Band of Outsiders (Bande à part) (1964)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Band of Outsiders (Bande à part) (1964)

Post by bunniefuu »



- Nearly there?
- Yes, it's straight on.

What did they say at the factory?

No vacancies since yesterday.
They say business is bad.

What's up?
Are you afraid?

People haven't got X-ray eyes,
you know.

If you're scared to start with...

These Paris roads are all peppered
with sewer lids.

That's her.

My story begins here.

Two weeks after meeting Odile,
Franz took Arthur

to see the house.

- She's a sweetie.
- I told you so.

She didn't recognize you.

Don't tell her we've been here.

Why not?
It's a free country.

- Where is this joint?
- Over there.

It's a pretty forlorn place.

So that's where she lives?

No, I think Odile lives
in the gardener's house.

That's where the woman lives.

Maybe Odile lives there, too...

I'm not sure.

We can ask her later.

Looking at the house
through a screen of branches,

they saw a cold glitter of light,
distant as a star.

Arthur wanted to speak,
but was lost for words.

She said he locks the door?

Yes, and she's not allowed
in the room.


There's someone with the old dear.

Who's that?

The man Odile said. From Monte,
or Moscow, or somewhere.

- Kissed Odile yet?
- Not yet... Why?

I can get her whenever I like.

Who are you kidding?

After the English class,
I'll show you.

Under those trees.

- Don't bother.
- I'm not kidding.

On th July, ,

Billy the Kid was shot in the back
by Sheriff Pat Garrett.

I'll drive.

Hurry up,
or she'll be at class before us.

If this deal goes wrong,
I'll sort you out.

As the sun of Austerlitz
rose over the Bastille,

Arthur asked Franz
if he had stroked Odile's knees.

Franz said yes,
and she had silken skin.

The story till now, for people
who've come in late:

Three weeks ago... a hoard of
money... an English class...

a house by the river...
a starry-eyed girl...

Your card.

I left mine at home.

I recognize you.

What did I say,
Monsieur Romeuleux?

Let's go to work.

how do we go to work?


You know that our Director
favours modern methods.

But one must not forget...

As the great poet Eliot said...

what did Eliot say?

Everything that is new...

is thereby automatically

Today it's not important to learn:
"A room with a bath".

But it is important to spell

Thomas Hardy's name correctly.

Or Shakespeare's.

Now I'll read from
"Romeo and Juliet".

You will translate it into English.

It'll be a good test.

Won't it, Franz?

- What do we call such a test?
- Composition.

Why not take your coat off?

My jacket's at the cleaners.
I've no money.

Go, get thee hence,
for I will not away

What's here? A cup closed
in my true love's hand?

Poison, I see,
hath been his timeless end

O churl! drunk all, and left no
friendly drop to help me after?

I will kiss thy lips:

Haply some poison
yet doth hang on them

To make me die with a restorative

And let me die

The ground is bloody

Search about the churchyard;

whoe'er you find attach.

Pitiful sight!

Here lies the County slain;

And Juliet bleeding, warm,
and newly dead,

Who here hath lain
this two days buried

Go, tell the prince

We see the ground
whereon these woes do lie,

But the true ground we cannot
without circumstance descry

A thousand times the worse...

A thousand times the worse,
to want thy light!

Love goes toward love,

as schoolboys from their books:

But love from love,

Toward school with heavy looks


In fair Verona,
where we lay our scene,

A pair of star-cross'd lovers
take their life

The fearful passage
of their death-marked love,

Is now the two hours' traffic
of our stage


True, I talk of dreams;

Which are the children of
an idle brain

Begot of nothing but vain fantasy;

Which is as thin of substance
as the air,

More inconstant than the wind, who
woos the frozen bosom of the North

And, being angered,
puffs away from thence,

Turning his side
to the dew-dropping South

For my mind misgives

Some consequence,
yet hanging in the stars,

Shall bitterly begin
his fearful date

With this night's revels

and expire the term of a despised
life, closed in my breast,

By some vile forfeit of
untimely death.

O Fortune, Fortune!

all men...
call thee fickle.

I'll collect the papers at once.

Ten minutes break
while I correct them.

What's "un gros film
d'un million de dollars"?

This is Odile.

How are you doing?

A cigarette?

Are you really interested in English?

I'd clear off for good if I were you.

What do you mean?

I'm just talking. I'm fed up.

Nothing ever gets you anywhere.

Don't be downhearted.

My name's Arthur.

Is something wrong?

Something special, Arthur?

Why special?
Aren't ordinary troubles enough?

- You've got troubles?
- Haven't you?

Madame Victoria wants me
to learn something useful.

She wanted me to take up nursing.

I didn't want to.

I was in hospital once;

it was disgusting.

I haven't the patience
or goodness for that.

- So you're learning English.
- Yes, I love it.

You know what I'd have done?

I'd have taken up nursing...

then found
a rich old bloke to nurse

and help him to get worse

or else been nice to him
and inherited his money.

That's a terrible thing to say.

- Did I make you mad?
- Yes, but never mind.

Coming back to class?

No, you go. We'll meet after.

I must go home,
or Madame Victoria will be cross.

Suppose there was an extra lesson:

wouldn't you stay?

There never is.

She's not to know.

Yes... all right...

Fine... great...

Obey the old bag - never mind me.

Not coming to class?

You talk as though I've let you down.

Hurry up, Odile.
You'll be late for class.

What can we do at this hour?

It's too early for eating or dancing.

Drive you home?

No, I'll use my bike.

Come along.

Why do you want to go with me?

I don't know...

We could sit in the car...
listen to the radio...

I'm not allowed
to do things like that.

Done any kissing?

Do you know how to?

Yes... with the tongue.

All right, let's go.

Say you've got a headache.
Tell Franz to do the same.

Is he coming with us?

See you in the car in ten minutes.

How do you know I'll be there?

In nine minutes, fifty-six seconds.

In parenthesis, one could discuss
their individual feelings

but they're clear enough

so let the pictures speak
for themselves.

Anyway, screw it all!

- Do you know what "screw" means?
- No, what?

Then don't say it.

Is this your car?

One day I'll race a Ferrari
at Indianapolis.

Then you'll see.

Are you sure the money
is in the house?

I don't know.

What's up?
Changed your mind all of a sudden?

- Changed your mind?
- About what?

Weren't we supposed
to steal the money?

You must be crazy
to say such a thing.

I didn't dream it up.

You mentioned it first, we didn't.

No. I told Franz just by way
of conversation.

So it's a lie?

No, the money's there,
but you can't do it. It's crazy.

What are you thinking about?

You're like a girl in a book I read;
I'll lend it to you.

You'll like it; it'll help you
keep faith with me.

Don't you believe a word of it.


No, I'm trembling with excitement.

They beheld an apparently
deserted island.

To right and left,

dark and beetling cliffs
rose like ramparts.

Vegetation spread over
a desolate vista

whose inky blackness
recalled the sea of darkness.

Are we outside Paris yet?

I don't know. I've never known.

It's the Isle of Ravens.

Aren't we sitting in the car?

We're going to find somewhere
to talk.

I'm going back by bus.
I've got a training session.

I'll see if she's at home,
then I'll come back.

I'll stay because... Odile's going.

But I said I'd come back.

That wouldn't be your first lie.

I'll just tell her
I'm going shopping.

- Who lives there?
- In the villa, you mean?

There's Monsieur Stolz. He's there
sometimes, but I've never seen him.

Then Madame and me and the gardener,
that's all.

- Is Stolz often there?
- I don't know.

- Does he fancy you?
- What? He's very proper.

So you have seen him.

- Whose money is it?
- Not hers.

- Why does he hide it?
- I don't know.

Maybe he hides it to avoid
paying taxes.

You've got it all wrong...

If he's a tax-dodger,
he deserves to be robbed.

Will you wait for me?
I won't be long.

We'll wait behind the factory.

She's completely nuts.

Aunt Victoria!

I'm here.

You'll never win at Indianapolis.


I'm going to South America
with the money - and Odile.

- Is Monsieur Stolz's chauffeur here?
- No, nobody.

He's infuriating. He's always late.

One of these days
the master will let rip.

What master? Monsieur Stolz?

- Are you still seeing that boy?
- What boy? Franz?

He doesn't come to class now.

He says England's finished,

China will win,
so he's learning Chinese.

You might be cutting classes
to go to the cinema.

I don't like the cinema...
or the theatre.

Or dancing at Mimi Pinson's.

I don't like that.

- Wandering about the streets, then.
- I don't like that.

What do you like?

I don't know... I like nature.

- Where are you going?
- To an Albanian Embassy reception.

I'm taking , francs
to go shopping.

Have you been into
Monsieur Stolz's room?

Me? I never go in there.

there's something out of place.

Maybe Monsieur Stolz moved something.

Did he say he wanted
his overcoat cleaned?

That must be it.
He forgot to mention it.

I'll have to ask him.

Have a nice time. I'm going.

A tragedy of love betrayed!

Miriam, ,
stabs her artist lover

in his Avenue de Choisy studio.

"I want to be alone",
Francis told her.

Orléans. A third man holds
the secret of the killings.

Jacqueline, found dead with her baby,
gave him a mysterious package.

He drove a black Chevrolet.

"She treated me as a servant",

the missing gentlewoman's
woodcutter husband said.

"m*rder", say police,
but Roger insists "It's a lark!".

Slipshod, fruitless searches...

"I can't bear to look at you",
said the fiendish girl

to her lover in the car
taking the murderers to jail.

He tried to kiss her,
but she can't forgive...

He prepared breakfast
for his wife and daughters

before k*lling them
and then himself.

Why don't you eat it?
Don't you want it?

Our correspondent reports
the massacres in East Africa.

The Hutus are sawing the legs off
the giant Tutsis

to cut them down to size.

, mutilated bodies
choke the rivers of Rwanda.

The seven foot high king
is forced to flee.

Peking supports the kingdom
of giants...

We're here.

How much money?

A huge pile she said.
Bundles of notes.

Could be two hundred million.

I wonder why she told me?

She's a bit soft.

Why did you call Franz?

It's silly, but I've forgotten
if you're Alfred or Arthur.

It's getting cold. I'm going.

We'll go to a café and make a plan.

What for?

An idea flitted over Odile,
like a dark cloud.

That Arthur would always
look at her like that,

as though looking through her.

As though they were separated
by an almost vast indifference.

- What'll you have?
- A Coca-Cola.

"What'll you have?" "A Coca-Cola"...
Doesn't rhyme.

A peppermint soda for me.

A "snap" and a "Coke".

A peppermint soda for me.

You seem to be pretty gloomy.

You've said it.

- It's there; I've seen it.
- What?

The money.

It wasn't true
when I said I'd seen it before.

Now I have and I'm afraid.
There's too much.

Well, this is it.

Why did you tell him?
It's lousy of you.

Lend me twenty francs.

He guessed... I didn't tell.

That's not your first lie, either.

Did Arthur tell you he k*lled
his granny?

- Is that true?
- No. Second lie.

- Why say it?
- To scare you.

There's a hole in your stocking.

There isn't.

What gives?

We were talking about the weather.

Which is his room?

- Whose?
- Monsieur Stolz's.

Is it on the first floor?

- Isn't it locked?
- No.

I'm not allowed there.

- How much is there?
- I told you: I don't know.

No need to be scared.
You've counted it.

Be ambitious.

- No.
- Then you shouldn't have told us.

Don't forget,
you're an accomplice now.

Don't cry.

We love each other,
so everything will be all right.

Franz will help us.

Better to be rich and happy
than poor and miserable.

- Tonight?
- No!

Monsieur Stolz
is coming back tonight.

He's going to a reception then.

Tomorrow or the day after.
Yes, the day after.

Yes or no?

The day after tomorrow.

I won't be a moment.

Funny he doesn't lock the room.

Sometimes things are best hidden
in the open.

I read of that trick
in an American book.

A letter the police
were searching for was on the table.

Not only beauty, but happiness,

depends on the care of your eyes.

- Hurry up. I'm waiting.
- Go away.

Coming with us?

- Are you well in with Renault?
- No, why?

You could trade in your gormlessness
for a Renault .

What are we going to do?

I don't know...
or, rather, I do know.

Get the whatsit from my coat pocket.

In the pocket.

Pay attention.

Hold the bulb in your hand.

Nothing's happening.

The liquid should flow
to the other side.

Let's have a minute's silence,
if you've no other ideas.

Sometimes you're just too stupid.

A minute's silence can be very long.

A real minute can last an eternity.

One, two, three.

That's enough for me.
I'm going to put on a record.

Does Franz always hang around you?

Like in the films,

he'd make a good shield
if you're shot at.

That's an awful thing to say.

- Shall we dance?
- Yes, what?

No, I do it like this.

Empires crumble, my friend,
republics founder and fools survive.

Great stuff, Monsieur Ségaleau!

Parenthetically, now's the time
to describe their feelings.

Arthur watches his feet

but thinks of Odile's mouth
and her romantic kisses.

Odile wonders if the boys notice
her breasts moving as she dances.

Franz thinks of everything
and nothing,

uncertain if reality is becoming
dream, or dream reality.

Arthur spun a coin

to see if he'd make Odile -
he called heads.

Odile said it was,
though it fell tails.

Franz inherited the car
and wandered sad and lonely.

Arthur was telling Odile

he once met someone
who walked like this.

What's your surname, Arthur?

Rimbaud, like my father.

Was he the little old man
who spied on us?

That's my uncle; my father is dead.

- How much is the Mauser?
- Two francs.

What if you had a living person
in the sights?

If I had,
he'd be a dead man now.

Let's go.

Be nice to me. I love you.

Give it to me.

- Already?
- It's love at first sight.

Arthur said such love talk
was stupid.

Odile didn't intend to say that,
but it was true.

Then they walked to Place Clichy,

surely one of the most beautiful
in Paris.

Which reminded them

of their adventurous future.

After which they descended
to the centre of the earth.

Do you have lots of girls?

Why ask that?

Franz says you're with
a different girl every day.

What do you see in me?

Or you in me?

I don't know...


Does that really interest you?

What exactly does it mean to you?

Giving... one's breasts...
one's thighs...

People always look sad
and unhappy in the Métro.

Why is that man looking like that?

It depends on what you think; the way
he looks depends on your story.

Say he's taking a teddy-bear
to his sick child: he's nice.

Say he's carrying bombs to blow up
the country: he's vicious.

It reminds me of a song.

How did it go?

I saw so many go away

They asked for nothing more
than warmth

They were content to have so little

Their stock of anger was so small

I hear their footfalls,
hear their voices

They talk about such trite things

Like the things
printed in the papers

Like they say at home

What's done to you, men and women?

You're like gentle, worn out stones

Like carcasses of hunted animals

My heart breaks to see you

Life goes on as usual

The earth shakes from time to time

Misery reflects misery

It is an abyss

I know you want to believe
in blue skies

Sometimes I believe, too

Sometimes I believe, I admit

Till I can't believe my ears

Yes, I am one of your sort

Yes, I am so like you

We're as alike as grains of sand

As blood - always spilled

As fingers - always hurt

Yes, I am one of you

What's your surname?

- Monod. Do you like it?
- For what it's worth.

- What worth?
- Woolworth.

- When shall I see you again?
- Tomorrow evening.

No, it's too dangerous.

You love me, so see you tomorrow.

Franz, had he been there,
might have understood her look.

For Odile was thinking of events,
not men.

She did not appreciate the mystery
of the scene till later.

At first glance
everything seemed ordinary.

- Who's that girl?
- Get lost!

Don't talk to me like that.

- Where did you meet her?
- In an English class.

Where does she live?

She lives somewhere near Joinville.

Tell him we need the money, too.

Why don't you go off
to the loony bin?

I'm not kidding.
I was at Dien Bien Phu.

I'll tell you.

To escape, Arthur agreed to do
the job with them tomorrow evening.

He also agreed not to tell
Franz or Odile.

I see the situation clearly.

What I don't see...

is the rôle I'm going to play.

I was looking for you.

- We've got to do it tonight.
- Not tomorrow?

Go and get Odile.

Why tonight? It's risky, isn't it?

You shouldn't gab to my uncle.

- Me? What gab?
- I don't know. Get moving.

It's tonight, and to hell with it.

Can we chance it?

Come on.
You aren't fit to die yet.

- Why are you so afraid of me?
- Because you look wicked.

I don't.

Are you on your own?

Arthur's waiting, and wants to know
how much money there is.

- I don't know.
- Haven't you counted it?

I'm afraid. There's so much.

Too much to count quickly.

- What sort of notes?
- , franc notes.

- It's tonight.
- Tonight's impossible.

Not after the coat business.

I didn't put the coat back;
Madame suspects something.

- That's nothing.
- That's what you say.

How will you do it?

You'll keep watch. It'll be over in a
couple of minutes, it's child's play.

It won't happen like that. I know it.

- You'll see.
- It's easy to say.

What happens
when Stolz finds the money gone?

Can't you imagine?
You don't have to stay there.

Did you tell her we met at class?

She'll guess it's me.

No, I'll think up some story.

I'll say I saw prowlers.

You do have imagination!

So I have... I'll leave
with you and Arthur.

We must separate. You can either
meet up with Arthur or with me.

Where are you going?

South America?

No, North.
To Jack London country.

He wrote terrific books.

There's one about an Indian
who was a great liar.

So much so, the villagers got fed up.

They told him to go until he stopped
lying; they sent him off in a canoe.

Two years later he returned.

They asked about his trip.

"I saw huge machines rolling along",
he said...

"and others flying...

"and great, huge houses".

"So you're still lying", they said.

They put him in a canoe
and told him never to return.

Odile turned.

The wind ruffled her hair.

Franz was confused by the aura
of the woman beside him.

Too late he saw the message
in her eyes.

- Your mouth is very big.
- I know.

Where will you go?

Well, I'll go to South America
if you'll come too.

I don't know. I'll see.

- I'd go if I were you.
- Why?

You won't hold out
when Stolz questions you.

I will.

- He'll give you "the seesaw".
- What's that?

You're hung over a bar,
head down, skirts up.

You'll give us away
after two days of that.

I'd never give either of you away.


Arthur's waiting.

I'll get my bag.

Franz bought Odile the book
she reminded him of.

The Seine was like a Corot.

Odile asked what the big building
was. It was the Louvre.

"Whoever painted it white",
she said, "should be decorated".

Now listen.

Anglarès told a moving,
stupid, sombre story.

Monsieur de Louït booked a room
in a hotel.

Room .

Going out a few minutes later,
he said:

"I've got a bad memory,
so when I come in,

"I'll say my name and you
tell me the room number".

He came back. "de Louït",
"Number ", "Thanks".

A minute later a bedraggled,

bloody figure staggered in

and went to the desk.

"de Louït". "But Monsieur de Louït
has just gone up".

"I know; I fell out of the window.
What's my room number?".

Arthur said they must wait
till nightfall

thus respecting the tradition
of bad "B" pictures.

Odile wondered
how they could k*ll the time.

An American had done the Louvre
in nine minutes, forty-five seconds.

They decided to do better.

They knocked two seconds off
the old record.

At a steady twenty-eight knots
the car headed for Joinville.

Franz whistled lyrically;
Odile looked tenderly at Arthur.

Nothing, they felt, could prevent
events taking their course.

Under crystal skies,
Arthur, Odile and Franz

crossed bridges suspended over
glassy rivers.

The moats gelid. The water dead.
A taste of ashes was in the air.

- What about the bicycle?
- Say you fell off and hitch-hiked.


All right. I'll go the usual way,
you go by the river.

Which door do we go in?

The garage.
Do you always need telling twice?

- And after?
- Stay a day or two to see.

Old Stolz may call the police.

They're not so very old.

Then you clear out.

Don't you like me now?

- Where do I go?
- We'll find somewhere.

It'll be all over in an hour.
We'll be far away.

- Take off your stockings.
- Why?

Don't argue. And scowling
will give you wrinkles.

Suppose Madame...

Tell her to come to the kitchen,
there's a smell of gas.

- She'll be so frightened.
- We have no choice.

- You won't hurt her?
- No, we're not hooligans.


I felt so sorry when she said
"And after?".

You're doing her a service.

Saving her a lifetime of drudgery.

Did you see how white her thighs are?

Funny there are no police cars
around here.

They're around. They're using
idiot-detecting devices.

- You said you weren't lovers.
- I told you she's a liar.

- Where is she?
- I don't know. The bitch!

- There you are.
- Don't make a sound.

- Is she here?
- Yes, in the bathroom.

- Is the window open?
- Why?

I want to know.

Yes. They say night air
is good for the skin.

- And the dog?
- I told him not to bark, it's fine.

Why are you holding your stomach?

I kicked him because he was scared.

First floor, end of the corridor.

I must tell you something.

Tell me after.

The door won't open.

- Is it locked?
- It can't be. It's never locked.

I'll give it a try.

Maybe they lock it at night.

No, I'm sure. He must suspect.
I was going to tell you...

It's locked, obviously.

The window.

Get a ladder.

There's one in the garage.

I'll get the keys from a nail
in the kitchen.

- Why not break the window?
- You try it.

Bloody fool!

Stop it. We're not savages.

Hands off Odile from now on.

All right, Odile?


There was no need to hit me.

I was as surprised as you
to find it locked.

Why do you think it was locked?

Maybe it always was.

Shut up!
It's because of the coat. I told you.

It's a proper mess.

Find that key by tomorrow.

No, Arthur, please.
It's too dangerous.

You find it.

Tomorrow, same time.
It had better be open.

What would Franz have given?

His gold watch, his American books,
his hands,

to know how to comfort Odile.

A glance at her showed
that her whole world had crumbled.

- It's crazy. We'll be seen.
- We're TV.

TV gets you in anywhere.

Got the key, Odile?

- It's not five o'clock.
- We're in a hurry.

It's no use, anyhow;
you left ladder marks yesterday.

They've replaced all the locks.

Even on the windows in Stolz's room.

- Has she said anything?
- No, she doesn't suspect me yet.

Go away.

Who are they?
Send them away, Odile.

I don't know what to do.

Please don't hurt her.

Give me the key to Stolz's room.

I assure you, there's nothing
of value in his room.

We'll see for ourselves.

The key.

You don't frighten me.
It's not loaded.

Tie her up.

- What with?
- Your hair ribbon.

I'm not mucking about, you know.
Kneel down.

Tie her hands, Odile.

- Do you know them?
- I've never seen them before.

- Any cotton wool?
- I don't know.

Not in my mouth. I won't scream.
Please. I promise to keep quiet.

Shut your trap, Madame!

Forgive me, Madame Victoria.

I trusted you, and you do this.

Open that cupboard.

Open your mouth.

Old Stolz won't find her in there
right away.

Say she's gone out,
then clear off when you can.

Give me the key.

You're out of your mind.

- Why don't you love me?
- This is hardly the time.

I so want to hold you.


The money's gone.

- Where's the rest of it?
- How should I know?

We must search.

- This was in the garage.
- This money was in the bathroom.

Look in the housewife's safe:
the fridge.

Where's the rest?

I've no idea.

This was in the fridge.

- Was the pile this big?
- No, bigger.

That big.

Yes, that big.

- We've got enough. Let's go.
- We'll make Madame tell.

Don't hurt her... she'll tell us,
anyway. Just thr*aten her.

Tell us,
or we'll burn the house down.

She's fainted.

She's not breathing... she's dead!

You've k*lled her!

We'd better get going.

I wouldn't stay if I were you, Odile.

Arthur suddenly decided
he ought to go back.

"To see if she's really dead",
he said, in an offhand way.

He arranged to meet Franz and Odile
at a café.

Suddenly, Franz saw
Arthur's uncle's car.

Like a hero of legend,
he felt a dark presentiment.

Despite Odile's pleas,

he turned the car,
which obediently retraced its route.

Little runt!

Arthur's last thought
was of Odile's face.

In the dark mist falling
around him,

he saw the bird of Indian legend

which has no feet,
so can never rest.

It sleeps on the high winds,

and only when it falls dead are
its huge, transparent wings seen.

Its tiny body may be cupped
in the hand.

- Do you want to get k*lled?
- Yes, I do.

- What's up?
- I'm disgusted with life.

Things aren't as bad as all that.

But I feel bad.

Odile... I do, too.

Why don't you close the hood?

It doesn't work any more.

Will Monsieur Stolz tell the police?

No, it's money robbed
from the government.

- Is that right?
- Yes, it is.

Isn't it strange
how people don't form a whole?


they never blend together.

They stay separate.
Each goes his own way.

Mistrustful... tragic...

Even when they're together in houses,
in the streets...

Don't you feel like talking?

When I said I wanted to hold you...

- Didn't you hear me?
- Yes, I heard.

But you're still sad?

I'm not as sad as all that.

What is it, then?

I'm just sick and tired.

- What will you do now?
- What will you?

I'm hesitating between North...
and South.

You decide.


Three days later,
Odile and Franz saw the sea.

It was like a theatre...

whose stage is the horizon;
beyond, nothing but the sky.

In this great,
undulating harmony,

they saw no restrictions
and no contradictions.

- Are there lions in Brazil?
- Yes, and croc... odiles.

- Thinking of me?
- Of course.

- How?
- The way you think of me.

When boys think of girls, they think
of their eyes, legs, breasts.

That's just the way
girls think of boys.

- So we're in love.
- We'll soon see.

Hold the bulb in your hand.

The liquid should flow
to the other side if you love me.

There my story ends,
like in a pulp novel.

At that proud moment of life where
nothing degrades or disappoints.

My next film will relate,

in CinemaScope and Technicolor,

fresh adventures of Odile
and Franz in the tropics.
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