21x08 - Cranky at the End of the Line

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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21x08 - Cranky at the End of the Line

Post by bunniefuu »

[bouncy music]

♪ ♪


♪ They're two, they're four ♪

♪ They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks

and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green

and brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the Really

Useful Crew ♪

♪ All with different roles

to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds

or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills

and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

[whistle toots]

[upbeat music]

male narrator:

"The Big Freeze."

- Wha!



It was just after Christmas,

and everyone

was enjoying the snow.

[whistles tooting]

♪ ♪

- Express coming through!

narrator: But the wintery

conditions caused delays

with some deliveries.

[birds cawing]

♪ ♪

[whistle blows]

both: Paxton!

- Oh, finally.

The diesel fuel.

Thank you, Paxton.

What a relief.

- What he means is,

we were just about to run out.

[whistle toots]

- Coal's running very low,


[whistle toots]

- Don't worry, Percy.

There's a delivery due

any day now.

- [laughs]

- Aw, Diesel!

What was that for?

- For being in the way.

- But I'm not in your way.

I'm just about to

fill up with coal.

- [laughs] I'm glad I don't need

silly coal to run.

[blows whistle, laughs]

- Ugh, why does Diesel

have to be so annoying?

narrator: That night,

it became much colder

and everything froze.

[honking horn]

[honks horn]

[tires screech]

- Oh! Oh.

[clears throat]

There will have to be changes

to stay safe in these

icy conditions.

Reduced services and speed

restrictions for everyone.

- Surely not for me, sir.

- Ah, I'm afraid so, Gordon.

And you'll need a banker engine

to get up your hill.

- Ohh, the indignity.

- What about

the coal delivery, sir?

- Oh, heh,

I'm afraid the big freeze

has delayed

the coal, too, Thomas.

It should be here very soon.

And remember everyone,

let's be careful out there.

It's very--whoa!

Oh. Slippery.

narrator: Suddenly, winter

didn't seem much fun anymore.

♪ ♪

[whistle toots]

♪ ♪

- Oh! Careful, Emily!

- Oh, no!

- Ohh, no!

[brakes squealing]

- Phew.

- Ohh.

narrator: Every engine

struggled on the icy rails.

- Oh, oh! Ah!


Oh, dear.

[whistle toots]

- Here's James!

[wheels screeching]

Oh, oh, oh! Whoa!


[whistle toots]

- Keep up the good work,


You're keeping Sodor going

despite the terrible weather.

And that is really useful.


- But, sir,

if the coal delivery

doesn't arrive soon,

we'll all run out.

And then we won't be able

to go anywhere

or do anything.

- Uh, well, I'm hoping

it'll be here

from the mainland

in the morning.

Just hold tight

for a little longer, Percy.

[laughs] Whoa!


Oh! Ohh.


narrator: Unfortunately,

the next morning,

the coal didn't arrive.

[whistle toots]

- All steam engines are to

go back to their sheds, Thomas.

Sir Topham Hatt's orders.

- Oh, but I don't need

to go back to the shed.

And my passengers need

to get to their stations.

- Thomas, I think you should do

as Percy says.

- It's Sir Topham Hatt's orders.

- I'm sure I've got

enough coal

for one more run.

narrator: But Annie and Clarabel

were right.

Thomas ran out of coal.

- Oh, cinders and ashes.

I should've listened

to Percy.

both: We told you so!

- Oh. Now we're stuck.

I can't even

go back to the shed.

- [sighs] Well, at least

we're safe here.

- But how will the passengers

get to their stations?

- And how will Sir Topham Hatt

keep the railway running

without any coal?

- [sighs]

[whistles blowing]

- Diesel engines

to the rescue!

[heroic music]

[crowd cheering]

- Oh, they're coming for us.

- How wonderful.

- We're saved...

[crowd groans]

- Who's a useful engine now,



[whistle blows]

- Oh.

both: Ohh.


The diesels were put to work,

doing all the jobs

to keep the railway running.

[whistles blowing]

all: Diesel express,

coming through!

♪ ♪

narrator: The steam engines

were all stuck in their sheds,

waiting for the coal to arrive.

[whistle blows]

- Thank goodness

you had enough coal

to make it back, Gordon.

- Uhh.

- But what about Thomas?

♪ ♪

- It's freezing.

Oh, it's not fair.

I wish I was back at Tidmouth.



- Oh, you would be

if you'd done

what Sir Topham Hatt

told you, Thomas.

- And now we're stranded

out here

in the wild.


- [squeals]

- Ghastly.

- If we don't get rescued soon,

it'll take till spring

to warm up my boiler.

[whistle blows]


Hey! Diesel! [chuckles]

Since you're being useful,

uh, why don't you shunt us

back to Tidmouth Sheds?

- I can't be stopping

to help you, Thomas.

I've got important jobs to do.

narrator: The big freeze

continued all the next day.

both: ♪ We three kings

of orient are ♪

♪ Bearing gifts,

we've traveled so far ♪

[whistle blows]

[both gasp]

- Oh! Someone's coming.

Maybe they can shunt us

back to Tidmouth.

[upbeat music]

Maybe not, then.

both: Ohh.

- What do you want now, Diesel?

- That's no way

to speak to someone

who has just collected the coal

for all you silly steamies.

both: Oh, Diesel!

You're our hero!

- No, I'm not. I'm--


- Ugh.

- Thomas, you're back.

I heard what happened.

It must've been cold

on that siding.

- Oh, it was cold, Percy.

Very cold.

♪ ♪

narrator: With coal

for their fireboxes,

all the steam engines

could get back to work again.

- Express coming through!

narrator: And the next day,

something wonderful happened.

♪ ♪

- It's getting warmer!

The big freeze is over!

The ice is mel--ohh!


♪ ♪

[whistle toots]

[blows whistle]

both: Our hero!

narrator: And Diesel

continued to be a hero.

At least for a little while.

[steam hisses]

[bouncy music]

♪ ♪

[children singing]

[whistle toots]

[whistle blows]

♪ ♪

[whistle toots]
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