22x06 - Thomas Goes to Bollywood

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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22x06 - Thomas Goes to Bollywood

Post by bunniefuu »

[whistle toots]


♪ James, Percy ♪

♪ Mia and Gordon ♪

♪ Rebecca and Emily ♪

♪ And Thomas, number one! ♪


♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ On a big-world adventure ♪

♪ Let's go, go, go explore ♪

♪ With Thomas

and his friends ♪

♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ And meet

new friendly faces ♪

♪ The world's

just a train ride away ♪

all: ♪ Big world,

big, big adventures ♪

♪ "Thomas & Friends

Big World! Big Adventures!" ♪


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

[slow-motion chugging]

♪ ♪


We've got some new engines

on the island of Sodor,

and one of them is Rebecca.

But who is she?

And what makes her so special?

Let's find out!

[whistle toots]

All aboard

for a big adventure!

♪ ♪

[light music]

[Thomas narrating]

♪ ♪

[whistle toots]

- Looking good, James!

- I know.

[whistle toots]


- Oops! Oh!


Thanks, Percy.

- [giggles]

Anytime, Rebecca.

Fetching coaches

is just something I do.

- [laughs] And you do it

very well, Percy.

- Oh!


[footsteps stomp]

[doors slam]

[whistle blows]

[relaxed music]

- Percy's so kind

and so helpful.

I'm glad he's my friend.


[brakes squeal]

Oh, no, a fire!

Oh, what should I do?

What should I do?

[whistle toots]

Help! Help!

- Oh, don't panic, Rebecca.

I'll soon have this

under control.

[magical music]

- Wow!

You put out the fire!

- That's what

my water cannons are for.

- They are incredible!

You are incredible, Belle.

[whistle toots]

And so is your bell.

- Whoa.


Thank you.

[engine chugging]

- Ooh, I say,

what a big hole.

I wonder how it got there.


A steam shovel?

Now, that is amazing!

- It is amazing

for digging,

but I also use it to play

everyone's favorite game,

"Guess What's In My Shovel"!

[exciting theme music]

- Ooh, I love games!

How do you play?

- Well, you just have to guess

what's in my shovel.

- Oh. Uh...okay.

I'll bet it's something

really fantastic.

Um...is it...dirt?

- [gasps]


It is!

[cheers and applause]

- Ooh!


What a silly game,

but I love it!

[whistle toots]

We should play it again


[upbeat music]

- Well, I like her.

She's fun.

♪ ♪

- This is your fault!

- You didn't warn me!

- I did warn you.

- Well, I didn't hear you.

both: Hi, Rebecca.

- Hello, you two.

Oh, dear.

How is this mess ever going

to get cleared up?

Oh, what?

An engine with a crane?


How cool is that?

- [laughs]

Oh, I guess it is

kind of "cool."

- [giggles]

You know it is!

[whistle toots]

- Cool!

I'm cool!

[box whizzing]


- Hey!

Who threw that?

[sad music]

both: That's Harvey's fault!

- Uh-oh.


- [sighing]


I wish I had all those

incredible things

that the other engines have.

Then I'd be the coolest,

most useful engine ever!

[clicking, clanking]

[funky music]

♪ ♪

[steam whooshes]

[melancholy music]

But there's nothing special

about me.

Nothing at all.

- Wow, Duck.

Victor and Kevin

did a great job

fixing up your funnel.

- Those guys at the steam works

can do anything!

- Hmm.

The steam works!

♪ ♪

So maybe you can fix me up

with a crane or something?

And maybe a steam shovel

and a bell and a water cannon!

- Mm, I don't know.

- I heard Duck saying

you could do anything!

- Oh, yes, we can.



[clinking, boings]

Hey, guys.

Presenting the new Rebecca!

[bell rings]

- Um...no.

- Aww.

- I'm sorry, Rebecca.

You're just not a crane,

shovel, water cannon

type of engine.

- Oh, yes. Quite right.

Thanks, Victor.

[somber music]

[whistle toots]

- Hello, Rebecca!

How's it going today?

- [sighs]

[whistle toots]

♪ ♪

- Oh.

- I wonder what's wrong.

[engine chugging]


- Yoo-hoo!

Rebecca, hello!

Are you back for another game

of "Guess What's In My Shovel"?

- No, thanks. Not now.

- Oh, but you said

you loved this game.

Are you okay?

What's wrong?

- It's just, there's

nothing special about me.

Belle is a hero

who puts out fires,

Harvey has a crane

that he uses to help others,

and you can dig holes

with your steam shovel,

but what do I do?

Who am I?

I'm just a steamie.

A steamie amongst steamies.

- You're more

than that, Rebecca.

[whistle toots]

You work hard

and do a good job.

- And I think

you do something

that none

of the other engines do.

You see the best

in everyone.

- Oh, Marion's right.

You do

do that, Rebecca.

- You're kind and funny,

and--and when you laugh,

you cheer everyone up.

That helps everyone

to do their best.

- Oh, come on,

you slow coaches.

Can't you see

I'm trying to work?

All this hanging around

is bad for my swerves.

- Who's that?

- Oh, it's Daisy

the diesel railcar.

- Daisy doesn't need coaches.

- Oh, wow!

An engine with no need

for coaches?


How brilliant is that?

- Yes, it is.

I am quite brilliant.

Thank you for noticing.

- That's what I mean,


You made Daisy

feel good about herself.

- Oh, I see.

I do

do that, don't I?

Yay, me!

- So...

how about another game

of "Guess What's In My Shovel"?

- [laughs]

Oh, yes!

Let me think.

Is it...dirt?

- [gasps]


It is dirt!

[cheers and applause]

[bell ringing]

[whistle toots]

- Do you ever wish

you could do things

that your friends can do?

I know I do.

Sometimes, I feel it's not fair

that I can't do everything.

[steam whooshes]

Once, Bill and Ben

teased Harvey about his crane

and made him feel like

a very funny-looking engine,

but Harvey was soon reminded

how good it was to have

a crane, after all.

It meant he could do something

very useful, indeed.

Rebecca couldn't

think of anything

that made her special

until she stopped comparing

herself to the other engines

and realized she does

something very important.

Rebecca sees the best

in everyone.

[steam whooshes]

And that makes everyone

feel good

and want to do their best.

Just think how great

things would be

if we were all a little bit

more like Rebecca.

- Come on, Thomas!

- It's time to go.

- See you next time!

[whistle tooting]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[children singing]

♪ ♪

[whistle toots]

[upbeat music]

man: ♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ On a big-world adventure ♪

♪ The world's

just a train ride away ♪

all: ♪ Big world,

big, big adventures ♪

♪ "Thomas & Friends

Big World! Big Adventures!" ♪


[whistle toots]
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