05x13 - Break is Destron?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
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4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x13 - Break is Destron?

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness To Protect You

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars Produced by Ashi Production

The Cybertrons had caught an Angolmois capsule reading and arrived at the planet Crystal. PLANET CRYSTAL

Break and Colada have landed on the planet surface to acquire the capsule, however...

...waiting for them, was Saberback of the Destrons.


Who the heck is gonna do that?!

I'm the one who found this Angolmois capsule!

It'll be a useless treasure under your possession!





You've dropped us just in the right place...

What? What do you mean by that?!

I complemented you by saying, "you've got a beautiful technique for someone like yourself".

I hate to be treated like a kid!

My spirit is ecstatically on fire, but I, Break-sama, have a cool head!

You think you can win over me head-on?

Freakin' sh**t me, Destron!!

I can't be sleeping at a place like this...

I gotta go.

That Saberback, he was excited about his "great" plan, took off to the planet Crystal, and he hasn't even contacted us yet.

You can't expect much from Saberback when he says it's "great".

I wonder what happened to him?

Oh my. I wonder what happened to Saberback?

What's the matter, DNAVI?

Magmatron-sama, today, DNAVI won't reply unless we call her Audrey.

How troublesome!

W-What's the matter, Audrey?

Saberback has been wandering around aimlessly in the same place and acting strange.

Bring him back right away...



Audrey will try!

Saberback, teleporting!

What happened...?

For some reason my body feels heavy...

Where am I?

W... What?!

Did I get captured by the Destrons?!

You finally came to.

No, you don't!

What are you doing?!

Saberback is acting strange!

Capture him quickly!

Get back here, Saberback!

Where'd he get off to?

Goodness, that Saberback guy...

What happened to your "great" plan...?

I guess he's a magician only by the way he talks, after all.

Those guys are freakin' bullshitting me by calling me Saberback!

I'm a cute penguin-chan called Break-sama!

Just look at this lovely smile...


What's going on?! I look like Saberback?!

It's like, I'm actually Saberback himself!

Don't come any closer!! If you do, I'll beat the crap outta ya!

Calm down! It's probably your computer's condition that isn't well, that's all.

We're comrades!

It looks like it's better to pretend that I'm their comrade for the time being.

No, you know, well, I'm OK now.

I am Saberback.

My name is Saberback, but I look like a flashy crocodile-skin-handbag...

...just kidding...


What're you doing?!

Guiledart, just what do you think you're doing?

This Saberback... might be someone else in disguise.

I'm going to search him, breaking him down to his bare bones!

Ya, usually Saberback is a weird guy but this one's even more weird!

Calm down. Calm down, Break!

It looks like I've entered inside Saberback!

Well, where is my...

Where's Break's body gone off to?!

I thought I heard a scream around here.

Yo, Break, did you spot the Angolmois capsule yet?

Hey! If ya take a nap in a place like this, you're gonna catch a cold!

What, are you passed out?

I'm sure Big Convoy's gonna pester me with his "One for all. All for one." thing, if I left him here.

Man, what a troublesome guy!


He's quite heavy for his size.

What is this place?

Did my plan fail?

You've come to?

How're you feeling?

You OK, Break?

Is this place the Cybertrons' spaceship?!

What's wrong, Break? Did the shock damage your programming?

What? Break?

Th-That scoundrelly penguin!

It worked! That magic legend was true!

Within my magic book library, I found out about a twin crystal growing on the planet Crystal...

...a legend they called the Phantom.

The twin crystal called the Phantom, which grows on the planet Crystal, has the power to interchange souls.

I can use this!

It says... when a high amount of energy is poured into the crystal,

...the light will have a diffuse reflection within the crystal...

Once I learned that there was an Angolmois capsule reading from the planet Crystal,

...I decided to use the power of the twin crystal called the Phantom.

Just as I planned...

...those two Phantom crystals...

...swaped the souls of Break and myself.

I did it! My soul swapping plan was a complete success!

As I planned, I will utilize this appearance and reduce Big Convoy to scrap!

Break... I wonder if he hit his head hard...?

Now where is Big Convoy?

This spaceship has so many small rooms for some reason...

What the heck is this?

Did I come into a fairyland or something?

So you showed up, Destron?

H... How did he know?!

Stampy-sama will take you on!

This guy... could this be the sharpest one of all the Cybertrons?!

That Stampy again...

...running wild in his sleep!


It's fine to fight with the Destrons in your dreams...

...but you're freakin' noisy!

In his dream?!

Hey!! Wait up, you Destron!

I-Is he half asleep?!

You've gotta be kidding me!

Help me!

Ouch! Ouch!! Hot! Hot! Hot!

Good mornin', Heinrad...

It is NOT a good morning!

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Hold it! You've gotta reimburse me for that miso soup I made!

Those guys... don't tell me they've figured me out...

...and they're chasing me around on purpose, pretending that they don't know?

Welcome to the Athletic Zone!

Flame Chimneys - begin!

Hot! Hot! Hot!


Welcome to the Vacuum Pipes!

What's wrong, Break? Are you OK?

These guys, have they really figured out who I am, or not?!

I don't get these guys...

So what I'm saying is...

...the location of the Angolmois capsule has been confirmed but the enemy has set a trap.

I think it would be a beautiful operation if we all go, including Big Convoy.

But do you think things will go that easily?

Right, Colada?

Yeah, that's right.

I can't quite trust it.

You can't... trust?

B-But this plan is...!

Mm. It's a good one, isn't it?

All members will depart!


They've nicely fallen into my trap!

But... have they figured me out yet or not... which is it?


Break, are you sure the Destrons are lying in ambush over there?

Yeah, I'm sure about it.

That may be. But I'm not hearing anything suspicious at all.

Big Convoy, I'll go do a recon first!

No, just wait. Let me go check it out for a bit.

Something is off...

I have never seen Break being so work-oriented before...

That's right. He's been acting weird.

That's a good thing, isn't it?

Perhaps Break finally has some self-awareness.

When I'm among them, I feel nervous and it's not good for my heart.

I have to wrap this up soon...

Does it go like this?


Consider it at least a blessing that I k*ll you guys using a lethal move from your own comrade!


What happened?!

Everyone, run for it!

Impossible! We can't escape!

Today is the very day that Big Convoy's unit will be wiped out!

It's so beautiful!

How beautiful indeed - my plan!

You scumbags!




What the hell did you do to me?!

I thought somebody was in disguise, but I don't see any abnormality in him.

His language has become a bit coarse, though!

That's his true nature.

Forgive us, Saberback...

So if there are no more doubts, put me back to the planet Crystal already.

I can get the Angolmois capsule back for you guys!

Fine. Don't fail this time around, Saberback.

I know!

Now if can go back into Saberback-sama's body, everything will be complete.

You're Saberback, aren't ya?!

You got it.

You, the Break impostor! Now that the real one's here, you're toast!

You're a little late to come back.

Everything is finished!


Big Convoy and the others thought I was the real Break, and got scrapped!

What did you say? No way... Everyone's been scrapped?

You! You! YOU!

Even if the sun came up at midnight or if snow fell in the middle of summer...

...I'm not gonna forgive this scumbag!

Are you sure, Break?! This is your body!

I don't care!

They were all good guys even though they were strange!

When it comes to this...

When it comes to this, it's gonna be a battle for revenge!

Do you really think that we are good guys...?

What?! Shouldn't all of you have been scrapped?!


I can't tell him that I actually stopped the time, though...

Big Convoy knew about you all along, Break impostor!

Well, your body is the real one, though...!

It looks like it's better for a soul to return to its suitable body.

Big Convoy, that's my body over there!

Can you sh**t me?!

You destroy me, and Break will never return to his body again!


Fire, now!

If you pour the energy into the twin crystal, the pulsation will increase and you can exchange the souls!


I-I was able to return to my body.

That explains it, Saberback.

You tried to outsmart us, huh?


I wanted to make you, Guiledart, happy by defeating them.

No excuses!

Magmatron-sama also wouldn't allow such arbitrary move!

But before that, the ecstatic Break-sama won't forgive you!









DOUBLE m*ssile!

DNAVI, teleport us!

Who're you requesting this to?

Eh, Audrey...!

I'm Audrey!

Teleport ac-ti-vate!

Damn! Just one more step, and my plan would have been a success!

Not beautiful at all!

I'm saved.

Being in my own body is the best, after all! I feel at home.

A bit more, and we would've fallen into the enemy's trap.

You were acting strange so NAVI did some research about the planet, and we got to know about the crystal.

For a moment, Break, I thought you had gone nuts.

For sure, you were in a real danger...

On the b*ttlefield, sometimes the enemy could use camouflage.

You'll need to develop an eye to always see on the inside, and not just the surface of everything you see.

Stampy, you're saying some freakin' preachy stuff... it's out of your character, man!

Why do I look like Big Convoy?!

It looks like the souls got swapped again...


Break, just what do you think you're doing?!

Thank goodness!

The real Stampy has returned!

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs

What're you doing, Heinrad?

I'm writing in my diary...

Come to think of it, so many things have happened since we joined Big Convoy's unit.

Like, Break screwed this up...

...Break messed that up...

Break did...

You'd better recall some of my cool moments, too!

Was there such a thing...?

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 14 is, Ship's Log.

Well, I... recall......

Aww! Your slowness is driving me nuts!
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