03x01 - A Scarf for Percy

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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03x01 - A Scarf for Percy

Post by bunniefuu »

(whimsical music)

(upbeat music)

- [George] It was a

cold winter's morning

on the island of Sodor.

The wind was bitter and

the ground hard with frost.

Thomas and Percy

were cold and cross.

"All I want is a warm

boiler," huffed Thomas.

"Firelighter knows that.

"He's late."

"He's not late," replied Percy.

"This weather woke us up early."

Gusts of wind swirled

round the shed,

tossing flakes of

snow toward Thomas.

Then they swooshed

round Percy, too.

"Why don't we talk about

something else?" shivered Percy.

"Yes," replied Thomas.

"Like how silly we'll look

"when our funnels

turn into icicles."

"That's not funny.

"Maybe we'll stop feeling cold

"if we talk about warm things

"like sunshine and steam."

"And firelighters,"

muttered Thomas.

"Scarves!" continued Percy.

"Scarves?!" laughed Thomas.

"That's what you need, Percy.

"A woolly scarf

round your funnel."

Thomas was only teasing,

but Percy thought

happily about scarves

until the firelighter came.

Sir Topham Hatt was enjoying

hot porridge for breakfast.

He was looking forward to

taking important visitors

on a tour of the railway,

and had pressed his

special trousers.

"I shall put them in my trunk,"

Sir Topham Hatt

said to his wife.

"And change into

them just before

"the photographs are taken."

Then he set off to

catch his train.

Percy was now working hard.

His fire was burning nicely,

and he had plenty of steam,

but he still thought

about scarves.

He saw them everywhere he went.

"My funnel's cold!

"My funnel's cold!" he puffed.

"I want a scarf!

"I want a scarf!"

"Rubbish Percy!" said Henry.

"Engines don't wear scarves."

"Engines with proper

funnels do," replied Percy.

"You've only got a small one."

Before Henry could

answer, Percy puffed away.

Henry snorted.

He was looking forward to

pulling the special train.

It was time for the photographs.

Everyone was excited.

Sir Topham Hatt was

waiting on the platform

for his trousers.

They were in a trunk amongst

a big load of baggage.

The porters were taking the

baggage trolley across the line.

They were walking backwards

to see that nothing fell off.

Percy was still being cheeky.

His driver always shut off

steam just outside the station.

Percy wanted to

surprise the coaches

by coming in as

quietly as he could,

but the porters didn't

hear him either.

Percy gave them such a fright

that boxes and bags

burst everywhere.

(air whistling)

(drum roll)

"Oh!" groaned Percy.

(trunk thudding)

(jam dripping)

(gloomy music)

Sticky streams of jam

trickled down Percy's face.

A top hat hung on his lamp iron.

Worst of all,

a pair of trousers coiled

lovingly around his funnel.

Everyone was very angry.

Sir Topham Hatt

seized the top hat.

"Mine!" he said.

"Percy look at this!"

"Yes sir, I am sir."

"My best trousers, too."

"Yes sir, please sir."

"We must pay the passengers

for their spoiled clothes,

"and my trousers are ruined.

"I hope this will

teach you not to play

"tricks with the coaches."

Percy went off to the yard.

He felt very silly.

On the way he met James.

(train whistle tooting)

"Hello, Percy.

"So you found a scarf, eh?

"But legs go in

trousers, not funnels!"

And he puffed away to

tell Henry the news.

That evening, Thomas and Percy

were resting in the shed.

Percy's driver had

taken away the trousers,

and given Percy a good rubdown.

"Firelighter's promised

to come early tomorrow,"

said Thomas.

Henry arrived.

He'd enjoyed taking

the visitors around,

and now felt sorry

for Percy, too.

"Driver says the weather

will be warmer tomorrow.

"You won't need a scarf Percy."

"Certainly not!," replied Percy.

"Engines don't need scarves.

"Engines need warm boilers.

"Everyone knows that!"

(upbeat music)
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