5 Against the House (1955)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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5 Against the House (1955)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hold it boys, hold it. Before we get
out let's remember the agreement.

Set your brakes. Turn your lights off
and take your keys with you if you wish.

Now, one hour. It is now 11 P.M.

One hour. Then we all leave quietly,
no matter how much money you won...

or how many girls you met.
I repeat for the record, one hour.

Is there ever been such a college boy before?

So anxious to get back to his studies...

that the thought of winning $10,000
at a crap table merely disgusts him.

- It could be that girl too.
- Who is that?

- That heavenly girl.
- Hey.

What does he care about girls
when he can shack up with his law books?

One hour.

Not what you call
an interesting conversationalist, is he?

Your old daddy flew
one of those in the w*r son.

And was that how
you were k*lled in action sir?

Yes, indeed.

I don't want to bother you boys,
but it is now 11:03.

- Yeah, man. Let's go where the money is.
- Yeah, man.

Is this the place where the people live
who want to give us all this money?

- This must be the place.
- This is my infallible roulette system.

Now, he has a system.

Well, if you got a system,
you might as well get it out of your system.

- That's what I always say.
- And you know, he always does say that.

Sir, I wonder if you arrange

to have a Brink armored car
at the side door in about an hour?

I expect to be making a gold shipment
about then.

We're his male nurses.

Madam, would you give up this sinful life
of gambling if the right man came along?

- I might, yes.
- Excuse me. How is the play?

I put it down, they pick it up.

Maybe you ain't putting
it down in the right place.

- That could explain it. Aren't you playing?
- Well, I like to,

but I just get a nosebleed every time
I see that happening to my money.

Does it bother you
when it's my money that's going?

No, not as long as you can assure me
you got plenty more.

- Do you mind my standing here?
- I haven't called for a guard, have I?

No. They just get in the way.


R152, the giant jackpot, $50. A bonus, R152.

- Good luck to you sir.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome.
- You must lead a clean life.

Yeah and up until now
it's been driving me crazy.

Twenty-one red.

I know this system is infallible
because I worked it out myself.

Do you suppose I could be reading it wrong?

Oh boy. Now I can buy that atom-powered
steam shovel I always wanted.

With that?

And of course it was completely ridiculous.
I didn't know she was a countess.

So it was right after that
my poor old gray-haired mother said to me,

she said, Brick son, I just know you're
going to be terribly attractive to women.

And I do so hope you're not
going to be a beast about it.

- Tell me, have you been a beast about it?
- Well, certainly.

What did my poor old gray-haired mother
know about fun?

It is now 11:19.

Thank you. Thank you.
I don't like to wear a watch.

I hired him to follow me around
and tell me what time it is.

Twenty-five red.

Well, this is it.

Didn't you explain to him
that your system was infallible?

I knew there was someone I forgot to tell.
Well, I got to cash a check.

You know, only someone
whose father owned an oil company

could afford that system.

You always hated me just because
my family has money, haven't you?

No. I have a lot better reasons than that.

- Boys, it is now 11:21.
- The old lamplighter.

Do you see that?

- What? That mirror?
- You know what that's for?

Yeah. So tall Texans can
see to comb their hair.

Those are observation posts. Guards
sit up there and keep an eye on things.

- Well, we have...
- Pardon me.

I'm writing a new telephone book and
I like to include your name and number.

Eight, six and out.

I don't know if he told you,
but he's only 13 years old.

Be gone son.
I am the oldest 13 you'll ever run into.

They're cute.

Will you pardon me please? Excuse me.

I'll need one of those
when my system starts working.

By then you'll be too old to push it.

Can you handle that for me?
Don't make me have to sh**t.

How would you like it sir?
Any particular denomination?

Any denomination will do.

Cashier number three.
Guy in a gray suit and gray hat.

Two guys backing him up.
The g*n is in the magazine he's holding.

- Just hand us that magazine.
- What magazine? What is going on here?

- Yeah, what is going on?
- Take it easy and no one will get hurt.

Hand me that check please.

$5,000 or I'll blow your head off. Ok,
friend, let's not disturb the customers.

- Hey, wait a minute. Who is in charge here?
- Who is asking?

I'm asking. What are you arresting them for?

These characters have flipped, Al.

He's behind in his quota for the night.

- Shut up, both of you.
- I asked you why you were arresting them.

- Who are you?
- A friend of theirs.

We're on our way back
to Midwestern University from summer jobs.

We stopped in here
to have a drink and a few laughs.

- Well?
- Tell him the truth.

Now there is a real democratic guy.
He hates everybody.

- Look, I told you we were students.
- Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I'm not kidding.
We don't have anything to do with him.

All right, show them
your last year students cards.

I never saw them before.

Sorry boys, one of those things.

- What happened in there?
- The man tried a real crazy stunt.

Attempted robbery, he means.

Who would be crazy enough
to try and rob Harold place?

Are you kidding?
Because that's where the money is.

10,000 people a day gamble in there.

Every now and then,
some wise Joe figures a smart angle.

It be easier to knock off Fort Knox.
There is no way it could be done.

- Well gentlemen...
- Dad, you missed out on all the fun.

I did not. I would like to make
one of my deathless remarks now.

There may be some things
better than sex, some

worse, but there is nothing quite like it.

That was kind of a deathless remark at that.

It is now 10 minutes to 12 o'clock,
or don't you care anymore?

Well, let's hop in the old car,
drive back to the old college,

dig into those old studies,

and start taking out
those old, old, old college gals again.

You with me?

Yeah, but I wish everybody didn't know it.

That's a song?

Sure, it's an excerpt from Beethoven 12th.

Beethoven must've written that one
underwater with broken pencils.

- Broken fingers. Where are we anyway?
- Now he wants to know where he is.

- Kansas someplace.
- 300 miles to go.

- What are you loafing for?
- 85 miles an hour is loafing?

Anything going 85 miles an hour
is a guided m*ssile.

Are you still worrying about getting
back to Kay? Now what has she got?

- I'll tell you what she's got...
- Hold it.

Don't tell him. Don't tell him.

- Why?
- I don't want him to know.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, about that cop in Reno
saying you couldn't rob Harold Club.

- What did he mean it couldn't be done?
- Oh, beats me.

Anything can be done.
Of course it could be done.

- Good old Lincoln Hall.
- Hi, Al.

- Hats off, freshman.
- What is your name boy?

It's Spieglebauer sir. Francis Spieglebauer.

I see. Well son men have
overcome greater handicaps than that.

But I have loose teeth, you see.
I think I'll just call you Spiegy. Ok?

- Yes sir.
- Good lad.

Now hear this, Spiegy.
Every year we choose a freshman

to help us with a few chores
we have to have done.

Since the work sort of piled up last year,

they all thought
we get two freshmen this year,

but you look like you could do
the work of two men.

- Hat on, Spiegy.
- Now first, in there is some of our luggage.

Suitcases, heavy articles.
In there is where we live.

Your job is to transport
one inside the other. Understand?

- Are you sure I have to do this?
- Yes, I'm sure. Are you sure?

- Oh, I'm sure.
- Well, what I mean is,

in the booklet that the university sent me,

they said
they didn't haze freshmen here anymore.

That's right, Spiegy.
You see, the fellows who wrote the booklet

don't haze freshmen here anymore.

- See? Carry on, Spiegy.
- The keys, Spiegy.

To work, Spiegy.

It's wonderful to hear your voice again, Kay.
No, I mean it.

Don't you think he be embarrassed
to talk like that in front of us?

Just wait a minute. No, I'm not embarrassed.

But if a couple of characters I know
don't stop listening in,

- I may be crowded into a little v*olence.
- Ruffian.

Yeah, the Katzenjammer Kids honey.
Oh, they're fine, fine.

A little more mentally Ret*rded perhaps,
but fine. Yeah. Surprise?

Well, that makes me nervous.

Yeah, I wanted everything
just exactly the way it was when I left.

Come on, tell me about it.

Look at him. See how happy he is?

Why, just a few short hours ago,
he didn't know a soul in this college

and now he has friends.

I'm telling you, it makes a man appreciate
the American educational system.

Spiegy, you see what a deep thinker he is?

You should feel privileged
to know a man who thinks that deeply.

- Yes sir. Can I ask a question?
- Why not?

Why not spoil him just a little. Go ahead.

Well, the guys in the next room said
that Al and Brick were in Korea together.

- So?
- Well, they said that Brick saved Al life.

- So?
- They said that Brick got a medal

- and a bad head wound doing it.
- So?

Well, so nothing.
That's what the guys in the next room said.

- Don't pay any attention to them.
- They're drunk most of the time.

- Were you two guys in Korea?
- What is that?

I said, were you two in Korea?

- Are you questioning our patriotism?
- Why, no. I...

I suppose you think
we wouldn't have been there

if it hadn't been for our liver conditions.

I suppose you think it's fun
to have a liver condition

and never get to go
to any wars with the rest of the guys?

- Why, I didn't mean anything. I...
- You just better take it easy

and watch who you call yellow from now on.

- Whom.
- Yeah, whom.

- I didn't call whom yellow, I...
- Get on with your work, Spiegy.

- Yes sir.
- Yeah.

- How is Kay?
- She's got a surprise for me.

- Maybe she's turned into a boy.
- That girl?

Wants me to meet her at the Campus Club
tonight. Wonder what that could mean.

Any number of things and none of them
too good from your standpoint.

What are you talking about?

Now I'm supposed to know
what I'm talking about.

It would ruin all your charm.

Spiegy, don't just stand there.
Move boy, move.

I don't get it. How did this happen?

When we left,
she was working in a department store.

This must be the surprise.

- Hi, Kay.
- Welcome home boys.

Hello, Kay.

I think you gentlemen made a mistake.
Your table is over there.

- He's ashamed of us.
- He wishes we were dead.

- That's right.
- I'll be back in a minute.

- I want to get out of this singing dress.
- And you know, she's right.

That dress actually does sing.

Why don't you guys go ahead and order,
I want to talk to Kay privately.

What is with you? You on a diet or something?

Diet? That's at least
2,500 calories he's following.

- Hey, when did all this happen?
- About two weeks ago.

It began as a joke.
Not that it hasn't gone right on being that.

A bunch of us came in one night,
and someone dared me to get up and sing.

- So you know me...
- I don't know whether I know you or not.

The girl I knew couldn't sing a note.

Nothing has changed.
It's just that the management thinks I can,

and they're willing to
pay for their opinions.

Now you tell me. How was the summer?

I wrote you. There has never been
such a long, long summer.

Well, I'm glad to see that all the time
you were wasting away for me

you weren't forgetting to eat
some of those cows you were punching.

Same old story, eh? You just won't believe
anything I tell you about how I feel.

- Don't you want me to feel the way I do?
- I tell you if I didn't.

- I know that, so what is it?
- Al, I grew up in this town.

I been dating college boys since I was
old enough to be noticed by them.

Well, that, I agree, must've been horrible.

It's no trick for a girl
to be busy in a college town.

And these weren't cheap little liars, Al.
They meant it, I guess.

But there is something
about being away to college

makes for deep and lasting love affairs,

which are forgotten
the minute graduation is over.

Yeah. You know, you had a real rough life

and I wish there was some way
I could make it up to you.

Ok. But you asked me for the reason
I couldn't take you too seriously.

And you haven't answered me yet.

Look, this isn't my first trip away from home
and it's only technical that

- I'm one of the boola-boola boys at all.
- You're not all that old.

No, but I'm all that experienced

that I know the difference
between a few early fumbling with a girl

and something that's nice and lasting
that's happened to me.

It's time you begin realizing
that I know the difference.

This summer, if anything, has only made you
more lovable and willing to admit it.

- Would you care to dance?
- No, but it's part of my duties here.

- Whatever will the other B-girls think.
- That you finally gotten a live one.

- Want a light?
- Ok.

I'm a stranger in town.
Can you direct me to your house?

- Did you lose the address?
- Why, I was wrestling cows all summer,

- and my writing hand got all cramped up...
- Oh, I see. How are the cows out West?

Oh, they're, Oh, you mean the cows?

Look, I guess I must've been
all crossed up last spring.

I thought you and I were a big,
hot, breathless item,

then not even a card this summer.

Well, Jean, I meant to
call you, I really did...

Oh, fine. Now I feel much better.

How could you possibly feel any better?

- Real cozy.
- Look, buddy,

why don't you go back to your table
before somebody eats up your minimum?

- She happens to belong with me, pal.
- Only in spirit son.

You get back inside.

I know all about you, pal. A real w*r hero.
One of the fruit salad boys.

Well, how do you like your beatings?
Standing up or on the ground?

Don't crowd me Mac.

You better leave it lay, junior.

Brick. Brick. Get him out of here. Fast.

I'll k*ll that...

Brick. Brick. It's me, Al. Al.

Come on, Brick. I'll take you home. Come on.

Here, Brick.

Listen to me, Brick.

You know, it might not be a bad idea
going back to the vets hospital to check...

- I'm not going back there, Al.
- Just a check...

I'm not going back.
I don't want any part of that cage.

They were only trying to help you.

Treat you like an animal.
Like something under a rock.

All the time telling you you're psycho.

A lot of guys went through shock
like you did.

Look, Al, I'm Ok. I'm Ok.

Sure, sure, you're Ok. You're in great shape.

But it still wouldn't
hurt to have a check-up.

Look, lay off of me, will you?

You want to get rid of me?
What is the matter?

You tired of having me hanging on your back?

Ok, I'll get out of here. I'll get out now.

- You're not going anywhere.
- They told you to call, didn't they?

Give us a call Captain, in case 3742
starts going off his rocker again.

- I'm not making any calls.
- That for sure?


You know, you really could have
hurt that kid at the club.

I know.

What do you think
is going to happen to you if you...

Be sensible, Brick.
Go over and have a talk with the doc.

Look, Al, I'm a lot better now.
This isn't going to happen again.

I just had a couple of
drinks too many, that's all.

Sure, that's what you said up in
San Francisco last year with that cab driver.

Yeah, but, Al, these things take time.
That's all I need. Just a little time.


If those doctors hear about tonight,

it's going to sound a lot worse than it was.

They won't hear about it.

- You won't say anything, Al?
- No. I won't say anything. I promise.

Brick, you're going to
have to watch yourself.

I know. It will work out. It will work out.

Well, this is the last time
I'm going to double date with you.

You know she danced
like 7 miles of unpaved road?

- Spiegy has got better taste than you have.
- Oh, stop.

Boy, what is happening to me?
How could you trap me like this?

- What is the matter with Brick?
- Nothing a good night sleep won't cure.

Well, that's the trouble with liquor.

You take one drink
and it makes a new man out of you.

Then the new man has to have a drink too.
Quote and unquote.

You can tell me your troubles. How is Brick?

Brick? Oh, he's fine, fine. Why?

One of the men at the club
said he ought to be put away.

The guy that said that ought to be put away.
Brick is Ok.

- Like last night?
- Well, he had one too many.

Then how come you're so quiet today?

Well, since you brought it up, I'll tell you.

It all started about the time I met you.

Others have complained about that before.
What are the symptoms?

Well, studying that used to take me
one hour, now takes me half the night.

In the middle of a law lecture,

I suddenly find I'm repeating
the marriage ceremony to myself.

Now, would you say this is significant?

- No. Frightening is the word I use.
- You know, I been places

where if you didn't make up your mind
in a hurry, you never got a second chance.

Honey, you're not in Korea anymore.
Nobody is going to drop a b*mb on you now.

- I better do something.
- What do you want to do, Al?

Get married.

- Now?
- Yesterday would've been better.

What is the big rush? What is the matter
with being sure of ourselves?

I'm so sure of myself now,
I'm nearly dead from it.

I guess that's the roadblock. You're not.

I may look like the blonde bombshell who is
been everyplace and done everything,

but I'm not.
And all these big emotions are wonderful.

- But they just kind of scare me too.
- Well, look, why don't you just relax?

I'm like you. I can't. I want to get married
today just as much as you do.

But then when I stop to think about it,
I get so scared, I just want to run.

What is the good word?

There aren't any good words. They don't
make good words the way they used to.

Don't just stand there, Spiegy.
Run around. Do something.

- I don't want your muscles to stiffen up.
- Yes sir.

Tear on over and get Cokes
for everybody, Spiegy.

I tell you, that boy is getting lazy.

Why, he had the audacity to ask me
to brush my own teeth this morning.

They don't make freshmen
the way they used to.

No, they even quit trying.

- Hi, Brick.
- Hi. Hi, hi.

Are you coming
to our Halloween dance tonight, Brick?

Probably not.

It's going to be
one of the best dances of the year.

Sweetheart, let me tell you something.

I wonder if now is the time
when any of us should be dancing,

when we don't know if Little Orphan Annie
is ever going to find Daddy Warbucks.

- She's just got to.
- I know. I know.

Maybe one of your own would taste better.

No, it's not that.
I'm suffering from something.

I think it's the
edges off of everything blues.

- Maybe you should organize a panty raid.
- No, no, it goes deeper than that.

I don't want to get drunk.
I'm sick of being sober.

I seen both movies in town.

It's the mid semester whim-whams.
What you need is a nice girl.

Child, what I need
has got nothing to do with nice girls.

I know what Brick means. I got it myself.

Bored with classes that have just begun
and notes I haven't taken yet.

Bored with being in a place
that's run by thinkers and not doers.

- I come from a family that does things.
- Well, they can afford to.

A family that does things first.
That's what I need in my life, a big first.

You guys ever hear of a man named Schliemann?

Sure, played first base for the Giants
and later invented a plastic breakfast food.

He dug up the ancient city of Troy in Greece.

- Hey, what a cat, to dig Troy.
- That was a first, get my point?

Well, I couldn't hope to do that.

And that's what we got to think of
to pull ourselves out of the swamp.

To be first at something. Like the guy
who flew under the London Bridge.

Characters who stole
the Stone of Scone in England.

- Just like Plinehouser.
- Who was Plinehouser?

Well, just the first guy
to be called Plinehouser, that's all.

He's right, though. This boy got a point.

Everybody got a headache today.
We living in the aspirin age.

- It's really very simple Mr.Cruikshank.
- Now wait a minute.

- Mind if I file these?
- Help yourself.

- You bet me $5 I can't do what?
- It's a very simple bet.

Now you're sitting right here
where I'm sitting. Follow me?

- Yeah.
- I pour a glass of water on the floor.

- Right here.
- Yeah.

- You got a knife in your hands.
- A knife?

Now, I'll bet you $5
that I can dry up the water

before you s*ab me on the hands
with the knife.

All right. Who is got a knife?

Are these regular issue for law students?

I been getting into a lot of strange closets
lately. Dangerous moths.

Now, you sit right where I was sitting.

Now, remember, $5 if I dry up the water
before you s*ab my hands.

- Spiegy, are you sure? I mean, the blood.
- I'm sure. Now you ready?

- Ok.
- One, two, three.

- They grow up fast these days.
- Pay me.

I'll bet you $5 that
you never get the $5 I owe you.

And having won that bet, we're even,
so quit worrying about money

- and get to work.
- Yes sir.

Something you invented?

Glad to meet you mister.
Hope I don't have to k*ll you.

- Special research.
- What for? What is My Crime?

Remember what that cop said in Harold Club

when we got involved in that hold-up?

He said there is no way it could be done.
He should only know.

You mean you been thinking about it
all this time?

I worked out a plan how to rob Harold
Club of a million dollars. Maybe more.

How much time you figure
on researching our penal system?

When I say a plan, I mean one
where you walk away free and clear.

- You know what Bitsy Brain is doing now?
- Last year he planned to drain Foster Lake

and collect all the pennies that had
been thrown there for the last 130 years.

He figured it would amount to over $70,000.

A man is never appreciated
in his own century.

Yeah, well, maybe when
you get out of prison in the next one,

you'll be with people
that understand your language.

You really think
you could knock off Harold Club?

A joint that's open 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, 52 weeks out of the year,

- with over 1,000 people in it every second.
- I do.

The main cash vault is right in the middle
of the floor of the gambling room.

It looks like the Rock of Gibraltar
and opens like the Panama Canal.

It has two doors, both steel-barred,

and one doesn't open
until the other is closed.

Oh, great, that's a cinch. All you need
is a hairpin and a toy hammer, eh?

I got that all worked out.

The only thing left I got to figure
is how to leave Reno without a trace.

This boy got a little Dillinger blood in him.

This boy has the spirit of adventure
in his heart.

- You really think you could do it?
- Oh, I could do it all right.

The question is, Would I do it? Of course,
I wouldn't keep the money if I did.

- Now he's a communist. He hates money.
- He's a crazy, mixed-up rich kid.

- And they're the worst kind, you know.
- Yeah. Ok Mr.First, what is the gimmick?

I wouldn't mind being first
with a million bucks myself.

You louse this deal Jack,
I'll gut you and sh**t my way out of here.

It's all done with psychology. A simple
and basic motivation. Fear gentlemen.

- In this case, worth $1 million.
- Gee, a million bucks.

Well, I wouldn't be afraid. I be petrified.

This must be the place
where they rehearsed Tobacco Road.

Now, why would he want a trailer?

Well, to transport his old money
to the scrap heap, perhaps.

Or to take his old girlfriends in
for a retread job, perhaps?

I bought both the car and the trailer,
and I did it without leaving a single trace.

- This is desirable?
- I used a fictitious name

and bought them across the state line
from the Smiling Dutchman.

Who must be laughing out loud
after this deal.

- You're sure you didn't steal it?
- Does this look like I stole it?

How can I think when I'm blinded?

His folks must've clipped a coupon
last night, or sold a state.

Well, it was just a small one.
Rhode Island, wasn't it, Ronnie?

Why, it's a perfect set-up. One guy drives,
the others hide inside, out of sight,

- and no one can trace it back.
- According to the law I studied,

it's a misdemeanor to ride
in a trailer when it is in motion.

You think a couple of misdemeanors
is going to bother Ronnie?

He's only interested in felonies.

Yeah. But you're still going to
have to stop for gas, oil and water.

Everything you need, you
carry in the trailer.

Gasoline, drinking water, canned foods.

- Dynamite for blasting out of jail.
- And Thanksgiving is a perfect time for it.

It's Jamboree Week in Reno. And everybody
wears cowboy outfits and false beards.

- It's just like a Western Mardi Gras.
- You're talking like this could be done.

- I mean, actually.
- It can be done, Brick. And I mean actually.

- So what? None of us are going to do it.
- Why not?

- Call it a field experiment in psychology.
- It's not what we call it that matters.

If we don't keep the money,
we're not committing any actual crime.

Suppose they grab us
before we get a chance to show them

- we weren't going to keep the money.
- They won't, I tell you.

I got everything worked out
and it's foolproof.

We leave the trailer in Reno.
We board a train

and we're out of town before
anybody knows we even been there.

- Yeah, what are you shutting up about?
- It all takes place in seven minutes.

At the first stop, we get on the phone
and let them know where the money is.

Well, you know me,
always the first one to tear down a goalpost,

- or any other red-blooded college prank.
- Please, don't talk about blood.

- What else will you need?
- A cart.

We have to build a cart,
just like the one we saw at Harold Club.

- And we need another guy.
- Why?

Well, the plan calls for four guys
to make it work.

- Do you think Al would go for it?
- Not if he knew what he was doing.

Last couple of days, I promise you he hasn't.
Do you think it would work with Al,

if he didn't know what was up
until the last minute?

You really need him?

It might be fun if we all did it together.

Clear out the attic Mother,
I'm having in a few friends to hide.

- It's easier than swallowing goldfish.
- Well, who said I want to do that, either?

- About Al.
- Yeah?

- I got to have four guys.
- How about Spiegy?

- You got Al.
- Spiegy.

- The Ancient Mariner.
- Very funny.

What are you doing here, Brick?
I thought you were packing.

- How is Kay doing?
- Oh, fine, fine.

Took three encores tonight. And she'll be
out of the shower in five minutes.

You're getting to be
a regular night-club Johnny, aren't you?

- Yeah, I like it.
- Listen, the guys insist you come along.

Vacation starts tomorrow.

We go to Reno a couple of days
and then up to Ronnie ranch.

Why drive all that distance?

Well, everybody gets
their own private monogrammed turkey.

Maybe we win a couple of dollars at roulette.

I can have more fun right here.

You know, it might do you and Kay some
good not to see each other for a week or so.

You know the old gag
about absence makes the something...

Yeah. I know that old gag.

Brick, this year we're stuffing our turkey
with dressing rooms, not dressing.

- Who is it?
- Why?

No reason, except I'm just out of the shower.

You know, I never told you, but I used
to have a job in a ladies' Turkish bath.

Hey, what about those Turkish women?
Pretty cute?

Yeah, but they all had Turkish men.

Oh, you do get the bad breaks, don't you?

You know, a soap opera is a fast,
funny musical compared to my life.

However, there are moments
I wouldn't trade for mountains of uranium.

You know, I been doing
a lot of thinking about us.

Oh, you too?

You told me the boys invited you
to go along with them to Reno

over the Thanksgiving holidays.

Yeah, Brick is outside now
trying to sign me on.

You know, why they should want me
with my sad face is more than I can figure.

You know, I was thinking
that if you went along with them

and we didn't see each other
until after you got back...

I just thought that it would give us a week
to get away from each other

and just kind of think things over.


Don't get sore, Al.

It's just that when we're
together, I can't...


you don't have to explain anything to me.
You can see or not see anybody you want.

It's only a week, Al.

It's not the seven long miserable days, baby.

It's the fact that
you still have to think up trick gimmicks

to find out whether you're in love with me.

- It isn't that. I know I'm in love with you.
- Do you?

Well, then maybe
when we're talking about love

we're talking about two different things.

Maybe we're not.

In my book, it means consideration
for the feelings of the person

you're supposed to be in love with.

Have you noticed my feelings lately?

They're pretty well beat.

You feel real sorry for yourself, don't you?

No. I don't feel sorry for myself.
I feel sorry for you.

You just can't make up your mind, can you?

- Al.
- What?

Let's forget what I said.

- Maybe it was a lousy idea at that.
- No. Maybe it's a good idea.

Anyway, let's give it a try. It can't get
any worse, as far as I'm concerned.

Look, we don't have to decide anything
this minute.

- I'll give you a call later.
- No, don't. Maybe...

Maybe we can get together
after Thanksgiving if we still want to,

- and you can make up your mind.
- Al please.

- Let's get out of here.
- Sure.

- When are you leaving for Reno?
- In the morning.

Ok. The sooner, the better.

- Hey, Al.
- Yeah?

There is a cream cheese looking for you.
She's downstairs. Said it's urgent.

She wanted to come up,
but I told her it was against the...

The house rules.

Thanks Larry.

Would there be any room in there
for my things?

I don't know.
It depends on where you're going.

I hear they marry people in a hurry in Reno.
I have a friend who is going there.

If what you been going through is
anything like what I been going through,

then I'm marrying
the toughest guy in the world.

You're absolutely sure now?

I tell you, I been boiled in oil,
and I know what I'm doing.

Well, I know I should get discreetly
out of here, but I'm going to stay and watch.

We're getting married.
Hey, I said we're getting married.

Yeah, I heard you. I was just wondering
if I should sing something appropriate.

Easy boy, easy.

There, That will ruin you for all other men.

Well, I think you two are
going to like marriage.

I heard it described as something like
tennis played with 40-millimeter cannons.

- No, that's before you get married.
- Oh, I see.

Say, I wonder if Ronnie would mind
giving us a lift as far as Reno?

We'll leave you fast enough after that.

- Well...
- Well, never mind. We'll catch a train.

Come on. I'll take you home.

Hey, wait a minute.

You're going to need money
like you never needed money before.

Like you never dreamed of. And this child
is not going to travel alone with you

until you done the right thing, by her.

Old Brick is going to see that he isn't get
away from you now that he's ruined you.

Thank you, old Brick.

Hey, won't it be great on a honeymoon
with just the five of us?

We'll see you, Brick.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Down with three.
- Next time, gin. One.

Oh, think you're pretty smart, eh?

Haven't seen you look so sharp
since Tokyo, buddy.

Look sharp, be sharp.

Hey, you warned Ronnie
about the chance he's taking?

Chance? What chance?

You know they're going to
throw the book at you if you're caught.

What are you talking about?

Well, riding back here. It's against the law.

Oh, well, we just won't tell the cops
what we're doing, that's all.

Ok by me. It's your funeral. Hey, you hungry?


What do you say we stop
in the next town and get a bite to eat?

When we're so completely self-sufficient?
Everything we need is right here.

Food, gas and oil, water. You name it.

Yeah, we figured on getting you two
to Reno non-stop.

- Come on, Brick, let's eat.
- Right.

Complete down to the red, rough hands.

Where you get the cart, Ronnie?

I built it. Electric torch,
book of instructions.

Tom Swift and His Radioactive Uncle,
you know.

I didn't know
you could do anything like that, Ronnie.

Not a bad job, either.
Pretty nice along the seams.

Al, here are your sandwiches.
It's something I designed for Dad ranch.

I seen a cart like that somewhere before.
I can't remember where.

- I'll trade you.
- Ok.

Now, is this what you been
yapping about for so long?

Just about.

You know, I must been batty
to be scared about us.

Well, you were young. We'll change all that.

I was young, happy, successful at my work,
and now you're taking me out of all this.

Well, sometimes a little misery
and poverty is character building.

That's what I want to build first, character.

Don't miss a one of them Roy.
We can't leave a single print

- inside this trailer.
- What happens if we do?

Then this rig can be traced back to us.

What happens if someone
in Harold Club starts sh**ting?

- You know, with g*ns?
- I told you. No g*ns.

- Yeah, but you didn't tell them.
- This plan is absolutely foolproof.

He's a genius. If he says it is, it is.

You know,
they charge double fares for bodies.

- What do you mean by that?
- Just that.

A body has to have
two tickets on a train or plane.

There is a regulation about it somewhere.

There is an example of
real positive thinking.

Listen, let's get serious a minute, Ronnie.
All of us within the next 24 hours

could be lying on a dirty floor
surrounded by cigarette butts,

staring up at a ring of strange faces
with b*llet holes in our heads.

Just wipe the cards and relax.

I just rubbed this queen of spades
so hard I turned her into a jack.

We'll pull off the road up ahead.
It's good and dark outside.

Brick, you bury all that stuff.
Break the glass jugs and scatter the pieces.

- When do these go on?
- When we stop. I'll take care of that.

Roy, your job is to keep Al and Kay busy
while we handle everything here.

Keep them busy? I never saw
two busier people in my whole life.

They haven't stopped once.

What are your folks going to say about this?

It's been the ambition of the whole family

to get somebody in good-looking enough
to answer the door.

And what do the others do
while I'm answering the door?

Oh, they peek out from behind the curtain
and look at you.

Hey, you trying for some insurance money
or something?

I just lost all my shame for a minute.

Well, don't go looking for it.

You know, you're a nut, but I love you.

Harold Club. Sure, that's what it looks like.

You're right.
It looks like a dead ringer, doesn't it?

Glad to meet you mister.
Hope I don't have to k*ll you.

You louse this deal Jack,
I'll gut you and sh**t my way out of here.

- What is the pitch?
- Brilliant, isn't it? Now watch.

Yeah Jack. You getting this? Get going.

- What is it?
- I don't know.

It's the greatest hoax of the century.

As nefarious as Fu Manchu
and as practical as a zipper.

It's a way to hold up Harold Club in Reno
and get away with it. A perfect crime.

- Did you know about this, Brick?
- Yeah, sure, I knew about it.

- Yeah, you set him up for it, eh?
- No. It's his own idea, not mine.

Well, there is no harm done yet.
At least you haven't broken any laws

as far as I can see, but you're trying hard
for a cell block and your varsity number.

Ronnie, how could you dream up such a thing?

I don't know
what everyone getting so excited about.

I just come up with the greatest idea
since the bikini bathing suit

and you treat me like a hardened criminal.

All right. Let's pull this rig over
to the side of the road.

Ok, Al.

All right honey. You stay here
in the trailer with Ronnie there.

How could you let these kids fool around
with anything this stupid, Brick?

Oh, you know how Roy is,
he'll go along with anything for laughs.

But Ronnie has gone to
a lot of trouble and expense.

He's worked out a plan, great plan. He really
could rob Harold Club, you know?

Yeah, I know, he could do anything.
But how about you?

- Me?
- Yeah, you.

- I'm dead serious.
- Come on, let's quit horsing each other.

Don't talk down to me, Al.

I don't feel a fit coming on or anything.
I'm as cool as a trench knife.

I'm not talking down to you.
Just tell me about it.

All right. Any guy who wants to lead himself
a quiet, peaceful, uneventful life

- picked the wrong time to get born.
- Sure, sure, you had it tough. So did I.

- But we made it back. That evens things up.
- No, it doesn't.

I did a lot of brain-beating
in that hospital.

I got it figured out. I figured it this way.

A guy got to have
a little money to call his own.

Every time I thought I could make ends meet,

some joker came along
and moved the ends out. Well, no more.

I'm going to do anything to get what I want.

Keep talking. Keep talking.

I'm not going to graduate this year
or any year. You know it and I know it.

Sure you'll graduate.
We'll help pull you through.

No, you guys had me
hanging around your neck long enough.

I wasn't cut out for law.

Well, you're not cut out
for 50 years in prison, either.

Look, I already had my lost years.

You realize there are guys our age
that are in practice already?

You're not thinking straight, Brick.
You better get yourself

- back to that hospital fast.
- How much money

you got in your pocket, right now?

How much you think you're going to have
a year after you get out of school?

Ten? Twenty? Fifty bucks?
Ronnie is cooked up a sure thing.

- You're both wrong.
- We can be in and out of that club

in six minutes tonight, Al, with a fortune.

Tonight, Al,
tonight you can have 50,000 bucks, maybe.

You and Kay could live

- high on the hog on that.
- I hear words and they don't make sense.

We're counting on you.

Counting on me?

Sure. I figured it right down the line.
Just like old times, Al.

Look, Brick. You saved my life once.
I'm grateful to you for that.

I'm going to help you.

We're going over to that trailer, get that
cart out and shove it over right down there.

Then we're going in to Reno
and forget we ever had this conversation.

- Al.
- Yeah?

You know, when you first decided
to bring Kay along, it kind of worried me.

- Now I can see how it's going to help.
- You leave Kay out of this, Brick.

Know why? I got a part in the hold-up
for her too. She's going to drive the car.

- Hey, only got one punch for me, old buddy?
- Don't push me, Brick.

You involve Kay in anything,
I'm going to k*ll you.

Hey, that boost your legal career
real good, wouldn't it?

Every law firm in the country would
want you for a junior partner.

You're really sick.

Ronnie, go in that trailer
and bring that cart out here.


No g*ns, Brick. The deal was no g*ns.

Now this is the way it works.
You three stay inside the trailer.

Give me the trailer key, Ronnie.
Come on, toss it.

Ok, you'll stay in deep freeze
till we get to Reno.

My old buddy here is going to drive.
He has to rehearse his part,

so he'll know what he's doing
when we get to Harold Club.

You won't get away with this, Brick.
g*n or no g*n.

Yes, I will. You want to know why?

Because your only chance
of getting out of this thing alive

is to pull it off and get away clean.

You're worse off than I thought.
You ought to be back in that psycho ward.

Psycho ward.

Yeah, that's right.
I should told you guys before.

- Shut up.
- That's where he...

Look at the evidence, Counselor.

Who bought the trailer
and the car you're riding in?

Ronnie. Used a phony name and address.

And the license plates
don't go with this rig, either.

Roy bought the groceries.
He helped Ronnie to build the cart too.

And that's Ronnie voice
you heard on the tape recorder.

Is that right?

You and Kay just came along for the ride,

but who is going to believe
it was just to get married?

- You're part of a g*ng, Al.
- He hasn't done anything.

- The police aren't going to believe that.
- I'll take my chances.

Maybe you don't read me.

If you guys don't back me up,
I'm going to rob Harold Club all by myself.

You couldn't, Brick, not by yourself.

Well, then I'll say it again slowly,
so you'll understand.

I am going to rob Harold Club.
With or without you guys.

And I'm going to use the gimmick
that you figured, Ronnie.

They will follow you around like Lady Godiva.

Well, you better pray I make it.

Because if I get caught,
I'm going to drag you all in with me.

- Go on. Get in the back like he says.
- Now you're thinking straight, Al.

I want that cart moved up in the back seat
of the car where I can watch it,

and cover it up with a blanket.
Come on, move.

And then you walk up to the guy
with the cart, see? And you say,

I guess you don't remember me.
Mr. Gunderson introduced us,

but that was a long time ago.

Look, Al. You play this through with me,
you're not going to get in any trouble.

You were forced into a crime.
Now, even I can defend you on that.

I should sent you back to that hospital

the night you clobbered that kid at the club.

I'm not going back there, Al.

I wouldn't have gone back there then
and I'm not going back now, either.

I'll do anything
to keep from going back there, Al.

- Anything, you get that?
- This is the best way I know to get there.

After I get that money, I'm going to put
a million miles between me and the doctors.

I can't live with that place
hanging over my head, Al.

You think I like holding a g*n on you?
You think I like that?

You're the only guy
that ever meant anything to me.

But I'll cut you down, Al. Even you,
I'll cut you down if you try to stop me, see?

You made that point enough.

You think I'm crummy, don't you?

No, I don't think you're crummy.
I know you're sick.

Not sick enough to let you stop me.

I'm not going to stop you, Brick.

I'm going to help you, because I don't want
a lot of innocent people to get messed up.

You k*ll anyone, I feel responsible.

- Al. Al, I...
- Shut up. Shut up.

I'm liable to get sick myself.

Kay. Take this.


In 65 seconds, Brick will stop.
He'll unhitch the trailer and abandon it.

Thirty seconds later,
we'll walk into Harold Club.

Exactly six minutes later, we'll come out.
An eastbound train leaves one minute later.

Ronnie figures we can walk from the club
to the station in 15 seconds.

We'll board her just as she rolls out.

- Why are you telling me this?
- I know how Brick thinks.

My job is to drop the cart
at the alley entrance

three minutes and 15 seconds
after Al, Brick and Roy enter the club.

Then I park the car in Harold garage.
No one will notice it there for a day or two.

You don't think Brick is going to let you
out of his sight now, do you?

No. But he will trust Kay.

The minute he turns his head, I'm going
to yell for the first policeman I see.

- Not if you want Al alive.
- Brick would k*ll him for sure.

Take this. You have six minutes
to deliver the cart, park the car

- and buy three tickets at the depot.
- Three tickets?

- Brick and I won't be going back.
- Now, don't talk like that, Ronnie.

Listen, maybe Kay is right,
maybe she could get the cops and...

- they could surround the place.
- No, it's too late Roy.

And they couldn't get Al clear of Brick.

Cross Brick now
and he turn into a sh**ting maniac.

He mow us down and that's not all.

He k*ll a lot of innocent people
before they stopped him.

No, we got to wait
and let the professionals catch him.

After the hold-up.
It will all be over in seven minutes.

It wasn't just a stunt Roy.
I wanted to see it work.

And I want to see it work right now.
I don't mean for the money or anything,

but just to know I was able to do it.

All right. Bring out the cowboy outfits.

Unhitch it.

Come on. Start putting that stuff on.

All right. 25 seconds.
I'm going to say this once, Kay.

Ronnie is supposed to deliver the cart
to the back entrance of Harold Club

three minutes and 15 seconds after we enter.

Then he's supposed to
park the car in Harold garage.

Now, this is a change of plans. Ronnie is
going to stay with me and you do his job.

Drive the car, follow us. I'll point out
the spot for you to leave the cart.

The garage is across the tracks
from the club.

And if the cart isn't there three minutes
and 15 seconds after we enter,

on the button, I'm going to k*ll Al.

I thought I told you to
leave her out of this.

You put your beards on.

Ok, time.
Make up your mind, Kay, we're rolling.

Six minutes after we get into Harold Club,
we'll be out. You'll see a train. Get on it.

We'll enter different
cars and meet you later.

Ronnie is going to buy the tickets
on the train.

- All right, Al, you decide.
- Al, he's insane. Do what he says.

Let's move.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I guess you don't remember me.
Mr. Gunderson introduced us.

- Well, you meet an awful lot of people.
- Sure, sure. I know,

but I wanted to talk to you.
It's important, if you could spare a second.

Don't turn your head too quickly,

but if you look over your right shoulder,
you'll see a man.

- What about him?
- Well, that man is my partner.

He's got a g*n pointed at your back.

You make the wrong move
in the next second, he'll k*ll you.

- You getting it?
- Yeah, I hear you.

No, don't look up there. Look at me.

I know they're watching us up there.

Right about now you better start smiling.
Look at me and smile.

This is a friendly conversation,
in case anybody is watching.

- Smile.
- You can do better than that.

- All right.
- What are we going to do now?

Well, you're going to push your cart

down to the blackjack table at the head
of the stairs right next to the dealer

and ask her to keep an eye on it for you.

But she'll think that's funny if I do that.

Oh, she'll think it's funny, but she'll do it
anyway, because you asked her to.

While we're walking down there,
you keep looking at us and smiling.

Get going.

- Keep an eye on this for me.
- Ok.

Don't look at the ceiling. Just go out there
to the alley. Smile. Keep smiling.

- Sorry, we're working in here.
- But we...

You'll have to use
the Virginia Street entrance.

- But we gamble there every day.
- That's the only entrance that's open.

Give him that cigarette.

You yell for help and we'll run.
You'll save your boss a little money,

but just before we run,
I'm going to k*ll you.

That's right. That's a duplicate.

You're going to push that
into the money room,

just like it's your regular cart.

Stuff the bills in there.
No silver, just bills.

All you say is the boss wanted the money.
He sent you to get it and he wants it quick.

Anybody wants to know why,
you don't know and you don't care.

Then you tie the sack up, put it on top
of the cart and push it right back here.

- You got that?
- Sure.

I guess you're wondering why
you ought to do this, once you're inside.

Well, it had crossed my mind.

Meet the other member of our group.

Glad to meet you mister.
Hope I don't have to k*ll you.

See, you're going to have company in the
cash room, our little friend in the cart.

You're going to wheel him in there with you
and then out again. Wonder why?

Tell him why Charlie.

Guy in there is 5 feet tall,
no bigger than most jockeys.

He's served time, I won't say where.
He's out, because he escaped.

He says he'll never serve time again.

You louse this deal Jack,
I'll gut you and sh**t my way out of here.

See, he's going to watch you
all the time through these louvers.

The top isn't fastened down. All he has to do
is stand up and he's sh**ting at you.

- You got that?
- Yeah Jack. You getting this?

- Yeah.
- Get going.

You're due back in the vault now.
Don't stall on the way and set off the alarm

or our friend in here
is going to have to dust you.

Jackpot. I did it. I hit a jackpot.
I did it. I did it.

Another giant $1,000 jackpot. Machine C408.

A $1,000 jackpot.

- Having any luck?
- No. No. I won one last time I was here.

Ten-cent machine.

- Yeah.
- Where is the quarter machine?

- They're down that way.
- Ok. Good luck.

Now, look, Eric. We're going to pick up
a bag now and go outside the door.

We're going to a car
we got waiting out in the alley.

We're going to blow the horn twice.
Now, the minute he hears it in there,

he's going to push out the sides
and go out the door too.

Now you wait right here
till you hear the horn honk twice.

- You getting this?
- Yeah, I'm getting it.

Look, I done everything you asked me to.

I don't want him getting wild
at the last minute.

Just follow instructions
and nobody is going to get hurt.

He's not going to sh**t anybody
he doesn't have to.

Look out. There is a man with a g*n in there.

Brick, this has gone far enough.

I'm Ok.

Al, I gone to the police. I told them.

- Tell them to stay back.
- I gone to the police.

Darling please, it's too late.

- It's in their hands.
- Look, Brick is a real sick guy,

but he's not going to hurt anybody
unless he's crowded.

Now, tell them to stay back
and give me a chance with him.

Tell them.

Hey mister, did you see a big fellow
come by here carrying a bag?


- Sorry sir. No people, just cars.
- Look, I got to find this guy.

Look, buster, sorry. No people. Just cars.

Brick. Brick, where are you?



Please, you got to believe me.
Look, if you'll just let him alone,

then he might be able to get him down
without anyone being hurt.

Look Lady, you never know about a psycho,

- especially if he's got a g*n.
- No, no please.

Stay back.

- Stop.
- Hold it Mac.

Brick. It's me. Al.

I'm not crowding you.

I wouldn't crowd you, Brick.

I'm going to k*ll you.

I'm going away.
I thought maybe you like to come with me.

I'm going to k*ll you.

You remember the time you brought me in?

I had a hole in my side.
The commies were sh**ting at you then.

Do you remember the tracer b*ll*ts?

How they lit up the snow
and made it look all red?


Just because I wanted to be a Mr. First.


- And will you check his records?
- We check everything.

- In Washington, I mean.
- I got most of the details from her.

I'll get the rest from you.

What is going to happen to him?

Well, he'll have to stay
in the hospital this time until he's well.

It certainly is a terrible way
for you to start your marriage.

- You mean there is another way?
- Sure is. There sure is honey.
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