Badlanders, The (1958)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Badlanders, The (1958)

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Chains rattling ]

All right, dutchman, out.

Come on, let's go.

Move it up. Move it up.

Roust out, mcbain.

Time to wash the crud
off you.

You're getting out
this week.

We can't send you
out of here stinking now,

Can we?

Hey, d*ck! Come here.

[ Whip cracking ]

You get out tomorrow.
I get out in 10 months.

I need
an outside partner -- you.

Why don't they k*ll him?

They don't do you
any favors.


Maybe we're wearing
his hide out.

Bleeding, is you?
Take him down to the drink.

How about being
an outside partner?

No, I wouldn't make
a partnership with god.

[ Irish accent ] all right,
lads, wash pretty now.

Hold on now, crazy.

Remember to clean
behind your ears, aye, lad?

Man: move along, crazy.

Go in up to your ups
and squat.

While you're at it,
wash the clothes on you.

Have mercy, jesus.



Taking us with him!

Pull hard, mac!

Hang on, dutchman!

Look, it's a regular
tug of w*r.

Stupid fool tried
to drown himself.

Do you blame him?


He's faking it.

Take him, dutchman!

Good work, dutchman.

He could have
k*lled me dead.

the territorial parole board

"Of arizona territory,

"As an example to all inmates

"Within the walls
of yuma prison,

"Does hereby declare
peter van hoek,

"Alias the dutchman,
a free man,

"Does commend him
for his quick action

"In saving the life
of a prison guard

"Under danger of deadly attack
by an inmate.

"The board finds,
regarding said inmate --

John mcbain --

"That since he did not

"In fact physically as*ault
said prison guard,

"Being constrained
by said peter van hoek,

"John mcbain,
having completed serving

"A full 10-year sentence,

"Including four years
of solitary confinement,

"For the crime of manslaughter,

Is hereby also released
on this day."

Signed by all the members
of this board.

Well, thank you, gentlemen.

Unchain them.

And, dutchman, soon as you're
unchained, come and see me.

That's pretty smart,

Knocking me cold
got you 10 months off.

That's two favors
I owe you. Thanks.

Thanks for nothing.

Nothing? I just didn't
feel like drowning.

You can drown any time
you like, dutchman,

As long as I'm not
chained to you.

Well, here's
your belongings, dutchman,

And every released prisoner

Is entitled
to a stagecoach ticket

Good for 300 miles
in any direction

Plus a $5 gold piece.

But then I guess $5 is just
chicken feed to you, hmm?

I'll keep it as a souvenir.

I've never been able
to figure you out.

This place is for murderers,
scum, riffraff, badlanders,

Not for a man of your
education and talent --

"Mining engineer,

"Expert assayer,


Only labels, warden.

And robber of the prescott
gold shipment.

I denied that.

Marshal found one of the gold
bars in your own hotel room.

It was planted there.

Oh, of course.

Like everyone else
in yuma prison,

You're innocent.

Well, I advise you
to stay clear of prescott.

Your friend the marshal
is still there.

Thank you for your ticket.

Thank you for your coin,
and thank you for your advice.

Remember what I told you.

take it slow and easy.

Man: have that first drink
on me.

I'll have one for you.
So long.

Man #2: adiós, mubrazos.
Recuerda a las muchachas.


Man #3: don't go.
It's going to be good.

Come back weekly.

Man #4: mac,
don't forget to write.

I sure would if I could.
So long, boys.

You'll be back, mac,

But next time,
you don't walk out.

I'm saving a hole for you
down the hill,

6 Feet of hole

And some nice big rocks
to pile on your fat face.

Aren't we almost
to prescott?

Oh, yes.

That's the lisbon mine.

All this land used to belong
to a man called mcbain,

And a fellow called bascom
cheated him out of it.

What did the man
who got cheated feel like?

Felt like k*lling bascom,

So he did.

On the left is
the mexican part of town.

The mine owners brought them in
as cheap labor.

[ Firecracker explodes ]

[ Horses whinny ]


Oh, be calm, ma'am.

It's only the mexicans
sh**ting off their bombs

For the fiesta tomorrow.

It's like our 4th of july.

It's a mock battle.
You should stay and see it.

Oh, let's, mother.

And, you know, sometimes
they get so excited,

They, um,
they sh**t somebody.


We're not moving
out of this stagecoach,

until we reach jerome.

Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa now!

Goodbye, ladies.
Have a good trip.

Peter van hoek.
Silver king suite, please.

Peter van hoek?

Ha ha.
Oh, you're new here.

Man: oh,
that suite's taken.

So is every room
in the hotel,

Every other hotel in town.

You might try the, uh,
stable across the bridge.

I like horses, marshal,
but not as roommates.

You're not staying
in prescott.

Is that a question
or a statement?

Just sound advice,

Unless you want
a return ticket

To yuma prison
right now.

On what charge?

What charge?

I've only been here
four minutes.

Even you can't railroad me
that fast.

Try me.

Why? So you can plant
another gold bar in my room?

It worked last time.

Unless you want to see
your own gravestone

On your way to hell,
you'll be on the next stage.

Now, that leaves here
tomorrow at sundown.

You're going to like it

'Cause it crosses
the desert at night.

It's cooler then.

You know, you're
awfully lucky, marshal.

It, uh, just so happens
it fits in with my plans.

I'll be on that stagecoach
at sundown.

Make a note of that,

Oh, he doesn't have to.
I'll see you aboard myself.

Well, that's very kind
of you, sir.

What about that room?

Room 103, sir.

It's not
the silver king suite,

But it's
immediately adjacent.

May I take your bag up
for you?

Oh, no. No, thank you.
I know my way.

Woman: do I hear
somebody out there?

Yes, I'm here.

Oh, mister,
would you do me a favor?


Thank you.
There's a hatbox out there.

Would you mind passing it
through the transom for me?

What's the matter?
You too bashful to come out?

I'm not bashful.
I'm locked in.

Oh, I'll get you a key.

No, no, don't do that,
but i-i would like the hat.

Well, i...

I, uh,

You got a buttonhook?


Pass it under the door,
please, will you?

You sound nice.

So do you.


You lost your key, huh?

Oh, no, my gentleman friend
doesn't like me

To meet other gentlemen,

So he locks me in
when he has to go away.

You understand.

Oh, I understand him,
but, uh, why do you let him?

If a gentleman
does you the honor

To become
your gentleman friend,

Don't you do
what he asks you to do?

That is,
if you're a lady.


May I have my hatbox,

Oh, s-sure.

Thank you.


Oh, you can't leave now.

I mean -- until you lock
the door again, please.

You know, I had this suite
for a year,

But it's much prettier now.

It is pretty,
but it does get lonesome.

I'm alone so much,

I'm just dying for someone
to talk to.

I'll bet.

Woman: thanks again.

I'll be seeing you...

Now that I know my way.


[ Hammering and chiseling
in distance ]

How deep are you in?

About a foot.

What will you have,

Where's sample?

He left orders
he wasn't seeing nobody.

He'll see me.

Tell him
the dutchman's here.

[ Door closes ]

I want to talk to you,

Out early, aren't you?

10 Months early.

The marshal
know you're in town?

He greeted me personally.

And he's
letting you stay?

Till tomorrow night.
That's long enough.

Long enough for what?

Pour me a drink,
and I'll tell you.

Hello, comanche.

And how was it at yuma?

Oh, not too bad.

Did you get to know
a convict there named mcbain?

Yes, we got out together.

Well, he k*lled

Mrs. Lounsbery's
brother bascom.

I'd better tell
mr. Lounsbery he's loose.

What kind of fellow
is this lounsbery?

I'd like to meet him.

Well, he's one
of those gentlemen.

He even came from boston.

Well, I suppose
he married bascom's sister

For her money.

He sure didn't marry her
for her face. Ha ha.

Then one can forgive any face
for $20 million, huh?

I'd like $100,000
of that fortune.

For what?

What I came here for.

Okay, dutchman,

Mr. Lounsbery's
not the kind

To get mixed up
in your kind of deals.


Absolutely not.

What about that little deal

You pulled
across the border

About last october?

What border?

Mm, 7 miles from nogales.

I think it concerned
10,000 head of cattle,

Um, slipped across,
they say.

Who told you?

Doesn't matter.
It's the truth.

Well, mr. Lounsbery
wouldn't --

He would, could, and has.

You know,
there's not a rich man

That doesn't
want to be richer.

You tell him I can get him
$100,000 in 24 hours.

He'll see me.

It may take a little time
to arrange an appointment.

I haven't got
a little time.

Otherwise, I wouldn't
need you or lounsbery.

Get him.

[ Knock on door ]

Come in.

Mcbain's here.
Wants to see you.

Why didn't you
tell him I was out?

He did.

I stopped believing him
10 years ago.


Did you see the marshal?

The marshal?
I just got here.

Seems he doesn't like
yuma graduates.

I paid for what I done.

Well, what do you want,

I'll come back.

I won't be here.
What do you want?

A job.

Why should anybody
hire you?

You're a k*ller.

I don't want a sermon,
I want a job.

Why, it seems to me

You sold me your string
of horses once, real cheap.

I had to.

The lawyer wanted cash,
everything I had.

Well, what about that job?

Oh, prison did you
a lot of good.

Seems to me you were always
demanding things before.

Now you're actually asking me
for a favor, aren't you?


Could I go so far
as to say you're begging?

You're prodding me,

And I don't like it!

Look, I was having a joke.


What about dinner tonight
to celebrate our freedom?

Some other time.

Look, I've got a deal on
for three men.

You'd be number two.

And head right back
to yuma? Unh-unh.

I just want to be what
I used to be -- a cowman.

For a couple hours' work?

Very simple. It's like
stealing from yourself.

Think it over.
You might change your mind.

I don't want
to change my mind.

Hey, I know this guy.
Let's upend him.

No, here comes a mex filly
running real fast.

Let's upend her and count
how many petticoats

She's got on, if any.

Ah ha ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha ha!

Pick her up!

Get her to bouncing!

How many petticoats
do you got on, chiquita?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

2, 3.

Stretch her out
a little bit.

Ha ha ha ha!

Hey, she's a wild one,
ain't she?

Hey, this ain't no lady.
It's anita.

You don't mind, do you?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Now you've had your fun.

We just started.

You can play with her

I'm not waiting
till tomorrow.

Well, you're just
going to have to.


Run! Run!

[ Whispers ]

Move clear!
Let me have him!

Leslie, you sh**t me?
You out of your mind?

Since when you hired
to protect mexican lovers?

He's unarmed.

Come on, break it up!

Thanks, mister.

Hope to do the same
for you some time.

No, you won't, mcbain.

How'd you know my name?
You're new here.

We got notice from yuma
to expect you and the dutchman.

He's got till
tomorrow night to get out.

You got the same.

My folks
settled this township.

I got a right to be here.

You ain't got
no rights nowhere.

You're an ex-convict.

Get out of town.

You're going to
die young, sonny.


La señorita
wants you to come.

All right.

All: gracias.

You're pretty fast.

Never met anybody faster.

Sample, that half-breed
and those two roughnecks

Still on your payroll?

Sample: what if they are?

You tell them
to cool off.

The marshal's
warned them three times.

I'll talk to them, les.


He's a good man
to have around.

Yes, I've got
an arrangement with him.

No such thing as an arrangement
with a lawman.

What about lounsbery?

Is he coming here
or are we going to him?

He's coming to us.

I'll be at your hotel
in one hour.




[ Speaks spanish ]

[ Speaks spanish ]

[ Speaks spanish ]


She's going to have a baby.

You knew I was mexican
when you fought for me?

Yes, ma'am.

Why did you bother?

Pepe says that the sheriff

Told you
to get out of town now.

Because of me?

You don't have to do that.

My friends know
what you have done.

They are now your friends.

Girl: ahh!

Oh, she has a bad time.

It was her
I was running to help.

Now you may help.
Take her hand.

M-maybe I'd better
wait outside.


Take her hand.

Girl: [ moaning ]

You help all the time
when the babies come?

Many times.

Why don't they
call a doctor?

There is no money
for doctors here.

There was a time
I had the baby,

And there was no money.

There was nobody.

I was alone.

And when I cried out
for somebody as she does,

There was nobody.

Ah, she don't speak english,

So I can tell you
what happened.

My baby was born dead.

Dutchman: coming.



In here.

In there?

A man
in mr. Lounsbery's position

Has to have quiet places.

He has many interests.

I'll say he has.

[ Knock on door ]

Gentlemen, come in.

This is a pleasure,
mr. Van hoek.

Sit down, won't you?

Well, thank you.

I must say that
my wife's mine has benefited

By your engineering
and your estimates.

It's unfortunate
that we didn't get

To know each other
before you, uh...

Went away.

I'm sure we would have
become friends.

Let me pour you a brandy.

I understand that the man
my wife appointed

To manage the lisbon mine
had sole authority.

What kind of a man was he?

A liar and a crook.

He had me railroaded
into yuma.

He was worse than bascom.

No offense intended.


I never knew
my wife's brother,

But I understand
he was a greedy man.

And what did
the manager do to you?

I made an agreement
with him

To share in any
new ore bodies I discovered.


I discovered three,
mapped them,

And didn't even get
a thank-you,

Let alone give me
my share.

I take it
you had no contract.

No, I had no contract.
I had a handshake.

And you couldn't take
a handshake to court.

You don't feel
that I and my wife

Are responsible
for promises made to you

Without her
and my knowledge?

Oh, no, not at all.


Mr. Sample mentioned
a matter of my accruing,

Through your assistance,

The sum of $100,000
within 24 hours.

What is the if?

Well, there are no ifs.
You'll get it in gold,

$10 An ounce
under the market price.

Well, i-i don't understand.
Gold is freely negotiable.

But there's gold
attached to quartz.

Very little quartz,
very much gold.

Within 24 hours. Ha.

This can't mean
you intend to rob a mine?

That's right.


It -- it wouldn't be
the lisbon mine?

I wouldn't want
my wife robbed.

Would I be that foolish
to come to you for cash

If I'm going to rob
your wife's property?

I know, it's the new hope.
You engineered there, too.

Oh, I worked a dozen mines
in this area,

Prospected over 100 holes.

That ore
must be immensely rich

For you to give away
$100,000 of it.

But you're
a brilliant mineralogist.

Why don't you
extract the gold yourself?

Because I haven't
got the time,

And I promised
to be on the stagecoach

At, uh, sundown tomorrow.

And carrying half a ton
onto a stagecoach

Might be a little awkward.

But, uh, you could put it
through the lisbon smelter.

Nobody would be the wiser.

You really think the ore
will assay at $100,000?

$200,000 --

Half for you

And half for me.

I'll need $11,000 in cash
for operating expenses.

The balance of the $100,000
you put in bank notes

Tomorrow at 5:00.

Suppose the ore assays
over $200,000?

You'll be very lucky,
and I'll have no regrets.

Will you have the cash


Advance him $11,000
out of the special account.

Yes, sir.

I presume you can deliver
the gold to my ranch.

Your ranch at 5:00.

You know,
this is the first time

I've shaken hands on a deal

Since the manager at lisbon
welched on me.

Well, obviously,
we can't write contracts

On this kind of thing.

We'll just have to
trust each other,

Won't we?


Who are you going to use
for the job?

I hope to use vincente.

I don't trust mexes.

Personally, I do.

I've even forgotten
the alamo.

How would you like
to take a trip with me?


New york first,
then anywhere --

London, paris.

Paris! But that
would take months.


Well, you said you had to
be here for the divorce

Or your wife would take
all your property away.

Oh, yeah.

Well, that's all
been arranged.


Oh, my wife's
getting divorced

Before we leave.

Oh, mr. Lounsbery.

You love me?

Well, I try
to make you happy.

How much would you love me
if I wasn't rich?

Not as much.

I didn't think so.

How much would you love me
if I weren't pretty?

That's a different
cup of tea.

No, it isn't.

A man being rich
is exactly like

A girl being pretty,
so there.

This is my house.

It is yours,
if you wish it.

Please come in.

You know, it almost
seems like a miracle --

Realizing there was
a-a whole life stored up

In that --
that dinky little kid,

A whole life.

How come you were alone
when you had your baby?

Couldn't your husband
be with you?

There was no one.

Where is he now?

I was not married.

Maybe my baby was born dead

Because I was a bad girl.

I guess so.

Nobody could tell me
you're a bad girl

In a thousand years.

Well, you're good.

[ Knocking on door ]

Good evening,

Beat it.

I heard the law won,
my friend,

And I -- well, I thought
he could use $1,000.

Ah. You're very kind.

Well, it's only
a down payment.

He gets $9,000 later.

Please, sit down.

Well, thank you.

You see, he's really
not a bad man.

He's a cow man,

And with $10,000
he could buy a big ranch

With plenty of feed,
shade, trees...

Oh, you're so lucky

To have a friend
like this.


Well, maybe you want
to talk alone, huh?

Thank you very much.

Why should you
pay me $10,000

When you can hire
half the town for $500?

I owe you something.

For saving your life?
It isn't worth it.

I prefer
my own estimates.

Let's call it
poetic justice.

What's that?

You'll see tomorrow at 4:00
if you're with me.

What do we do then?

The lisbon mine...

And we, uh, rob it.

The lisbon mine?

But the lisbon's
on my property.

Was on your property.

And to me,
it always will be.

Well, I'll be damned.

You got a crust,

Hiring me to rob myself.

That's what I meant
by poetic justice.

I intend to get a fortune
out of your mine,

And the least I could do
was include you in.

But why me?

Like I said,
I owe you something.

Are you with me?

We do this alone?

No. We need
a powder monkey --

the best in the territory.

Will he go along?

I think he will.

Let's go see.

Come on.

[ Knocks ]

We're kind of
taking a walk.

Uh, can I come back?

I will wait.

Muchas gracias, señor.

You're welcome.

Come on.

Too bad we're going to miss
the fiesta tomorrow.

Ever see one?

Never bothered.

Ah, the mexicans
put on a great show.

By the way,
have you got a g*n?


Better go and buy one.

Hey, vincente, open up!

[ Baby crying ]
who's there? Who is there?

The dutchman, amigo.

Vincente, amigo...


Mr. Van hoek!

Ah ha ha! A long time!

Sorry I keep you waiting here,
mi amigo.

Oh, I have a new wife,
you understand?

Oh, we understand.

And a new baby.
Come in, come in!

How nice!

What are you doing
at 4:00 tomorrow afternoon?

I work at the lisbon.

Every afternoon
at 4:00 --

Bada-boom -- we blast.

¿No te desesperas, sí?

How would you like
to blow a pocket for me

For $500?


That's a year's pay.

Hell, I'd blow up
the whole mountain for $500!

Where is this pocket?

Well, here.
Put your lamp here.

The lisbon.

Aha. Where?

Look, we meet here
at 2:30,

And we go up through
these abandoned buildings

To the old
number two shaft here.

Now, we go down the shaft
to this tunnel --

Oh, I know this tunnel.

It's all blocked up
and barricaded.

I blocked it up
two years ago.

If your pocket is here,
and it's a rich one,

Why you block it up?

Because a handshake
meant nothing.

How do you know
that what you're after

Is still there?

Oh. I had a look-see.

There's an outcrop
of nearly solid gold

As thick as your arm
right here.

When you sh**t,
can you take it out

With a dado cut
and four holes?

Four holes?

I wouldn't want
to sh**t too heavy, boss.

Why not put nine?

Mm. We won't have time.

They're working too close.
They're right here.

Hey, you tell me?
I work here every day.

The boss man?
He's a sl*ve driver.

You know, I like this.

This is a good joke
on him.

All right. I do it.

I sh**t four, six.
I sh**t it heavy.

I sh**t the works.

We'll need a wagon,
dynamite, tools.

We blast the same time

The daily mine blast
goes off --

Exactly 4:00.

but what if we miss?

We call it off?

We can't miss.

After we blow the pocket,

We've got only 10 minutes
to high-grade the ore

Load the bags,
and start out.

Yeah, but then what do
we do with the loot?

Have you heard of a man
called cyril lounsbery?

Sure. His wife
owns the mine.

That's bascom's sister.

What's lounsbery
got to do with us?

He'll take the gold
for cash.

Seems like everybody
around here

Is stealing
from everybody else.

Mi vida, are you here?

Buenos días, querida.

Where did you learn
that nice word?

Why, you said it to me
last night

Before I went to sleep.

It's the last thing
I remembered.

Aren't you up early?

I brought your wagon.

Here is the money
left over.

You put it
in your piggy bank.

Call it room and board.

You came to me as a friend,

And I did everything
you want me to do,

But you come with money,
and it's spoiled.

You pay me nothing.

Why not?

Why did you help me
on the bridge?

Because your heart speaks,

That's why
I want you to stay here.

Because I like you.


I'm so good-lookin'.


You think I'm 16 years old,

And I only dream of a man

Who is pretty as a postcard?


I see inside.

And what I see inside,

Is very good.

I want you to stay here
for a long time.

I'll be gone
after tonight.

I want you
to take this money

And give it to any doctor
that'll promise to call

Whenever your friends
need help --

Like last night.

You get all this for the job
you are going to do?

What do you have to do
for all this money?

Not much.

Not much? Well,
you can be k*lled, huh?

Could be.

Why you decide
to do this?

I don't know.

Maybe it was
that young girl last night.

Might have had her baby
all by herself.

Or maybe because it don't pay
to be broke without friends.

Maybe because it's tough
to have to be bad

When you want to make good.

But then maybe it's only
the poetic justice of it all.

What does it mean?

Don't ask me.

Except maybe
when I'll get back,

We'll make up
for the cheating

That's been done me

And the 10 years in yuma

And the loneliness.

Then you will buy
that ranch in mexico?

Oh, I know a fine one
down there -- in durango.

Good grazing land

And a home place
near running water

And shade
and green trees all around.

Yeah, if things go right,
I'll go there.

Would you, uh...

[ Knocking on door ]

Man: hey, anita!

Open up!

What do you want?

I want you!

[ Pounding on door ]

It's comanche!
I got money!

Go away!

Ha ha ha.

No, you don't.

I'm coming in,
ready or not.

Hey, anita, open up.

[ Pounding on door ]


Get out of here.

You heard my wife.

Ha ha ha ha!
Your wife?

Ha ha ha ha ha!

I'm sorry.

Now you know who I am.

But now...

I see inside,

And what I see
is good, querida.

[ Sobs ] oh!

Well, hello.


I didn't think you'd be here
at 2:00 in the afternoon.

I was taking a little nap.

I didn't mean
to gum things up

In case you wanted
to steal something.

I don't think you have
anything I need, thank you.


I just came to bring these.

What did the note say?

Just "thank you."

Ever since I've known you,
all you've said to me

Is "thank you,
thank you, thank you."

What are you
so grateful about?

That's not very nice.

Look, why don't you stop
that innocent act?


I'm the least innocent girl
you ever met.

Is that so?

I as much as told you
what I am,

But you don't seem
to understand.

Oh, honey,
it's getting clear.

Good, because I hate
false pretenses.

I appreciate
your interest in me,

And I know what you want,

But it's unavailable.

You know,
whatever you are, honey,

You've got me
kind of puzzled.

Does that mean
you like me?

Sure does.

Thank you.

It's nice to be liked.

You know,
that's the worst thing

About a girl
in my position --

The loneliness.

I don't have any friends.

And papa would say...

He might.
Most men are jealous.

But if you've got
a man who loves you,

Who does things for you,

Whose wife
is going to divorce him...

If you're smart,
you go along.

That's right.

What's the matter?

Nothing. I just wanted
to close the door.


Vincente knows
where to meet us.

Hyah! Hyah!

Come on!

Put our caps on.

They'll think
we're a survey team.

Got everything?

Everything, boss.

All your tools?


We'll go up
the back way.


Keep it taut.

The dynamite caps
are in the sack.


Be careful.

Wait. Wait a minute.

[ Whistles ]

Wood is rotten.

I didn't say
we weren't taking chances.

Can't temper it now.

Come on.

Dutchman: leave your tools
here, vincente.

Lights out.

We're late.
The drillers have started.

Mcbain, your job
is to let us know

The minute they finish.

Come on,
bring the rope.

This better be
all you say it is.

I got what some guys get
when they go underground.

You sick?

Not exactly.
It's that big word I got.


That's the one.

You'll be all right
when you see the gold.

Let's go, boys.

Peter: suck in
your gut, mac.

Where are the candles?


To think I used to raise
cattle upstairs from here.

Well, this was all mine.

we'll strip this.


I put my holes here,
here, here, and here.

She's all yours.
Give me the rope.

You be the lookout.

Yank once for the warning,
twice when it's clear.

Do you want me
to spell you on the hammer?

I broke more rock in yuma
than you ever saw.

Every time I swung
a hammer in yuma,

I was aiming
at that target.

Come on.
Get out of here.

Momento, momento,
momento, momento.

We're behind.

Let's hit it.

[ Speaking spanish ]

Hey, pedro,
knock it off!

[ Faint hammering ]

Who else is on hammer
down here?

Hold it.

I could have swore
I heard another hammer.

Maybe they're ghosts.

Plenty of men died here
in the cave-in last year.

All right, pluckers
and hammers, knock it off.

Knock it off!

All right,
powder monkeys in!

The shift's moving out.

Only the powder monkeys
and the foreman left.

Are we ready?

Ready or not, we're going
to load this round.

Get away
from those caps.

Want your head
on my shoulders?

All righty, next one.

Go back and check.

If they're ahead of us,
we're dead.

It's almost 4:00, bill.
Get a move on.

Okay, joe.

Shall we fire them, pop?

All ready, joe.

They're ahead of us!

Bring the rope.


Fire in the heading!
10 Holes!

Fire in the heading!
10 Holes!

Cut the fuses short.
We're late.

Get out of here.

When they start burning,
they burn fast.

Light the fuses.

Come on.

Come on, boss, run.
It's late.

[ Bell ringing ]

Hey, boss, my eardrums.


Looks like trouble
over at old number two.

Think she's caving?

Yeah, it could be.

What if it caves here?

Don't get excited, sonny.

I've seen abandoned shafts
go before.

Nobody near them,
nobody gets hurt.

Peter: let's go!

[ Coughing ]



In all my life, I have
never seen nothing like it.

Ha ha!

I'll bet we're looking
at a million dollars!

Ha ha ha!

Come on. Let's take
all we can carry.

Come on,
give me your bag.


We loaded out
so many holes,

It'll take you guys a year
to bring all that ore out.

Anytime the day shift
beats us,

It'll be
the very first time.

All right,
load the cage.

Let it clear, boss. You want
to choke us to death?

Just hold your breath
and climb in there.


[ Bell rings ]

Take it slow, george!
The mine has a bottom!

Get digging.
Put that rock in the box.

[ Bell rings ]

Second shift coming in?

Sí, sí.
Ándale, ándale.

Tie all four together.

[ Rumbling ]

Dutchman: may be a cave-in.
Go on!

Hurry, amigo! Hurry!

Go on!



My leg, my leg. Ahh!


Your leg's broken.
Don't move.

See anybody over there?

You men follow me.

Come on, amigo.

Mcbain, the rope!

[ Coughs ]

Easy, easy.

Leg's broken.

How's the dutchman?


[ Coughs ]

Send rope down quick.

[ Coughs ]

Now drop the rope,
the tools.

Take your gold
and get out of here.

Go on, take it.
Get out of here.

You, leave me.
Forget about me.

Not on your life.

[ Rumbling ]

She's caved!

Get out!

Whose wagon is that?

That's tucker's wagon.

He's on the first shift.

Going home now,
I guess.


We'll close this shaft
tomorrow for good.


[ Baby coos ]

que te paso?

Get the doctor.



This should take the fire
out of your leg

And put it
in your stomach.


Someday, I go back
in that tunnel.

I remember you,

Say thank you.

Then you come join me
in mexico, huh?


[ Wagon pulls away ]

They should be here
if they came direct.

You heard
the mine blast?

4:00 On the button.

Maybe they stopped
to celebrate en route.

You're drinking too much.

Not too much
for the job at hand.

I'm smarter than most,

And I got
a lot more nerve.

I think I'll k*ll
the dutchman first.

You won't have to
k*ll anybody.

Just make sure
they listen to reason

And leave the gold.

That they will do.

[ Hoofbeats ]

[ Snaps fingers ]

Good afternoon,

Everything went well?


Sit down, my friends.

I guess you could use
a whiskey.

No, thanks.

Let's get down
to business.

Might i, uh,
have a look?

Certainly can.

It's, uh, it's even more
than you promised.

I always keep
my promises.

It's all like this.

Ha ha.
Of course, of course.

Not that
I ever had any doubt.

I-i was just curious.

Well, how about
our money?

Well, gentlemen...

I, uh,

This is very embarrassing.
You see, the situation is --

You haven't got the money.

Well, I have it,
but not here.

I'm afraid we were
all a little overanxious.

We moved too fast.

We moved on your word.

Within a few days
you'll have the cash.

We haven't got a few days.

Be like a thousand deaths
carrying this around.

Well, I thought
you might leave it here.

After all, the ore
will be absolutely safe.

No one would ever dream

Of looking for stolen gold
in my home.

when the money comes --

We won't be here
when the money comes.

Come on, let's go.

Stop right there, gents.

Just drag that bag
back to the table.

What do you say,

Yeah, what do you say,

Don't forget, I'm a deputy.

Caught you with stolen ore.

Got a choice
of k*lling you both

Or selling you a ticket
back to yuma real cheap.

Like mac says,

What do you say,

Do as the man says.

Come on.

how bad you hit?

I don't know.

Drop me along the road
and get out of town.

Get to the wagon.

No, I'm not
going away light.

I must go
for the doctor.

Doctor does more harm
than good.

Oh, I'm all right.

I want to take
a look at it.

Come on! Get going.

You're going
to lose it all.

Easy does it.

Come on.

Oh, I'm all right,
I tell you.

Come on.

You're not all right.


Here. On the knife.

All over.

Now my hands.

All right.
Give him a slug...

A big one.

[ Coughs ]

All right, lie down.

Lie down.

b*llet went through here,
and it came out...

[ Grunts ]


[ Breathing heavily ]

Here's a present
for you.


W-what do you want?

The dutchman, mcbain,
and the gold --

Where are they?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

I break my leg.

I wait for the doctor.

I-i don't know nothing.

You lie!

[ Screams ]

[ Shouting ]

Let my woman go.
I k*ll you!

Start talking.

Maybe his woman
will help him talk.

I don't know.
Ask anita. Ask somebody.

Anita. Sure!

[ Crying ]

You take care of him.


We'll call our first boy
"dutch" for short!

Oh, it's almost sundown.

My people wait
outside of town.

When the bombs go off,
I must be with them.

the celebration start?

When the flag goes down,

Is the signal to attack.

You think you'll win?

Ha ha. We always do.

[ Festive mexican music
playing ]

Lee, go the back way
and block him.

Come on! Come on!

[ Women screaming ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Whinnies ]

[ g*nsh*t ]


[ b*llet ricochets ]

What took you so long?

I had to buckle on
my g*n belt.

[ Speaks spanish ]

Going on the roof, boss.

I'll cover you.

How we going
to get out of this?

Let's dig a hole
and crawl in it.

[ Shouting spanish ]

[ Shouting and cheering ]

Vamanos! Vamanos!

[ Shouting ]

[ Firecrackers popping ]

[ Shouting ]




[ Shouting ]

Hey, it's anita.

Because you've been
good to me,

My people
want to help you.

Poor señor lounsbery.
You falling.

Let's go into my bar,
sit down,

And talk like --


Vaya con dios.


Adiós, señorita.







Well, amigo,
here's where I get off.

But you just got on.

I thought you were going
to durango with us.

I promised the marshal.

I wonder how lounsbery's
going to explain

That dead deputy
in his library.

But what about the gold?

We'll split it three ways.

I'll meet you
in durango in june.

We might even
punch cattle together.



Be careful.


Hey, dutchman!


So long.

He's a good friend,

First one I ever had.

No, sir,
his room is empty,

Except his buttonhook
and his bag.

He left them both behind.

Man: last call for jerome,
oak creek, and points east!

Should we hold the stage
any longer, marshal?

No, tell him
to shove off.

I should've known
he'd break his word.

Slow and easy, marshal.

And here I thought

I'd have to ride all night
all by myself.

This time we won't need
a buttonhook.
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