03x09 - Henry's Forest

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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03x09 - Henry's Forest

Post by bunniefuu »

(enchanted flute music)

("Thomas the Train theme song")

[ Narrator] - Henry The

Green Engine has lived

on the Island of

Sodor for many years.

He wouldn't want to

be anywhere else.

He likes every part

of it from the fields

filled with flowers to

the white sandy beaches.

But there is one place that

Henry always enjoyed visiting

more than any other.

His driver knew this, too.

Come on Henry, he

would sometimes say.

We've made good time today,

we'll stop for a while

by the forest.

Henry loved it here,

the forest was full

of broad oaks and tall pines.

(cheerful music)

Henry could remember

the day long ago

when he and Toby

brought some new trees

to be planted and

Terence and Trevor

helped haul them into place.

Now, he could see the trees

growing amongst the others

on the hillside.

Henry always felt

better for being here.

He couldn't really explain

why, but his driver understood.

It's peaceful, he said to Henry.

But one night,

everything changed.

(wind blowing)

(doors rattling)

The engines were

resting in the shed.

Listen, said Thomas.

Can you hear a strange

whistling sound?

It's the wind, blowing

outside our shed replied Toby.

But I've never heard

it like this before.

You know, added James, if

Gordon wasn't here now,

I'd say it was him thundering

by with the express!

All the engines

laughed, except Henry.

I hope the wind won't

harm the forest.

By morning, the

fierce winds had gone

but the damage was done.

Henry's driver came to

see him in the yard.

Trees have fallen on

the line, he said.

We must help clear the tracks.

Donald set off with

the breakdown train

and Henry followed.

Trees lay everywhere.

The hillside now looked so bare.

Henry felt sad.

What will happen

to all the animals

who live here, he thought.

(somber music)

When Henry's flat cars were

full of logs, he took them

to the timber mill where

they would be furniture

and other things.

Henry was glad the wood

was being put to good use.

But, he was still sorry to

lose part of his forest.

Oh dear, sighed Toby to Thomas.

I wish there was something

we could do to make

things better again.

Yes indeed, replied Thomas.

But what?

We can't mend broken trees.

Hello Toby, said

Sir Topham Hatt.

You do look glum.

I'm sad about the trees,

said Toby, and so is Henry.

The forest is a

special place to him.

Now, some of it is gone.

We'll soon put that right,

replied Sir Topham Hatt.

I have an important

job for you, Toby.

I would like you to take some

freight cars to the forest.

When the freight cars

arrived, Toby was delighted.

They were full of

splendid young trees

all ready for planting.

This is the best job I've

ever had, said Toby happily.

When Henry returned,

he was most surprised.

There were Terence and Trevor

busily helping the workmen

clear the torn

stumps and branches.

Look Henry, called Terence.

We're beginning again,

the hillside will look

better than ever

before, you'll see!

Now, whenever Henry stops

by the forest, he can see

the new trees growing

strong and tall.

Sometimes, everywhere

is very quiet.

And at other times, Henry

can hear leaves rustling

or a bird's wing

brushing the air.

Often, he can hear the distant

sound of children laughing.

And always, he is happy here.

("Thomas the Train Theme")
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