Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Man of Sorrows. What a name ♪

♪ For the Son of God, Who came ♪

♪ Ruined sinners to reclaim ♪

♪ Hallelujah. ♪

♪ What a saviour ♪

♪ Bearing shame and
scoffing rude ♪

♪ In my place condemned He stood ♪

♪ Sealed my pardon
with His blood ♪

♪ Hallelujah. ♪

♪ What a saviour ♪

♪ Guilty, vile and helpless we ♪

♪ Spotless Lamb of God was He ♪

♪ "Full atonement." can it be ♪

♪ Hallelujah. ♪

♪ What a saviour ♪

♪ When He comes, our
glorious King ♪

♪ All His ransomed home to bring ♪

♪ Then anew His song we'll sing ♪

♪ Hallelujah. ♪

♪ What a saviour ♪

Remember that we
are all imperfect.

We see but in part.
We know but in part.

So let each of us study to approve

ourselves to God
through Jesus Christ.

As under the Redeemer's
gentle reign,

the wolf shall dwell
with the lamb,

and the leopard shall
lie down with the kid.

That's a repossession.

Got less than 1,000
miles on the clock.

- Hah.
- I wouldn't shit you, kid.

Hell, you kids are just too
damn smart this day and time.

- Try it on for size.
- Hey, thank you.

She's cleaner than a cat's ass.

Go on, kick her up.

How much?

She's practically brand-new, boy.

$3,000 and some change.

Well, I'm just looking, you know.

No, I don't know.

I mean, I don't know if you're man

enough to take on a car like this.

Are you?

I don't know. I have a wooden leg.

You're kidding?

You wouldn't kid about a
thing like that. Would ya?

I'm not kidding.


You never can tell.

Hey, come back here with my
car, you hippy sonofab*tch.

Come back. What are you
doing stealing my car?

A true Christian, like
his divine master,

is of a meek and forgiving temper.

He owes no man anything
but to love one another.

And he overcomes evil with good.

Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth, peace and
goodwill towards men.





- I thought you were the heat.
- Do I look like heat?

You look like one
crazy sonofab*tch

for a preacher, I'll tell ya that.

Who's that guy back
there in the wheat?

Old friend.

With friends like that,
you don't need enemies.

Which way are we headed?


All right, which way
are you headed?


South's all right with me.

- You must like my driving.
- I love it.

Ever thought of doing
it professionally?




You got blue eyes. All great race

champions have blue
eyes. That's a fact.

And all preachers drink like
fish. That's another fact.

What's your name, boy?


You Indian?

No, just American.

♪ If I knew the way,
I'd go back home ♪

♪ But the countryside has changed
so much, I'd surely end up lost ♪

♪ Half-remembered names and
faces so far in the past ♪

♪ On the other side
of bridges that ♪

Were burned once they were crossed

♪ Tell me where, where
does a fool go ♪

♪ When there's no one left to ♪

♪ Listen to a story
without meaning ♪

♪ That nobody wants to hear ♪

♪ Tell me where, where
does a fool go ♪

♪ When there's no one
left to listen ♪

It's cold up here.

- How's your arm?
- Feels like lead.

Give me your belt, will ya?

Your belt, c'mon.

You ain't no country
preacher, preacher.

I can tell ya that. Who are ya?

Where are the licence plates?

Don't have any. I bagged it about

five minutes before
I ran into you.

Almost ran into you.

- You like to spend money?
- When I can get it.

Do you care how you get it?

No. If it doesn't
cost me too much.

Howdy. How's business?

In this business, you're always
one step away from bankruptcy.

Funny money, credits, speculation.

That ain't it. Somewhere in this

country's a little old
lady with $79.25.

The five cents is
a buffalo nickel.

That ain't it. If
she cashes in her

investment, whole
thing'll collapse.

General Motors, the Pentagon, the

two-party system and
the whole shebang.

Arnold, what is he saying to you?

That's it. We're all
running downhill. Gotta

keep running faster
or we'll fall down.

Arnold, what was he saying to you?


What did he say to you?

Did he insult you?

I don't wish to be
forward but we'd

like to exchange cars with you.

So the faster you get out, the
better it'll be for your ass.

- Arnold...
- Come on, out.

Arnold. Oh...

I thought we were only
gonna get plates?

We didn't have a screwdriver.

Hey, look at this, man. They got a

department store back
here. I like that.

Those clothes and your mouth,
you could be a big man.

Busy night.

I never paid for it in my life.

Sometimes you have
to pay for pleasure.

Not me. I've never paid for
it, I can tell you that.

Well, this is where I get out.

You sure don't know a good
thing when you see it, do you?

Hey, why don't you
take this watch, huh?

I want you to have it.

I don't want your watch, man.

I want your friendship.

I like you, that's all. I thought
we were getting to be friends.

We're good together.

Kid, you're ten years too late.

You sure are one lost
dude, aren't you?

- Thanks again.
- Yeah.


You're as young as you feel.


We gotta stop meeting like
this. People will talk.

Very funny.

No, with a preacher, especially.

Where there's smoke,
there's fire, you know?

How you all doing, Kitty?

Quick, get in. Quick.

Hey, what is this?

Why walk when you can ride?

You sonofab*tch. Let me
outta here right now.

Hey, what's the matter?
Don't you like my face?

You're the best-looking
face I've seen all day.

- Where are you taking me?
- Anywhere you say, sweetness.

- I'm hungry.
- Chilli, right?

- I didn't get your name.
- I didn't give it to ya.

My name is Lightfoot.

- Lightfoot?
- That's right.

That's a dumb name. What kind of
a person would name a kid that?

- What's your name?
- Melody.

Melody? That's not a dumb name?

Hey, maybe we had the same father.

Brought some goodies.

- Are you outta your mind?
- This is Gloria and Melody.

- Pleased to meet you.
- Melody, Gloria.

Go right in, ladies.

You're full of surprises.

Gloria has a great
ass, doesn't she?

It's the best I've ever seen.
Wouldn't you say that, Melody?

I just got out of a
bed to come here.

And I don't intend to jump
right back into one here.

Oh, I forgot to tell
ya. Gloria is yours.

Take it easy, Gloria.
You're k*lling me.

Where did you get all
those scars from?

Marines, Korea.

Oh, yeah? I heard about that w*r.


- What are you doing?
- Getting dressed.


So you can take me home.

You can stay here tonight.

No, I have to get home
before it's light out.

If you think I'm
leaving here at 3.30am

to take you wherever the
hell home is, you're crazy.

You'd better take
me or I'll walk out

of here stark-naked
and scream "r*pe".

Sure you will.

That would be stupid.



Do you think we should stay here?

Why not?

Get your clothes on.

Here's some money.
You can take a cab.

Sweets to the sweets.

How did you do?

Red-haired women are bad luck.

You sure that's their car?

That's their hearse.

Good morning.

Good morning, sweetness.

What'll it be?

I'm gonna have you.

And four scrambled
eggs, very loose.

Bacon, toast, coffee,

and American fries. You
got American fries?


American fries?


Just coffee, black. Thanks.

Ok. Thank you.

- God, it's poetry.
- Good jowl.

I love 'em like that.
Nice and tight. Jesus.

How you feeling today, preacher?

The clock uncoils the working day,

and he wakes up feeling
his youth has gone away.

Now what the hell
is that? A prayer?

A poem.

- A poem?
- Poetry.


You stick with me, kid.
You can live for ever.


You big sonofab*tch.

You must've been into something
very big, preacher. Very big.

I can't see.

- Damn, they're going fast.
- I can't see 'em.

I don't know how the hell I
coulda missed 'em so many times.

Hang on.

He went over the...

What do we do now, Red?


In a case like this,
you can't take

your hands off the
wheel for a second.

Get your hands on the wheel.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.


What do we do now, Red?

Shut up, Goody.

g*dd*mn ding-ding.

Yeah, transmission's finished.
Seals are all gone.

Cadillac's my car anyway.

Where are we now?

Hell's Canyon.

Snake River.

Mostly hunting camps
and sheep camps.

Up here, people's business
is nobody's but their own.

Delivery boat's gonna come by
pretty soon. The Idaho Dream.

Should take us right up the river.

Better off getting as far
away from me as you can, boy.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Lonely country, kid.

You got any people?

Hah. I don't even know
any more. That's weird.

Last time I saw any of
them I was just a kid.

I was a little too much
for them to handle.

So they sent me away to one
of these boarding schools.

And on the train I met this woman.

Oh, man.

So the next thing I
know, we're getting

off the train together
in New Orleans.

Two weeks later, I wake
up in some fleabag hotel.

Oh, God.

But we had ourselves
a good time, man.

So after her, things looked
good. I kept moving.

Now you can't stop?

Here she is.

Idaho Dream.

Did you see that? A
steelhead, man. Beautiful.

Did you see that?


Well, my good friend, we're broke.
Do you have any suggestions?

If I knew what you know,
I'd never be broke.

What do you think I know
that you would like to know?

All right...

For one thing, I'd like to know if

there's a good way
of beating a bank.

Banks. What do you
know about banks?

What the hell do you
know about banks?

What's so funny?

- You.
- Me?

That's right.

A man can do whatever
he sets his mind to.

Now, me, I wanna walk in and buy
a white Cadillac convertible.

Actually walk in and buy it, cash.

You might set your mind
to getting us a lift.

This walking is tough
on my bad leg.

This is the best time. Most State
troopers are having coffee now.

Hey. Hey. Hey.

That sure isn't any
white Cadillac.

Beggars can't be choosy.

You simple-minded sonofab*tch.

Get in the back seat.

- There's a raccoon in here.
- Hell with that. Get in the back.

What's the matter
with you? I ain't

got all day to wait
on you. Come on.

I've been... I'll take you
wherever you wanna go.

I've been driving all
over this country.

This guy another friend of yours?

Slightly advanced, isn't he?

Hey, what's wrong with this wreck?
We're getting gassed back here.

This guy's a basket case. He's
got the exhaust pipe in here.

He's not your run-of-the-mill
basket case.

This guy is definitely
out to lunch.

What the hell's the
matter with you, boy?

Hey, you're good, man. Very good.

Glass head, like all these nuts.

I don't know what we're gonna
do with these rabbits.

Get 'em out.

I saw that. That was very good.

Where are we headed,
man? I'm ready.

I don't know. Sometimes
when there's

nothing to do, it's
best to keep moving.

You smell something up here?


- Smell that?
- I don't smell anything.

It smells like shit.


- Raccoon shit.
- Raccoon shit.

Hang your hand out the window
and let the rain get at it.

- Would you like...
- Get outta here.

Just remember not
to pick your teeth.

Oh, God...

In small-town banks,
they leave the telephone

off the hook in the vault at night

so the local operator
can listen in.

People walk into these
banks with paper

sacks, fill 'em with
money and walk out.

Anybody can do it.


The newest bank
vaults have walls of

reinforced concrete
five feet thick,

backed by six inches of steel.

The vault door is
stainless steel-faced.

It's an inch and a
half of cast steel,

another 12 inches of
burn-resisting steel,

and another inch and a half
of open-hearthed steel.

Come here.

A vault door has 20 bolts,
each an inch in diameter.

Eight on each side, two
top and two bottom.

This holds the door
into a 16-inch steel

jamb set in 18 inches of concrete.

It's cross-hatched by steel bars

running both vertical
and horizontal.

This door is precision-made
so you can't

pour nitro between the
door and the vault.

If that isn't enough,

there's microphones,
electric eyes,

pressure-sensitive mats,
vibration detectors, tear gas,

and even thermostats that detect
the slightest rise in temperature.

Still interested in banks?

I knew you weren't a preacher.

Preaching isn't so bad.
You get used to it.

You are what you do,
so to speak. At

times I even forgot
about the money.

What money?

Montana Armoured.

Montana Armoured?

How did you get into the vault?

20mm canon with armour-piercing
shells. Wasn't too hard.

That was on the news.
That was a big deal.

What did they call that
guy? The Thunderbolt.

That's you.

You're the Thunderbolt.

Parson's luck.

Oh, no.

Watch out for the dog shit.

Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt and

Lightfoot. That sounds
like something.

You're forgetting I'm
a lot older than you.

There are plenty of
guys twice my age

who don't know their ass
from a hole in the ground.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

So, who were these guys
that are following us?


The big dude's a w*r hero.

Name's Red Leary. Saved
my life once in Korea.

He was sent to prison in Illinois
later on for stabbing a woman.

There he met an old-time
bank robber, Billy Lamb.

Lamb taught him how
to break safes.

Lamb was a real genius
for organisation.


When they got out,
Lamb introduced him

to Dunlop, an electronics expert.

That's the guy you took
care of in the field.

- Wanna brew?
- Definitely.

The little Orphan Annie-eyed
character's Eddie Goody.

He's a driver. Harmless
when he's alone.

So what happened to the money?

Hey, I don't care anything about
the money, you know that.

We're friends. I like
you as a friend.


We hid it in a one-room
schoolhouse in

Warsaw, a place Lamb
went to as a kid.

Hid it in a wall behind
the blackboard. Half

a million dollars worth.
It's still there.

- Schoolhouse?
- Behind the blackboard.


It was always Lamb's
practise to control

the money till the final split.

We kept in contact with each other
through personals in the paper.

Then Lamb had a heart
attack and died.

Guess he was just too old for it.

Leary got suspicious but I didn't

tell him where the
money was because

I knew he'd go straight
to it, heat or no heat.

Then the police
released a thing in the

press saying the money
had been found.


Leary went off his ass.

He got careless but couldn't
lead them to the money

cos he didn't know where it was.

Finally, they convicted
him on another

bank robbery that took
place years before.

And when he got out he convinced
the others I'd set him up.

I decided best that I should
drop out for a while.

That church was a
pretty far-out idea.

About as far out as
possible, I thought.

Are you sure this is the spot?


What? I didn't hear what you said.

I said, yeah, this is it.

Well, what happened to it?

I don't know. Progress.

Have a nice day, boy.

Here, for you.

That's the last of our money.

It's good. Real good.

Fantastic pistachio.

What do we do now?

Drop your cocks and
reach for your socks.

Don't look at me. I
didn't say a word.

- Red?
- Start the car.

Freeze, you sonofab*tch. The
first one of you moves, I sh**t.

All right, k*ll the engine. Hand
me the keys and don't turn around.

Both of you get out
Pistachio's side.

No ideas, you'll both be dead
before you hit the ground.

Move it.

Turn around.

The guys in the car.

That's it, smartass.

Red. Goody.

How's Dunlop?

That's for us to know
and you to find out.

Shut up, Goody.

- What do you want, Red?
- What do I want?

You got balls, I'll
say that for you,

Johnny. I want your
ass, my friend.

Hey, flattery's not gonna
get you guys anywhere.

- Who's the comedian?
- Name's Lightfoot.

Does he know everything?

- No.
- Yeah.

Lightfoot, huh?


Good thing I didn't hit him in
the face. He'd be dead now.

You always had a high
opinion of yourself, Red.

What you been preaching
lately, Johnny?


Are you ready?

I've been counting the days.

That's for the kid.

- You wanna talk or play games?
- What do you want me to do, Red?

Shut your face.

I can't breathe. I got asthma.

What do you want
me to do now, Red?

k*ll the sonofab*tch.





Don't ever point a g*n at me.
Understand? Not even a twig.

You got it.

You come from hitters, don't you?

What are you waiting
for? Why don't

you k*ll me? I woulda k*lled you.

That doesn't make up for two
years. I'm gonna k*ll you anyway.

The money was here,
in the schoolhouse.

What's this garbage talking about?

The money was never recovered.

TV, radio, papers,
everybody was lying.

They were working with the police.

When Lamb died I never
came back here.

The money's still here. It's safe.


Yeah. Lamb went to school here in

Warsaw, a little
one-room schoolhouse.

We put the money in the wall,
behind the blackboard.

Where's this one-room schoolhouse?


Gone? Gone where?

I wish I knew. Used to be right
where the new schoolhouse is now.

You expect me to
believe all this crap?

It's the truth. Why do you think
I'd come to a dumb town like this?

How the hell do I know?
You're q*eer for dumb towns.

Half a million dollars
don't disappear.

They shoulda found something
when they tore the place down.

I wish I had the answer for you.

The sad part is that
we got away with it.

It's a sin, that's what it is.

Christ, it's a sin.

Oh, boy, I feel old.

What are we gonna do now, Red?

Shut up, Goody.

I got hay fever too.

- Why not do it again?
- What's he mouthing off about?

Montana Armoured. We hit the
same place, the same way.

Montana Armoured?


Hey, they'd never expect it.
Not something that big.

It's never been done
before, has it?

That'd really be
something, wouldn't it?

Yeah, it sure would.

Hey, I think that's a great idea.

Let's not get q*eer over it.
What does the kid know anyway?

Besides the Lamb is dead
and he wrecked Dunlop.

You don't need the
Lamb. We do it the

same way. You already did it once.

You might have something.

The blind leading
the blind. He's a

kid. He eats pistachio ice cream.

Jesus, you can lead
a mule to water

but you can't make him drink it.

That's a horse, not a mule.

I agree.

- Agree with what?
- With him.

Good grief.

Even if I did agree, what would we
use as a stake to operate with?

Well, we could all get
jobs for a while.

You're better at asking questions
than you are at answering them.

And the wolf shall dwell
with the lamb and

the leopard shall lie
down with the kid.

What's that? A poem?

No, it's a prayer.

200 is 200 for the pot.


Better than that piece
of junk running out

on the highway. We got
Goody's car still.

The rich get richer,
the poor get poorer.

Where do you pick up
these pearls of wisdom?


You mean you can actually read?

- I read you loud and clear.
- You better believe it.

That's enough. We gotta
keep it together.

If you can't manage that, I walk.

I'd like to hit him again
just for the hell of it.

Well, there it is.

That's it?

Sure doesn't look
like much, does it?

Doesn't look like much?
You dopey sonofab*tch.

- Simple-minded sonofab*tch.
- What did you get in my way for?

Love this guy.

We're gonna be great friends, Red.

You forgot to give me your
Social Security number.


I said that you forgot to give
me your Social Security number.

Oh, I've forgotten it.

Forgotten it?


Nobody ever forgets their
number. Where you been working?

Listen, I'm gonna
need it for these.

So if you can bring it to me
tomorrow I'd appreciate it.


Do you live near here?

Man, I'm going crazy.
That drives me

wild. She just does
something to me.

- Why did you leave?
- I couldn't wear that stuff.

Too humiliating. And
you look ridiculous.

What's this?

That's my route.

Just follow the
streets and it takes

you right back to the garage.

If you don't mind my saying, I
think you should get a job.

- Nobody asked you.
- All right, all right.

Read me the first street.

Left on 12th Avenue
South to 9th Street,

right on North 3rd
to the viaduct...

One at a time.

Left on 12th Avenue South.

You boys are being
paid by the hour.

We haven't got all day on
this mother. Gotta move it.

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Down, baby ♪

♪ Baby, baby, get down ♪

There's a kid now. Pull over.

It's my truck. I know what to do.

You're on the wrong street.


I said, you're on
the wrong street.

- What's he talking about?
- By me.

You're early. You're
supposed to go down

the next street first,
then come up here.

Well, listen.

While we're here, can
I sell you anything?

No, I'm waiting for Judy Ann. They

have a better flavour
of pistachio.

Look, kid, go f*ck a duck.

Here comes,


He's late, as usual.

Hey, the woman came to
the window again today.

Stark-naked this time.


No kidding?

What did she do?

Just stood there and stared at me.

How close was ya?

As close as I am to you right now.

Did you see everything?

What do you mean, everything?

You know what I mean, everything.

Clear as day.

What did you do about
it, big mouth?

- I'll k*ll you for that.
- Sit down, Red. Sit down.

Young kids, they don't believe
in anything any more.

You'll get yours when this
is over. One way or another.

You can believe in that.

All maintenance personnel off the

floor. Bringing in
the guard dogs now.

To hell with them dogs. They
treat 'em better than us.

They rush us outta
here like animals.

Let's not argue now, Sam. Those
dogs ate up a man here once.

Ate him?

Yeah. Wrong man came on
duty, dogs ate him up.

They'll go through a plate-glass
window to get at ya.

A man don't fool around
with those kinda animals.

What did you think
about that shot?

Three-ball in the corner pocket?

- Pretty h*nky.
- It was a pretty good shot.

Nothing wrong with it. Wasn't the
best shot but it's all right.

Who's that guy?

New guy. Won't come
outside any more.

Matter of fact, when he gets to
work, he keeps that door locked.

Why's that?

Well, one time we got him out here
and I kinda got up close to him

and unzipped my pants
and took out my pecker.

And I put that dude
right in his hand. He

didn't know whether
to hold it, drop it,

or run off down the
street with it.

Funniest thing I
ever saw in my life.

We just all rolled
up on the sidewalk

splitting our guts.
It was really funny.

Hey, Mario.

- Hey, boss, it's raining.
- Work between the drops.

Hey, Mario, what do
we do about the rain?

Take your lunch hour now.

Lunch? It's nine o'clock
in the morning.

Shit. sonofab*tch.

My own brother-in-law.

Got every skirt in town
chasing him. You'd

think he'd share
with me just once.

Stick out your tongue.

I'll teach you how to
lick your eyebrows.

You'll have every woman after you.

Can I borrow the truck?

- What for?
- Doctor.

- You got a dose?
- Full disaster, man.

Go ahead. We're on
our lunch hour. Just

don't wrap it up. It's
my ass if you do.

Don't worry. I'll be back in an
hour. I'm just gonna clean up.

Hey, where'd you get those pants?

You freak.

I love you. Come back.

- Where'd you get the dents?
- Progress.

I dreamt about you last night.

- What about?
- I dreamt you said hello to me.

Don't you get smart with me.
I'll break both your arms.

I'll keep that in mind.

Remember what I said. John
and me go back a long way.

But you don't mean nothing
to me, understand? Nothing.

What'd you try and
k*ll him for then?

Because we were friends.

Thank you.

- You boys are new around here.
- Yeah.

- Here's your receipt.
- Oh, thanks.

Need some help with that box?

No, thanks. We can
manage ourselves.

Ok. Suit yourself.

Relax. Relax.

One t*nk to a pop. Johnny
got four of them in Korea.

They gave him a Silver
Star. He was a hero.

That sonofab*tch even saved
my life once. Come on.

This isn't gonna work.

I wish Dunlop was still here.

How did you take
care of the alarm?

Dunlop monitored the frequency
of the signal on the wire.

He duplicated it and then ran
it back into the circuit.

The whole deal fit
into two lunch boxes.

- We don't have Dunlop now, do we?
- Yeah, you took care of that.

These new alarm
systems buzz directly

into the branch manager's bedroom

and the telegraph office.

This lulls whoever
is busting into the

vault into a false
sense of security.

He doesn't hear an alarm go off.

It's still a hard-wire
system, runs

right through the telegraph lines.

There's no antenna
there, I'm sure of that.

We just gotta make sure that
the alarm isn't reported.

The risk is if they've run a hard
wire into the sheriff's office.

How far away is that?

I clocked that on
the truck doing 40.

Now, if the police
come down on us hard,

say, at an average
of 80 miles an hour,

we're seven minutes on the inside,
10 minutes on the outside,

depending on which
route they take.

I think to be
absolutely sure that we

should use five minutes
as our bottom line

from the time you trip
the alarm in the vault.

Unless a patrol car happens
to be cruising closer.

All right. Five minutes it is.

Leary and I will take care
of the manager's house.

It's Sunday so the
bars will be closed.

Only place open'll be
the telegraph office.

At 10.30, Goody will
drop Lightfoot off

in the alley behind
the Liberty Lounge.

The window's been fixed
so you can climb

right in and change your clothes.

You stay there until 11.30.

Don't fool around the
bar. You stay right

there until 11.30, in
the can. Understand?

At 11.30 you get into
the telegraph office.

You gotta get in
there before 11.35

because that's when
the alarm goes off.

You'll see a light on
the console. When that

lights up, Leary and
I are in the vault.

And we don't care
how you get inside.


I don't know if I can
pull this thing off.

How do I know what to do?

What's the matter? The
job too tough for ya?

You can't stop this
thing once you start.

Billy the Kid.

This isn't a game.
You gotta get that

fat guy before he
reports the alarm.

You tie him up, gag him
and put him in the can.

People are used to him being
in the can for long periods.

And you leave the place neat.

Understand? Just
like you found it.

At 11.36 Goody comes
around back. If

you're not ready, he
goes without you.

You get in the car and
hit the floor. You

don't move around
till Goody tells you.

At 11.39 Goody comes
back to the vault.

Leary and I will be
there with the money.

If we're not, you just
keep right on going.

If we pull this off,
we should be able to

make the midnight movie
at the drive-in.

Then what?

We watch the show.

Then in the morning we split the
money up and go our separate ways.

Here's a watch. You're
gonna need a watch.

Hey, Billy, don't forget to shave.

Tweet tweet.

Charlie Johnson, please,
in the blue Chevy,

licence plate 74. Is he here?

Three guys in the back, "Huh?"

I won't say it again,
lady. I'm warning you.

- How do you see yourself?
- Nude, usually.

Tell me, how would you
produce Don Rickles?

Trying to be what I am. Doing
what I do on the stage.

There's certain words you use
that I don't find offensive...

Keep quiet and nobody gets hurt.

- Wake him up.
- Jack. Jack.

What the hell's the
matter with you?

Oh, no. Not again.

Keep quiet and nobody gets hurt.

Oh, my God. My child.
She's just a baby.

Ok, but just keep it down. I
don't want my mother to hear me.

- Oh, my God.
- I was just getting started.

I want the combination
of the outer

guard doors. Left series first.

Come on.


R-3, R-7.

L-2, R-3,

R-5, R-7.

Again. Faster.

L-2, R-3,

R-7, L-2, R-3, R-5, R-7.

All right. One more
time. Now really fast.

L-2, R-3, R-7,

L-2, R-3, R-5, R-7.

Now backwards. Quick.

- Come on.
- You're confusing me.

Say it fast or you'll
never say anything again.


7, R-5, L-3,

No, R-3, L-2,

R-7, L-2, R-3, R-5, R-7.

What a way to go.

It's 11.15.

- You ready?
- Right.

Murph, shake your ass up.

Come on, you sonofab*tch.

Oh, you sexy bitch.

I'd even go out with you myself.


When this is over I'm
gonna get that kid.

You'll have to come by me first.

Hi. Come on in.

- Hi.
- Fill it up with High-Test.

- That's five.
- Goody.


- Get some more.
- No, let's go. Come on.

Hello, Red.

You did a god job.

Thanks. Here's your watch back.

Keep it.

- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm Ok.

But after all that
running around, I

gotta go so bad I
can't see straight.

I got weak kidneys.

Shut your mouth or
you'll drown both of us.

Keep quiet back there now.

- Do you think she heard that?
- I can't help it. I'm dying here.

- Red-haired women are bad luck.
- What's wrong?

Just stay calm, Red.

So far, so good.

Yeah, it's good.
Full of vitamin hay.

Try some.

What do you think?

Is that the heat?



That's seven minutes the
inside. Nice work, Goody.

Seems there was another
hook-up after all.

Everything I did was for nothing?

Seems that way, doesn't it?

Oh, Christ.

Come on, keep your
lid on now, Louise.

g*dd*mn. Hello, Murph.

Hey, what's with that light?

I know they're in here.

- Are you sure about this?
- I am sure. Sure as hell I am.

All right, if they're in
here, we'll get 'em out.


Red-haired women
are bad luck, man.

What's the matter? What's wrong?

What's going on up there?

This is crazy. I must
be outta my mind.

I told you not to
listen to that kid.

Take it easy, Red.

- You go f*ck yourself.
- Will you shut up?

Shut up, Leary.

I'm up to here with all
of ya. I'm getting

out of this f*cking
coffin right now.

Hey. Hey.

Stay outta sight.

This is the police.
This is the police.

Everybody stay in your car.

Goody's hit.

You're gonna be dead soon anyway.

Stop the car.

- Oh, Leary...
- Are you outta your mind?

Stop right now or you're dead,
and you know I mean that.

Now give me that g*n, real slow.

Now get out this side, both of ya,

and don't bother
opening your mouth.

- Christ, Red, this is dumb.
- On the ground, both of you.

- What happened to Goody?
- I threw that little sucker out.

You prick.

Say something funny now, smartass.


Hey, kid. Hey.

Are you all right, kid?

Can you hear me?

You all right, boy?

Oh, man, I'm dizzy.

- I'm dizzy.
- Come on, you'll be all right.

Let's go. Let's go, boy.

What happened?

Must've got a call on the
car and think it's us.

- I need clothes.
- We'll find Goody.

Dead man's clothes?

Come on. We haven't got
time to mess around.

Hey, you got the Silver Star.

You're the real hero, not Leary.

- Where'd you get that?
- Is it true?

What difference does it make?

I just wanted to know, that's all.

Alarms. Alarms.
That's a real pisser.

- Jesus Christ.
- My God...

Ok, boys, this is where I turn
off unless you wanna see Warsaw.

Thanks a lot, man.


What are you seeing?

A one-room schoolhouse.
There it is.

"Moved to this site
July 4th, 1972."

They moved it.

What'd they move it for?

Who knows? History.

History, dammit.

Do you think...?

I don't know, but it do present
mind-boggling possibilities.

Sam, look at this
old kerosene lamp.

Just a minute. Let me get this.

- Hi.
- Hiya, fellas. How are ya?

It's a nice schoolhouse
you have here.

Sure is.

Come on. We gotta
go, honey. Come on.

Now, we don't want any
trouble, fellas, Ok?

Have the camera. It's
worth something.

Have them both. What do you say?

I got a bit of money I
can let you have, huh?

Even give you these car keys.

- Don't shove me.
- Get in the car. Get in the car.

Hey, do you think
it's still there?

I don't know.

Only one way to find out, I guess.

Why don't you watch the door?

Okey dokey.



- You all right, boy?
- Yeah.

It's nothing. I must be
getting tired or something.

Lift up on it and then ease the
screw out. Turn it with your hand.

I got it.

Sorry. My arm went numb.



Good luck now. Thanks again.

Hey, hey, hey.

- Ride?
- Where you headed?

See what's over the next mountain.

Why not?

A little music.

Have a cigar.

Where did these come from?

I've been saving them
for a celebration.

After all, we won, didn't we?

I guess we did, for
the time being.

No, we made it.

We made it.

Not bad.

You know... you know something?

I don't think of us as
criminals, you know?

I feel we accomplished
something. A good job.

I feel proud of myself, man.

I feel like a hero.

Are you all right, kid?
You don't look too well.

I believe you're right.


You all right, kid? What's...

♪ If I knew the way,
I'd go back home ♪

♪ But the countryside has changed
so much, I'd surely end up lost ♪

♪ Half-remembered names and
faces so far in the past ♪

♪ On the other side
of bridges that ♪

♪ Were burned once
they were crossed ♪

♪ Tell me where, where
does a fool go ♪

♪ When there's no one left to ♪

♪ Listen to a story
without meaning ♪

♪ That nobody wants to hear ♪

♪ Tell me where, where
does a fool go ♪

♪ When he knows there's
something missing ♪

♪ Tell me where ♪

♪ Where do I go from here ♪

♪ Where do I go from here ♪

♪ To get back home ♪

♪ Where my childhood dreams and ♪

♪ Wishes still
outnumber my regrets ♪

♪ And get back to a place where
I can figure on the odds ♪

♪ Have a fighting
chance to lose the ♪

♪ Blues and win my share of bets ♪

♪ Tell me where, where
does a fool go ♪

♪ When there's no one
left to listen ♪

♪ To a story without meaning
that nobody wants to hear ♪

♪ Tell me where, where
does a fool go ♪

♪ When he knows there's
something missing ♪

♪ Tell me where ♪

♪ Where do I go from here ♪

♪ Oh, tell me where,
where does a fool go ♪

♪ When there's no one
left to listen... ♪
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