Facts of m*rder, The (1959)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Facts of m*rder, The (1959)

Post by bunniefuu »

Stop the thief!

Stop him!

- Armando! - What is it?
- Police! - Yes!

Stop the thief!

- Stop him!
- Stop the thief! Take him!

- There he is.
- Take him!

Take him!

- Commander!
- Are you wounded?

- Is he wounded? - A small
glass? - We have called the police.

- I don't need anything, thanks.
- Something to calm your nerves.

- Thank you.
- A small glass...

What's happened? Who's been k*lled?

A big shot in town.
They're arresting all the street sweepers!

Permit me.

They say they have to eat.
What shall we do?

- Enjoy your meal.
- Thank you. - Allow me.

Diomira saw the thief leaving.
He shouted, but he disappeared.

- Allow me. - I grabbed my
revolver and... - Calm, grandpa.

- How dare you? - Do you have a license?
- I am general Pomilia. - Ah!

General! Anzaloni says
he heard no sh*ts.

Goodness! He's the only one who didn't hear it!

Three sh*ts! Unfortunately the fourth,...
Perhaps the cartridge was oxidized.

Please, gentlemen.

Lady, take the children home.
Be careful. Good!

- Where are you going? Ah, excuse me!
- Why all these people?

The thief knocked down Banducci,
then left through the other door.

At the next residents' meeting I will ask:
"Where was the concierge?"

He grabbed me and pushed me inside.
I asked: "what's going on?".

He says: "Quiet!".

I understand what is happening,
and so I scream. That was foolish of me.

- Why? - He could have reacted.
- And instead?

He covered my mouth, pushed me
against the wall... and I dropped to the floor.

Excuse me, did you have
any valuables here? Money...

No, just rubbish! A ring,
a couple of necklaces, a bracelet...

- Are you married?
- Why? No!

They were family belongings.
A ring with topaz etc...

- Stuff from my poor mother.
- Ah!

- Your woman... you live alone,
I assume you have a charwoman. - Yes.

- Does she live outside Rome?
- No, she lives in...

Turn back.

- Which one of you called the police? - Me
- With my telephone. - Yes.

After the scream, you saw the thief escape.
How much time passed after the scream?

- One minute.
- Perhaps one minute and ten seconds.

Good intuition! Within one minute he found
the correct drawer. Or maybe he got lucky.

Are you sure it wasn't someone
who knew the house?

Yes, I've never seen him before.

- It's the neighbour.
- Let her in.

Please, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you.

- Good morning, lady. Lady...
- Liliana Banducci.

- You live next door, right?
- Yes.

As I have already told the other
gentleman... you, right?

Shortly before I heard the sh*ts,
someone knocked on our door.

- The commissioner wants to meet you later.
- Ok.

- In private!
- Understood.

- If we could meanwhile make a...
- A report! - Of course.

- I'll do it thoroughly and exactly.
- Thank you. - You're welcome.

- We're thankful. - It's my duty!
- Goodbye. - Goodbye.

- The maid! Stop her.
- What maid?

Assunta Jacovacci!

- Are you Assunta Jacovacci?
- Are you? - Yes - Come here.

- Why didn't you hear bell ring?
- I have explained it to the lady.

The door was closed and the radio on:
There was music playing.

Like this?

- Or like this?
- No, less volume.

- About like this then, Assuntina?
- Yes.

So? You heard it!

I don't know. Lady, I told you.
What is he suspecting?!

- Do you know what this is? - No
- It is a ticket to the small train in Castelli.

- Are you engaged?
- Yes.

- Where is he from? - From Rome.
- Sure? - Yes... I believe so!

Do you ever go to Castelli,
to Frascati, to Marino?

I've never been to Frascati!
Why is he bringing Diomede into this?

What does Diomede work with?
Diomede, what more?

Diomede Lanciani.
He's an electrician.

Yes, he's been here to do
the wiring in the living room.

Seems I answered for Assuntina.


- Diomede! - Hey, you.
- Are you Diomede Lanciani? - Yes, why?

He hasn't done anything!
Let him go.

- Do you want something to eat? A panino?
- No, thanks.

- Have one, it's going to be a long night!
- No.

- Perhaps she.
- No.

- So you don't know Anzaloni. - No.
- But she does. - She lives there.

- And you knew he had money.
- Everyone knew.

Why did you run when
you saw the police?

- I didn't run.
- You turned on your heels!

When you see the police
you don't know what will happen.

You dislike the police?

- Is Doctor Ingravallo here?
- I'm here. - Ah...

Very well. We'll start over again,
earn my salary!

- Where were you this morning?
- I already told you: at home!

In the home of that poor man!
Confess or we'll be here all night!

- Why don't you believe me? I haven't seen him!
- He was at home!

- How do you know?
- I called him. He was on the phone with me.

That's the reason I didn't
hear the bell ring. I swear it!

Why do you continue defending him?

Because it is the truth.

- Look: is that him? See if you recognize him.
- No, he looked differently.

Look again. Are you sure?

Quite sure...
His face was half hidden by a scarf though.

- I wanted to ask you... is it you or me
who's been robbed? - I don't understand.

- Make me a list of every stolen item.
- I have told the sergeant.

I want a precise description: shape,
color, money. Even safety pins!

What are those two doing now?

Nothing. She has stopped crying.
In my opinion, he's our guy.

Let's see then!

- Take them away. Him to Regina
Coeli, her to Mantellate. - No!

I swear it's not him!
He'll swear by it too.

Don't hurt him. You curse
yourself, if you arrest him.

- Doctor! - Yes? - Send her
away. I want speak to you alone.

- I'll tell you everything.
- Come.

Want some?

Ok? What have you invented now?

- I have an alibi, doctor.
- Really?

- Why didn't you say so at once?
- Because of her. I'm marrying her.

I was with a woman, an american.

I was there all night,
until 11:00 this morning.

You don't believe me? Look here.

This is hers, she gave it to me this morning.

Tell me everything!

- Good evening, mister.
- Thanks, I'm with the police.

- Do you want anything, doctor?
- No, thanks.

- I have found her, but...
- Well, so you're in charge here?

Will you please explain
what this is all about?

- Please take a seat.
- I'm an American citizen!

You cannot possibly hold me here!
I wish to telephone immediately!

- Is this yours?
- I refuse to answer any questions.

Next time I will have my
vacation in Addis Abeba!

That is where the devil also goes!

Do you think we're playing?

- Yes? It's for you commissioner.
- To hell with it! - Excuse me...

It is not for anyone.

So is this yours?

- No.
- Why no?!

Remember? When leaving this morning,
I told you: "O divine... "

- Is it yours, yes or no?
- No! Is that all?

She is crazy! She wants to destroy me!

- Can I leave?
- No! Wait. I was with her until 10:00.

- The doorman can confirm it.
- Stop it!

Do you allow me?

Go and make a signed statement.
Everything, from what hour to what hour.

Accompany her, Saro.

Well now! This foreigner
has a good heart!

Tell me a little... like...

How do you find them? Or do they find you?
They pass by, they look at you, they smile...

Later, one is invited to dinner and...

What about the payment? All is paid for,
of course... but what about the dignity?

They give you the money first, or little
by little, as a game of change?

They pay and you take the change, right?

- Answer me!
- What do you want from me?

I don't work every day!

Get out!

Not there, the other way.

- Please, to Assuntina...
- What?

Nothing, nothing.

He is free, he has gone out.

So... can I leave too?

Assuntina, you're a good girl,
you're fond of each other...

...but it is better if you leave him.

It's not him, but it could have been.

Can I leave?

Sure. If you want to,
I can take you by car. It's late.

Get away. Some times you have to let them go...

- Doctor? - I am not a doctor! What's the
matter? - The american has signed.

- Send a copy to the embassy.
- Foreigners! Speaking of which...

Paola was on the phone earlier.

- Why "speaking of which"? and Oreste?
- He's with Anzaloni. - Still?

- So?
- We're done, finally. - Not bad!

- However he's a bit "tight on the purse".
- I don't understand. - Of course!

- Have you signed? - Yes.
- Yes, I have signed. - About time!

- Can I leave?
- Yes, we don't need you anymore, for now.

- Allow me.
- You are welcome.

- Commissioner...
- Yes?

- This story is a bit silly.
- Why?

- Given the small extent of damages,
would it be possible... - What?

If possible, please don't give
this story to the newspapers.

Thank you!

What an unpleasant handshake!

Do you have a
cigarette? Have one?

Come tomorrow at 9.00 to my office.

Why? What other lists
can I make for you?

You'll be looking at faces,
for comparison and recognition

Just hope the newspapers
won't write about it.

Miss Paola has phoned twice.

Ok, be seated.
Someone else come forward.

- You! - Me?!
- Come on, name and last name!

- Gino Migliozzi.
- Gino Migliozzi, nickname?

- What?
- Your "artist" name!

- What do they call you?
- We call him "whistler"!

Quiet there!

Gino Migliozzi, child of...

- Say it! Come on!
- Oh!

Stop it! Sit down.

What are you laughing at?

- It doesn't matter.
- I'll straighten them out.

- Always the same, right.
- There's a couple of new faces.

- Anzaloni?
- Haven't seen him.

- What time is it?
- It's 11:00 and...

- Good morning, doctor.
- I am not a doctor!

- Speak to my husband! He didn't hurt me.
- Ingravallo.

- What are you doing to my husband?
- Calm down, he'll be back "as new"!

You promised to just talk to him.
Be nice, please!

Would you be so kind as to
update me on the current status?

He has a medical certificate.
He's not allowed to get out of bed!

- Who?
- The case... the Commander!

Listen, I made it clear to you that if you did
not collaborate, we would take everyone here!

- No!
- Then get up, and no more stories.

You doen't understand. I have a quiet,
withdrawn life. I am a respectable person.

And from one moment to the next... Look
at what the newspapers write.

"A distinct looking man. During the robbery
he wore an extravagant nightgown".

- Do you understand? "extravagant"! And then...
- I understand!

- If this story continues, I'll k*ll myself.
- Yes.

Yes, k*ll myself! You don't
believe I'm capable, right?

- Stop talking nonsense!
- No, please, wait!

Please commissioner, I'm asking
you on my dead mother's name.

Get back to bed
or you'll catch a cold.

I will keep the journalists out.
I'll call them later.

- Who's there?
- I'm Ingravallo.

- Who?
- The commissioner! Am I disturbing?

I'm sorry. Now, when I hear a
knock, my heart makes a jump.

Thank you.

Are you alone?

Yes, Assuntina is out
and my husband is traveling.

- I don't... - Please
come in. - Thank you.

I'm coming from Anzaloni,
and thought I'd see Assuntina...

...since the other day
I was a little harsh on her.

- Poor girl. - I wanted to go with her,
but she didn't want me to.

- She came back with Diomede.
He too had a good scare! - Really?

- They already made the announcements.
- Ah, they're not wasting any time!

- Can I offer you anything? - No
- It's no trouble, a vermouth? - Yes.

- Make yourself comfortable.
- Thank you.

- Thank you. Beautiful! A childhood memory?
- Yes.

Yes. My father saw it in a
a shop window, one late evening.

I was nine years old.
We were looking for grandmother.

- Do you know Pescara?
- Just a little.

It was late, the shops were closing.

My father gave me his hand.
He looked at the doll in the window.

He said to me:
"Look, it resembles you".

But then they turned off
the lights, and I started crying.

Who knows why.

He then decided
to buy it for me at any cost.

It is true, it does resemble you a bit.

I was determined to once
have a child like this.

Assuntina will be back any moment
now, but perhaps you're in a hurry?

Well, give my regards to her.

- Give my best wishes.
- Thank you, it will please her.

- Goodbye. Best wishes to you as well.
- Thank you. Goodbye.



Oh God!

Hello, police?

Be careful where you put your feet.

- From the other side too.
- Reverend, can you move? Thank you.

- Are you writing?
- Yes.

- What do we say, face up or on the back?
- On the back.

- Right arm backwards.
- Wait!

Left arm along the side.

Showing multiple wounds in the throat.

- Beautiful woman! - How many years was she?
- 37. - She carried them well!

- She carried too few, the poor thing!
- Eh, ok!

And him?

I haven't smoked yet,
I really want one.

But to smoke now gives me a thing right here!
And they say I'm a medical doctor!

- I don't know, I don't like him.
- Me neither... too much hair!

- Have you finished?
- Yes! Get moving guys.

I'm leaving.

Examine her as quickly as possible!

- Is judge Istruttore back?
- He should be by now...

I agreed to phone him.

- Found nothing?
- Nothing.

- Can I have some water? Where is
the kitchen? - Over there. - Excuse me.

- Have you seen those stains on your shoulder?
- My God, it's blood!

- Give it to me, I'll take it.
- One moment.

- Thank you.
- You are welcome.

In the initial confusion
I may have touched her.

I touched her hand,
but I should explain that...

- My God, why?
- One moment. - She passed out.

Let's carry her up.

Where are you going?

Everything's accounted for,
even the number on the delivery ticket

- Will you sign it?
- Don't they trust you? - Well...

Here are Anzaloni's salami and ham.

I'll take the ham and salami.
You know Anzaloni!

He is a customer.

- Please, Commander!
- Get going!

About the telephone. Did you have
to set up your phone central just here?

- I enjoy quiet evenings!
- Exactly!

That's why we chose you.

You live alone, no children in the house.
You're patient.

Would you please put this some other place?

I wouldn't say the marriage
was wrong, but futile.

She wanted children,
but aborted twice.

Perhaps surgery would have helped...
but my cousin was old-fashioned.

- And you, doctor?
- I listened to her frustrations, I'm a doctor.

Her doctor's office is
missing from the list.

It's under the name of Augusto
Rinaldi, the son of the head physician.

Do you know Rinaldi, the cancerologist.

So you listened to her frustrations, doctor.
Was that of any use?

- To the poor lady, I meant.
- Frankly, yes.

You know that famous chemist,
paralyzed from birth...

...who achieves great results
with injections of distilled water.

- It's a matter of persuasion, of influencing.
- And of charm.

- What was in it for you?
- What?

- This slow and patient labour of persuasion.
- I don't understand.

I know that in the inner pocket of her jacket...
A small indiscretion, I know

The sergeant found exchange bills for...

My cousin helped me, we were
relatives and she wished me well.

- In your opinion,
where did the assassin come from?

What do you think?

Will you take this?
It's the key to the house.

The doorkeeper has a duplicate?

No, there are three in total: the lady had one,
Mr. Remo one, and this.

- Who do you have at home? Mother, father...
- Mother.

- Are you going to her? - She's staying with some
nuns tonight, I have already notified them.

This morning she said to me:
"You will have a nice outfit". Her outfit.

She wanted to pay the nuns.

- Did you go out early this morning?
- Yes, with her.

- The lady went to church, and I...
- She went for the ring.

- Are you ashamed? When is your marriage?
- It's supposed to be Thursday, but now...

- Do you think someone wanted to rob her?
- You said nothing was stolen.

Her jewels, we don't know
if they were in the house...

Yes! The doctor's money.

The lady said that if
I came back before her...

...I should give Valdarena an envelope
she'd left on the fireplace.

- Was the lady getting along with her husband?
- They never had a quarrel.

What was between
the lady and Valdarena?

Nothing! Not what you think.

Valdarena could have k*lled
her and then phoned.

Ah, so he's innocent then.
Too bad, I resent him!

Sure? Credible witnesses?
All right. Bye.

Ah, if you find anything, continue
phoning here. Got that?

- Cigarette?
- Thanks.

Professional motives aside, did you
come often to see your cousin?

What? I understand!
No, you suspect I was her boyfriend...

- Not that she would have minded...
- But you, doctor, resisted the temptation...

I pretended not to understand.
What should I have done?

What you did: receive a fixed salary
at the end of the month... plus extras.

No, you won't succeed in
making me loose my patience.

Shall we bet?

You came in through that door, and
saw the body lying on the floor.

- Right?
- Yes.

Did you know about the money,
or notice them afterwards?

Stand up.

Go to the door.

Reenact excactly what you did.

You saw her...

Why are you waiting? Go!


And afterwards? Did you phone, or
go to take the envelope?

- It's mine. It's written on the envelope. Look!
- Hold on!

So you immediately worry about
your money. Come! COME!

There, like that.

You step over the body, take
the envelope, step over it again...

...and then make the phonecall, right?

- You have no right to treat me like that.
- Get out. Go away!

- But...
- Move your feet.

- I think by now...
Has the husband been informed? - Yes.

We're waiting for news from Lugano.
Saro is there.

Didn't I have a hat, when
we came here? Shall we go?

- Yes... I had a hat! Open up for a moment.
- I heard talking!

- So? Did you want to lock me inside?
- Were you are afraid? - No.

- The hat, doctor.
- Didn't I tell you?

- Let's go.
- Yes.

They called from Lugano: Remo Banducci
arrives tomorrow at 9:40.

- Very well, doctor.
- Good night, boss.

- One moment, please. Turn around.
- Once more.

Come with me.

Be patient, the commissioner
will be here right away.

He's already wearing a black tie.

- Well prepared!
- I didn't notice it before.

- Allow me.
Ingravallo, from Central Investigations.

Band ucci .

Do you want something to drink first?
A cognac? There is a bar right outside.

- That won't be necessary. Do at once
what it is you do. - Please.


Prepare yourself for an unpleasant sight.

Seeing her again like this...
I'm afraid

it will destroy my memories.

I'm sorry, identification is
a necessary formality.

It was changed in the taxi. What
was he doing tonight, on the train?

Until Bologna he was reading,
after that he slept all the way to Rome.

- I can't see anything.
- Wait! Look.

- Nice flowers! He's a poet.
- Quiet!

Quiet please.

- There's doctor Fumi!
- Shh!

I wonder what they were talking about.

- Didn't Banducci say they were
barely saying hello? - But...

- Is this the same scene?
- No, this is another. It's later.

Those two continue to speak.

- Is Banducci there? - Shall I call for him?
- I only asked if he was there.

Poor girl, she looks aged.

Doctor, it's Don Corpi.

- Who?
- The priest of Quattro Santi.

- It's about lady Banducci.
- Ok.

- Riecco...
- Shh!

I'll go and listen, lots to...

- Have you checked the tenants?
- They have alibies and no motive.

- I'd like a status update tonight.
- If there is time.

It is strange that a woman of
36 years thinks about making her will.

Still more strange is that she changed
it shortly before being k*lled.

One could think she expected it.

Lady Liliana was very apprehensive,
sensitive, and lonely.

Although she was religious,
I assure you commissioner...

...she often frequented wizards,
healers, charlatans of every kind.

I know, I know of one.

Even her affection in domestic
matters was excessive.

She brought youngsters to her
house, children almost.

When they became women,
she'd give them an outfit...

...and often found them husbands.

It was her joy: creating families,
being devoid of one herself.

Did she get along with her husband?

A marriage without children...

...is like a soup left on the
sideboard: it turns sour.

And Mr. Banducci, the fine man,
he never went to church.

- and that matters a lot, commissioner.
- Sure.

- I won't hold you back any longer. Thank you.
- My pleasure.

- I hope my late arrival wasn't...
- Certainly not.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

- I wish I knew what is written in here!
- You can open it.

- A notary is required.
- I meant with vapor: we put it over a pot...

It's a will, don't you understand!
Do you want us all put in jail?

- It was just a suggestion!
- Blah!

- Excuse me for keeping you waiting.
- No problem.

- Sit down, please.
- Thank you.

- I'm sorry, I have no cigarettes.
- I smoke very little, thank you. - Excuse me.

I want to give my condolences.

At the morgue, in all the
confusion, I simply forgot.

- I behaved like a little girl.
- It can happen to anybody.

- Thank you.
- You are welcome.

This morning we have removed
the sea! from your apartment.

The scientist has finished his games:

...photographies, reliefs,
analysis, powders for imprints.

- As of tonight you may sleep at home.
- That won't be easy.

Sooner or later you have to decide, and the
sooner you face it the better.

The rest of the apartment is yours,
what was your wife's is now yours.

Do not sell it... where a crime has occurred,
there will be depreciation.

You know, people are superstitious!

the reliefs... the photographies have been
useful? Do you have a lead?

Don't you read the newspapers?
They know as much as I do. We're groping!

It is strange,
that in the same building...

...in the apartment next to yours,
there was a robbery the day before.

- Did you know that?
- I read it in the newspapers.

It is difficult to see the
relation between the two events...

...but even more difficult to
imagine there is no relation.

"Lightning never strikes twice"!

- But this time it has!
- Right.

- What can you tell me about Valdarena?
- I know very little about him!

- Aren't you related?
- He's just a distant cousin of my wife.

Liliana was encouraged a bit by him...
Don't misunderstand me.

I know the story of the children...

- I need to make an indiscreet
question about this subject. - Go on.

- What was your relationship with your wife?
- Why do you ask?

I have seen the separate bedrooms...

- Poor Liliana. Is it necessary
to talk about this? - Yes.

Well, after the second miscarriage,
four years ago...

...what remained between us was
just affection, a tender friendship.

I understand. And in these years you,
excuse me, nothing serious of course!

But between men... travelling
a little here, a little there...

- In short, naturally... -
Yes, naturally! - Naturally!

I hope my colleague wasn't too rough...

...asking your whereabouts and stuff...

- Your hat. - Thank you. - The alibi,
were they polite asking about it? - Yes.

Whenever a crime happens,
I ask: "who benefits?".

In her house nothing was stolen.

The only one benefiting
from the death of your wife...

...is you, the heir.

- Your cigarettes.
- Thank you.

- You must realize that.
- Sure.

I hope it all ends
as soon as possible.

- For me it is already finished.
- Thank you.

- Were you aware of your wife's testament?
- Why would she make one? - Right.

Nonetheless she has. It's in here.

She made it, and also revised
it a week before her death.

I really don't understand...

Even you would like to
know what it says, right?

But you can't, we need the notary.
However we will know shortly.

- Excuse me, once more.
- But... - Goodbye. - Goodbye.

- Who's with Banducci? - Tieri.
- You too, go in. - All right.

- Hello
- Hello? Remo? Hello? Remo!

"My goods will be divided
among those close to me"

"I leave to Giulia Monti, Teresa di n*gro,
and Assunta Jacovacci... "

- Are you the one who got married?
- Yes.

Here... "Assunta Jacovacci,
married name Lanciani". Is he present?

- No, but I have the proxy.
- All right.

"To the aforementioned go three million,
to be divided in equal parts".

"For my cousin, Massimo Valdarena... "

I leave in usufruct the
house in Via Antonelli 19... "

and 5 millions, available when
he laureates in medicine".

"I wish that my remaining assets... "

be entrusted to priest
Don Rosario Corpi... "

to be used... "

for the Pio Istituto delle
Orfanelle di Maria Bambina... "

That's absurd!

It is absurd! We're speaking of 50, 60 millions!

Not counting the ownership
of... It is absurd!

- Why do you look at me like that!
- Me? - I can't, I won't accept it.

Evidently the will
of my wife has been...

It's not about you, father.
You have my full appreciation, but...

Do you challenge it?

- Yes, I challenge it.
- All right. Sign here.

Also the other ladies and gentlemen,
if you'd be so kind...

Tighter, all on one line.
Fine, just like that.

- Goodbye.
- Good morning.

How come you got married
without letting me know...

Father, the papers were about to expire.

I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to
postpone, and perhaps you should have.

- Father, I had to marry!
- Ah, right.

- Is he living with you in the countryside?
- Yes.

- Best wishes, Assuntina. We're friends now.
- Yes.

- Goodbye, father.
- Bye, dear.

Where is he going?! Step on it!
Hello, central? Hello?

Yes, the day after tomorrow!

- And she hasn't gone out?
- No.

- Which is her room?
- Nr. 29, the two windows on the second floor.

- Hey!
- Oh, excuse me.

Miss, can you help us out? We want
to play a joke on a friend.

- What is the number? - Oreste! -
A campari. - What campari!

Do you know the number
to Banducci's hotel?

A friend of ours is in a hotel
nearby, and he has to...

- 6-5-4-9-2-2.
- Yes.

- His name is Remo Banducci.
- So what?

When he answers, you say:
"Hello, Remo?". Nothing more.

- What if his wife answers?
- She won't answer.

Hello? Mr. Remo Banducci, please?

- "Hello Remo" and nothing more?
- Nothing more.

Hello? Remo? What's the joke?
He hung up at once.

- Did I do it wrongly? - It was very good.
- Thank you. - You are welcome.

It's a contest: pick random names,
and if the chosen person says:

..."Hello? That is me",
he will win a Giulietta Sprint.

- But that's easy!
- But it is hard to win them. - Really?

- What is the number to your house?
- Me? - 3-4...

- Get out of here!
- Oreste!

- Bicarbonate, please.
- Yes.

Well done! Group therapy, aerosol...

x- ray therapy...

Street, address, telephone
number... Bravo, doctor!

If you're referring to my degree...

- That's right.
- I never intended to be a regular doctor.

- I never did like you, you know.
- May we drop the polite form?

You and your uncle Remo
Banducci are friends, right?

Me and Remo? I would not
exactly say "friends".

- If he asked you a favor, you wouldn't refuse.
- It depends.

I believe you were taking
money from both of them.

Liliana helped me, sure, but Remo!

- Have you ever introduced
women to your uncle? - Me?

Don't tell me you're offended?!

You had the opportunities,
and here you're well equipped!

No, commissioner, I work here!

Doctor, this way I'm going to
end up like San Lorenzo!

- I'm toasted!
- Excuse me, lady.

- I have some customers.
- Marshal, are you here for a tan as well?

- You know each other?
- Of sight.

What taste is there in
being black like bedouins?

It's fashion.

- Goodbye.
- Are you coming, doctor.

- I leave you to your work, doctor.
- I know I wasn't of much help.

- Don't worry, perhaps I learned
a thing or two anyway. - Really?

- I'll show you the way out.
- Don't worry, I know the way. - As you wish.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

See, I did learn something.
Go on, but no tricks.

Well? Are you coming?

- Have a nice day.
- Goodbye.

- Quick! Follow that car!
- What?

- Hurry, I'm with the police.
- Of all the cars in Rome!

- Now what? Are we moving? - If
you give me a push... - I'll push you alright!

Doctor, the meter
is running! g*dd*mn!

Who is it? Ah, well...

What? Idiot! Imbecile!

- Doctor... - Banducci has withdrawn
3 million. - Where did he take it?

- Marchetti lost sight of him.
- Piece of... - I already told him.

Oreste goes to the hotel and stays put there.
You're watching Valdarena.

- Go to the doctor's office and
watch his movements. - Yes.

He didn't come back, and he hasn't phoned.
A quiet night in the hotel!

- Who is there now?
- Marchetti. He wanted to. He's not to blame.

And the doctor?

I have quarreled with everyone,
I have checked the calls: nothing!

Seems he went out at about
the same time as Banducci.

What are you suggesting by
that cunning face?

It doesn't mean anything.
Perhaps they met.

Perhaps money was exchanged.
Sure! So what?

The third man... But here we're
not talking of a third man!

Here we're talking of the fourth, the fifth:

...Banducci, Valdarena who, possibly,
may have paid the k*ller.

And then the "ghost woman"... who else?
The anonymous assassin?!

For me Valdarena remains the
most convincing hypothesis.

Banducci gives him 3 millions,
and he kills his wife.

He was at the scene of the crime,
and even called the police.

- Indications of guilt.
- Stop chewing in front of me!

He kills her, then goes around making
himself seen by everyone for an alibi.

- Returns and makes the phonecall.
- Well? I have news from Lugano.

Banducci stayed at the Bristol, on the
evening of the crime and the night before.

The other three days: totally obscured!

What an idiot! How could he imagine
he'd be able so keep up a lie this naive?

What did he say initially?

That he left the Bristol
three days before the crime.

That means: Saturday, Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday in Lugano...

I don't remember anything anymore!
Give it to me!

Here! His wife dies Tuesday.
He was in place Tuesday and Monday.

But Sunday and Saturday?

Where are you going?
What do I tell Judge Istruttore?

- For me Valdarena remains the most
convincing hypothesis. - Good evening!

Answer it.

Yes? Central Investigations Department.

- There, what is the number?
- Leave it, I'll do it.

Is it miss Paola?
Sorry, I didn't recognize you!

What are you doing?
Are we going out?

You don't want to? Wherever you like.
But I don't feel much like talking.

How do you put up with me?
Why aren't you crying over me?

- Satisfied now!
- Commissioner? - He's here.

Excuse me for a second, Paola.

- Where is he? - The carabinieri from
Marino have called. - Why?

They have tracked down part
of the loot from Anzaloni...

...items on the list...

- The carabinieri are holding them. - So? -
I... - Here we go again with Valdarena.

The topaz ring was on the finger
of one of the detained: Camilla Mattonari.

The circle is closing. Do you know who that is?
The "bedouin" at Valdarena's office.

- I'm coming right away.
- Are we taking the Alfa? - No, the 1100.

I'm sorry Paola, the situation
changed again.

No, sorry... I'll phone you later.
Will I reach you? Because here, you know...


What do I have to do with it?

You must identify the thief,
there has been a m*rder!

- There is no link.
- Perhaps there is and we still haven't seen it.

- Could you open the car window?
- Yes.

- Stop at the first telephone.
- Where can I find one?

If you want you can
try this... but it is difficult!

Car 2045, this is Ingravallo.
Is Fumi there?

Hello, this is Ingravallo.
Any news of Banducci?

Really? He came back?

If Marchetti looses him again,
I'll send him to Sardegna!

Good. Wait! And Valdarena?

Him too? They both came back
within half an hour of each other?

Good. "Keep them warm".
And do it so that they realize it.


- It works.
- Never for me!

- No, enough, I don't feel well.
- Another goccetto.

- It's good. Sweetie, another litre!
- Coming up.

- And Camilla? Where is your sister?
- Not here.

- Where has she gone?
- To mind her own business.

- So? What are you laughing at? - Me?
- Yes, you looked at me and laughed.

- I assure you... - Since he came in,
he's been looking at me, laughing.

My eyes may fail on me, but
I still have a "nose": They're police!

Here's another.

Cadet Walter Tomea, at your service.
I'm sorry I'm late.

- Relax. Have a chair.
- Thank you.

I had leave today, and went down
to the Nemi to look at the ships.

Right, but now you're drinking,
loosen up a little will you.

- You're the one who saw the ring?
- Yes.

- Camilla has something of a...
- A police record. - Exactly.

Camilla Mattonari, 26 years.
Today, around 14:00...

- We're closing. - Don't worry about the hour,
the commissioner will grant you an exemption.

We are convinced the ring is part of...
Anzaloni, describe it.

- It's an object of no value.
- Are you starting again? Come on, describe it.

- Now then - Now nothing!
We're waiting for Camilla.

I'll go and look for Camilla.

- Where are you going? - He doesn't feel well. -
He lives above! - But the privy is outside.

Good evening, marshal.
What is the cause of this surprise?

Do they serve you anything?

- Never seen her?
- No.

Let's see the ring.


- Is this it?
- Well... Yes.

- Who gave it to you?
- Be quiet, he can't do anything to you.

I have nothing to hide.
My fiance.

- Quiet.
- Why? It's not stolen stuff!

- Still you hid it.
- With you guys you never can tell.

- So he bought it for you?
- Yes.

- Must have been expensive! -
He can afford it. - Quiet!

You're nagging because he's not here!
She's in love with my boyfriend!

- Valdarena gave you the money, right?
- Who?

The doctor in Rome with the "solar treatment".

Him? He's nice and a gentleman,
but as for money...

That poor man is being compromised,
and you're making him look dirtier!


Leave me alone, I'm going to...

- You're in love with him, confess it!
You want him! - I've already had him!

- Liar!
- And he enjoyed it too!

This is what he got me, for 100.000 liras.

- We're counting on your cooperation.
- We're have orders to cooperate, no problem.

Ah, here.

There's nothing on the Mattonari sisters, but...

Tomea, do you have a line?

Yes, from Criminal Investigations,
captain. An officer with two...

Hello! Can't hear him anymore!
He disappeared again.

Hello! This is the police. Absolute priority.

Lady! What? At your service, captain.
It's Marciano.

- Here in my office is... Excuse me,
I have forgotten your name. - May I?

This is Ingravallo, commissioner of
the Central Investigations Dept. Listen...

Hello? What the hell happened?

Lady, I don't want to speak with
the C.I.D., I am from the C.I.D.

You try.

Hello? Lady, listen up.

This is the police speaking.
We're dealing with a m*rder here.

In our jurisdiction?
I didn't know. Tomea!

A m*rder there may be, but you
in Marino have nothing to do with it.

The Mattonaris don't speak, but it is
necessary to find out who their friends are.

We turned to you
to simplify the matter...

- Camilla's boyfriend is Enea Retalli.
- Leave it, Saro.

- Where is Retalli?
- Between Rome and in Marino: he walks.

- He's walking from Marino to Rome?
- No, race walking! - Ah, race walking!

- It's been a pleasure collaborating with you.
- Thank you.

- It's been an honor.
- The honor is ours.


Fine men... They don't look
much like police officers!

Which one is it?


Keep it up!

- Is that him?
- Yes.

- Keep it up! Bravo!
- Enea, what are you doing?

- He tries to escape!
- Are you crazy? Get back!


- Stop!

- Wait.
- From this side also.

- Get out, the commissioner is coming.
- That's enough. Quick.

- Sergeant? Can I have a small sip?
- Afterwards.

Valdarena will be here shortly.
You had better confess.

If only I knew who this... Valdarena... is
I have already said I don't know.

You can try the clever act, but Camilla
has already confessed.

How much did Valderena give
you to k*ll Liliana Banducci?

I'm just a filthy thief!

In the w*r, where I was voluntarily,
I even sold g*ns to the greeks!

I'm disgusting, but I would not hurt a fly.
I don't like the blood!

I swear by God!

- Could I have something to drink?
- No! - Please!

Where is the stuff?

I took stuff of little value
to Filone, in Valmelaina.

And I took the stones to "The Potato",
the one singing in Trastevere.


- Who is it?
- Police!

- Damn you!
- Open! - Daddy, get out!

- Did you knock?

- Can I finish it?
- Finish!

- Necklace in gold plate with beads and roses.
- And roses.

- Gold bracelet with six threads.
- Bracelet...

- Can I come in? - Move it.
- My respects to you, marshal.

Chain and pendant.

The larger items are missing:
where are they?

Fencing? I don't do that
anymore. I have changed.

- Have you searched him?
- Summarily.

There is nothing, marshal.

Let's see!

There is nothing. Look. Here's
another pocket. Nothing there either.

You're a connoisseur. I know that
guitar is from your homeland: Catania.

Look: "Alfonso Biagio. Made in
Catania in 1916". Did you read it?

Nice, isn't it?

Look at this!


Pin with sapphire, pendant
with stone, pin with gemstone.

- Is that everything?
- The loose change is missing.

They're probably spent on
the witches new teeth!

All right. Is the the van here?


There is the commissioner. Hold them!

Everything in place, the guilty
have confessed. The loot is recovered.

Disgrace! I've been betrayed!
I'll teach him a lesson!

Very well. Get them out of my sight.
And Valdarena?

Send for him, try a confrontation.
Do what you want.

So? It's a nice congregation,
but... quick, get out!

- How can I help? - Mr. Banducci.
- Who shall I report? - The C.I.D.

- I was just on my way to see you.
- So we had the same idea.

When will you remove
that tail off my back...

...watching my every move,
never tiring?

- You're aware of that?
- Who wouldn't be aware of something like that?

Always close by! He even
asked me for a light twice..

A colleague of mine has sent him.

So that if I needed you, I would find you.

- You need me?
- Yes, I wish to see your house.

If you need the keys, here they are.
But you already have the duplicates!

No, I really need you.
You can help me with some explanations.

- Very well, as you wish.
- Thank you.

Excuse me, I'll make way.

Lights don't work.

- Don't you ever open the windows?
- I haven't been here since then.

- You're afraid, right?
- Impressions. The first night I couldn't sleep.

If I were in your shoes, I would
be a little afraid too.

- I didn't say "fear".
- Sure you didn't say it...

- But you can smell the bad odor, right?
- No, except your cigar.

Oh! Good! We've established
some confidence then.

- Could I have some water?
- Sure.

Oh, thanks.

Excuse me.

- It's a little cold.
- Cold? The air is so nice!

And the air in here is most foul.
Excuse me.

I don't know... All crimes have
something in common, but this...

- Does this tell you anything?
- It belonged to my wife. It's always been here.

- Nothing more, right?
- No. What do you want me to say?

Nothing. It's an ornament like any.
There are many in here.

- Aren't you answering?
- Yes.



It's for you.

- You're afraid, right?
- I have already said I'm not afraid!

Ok, I'm not deaf!
That's all, Saro.

That won't be necessary.
Don't move.

You're not afraid of the dead,
but of someone looking for you!

You don't open the windows,
so that nobody will know you're here.

- I repeat to you I'm not afraid!
- Then I imagine you can sleep here.

Let us take care of your stuff at the hotel.
We'll take it to your place.

- You trust me, right?
- But why? I...

- What's up with this thing?
- What's wrong, Orestes?

- It's broken. - We'll write it down by hand.
- Not even the smell of money!

A nickel on the sink... perhaps
from when he put on his pants.

Since he withdrew the 3 millions,
Banducci has signed a lot of checks.

- And the 3 millions?
- I wish I was inside his head.

I wish I was a fly on the wall
just to see what he is doing now!

- I'll write down these zip codes.
- I'll read them to you.


- Doctor, what time is it?
- I am not a doctor.

Done. He even said thanks
and wanted to give me 500 liras!

- Shall we go back home? - Oreste,
you stay here. I'm going to Banducci. - And me...

Go to his garage and check out
the last movements of his car...

...above all those between 4 and 6.

- Check out the addresses Oreste
wrote down. - Tonight? - At once.

- Is Banducci dressed?
- In his pajamas.

- The light is still on. Let's wait a little.
- It's out now.

See you later on.

Excuse me, but I forgot to ask
you something. Can I come up?

Come down and open for me.

- They brought your suitcase?
- Yes, thanks. - Don't thank me.

With the excuse of doing you a favour,
we took photographs...

...copied your papers,
looked through your personal things...

You know what the police is like!

- So... Why don't you sit down?
- I'm sleepy.

Why did you say you were in Lugano
from the 5th to the 8th this month?

I said no such thing!

You made the police think that,
and they put it into words.

- I was in Lugano on the day of the m*rder.
- And also on the 7th.

But where were you on the 5th and 6th?

I took the train to Milano at 17:50

- Why? - To go to Venice!
- Where to? - The casino!

I arrived at 8:30.
I played all day long.

Then I went back to Lugano.

Perfect! Not a moment unaccounted for.

- Listen... do you eat well at the hotel?
- Why?

- You've never eaten here. Is it too expensive?
- It depends.

For a normal meal? What did you eat today?

I don't remember...
Pasta, meat perhaps. No, not meat!

It is odd, you remember so well
those three days of the month...

...but forget what you've eaten today.

I remember what I did those days,
because I have thought much about them.

- I feel like a suspect!
- What big words!

- By the way, any news from the notary?
- As expected: about 30 millions.

Not bad.

- Tell me... was your wife faithful to you?
- What do you mean?

- Your wife didn't have a lover?
- Out of the question!

- And you? - Me what? -
You don't have a lover?

Not what you spoke of...
travelling around... naturally...

- I mean a real lover!
- No, I never had!

You say that as if I was
asking about scarlet fever!

- I have one! - It doesn't interest me. -
Do you know what they say in my parts?

"A wife dead is a bed freed".

What you're insinuating is completely unworthy.

What did you do with the 3 millions you
withdrew the day before yesterday?

- Who told you that?
- Answer!

You know I couldn't have
k*lled her, I was in Lugano!

Even the hands of others can k*ll!

Where did you take those
3 millions you withdrew?

- I made payments!
- To whom? - Business colleagues...

- The receipts?
- We never sign anything. I'll pay the fine!

I am not from the Revenue Service.
Tell me the names of your colleagues...

- You don't know them.
- I want to know them. Make me a list.

- I will tomorrow.
- Tonight. Sorry for ruining your sleep.

I expect it tomorrow at 8:00,
in my office. Remember that!

Good night.

- Have you checked?
- Everything in order.

Between 4 and 6 o'clock,
Banducci's car didn't move.

As for the addresses... they are
people in respectable businesses.

But there is one number, which is either
wrong or belonging to the Orsoline nuns.

- Which one? - 3-2-6-6-1.
They told me it doesn't exist.

Then I have did 3-5-2-6-6-1: nuns.
I woke up the convent!

- What's the number that
doesn't exist? - 3-2-6-6-1.

- It could be a mileage.
- Why write it in a notebook?

To control the price, if he rented a car.

- Return to piazza Fontana.
- To Banducci?

You're going to the car rentals, especially
those close to Banducci's house.

- It's nighttime! - Wake them up, and find
out if Banducci has rented a car.

See where it's been
between 4 and 6 o'clock.

- And where will I find you, chief?
- Call me at home, at any hour.

Hello? Paola?

Ah, it's not her? Yes, it's me. Listen,
when she returns tell her...

She's angry with me?

I have phoned a couple of times!

Once there was no answer,
later on I've had impossible days.

Tell her...
By the way, don't!

It doesn't matter, when she
returns tell her I have called.

I'll call again tomorrow.
Thank you.

- Paola?
- I got lucky.

I have found the car: an Aurelia 2000.

Banducci has been using it on Saturdays and
Sundays, and always drove 150 km.

I want to ask him why he's been in Verbania.

It's worth an attempt. 150 km:
75 going there, 75 coming back...

- What lies 70 km from Rome?
- Civitavecchia, Rieti.

- Would one do in Rieti with a woman?
- And in Verbania?

He has come here some Sundays.
He made the arrangements, she stayed in the car.

Nice one. I have only seen her from
a distance, I couldn't describe her.

- They rented number nine.
Do you want to see it? - No.

- Didn't you ask for the girl's papers?
- I'm just the manager...

From a juridical point of view, a
cottage is different from a hotel.

It's more like an apartment,
everyone is responsible for his own.

The direction denies
any responsibility.

I think I recognized the
one with the moustache...

Good evening.

- He's up? - Yes,
the light's still on. - Let's go.

- You're here?
- We have found the woman.

I said it before: find the woman!

What if he's been k*lled?

- Let's break the door open.
- Wait.

- But... - It's Assuntina's key.
- Ah, right.

What's wrong with this key?


- I swear doctor, I never moved from there.
- I am not a doctor!

- Never moved, huh?
- Just for a minute, to get some cigarettes.

Hello? It's Ingravallo.
Banducci has disappeared.

Not Balducci, Banducci, as in "bandit".
Notify all regions.

- Even the carabinieri?
- Yes. I take the full responsibility!

Yes, commissioner.. certainly.
I see. Of course.

Message from Cuneo, in Genoa.
Another Remigio Banducci in Savona...

"Is Remo a diminutive of Remigio?"

Yes, I see you soon. He
wants to speak with you.


No, I'm sorry. He's not here.

Who's speaking?

Tell me, reverend.
Another will?

- Keep him there. I'm coming at once.
- He wants to talk.

He wants to confide to you.
But only to you.

Yes, only me!

Saro! Oreste! Marchetti!

I remember little Virginia,
when she first came to our service.

She was just 15 years, a child.

Thank you.

My wife was obsessed with
bringing teenagers into our house.

Virginia had two blonde braids,
she spoke in a thin voice.

She had been with the nuns, until then.

Some months later, my wife
went on vacation with her.

One day I came home,
it was in September and still hot...

...I heard a noise from the room,
and thought Liliana had come back.

I called: "Liliana!". I opened
the door and saw her, Virginia.

My wife had sent her home in advance,
to put the house in order.

I barely recognized her: she was dressed
in Liliana's most beautiful negligee.

She'd also put on her
lipstick, her perfume.

In those three months she'd been
transformed into a woman.

Under the negligee,
she seemed naked.

You will understand the effect it
had on me, seeing her like that.

Her eyes looked down, as if she
was expecting to be punished.

- But you didn't punish her, did you.
- No, unfortunately.

From that day it was hell for me.

I was powerless, sl*ve to
an absurd situation.

She gave me sneaking caresses,
in front of my wife.

At times she would find me in the corridor,
my wife in the room next door...

...from where she could be able to see us.

She pulled me close,
forgetting every discretion.

Poor Liliana!

Once she came into our room,
where Liliana was sleeping.

I was terrified. She bent over
me and wanted me to kiss her!

Right there! Understand? There!

- That's when you got separate rooms?
- No, later, when my wife found out.

My wife started receiving
anonymous letters:

..."Your husband loves another, younger
than you. Go away, disappear!"

I understood at once.

She then started going
out early, to go to church.

She told Liliana she was
making a nine-day prayer.

- Please, Don Corpi.
- I can't.

I can say she began frequenting
my church as never before.

She brought big candles, which she
lit in front of the Madonna.

One day, while having communion,
she confessed. I can't say anything more.

But I can, because she
confessed even to me.

- She did the nine-day prayer to be
granted divine grace. - It is monstrous.

- A grace that would bring Liliana's death,
for my happiness. - It is monstrous.

Liliana suffered. She walked
around the house like a machine.

One night, in the end of
October I think,...

...I went up to her, determined to break it off.

She was lying there, with her eyes open.
She said: "I was expecting you".

I was half blind by dizziness, but
the door opened and Liliana appeared.

She had a grave look,
her eyes sad, desperate.

I jumped out of the bed. I tried to
stop her, to explain to her!

But she had already locked
herself in her room.

- It was October. The will was modified
on the 6th, wasn't it father? - Yes.

On the next day I took her
away, to break it off. But now...

- Where did you bring her?
- To a woman, a kind of boarding house.

- Where?
- I don't know if she's still there... in Prati.

- A house of pleasure.
- I was known there!

- An affectionate customer.
- In my younger years.

- You had decided to get rid of Virginia?
- Yes.

But now that she was out of the house,
the affair seemed more innocent.

I thought the madness
of Virginia was a form of love.

I was flattered, I confess!
I'm aware of my age...

But it couldn't last.
It was like the last days of a vacation.

I started taking her to Verbania...

...far from prying eyes,
by now I was afraid of everyone.

She would run... if you had only seen her,
on the beach! She was like a child.

But then one day, she tells me:
"Remo, I'm expecting your child".

I felt like I was sinking.

I took her to Valdarena, who
accompanied me to a doctor friend of his.

It wasn't true, it was an act. I brought
her back to Prati, and spoke with her.

I found the strength to speak, because
I had decided to break it off.

She listened to me, then
suddenly went to the bathroom.

Then the landlady came in, horrified.

We rushed in there. She was lying
on the floor, with cut wrists.

- And then once more to Valdarena.
- He was the only one I trusted.

- Fortunately it was just a scratch.
- Sure.

A child! She fainted at
the first sight of blood.

- Valdarena knew it all, and kept
silent for 3 millions. - Yes.

The famous 3 millions!

- I was terrified: Imagine the scandal!
- And the corruption of a minor.

I am ready to pay for what I did,
but I can't keep quiet anymore.

After Valdarena had medicated her,
and told her it was over...

...she followed me and shouted:

I'll k*ll her first, and then you...
she would k*ll me too!“

- A real carnage, right.
- You're not convinced, are you?

Who can tell? It's like when you lift a
stone to find worms underneath.

Two days ago an anonymous
letter came to headquarters.

- Where did I put it?
- You're not bothering with those are you?!

- Rome is full of crazy persons.
- That's true. But it went in my pocket and...

- Here.
- Well?

I think I know who has written it.

"Don't waste time...

..."the m*rder*r of lady Banducci is
that filthy husband of hers, Remo"

I'm coming!

- Who is it?
- Banducci.

Commander! What a surprise!
One moment, please.

- Virginia, it's him! Virginia!
- Open, police! - Yes!

- Open!
- Coming!

I'm coming!

- Commander.
- Forgive me, Carmela.

- Virginia?
- One moment, lady.

- Here she is.
- Virginia Caracci? - Yes.

- Have you written this? - I have nothing
to do with it. - Be careful what you say.

- Have you written it?
- Yes, but I didn't think it was true.

- Virginia.
- I swear, I didn't think it could really be him!

Valdarena said so, but I didn't believe him.
His cousin is always making jokes.

I wrote it like that because... He didn't answer
the phone, and I had to pay for 2 months.

Then, out of anger, I wrote
to Police Headquarters.

But I didn't believe it could be him!


You don't want me to believe you
did it for me?!

- Are you crazy?
- Leave me alone!

You "ate " from both sides: three
millions there, and here in "naturalia".

Letting both sides believe the
other one k*lled for love.

- Clever! - Luck, I'd say. I just
happened to be in the middle.

Incredible. I'm trying, but I can't think
of a single paragraph of the law...

...that could be used to send you to prison.

- You're not leaving, are you? How do I get out?
- Get dressed!

Be courageous.

Why? I don't understand.
Even less so if you're not going to arrest me.

No, it's better in just the undershirt.
Move it! Walk.

- Not like this!
- You first!

- Here is the family doctor.
- Huh?! You?

- You?! Villain! Thief!
- What do you want?

Excuse me, I lost control.

No, doctor, don't do that.

It was nothing, a personal matter.

- Go and get dressed, quick.
- No.

I don't want to go back to the nuns!

- Any news? - No
- Any names. Valdarena? Or the runner?

- That wouldn't be appropriate.
- We'll have to keep groping then!

Why not give them
something on the operation...

...that brought the arrest
of the jailbird Retalli?

"Arrested the thief,
recovered the loot".

Or a piece on the 19 unsolved
cases of women m*rder*d but not...

...found during the last ten years?

- But this is blackmail!
- No, it is an excellent idea.

Especially since you've applied for renewal of
your Yugoslavian passport. You'd better hurry!

- That is a rotten trick!
- Hurry up! - No!

Yes, commissioner..
No doubt.

We do our best.
Of course. I know...

Ah, I don't know,
but now I see him.

- He wants you. You're not here, right?
- I'm here!

It's me, Commissioner.
Sure, you're quite right.

We're imbeciles.

Right. Goodbye, Commissioner.

You did right telling him.

I did so because it is true!

What are your orders, doctor.

- Take these away. - Where?
- Wherever you want. To the records!

- It is all here on my table!
- Yes - And tell the sergeant.

Wait, also make a record for this...

An imbecile!

Truly an imbecile!

- It is you...
- Right.

Did Diomede tell you where we were?

He's nearly always in Rome, they
have promised him a position.

You came upon me just as I was going out.

It's my cousin "al fontanone" who...

How is the child doing?

- Fine. - Is it him who gives you
the courage? - For what?

- When is Diomede coming back?
- I don't know, perhaps tomorrow. If he can...

- You haven't yet asked why I've come here.
- Why?

- You saw me coming, and wanted to warn him.
- That's not true.

Whose idea was it? Yours or his?

He made the copy of the key,
you chose the right day.

You were out for the rings, and
thought Liliana would be back late.

She had told you that, in that case,
you should give the money to Valdarena.

When Diomede was cleared of
that theft, he was unsusceptible.

He'd been given a key to copy,
but he gave you back the new one.

- It's not true. - What?
- Nothing! You're just making it up.

- The lady and me were fond of each other.
- Yes, you didn't want her to die.

- But she came early, and he k*lled her.
- It wasn't him!

Stop saying things that aren't true!

Did you wash the blood off his shirt?

- Have you brought flowers to her grave?
- No!

Have you paid the marriage
with money from the will?

We never took that money!

Why didn't you take it? Answer!

Get out!


Assuntina doesn't know anything.

I had made a duplicate of her keys.

But you made a mistake, using the original key.

- You had tried Assuntina's key: it was too new.
- Yes.


I knew nobody would be there,
but I was very afraid.

I knew the house well, but right
there and then I couldn't find my way.

- Diomede?!
- Lady...

- Diomede!
- Lady!

- Lady! - Help!
- Don't shout!

- Help! - Please!
- Leave me! - Don't shout!

- Please!
- No! Help!

- Please!
- Help!



Oh my God!

I don't care what will happen to me.

But what will happen to Assuntina?

She doesn't know anything.
I swear! She's got nothing to do with it.

- When did she understand? Before or
after you got married? - Before.

- You told her?
- I didn't have to!

And she married you all the same!

She told me:

..."we will serve together...
for the rest of our lives".

- Go on, say goodbye to her.
- Go.


Take me away!


No! Diomede!

Come on, move it! Let's go!

- Diomede!
- Go!

Diomede! Stop! Diomede!
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