arrived, but no one has headed there.

Is there a capsule there?

No doubt about that.

Well then, we should just snatch it now.

That's right, Catherine will teleport you.

It looks like the Destrons have headed there.

Big Convoy, are we just going to look on enviously at them like this?!

We should go, too!

Do you know why it's a forbidden planet?

No, but I heard there were constant battles over this planet eons ago.

The reason why has remained a secret.

I'm sure they've erased all the data, thinking that a w*r would break out again.

Please let us go, Big Convoy!

Let's get it before the Destrons do!

I've already told you, it's not permitted!

Longrack, Break, I'm leaving this to you.

Big Convoy!

Make sure you stay in contact with us.

Yes, sir!

Open gate!

Preparing catapult for launch!

Target is the planet Chronos - GO!

What's wrong, Heinrad?

Since we got closer to that planet...

...for some reason the clock on my belly began to feel bad.

Is it because of that planet?

I'm not sure.

As soon as we get the capsule, we'll leave this place.

Please try to endure it until then.

We should report in that we got here safely.


It's no use, it's impossible to communicate.

Oh well, it looks like nothing's gonna happen anyway!

Let's go find that capsule.

Stay sharp. The Destrons are here, too!

Is the hologram OK?

This way!

Longrack? Break?



Impossible to communicate, is it?

It appears so.

I wonder what happened to the two of them?!

I can at least locate them if I search their thermal readings.

It looks like they're heading toward the center point of the capsule reading!

If we haven't heard back from them within the hour, we'll go as well.

The capsule's reading is coming from within there.

What the heck, nothing happened after all!

I was a bit excited, you know!

Now I wish I could battle against the Destrons, as it would be good exercise for me!

If that's so, then keep a look out for the Destrons from here.

I'll go look for the capsule.


My appearance is a penguin, but my heart is ecstatically on fire!

Yours truly with a burning heart didn't have to bother coming here!

Is that it?

It's just like some ancient ruins.

An earthquake?

What is that?

We'll go there now!

Hey!! You OK, Longrack?!

I'm OK! I'm bringing the capsule now, Break-kun!


So you showed up, Destrons!

You've found the Angolmois capsule, haven't you?

We're not gonna give it to you!



Ya think you can win only by yourself?!


Oh no, it's heavy!



Woah, that's a huge capsule, isn't it?

Longrack looks small, doesn't he?


No, he doesn't just look small, he IS small!


Doesn't matter anyway!

Hand that over!

I don't think so!

I'll take care of it here!

Longrack, you take the capsule!

I don't wanna!!

Ah?! You don't wanna?!

I wanna fight, too!

Ah?! You wanna?

Longrack, our mission is to acquire the capsule!

But, I wanna show that I can fight, too!

Longrack, don't you think your character has changed?

DOUBLE m*ssile!


Huh? What? I didn't even have to use the Sling Shield for that.

He's just like a child.

Did you two become stronger?

You should actually say; "we have become more beautiful".


Look out!!

What's going on? Did he really turn into a child?

Now, excuse me for taking this!

Big Convoy!

Now behave and go home!


Are you going to risk losing your life over the capsule?

Sling, we'll retreat for now!


What's the matter, guys?

No... No way!

What... What happened to me?

Wh-What happened to me?!

You're paying for it now because you've always been looking down on us!

You guys have also been taking an unfair advantage of me all this time!

But you're so cute, Longrack-kun!

Be quiet!

It looks like he really changed back to a child.

A child?

As I recall, I heard something about the Planet of Time...

What about this Planet of Time?

For that, I can teach you a thing or two.

Are you OK now? How's your physical condition?

It's not very good but...

So it's this planet then?

This planet is also known as The Planet of Rejuvenation.

It is said, one can rejuvenate themselves over and over again...

...and can live for eternity.

Live for eternity?

So that explains why Longrack became so young.

It's too young!

It's because of this, the planet was constantly fought over...

...so this planet was declared a forbidden planet, where no one could go near it.

So that's why the record in the computer had been erased.

Can he go back to the way he was?

I think it only makes one young...

No way!

No way! No way! Not like this!! But there may be a way to return you to the way you were...


I won't be for sure unless I actually go there...

You're younger now, so don't you think you want to stay that way?

Besides, there's a possibility that you could end up being even younger.

Y...Younger, you say, ...like a baby?

A baby?


Let... Let me think it over.

Ah... Longrack...

We can't depart, can we, Big Convoy?

Are you sure there's such a device to become younger?

Yeah, he turned into a child!

They'll come back to that cave again, considering their situation.

Surely, the Cybertrons' ship is not attempting to leave this planet.

Guiledart, Deadend, get going!


I don't intend to fight against a child, but may as well bring home a souvenir with the Cybertrons' scraps.

Why don't we take a chance, Longrack?

Big Convoy.

If at that time you turn into a baby, I'll feed you some milk-oil!

If it's about soothing a baby, just leave it to me!

Big Convoy, if it fails, send me back to HQ!

It won't fail, as long as you're with me!

You're being quite confident, Heinrad.

Good, Heinrad and Break, we're heading to the planet one more time!

I personally think we can be better friends if you stayed this way...

Hey! Don't rush!


We knew you would show up if we waited here.

It appears what Saberback said was true.

We'll let you pass through here if you bring the capsule!



Heinrad, Break...

...take Longrack and get him to the cave.

I'll handle things here.


Once we get Longrack changed back, we'll return as soon as possible!


You're not getting past here!

DEAD g*n!


The capsule was placed in the center of that.

Did anything unusual happen at that time?

Um... well...

When I stepped on one of the flagstones around here...

...something like an earthquake...

You're talking about this stone?

Mine was a red light.

Now it's going back to the previous position!



W-Wait up!




This is tiring...

What happened?

What happened, Break?

Who said Heinrad was useful?!

I'll say!

Before changing Longrack back to the way he was...

...I ended up aging a few hundred thousand years!


My vision is blurry...

My legs and back are hurting and my joints are...


I'm right, aren't I? Goodness!

A child and an old man...just what happened?

If you guys try to take the capsule from here, you'll end up being like this, too!

Yeah, we tried to change Longrack back to the way he was...

...and I ended up aging a few hundred thousand years!

Break, you keep saying the same thing!

Hm? Did you say something, Heinrad? I couldn't hear you well...

W-What's with them?!

Our only enemy is Big Convoy!

The rest are an old man and a child, and plus the useless one!

An old man and a child... and plus the useless one... is that ME?!!

Prepare yourself, Big Convoy!

I may be a child but don't think less of me!

Don't underestimate an old man!


DEAD g*n!

Look out!

You're going to be scrapped, all together!


I can be very scary when I get mad!

Here goes...

There it goes.

Here, here, here...

There's no time! No time!






Ever since I got closer to this planet...

...my tummy has been unwell and I was anxious if it was going to go well, but it worked out somehow!

Wh... What just happened?!

You don't wanna get old...

...because you end up seeing something you don't even wanna see.

Wha... What just happened?

I was aiming at Big Convoy, wasn't I?!

Your att*cks aren't going to get through!

D...DNAVI, teleport us!

What about the capsule and the Cybertrons?

About that, we don't know what the heck is going on here!

So many unbelievable things have happened on this planet.

Hurry up and teleport us!

And just what is my name?

I-It's Catherine!

If you had a secret w*apon like that, why didn't you use it more often?!

After using it once, it takes a long time for it to charge...

This time, I was being careless as well.

On the b*ttlefield, one can lose his life if a solid collection of information is not done.

I should have gathered information more carefully and acted on it.

You guys also have learned this in a hard way.

Heinrad, please bring these two back to the way they were.

Give me the blue light.

Once the red light is emitted, put it on me, please.

That's fine, but it'll take time.

The universe has plenty of that!

Yes, sir!

It's taking quite a bit of time.

They probably keep turning back and forth into a baby and a mummy.

It didn't work...

Did it fail?!

Just kidding!

YOU, you got me!

I was worried about you! I can't believe you got tricked by that!

We've stored the capsule already.

I don't wanna deal with a planet like that anymore!

That's why it's a forbidden planet!

This planet was fought over again and again, by the ones who desire rejuvenation.

Big Convoy, there's a Angolmois capsule reading.

All right!

Let's GO toward the another Angolmois capsule!

Yes, sir!

Ready to launch!

Navigation momentum - warp speed!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Those strange thorns are coming after us!

At this rate, the Gung-Ho will be destroyed!

Isn't that Hydra's fortress planet?

Isn't Hydra the Destrons' number one oddball?

Stampy, I think you trump him, though.

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 12 is, Lonely Hydra.

Break, I'm a person with common-sense!
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