Storage Locker (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Storage Locker (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[light music playing]

[low, tense music playing]




[music stops]


m*therf*cking Kirby Leto!

-[wood thuds]

-Son of a bitch!

[tense music playing]

-[flashlight clatters]

-What the hell?


Clap on!

[indistinct whispering]

I said, "Who's there?"

I may be old,

but I can kick your ass.

[ominous music playing]

[g*nsh*t bangs]


Ow! Ugh!

[indistinct whispering echoes]

[duct tape ripping]

[glass squeaking]

[door creaking]


[man] Please have issue 15.

Please, God, have issue 15.

You the comic book dude?

-Uh, yeah. You Eddie?

-[Eddie] Yeah, that's me.

Uh, the Spyder comic, issue 15.

You got it?

Yeah, I got it.

I keep the valuables

in the box in the back.

Let's look.

[engine running]

[box clatters]


Uh, this is not the book.

[Eddie] You callin' me a liar,

you little son of a bitch?

You sure?

It's a comic book, isn't it?

[man grunting]


-[car door opens]

-[man coughs]

[man] Found a Benjamin!


-[car door slams]

[wind whistling]

Out late, huh?

Seeing someone on the side?

[man chuckles]

Only you, Jenni.

Right answer.

I got the caterers scheduled,

and my dress is k*ller.

Hottest bride ever.

I know, babe.


I can't wait to be in Hawaii,

on the beach

with the man I love.

Yeah. Hawaii.


Packer, thanks for your help

on the flash Apple X order.

-I got a nice bonus.

-[Packer] Oh, that's good, Liz.

Uh, Miss Connors.

Uh, any bonus for me?

I'm sure they're considering it.

But this, lunch with

your friends,

really shouldn't

be happening anymore.

It's hurting your chances

to move up the company ladder.

I'm just looking out for you.

-[Packer] Thanks, Miss Connors.

-You're welcome.

-[door slams]

-[man scoffs]

Is that your new boss?

Dude, she's hot, man!

I thought you said

she was a reptile.

-Yeah, she's, uh, probably

reporting to HR right now.


Seven years I've worked here,

and everyone gets promoted

but me.

Obviously, man,

you gotta stop inviting

your buds over for lunch!

Quit slacking, dude.

What are you thinking?


So, you gonna tell me

what happened?

Did Jenni pop you?

Did Jenni pop you?

As soon as you tell me how

you and Wendy are separated

-but still live together.

-[both laugh mockingly]

The eye, Packer. What happened?

Eh, collector's hazard.

-Couple guys jacked me.


It was my fault. I got greedy.

I mean, I hid the money, but

they knew what they were doing.

Wait, are those the guys

that said that they had

Atomic Fiction issue 15?


-The first appearance

of the Spyder, right?

-The Holy Grail.

-Oh, my God...


how much did they take?

Let's just say it was

an amount you could

honeymoon in Hawaii with.

[groans, laughs] I'm sorry.

You know you're screwed, right?

I mean, you know you're screwed?

I mean, Jenni is really gonna

pop you now. I mean, for real.

Any chance

you could make a small loan?

Yeah, but you sell

your comic collection first.

A micro loan?


When you gonna

quit this addiction?

-It's not an addiction.


You know how important

the Spyder is to me.

He's my hero.

Got me through my mom's death

and my dad's anger.

Wasn't your dad's anger

really him tossing out

your comic books?


That hurt more than his fist.

I don't know.

Spyder's a part of me.

-Just like my--


You were gonna say penis, ri--



-Awesome. Great. Thanks.


Oh-- oh, my God.

Well, it's the part

that Jenni's gonna lop off

when she finds out

how much you lost,

that's for sure.

Seriously, man, when are you

gonna quit chasing fool's gold?

Because Lord knows these comics

aren't making you rich.

Look, it's my only way

out of this shitshow job.

You know,

I can't be poor my whole life.

I just need one score.

One big score.

You know how much

high-grade comics go for.

Don't you think

it's just a little ironic

that you work

in the paper industry,

and you wanna escape

to the paper industry?

And now you lose

all your wedding money?

I mean,

it's like you are the Spyder.

You know, it's one step forward,

two steps back.

-I can already hear

the lecture from Jenni, too.

-Oh, yeah.

-Gonna demand

that I change, again.


-I guess I have to.


So, how can the Spyder

not be the Spyder?

[dog barking in distance]

Oh, shit, you're not supposed to

see me in this dress!

-It's bad luck.

-That's a silly superstition.

-What's this?

-My beautiful face?

You got in trouble again.

Your comic collecting?

Ah, it's nothing.

[Jenni] Nothing, my ass.

Your eye looks horrible.

The wedding photos

will be shitty.

Look, it wasn't my fault, okay?

I got rolled on

a few nights ago.


And they took some money.

-The honeymoon cash.

-[scoffs] Are you insane?

It was my chance

to quadruple it, okay?

If they had had the f*ckin'

Atomic Fiction 15

-like they had advertised--

-When are you gonna grow up?

We're three weeks from

our wedding and you do

stupid shit like this?

Look, I'll get the money back,

I promise, okay?

How? Buy more comics

and hope they appreciate?

Yeah, that actually could work.

Get the hell out.

And take that f*cking

comic collection with you.

You-- you don't mean that.


-[thunder rumbles]


Chas, let me just store

my collection at your place

for a couple of days.

Yeah, all right.

No way!

[Chas sighs]


it's gonna be a no, Packer.

You can't leave that shit here.

Can't leave that shit here.

And Jenni hates your guts.

And Jenni hates your guts.

[Packer] So you can store it

for three days?

-f*ck you, Packer!

-f*ck you, Packer.

[Packer] Was that you or Wendy?

-[whispering] Wendy,

it was Wendy.

-It was both of us!

It was both of us.

Yeah, it-- it was both of us.

Look, I've tried four

other storage units today. Nada.

-[brakes screech]

-[car horn honks]

Son of a bitch!

Excuse you? f*ck you, Packer!

You can take those comic books

-and shove them

right up up your ass!

-He didn't mean you, honey.

He didn't mean-- Right, Packer?

You didn't mean Wendy?

It was road rage. Right, Packer?

Hello? Packer?

[car engine revs]



You gotta be kidding me.

No f*cking way.

Hi. Uh, I saw your sign,

and I'm looking for a unit.



-[man] No room.

[Packer] You don't have

one unit available?

No room at the inn.


should a wise man

be bearing a gift?


I kind of remember the wise guys

having three gifts.



We are the only place open.

Plus the $50

good housekeeping fee.

Look, I'm tapped out.

And I'm Digger.

Follow me.

So, Digger.

Is that ditches or cemeteries?

[chuckles] Like I've

never heard that before.

-You the only one working

in this big place?

-Budget cuts, man.

[door rumbles]

10 by 15.

You're the proud owner

for a whole seven days.


Holy shit, what is that smell?

Old man smell.

He checked out a few days ago.

-But he was... funky.

-[Packer scoffs]

[Packer] Jesus.

-Why are you here?

-Uh, renting a locker?

No, you're not. I'm the owner.

[Packer] Look,

I paid a lot of money for this.

I'll see about that.

Hi again.

[sighs] I reprimanded Digger,

but since you already paid,

you can remain,

but only for seven days.

-Do you treat

all your customers like this?

-[woman] Yes.

Are those acid-free boxes?

[Packer] Very observant.

I understand preservation.

You some kind of

rare book collector?

-Yes, I guess I am.

-[woman] Uh-huh.

My guess is

you collect comic books.

-[Packer] Wow.

-Silver Age comic books.

Uh, you know comics?

Are you a collector, or...

Seven days.

Unbelievable. [chuckles]

She knows comics.

Thanks for the gifts.

[brakes squeal]

What am I doing?

[ominous music playing]


Oh, what is that smell?

Oh, my God.

[phone rings]


Chas, hey, what's up, man?

Um, yeah, I'm fine.

Uh, it was just a little

hit and run. Yeah, but I'm okay.

Um, let's-- let's catch up

tomorrow, though, all right?

All right.


[owl hoots]


[man] Harry...


...your sacrifice

won't have been in vain.

[Packer] Look, she was

a stunning blonde, mysterious.


-You know, I think

the coolest part, though,

was she knew comics.

Packer, you meet

a beautiful mystery woman,

and your only takeaway

is that she knows about comics?

-You're twisted, man.

-Dude, I didn't catch her name.

-But I did see "Leto" on some--

-[chokes, coughs]

-[Chas] Leto?

-Yeah, Leto.


-[Packer] Yes, Leto.



-The Leto sisters?

-I don't know.

Ooh, Packer. Packer!

You hit the jackpot!

Diana and Apollonia

are filthy rich.

They own that old mansion

over by Ingram Street.

They're having

some big party tonight.

-How do you know this?

-Come on, don't you read

the Daily Bugger?


that dumpster fire website?


-The Bugger is the truth.


Hey, guys. My manager wanted me

to come over to ask you

to bring it down a little bit.

Sorry about that.

Are we being too loud?

Um, not so much the volume.

It's more of the content.


Uh, even the other customers


every day you two just

talk and talk on and on.

It's a lot of backstory

about, like, your boring

personal stuff.

Uh, your jobs,

your wives, things like that.

If it's so boring,

then why do you guys listen?

It's kind of

like a bad car accident.

It's kind of hard

to turn away from it.

-I'm sorry about that.

-Thank you.

Well, we need

a new restaurant, so...

-[Chas] Yeah.

-Anyway, what were you

saying about the Letos?


So, they're collectors like you.


Well, not like you.

They actually make money.

They do antiques.

It's real world-class stuff.

How can you call yourself

a collector

and you've never

heard of the Letos?

Yeah, we probably met

at a garage sale or two.

I don't know, man,

we had this weird connection.




-[bell chimes]


Where have you been?


I was worried. No call.

Didn't seem worried

when you kicked me out.

-I think that--

-[both] Shut up, Chas.

Yeah, okay.

Jenni, I love you.

But you can't

stand my collecting.

You have serious issues, Packer.

You're immature.

You let those stupid comic books

run your life.

As opposed to

you running my life?


I shouldn't have said that.

You made a commitment to us.

Us. Our future together.

Look, that's why I'm doing this.

That's why I'm getting

these comics, okay?

I'm not gonna work at

Rhino Paper my whole life.

That's not how

I'm gonna get what I want.

You think having things

makes you special?

It's real special. All right?

You lost our honeymoon.

Look, I'll get it back, okay?


Packer, I need commitment.

More than you're giving me now.

So, it's...

it's comics or us.

What's your answer?

You just don't get it.

Okay. I've-- I've had it.

Comic nerd. The wedding's off.

You've blown it.

Jenni, just-- I'm sorry.

Just-- just give me

another chance.

Never call me.


Well, at least you

and your comics

will have a nice, warm

storage locker to live in.



All right. Okay.

You have amazing brain capacity.

Dr. Etrange, I don't think

that's the capacity

you're interested in.

I would so love

to own your head.

You know, I usually measure

the astronauts' skulls

before they're shot into space.

And what are the results

when they come back?


you know they never come back.

It's all a government cover-up.

-[woman 1] Seriously?


Now, may I have a volunteer?

-[woman 2] I volunteer.

-Thank you, my darling.

I'm going to try something

I've never attempted.

Are you kidding me?

-Something is wrong.


-[woman screaming]

-[plate clattering]

[guests screaming]


[guests laughing, applauding]

[chuckles] Dr. Etrange,

that joke never gets old.

You're certainly

not on the guest list.

I, uh, live down the street

and heard the commotion.

Mm-hmm. Nice try.

Wait a minute. I know you.

You're one of

our storage customers.

I saw you on

the security footage.

I thought a blonde I met

the other day on the facility...

That's my sister.

We own it together.

And you are?

-Packer Stanley.

-[Apollonia] Oh.

Gentleman. [giggles]


One of those football fans?

No. My, uh, father

loaded boxes on the dock,

and therefore

the distinguished name.

Oh, working class.

How delightful.

Yes, indeed.

What brings you here

this evening?

Ah, I was actually

looking for your sister.

We had a very interesting

conversation the other day.


Now I know you're lying.

My sister is socially defective.

Unless you're a collector.

-[Packer] Actually, I am.


That's the only subject

of interest to her.

He collects comic books.


-Yes. Comic books.


-Now, the values

can be quite high.

How do you preserve them

from decay?

Higher quality books are graded

and then sealed

in a mylar shell.

Sealed in mylar.

I detest the constant marketing.

Those superheroes,

the terrible films.

It isn't true cinema.

Not like The Godfather.

I mean, those films have

the same hero's journey

you'd find in The Godfather.

Well, except Godfather III.

But most comic books,

like miracles,

are based in fact.

Come now. You don't truly

believe that our ancestors

leaped mountains

and lifted boulders?

Well, maybe not fly,

but there were some true heroes.

Did any of them

have spider powers?

[guests chuckling]

Okay, let's not make fun

of our guest.

Excuse us.

Cheap pulp paper. I pray

they're not in the auction.

It's not like he collects

Picassos and Monets.

Oh, did they draw comic books?

[guests laughing]

-[Packer] Whoa.

-[Apollonia chuckles]

Our friends can be rude.

There are people of high incomes

and accumulative interest.

Eh, collectors. [chuckles]

Dr. Etrange

collects human heads.

Wait, are you serious?

Human heads?

But most collect art, antiques.

The usual humdrum.

Some are flat-out crazy.

Jennifer over there

believes that she's the model

for Columbia Pictures.


-Oh! Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry.

There must be

something wrong with my glove.

Here, have something for that.



[ominous music]

My, you are handsome.

-Uh, for a comic book collector,

I guess.


-What's your story?

-Yeah, usual humdrum.

Inner city kid seeking

stratospheric wealth, so.

Direct. You remind me

of someone I cherish.

[guests cheering]

I have to get back to the party,

or my sister will be furious.

Can you return tomorrow night?


I'd love to

show you around some more.

I-- I don't--

[ominous music playing]


A dinner invite with Diana Leto?

Uh, no.

-It's her sister, actually.



Look, can you just do me a favor

-and not tell Wendy this?


No Wendy. Check. Okay?

I'd just rather Jenni not know.

You haven't talked to her

or anything?

Uh, no.

I'm pretty sure it's over.

Make sure, Packer.

You've hurt her enough.

Yeah, I have.

Yeah, it's definitely over.


So sorry.

Hey, uh, I meant to ask.

I saw this strange kid

hiding out the other night...

Um, here's Daddy.

-[Packer] Striking man.


He's everything to me.

A jealous collector

k*lled him five years ago.

Oh, I'm sorry for your loss.

[tearful] Thanks.

Um, do you wanna see

the rest of the house?

-[Packer] Yeah, sure.


[sighs] I'd do anything

to bring Daddy back.

Yeah, no,

I completely understand, yeah.

No, you don't.

I'm researching it.

You're gonna have to do

a little more explaining.

Well, I have a secret

that I haven't told you yet.

[whispering] I'm a witch.

Oh, yeah. That's-- that's cool.

Uh, I'm a comic book

collector, so...


I'm not a very good witch.

[Packer] Wait, you really think

you could bring your father

back with witchcraft?

Come with me.

I wanna show you a special spot.

[Packer] Okay.

-Oh, wow.

-It's beautiful, isn't it?


Have you ever heard

of the Greek myth

about the god Apollo

and his victim, Daphne?

Uh, she-- she was

turned into a tree, right?

You are smart!

Yeah, she was turned

into a laurel,

and she became immortal.

I don't know if

I like where this is going.

You said so yourself that myths

are often based on facts.

You are quite the dinner host.

Baby, you have no idea.

Hello, sister.

You returned.

Is this gonna become

a daily occurrence?

I seem to offend you?

Quite the opposite.

You intrigue me.

-As a collector.

-Well, yeah,

but I'm a collector--

-Look out!

-[g*nsh*t bangs]


-Why did you do that?

-This looks bad.

-We need to get him

up to my room.

-[Packer grunts]

-It was George.

-Are you sure?

I'm certain now.

Can you save him?

I'm a witch,

not a freakin' doctor.

-[Diana] We gotta try something.



Twig from a laurel tree...


-Okay! Hold this.

All right. Watch your hands.


All right.


[chanting in foreign language]



Packer... I owe you my life.

It was nothing.

Who'd wanna hurt you?

[sighs] It was our uncle.

He escaped his care facility.

But we're gonna need you

to keep this confidential.

If the authorities

find out about this...

Yeah, you can trust me.

But if he could

get a g*n that easily...

I'd like to reward you.

Do you wanna work for us?

[Packer] Yeah!

Well, do-- doing what?

Just get some rest first.

We can discuss details later.

There's something

you're not telling me.


[ominous music playing]

Daddy, I'm so sorry.

I am trying, but I'm failing.

I wish Daddy were here with us.

But your witchcraft

says that he is.

I mean all the way back.

You know,

maybe he could help us resurrect

this financial situation.

[scoffs] Like he could

control your spending.


It's for my research!

Besides, it's not like

your business skills

have kept us so afloat.

Sister, let's not argue.

My plan will pay off.

-Just let me borrow Packer

until the auction.

-[Apollonia] Why?

[gasps, laughs]

Has the great Diana Leto

actually fallen

for another soul?

Of course not.

But he did save my life.


But when it comes to

my research, I get him back.

[Diana] You sure you should?

You seem to have many...

shall I call them "misfires"?

Hey, I'm still learning.

Besides, it's not a science.

Yeah, it's quite the opposite,


You can go screw yourself.

Transmutation. Resurrection.

It's ludicrous.


I appreciate your offer,


I sincerely do.

But I'm in no need of a partner.

If Harry and I know about

this deal, others do too.

You'll need our financing.

And you're gonna

need our protection.

You do mean to

include other parties?

'Cause I know you and Harry

don't have that much money.

[George chuckling]

-I take this as a no?

-You may.

As I said, no partners.

You can't raise

this kind of money by yourself.

Unless you sell

part of your collection.


You know those Albanians

play pretty f*ckin' rough.

You can't close this deal.

Let's just say...

I wouldn't wanna be

in your shoes.

My shoes can't be filled

by a mere mortal like you.

Oh, g*dd*mn.

That's nasty to the bitter end.

That's not a threat,

is it, George?

Kirby needs to listen to reason.

This acquisition's

too big for him.

It's too big

for your whole family.

Even if you do acquire it...

everybody's gonna come for it.

He'll be a dead pharaoh

in the tomb,

one who can't keep

his treasures forever.

I will keep them forever.

You know what?

Y'all need to go

sell crazy someplace else.

We're all stocked up here.

Should I have Digger stop him?

No. George is no threat.

Why are you doing this?

He was our last hope.

Don't challenge me, Diana.

-Yeah, don't challenge Father.

-Would you please shut up?

You have no standing

in this conversation.

I have as much

to lose as you do.

I've navigated our fortune

successfully so far,

and I will win this prize too.

With or without your support.

You have my support,

but use my skills. You need me.

I'll handle this myself.



Should've let me take over.

Quite the Gordian knot

you left us in, Father.

Well, look at you.

You're looking much better.

Yeah, I feel better than ever.

Did you save my life?

Um... guilty.

I had these crazy

hallucinations last night.

Yeah, you were really out of it.


-Oh, good news.

Diana is impressed by you,

and she thinks you can

join her collector society.

I-- I'd love to,

but, uh, I-- I don't fit.

I smelled a lot of old money

the other night.

Well, there's old money

and then there's new money.

-Yeah, I'm no money, so.


Those old windbags

could really use some new blood.

Besides, they might be able to

help you with your collection.

They have a huge network.

And your storage locker

would be free.

Wow. Sounds too good to be true.

-It is.

-[both laugh]

So you'll join us?



you do a little favor for me.

[coughs] Oh, my God.

[chuckles] Uh, favor.

Um. Oh, my God.

Boy, when are you gonna

learn to tie your own shoes?

[demonic voice]


-Your enemy's back.


Apollonia say

we had the wrong Fisk.

Your real enemy is still alive.

-k*ll Fisk!

-Wait a minute. Wait.

She has a plan.

k*ll now!

-What the hell?



-[crickets chirping]

-[owl hoots]

Do you have any idea how hard

it was to sneak out on Wendy?

You guys are separated.

-Oh, yeah.

-Plus, Apollonia said

I might need your help.

Besides, you still owe me

for not telling people

Stacy Wen beat you up.

-Man, I was seven!

-She was six.

She had the reach on me,


I specifically remember

you biting her.

I did bite her.

I did-- I did bite her. Yeah.

Burn in hell, Stacy.

Wherever the hell you are.

Hope that scar's still ugly.

Hi. Uh, Apollonia sent us.


-Uh, Apollonia?

Oh, my God.

[loudly] Apollonia sent us.

Let us in, please! Thank you!

You do not

have to be such a d*ck.


[clicks tongue]

Boys. Have a seat.

Sorry about my friend.

Apollonia sent me.

She said

you had something for me.

Oh. Yes. Yes.

My son died recently,

and he left all these

old comic magazines

from the '60s.

-They're yours.

-They-- they're mine?


-[paper rustling]

Silver Age. [gasps]

There's a Spyder run from 2749.

And-- Oh, my God.

And they're in very fine

condition. Very fine, Chas.

-That's fine, Packer.

-No, very fine.


-Your friend is obsessed.


Textbook insanity.

Or daily irregularity.

You know, I can never tell,

to be honest.


You have a rotten attitude.

Nah. I'm just honest.

I need an honest human being

for a little spell

I've got cooked up.

[scoffs] What are you,

some kind of witch or something?

I don't mean to

burst your bubble, but

I don't believe in that shit.

Oh, you don't have to believe.

I do.

So, it's as simple as that?

The comics-- comics are mine?


Oh, and you do need to get

my son's pendant and gold tooth.

Yeah, so she says she's a witch.

A real witch.

I know.

She's teaching me incantations.

Yeah, she wants to go

to the-- the graveyard

and dig up her son?

Packer, either you want to be

a real collector or you don't.

If you're on the left side

of the road, okay.

Same with the right.

Middle of the road...

[inhales] get k*lled.

Did you just quote

the f*cking Karate Kid at me?


You know, I thought

your little comic books

were worth all your trouble.


there's not anything there

that's alive that will get you.


[sighs] Silly boys.


I like the middle of the road.

[crickets chirping]

[Chas] Look, right there.

[Packer] "Jonathan J. James.

Born 1841. Died 1942.

Newspaper publisher."

I have a feeling

this is not her son.

You think the world's scariest

Golden Girl might've lied to us?

I don't know.

This whole thing stinks.

I'm about to smell

just how much.


[both panting]

[both grunting]


[ominous music playing]

[Packer] Chas. Chas, come on.

I need--

I-- I need your help, man.

[Chas sighs]

[wood rattling]

-[Packer] Oh, shit.

-[Chas] All right.

[both grunting]

Oh, my God. Shit.




-It just f*cking winked at me!

-Just grab the gold tooth.

[laughs nervously]

[exhales] I can do this.

I can do this. I can do this.

I can do this. I can do this.

[exhales, groans]

Ah, shit. Oh, shit.

Oh, f*ck this.

-I can't do this shit, man.

-[Packer] What the hell, man?

-I can't do it!

-Just give it to me. Come on.

[Chas] You do it. You do it.

Be careful. Be careful, Packer.

Be careful. [groans]

-Be careful.

-[tooth crackles]

[Chas retches, spits]

-Oh, that's sick.

-Well, let's grab the pendant,

then go home.

Only if you never

become my dentist.


Just grab it by the crystal.

[Chas panting]


-[Chas gasps]

-[Chas] He moved!

-[Packer] He didn't move.

-I swear I saw something.

-[Packer] Oh, my God.

I'll do it. I'll do it.

[Packer exhales]

-[Packer grunts]

-[Chas] Careful.

[both grunting]

[eerie music playing]

[Packer] Chas!

[Chas whimpers]

[pants] No.

Shit! f*ck! Shit! [screams]

Oh, my God. Oh, shit.

Oh, f*ck! f*ck that shit.

[corpse groaning]

[Packer] Well...

-I'm scarred.

-You're scarred?

[Chas scoffs]

I just got maggots up my ass.

[Packer] Could be worse.

How could it be worse?

[Packer] Yeah, you're right.

[banging on door]

[Apollonia laughing]

You boys are a mess!

[fake laughs] f*ck you.

Here you go.

Yeah, that corpse was alive.

[witch] Fear can play tricks

on the eyes.

Who's your friend?

Oh. [chuckles]

I'm, um, Chas.


Chas Morales, at your service.


-[both laughing]

[Packer] I know what I saw,

and that body was moving.

I'm putting you

in my filing system.

Oh. [chuckles]

That's cool. That's awesome.

What is happening?

Shut up.

Diana, that corpse was alive.

Did Apollonia give you

anything to eat or drink,

or make a suggestion

about the undead?

Diana, Chas.

Could you put in a good word

for me with your sister?



Uh, uh, yeah. At breakfast.

Despite her manner,

she does have a PhD in chemistry

and she uses

a wide array of mixtures

to experiment on people.

So you're saying she drugged us?

It's possible. Her research

is very important to her.

Come by as soon as you can.

That Apollonia. [exhales]

Drugged, like a damn lab rat.

Apollonia didn't drug you.

She couldn't have.

It was probably just

your imagination or something.

-Yeah. Yeah, yeah.


Probably my imagination.

I wonder if

any of these books are real.

You know,

I think she kinda likes me.

I mean,

this is all so f*cked up.

But to own issue 130 of

The Spyder in this condition

is just amazing.

She is amazing.

I'm gonna see more of her.

Wait, no. [groans]

-Man, I'm married!

-[Packer] Separated.

-Oh, yeah.


Oh, yeah...


-[knocking on door]

-[sighs] Yes?

[Digger sighs]

What is it?

-He's turning into wood.

-That's-- You're mistaken.

And it spreading fast.

And he's growing.

That's impossible.

Let me see.



I'm guessing wood no good?

[paper rustling]

[Packer] Roady,

you need to get your own place.

Hey, Dr. K knows chiropracting.

He knows comics

and he cracks a mean back.

-[bones cracking]

-[man screaming]

[Dr. K] That didn't hurt.

You're still alive.

-[Packer] Is he okay?

-Yeah, he's fine.

What a find.

Where did you get these?

Well, you're not gonna

believe me, but, uh,

I got 'em from a witch.

[chuckles] Okay.

I can respect secret identities.

[Packer] So are you buying?

-You're selling?

-[Packer] I'm a new man.

[Roady] How much are you asking?

Well, guide says about 33,000,

and with your overhead

and dealer's cut,

I'm thinking about 20k.

[Roady] Dr. K!

-[bone cracking]

-[man screams] That's too much!

That's too much.

Come on, Roady. You're not gonna

find 'em in this condition.

Don't make me

go to McFarlane Comics.


Can't wait to get 'em slabbed.

Look, you're getting a deal

because I need a place to live.



Who's immature now, Jenni?

God, when are they gonna

get rid of that smell?


Digger, I paid my bill!

[eerie music playing]



Who's there?




[banging on door] Digger!


Damn it. Digger!

[Packer sighs]

What are you doing in the dark?


Something-- something's in here.

We ain't got no mice.

Let me look around a little bit.

-I don't see nothing, doc.

-Look, I-- Somebody was in here.

These places

get a little lonely,

and people always thinkin'

they're hearing something.

Got a package for you.

Hey, uh, Digger...

do you know anything

about Apollonia and Diana's

crazy uncle?


Uh, the guy who shot me

the other day?

Look, man.

I don't know nothin'

about nothin'.


-What was that?

[Diana] Packer,

a small token of my


for saving my life.

Love, Diana.

[ominous music playing]

[boxes thudding]

[Digger grunts]


-[Diana] Yes. What is it?

Your boy just tried

to k*ll your boyfriend.


Daddy shouldn't be there.

I'll talk to him.

And we lost two customers.

The good news is,

they're paid up.

How's your wound?

Oh, yeah. Better each day,

actually. [chuckles]

Did they ever catch your uncle?

Oh, yes.

He's doing much better, too.

Good, good.

Thank you again for rescuing me.

Yeah. Uh, we collectors have

to stick together, you know?

So, why would he

try to hurt you?

Um, I'm sorry, I didn't--

Ah, it's not you.

It's my father's collection.

My poor, delusional uncle

believes it's his.

Yeah, Apollonia

told me about his death.

-I'm really sorry.

-Don't be.

Kirby Leto,

the ultimate collector.

He outworked and out-schemed

his competition.

One of them m*rder*d him.



The k*ller's still at large.

-So it wasn't your uncle?

-He was a suspect, but no.

So you and Apollonia

own the collection,

therefore, you own the threat.

That's possible.

But we're about to be rid of it.

-We're auctioning it off.

-Oh, God.

To get rid of

all those priceless items?


-I couldn't do that.

You have my father's

appetite for collecting.

[chuckles] No, I can't compare

to him. I collect comic books.

But I do love that chase,

the thrill of finding

and owning that rare edition.

I even love the smell of

old comic books. [chuckles]

It's weird, yeah, but...

I love it.

No, I understand.

Perhaps I love it, too.

-More than I should.


Whatever I want, I get.

Wait. What about Apollonia? I--

She's saving herself

for someone else.

Besides, we don't mind sharing.


[Apollonia] What?

Digger, you better find him.

I said find him!



I was like, "What?"

Hey, it's me.

I almost just ran into Jenni.

Good thing you didn't.

By the way,

I got a lead on the Letos.

Got a friend named Maxwell

who wants to meet with you.

-Who's he?

-Let's just say...

he's a flush to

my full house in a poker game.

I cleaned him out. [laughs]

-Who is he?

-Maxwell writes

for the Daily Bugger.

No. No reporters.

He's discreet. Okay?

I'll see you at Sandman's

tomorrow at 1:00. Bye.



[Digger vocalizing]


-[Daddy breathing]

Damn it.

Dust everywhere.

Now, I got allergies.

They don't pay me

enough for this shit.

You're a rich man.

Sign over your damn money

to the sisters

so I can

get the hell out of here.


That you?

-[glass shatters]

-Damn it!

[g*n cocks]

Stop this shit now,

or I'll tell Apollo--

[gasps, exclaims]



Every day...

a damn freak show.



Osborn, it's good to see you.


It's a pleasure to see you.

What brings you to

my humble establishment?

Here to pick up

the Louis XIV chandeliers.

[Osborn] No, no, no, no.

You're behind on your payments,

my dear.

Yeah, that's not true.

You've dealt honorably

with our family for years.

-Our credit is outstanding.

-My sources say otherwise.

You should ask

your ridiculous sister.

-Hey, show some respect.

-Stay out of this.

This is between

the professionals.

Diana, you are a fool.

Little help, please?

Hey! [grunts]



Your temp agency

is gonna hear about this.

-[Packer] Stay down.

-[Osborn] You will regret this.

Let's go.

God, what a d*ck.

-You all right?

-Yeah, I'm fine.

Thank you.

I remember my father

having to fight off deadbeats.

Yeah, he seemed a bit snarky

about your credit.

Everybody's jealous

of our family

and the lies and innuendo

hurled at us, it's never ending.

Well, no one's ever gonna do

that to you again, okay?

[Apollonia] My friend,

meet the transference crystal.


-[flame whooshes]


Oh, damn it.

[sighs] What am I doing wrong?

Oh, damn it.

[doorbell dings]

-Maxwell, good to see you.

-How are you?

-This is Packer.

-Nice to meet you.

-Good to meet you.


Maxwell works

for the Daily Bugger.

-[Packer] The gossip site?

-Any news that's unfit to print.

So, what do you know

about the Letos?

[Packer] Okay, well...

The other night

someone took a shot at--

-Chas already told me.

-I already told him that.

Okay, well,

what do you know about them?

Their father, Kirby Leto,

was gunned down

about five years ago.

Never found a k*ller.

It's really hush-hush

in the media.

There was lots of money

tossed around.

Maybe that's the guy

that took a shot at me.

I hear the sisters

are in trouble financially.

So, maybe there's some

big transaction going on.

Yeah, they're auctioning off

the Leto collection.

-Whoa, what?


-What is Apollonia

been saying about me?

-[whispers] Oh, my God.

[Maxwell] Hey, you don't want

to get involved with those two.

I hear they're into witchcraft.

Uh, just one of them.

The other one's

completely normal.

So, there's no prime suspects?

Yeah, dozens.

George, one of the Fisk twins,

is the lead suspect.

But George "proved"

he was out of the country

when it all went down.

Okay, well, how do I get

in contact with Mr. Fisk?

George is a ghost.

He went missing last week.

But there is another collector,

Norma Romita.

-I can get you

in touch with her.

-Yeah? Can I get her info?

[Maxwell] Text me.

Maxwell's gonna do

some snooping,

but, in the meantime,

I need vital stats

on a certain redhead.

Oh, my God, dude.

[Maxwell] Hey,

there is one other thing

other than the witchcraft.

Which is really messed up.


always seem to go missing.

That sounds right.

They're probably

really old, though.

Yeah, but the bodies

are never found.

Lost at sea, horrible fire.

If they're found,

they're found in parts.

Their fortunes just disappear.

And now the Fisk twins

are missing.

[knocking on door]

[door creaks open]

-It's you.

-You yourself.

How did you find my house?

Well, I'm assuming

you're Norma Romita.

We were never introduced.

Did the sisters send you?

[Packer] Uh, no,

I'm actually here on my own.

-I had

a couple questions for you.


Comicology, or whatever

the hell you call it,

isn't my subject field.

That's funny, but, uh, no.

It's about someone

sh**ting me the other night.

Maybe, uh, George or Harry Fisk.

Gunplay's not

my subject field either.

Look, it just seems like

someone's trying to k*ll Diana

and Apollonia,

maybe the same person

that k*lled their father.

Get the hell out of here

and tell those

stupid little whores

they don't know

who they're messing with.

I can go to the police.

Where's George Fisk?

Leave now.

That didn't go well.

He's definitely on to us.

Jesus, George, what the shit?


You're a loose end, Norma.

[g*nsh*t popping]


what the f*ck are you doing?

[George] S, D, one, T, K, zero.

[Digger laughs] Yeah.

[Chas clears throat]

[sighs] Apollonia.

Chas. [exclaims]

-It's good to see you.

-It's good to see you.

You know, I was actually

gonna come find you.

-You were?


-Well, that's awesome.

-[both laughing]


What brings you here?

Packer tells me

your life's in danger.

I'm here to serve and protect.

-Well, aren't you a gentleman?

-You know it.

-Oh, so charming.


-You're coming to my office.

-Let's go, let's go.

[Apollonia chuckles]

Come on, don't be shy.

Welcome to my sanctuary.

Please, explore. Enjoy.

-[glass clinking]

-[Apollonia chuckles]

Oh, I'd be careful with that,

if I were you.

It's either tipped with poison

or a sleeping potion.

Okay, not gonna touch.

Not gonna touch that anymore,

that's for sure.

Man, so you really are a witch.

-On a good day.

-On a good day.

You know,

I've never heard of a witch

that owns a storage facility.

Well, it's a little more secure

than your usual facility.


-Yeah, I mean,

these knives right here.

We store valuable objects here.

You know, like Packer's


-Like Packer's collection. Yeah.


-The love of his life.

-Oh, I-- I thought

I was the love of his life.

Yeah. Yeah.

No, you are. You are.

I was-- I was being--

I was being figurative.

No, I was-- I was being literal.


-I'm teasing you.

Oh, okay. Okay.

Good. [clears throat]

No, actually, my sister's

really attached to him now, so.




you're free?

Well, I'm committed,

but, uh, I like fun.

-[Chas hums]

-[Apollonia chuckles]

-[Chas] I like fun.

-[phone buzzing]

-Oh, I'm vibrating.

-[both laughing]

Yes, Digger.

I'll take care of it.

Chas, sweetheart,

would you wait here for me?



I'll be right back.

[clears throat]

I'll be here when you get back.

-I'll stay right here.

-Good boy.


God, Packer,

you sure can pick 'em, man.

Oh, God.


[Chas grunts]

[machine rumbles]

[man coughs]

[Chas pants]

[heavy breathing from t*nk]

[Maxwell exhales]

[Chas pants]


Maxwell? Max--

[Chas] Please, please. Please.

My douchebag husband

won't answer any of my calls.

Packer called me,

but he hung up.

Maybe breaking things off

was a mistake.

Trust me,

you made the right move.

He's got, like,

that Peter Pan syndrome.

He has no great power

and never takes responsibility.

Do you think

you can change Packer?

That's so not gonna happen.

He has a good heart.

He just makes bad decisions.

Jenni, he's an idiot.

Yeah, he's an idiot.

But he was my idiot.

[Wendy] And Chas is mine.

I thought the separation

might scare some sense into him.

Doesn't look like

that's gonna happen.

Chas will turn up.

He's loyal to you.

I'm gonna hire a PI.

To follow him.

-I feel like

he's seeing somebody.

-Why do you think that?

He looks happy.

[ominous music playing]

[water running]



[alarm beeping]


-[glass shatters]


[George] Ah, looks like someone

took my little acid bath.



[footsteps approaching]



Oh, thank you for that.

Oh, there's much more

in store for you.

-So here is the contact

on a collection for sale.


Um, we never finished

our conversation.

I'm really worried

about you, Diana.

I don't want to talk about it.

It's family business.

Look, I get it, but

I'm a part of the business now,

so you have to trust me.

I, uh, spoke to Norma Romita.

Norma. What'd she say?

Uh, she didn't say much,

but she did jump when I

mentioned a George Fisk.

-George Fisk.

-Yeah, he's the sh**t,

isn't he?

He could be.

But thank you for caring

and for protecting me.

Packer, I--

I think I'm falling for you.

There's a big surprise

for you tonight.

Be sure

you're at my house by 7:00,

-it's very important.


[knocking on door]


Anybody home?



Where the hell is she?

Thank you,

my father's spirit

remains strong

and he would be

so proud to have you,

his friends,

to own his collection.

[all applauding]

-At the right price, of course.

-[all laughing]

Oh, our guest has arrived.

Packer Stanley,

please come forward.

The newest member

of the Kirby Leto Society.

[all applauding]

Wow. Um, thank you.

Uh, this is

the greatest moment of my life.

Um, I'll try

not to get too emotional.


for the first time in my life,

I feel like

I'm with my own kind.

We are fortunate to have you,

Packer Stanley,

the newest member

of the Kirby Leto Society.

[all applauding]

Thank you.

[footsteps approaching]

A small token

of my affection for you.

You've given me

too much already, Diana.

-You'll never guess what it is.

-[Packer chuckles]

[Packer gasps]

But h-- how?

No one's ever seen it in 9.8,

near mint condition.

I told you.

Whatever I want, I get.

[Packer sighs]


I am the Spyder!



So this is where

you've been hanging around?

How'd you find me?

-[Jenni] Chas told Wendy.

-Of course, yeah.

[Jenni] Look, we need to talk.

You kicked me out.

You said you never

wanted to see me again.

[Jenni] Okay, well,

you called me, Packer.

And I made a mistake.

About the comic collecting, too?


-But I forgive you.

-You forgive me?

That's it?

Look, Packer.

We've known each other

our whole lives,

and we're meant to be together.

But that lust--

that lust for your collection,

is ruining us.

[Packer] Well,

it's all going great now, so.

The world's not made

of Spyders and supermen.

It is. Okay?

To me, it is.


The rarest of the rare.


I got this

because the people here

appreciate me for who I am.

I'm not gonna be a loser

like my father, okay?

Look, he had nothing.

At least I have this.

These people

only want to use you.

I would never do that.

Please, let's just go somewhere,

and talk about this.

I can't. I can't.


sorry you came all this way.

Good luck, Packer.

-[ominous instrumental playing]

-I'm so sorry.

[Digger groans]

Can you take a bath

once in a blue moon?

-[monster whines]

-[Apollonia] Digger, help him!

That's that wood

I was telling you about.


What did they do to you,

my love?


His shoulder's busted up.

Looks like some kind of acid.

Well, help him, please.

His shoulder.

Look, Daddy,

I know it's gonna hurt, okay?

But can you just be strong

for me, please?

We're gonna get our revenge,

all right?

-We're gonna get--


[Apollonia] I know.

-[monster screams]

-Digger, help him!

[monster screams, pants]

[screaming continues]

-[device whirring]

-[monster screaming]

[Digger grunts]

[screaming continues]

[whirring stops]

[monster whining]

It needs a total reconstruction.


I don't care, just restore it.

It's spreading.

-Digger, help him!

-[monster screams]



-[monster screams]

-Help. [sobbing]

It's gonna be okay.

Roady, you're gonna love these.

What a goldmine.

Where did you find these?

I have a new girlfriend,

and she's pretty generous.

-Does she have a sister?

-[Packer laughing]

I don't think

I have the cash for this stash.

Well, we can work something out.

-You could sell them, can't you?

-Hey, no problemo.

Hey, you got another one

of these Spyder canisters?

There you go, Packer. It's rare.

Hey, what the hell, man?

That was mine.

-f*ck off, Harry Potter.

-I do love rare.


instrumental playing]

[knocking on door]

[knocking on door]

[whispering] Norma.

Hey, Norma, hey.


Norma, hey.

[music swells]

Come on, Chas, pick up.

Chas, uh, it's Packer.

Um, I need you to call me back

as soon as you can.

It's really important.

[panting] Where the hell is he?

Did you call the police?

-[Packer] No.


That would be a nasty business.

Can't believe it. Norma dead.

I mean, they were thorough, too.

g*nsh*t, knife wound, burning.

I mean, it looked like acid,

but I couldn't tell.

I mean,

the k*ller did not like her,

and after meeting her,

I can-- I could see why.

So, why is someone

k*lling collectors?

Where'd you hear

that fairy tale?

[Packer] A reporter.

Not Maxwell

from the Daily Bugger?

-He's a hack.

-Packer, he is.

He hounded us

after Father's death.

Our friends inform us

he's got a drug problem.



We need to stay vigilant.

Apollonia, tell Digger

to hire extra security,


with the auction coming up.

So do you think

Norma's death and the auction

are related somehow?

Never underestimate

the desperation of a collector.

[eerie instrumental playing]

Where are you, huh?



-[g*nshots popping]

What the hell?

How did this little shit

break these chains?

[sniffs] What is that smell?

[knocking on door]

-[Wendy] Packer.

-[knocking on door]

[Packer] Jesus.

[knocking on door]

[knocking on door]


-Where is he?

Sure, come on in.

That no-good slacker.

And of whom do you speak?

You, assh*le. Where's Chas?

Look, I left

a few messages for him,

but I honestly,

don't know, okay?

You two are always conspiring.

-You know where he is.


I don't know where he is, okay?

This is not like him.

I'm starting to worry.

-A graveyard? Seriously?


I found

the directions in his wallet.

There is a dirty shovel

in our tool shed.

What kind of freakshow

are you two doing?

Having sex with what,

dead bodies?

That was a college thing.

We grew out of that phase.

[Wendy grunts]

Look, a sweet,

nice old lady asked me

to clean up her son's gravesite,

and Chas was nice enough

to help me out.

Wendy, I'm sure he will turn up.

All right?

You have that jerk-off call me,

if he knows what's good for him.

Okay. Wait, where are you going?

No wait, you're not saying?

No! Aw.

f*ckin' A.

Come on, Chas. Pick up.

[chief of security] Hey, kid.

What are you doing up there?

[ominous instrumental playing]

Stupid kid.



-[chilling instrumental playing]

[metal clicks]






-f*ck you.




-[chilling music playing]

-[metal clinking]

[music ends]

He escaped his cage.

Your little man

is out of control.

Daddy was just exercising

his independence.

He's getting ready

for his big night.

Must you call him "Daddy"?

That again? He is our father.

[scoffs] As you wish.

Just please,

no more experimentation.

I cannot have

another set of Jenga blocks

scampering about.

Go to hell.


Oh, I'm sure we all will.

We have Packer's friend,

we have that reporter,

Norma Romita is dead,

others are gonna follow.

-Just control your boy.

-[Apollonia sighs]

-Packer's mine. Understood?


He is a perfect match

for Daddy's blood, I need him.

[Diana] No.

He is too valuable to me.

[scoffs] God.

You love him.

-I said he's valuable.

-[Apollonia chuckles]

So you're telling me

that you have

no feelings for him whatsoever?


Oh, no, Sister.

Packer's mine.


You know,

I'm surprised the sisters

haven't discovered me yet.


was trained by the finest,

her father.

And except for my twin brother,


was probably my best friend.

But times change.

One collector becomes jealous

of another's gains.


You know, it's sad, really.

How mere objects...

can cause the end

of a very valuable friendship.

Money's not the root

of all evil.


It's the love of money!

That's the root of all evil!

[ominous instrumental playing]


And I just loved his money.

And his collection.

[g*n cocks]

I was gonna k*ll him.

But that crazy...

slut Diana beat me to it.

Gotta give her props, though.

She did a whizbang job

of framing me for the m*rder.


Now she's got what I want.

I was going to k*ll her.

I won't make that mistake again.

All right, fellas,

you've seen the pictures.

George Fisk.

Don't grab him.

Alert me immediately.

He'll be packing.

[laughs] Also,

there's a messed up

little kid hanging around.

Leave the kid alone,

and whatever you do,

please, please,

do not touch him.

He got some kind of

funky skin rash going on.

-[car beeping]

-[phone ringing]


[laughing] No, Mr. Stanley,

it's George Fisk.

I believe you've been looking

for me.

I am.

I have some questions for you.

Wait just a second here.

I got somebody

that wants to talk to you.

Packer, he-- he kidnapped me--

-Ah, ah!

-[Packer] Jenni?

[George laughing]

I have something you want.

You can get me entry

into the auction.

What do you say, we, uh, meet,

and, uh,

do a little trade-off, huh?

Just-- just let her go,

and I can get you in.

Let's meet at the sisters'

storage facility tonight.

Six o'clock, be there.

Oh, oh, and I understand

you have a very rare comic book.

-Who says?

-[George] You bring the book.

I'll bring the girl.

We'll make a swap.

The book? Insurance.

To make sure

you don't double-cross me.

And you g*dd*mn sure

better not tell anyone.

[Packer] I won't.

You better not.

Last time you told about Norma,

and the sisters paid her

a very ugly little visit.

I want your word

that you'll be quiet.

-Or I'll k*ll her.


-[George] "Yes," what?

-Yes, you have my word.

That went well, didn't it?

[knocking on table]

-Everything ready for tonight?



It's a shame

we mistook Harry for George.

Imagine sacrificing

your own brother as George did.

But there's something else.

That kid is out of control.

The disease?

Yes, but Apollonia says

he'll do what she says.

There are things in this world,

wild things...

they're born wild.

And always stay that way.

No matter how much

you think you control them.

What do you suggest? k*ll him?

She's not gonna change her mind

about him being our father.

It's all gonna hit the fan.

Just don't expect me

to hang around

and pick up the pieces.


I guess you want me

to clean that up, huh?

You'll have much to clean up

after tonight.

[breathing apparatus whirring]

Oh, my sweet Chas. [chuckling]

I wish we had more time for fun.

But you know you turned

that reporter on to us.

And we can't have that.


I do want to keep you around

just a little bit longer,

in case things

don't work out with Packer.


Yes, that

is a very powerful sedative

running through

your bloodstream.

It turns out,

I'm not just a witch.

I am a damn good chemist.

Oh, I suppose I'm being a tease.

Oh, excuse me.

I'm vibrating again.


Are you sure?

As you wish.

So, bad news.

Turns out we do need

your storage space for tonight.

What can I say?

Business is booming.

I'm so sorry

for the accounting error.

Bye, Chas.

[blowing kiss] I'll miss you.

[gas hissing]

[ominous instrumental playing]

[Packer] Come on,

I need a w*apon. One I can hide.

Spyder filament.

No villain can break it.


[George] Get out of the car.

Get out of the car.


-Shut up!

The book, Mr. Stanley.

You okay?

-I'm not okay.

-The book!


Just be careful with that, okay?

Yeah, all right.

Get us in this place.


-Hey, hold the elevator.

-[elevator dings]




-Can you believe the nerve

of that guy?



[chilling instrumental playing]


["The Itsy Bitsy Spider"


How do you know this guy?

[laughing] Mr. Stanley and I

have never really met.

He believes I'm a m*rder*r.


His new girlfriend, Diana Leto,

k*lled my twin brother, Harry,

thinking he was me.

This is what you left me for?

Sounds like a mistake

you didn't mind.

Oh, Harry was blood,

but... I have my needs.

Yeah, like getting

the Leto collection?

You and I are no different,

Mr. Stanley.

You'd do whatever it takes

to get what you want.

-[Packer] No, I wouldn't.

-[George laughing]

You sold yourself

to those two whores

for a comic book.

I'm not like you.

Oh, really?

Well, it looks like

the majority of us

in this elevator

-have a different

opinion of that.

-[elevator dings]

We're here. Let's go.

-[Packer] Is this the auction?

-[George] No.

-The appraiser's that way.

-Hey! Watch where I'm going.

Say, you're kinda cute.

Hey, beat it, lady.

[scoffs] Go to Hell,

you old bastard!

[George] Go to rehab, you lush!

-[mic distortion screeching]

-Good evening.

My sister, Apollonia,

and the spirit

of my father, Kirby Leto,

welcome you.

[audience applauding]

Tonight, you are here

to bid on the world's

greatest collection.

The one my father painstakingly

acquired over his lifetime.

You are here to own rare art,

gold, diamonds,

and other priceless treasures.

We had hoped

the crowd would be larger,

but circumstances

are what they are.

Tonight, we also have

world-famous DJ, KTel Ronnie.

-[audience applauding]

-[KTel Ronnie scratching disc]

However, I must confess,

tonight is,

in small part, a charade.

[audience member] Charade?

What do you mean, Diana?

Alas, the Kirby Leto collection

is no more.

Over the years,

our father squandered it all.

When he was ready to make

the biggest acquisition

of his life,

one of you cowards

shot and k*lled him.

That's right.

And I loved him the most.

And one of you

took him away from me.

But guess what?

I brought him back.

Through your skillful


[audience laughing]

Shut up!

While our father's collection

is lost,

there is

a valuable collection here,

one you'll all be a part of.

Let's watch the screen.

[disapproving murmur]

[audience member 1] No, no!

[audience member 2]

You are lying!

No, it can't be!

That's right,

and you'll soon be joining them.

We like to think of you

as our collection of collectors.


-You can't do that!

And you will willingly

sign over your wealth to us.

-You sick bitch!


I understand a week

in our plexiglass containers

is quite unbearable.

[upset shouting]

And I've prepared

a special concoction

for each and every one of you

that will make you beg

for your lives

and the sweet surrender

of death.

And now, may I reintroduce

my father, Kirby Leto.

Daddy, help yourself.

["The Heart Attack" playing]

I said, you

Heard me on

Heard me on the stereo

And it, and it's smooth

So smooth

Got that rhythm

Got that groove


Hold me, hold me

I want my...


Right now

Shake it up

What is he doing?

He's not supposed to k*ll,

only disable.

They have to sign

their estates over to us.


Are you down?

[music stops]

Hurry up,

we don't have much time.

-What do you want?

-Kirby's greatest acquisition.

It's greater than the Mona Lisa.

-You're f*cking crazy.


Right there, right there.



The sisters are dead broke,

but all they have

is their father's collection

right there.

No, you're lying.

Oh, bust that bitch open,

Mr. Stanley.

No! Get out of the way!

g*dd*mn, son of a bitch!

That scum Kirby Leto!

He never acquired it!

Collectors cheating

other collectors.

Didn't see that one coming.

-Move, bitch. Move, bitch!

-[Packer] Okay.

-[man screaming]

-[g*nsh*t pops]

[eerie instrumental playing]

-[woman screaming]


-You still

got work to do, you know.

-You're not the boss of me!

[g*nsh*t pops]

[Digger grunting]

[flesh squelching]

[Digger thuds on floor]


[Packer] Whoa, whoa, whoa,

what's going on?

He's a monster!

-Jesus Christ.

-[George] Hey!



-[g*nshots popping]


[alarm blaring]

-[George] Run!

-[Packer] Jesus Christ!

[g*nshots popping]

I think we lost him.

[George sighs]

This family doesn't suffer

from insanity.

They f*cking love

every minute of it.

-[Fisk] Shh.

-I'm sorry.

-Check around the corner.



-[Packer] Oh, my God. My God.

-Are you following me?

-Wanna give me a kiss, please?

-Oh, my God.


[tense instrumental playing]

[George] Oh, shit!

-Forget it.

-[Packer] f*ck it.

-[Jenni] Are you crazy?

-[George] Bitch, run, run, run!


[Apollonia] There you are.

[singing] I found you.

Just for fun. [chuckles]

You come with me.

And you, too, handsome.

-Did you think you could escape?

-[monster] New body.

No. Get revenge first. Him.

[monster] Fisk!

[chilling instrumental playing]

-[Packer] No, no, no.

-[Apollonia] Come on!

[both grunting]

-[g*nsh*t pops]

-[monster] I want your body.

[George] You're a long

f*cking way from Kirby Leto.

I didn't k*ll him.

Diana did.

[monster] Now give

me the body [indistinct].

-I can see you.

-[George screaming]


Spyder. Spyder. "Spee-der."



Spee-- spy-- spyder? "Spee-der?"

-Shut up.

-Weird word.

[Packer grunts]

[Packer panting]

Hey. This isn't funny.

Let me out. Come on, untie me.

It's about time you came to,


[Packer groans]

What was that thing?

Oh, don't worry about him.

Daddy's linked to you, you know.

He'll be here soon.

[Packer] "Linked"?

What do you mean?

Maybe I'm not the shitty witch

everyone says I am.

He's alive in the boy.

But the boy is dying.

He has this cancerous growth.

[sighs] Probably because

of the laurel tree, I just--


I don't wanna hear this shit.


As I was saying, before I was

so rudely interrupted...

the formula is ancient.

Grant immortality

and transfer life

all in one easy step.

[chuckles] What?

You think I'm crazy?

[Packer] "Crazy"

is an understatement.

-Yeah, you're batshit.

-[Apollonia laughs]

Well, Diana agrees with you.

But I am not gonna

mess it up this time.

I'm gonna get it right,

thanks to you.

'Cause you brought me

the pendant.

-[Packer] Shit.

-That's right.

The transference crystal.

You cannot imagine the power.

So Daddy moves into you...

and then I'm not exactly sure

where your spirit goes.

Hmm, anyway,

I will love my daddy

and your body just the same.

God, you twisted freak.

[Apollonia chuckling]

Because you're a man.

-[Apollonia chuckling]

-[Packer groans]

[both grunting]

[Apollonia thuds on floor]


Packer. Packer, are you okay?

[Apollonia coughing] You bitch.

[Jenni grunts] You skank.

You ruined my f*cking wedding.

Do you know

how much tiramisu costs?

-[Packer] Jesus, Jenni.

She's a witch, not a vampire.


-Are you okay?

-Is that her?


-The one you've been seeing?

Yeah. Well, no, not anymore.

-[Jenni gasps]

-[Packer] Whoa!

[chilling instrumental playing]

Sorry sister,

but you've gone too far.

[whispering] I will not have you

interfere with my plans.

And you should know,

I k*lled Kirby.

He lost our fortune,

and he's just as incompetent

as you.

So she wanted to put

your father's soul in my body?

For sex.

What can I say,

she's always been

a daddy's girl.



She forced all of this on me.

Her grand delusions

of being a witch.

You really look

like you were forced into this.

I didn't wanna be

forced into anything,

I didn't wanna do this shit,

-but she and Digger

threatened to k*ll me.

-Yeah, right.

[Packer] But that kid out there

is a monster.

He's probably searching for us.

We need to go someplace safe.

[Packer] Diana, it's ruined.

I could find you another.

Come on.

-[monster growling]

-[Packer] Shit.

[Packer grunting]


[monster] You are me.

Me are you.

[monster gurgling]

Packer, say this...

[casting spell

in other language]

-[Packer] What?

-[casting spell

in other language]

[Packer casting spell

in other language]

[monster growling]

[monster thudding on floor]

What the hell?


He was-- it was him. [grunts]

The boy that--

Yes, it was her stupid,

failed witchcraft.

She turned that thing

into a living horror.


I learned one of her curses.

-[Jenni panting]

-[Packer] Jenni!

I'm sorry,

she got his contagion.

She had to go.

Diana, what the f*ck?

[Diana] Look,

now, we can be together.

Packer, I love you.

[ominous instrumental playing]

[Packer] You f*cking k*lled her!

But I only want--


I can get you the comic.


You and your f*cking collection.

-It's Atomic...

Shut up! Shut up.

[stifled] Can't breathe.

[Packer panting]

Jenni, are you okay?

[panting] It hurts.

Okay, um, thank God,

you're alive.

Um, okay.

I'm gonna save you, okay?

Put this on it, just apply that.

Okay, come on, come on.

[both grunting]


[both panting]

Just breathe, okay?

Just breathe.

[eerie instrumental playing]

[echoing] Packer,

you smell funny.

[Jenni groaning]

[Parker casting spell

in other language]

I'm sorry, Jenni.

I love you.

I've always loved you.


But I need Diana back.

She's the only one

that can get me another

Atomic Fiction 15.

-[Jenni] No.

-I'm sorry.

[Jenni] No.


[Packer casting spell

in other language]

[Jenni] Packer, no.

[Jenni grunting, screaming]

[Jenni] No! No!

-[Jenni screaming] No! No!

-[Packer casting spell]

[Jenni] Packer, no!

[Jenni screaming]

[music fades]
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