20x10 - The Way She Does It

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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20x10 - The Way She Does It

Post by bunniefuu »

[bouncy music]

♪ ♪


♪ They're two, they're four ♪

♪ They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks

and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green

and brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the really

useful crew ♪

♪ All with different roles

to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds

or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills

and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

♪ ♪

[whistle toots]

male narrator:

Love me tender.

Engines and

on Sir Topham Hatt's railway

are strong and able workers.

They are practical, peppery,

and proud.

Donald and Douglas,

the Scottish engines,

are also brothers.

[lively music]

[whistle toots]

- Stop being pushy.

- I'm not being pushy.

- You pushed me when

the signal changed.

- You pulled me more like.

- I didnae!

- Did too.

- I didnae!

- Did too.

narrator: And so, like all

brothers, they sometimes argue.

[both grumbling]

narrator: But no matter how

many times they fall out,

Donald and Douglas always

get back together again.

[whistle toots]

Snow had come early

to the island of Sodor.

It was heavier than usual,

and there were many lines

to clear.

- Hey, Donald!

How about we head down

Edward's Branch Line?

- Hmm, I don't think so,


- Oh, but it would be

really useful for us

to clear a path to the docks.

- I think it's better if we

stick to the main line for now.

[whistles toot]

- Oh.

narrator: Later on,

Donald and Douglas

were faced with another choice.

- I think we should head down to

the Search and Rescue Center.

- What for?

- To clear the line for

the emergency vehicles.

- No way.

We should stay on the main line

and clear the line for Thomas.

- Aye.

But the Rescue Center

is important,

and it won't take long.

narrator: All the argy bargy

between the two brothers

was causing a strain

on their couplings.

- Ah, this is taking ages.


Finally the line was clear.

- Ooh, about time.

narrator: So they headed back

up to the main line

for their next job.

- I told you we should've

cleared this line first.

Now we're stuck behind

that wee engine.

Look, he can barely see over

the snow.

- Whisht, Douggie.

Will ya pipe down?

I cannae go any faster.

- On you go, Donald!

- Thanks, Toby!

- [sighs]


Soon Donald and Douglas

were faced with yet

another choice.

And this time

there was trouble.

- Now then, Douggie.

What do ya think?

Shall we stick to the main line

or clear the line up

to the Castle?

- I'm sayin' nothing.

You'll choose your own way,

whatever I say.

In fact, I widnae be surprised

if you didn't just go

and do the exact opposite

of whatever I says.

- Wheest!

Dinnae act like

you're any different.

You always do

what you want to do,

and that's all there is to it.

- Dinnae!

- Do too!

- Then stop pulling!

- I'm no pulling!

You are!



The big, strong coupling

between Douglas and his tender

was broken.

- Ah, no!


- Donald!

[tense music]

♪ ♪

narrator: Donald had left

Douglas behind.

[peppy music]

[whistle toots]

- Hello, Donald.

Where's Douglas?

- I left that no good brother

of mine back at the junction.

He's no use to me or anyone.

- Did you see that?

Donald's got

the number tender.

And the number !

[bell dinging]

- Hello, Douglas.

Where's Donald?

- I don't know,

and I dinnae care.

We've parted ways, that's all.

- But what about your tender?

Do you need some help?

- Ach, no,

I'm fine, Toby.

I'm just cross with my brother.

Away you go.

- Okay, Douglas.

If that's what you want.

[bell dings]


Douglas was fine for now.

His firebox was still warm

enough to melt the snow.

Meanwhile, all the way on

the other side of the island,

Donald was doing a grand job

of clearing the tracks.

[whistle toots]

[brakes screech]

- Donald!

Do you know you're

pulling two tenders?

You've got Douglas's tender

at the back there

behind your own.

The coupling must have broken.

- What? How?

Do you mean...

I've got all my brother's

coal and water?

- That's right.

And Douglas is--

- Stuck out there in the snow!

[whistle toots]

[dramatic music]

narrator: Douglas was without

his driver and his fireman,

and there was no warmth left

in his firebox.

But Donald was determined

to find him again.

- Dougie!



- Help! Help!

♪ ♪

Over here!

♪ ♪

- Dougie!

- [shivering] Ooh.

♪ ♪

[relaxing music]

♪ ♪

- This is really good cocoa.

[whistle toots]

- Toby!

Have you seen Douglas?

- Yes, I have.

He was back at the junction,

where you left him.

- But I've just come back

from there,

and there was no sign of him.

- I thought you two had

fallen out.

- Yes, yes, but he's still

my brother!

And he's stuck out

there somewhere

in the freezing cold!

[whistle toots]

[wind howling]


[whistle blows]


[whistle blows in distance]

- Donnie!


I'm over here, man!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Ah, Douglas.

Am I glad to see you.

- Me too, Donald.

I thought I was going to be

stuck out here forever.

- Aye, and we might be stuck out

here a while longer.

I've got nae water.

- But you've got my tender.

Maybe there's a wee drop

left in there.

- Brilliant!

That means I can shunt you

to the steam works.

We'll soon get you warmed up

again, Dougie!

- Ach, just knowing my brother

came back for me

has already warmed me up.

narrator: So Donald shunted

Douglas to the steam works

to have his coupling repaired

and his tender reattached.

[whistle toots]

- Trust you to run out of water.

- Ha!

Well, at least I've got

some coal.

- Some coal?

You mean my coal.

narrator: Like all brothers,

sometimes Donald

and Douglas argue.

- You took your time

getting here.

- Away and whisht!

narrator: But no matter how

many times they fall out,

Donald and Douglas always

get back together again.


[whistle tooting]

[bouncy music]

♪ ♪

[children singing]

[whistles toot]

[whistles toot]

[bouncy music]

♪ ♪
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