Highway 301 (1950)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Highway 301 (1950)

Post by bunniefuu »

"Before our story begins."

"Warner Brothers have the honor
to introduce to you three governors .."

"From three great commonwealths."

"First, you will hear the governor
of the State of Maryland."

"The Honorable William P. Lane, Junior."

As Governor of Maryland.

We pride ourselves in the
high standards of decency ..

And law-abiding progress
that we have achieved.

You are about to witness a factual
motion picture of criminal terrorism.

Some of the events ..

In this story actually
took place in this state.

For those who select a career of crime.

There awaits ..

Relentless punishment and prosecution.

This picture.

Dramatically demonstrates
that important point.

I recommend this picture to you.

And I congratulate Warner
Brothers for producing it.

"Now it is our pleasure to present
the Governor of Virginia."

"The Honorable John S. Battle."

"It is fitting that the
Commonwealth of Virginia."

Of which I have the
honor to be Governor.

Should offer this presage to the
picture you are about to see.

If you need to be convinced.

That crime is an empty career.

I can tell you.

That the only living
member of this g*ng.

Is serving thirty years of his life.

In our penitentiary here in Richmond.

You and I can help potential criminals
to become desirable citizens.

By educating them to the facts.

That there is no compromise with crime.

The penalty exacted by the law.

Is inevitable.

Remember this picture.

Somewhere, a youngster.

May be turned from thoughts of crime ..

By the grim lessons which
are portrayed here.

It may well be.

That this picture.

Will save the very life.

Of someone in this audience.

"We take pride in presenting Governor
W. Kerr Scott of North Carolina."

My name is W. Kerr Scott.

I am Governor of the great
State of North Carolina.

I appreciate this opportunity ..

To call to your attention .. a subject.

That is of utmost importance.

To all of our people.

This motion picture.

Is based on cold, hard facts.

Facts which every American should know.

It is the story.

Of ruthless lawbreakers who
dared to defy the government ..

The law and the people.

They started on their reign of terror.

By robbing the bank at
Winston-Salem in my home state.

They realised at the end of their reign
of terror that crime does not pay.

Nor will it ever pay.

"This is Winston-Salem North Carolina."

"Drowsing in the mid-afternoon
sun of early spring."

"Not knowing it had been chosen
as the scene for the next exploit .."

"Of the arrogant mob we
knew as the Tri-State g*ng."

"These men operated openly,
wearing no masks."

"Boldly flaunting the laws."

"To escape detection they simply k*lled
anyone who may possibly get in the way."

Take another turn around the
block and then park in front.

That would put us there at
exactly four minutes to three.


"Herbie Brooks, a stooge
member of this mob."

"He liked high living and easy money."

"Working for the outfit was an
exciting experience for him."

"This William B. Phillips,
congenital criminal."

"Fugitive from the Lawton Reformatory."

"He went to college.
Had every advantage."

"He began his career for excitement."

"Stealing cars. Breaking
and entering. Burglary."

"A record of many arrests
and only one light sentence."

"George Legezna."

"A specialist in robbing banks."

"The head man."

"He had been Phillips' partner in the
escape from the Lawton Reformatory."

"Now he was a success
in his chosen field."

"Men listened to him."

"He was bright, tough .. and deadly."

"Robert Mais, a no-good guy."

"Police record of 21 arrests
for serious crimes."

"Everything from arson
to suspicion of m*rder."

"The severest punishment of his whole
criminal career was just a $100 fine."

I'll take you two gentlemen please.

Give me change for a twenty.
- Yes, sir.

There you are.
- Thank you.

Give me some silver.

Alright, get 'em up!

Get back inside.

Get back there. All of you.

Come round. Sit down over by that table.

A nice try, buddy.

Stay where you were.

You can't park here, buddy.

I am just waiting for my boss.
He'll be out in a minute.

Does he work in the bank?

Yeah. He is vice president.

It's a board of directors meeting.

I got to pick up them all and
take them out for dinner.

If they're not out in a few minutes
you'll have to circle the block.


Okay, come on.

Why, you crazy galoot.

"The men stopped at this deserted
farm 32 miles from Winston-Salem .."

"To abandon the stolen car they
were riding in for their own car."

"Years of experience in
carefully planned crimes .."

"Had made them experts
at this type of escape."

I am going to call in on this.

I wouldn't have given
it a second thought.

But I knew there was nothing
on this farm for years.

I couldn't figure why
the fellows were there.

It is strange.

KMA 268.

KMA 268.

KA 4784.

Unit 17.


I am checking on the abandoned
car reported by this fellow Limon.

He says the men were going too fast.

And with the dust and everything he
couldn't get a good look at their faces.


He did get the first part
of the licence number.

It is 'Maryland'.


"This information was teletyped
by the Winston-Salem authorities."

"To the police departments in
every city of the southern states."

"Among these of course was
our office in Washington D.C."

This may be important, Sergeant.

"For the last 8 months robberies
similar to the Winston-Salem holdup."

"Had been pulled with brutal regularity
in Washington, Richmond and Baltimore."

I received a message from Winston-Salem
regarding the bank robbery down there.

Is Eddie there?

Bring him in with you.

"We established these crimes as
the work of a single group of men."

"Having no idea who they were,
we called them the Tri-State Outfit."

A witness got part of the license
number on that getaway car.

It might have some bearing
on the Tri-State Outfit.

Say, this is our first sign
of hope in 8 months.

Then let's make the most of it.
You and Eddie go over to Baltimore.

And check the owner of every plate
beginning with those three numbers.

It's probably registered
in a phony name.

It is worth a try anyway.

Who knows?

109 may be our lucky number.

Let's hope so.

Come on, sweetie. Brighten up.

You know what I like after a big deal.

I got to soak up a little fun.

I don't feel like fun.

So try it for size.

You ought to be more accommodating.

Tonight sweetie, you play it my way.

Can I help it if I feel low?

Better spike yourself with
a couple more drinks.

I would rather have some fresh air.

For three days I am locked up in a hotel
while you are away on a 'business' trip.

I mustn't talk to anyone. Can't go out.

Just wait and wait.

What am I supposed to do?

Make faces in the looking glass?

Why don't you do what Mary does?

Listen to the radio.

And maybe we'll hear about cracking
the skull of an old bank guard.

k*lled a truck driver.
Or ran over a child in a getaway.

I am scared.

Even liquor won't drive
away the nightmares.

I can't sleep.

When you are away I can't stand it.
When you come back it's the same terror.

Please, George. Please. I want out.

Okay. Now you got it out of your system.

You'll feel better.

Just make like you got
caught in a revolving door.

Well, come on.
We're supposed to be having fun.

Enjoy yourself.

Take your coat, may I?

It's all yours, baby.

Come on, charm boy.
It's not going to do you any good.

I was just checking the ..
- Yes, I know.

Mary, those Mr and Mrs radio
programs are rubbing off on you.

It's your episodes, chum.
- Legenza is waiting for you.

I was just trying to ..
- He sure was.

- Hiya.

Congratulations, Bobby.
You finally got here.

Mary wanted to hear the
end of a radio program.

Organ music sends me.


Who's that new dame
dancing with Phillips?

Some broad he picked up in Canada.

French. The accent and everything.

Quite a souvenir.

It looks like it might be
worth a trip to Canada.

Phillips sure can pick 'em.

And you sure can repeat yourself.

What about her?

She knows nothing.

She thinks we are on the road
with women's apparel and furs.

That little fugitive from a
postcard may be a little naive.

But not stupid.

How long do you think
she will by that routine?

He comes up with some
beautiful poses, doesn't he.

- Hi, Herb.

Everybody happy?
- I'm happy.

Maybe I shouldn't ask.

They are waiting for you in the
back room. Everybody is there.

Now shut up.

I don't believe you people have met.
Herbie Brooks, this is Lee Fontaine.

It is a pleasure.
- Mr and Mrs Mais.


Bill. Them buyers I want
you to meet are here.

Come on.
- Right.

Don't dance with strangers or talk
with anybody with a mustache.

No. I won't.

Will you excuse us for
a couple of minutes?

Yes, of course.

So what are we supposed to do?

Sit here like mummies?

Why don't you do something
about your face?

That ought to keep you
busy for a couple of hours.

That ape.

I could fix his wagon and
don't ever think I can't.

We were kind of surprised
when Bill showed up with you.

It must have happened kind of quickly.

Yes. We only knew each other three
weeks when he asked me to marry him.

Simply beautiful.

Mary. Ask the band to play
something soft and sentimental.

Drop dead.
- I don't mind.

I was just lucky enough to meet him
when he came to Canada on business.

'Women's apparel and furs'.

What is so funny?
- Fur is alright.

Right off the back of a truck
while it's still moving.

Don't listen to her.

She doesn't know what
she's talking about.

Big businessmen. Bank accounts.

Almost any bank.

Take the bank in Winston-Salem
for example.

Why don't you shut up.

Excuse us, sweetie. We'll be right back.

What's she talking about?
- Come on.

Just a minute. It's very simple.

What was Madeline yapping about?
- I don't know.

What do you mean, you don't know?

She was speaking sot strangely that ..
- What was she talking about?

It was very confusing but I am
sure it was not very important.

Well, what did she say?

She started to mention something
about furs on backs of trucks.

And bank accounts.

And then she started to talk
about a bank in Winston ..

- Yes. What did she mean?

It's a rib. A joke.

Yeah. Forget it, honey.

It was just a joke.

How about another round of drinks?
- Yeah, Right. Waiter.

Order me a double shot.
- Sure.

I'll be right back.

We'll only be gone a second.
- Right.

She flipped out on me.

Why didn't you shut her up?
- Well, that is a good question.

I told you she was getting out of hand.

Let's go back to the table.

Here. Keep the change.
- Thank you.

Good evening, Miss Welton.
- Good evening.

Come on. Get going.

Going someplace, sweetie?

Take it down.

Yes. There is no question.

The striations on the
two b*ll*ts are identical.

I can state positively that the g*n
that k*lled Madeline Welton.

Was the same one that was used in the
sh**ting of the guard at Union Station.

That adds m*rder to the
list of the Tri-State Outfit.

What now?

And one and one try to get eleven.

Due to the gravity of the situation.

I have called together a
special detail of you men ..

From Virginia, Maryland and our
own police force here in Washington.

So that we can coordinate our efforts.

You all have but one assignment.

To find the criminals.

Our first move will be to
set up an 11-state alarm.

Covering the entire eastern
territory which we'll discuss later.

In the meantime, to get you up to date.

We have men checking the owners
of all licence plates beginning with ..

'MD 109'

To supplement this operation.

I want you men to check
all public garages.

Mr Clark here will go
into the matter with you.

"Two days later at the Bell
Garage in Winston Salem."

Here is one beginning with '109'.

Maryland 1-0-9-7-7-0.

Registered November 20th.
- The bank holdup was the next day.

Can you remember what
kind of a car it was?

I think it was a Lincoln.

With white sidewall tires.

I am not sure.

[ Radio: ]

"It's definitely been established .."

"That the b*llet which k*lled Madeline
Welton three nights ago in Richmond."

"Was fired from the same g*n used in
sh**ting the guard at the Union Depot."

How many times are you going
to listen to those crows?

Ten times. A hundred times.

I still can't believe it.
- Well then, don't.

Look honey, we've all got to
close our eyes to some things.

Not to m*rder.

Poor Madeline.

I feel so terrible.

Like if I k*lled her myself.

Look, will you stop whipping yourself.
You had nothing to do with it..

The girl tripped herself up.

She kept begging for a sleeping pull.
Yammering to get out. So?

Is that what will happen to me?

Tell me.

I will die too.
- No, Lee. No.

As long as I'm around
nobody touches you.

You know I am crazy about you.

You made me feel it was a 2-way deal.

Yes .. until I found out about ..
- Alright. I lied about my work.

But there is a big difference between
travelling the road like a salesman ..

And k*lling and k*lling.

Look. Every guy in love makes up
a song about himself. It's natural.

Bill, I love you.

But you have to stop doing
these terrible things.

You have to.

Darling .. all our plans ..

Everything is gone now.

You will be k*lled. I will be k*lled.

No, Lee. No. That's not the
way it figures in my book.

Listen to me.

One more job. A big one.

A real stake.

And I will take you back to Canada.

We'll settle down there.

What time is it?

Four o'clock.
- Are you sure?

For the tenth time I am sure.
- Okay, okay.


Shut the door.

Is that dame going to keep her yap shut?
- You leave Lee to me.

She is a kid and she is scared.

I'll handle it.

I think keeping her
around is too dangerous.

If she goes I go with her.

That can be right now if that's
the way you guys want it.

Forget it. Forget it.

We got more important things
to worry about than that dame.

We are running out of money.

But not for long.

I've decided we are going
back to Richmond tomorrow.

To pull that deal we've been planning.

That ought to be good for
at least two million bucks.

That will be the biggest
score of all time.

"The biggest score of all time."

"Bigger even than that one pulled
recently by that mob in Boston."

"The dream haul that
all criminals hope for."

"The spectacular one-time touch."

"That would make them wealthy for life."

"Two million."

"Legenza and his men were
set to make that play now."

That is it.

Stay where you are.

Give me those keys.

Alright. Let's go.

It's cut money.


Two million bucks and it's cut?

So is mine.

Mine too.

This stuff must have been going
back to the mint to be burned.

Not worth a cent.

Ten million.
- It's all cut.

Look at that.

"The biggest score of all time."

"Exactly zero."

"Two million dollars in cut money."

"Being shipped back to
the mint to be burned."

"m*rder for worthless paper."

Go ahead.

"The Richmond police immediately
set up emergency headquarters .."

"In the garage of the Richmond
Auto Wrecking Company."

"Experts inspected the abandoned car for
fingerprints or any identifying marks."

Get down there as fast as you can.

"To prevent premature disclosures all
information was withheld temporarily."

I'm sorry. I have nothing
to report at this time.

Sergeant, Cars 24 and
63 have just checked in.

Stand by for more instructions.

I have Washington on
the phone, Sergeant.

Good. Take over.
- Right.

You block all roads to the south.

Okay, Sergeant.
- Let's go, men.

Hello, Truscott?

This is Parker in Richmond.

There has been a holdup and m*rder here.

We want a block on every road
leading into Washington.

It's a roadblock.

Can't you make a run for it?

No. We're blocked off on all sides.

Alright. You can go, lady.
- Thank you, officer.

Can I have your registration
and driver's licence please.

[ Radio: ]

"Attention all units."

"Attention all units."

"We will repeat the description
of the five men who held up .."

"The Railway Express truck in
Richmond and k*lled the driver."

"Number 1: Male. American. 5 feet 11."

"Dark hair. Brown eyes."

"Slender build. About 175 pounds."

"Well dressed."

"Number 2: Male. American.
5 feet 6 inches."

"Dark hair. Brown eyes. Stocky build."

Why did you have to k*ll the guy?

I thought he was going for his g*n.

He was only reaching for his handbrake.

We'll both burn for this.

Shut your yellow yapping.

Pull up. Get into line.

"Number 4: Male. American."

"Dark hair. Dark eyes."

"Athletic build. About 180 pounds."

Alright. You can go.

Come on, come on. Pull it up.

Here we go.

Let me see your registration card
and your driver's licence please.

The truck is registered in my name.

Where are you headed?
- Washington.

What's in the crates?

Eggs. I am taking them
to market. I am late.

Well, we'd better take a look.

Look at the other side, Turner.

Alright. I guess it is okay.

Okay. You can go.

This is Earl. Our inside man.

That was a great little tip you gave us.
- Thanks. Where is the stuff?

Come on, let's get out of here.
The sooner the better.

We'll be right back.

Come on, where is it?

Two million bucks.

That's a big tip.

We should have discovered
you a long time ago.


Yeah, Earl. I got to hand it to you.

Maybe we ought to double your cut.

I don't follow you.

What do you mean?

You are a smart fellow, Earl.

You are alright.

It is the biggest take of all time.

As a matter of fact I am
going to give you my cut.

But it couldn't be.

It couldn't be, huh?

Then take another look.

We got fifteen bags of
that shredded wheat.

I don't get it.

I can't understand.

They must have switched deliveries
at the last minute. You see, I ..

[ g*nsh*t! ]

Come on, Mary. We're leaving here.

You got ten minutes to get packed.
What are they saying on the air?


The cops got any leads?

No. But they are steamed up like crazy.
- Get the news.

I can tell you what
they say on the radio.

I know it by heart. Every word of it.

'Today in Richmond five men
robbed an Express truck'.

'And k*lled the driver'.

'He was not given a chance'.

'The cowardly gunmen shot him
in the back in cold blood'.

Take it easy, Lee.

A poor, hard-working
innocent man k*lled.

Leaving a wife and three children.
- Will you lay off?

And for what?
- I said shut up.

You are doing okay, Lee.

Okay. Go ahead. Let's hear the rest.

You've said enough. Now keep quiet.

You are murderers. Murderers!

All of you.

Now snap out of it, Lee.

I'll admit Legenza k*lling
that guy was no good.

But what gives between you and me?

You know I am crazy about you.

Then prove it.

Unless you go with me
now, this is the end.

We'd better get the car.
- Yeah.

We are going to hold
up in Philly for a while.

We'll talk about it when we get there.

Now you get busy and pack
and I will see you in a minute.

She didn't mean anything by that. She
was just excited, that's all. Her mood.

I can count her out of it.

Everything will be alright.

I ain't saying a thing.

Not a thing.

Where is my radio?

Who took my radio?

"A few blocks away, officers Goodwin and
Murray cruised on a routine check-up."

Wait a minute.

It's a blue Lincoln alright.

And it has got the licence plates
we are looking for. 1-0-9-7-7-0.

Yeah. You better pull round the corner
and call headquarters. I'll wait here.


Good. Go straight down Flower as fast as
you can. We'll converge at 36th Street.

We've located the Lincoln with
the MD109770 license plate.

[ Engine not starting ]

What is the matter?
- I don't know.

Come on.

Something is wrong. It won't start.

It's Bill.

You and your Bill.
Just because you hear a few sh*ts.

But those sirens?
- Maybe they got the cops.

I must go to him.
- You're not going any place.

Sit down and shut up.

Come on. Let's get moving.

We can't go on until we find
out what happened to them.

Supposing they don't come back.

How long do you think it's going to take
those coppers to find out about us?

Alright. Move back. Stand back there.

[ Police siren ]

475 bucks.

Not a bad looking dame.

Probably Phillips' girlfriend.

And one of these keys
will open his apartment.

We'll go through every building in the
neighborhood until we find one it fits.

Start organising a search.

I'll get Noyes to drive us in his car.

It's safer if we split up.
You and Mary go out the front way.

Lee and I will try the alley.

Bill? What about Bill?

I told you a dozen times I
didn't know what happened.


I think we found the apartment house.
I saw a man sneaking up the fire escape.

You and Baxter come with me.

Bob, pick up a detail and cover
us after we enter the building.


[ Police siren ]

Is he dead?

I don't know.

"The first step taken by our
Washington Police Department .."

"Was the identification of Phillips by
his fingerprints taken in the morgue."

This Phillips had a quite a career.

You notice on that card that he escaped
from Lawton with a fellow named Legenza.

It occurred to us that
they might still be pals.

Here is Legenza's record.

You have an idea, Harry.
It's worth a try.

Ask officer Murray to step in please.

Do you really Harry this may be the
first real break we've had on this case?

Officer Murray.

Do you think you could identify the
man with Phillips from his photograph?

That's one face I'll never forget.

If his g*n hadn't jammed
I wouldn't be here now.

Good. See if you can
pick him out of that pile.

That's him.

There is no question about it.
The other man was George Legenza.

Are you sure?

- Now we're getting someplace.

I'll start the ball rolling.
- Get me the chief's office.

"As we were filling in the vital pieces
the fugitives were again on the run."

"Experience in dodging the law .."

"Taught them to avoid the dangers of
registering at a hotel or auto court."

"So they decided to risk returning
to their apartment in Richmond."

Everything looks okay to me.
- Maybe.

Look. We've driven around
the block three times already.

Turn round once more.

Pull up in front of that Chop
suey joint we just passed.

Got a table for four?
- This way please.

The waiter will be right with you.

"There it was."

"What she had feared."

"Gangster slain in g*n duel."

"Dead on arrival."


"You will be alright as
long as I am around."

"Bill had told her."

"As long as I am around."

"But he wasn't around anymore."

"Not anymore."

"He was dead."


"We found five pictures on him.
It said so there in the paper."

"Pictures of a girl."

"Lee Fontaine."

"The dead man would lead us to her."

"And she would lead us to the others."

"She knew Legenza
would block that trail."

"With her body."

"It might be tomorrow or even tonight."

"She could try to run away."

"Here was her chance."


"She had to grab that cab."

"And grab it now."

Shove off, Mack.

We were afraid you might get lost.

Shut this thing off.

Bill is dead.

They found five snaps of
Frenchy here on his body.

That's not so good.

Give me a hot roast-beef sandwich.

What do you want, sweetie?

I don't want anything.
I am not hungry.

Truscott said this and
Truscott said that.

He is making a career out of it.

Well, it will be a long career.

Don't sell the guy short.
I heard he is plenty smart.

He's like all the rest. A stupid cop.

Would you like a little
background music to that?

It's called 'the swansong'.

Look, I don't like this stalling around.

One of us should go up and ..

Check the apartment.

Yeah. You are right, Bobby. But ..

If there's any cops staked out up
there it will be tough on you and me.

Our records.

No. Mary hasn't finished her sandwich.

I guess you are it, Lee.

Come on. Let's get it over with.

Shall we dance?

"Well, this was just the beginning."

"She was a clay pigeon and there
was nothing she could do about it."

"Because if she didn't
do it, they told her .."

"She'd see Phillips a lot
sooner than she expected."


Fourth floor. Apartment 44.

What is the matter, honey?

What are you afraid of?

Nobody is going to hurt you.

As a matter of fact I kinda like you.


You are not acting very smart, Lee.

Phillips is dead.

I'm not.

Think that over.

And think it over right.

Did you leave that door open?


Pull those window shades down.

Home sweet home.

Anybody want a beer?

I need something
stronger than that, baby.

It looks like you'll settle for beer.

Come on, cut that stuff.

I told you there is
nothing to worry about.

Please leave me alone.
- You know, baby.

I went for you right from the start.



Go on, take it.
- No.

I said take it.

Put out your wrist. I'll put it on.

You know, baby.

This is just the beginning.

You can have anything you want.


Yeah. Sure.



There's only one thing I want.

I want to go back to Canada.

I want to go home.


I won't say a word to anybody
about anything at all.

I won't tell anything. I promise.

Please believe me.

Please, let me go now.


Okay. If that is what you want.

But when?


I'm going down to that chop suey joint
to finish that sandwich I didn't eat.

What are you going to do with her?

That's right.

I ought to hit the hay. Coming?

No. I got to make out like
I'm the watchdog tonight.

Well, be sure you stay
in your own kennel.

"She didn't kid herself."

"She knew they'd never
let her get to Canada."

"She knew too much."

"She would never leave that room alive."

"Unless she got out now."

"There seemed no escape."

"If she called for help she'd be shot
before anybody could get there."

"But she had to hurry and find a
way before Legenza got back."

"She had only one slim chance."

Taxi, Taxi!

Please. I need help.

Can you stay with me until I get a cab?

Take it easy now.
What is this all about?

I am in trouble. Trouble, trouble.

Don't ask me any questions.
But just help me please.

And we've had lot to drink.

Maybe her husband came
home unexpectedly.

Maybe gangsters are after her. You know.

Won't you phone a cab for me please?

You girls go ahead. Maybe
she is in some kind of trouble.

Alright. But it sounds all crazy to me.

Come on, Fanny.

You will stay with me until
it comes, won't you?

Well, if it makes you happy, why not?

Oh, thank you.

You know, I've begun to think
she's on the level with all this.

Yes, I am. Believe me.

Well honey, if this cab is
empty you are in luck.

This is not the way to the station.

[ Radio: ]

"It's 5:55 and time for our regular
5-minute local news summary."

"A northbound freight train was derailed
2 miles outside of town this afternoon."

"The wreckage was removed and the flow
of traffic will soon be back to normal."

"The unidentified girl found shot in a
taxi this morning is still in a coma."

"The doctors at the local hospital
give her a 50/50 chance of survival."

"There is jubilation among
the local merchants tonight."

"The influx of tourists for next
week's celebration of .."

Supposing I told you that the
French dame is still alive.

Did you hear it on the air?

Hmm. Just now.

She is still out but they give
her an even chance to live.

Your play.

It don't add up.

It don't make sense.

The dame was only a few feet away.

Maybe you don't sh**t so good anymore.

I said it's your play.

You know, if Frenchy talks ..

You two guys get the chair.
- Shut up.

Mary is right. Frenchy will
put the finger on us for sure.

We won't have a chance. Not a chance.

You fixed things fine.

That wasn't very smart of you, Bobby.

Going to sleep and letting
that dame sneak out.

You know, the army has got a way
of dealing with guys like you.

Guys who go to sleep get ..
- Wait a minute.

Shut up!

Mary is right.
We got to figure out a way.

There is only way of keeping
that dame from ratting on us.

To finish the job right.
Before she comes to.

We'll pick up Noyes and
Brooks on the way.

Everything looks okay to me.

I don't go by looks.

Park in front of that
drugstore up there.

Keep your motor running.

Go in there and get a number off
one of those phones in a booth.

I'm sending Mary in ahead
of us to smoke things out ..

And get the number of Frenchy's room.

Are you nuts? Why me?

Now wait a minute, George.
It's too dangerous.

Don't worry. She'll be okay.
The cops ain't got nothing on her.

Give me your bag.

In case they do pick you up they
won't have the key to our front door.


Got that number? 974822.
Now remember it.

Call us a soon as you get in there.

I don't want to take a chance
of the cops tagging you to us.

Now shove off.

You go back in there and hang around
that phone booth. Wait for the call.

May I leave these flowers
for Mr McDougall please?

Sorry, you leave those at the floor.
- Thank you.

I am Mary Grant, reporter.

Who can give me some dope
on the girl shot in the taxi?

I don't know. You might ask the
head nurse on the fourth floor.

Thank you.

I guess there's some excitement about
that girl who was shot in the taxicab.

I haven't heard much.

Can I speak to the head nurse please?
- I'll inform you as soon as she's free.

Would you tell me the number
of Mr Johnson's room please?

427. Right down that corridor.

Thank you.

Will you file these please.

Thank you.

Are ho looking for me?

I am Miss Smith. The head nurse.

Well, I am Mary Graham.

A reporter.

I'd like a story on this taxi sh**ting.

Any new dope yet?

I am afraid you will have
to see Sergeant Parker.

He is handling the case.

You'll find him right here in room 402.

Well, there is no use bothering him ..

Unless the girl has come to.

I don't believe she has.

I'll come back later. Thank you.

Frenchy's room number is 404.

There's only one copper in the joint and
he is holed up out of sight in room 402.

Sounds like a breeze.

Let's go.

Miss Graham.

I am Sergeant Parker.

Miss Smith tells me you are a reporter.

That's right.

Well now, I know most of the
reporters here in Richmond, but ..

I don't seem to remember you.

Well, that figures.

You see, I am from Washington.

But I have all the information I need.
Thanks just the same.

Miss Graham.

I think you had better come with me.


Take over until I get back.

You say you are from Washington?


So am I. I am Sergeant Truscott.

What paper are you with?

The Evening Star.
- Pleas sit down.

Why all the questions?

No particular reason except I am a cop
and it's my business to be cautious.

[ Door knocks ]

Come in.

The detail you requested has
already left headquarters, sir.

It should be here any minute.

Good. Here's the hospital floor plan.
I'll show you where to put the men.

This place must be guarded
like a fortress 24 hours a day.

Place three men here at the front door.

Two men at each of
these other entrances.

And don't forget the receiving entrance.

On this floor.

We'll keep two men in her
room and two at the door.

Leave the detail downstairs
and assign the men at once.

Yes, sir.

On the surface this would
appear to be a routine sh**ting.

I am curious to know why it would bring
you all the way from Washington.

I could ask you the same question.

It is very simple.

Sergeant Parker recognised
the girl from her photograph.

This established her as a
part of the Tri-State outfit.

That explains the guards
and also my presence.

Now, would you be good enough
to answer my question?

Equally simple.

I guess I am always looking
for the story behind the g*n.

I thought it was worth
the trip down here.


You say you are with the Evening Star?


Sorry. Emergency case.
Take the other car please.

Just hanging around
here is not helping us.

Come on. We'll take the stairs.

Well, I guess I'd better
run along. I have to ..

Just a moment, Miss Graham.

Would you mind showing
me your credentials?


That's funny.

I guess I don't have them with me.

Isn't that rather unusual, Miss Graham?

Reporters always carry
some form of identification.

Well frankly, I am not what you
would call a regular reporter.

You see, I am a leg-man for a columnist.

What columnist?


John Blake.

Would you mind waiting a
minute while I call The Star?

What is the number?


Offhand, I can't think of it.

You see I always call Mr Blake
at his private number.

What is that number?


I can't give you his number.
It is confidential.

He told me not to give it to anyone.

I see.

Long distance please.

I want to talk to the Evening
Star in Washington DC.

You got a match?
- Yeah.

It looks like we got
fouled up, but good.

There is nothing we can
do now but sweat it out.

Mr Armstrong's room is 455.

I will call surgery for
you in just a second.

Who did you wish to see please?

Well, we are just waiting
around to see somebody.


Thank you. You may go in now.

Nosy dame.

Hello? Hello. Evening Star?

I would like to talk to Mr John Blake.

Mr Blake's office?

This is Sergeant Truscott speaking.

It is very urgent that
I talk with Mr Blake.

I will hold on.

I see.

I just wanted to ask Mr Blake if ..

A girl named Mary Graham works for him.

That's right.

I will call him back in a few minutes.

A cigarette?



Give me that.

That was Mr Blake on the phone.

The nurse must see you, Sergeant.

Put this girl under arrest. She is
connected with the Tri-State bunch.

Take her down to headquarters
and question her thoroughly.

Right. Come along.

Who does that Truscott think
he is, putting me under arrest?

What about Mary?

Stop worrying.
They ain't got nothing on her.

She was tipping us off.

Truscott just went out
of Frenchy's room.

I know it.

Relax. It's our chance to get
two birds with one b*llet.

There is something up.

I don't like it.

Sergeant, I'm worried about those guards
you are going to put on the door.

I'm afraid when the girl comes to and
sees them that she may get frightened.

You are probably right.

What about putting that screen
between the door and the bed?

A little bit further.

That will be alright.

Hold it, coppers.

Don't sh**t through this crowd.

Come on. If you don't want these
people to get k*lled get your hands up.

Get 'em up!

Okay, come on.

Hold it.

Hold it, buster. One more
step and it is your last.

Come on. There's an elevator back there.

Shut up!

Face the wall.

Hold it.

Keep coming copper,
and I'll blast these two.

Alright. Get back in there.

Go on! Get back in.

Receiving entrance. Hurry.

How bad you hurt?

My insides are on fire.

Can you make it?

I don't know.

Right. Come on.

Okay. Now walk ahead of us.

Walk slow and act like nothing happened.

They haven't a chance
of getting out of there.

We got to wait right here
until the last minute.

Come on, come on. The car is around
the corner. You got to make it.

0kay, let's get out of here.

"And so 'Dead' made the final entry
on the record cards of these criminals."

"Lee Fontaine recovered
and was exonerated."

As we ended our interstate police
operation against this g*ng.

The officers all agreed that these men
had been handled too leniently ..

In the early stages of
their careers in crime.

You cannot be kind to congenital
criminals like these.

They would show you no mercy.

Let them feel the full
impact of the law.
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