22x14 - Apology Impossible

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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22x14 - Apology Impossible

Post by bunniefuu »

[whistle toots]

children: ♪ James, Percy ♪

♪ Mia and Gordon ♪

♪ Rebecca and Emily ♪

♪ And Thomas, number ♪

man: ♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ On a big-world adventure ♪

♪ Let's go, go, go explore ♪

♪ With Thomas

and his friends ♪

♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ And meet

new friendly faces ♪

♪ The world's

just a train ride away ♪

all: ♪ Big world,

big, big adventures ♪

♪ "Thomas & Friends

Big World! Big Adventures!" ♪


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

♪ ♪

The engines on Sodor

are painted

in a lot of different


I like my blue paint.

But James thinks his red paint

is the most splendid of all.

So imagine how he'd feel if he

was painted a different color.

[whistle toots]

All aboard for a big adventure!

[Thomas narrating]

♪ ♪

One day, James had been

showing off,

trying to prove that he was

the fastest red engine

on Sodor.

- Wha-ha-ha-ha!


- But when his brakes failed,

he couldn't stop.

- Whoa!

- And he crashed

into Tidmouth Sheds.

- [yelling]


- So James had to be sent

to the steam works

to be repaired.

- Look at my lovely paint work.

- Don't worry, my friend.

We'll have you fixed up

in no time.

- A long time ago,

Sir Topham Hatt said

that if I misbehaved again,

he would paint me blue.

- I'm sorry, boss, but I can't

find any more red paint.

We have plenty of blue paint,


- Blue?

[gasps] I won't be the same at

all if I'm painted blue.

[mystical music]

Here's James!

- James, what happened

to your shiny red paint?

- You look like Thomas.

- Huh?


I'm blue!

Oh, no!

Nobody thinks blue engines

are splendid.

- [scoffs]

- Gordon's come down

with boiler ache.

Could you please take the

express for him, James?

- Not in this color.

What would everyone say?

- It doesn't matter what color

paint you have, James.

It's what you do to be really

useful that matters.

- Look, Daddy!

Edward is going to be taking

our train!

- Oh.

[train cars clinking]

[whistle toots]

[train engine chugging]

[upbeat music]


Pulling the express was

never this easy before!

These coaches are so light,

I can go as fast as I want!


[train engine chugging]

Make way for

an important engine.

Express coming through!

- James!

Stop showing off

before you have another crash!

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[bell dinging]


Oh, no!

[yelps, gasps]



It was all just a dream.


[whistle toots]

[soft music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[mystical music]

Here's James!

- James, is that you?

- You look like me!

- [gasps]

I'm green!

Oh, this is terrible.

- At least you're back

on the rails again, James.

And just in time too.

Henry's been delayed.

Sir Topham Hatt wants you to

take his heavy goods train.

- Hmph.

[train engine chugging]

[jaunty music]

♪ ♪


For a heavy goods train, this

certainly feels very light.

Maybe green makes you stronger.

Strong and green like Henry.

That's me!

[whistle toots]

Maybe you should be

repainted green, Rosie.


Then you'll be as strong as me

and Henry!

- Well, maybe you should stop

showing off before

you have another crash.

- [laughs]



Look out, Edward!


Oh, no!



This is too much.

Not another bad dream.




[soft music]


[mystical music]

[funky music]

[whistle toots]

Here's James!

- Ah, James.

I'm so glad Sir Topham

let us borrow you

while Spencer is on loan.

- Oh, I see you've gotten your

silver paint polished.

Very smart.

- Silver!

Oh, yes!

This is what I call

looking splendid!

[whistle toots]


Don't I look marvelous!

- Stop showing off!

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo!

- James, it's getting quite

jumpy back here.

♪ ♪

Sorry about that.

- If you keep showing off,


you'll have another crash.

[echoing] Another crash.

Another crash.

Another crash.

- Another crash.

- Another crash.

- Another crash.

- Another crash.

- Another crash.

- Another crash.

- Another crash.

- Go on.



[tense music]

- Philip!

- [gasps]

- No, no, no, no, no.

I really don't wanna

crash again.

Oh, no. Oh, no.



Ah! Ah!

Oh, brown.








- James.

- [gasps]

Please, sir, I'm sorry about

showing off yesterday.

I don't care if you paint me

blue or green

or silver.

So long as I can be

really useful again, sir.

- Yes, James, I did tell you

a long time ago

that if you misbehaved again,

I would have you painted blue.


I can see that you're sorry,

and I think it's only right to

have you painted

in a color that suits you best.

- Ohh.

[whistle toots]

Hello, Thomas.

- Oh!

Hello, James.

Good to see you back

on the line again.

All repaired and repainted too!

- I'm not going to say a word

about my paint work today.

- Really?

- It doesn't matter

what color I am.

It's what I do to be really

useful that matters.

- Who told you that?

- Why, you did, Thomas...

in a dream.

[whistle toots]

[train engine chugging]

Mind you, I bet my shiny

red paint work

does look splendid


[bells ringing]

[whistle toots]

- It's fun to show off

what you can do,

but too much showing off can

get you into a lot of trouble.

Spencer was so busy

showing off

to a very important


that he ended up taking him

to the clay pits

instead of Knapford.

James thought it was very

important which color

he was painted.

But no matter

what color he was,

he couldn't stop showing off,

even in his dreams.

In the end, James realized

that he had to stop

showing off if he didn't want

to have another crash.

Sometimes showing off makes you

forget to be careful

and that can cause lots

of problems.

- Come on, Thomas!

- It's time to go.

- See you next time!

[whistle toots]

[children singing]

[whistle toots]

[whistle chirps]

[whistle toots]

[upbeat music]

man: ♪ Let's go, go, go ♪

♪ On a big-world adventure ♪

♪ The world's

just a train ride away ♪

all: ♪ Big world,

big, big adventures ♪

♪ "Thomas & Friends

Big World! Big Adventures!" ♪


[whistle toots]
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