05x23 - Hotblooded Instructor Survive

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Transformers: Beast Era". Aired: September 16, 1996 - November 18, 2000.*
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Featured robots with familiar names and organic beast modes.
1 - 3 - Beast Wars: Transformers
4- Beast Wars II
5 - Beast Wars Neo
6 - 7 - Beast Machines
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05x23 - Hotblooded Instructor Survive

Post by bunniefuu »

Love is here,

...as long as life endures

Dream of love,

I'll continue to protect you for eternity


Can you hear the impact...

...to the ends of the universe?

Warriors of love,

...stand up to become one

Get wild

The flames of courage have been unleashed into the darkness

Your spirit will be transformed...

...to the ones who never give up - the Cybertrons

Love is here

Always believe in the future

Dream of love

You're always shining through...

...the Beast Wars

Produced by Ashi Production

Big Convoy, we've got a capsule reading from the planet Stello.


Don't you think the reading seems to be weaker than usual?

But, there's no mistake that it's coming from an Angolmois capsule.

All right! Let's go there anyway!

If there's some kind of a reading, the first order of our mission is to check it out!

Very well.

PLANET STELLO Big Convoy's group has come to the planet Stello after catching a reading...

...and sent three of them; Break, Mach Kick, and Stampy to do a search.

Hey, Stampy, which way is the capsule?! You still don't know yet?!

Can't you SEE that I'm doing THAT right now?!

Break, can't you even find a single capsule without having Stampy around?


Fine! I'm looking for it then!

This way!

Th-That's an amateurs' judgment, isn't it?

Calm down. I'll search for it, all right?

There's some kind of moving object!

What is it?

What is that?

An inhabitant of this planet?

Three Cybertron trainee soldiers, huh?


This is strange... something's up with this capsule reading.

What's that?!

You're wide open!


Giving me a surprise attack, huh...!?

You bastard! Now you've done it!




Warriors are supposed to keep moving forward!

What kind of enormous strength was that...?!


You're so low for attacking out of the blue like that!

I'm gonna pound ya into the ground!


Please wait! It appears that he's a Cybertron!

Take a look yourself!


There's no mistake about it!

He must be an impostor!

According to the data, he certainly is a Cybertron, but...

What's wrong?! Are you worn out already?

L-Let's call for help for now!

Gung-Ho, please come in!


What's wrong?!

We just received something like a SOS transmission from the planet Stello.

However, it was quickly cut off.

Confirm that once again.

Yes, sir!

What happened, you, novices?!

Such trifles make you weak like this?!

B-But, aren't you a Cybertron?!

Certainly, I am a Cybertron.

If that's so, then why the hell attack us out of the blue like that?!

It's also part of my mission!

All members, line up!

What?! Why?! I had enough of this!

Quit your complaining, and get up!





...and who the heck are you?

Is that how you talk to your training instructor?!

Training instructor?!


Are you the instructor, Survive, feared as the Demon Bear?!

Demon Bear is uncalled-for!

Call your commander, Big Convoy, immediately!


And this time, NOT as an SOS transmission, it's an assembly!

We received a transmission from the planet Stello.

Instructor Survive is requesting us to assemble at once.

Instructor Survive is?

Is he an acquaintance of yours, Big Convoy?

Yeah, he took care of me a long time ago.

What's wrong, you guys? You're trembling.

NAVI, you have no idea, do you?!

Instructor Survive is a drill sergeant!

He's famous for being ridiculously spartan.

Intelligence Officer, Killerpunch, ready to teleport!



Magmatron-sama, it's an honor to be in your presence.

So, what good intel do you have?

It appears that Big Convoy has been summoned by Instructor Survive.

What about it?

Yes, they've been often quarreling with each other since a long time ago.

Thus, I'm sure they will engage in fights between them.

If we attack at that time, we'll have a chance to defeat Big Convoy.

It looks like it's worth trying.

Very well. Guiledart, try it.

What Killerpunch says cannot be relied on.

The Big Convoy unit has been assembled!

You guys, do you think you can combat looking like that?!





Long time no talk, Instructor Survive!

What did you happen to need us for today?

What do I need you for, you ask?!

You haven't changed, Big Convoy.

Well, fine.

Orders came in from HQ.

And they said; "It's been a while since Big Convoy has become a commander,

...go check out on how much progress he has made so far."

So I came straight to see how things were going...

...and how pathetic is this state, Big Convoy?!

I've emitted a fake reading from this transmitter.

So it was a fake one.

It seems you guys don't even have the ability to distinguish a real capsule reading, do you?!


When I use this machine, wimps come closer to it, just like bugs gathering around nectar!

So, I tried attacking them to see how they were...

...and they collapsed in no time!

It's ridiculous!

If only you told us that this was training from the beginning...!

You stupid idiot!

Training OR a real fight, there's NO difference between them in a combat!

Big Convoy, the cadets don't seem to be built up at all.

Knowing the way you are, I've been worried.

Big Convoy, why do you always behave so selfishly?!

Answer me!

I'm just battling in the way I believe in.

Are you trying to be a lone wolf?

If you're like that, you won't be able to become a commander to lead any subordinates!

Knowing you,

...I'm assuming you've been neglecting your subordinates as well, haven't you?

That's not true!

Big Convoy has been teaching us well!

Don't talk back to your instructor!

Besides, you guys must not rely on your weapons all the time!

Huh?! No way!

Weapons are used for battles, aren't they?

That's common sense.

Isn't it, right?

The basics of fighting is hand-to-hand combat, namely, to throw oneself at their opponent!

What are you going to do, Big Convoy?!

If I communicate this to HQ, your unit will be immediately disbanded!

Instructor Survive, please give us another chance!

I won't screw things up this time!

Right! We'll kick ass!


What's wrong?

What?! Destrons?!

It's the Destrons!

Hey, there's one of them I've never seen before!

I'm going home now, OK?

Sling, along with Guiledart.

And the newcomer is Killerpunch.

All right. Good timing!

I'll give you guys one more chance!

You cadets will be under my command.

Consider this actual battle is the test as a warrior, understood?!

Yes, sir!

Big Convoy, you're not allowed to help.

All right! Let's do this!

Follow me!

What's with him?! He's using a w*apon himself, too!

A smoke screen doesn't count as a w*apon, I think?

What's going on?! I can't see nothin'!

Ah! There they are!

You all get it, right? ...what'll happen to our unit, if we fail?

Hey, Break, don't ever fail again, ya hear?!

Shut up!

I freakin' know that already without you telling me!

I don't like the way you talk! It was YOU who screwed up!

Calm down already!

This isn't the place for you two to be doing that.

Not only do we have to defeat the Destrons, but also we have to get a passing grade from Instructor Survive!

Yes! That's correct!

Hey, Killerpunch, shouldn't Big Convoy and Survive be quarreling?

It'll start soon.

When they start quarreling among themselves, that's our chance!

Now this is the plan!

We're going to lure those Destrons in here, surround them,

...then throw ourselves at them in unison, and annihilate them!

Yes, sir!

What the heck does he mean by "throwing ourselves"?

Well, I don't get it either.

You two there, no mumbling!

Heinrad, you'll be our decoy.

I-I'm going to be a decoy?!

A quick one like me should be the decoy...!

Don't chime in my strategy every time!

Now then, everyone to their positions!

Break will be on the front!

Colada, on the right!

Longrack, on the left!

Stampy, on the rear!

Yes, sir!

Why the hell do we have to be ordered around by that guy every time?!

He---y! I've brought them!

Wait up!!

We're going to throw ourselves at them in unison!

Is that freakin' guy hardheaded or something?! A m*ssile is all this needs!

That's right!

Understand?! Don't fire! Otherwise they'll know where we are.

Is this for real...?

Understand?! Don't fire!

I want you to fight back ASAP!

Not yet!

At this rate, I'm going to be in trouble!

I've had enough with waiting!

That's right!

Hey!! You guys!!

I told you not to fire, didn't I?!

Wait until they get close enough for us to engage them in hand-to-hand combat!

Our comrade is getting att*cked! We can't wait!

Why are you attacking your allies?!

I'm strict about those not following orders!

Th-This isn't good!

OK, I'll abandon this plan for now.

Follow ME!

Don't leave any gaps open! Dress the ranks!

Big Convoy would never order things like that to us!

Certainly, Big Convoy is flexible.

I wonder if that means he trusts us?

Hey, now, we're gonna be pincered?!

Instructor Survive himself is the one who's trapped, isn't he?!

Why're you in a panic?

The basics of fighting is hand-to-hand combat!

Each of you, discern your enemies!

Forward! Forward! Only go forward!

Ouch...! That's why I said I didn't wanna do hand-to-hand combat!


It's only draining my energy!

What's going on, you guys?

Did you change your fighting method? That's fun!

Why, YOU!



You're wide open!

Don't take your eyes off the enemy!

Am I not freakin' allowed to save my ally?!

I can't stand this anymore!

Let's show him how we usually do it!

I agree!

Let's be flexible!


Thank you, Break!

You guys, you're acting on your own!

I think Big Convoy's selfishness has penetrated right through his subordinates, hasn't it?!

Do what I say!

You see, I'm doing that hand-to-hand combat, aren't I?

You're distracting me with your nagging!

Survive, Big Convoy is spreading bad rumors about you all over the universe.

Are you gonna keep letting him do that?

Big Convoy doesn't do stuff like that!

He's my student!



I'm going to defeat you, and bring you back to Magmatron-sama as a souvenir!

Instructor Survive is in danger!

But he didn't give us an order to save him!

Instructor Survive!

Stay outta my way!

Th-This isn't good!

Prepare yourself, Survive!

Big Convoy!

Guys, let's show Instructor Survive that we have grown up to be full-fledged Cybertron warriors!

Yeah, I've been waiting to hear that!

Don't get fixated on hand-to-hand combat!

Fight with the weapons you're good with, and make the best use out of them!

Yes, sir!

Take this!

Mach Kick!

Leave him to me!

You OK, Instructor Survive?


On it!



Aim for Killerpunch's armor on his right shoulder!

Good! Corner them in to the front!


D-DNAVI, t-teleport us!

I guess I have to...

Teleporting all together!

Not beautiful at all!

Magmatron-sama, this Killerpunch guy is an Intelligence Officer in name only,

...and in reality, he gives us a totally different story!

Like I said, it was not worth listening to whatever Killerpunch says, Magmatron-sama.

Damn! DNAVI, send Killerpunch to the end of the universe!

Good idea! It's the best idea for one that's useless!

M-Magmatron-sama! No way!!

Ready to teleport!


Please don't!

Big Convoy and all members are gathered together!

H-How did we do? Did we pass?

That Break guy disobeyed his orders so...

Dismissed! That's all!

"That's all", meaning...?

May I ask what that means?!

OK, let's go! We've got a mission to acquire those Angolmois capsules!

But, did we pass or fail?

That's Instructor Survive's sign that you passed.

Instructor Survive, please excuse us for departing back on our mission to acquire the Angolmois capsules!

Big Convoy...


I am relieved.

You are building up your cadets well in your own way.

Sir! Thank you very much!

You've got a good unit.

Commander Big Convoy, I have high hopes on you completing your mission!

Well, let's go, True One.

A fresh new set of military cadets are waiting for us.

We'll have to shape them up.

I wonder why Instructor Survive came all the way here?

Maybe he wanted to bark at Big Convoy after so long?

He might have been worried since I used to be a poor student, and wanted to check up on me.

That demon bear would?

But, that's Big Convoy for you!

Even Instructor Survive saw you as impeccable.

I gained even more respect for you!

No, it wasn't me who built you up.

All those crisis and difficulties in the past nurtured you as great warriors.

Yet again, I said something not like me...

Just like another star...

...that is born today

Love is also felt in the universe of one's heart

So let's erase any hatred

It's not about a story, of some far off land

It is something that is happening close to you

The power of imagination that God has given us

It is here for us to realize our dreams

Certainly, anybody can be stronger

So let's hold out our hands to reach for those dreams

Produced by Ashi Production Translated & Timed by Karyuudo Fansubs


Heinrad, are you writing your ship's log again?

We've met many different individuals during our journey.

Yeah! Strong guys. Weak guys.

Circle guys. Square guys.

But, the one with the longest face is Mach Kick!


Somebody is saying bad things about me!

Super Lifeforms, Transformers, Beast Wars Neo.

Episode 24 is, Assemble! New Warriors.

Please look forward to it!

Who is it?!
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