Older Gods (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Older Gods (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »


[Dramatic Tribal

Drums Beat Loudly]

[drums fade away]

[wind blows]

[ominous low drone

music fades in]

[voicemail beep] Chris.

I'm out of time.

This is gonna be

my last message.

You have the package I sent

you and the address to bring it to.

I hope you get this

because, the rest is up to you.

[end beep]

Well, everything's

ready for your stay.

Where have you traveled from?


How was the journey?


Well, please leave it as

you find it and put the keys

in the post box when you go.

My number's in the visitor's book

if you need it but, try not to need it.

Do you get many

guests here these days?

Not these days.

[car engine starts

and drives away]

[door unlocks and

creaks as it opens]


[dark ominous

music starts to rise]


[footsteps on gravel]

[dark ominous music gets louder]

[Chris's heartbeat gets

louder along with the music]

[inaudible whispers]

[man chokes loudly

on plastic bag]

[music and heartbeat

gets louder and louder]

[boots loudly rub on gravel]

[Chriss scared breathing]

[music and heartbeat stops]

[Chris vomiting]

[phone buzzes]



Where the f*ck are you, Chris?

I'm just sorting

a few things out.

Where are you?

I'll be back soon.

Karen said your

passport is missing.

That's all she knows

about where you are.

You've left Karen to just

deal with everything and

she's pregnant for God's sake.

I'll be back in a few days.

You're about to

have a kid, Chris.

Yeah, a few days.

That's it.

What about the faculty?

The staff don't

need babysitting.

That's why I hired them.

I know the news has hit

you hard, but Billy was sick.

Growing up in that house, it was

inevitable, but you can't be blamed.

We all stopped

listening to his nonsense.

I know you feel guilty that you

weren't there when he did what he did.

[inaudible mumbling]

[mysterious music fades in]

Where the f*ck are you, Chris?


[fire crackles in background]

[computer drive starts up]

[from computer speakers] Chris

Thank you, for following

the breadcrumbs.

I knew you'd be the one to

find them, and probably the only

one that cared enough to look.

Now, listen to my voice.

My breathing is steady,

I sound fully conscious.

I am not

what you all think I am.

Since what happened to me

and my team, my rabbit hole

just got a little too deep.

Too deep for those

around me to follow.

I know by now you'll have

received calls about me.

And I know that you're hoping

what you've been told isn't true.


Especially as it's

now too late to ask me.

Where all this started,

long before our expedition was a

study on a psychological phenomenon

we called 'The Primordial Fear'.

The realization that the universe

is so vast and so infinite, that you

see how horrifically insignificant we

are in the grand scale of existence.

That inescapable thought becomes

a dangerous obsession for some

mentally vulnerable people.

If you really think on it being

so small, so unimportant.

What would be the

point of anything?

Why go to work?

Why procreate?

Why keep in contact

with loved ones?

Because it all makes

no difference to anything.

That thought literally sends

some people mad, usually leading

to a psych ward or su1c1de.

Unfortunately, it

tends to be the latter.

What this study led to and what

became our focus was a smaller

section of these people who actually

embraced this spiral into madness,

refusing to take

their own lives.

We found staggering consistencies

in accounts by people from all walks of

life, in different

corners of the globe.

Who all shared the same story,

almost word for word of what they

felt was an inarguable truth.

That, existence is an endless

dream of an ancient deity.

More omnipotent

and omnipresent than

Whoever we pray to,

who they call 'The Origin'.

Every one of these believers

also asked the same question,

the basis of their belief.

What if this entity awakes?

Would we blink out of existence or would

we join The Origin in its own reality?

Well, that's what

these people hope.

They hope to wake this sleeper and put

an end to a universe that ignores them.

No one can be

insignificant if no one exists.

I'm leaving you our

research into their accounts.

All I want you to do is

fact check our findings.

Then if you feel fit to pass it

on to the people who accuse

me of these, things, then.

Then I guess that's up to you.

But if you are here.

God, I hope you are.

Then you have the time,

to read, to listen, to witness.

If I'm being

honest, Chris that's,

that's all I want, uh, a witness

to prove I spent the end of my life

on something

tangible, something real.

If you can do this for

me, then we're square.

I release you from that guilt

you always felt, even though

none of it was ever your fault.

Do this for me, Chris.


I don't even know

where to start.

Jesus Billy.

What was I thinking?

Gods and followers.

[mysterious music fades away]

[rumbling noise fades in]

[deep voice speaks loudly

in unknown language]

[deep voice speaks loudly

in unknown language]

[deep voice speaks loudly

in unknown language]

[rumbling noise fades in]

[deep voice speaks loudly

in unknown language]

[music stops -

crickets chirp outside]

[concussive noise]

[car alarm outside]

I saw you!

[creature breathing]

[car alarm stops]

[heavy, scared breathing]

[phone buzzes]

[scary music rises]

[scary music stops

- leaving silence]


[relieved sigh]

[quiet laughter]


Well, that's how it

feels to shit yourself.

You couldn't have done it

in a beach hut in Hawaii?

You assh*le.

[papers rustle]



[Ominous music rises]

[Creepy birds in background]

[Inaudible whispers]

Open the door, light

the way (repeated)

[Phone ringing]


Mrs Duffy?


It's Chris, Chris Rivers.

I was Billy's friend.


Yes Ma'am.

How are you?

I'm okay.


Um, how, how are...

Uh, you know, I heard about Billy

and I know that I should have, uh,

Yeah I'm,

I'm just, I'm so

sorry about Billy.

I just wanted to say that.

It's okay.

Hopefully wherever he

is, he's found some peace.

Something he didn't

have a lot of in his life.

You we're such a

brilliant influence.

Coming back to the UK was one of the worst

things we could have done looking back.

No, we, you know, we

understood why you left

and we were so proud of you.

It was so brave.

I appreciate that.

But whatever problems his father

was causing, it was unfair to pull William

back and forth across the world.

He was always unsettled.

He just didn't know

where home was.

Well, he knew it was

with you, Mrs Duffy.

You are a good friend, Chris.

I dunno, I didn't talk

to him for over a year.

I mean, I did try once, but I was,

uh, I was always too busy and

He wasn't easy to get a hold of.

And when you did catch him

well, his attention was elsewhere.

Well, that's why I'm

calling to be honest.

Um, I'm sorry to drag things up, but I

was wondering if you could tell me what

Billy was up to in

the last few months?

You know, what he was doing

and well, why he did what he did.

He had little time for chit

chat, but he seemed focused.

For the first time in a long time

after a project somewhere in...

Eastern Europe?

Czechoslovakia or...

Serbia or...


Yes, that's it!

When he came back, he'd become

obsessed with an area of countryside

we used to holiday at in the

summer. A cottage in Wales.

He asked me all these questions

about it and the woods nearby.

Endless questions about

those woods he used to play in.

I found out he actually stayed in that

cottage for months, walking across the

moors and into the

woods each day.

I thought it was a

peaceful way to live.

It seemed positive, unfortunately,

soon after the landlord

found him in the outhouse.

[Emotional music rises]

Mrs Duffy?


I'm sorry I wasn't there.

Neither of us were sweetheart.

And if we were, I doubt there

would've been much we could do.

I think he made that

decision a long time ago.

But, you are going to keep your

head up and if you need anything,

you're going to let me know.


Thank you.

I will.

And Chris?

Yes Ma'am.

Look after yourself, please.

Life isn't a rehearsal.

Don't waste it.

Yes Ma'am.

Bye Chris.


[Emotional music fades away]

[Haunting music replaces it]

[Cows mooing]

[through headphones] We started to focus all

our time searching for signs of these people

who talked about

this sleeping deity.

We looked wherever there were reports

of, shall we say, overindulgent murders.

Anything ritualistic with a

tell-tale signature left at the scene.

A circle within a circle.

We found, lots of them.

When caught, these people all

spoke the exact same doctrine.

Endlessly droning about

waking the one that sleeps.

They believe by

causing so much death,

chaos and fear their ancient God

would notice them, choose them due to the

sheer pleasure

that it would feel.

They say it feeds off suffering.

The 'chosen' are apparently sent doorways

of some kind to pass over to the other

side and join the very

thing they worship.

Frankly, these discoveries

were intoxicating.

Yes, these people are

psychologically damaged.

They were already bending in the wind and

'The Primordial Fear' finally broke them.

But, why do dozens of people

thousands of miles away from each other

all quote scripture written about

the same imaginary cosmic being.

We eventually spent all

our time tracking them.

If you look through our

findings, you'd see that

we'd found sites, caves, sewers,

woods. Out of the way places

to perform their, depravities.

Even here, we found them here.

[Loud choking]

[Loud choking]

[Dead bird hits floor]

[Chris' scared breathing]

[Dead bird hits floor]

[Ominous music rises]

[Dead birds hitting floor]

[Footsteps running]

[Out of breath gasping]

That's close enough pal.

[Phone ringing]

Call Handler 1:

Emergency. Which service?


Call Handler 2: Police,

what is your emergency?

Hello. I'm staying a Bryn Nos

cottage in the valley, and there's a,

there's a man

trying to break in.

He broke in last night too and

uh and he, he looks dangerous.

Call Handler 2:

Where is this man now?

And he's standing

right outside my window.

Call Handler 2: Sir, I need

you to stay calm, someone...

[Phoneline goes dead]



Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

[Scared breathing]

[Footsteps running upstairs]


with Jason Vanderberg, 8th of April, 2019

in Pretoria, South Africa.

Recorded after he m*rder*d his

wife and child. He was the first person

that talked to The Origin that

we were able to meet face to face.

The interview resulted in the death

of my associate Gurdeep Singh.

Are you burdened

with religion Mr Duffy?

Sunday School, as a child.

I tried to be a believer.

Every Sunday I sat

there and listened.

Something to help me find courage

in the torment, that consumes me.

Do you know why he doesn't

answer our prayers Mr Duffy?

He's scared.


Of waking something

far older than him.

He knows that by helping

us, IT would notice him.

You see, your God

is a f*cking coward.

IT answers me when I call.

IT listens, it tells

me when it wakes.

I will be rewarded for my devotion

and when it makes this world drown,

I won't offer my hand

to save any of you.

And all that you

love, will sink with you!

[Sound of fighting]

Let him go! Guards! Guards!

[Knock on door]

What do you want?

Police officer: Police. There's

been a report of a break in?

He's messing with me. Two

days in a row now he's broken in.

He's left things, taken things.

I don't know what to do.

He means me

harm, that's for sure.

Seems like he's

playing with his food.

Police officer: Okay.

If you see him

again, give us a call.

I was close by when they called

it in, but we might not be so fast to

respond next time.

You don't feel safe?

Maybe it's time to move on.

Yeah, I'm here for a

couple more days, so...

Police officer: If I was being stalked,

alone on holiday, I'll be back home

faster than a ferret

up a drain pipe.

Do you know who he is?

Police officer: If I knew

that, I'd be speaking with him.

Can I see your actual I.D?

Not just your uniform?

Police officer: Have

a good evening, sir.

[Inaudible whispers]

Woman: Open the door,

light the way (repeated)

Our path led to

Perusica, Bosnia.

Several of the ones we

tracked made their way there.

A team of seven headed

out in the expedition.

My team had grown since

the executive branch of our


increased our funding.

They were fascinated by the

consistencies in our reports.

We showed them the roadmap

of atrocities making its way to the

Balkans from

different continents.

People leaving their

signature circle within a circle at

every horror filled site.

We spent months looking across the Bosnian

South, but we couldn't find anything.

For the entire winter there

were no related incidents.

We couldn't work out why.

Eventually, we had to head home.

With a lack of available plane

tickets during the holidays,

we decided to drive back.

But uh, at every town we stopped to

sleep we woke to stories of nightmares.

As we moved from country to country

local police would find blood soaked

sacrifices in woodland or, abandoned

buildings near wherever we stayed.

We realised, we'd

walked into their trap.

They were tracking us.

Where we moved, they did too,

leaving destruction behind them.

We couldn't go home, we

couldn't risk our families.

The authorities logically decided it

didn't look good for us, moving along

the same bloody

trail across Europe.

That's when the accusations

against us started.

So when we reached the UK, my team

started to hand themselves in one by one.

Each one that did was found dead

just days later, along with their families.

Each bearing the

circle within a circle.

Eventually, only my assistant

Paula and I remained together.

I remembered a place in Wales

my family used to holiday at.

An old cottage

far from anywhere.

If they followed us there, there'd

be limited collateral damage.

It didn't take long

for them to find us.

Deep in the woods we, came across

them in the middle of one of their rituals.

They had a man tied

up as they cut his skin.

Dozens of them just stood

there in the dark watching.

The most unsettling part wasn't

that they were opening him up, but

that he seemed to enjoy it.

He wanted it.

Their leader just stood

there in the dark watching.

Seeing it, Paula

couldn't help but scream.

They chased us for

hours through the woods.

All of them.

I got separated from her.

I, I couldn't find

her. I didn't find her.

Months later, Paula

turned up at a hospital.

She just walked right

up to the front door.

But she wasn't her anymore.

Almost feral, covered in strange

scars, but, but she was alive.

I do thank someone

up there for that.

But they kept following me.

I see the watcher outside

every day in black taunting me.

I refuse to let them

push me into madness.

But I'm not sure how

long I'm gonna last.

Where are you?

[Deep voice speaks

loudly in unknown language]

[Deep voice speaks

loudly in unknown language]

[Deep voice speaks

loudly in unknown language]

[Deep voice speaks

loudly in unknown language]

[Wind blowing]

[Bang upstairs]

[Guttural noises]

[Choking noises]


[Phone buzzing]


Chris? How can

you do this to me?

I had no idea if you

were alive or dead.

How could you just

take off like that?

No, I know, I know. I'm sorry.

You know the call about

Billy, it just, uh, it broke me.

I had to, I had to

see what happened.

Why didn't you talk to me?

We are a team.

You don't just run away to

wherever you are without a word.



But I'm coming home today.

You know, I'm done.

I just wanted to help Billy's family

work something out and you know, I

just needed to know

what happened.

He was sick, Chris.

I don't think he

was, not anymore.

I'm sorry about your

friend. I really am.

But he's gone now.

Your family is right here.

We need you.

The baby will be

here in a few weeks.

What if he comes early?

Yeah, you're right. I

know, I know. You're right.

I'm gonna get

the first flight back.

Okay? I promise.

You promise?

I swear, I really miss you.

And bump.

Then get home to us you assh*le.

Yes Ma'am.

Now move your ass

Rivers. We're waiting.

And keep that damn phone on.

Yeah, I'm on my way.

Was it you?

Did you make him do it?

You stay away from me.


You understand?

[Keys landing]

[TV] Paula, can you hear me?

Is that actually you?

It's me.

No it can't be true

he's still in there.

It's me, Paula. It's William.

He liked the loudest music.

Too loud, too angry for

somebody who's never angry.

I liked Billy.

I always like you too.

And it wasn't his fault.

I wanted to go with him.

Change our lives, he said.

Change the world, maybe.

I did say that.

And he kept his promise.

Everything did change.

I'm sorry about what

happened to you.

It happened to him too.

There are fingers pointing

at us now, accusing us of

what happened to our friends.

I have to try and find more proof

and hopefully some hope for both of us.


Hope, is nothing more than a shimmer on

the horizon, and no matter how many steps

you take, it is out

of reach both of us.

Stop chasing the shimmer.

[frantic commotion]

Paula! Paula! Please!

[Paula gasping for breath]

Why are you showing me this?

Haven't you worked it out yet?

You will.

[Dramatic organ music

kicks in and gets faster]

[VOICEOVER] But if you are

here, then you have the time.

To, witness.

If I'm being honest Chris, that's all I want.

A witness to prove I spent the end of my life

on something

tangible, something real.

If you can do this for

me, then we're square.

I, release you from the guilt

you always felt, even though

none of it was ever your fault.

Do this for me Chris.


[Inaudible whispers]

Walker 2: Open the door,

light the way. (repeated)

[from the shadows] The Watcher:

Do you know what they are?

They are doorways.

To where?

Redemption, forgiveness.

How can any of us spare the

weight of the guilt we carry?

All that pain, all that guilt.

She will help you wash it away.

Like all doors, they

are there to be opened.

You hold the key in your hand.

Open her up.


Open her up.


Open her up.


Walkers: Open the door,

light the way. (repeated)

Open them up!

Open them up!

[shouting] Open them up!

[shouting] Open them up!

[Menacing laugh]

[Knife drops on ground]

[Exhausted breathing]

[Knock on door]

Why are you doing this to me?

We're trying to save

you, Christopher.

From what?

From yourself.

From those dark thoughts

you have when you want to rid

yourself of the

shame, the guilt.

That guilt, that guilt is

what keeps me going.

That is a lie.

It is the weight

that drowns you.

Open a doorway and be blessed.

They are outside waiting.

What will happen if I do?

Each open door

provides a little light into

the darkness of the other side.

The more doorways we open, the more light

seeps in until we eventually awaken, IT.

You see IT wants to wake

and it bestows blessings upon

those that provide more light.

Blessings that can wash away

the stench of shame that follows you.

How do you even know who I am?

You know how.


Ah, Billy.


You f*cking k*lled him.

You f*cking lynched him.

No, he's one of the

chosen, one of us.

No, that's a f*cking lie.

He was tracking you people

to reveal you, to stop you.

Was he?

Did he ever say he

wanted to stop us?

He was wounded, broken from

a tortured life he didn't deserve.

He saw what we became full

of purpose, unburdened by the

weight of our former lives.

He saw us as his salvation.

And unlike all of you.

We would never abandon him.

No, I always looked out for him.

I've still got the scars from standing

between him and his piece of shit father.

I always looked out for him.

I showed him a normal life. I was

the one who tried to keep in touch.

Billy's the one who stopped

any effort to talk to me.

I was his oldest friend.

His only friend.

Ah, so this is about you.

We would never resent him

for the life he wanted to lead.

Of course I f*cking resent him.

Why wouldn't he ask me for help?

Or his mother or anyone?

Why didn't he talk to me instead of

going some f*cking goose chase looking

for answers from

nut jobs like you?

He should have talked to me.

I would've been there for him.

All I ever wanted was to make sure he

was safe, to make sure he was happy,

and it's f*cking

selfish what he did.

Not a thought for the people that

loved him, not thinking of the devastation

it would leave behind for his

loved ones, a single phone call, and I

would've f*cking

been there for him.

You f*cking understand that?

I would've been there for him.

Not you.

Not you.

Who is the selfish

one now Christopher?

Billy called and called.

Hey! Hey, hey hey No!

Okay, now that was just

to tell us his crazy stories.

No, that was not to tell

us the pain he was in.

And why do you think he

needed to tell you these stories?

The sound of your voice would've

soothed that pain you talk of.

Instead, you ignored him.

Provide an offering, open a doorway

and be blessed, or continue with

being a selfish, spiteful creature

and drown with the rest of them.


Walker: Open the door,

light the way. (repeated)

[SHOUTING] Open the

door, light the way! (repeating)

There is another way it

notices you, of course.

Defiance, rejection of its blessings,

that will anger it more than you know.

Be very careful, Christopher.

When you notice an anthill, you

do not take umbrage with one ant.

You step on the whole hill.

Do you understand?

If you reject this gift we offer

you, our disappointment will

not only be shown to yourself.

But to your friends, your family,

Billy's family, his mother, your

whore wife, your unborn child.

Reject us and you'll

drown in their blood.

Choose wisely Christopher.

Wisdom was never my strong suit.


How can you do this?

You piece of shit.

Are you crazy?

I can't believe you would talk

like that about me, about your child.

I don't know if you are drunk or

you've just gone f*cking nuts, but good.

I don't ever wanna

see you again either.

Our child is better

off without you.

Both of us are.

[PHONE RECORDING] Next message

Chris, what is wrong with you?

I've just talked

to Dean Forsett.

He's firing you!

Why would you say those things to

someone that's been so supportive of you?

And now you haven't got the

guts to answer the phone to me.

Wherever you are,

stay in your hole.

And rot!

[Whispers] Open the

door, light the way.


the door, light the way.


[Deep voice speaks

loudly in unknown language]

[Rain drops]

[Whisper] He's awake

[Whisper] Chosen

[Whisper] Blessed

[Multiple whispers]

[Whisper] The light

awakes. It sees.

Did you see?

[Whisper] He saw

It sees you as we do.

You're one of us now.



Do you see?

What's happening to me?

The door was opened.

It sees you, now.

In turn it helps you see.

What am I seeing?

Blessings, connection,

and foresight.

What is and what will be.

No! I won't.

Where are you

going, Christopher?

Hmm, This is becoming tiresome.

Get away from me.

I'm afraid that's not

an option anymore.

We are linked, all of us.

Careful, Christopher.

We will not take

rejection again.



That coward.

He refused his blessings.

He didn't deserve

what he was offered.

He thought he

could put up a fight.

Thought he could refuse

us, trying to keep us away.

But he knew he

couldn't resist forever.

Unfortunately, he found

defiance a little too late in life.

Eventually, our

disappointment shone through.

We left him in the outhouse.

Good for you Billy.

He was weak.

That's not what I hear.

The little piggie strung

up the big bad wolf.

He was a coward.

We're only brave

when we're scared.

He stood up to you.

f*cking yes Billy.


An evil empire defied by the

guy always picked last at school.

This is about you.

You are going to obey or your wife will

take your place, and how we will make

her suffer along the

baby inside of her.

What were the options again?

Submit, become one or

your family is going to die.

Yeah, well, A and B

are endearing options.

I choose option C.



Where are we?

I don't know.

But I know I'm safe here,

somehow, and after everything that's,

that's good enough for me.

You shouldn't be here.

I think I cheated them.


They don't like that.

You did the same as me?


I think I zigged when

I should have zagged.

I can't quite remember.

They told me you

were one of them.

Their lies trying to make

you see what isn't there.

They told me you

fought some of them off.

Well, turns out I am pretty

formidable when I get pushed.

I think I created this place,

to have somewhere protected.

From them.

Are you okay?

I fade every day.

I forget more, but

that's okay.

It's my time.

My terms.

Can I stay with you?

Hey, no, no. It's not your time.

Besides, you have

a son to meet first.

A son?


We didn't even know yet.

You'll be a good father, Chris.

I dunno.

How do even know that?

Because, you always

looked after me.

This guilt, you're running from.

It just means you care.

You don't need it anymore.

You were more than I was and

you need to realise that's okay.

Swimming in your wake,

it just made me a

stronger swimmer.

You stopped me from sinking.

You big wimp. (laughs)


Hey! I am terrifying.

So what happens now?

It's clear.

Is it?


Emergency Resonder:

Can you hear me?

Sir? Can you hear me?

We're gonna lose him if

we don't move him right now!

Are you ready? Lets

go, lets go, lets go!

Police officer: Mr Rivers?

Take it easy, take

it easy. It's Okay.

How? How am I here?

Police Officer: I came back to the cottage to

see how you're getting on, and I found your hire

car still there and a pool of blood in the

field with no body, I assumed not great.

You're lucky to be here, Chris.

Now, can you remember anything

at all about what happened to you?

We'll discuss this when

you're all healed up. Okay?

If there is any sign of wrong doing,

I'll have to look into that I'm afraid.

But for now, I believe

someone wants to talk to you.

[Phone ringing]



It's me, baby.

It wasn't me.

It wasn't me, Karen.

I know. It's okay, It's okay.

They told me what

someone had done to you.

All I care about now

is if you're all right.

I haven't slept.

I've been pacing, staring at my

phone for hours while you've been out.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Don't you worry about that now,

we are going to get you on your feet.

We're gonna bring

you home to your family.

I'm going to look after you.

They say they will tell me when

you're back on your feet so...

I can get you a ticket home.

Chris v/o: There's too much

we don't know about what lives in

the darkness outside our doors.

We sit ignorant in the

comfort of our mundane lives.

[Thud on floor]

Safe in the knowledge that we can

comprehend every possible danger.

But, for those of you who

ignore that friend with the crazy

stories about the end of the

world. Maybe, just maybe...

you should listen.

Music Illuminate

by Gerald Buckfield

[Music] Instrumental

I stumble home, by the shore, illuminate

my life like you never did before.

Like you never did before.

You waste my time, but I want more, I still

chase but I should have learnt before.

I should have learnt before.


I start again, on my own, relieve

me of my problems when I was alone,

I should have

stayed at home.

I stopped trying when you made me worse.

(Im trying, Im trying, Im trying)

I stopped trying when I put you first.

(Im trying, Im trying, Im trying)

I stopped trying when you made me worse.

(Im trying, Im trying, Im trying)

I stopped trying when I put you first.

(Im trying, Im trying, Im trying)

(Epic Guitar Solo)

I stopped trying when you made me worse.

(Im trying, Im trying, Im trying)

I stopped trying when I put you first.

(Im trying, Im trying, Im trying)

I stopped trying when you made me worse.

(Im trying, Im trying, Im trying)

I stopped trying when I put you first.

(Im trying, Im trying, Im trying)

Song End

Man: Open the

door... Light the way.
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