That's a Wrap (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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That's a Wrap (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(suspenseful music)

(phone beeps)

(ominous music)

- You wouldn't stand

me up, would you?

See you at the premiere.

(suspenseful music)

(insects chirping)

(keys jingling)

(car ignition beeping)

(footsteps clomping)

(suspenseful music)

(phone ringing)

(Alexis gasps)


- Hey, why are

you at the studio?

- How do you know where I am?

- I have an app that tracks you.

- [Alexis] Well, that's creepy.

- No, no, darling,

it's not creepy.

I'm your manager,

it's my job to look out for you.

- No, it's your

job to get me gigs.

- Is that what this is?

Is this a gig?

Did you book a gig

without telling me?

I still get my 10%,

you know, right?

- I came to visit a

friend from the movie.

- [Manager] Well, the wrap

party is tomorrow night,

it couldn't wait till then?

- I'm not going

to the wrap party.

- Why not?

- Because I'm only in

the opening of the movie.

Okay, look, I'm, I'm tired.

I, I just, I wanna go home.

- Long day on set, right?

- Goodbye.

(Alexis sighs)

(finger tapping)


(Alexis sighs)


- No, I'm sorry.

Apology for startling you.

I'm Wyatt, the new overnight

security here on the premises.

What brings you on

the property, miss?

- Hi, I, I, I'm Alexis.

Um, I'm just, I'm visiting

a friend from the studio.

- The movie studio, really?

I haven't met anyone from there.

So, uh, so you're an

actress or something?

- Um, yes.

- Wow.

So what have you been in?

Been in anything

I might've seen?

- No, probably not. (chuckles)

- Test me, I'm a bit of a

film aficionado you know.

- Have you seen "Amityville"--

- Yeah, Ryan Reynolds.

Dude's a beast in that.

That was a great movie.

- I was in "Amityville


- Oh, I haven't seen that one.

Any good?

- Should have been aborted.

- (laughs) I like your humor.

All right, well, I'm gonna

make the rest of my rounds.

I just was checking

if you were okay.

- Appreciate it.

- I'll be back.

Take care.

- Thank you.

(ominous music)


(car door bangs)

(electronic music)

Hard to forget where we are

when we're not where we want

And it's took

long enough by now


Hard to forget what we

wanted in the first place

Who's there?

I'm starting to get



I'm ready to stop and say

(music distorting and fading)

(suspenseful music)

(Alexis chuckles)

Very funny.

I thought you couldn't make it.

I'm not scared.

I welcome a rematch.

Maybe this time I'll

come out on top. (laughs)

Okay, you got me.

Ha, ha.


(tense suspenseful music)

(Alexis screams)

(ominous music)

(Alexis gasps)

(tense ominous music)

(suspenseful music)

(Alexis screaming)

(doorknob rattling)

(doorknob rattling)

(doorknob rattling)

(ominous music)

(door creaking)

(thunder rumbling)

(ominous piano music)

(thunder rumbling)

(thunder rumbling)

(chair rattling)

(thunder rumbling)

(Alexis gasping)

(thunder rumbling)

(suspenseful music)

(thunder rumbling)

(thunder rumbling)

(rain pattering)

(suspenseful music)

Please don't.

(knife slashes)

(Alexis screams)

(Alexis groans)

(knife slashing)

(Alexis groaning)

(knife slashing)

(Alexis groaning)

(knife slashing)

(Alexis groaning)

(knife slashes)

(ominous music)

(suspenseful music)

(ominous music)

- [Harper] You f*cking

heard of mistress?

(suspenseful music)

- [Jamie] So many people have

died there over the years.

(knife slashes)

(dramatic music)

- Oh.

(dramatic music stops)

f*cking beautiful.

- You did a great job, honey.

- It's a masterpiece.

- I think everyone's

gonna be so surprised

that you got something

cut together already.

- Something?

This is everything I

wanna say as a filmmaker.

- Of course.

How do I look?

- Uh, you look nice.

(ominous music)

Hold on.

What do you think

of this turtleneck?

- You look handsome.

- Yeah, that's what I figured.

Listen, I'm gonna watch

this one more time

before I finish getting ready.

- The photographer's

gonna be there in an hour.

- Yeah, can you shut the

door on your way out?

(ominous music)

(footsteps receding)

Mason f*cking Maestro.

Maybe I should be

a bit more ashamed

I'm not gonna play pretend

(camera clicks)

I need a dose

of toxic, toxic

(camera clicks)

I'm so f*cking

lovesick, lovesick

(camera clicking)

Now your hands on my neck

Cheap whiskey on your tongue

(camera clicking)

Caesar doesn't love me,

I just make him feel young

He says breathing's

a disease

So I'm coughing up my lungs

In the beats, I'm on my

knees, your good little sub

You're underneath my skin,

crawling from within

Babe, I've got an

itch for your love

I need another hit

Need another binge

Need another

lick of your love

Oh, oh

I need a dose

of toxic, toxic

I'm so f*cking

lovesick, lovesick

I wanted

Something good, just

anything but you

You push me away


You lost again, I'm through

(group chattering)

I wish of you again

- Is that it?

- Yes, I'm afraid so.

- Oh, well, it's still

the full rate. (chuckles)

- Of course.

Aiming to please you

I wish of you again

It's all there.

- So it is.

I'll send you the pics tomorrow.

A week at the latest.

- Oh, no.

We get the card tonight.

- Oh, really?

What you don't trust me?

Jesus, people are all the same.

- Thank you.

Now I have to get

back to the soiree.

I'll walk you out.

- You know, I hustled

to get here on time.

- You were late.

- You know, I was hoping to

stay for a bit, you know,

maybe have some drinks and

hors d'oeuvres. (laughs)

- I'm so sorry, it

is a private event.

- Yeah, unbelievable.

Oh, one more thing.

- Yes.

- If you ever need an actor

for something, let me know.

I'm SAG eligible now.

- Noted.

- Now...

I'll walk you out.

(fast tempo music)

I'm not gonna play pretend

I need a dose

of toxic, toxic

(glass clanging)

- Could I get everyone's

attention please?

Thank you.

First, wanna thank

you for all coming.

You may have noticed that

there's no crew members here.

Well, other than me, the

writer and the director.

But you know that.

And let's be honest,

it's the two most important

crew positions anyway.

Am I right?

(ominous music)

(chuckles) I'm just kidding.

(chuckles) Tough crowd.

Anyway, the crew was fantastic.

Under my direction they did

everything I asked them to do,

and that's what

a good crew does.

They support the vision

completely, and they did.

So much so, that they're

all currently working

on a film in

Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Thanks to my lovely wife.

- They're all amazing

and do deserve equal credit

for bringing your

vision to life, dear.

- Absolutely.

I wish they could all be here,

but I'm glad that

you're all here.

I'm sorry I couldn't allow

you to bring anyone with you.

You'll know the reason soon.

It's the same reason why

I had to take your phones

when you arrived.

No leaks allowed.

But before that, let me

share something with you.

Filmmaking is...

not an easy undertaking,

especially on the

independent level.

It's been my dream since

I was young to make film,

to be able to stand here now

and know that I've succeeded

is mind blowing.

I, I really

appreciate all of you.

And I especially

want to thank Harper

for all of her hard work.

It was a physically

demanding role

and she put everything

she had into it.

And then last but not least,

I want to give a special

shout out to Alexis,

who couldn't be here tonight.

She may only have been in

the opening of the film,

but those scenes set the tone.

She's the Janet

Leigh, Drew Barrymore,

and Amanda Wyss of this film.

Her death was the catalyst

to my dreams coming true.

And now I'm gonna make

your dreams come true.

Ladies and gentlemen, I

give you our teaser trailer.

(group clapping)

(Lily sighs)

(ominous music)

- [Harper] You f*cking

heard of mistress?

(suspenseful music)

- [Jamie] So many people have

died there over the years.

(knife slashes)

(dramatic music)

(ominous music)

(group clapping)

(suspenseful music)

(group screaming)

(slasher grunts)

(knife slashing)

(Mason laughing)

- Just kidding.

Come on, celebrate my movie.


(group clapping)

(fast tempo electronic music)

- Well, here's to us.

- To us.

(glasses clang)

- I think you are going

to be very famous.

- I don't care

about any of that.

I just want to do good work.

I'm happy about this one.

- Yeah.

- Your husband wrote

a great script.

- That he did.

You got something to show,

'cause tonight--

- And you gave a

great performance.

- Thank you.

All right

Let's get in motion

Move your hips to the beat

- Your husband, he, uh-

- Yeah.

I, I should go congratulate him.

Please, excuse me.

On a romantic video night

Let's roll the camera,

action and light

On a romantic video night

- Here's do you, Mistress.

Come see our midnight

passion ignite

On a video night

So what'd you think?

- You said you were going

make an artistic drama.

- It is.

- [Producer] It's

horror bullshit.

- You gotta see

it in its entirety

in order to get the layers.

- [Producer] You are going

to talk to my lawyers.

Your ass will be destroyed.

(ominous music)

- So, what did he think?

- How honest do

you want me to be?

- Well, you know,

honesty matters to me.

I'm your director with

the power supply

- He f*cking loved it.

I got the message

from the look in your eye

- Well, well.

- (scoffs) I keep

reaching for my phone.

- I'm actually glad

I don't have mine.

We're free.

Like a ship to the shore

- Well, I feel naked without it.

- Can I ask you a question?

- Of course.

- You got naked in

the movie, right?

- Yeah.

- Like all the way naked?

- Full frontal.

- How are you able to do that?

On a romantic video night

- Well, first I take my

clothes off. (laughs)

- No way, that's what I do too.

(Molly laughs)

- No, no, no, no.

I mean, like, how are you able

to do it in front of people?

- I don't know.

I've just always been

comfortable in my own body.

I believe in exploring every

inch of it whenever possible.

On a romantic video night

Shit, I might just rub one

out in the shower later.

Squirt everywhere. (laughs)

- Girl, I think Carter's

thirsty for you.

- No, we're just friends.

- He was your

friend in the movie.

He can be more in real life.

- I'm not that type of girl.

- Uh-huh.

I bet by the end of the night

you'll be getting

nailed on a side stage.

(Molly laughing)

- Ew.

- What do you think of Lana?

- Stoney, I think our

boy Carter has a crush.

- (scoffs) Nevermind.

- No, no, no.

We filmed together

for three weeks

and this is the first time I

hear you talking about a girl.

- You never talk about girls.

- Duh.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- [Troy] Really?

Oh, um, let me properly

explain this to you.


am gay.

- Oh.

- And in case you didn't

know, I am a stoner.

- That I picked up on.

- Okay, okay, cool.


As long as you knew something.

- That, that was pretty clear.

(fast tempo dance music)

- What was your first clue?

- The smell of weed.

- [Stoney] Oh.

- This party's lame as f*ck.

- What do you mean?

- Well, look around.

There's hardly anyone here.

- It's a wrap party,

not a f*cking disco.

This is people celebrating

the end of the experience, man.

One that lives forever.

It's us saying, wow, we did it.

- Still lame.

(knife clangs)

- Better look out, Richter.

Someone's trying

to steal your job.


- We'll see about that.

Ebbs and flows

- [Molly] Get 'em.

All, all, all around me

like an echo, echo, echo

- Hey, look, she's alone.

Now's your chance.

- [Carter] (sighs) Okay.

- You got it, you

got it, got it.

It's outta my hands

- Hey, you look like you

could use some company.

Can't fight it anymore

- Hi.

- Hi.

'Cause you pull the

strings and I move in time

- [Harper] Hey.

I can't control

- Hey, I just wanted to

say how wonderful it was

to work with you.

- Thank you.

I had fun with our scenes.

To you...

- Any advice for a

struggling actor?

- We are all struggling.

Don't be fooled into

thinking it's any other way.

Never be afraid to say no.

And it's totally okay to

tell people to f*ck off

if they deserve it.

Don't let

- [Lana] Wait, so you

bought a line in the movie?

Go by

- Yeah, best thousand

bucks I ever spent.

- Mm, that's cool.

I'm glad you had the opportunity

to experience life on set.

Was it always a dream of yours?

- Yeah.

- Me too.

So, what do you do for a living?

- I'm an actor.

- Oh.

Oh, sorry.

So you've been on set before?

- No, this is my first project,

but it's gonna

lead to many more.

I'll buy a few more roles and

then I'll be off and running.

I'll do anything to be a star.

- [Lana] Oh, okay.

(footsteps approaching)

- So, why don't you work

on some no budget films

or take some acting classes,

gain some experience?

- f*ck that.

I'm not gonna work on some

"Shot on Shitteo" thing.

That stuff is way beneath me.

- I did a ton of shitty

movies in the beginning.

It's all part of the process.

You learn what to do and more

importantly what not to do.

- Oh, I know what

you actresses do.

This is pure insanity

- You do, huh?

Please, enlighten me.

- You f*ck for parts.

That's the power women have.

You open your legs and then

you get to open the scripts.

- That's f*cking bullshit.

- Oh, you're saying

it doesn't happen?

- Of course it happens,

but it shouldn't.

The men who require

that are pieces of shit.

- Oh, so it's the man's fault.

What about the women that do it?

- They're just as bad.

Some women don't care

what precedent it sets.

It sets an expectation.

The women who f*ck for roles

are just as bad as

the men who expect it.

And I have no love for either.

This chance, go by

So kindly f*ck off.

Just open up

- She must be on her period.

Your mind

Remind me, what role

is she in the film?

- Gretchen, she's

the final girl.

- Interesting.

- Okay, bye then.

Like an echo

- Um, what was that all about?

- He thinks all women

F-U-C-K for parts.

- Gross.

- I know.

You guys haven't

done that, have you?

- Hell no.

But I've sucked a few cocks.

(Molly laughs)

- (gasps) I borrowed this.

- Oh my god, oh my God,

oh, my God, oh my God.

- It's ruined!

- [Lana] No, I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to.

That was totally an accident.

That C-O-C-K made me choke.

- Best ones do.

Don't let this chance go by

(tongue clicks)

(liquid pouring)

Just open

- A lot of these women here

could take this whole thing,

if you know what I mean.

And I'll be your echo

- I don't appreciate

the vulgarity.

I think it's time

for you to leave.

- Now?

- Yes.

- Fine.

Party sucks anyway.


(Lily scoffs)

I'm your echo

(suspenseful music)

Hey, Blondie.

f*ck you.

You shouldn't even be here.

You weren't even in the movie.

Ooh, I'm so scared.

(knife whooshes)

[Jamie] There's no way I'm

dying off camera.

(knife slashes)

(dramatic music)

(water splashing)

- Can't believe this.

(Molly exhales)

(Molly exhales)

Really, really?

(necklace clanging)

(Molly sighs)

(Molly sighs)

Soap, soap, soap, soap, soap?


Should work.

(tense ominous music)

(Molly sighs)

(water splashing)

(knocking on door)


(Molly groans)

(pounding on door)

(suspenseful music)

(door clicks)

(ominous music)

(curtains rustling)

(skeleton thuds)

(Molly screams)

(Molly gasps)

(Molly chuckles)

Even in death.

(suspenseful music)

(Molly sighing)

(water splashing)

(gentle music)

(Molly moaning)

(Molly panting)

(Molly moaning)

(ominous music)

(Molly panting)

(Molly moans)

Much better.

(Molly chuckling)

(suspenseful music)

(Molly screaming)

(knife slashing)

(Molly screaming)

(Molly groaning)

(knife slashing)

(Molly groaning)

(flesh tearing)

(water splashing)

(dramatic music)

- [Lana] She's been

gone a long time.

Should I go check on her?

- She probably left.

- Oh, you think so?

I feel horrible.

- [Amber] Shit

happens, it's fine.

- Ladies.

So tell me, how impressed

were you by the teaser?

- I thought it was great.

- I think it's amazing.

You put it together so quick.

- Well, I knew

exactly what I wanted.

It's a product of having

such a clear vision.

Now I call it a teaser,

but let's be honest,

it could be the final trailer.

It's that g*dd*mn good.

I cut it on a--

- You know, Molly's

been gone for a while,

so I'm just gonna

go check on her.

(footsteps receding)

- What do you know

about editing software?

- Not much.

- (chuckles) Well,

you're in luck.

It's all about

proper transitions.

When to cut out of a scene.

(dramatic music)

(footsteps approaching)

(ominous music)

(fast tempo electronic music)

- [Lily] Have you seen Mason?

- Yeah, he was just, he

was just talking to Lana.

- Oh, thank you.

(ominous music)

- I can see you standing

there like a creeper.

(chuckles) I'll give you

this, you are committed.

What did they get you

from Central Casting?

(scoffs) If you think

you're gonna get a show,

you are sorely mistaken.


Is this what you want?

Well, here you go.

Now you can exit the scene.


(keys clicking)

- [Follower] Hey Amber,

just wanted to say good morning.

I hope you have a

really good day.

Really excited for

tonight's live stream

and just can't wait, just

can't wait to see your face.

(phone swipes)

Hey Amber Bear,

um, quick question.

Uh, this is gonna sound weird,

but I sent you that video of

the red panda with the flowers.

It was like super cute and I

thought it would make your day.

Um, and then whoever

Scott Barnes 75 is

sent you literally the same

one but 22 minutes later.

And I just, I noticed

you liked that one,

but you didn't even

acknowledge mine.

(Amber scoffs)

(phone swipes)

Um, hey Amber, I just have a,

like a really quick question,

but it's something that I

need to like, like have a,

like a more of like a private

conversation with you.

Um, so if you could DM me back

a phone number, like I won't,

I won't share it with the group.

I would never, you know,

I would never do that.

(phone swipes)

Hey Amber Bear, just

saying goodnight

and I hope tomorrow

is a better day.

And um--

(phone swipes)

Why are you still ignoring me?

(Amber scoffs)

You're gonna regret it.


- [Lily] He sounds nice.

- Oh, he's just one

of my followers.

- Followers?

You have a cult?

- Internet followers,

social media.

- I'm just kidding.

I'm not that old, I do

understand social media.

I just don't have as

many followers as you do.

What's your secret?

- I pay for them.

Lots of people do.

It helps the brand.

- Brand, huh?

I remember when it was

just about the acting.

- Yeah, well if it was

just about the acting,

I wouldn't get any work.

- Don't say that, dear.

You were really very

good in this film.

- Thank you.

I'm sorry about the phone.

- How'd you get him back anyway?

I know you turned them in.

- Oh, phones are like vibrators,

you should always have

a backup. (chuckles)

But I, I'll totally

turn it in if you want.

It's just that I

really do need it.

My brand dies if I can't

talk to my followers.

(Lily chuckles)

- Just don't worry

about it, dear.

Just don't let Mason

catch you with it.

There's no telling what

he might do to you.

- Yeah. (giggles)

- Speaking of Mason, have

you seen him anywhere?

I can't find him.

- Um, no.

But if I see him, I will

tell him that you're looking.

- Thank you.

- Uh-huh.

(footsteps receding)

(ominous music)

- [Troy] Dude, it

is now or never.

Timing's everything

- What if it doesn't go my way?

I, I would be crushed.

- Oh, stop being a little

bitch, go talk to her.

- Little bitch?


We put it on the line

and I know

- Come on.

We're gonna work this vibe

and I know

(ominous music)

[Harper] Here's your mark.

You've landed.

This feeling

- [Carter] Hi.

- [Lana] Hi.

- Jesus Christ, now

I'm the damn AD.

Than I've ever been

Don't you rush this,

timing's everything

- Um, I need to Ten One.

We've got nothin' to lose

- I like her.

- Me too.

So let's ride this groove

'cause I know

- Where are you going?

- Oh, I really do have

to use the bathroom.

And I know, I know

- You should use the one at

the end of the red hallway.

They got a bidet and

it's hella groovy.

- Oh, okay.

Uh, uh, uh, uh

I'm a nice girl who

likes nice things

Keep me happy

Keep me icy

Give me what I want

- Oh, you again?

Want to see ya

I need the uh, uh

I need it now


Why the f*ck are there

rave lights in here?

And why the f*ck did no

one tell me? (giggles)

Give me what I want

(ominous music)



I'm not gonna stop

until you explode

Nuh uh, nuh uh, uh, nuh uh

I guess that's okay.

But no funny business,

shoulders only.

And of course the tatas

are absolutely off limits.

(suspenseful music)


(chuckles) Don't tell

me to do hair too.

(Amber screaming)

(Amber screaming)

Nuh uh, nuh uh

(Amber gagging)

(Amber groaning)

Nuh uh, uh, nuh uh

Nuh uh, nuh uh, uh, uh

(Amber gagging)

Send a check on wire

And I'll take you higher

So give me, give

me what I want

So good at getting

what I want

I need the uh,

uh, I need it now

I got the uh, uh

Nuh uh, uh, nuh uh

- [Stoney] Hey man.

- What are you doing?

- Just chilling.

- Cool, cool, cool.

'Cause I'm hot,

I'm fire

I'm gonna head

back to the party.

On fire

- Well come chill

with me for a second.

So give me,

give me what I want

I won't bite.

I'm good at getting

what I want

I need the uh, uh,

I need it now

I got the uh, uh

Going down

What you got, boy

It's not enough

Wouldn't it be cool though?

- Hmm?

- If I were a vampire and

I actually did bite you.

I want the load

- Um.

Serve myself on top

I'm gonna stop until

they explode

Can they handle it

Nuh uh, nuh uh

So, I guess I'm a vampire now.

- Yeah.

Well but you'd actually have to,

you know, drink

my blood but yeah.

- Right, right, right.

- Well, when you're ready to

suck though, just let me know.

- All right.

Nuh uh, nuh uh

All right.

(both laughing)

All right.

(brooding music)

(Lily inhaling deeply)

(Lily exhaling)

- What are you

doing in here alone?

- Uh, reflecting.

- On the good or the bad?

- Both.

- I'll drink to that.

You want one?

- No thanks.

I need to stay straight.

- [Stoney] So when did you know?

- Know what?

- That you were gay?

- Oh, character development.

(sighs) Um...

Ever since I could remember.

Drag me down to

hell and chain me

- How old were you

when you came out?

- 20.

- And your parents,

how'd they take it?

- They already knew.

- Did you get caught wearing

a dress or something?

Buy what you give

is not enough

- Contrary to what

people believe,

gay men are just

like straight men.

We like sports.

- I hate sports.

- Didn't grow up

playing with dolls.

- I played with dolls.

Well, action figures.

But who we kidding. (laughs)

Toxic tendencies

Do-mi-nating me

(Troy clicks tongue)

- Coming out, was one of the

most freeing days of my life.

I was so nervous and it

seemed like such a big deal.

It's amazing how

normal it is to be gay.

What you give is not enough

- And a pothead.

- Hmm.

- I mean, we live in LA, right?

- Yeah.

- It's like the land

of stoners and gays.

It's like heaven for us.

- Yeah.

- When it's my turn, to

ascend to the upper room,

Here we are now

we're circling

I'm gonna go high.

- I can't believe I'm just

pouring my heart out to you.

Why the sudden interest?

I deserve this

Are you gay?

- Nah, nah.

I have earned this

Is this love

Or codependency

I want you

- Are you sure?

You want the ownership of me

- Nah.

I'm so done

I've had enough

But then it stays the same

'Cause change that

shit's tough

- [Lily] I just realized, I

don't know anything about you.

- What do you wanna know?

- Oh, um, you got

a man in your life?

- No, I'm focused on my career.

- There is room for both, dear.

- I've tried.

Most men can't handle it.

They don't understand

when it comes to a

sex scene in a movie,

there's nothing

sexy on set at all.

It's awkward.

And there's more

laughter than anything.

(Lily laughs)

It isn't real.

- You know, there was a

minute where I thought

that I should have a

sex scene in this film.

You know, it seemed,

right for my character,

for the story, for the

insanity of it all.

I mentioned it to Mason, oh,

he was having no part of it.

So jealous.

He knew I did a bunch of those

scenes earlier in my career.

- Yep.

You and I both.

- Instead, he wrote

me a dance scene.

Can you believe that?

- I can.

You know sometimes, men suck.

The rough of it,

rough of it

Diamond in the

rough of it

Rough of it, rough

Here we are now we're

circling the drain

Got me locked up

in these chains

Tell me am I so insane

(suspenseful music)

To think that

I've earned this

Is this love or codependency

I want you to worship me

You want the ownership of me

I'm so done

I've had enough

But then it stays the same

'Cause change that

shit's tough

- (exhales) Yeah, I

think you might be gay.


- I don't know if I'm

ready to do that to you.

- That's fine.

You don't have to

do anything for me.

- I want to.


- Have you had sex with a woman?

- Plenty.

What you've given me is

still not enough

I'm a

- Meet me in stage

three in 15 minutes.


- Okay.

- Ah, I'm a bottom so.

- Cool.

What's a bottom?

(gentle music)

- I'm really glad we got to

spend this time together.

- Yeah.

Me too.

- Believe it or not,

I have not been looking

forward to tonight.

And you know, usually

I enjoy these things,


I've had a lot of

personal stuff going on.

- Mason?

- You're a bright girl.

You can figure it out.

Planning this has been

really difficult for me.

So many things can go wrong.

(suspenseful music)

(tongue clicking)

- Oh, you're early.

(tense ominous music)

Sorry, I thought you

were someone else.

Wow, you're actually better

than the guy we had on the film.

Hey, that's a prop, right?

(knife slashes)

(dramatic music)

(opera singing in

foreign language)

- [Lily] And speaking of

things going wrong,

I should go make sure that

everything is running smoothly.

You gonna stay here?

- Yeah.

I think I'll reflect for a bit.

(footsteps receding)

(ominous music)

- (chuckles) Oh, this

is one far out set.

Looks like a virgin's

p*ssy exploded in here.

(tense ominous music)

This is what Stoney needs.

Now it's time for

greener pastures.

(lighter clicks)


(ominous music)

(tense ominous music)

What the f*ck?

(Stoney chuckles)

What the f*ck is this?


Where's this shit coming from?

Yo, there's a f*cking

rat smoking in here.

Yo, Jerry.

Yo, share the cheese,

my guy. (laughing)

Shit, don't make me call

f*cking Tom. (laughs)

(knife clangs)

(ominous music)

This looks like blood.

(Stoney sniffing)

Smell like it too.

Tastes like it.

(Stoney chuckles)

(Stoney chuckles)

Yo, this shit is like lube.

(pants unzipping)

(Stoney chuckles)

Yo, Troy, where you at?

(suspenseful music)

(fast tempo suspenseful music)

(knife slashes)

(dramatic music)

(slow tempo western music)

(footsteps approaching)

(ominous piano music)

(suspenseful music)

(door clicking)

(Mason screams)

- Jesus Christ, you almost

gave me a heart attack.

- What are you doing in here?

- Was checking the

security footage.

- [Lily] What did you see?

- Nothing, the system's down.

Probably an outage somewhere.

- What's the deal with the wig?

- Oh, this.

I found it on the floor.

I thought maybe it'd

make me look cool.


(Lily sighs)


No, huh?

Because I'm already cool.

- Yes.

- That's why I married you.

Let's get a drink.

- [Lily] Please.

(footsteps receding)

(suspenseful music)

In this state

- [Lana] Oh my goodness.

- Yeah, it was so embarrassing.

- (Lana laughing)

- I came in mid conversation,

so I had no idea what

they were laughing about

so I just joined in.

Ah, yeah.

So how about you, did you have

any favorite scenes to sh**t?

- I really loved

the asylum stuff.

- Oh, I heard that

was pretty cool.

- Yeah.

- I never even got

to see the set.

- Really?

You never even

wandered over there?

- No, I didn't wanna

get in trouble.

(Lana giggles)

- Do you wanna go now?

- Do you think that'd be okay?

- I mean, I don't see why not.

I feel like everyone's

wandered off.

- Okay, lead the way.

City lights are shining,

all the stars aligning

- [Lily] Oh, young love,

how I miss it.

Now there's no more hiding

- You wanna go watch 'em?

No more tears for crying

- You're kidding, right?

- Of course I am.

Cross my heart and

hope to die

'Cause I feel so lonely

Where the f*ck is everybody?

- I have no idea.

- Maybe I should go look.

I lose my grip, oh no

- You just never change do you?

- What?

- I'll go.

(dramatic music)

- [Mason] Everybody

having a good time?

- [Lana] This brings

back memories.

Come on.

Welcome to Vooleach Asylum.

- This is pretty awesome.

- Right?

You should have seen it

when it had all its

set dressings up.

- Oh, I bet.

Was it this dark and

ominous when you shot?

(ominous music)


(distant clang)

(ominous music)

(suspenseful music)

(Lana screams)

(Lana laughs)

- [Lana] Gotcha. (laughs)

- I'll give you that one.

- So what do you think

about the set now?

- Creepy red lights.

- Hmm, yeah.

Mason wanted it to be

vibrant like giallo.

- Oh, red jello, makes me think

of being in the hospital.

- Not jello, giallo.

- Oh yeah, giallo.

- Do you know what

that is? (chuckles)

- Would you think less

of me if I said no?

- Of course not.

- Well then, no.

(Lana giggles)

- It's a stylish horror film.

Super gory.

(ominous music)

- Oh, kind of like

what we just made.

- Yeah.

I'm surprised Mason

didn't tell you about it.

He literally spent 20 minutes

telling me about

it in the audition.

- I didn't audition.

- What?


- AA.

- Affirmative action?

- No.

Alcoholics Anonymous.

- (chuckles) Oh.

- Yeah.

I had some issues as a teenager.

Got into an accident,

ended up in the hospital.

- Hence the red jello.

- Yep.

Luckily I was the

only one who was hurt.

AA really helped.

- And you met Mason there?

- No.

- Then who?

- I can't say.

(Lana chuckles)

It's supposed to be anonymous.

I've already said too much.

(Lana chuckles)

- Let me guess, now

you have to k*ll me.

- Oh, that's usually how

the scripted dialogue goes.

- Spoiler alert.

In case you didn't

read the whole thing,

this is where I die.

- I know, I read the script.

- You know I never

understood people

that only read their parts.

- Hmm, some people just wanna

be surprised by what happens.

- So let's surprise them.

- How?

- Let's, let's F-U-C-K

all over this set.

- Okay.

(Lana laughs)

- A-Y.

- Get your, D-O-N-G hard.

- Prepare your T-W-A-T.

(Lana giggles)

- It's already marinating.

You make me feel alive again

- [Mason] Vroom, vroom.

Feels like I'm

dreaming, dreaming

Take me to places

I've never been

All of the feelin', feelin'




(woman vocalizing)

Vroom. Vroom.

Love is so, us

(ominous music)

(Mason sighs)

f*ck this.

Coulda let down my guard

Didn't wanna fall hard

I'll tell you

- [Lana] Yes, yes.

- (Carter panting)

(both moaning)

(ominous music)

(both moaning)

- [Lana] Oh, my gosh!

(both moaning)

F-U-C-K me.

F-U-C-K me!

(both moaning)

Harder, harder.

- I can't.

- Please try.

- I like--

- Oh, please, please try.

- Okay.

- [Lana] Oh my gosh, yes!

F-U-C-K me. (moaning)

Harder, harder.

- I can.

- Oh, my gosh,

S-E-X is so fun.

- Oh, yeah.

- Oh.

- Oh, yeah.

- Oh.

(both moaning)

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah.

(Lana and Carter moaning)

(nail g*n fires)

(Carter moaning)

(Carter moaning)

- Oh, oh.

Oh, you're amazing.

Oh, oh, oh, that was unexpected.

(Carter panting)

Any other surprises?

(suspenseful music)



(tense ominous music)

Who the--


(nail g*n bangs)

(Carter groaning)

(body thuds)

(Carter groaning)

No. (groaning)

(Carter groaning)

(hammer thudding)

(dramatic music)

(door opening)

(door closing)

(suspenseful music)

- Awesome.

(footsteps approaching)

(door clicks)

(Lily gasps)

(suspenseful music)

(fast tempo suspenseful music)

(door bangs)

(Lily gasps)

(ominous music)

(plastic rustling)

(tense ominous music)



(chuckles) I see where

you've been hanging out at.

Very funny.

Ha, ha, joke's on me.


(suspenseful music)

(Harper screaming)

(fast tempo suspenseful music)

(Harper panting)

(Harper grunting)

(Harper grunting)

(ominous music)

(Harper groaning)

(Harper groans)

(fast tempo suspenseful music)

(Harper panting)

(doorknob rattling)

Come on, m*therf*cker.

Let's party.

(Harper grunts)

(glass shattering)

(Harper grunting)

(loud thud)

(ominous music)

(Harper groaning)

(chair creaking)

Lily, Lily, wake up.

- [Lily] Uh, what's going on?

- Some f*ck is k*lling people.

- I, I don't understand.

- Whomever you hired

to dress as a slasher

is some kind of psycho.

- (groans) No, that can't be.

- How do you explain this?

- I was trying to find you.

I went looking for you.

You did this.

(suspenseful music)

- That's not possible.

I'm tied up just like you.

(fast tempo ominous music)

- I'm, not tied up.

How's that for a twist?

(dramatic music)

Welcome to the final act.

- Why are you doing this?

- Ooh, look at you.

No begging, no pleading,

just going right to motive.

- And I'm guessing you

have a monologue prepared.

This is your big moment.

Let's hear it.

- You do not get the

honor of directing me.

- [Harper] Directing means

you got the part.

Bitch, you're auditioning.

- I don't audition.

- And that's why you only get

roles in your husband's films.

- I've been in over

200 films in my career.

- Yeah.

And only three of them are good,

including the one we're

here celebrating tonight.

You know, the one I starred in?

- Oh, aren't you the cocky c**t?

- I'm confident, brutally

honest, and I know my value,

which generally means

people think I'm a bitch.

- So now you're going for

little sisterly bonds,

woman power shit.

- We should be working together

and supporting one another

but that doesn't happen.

Women are the first to talk

shit and play catty games.

Well, I don't play games.

I'm blunt and I'm honest.

Yet, that gets looked down upon.

While you pretend to be nice,

your best acting

performance by the way,

you're the real bitch

behind the scenes.

I mean, how many people

have you k*lled tonight?

- Oh, I didn't

k*ll anyone, dear.

It was the slasher.

I'm a victim just like you.

But between us girls, I'm

totally aroused. (chuckles)

- So where is he?

- Darling, it's

your time to shine.

(suspenseful music)

- Oh, hi Mason.

(Harper scoffs)

(gentle ominous music)

Now that you've finished

whatever the f*ck that was,

why don't you take off your mask

and face me like

a man, you p*ssy?

(suspenseful music)

(door clicks)

Oh, god.

(Lily laughing)

(knife slashes)

(Harper groaning)

(Harper coughing)

(ominous music)

- Now you're trying to

figure out who it could be.

You've seen a lot of bodies.

Who's left?

Time for the big reveal.

(fast tempo suspenseful music)

(ominous music)

- Surprised? (laughing)

I told you I'd do

anything to be a star.

I'm finally going to

be a famous actor.

I'm gonna be on the

cover of, of magazines.

I'm gonna be on

all the talk shows.

You wanna know why?

Because Lily and I are

gonna be the only ones

that survive tonight.

This movie's gonna

get so much press.

I'm gonna become

internationally known.

I'm gonna have paparazzi

coming after me from everywhere

and I'm gonna have

my pick of women.

Yeah, but I only f*ck models.

Maybe some actresses that

wanna be in my movie but...

Oh, maybe I'll, I'll f*ck

them in my private jet.

I've never been

in a private jet.

This is so exciting.


I've earned this.

I deserve this.

I worked my ass off.

Such a shame you

won't be around to see it.

So, Miss Stuck Up Bitch,

what do you have

to say about that?

(Harper laughs)

- At a thousand dollars a line,

I'd say you owe the

production like...

15 grand.

- Make all the jokes you want.

This plan is foolproof.

Once you're dead, I'm

gonna put this costume

back on the extra

that we hired tonight

and all the murders and the

evidence are right on here.

Told you...


- You must not be a

fan of forensic TV.

- I hate that shit.

- [Harper] And that's why it

didn't dawn on you

that they'd be able to tell

that the first one k*lled,

was your supposed k*ller.

(tense dramatic music)

- Is that true?

(scissors thud)

(Jamie screaming)

(body thuds)

- I decided to cut him out.

- Yeah, he sucked.

- Ruined the f*cking trailer.

(ominous music)

- You never did answer me.

Why are you doing this?

(flesh tearing)

- I've been in so many

terrible productions

and I never complained.

You know, I, I put my head down.

I did the work.

I paid my dues.

I've earned a break.

It's my time now.

I deserve to be

an A-list actress.

(Harper laughing)

- [Harper] That's it?

(Harper groans)

That big speech.

- The tears in the rain speech

in "Blade Runner"

was only 42 words.

- Yeah, but each

word was perfect.

And you aren't Rutger Hauer.

- Okay.

How's this?

You're right.

The roles have dried up for me.

Throughout my career,

I spent so many nights

alone and crying.

(suspenseful music)

(flesh tearing)

(Lily groaning)

(ominous music)

Some of the pain is physical.

You think you have it hard now,

try being an actress

in my generation.

The things we had to endure.

The leers, the groping.


so much worse.

(Lily groaning)

(flesh tearing)

This industry...

takes a piece of your heart,

with every rejection.

But you handle it.

It's part of the life.

You find a way to keep going.

Sometimes it's like

taking your r*pist out

for breakfast in the morning.

(tense ominous music)

(flesh tearing)

(Lily groaning)

You endure.

But you never heal.

It's wounds, always there,

festering reminders

of all the times

that you weren't good enough.

(Lily chuckles)

And I'm one of the blessed ones.

I have a husband,

who's a director

and he owns his own studio.

That's not why I married him.

(Lily groaning)

(Lily groaning)

(flesh tearing)

I married him

because I loved him

and he loved me.

At least he did.

And then he started sleeping

with all the other actresses.

Just became another one of

the people that I loathed.

Was no better than all the

others who mistreated me.

(suspenseful music)

(Lily groaning)

(flesh tearing)

Oh, what could I do?

Divorce him?

(ominous music)

(Lily scoffs)

I'd have nothing then.

I, I'd be right

back where I started

and I will not allow

that to happen.

I've given up too

much of my life.

Too much for this industry.


the roles have dried up,

(Lily scoffs)

but so have the tears.

(Lily groaning)

(flesh tearing)

So now I spill blood.

(Lily sighs)

(scissors clanging)

And why not?

Those in power have enough

blood on their hands.

(dramatic music)

It's my time now.

(dramatic music)

It's my time.

(brooding music)

(rain pattering)

- [Harper] Hey!

(suspenseful music)

(rope rustling)

I work in the same

industry as you.

(Harper groaning)

I'm used to getting

stabbed in the back.

(g*n bangs)

(Harper groans)

(dramatic music)

(body thuds)

(Harper coughing)

(Harper gasping)

- You okay?

- She...

- I am now.

(melancholic music)

(ominous music)

(Lily sniffles)

(Lily exhales)

(suspenseful music)

That's a wrap.

(dramatic music)

(electronic music)

Hard to forget where we are

When we're not where we want

And it's took

long enough by now

Hard to forget what we

wanted in the first place

I'm starting to

get frustrated

I'm ready to stop and say

I'm not holding

back this time

I'm ready to stop and say

But we're running

out of time

(woman vocalizing)

(woman vocalizing)

Lying here, you

can have my body

When you're through

you can take my soul

Never felt such a

warmth surround me

And I don't want to go home

Lying here, you

can have my body

When you're through

you can take my soul

Never felt such a

warmth surround me

And I don't want to go home

Blacked out, I feel nothing

Soft lips, falling into sin

Your hips

I feel something

Grab them, pull them

in, and it begins

Blacked out, I feel nothing

Soft lips, falling into sin

Your hips

I feel something

Grab them, pull them

in, and it begins

Lying here, you

can have my body

When you're through

you can take my soul

Never felt such a

warmth surround me

And I don't want to go home

Lying here, you

can have my body

When you're through

you can take my soul

Never felt such a

warmth surround me

And I don't want to go home

I feel you in my bones,

just like the last time

I know it hurts to hear,

but I just I need some time

To figure out just

what I'm trying to say

I know sometimes my

heart deceives me

And it leads me astray

I feel you in my bones,

but it's the last time

I know it hurts to hear,

but we're just out of time

Can't figure out just

what I'm trying to say

I know sometimes my

heart deceives me

But my brain is

yelling run away

(ominous music)
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