Sicilian Clan, The (1969)

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Sicilian Clan, The (1969)

Post by bunniefuu »






Take your hands out of your pockets.

Face me.

When your last name is called,
answer with your first name.

- Pirozetti.
- ANTOINE: Antoine.


May I smoke?

Go ahead.

Roger Sartet?

Can I take a leak?

Sit down.

There's been a little hitch, Sartet.

Your lawyer notified us
that he couldn't be here.

If you want to postpone...

- No, let's get it over with, Your Honor.
- Very well, Sartet.

My investigation is completed.

In accordance with the law,
I shall recapitulate my findings

before transmitting them
to the state prosecutor.

Here's a copy of my summary.

Your name is Roger Sartet.

You were born October 15th, 1935,
at 27 rue des Cordonniers, Nancy.

You and your sister were reared
by your father, a factory worker.

Your attendance at school
was fairly regular until the age of 11.

One of your teachers,
Mr. Segure, described you

as "a pupil who smiled all the time
and knew how to get along with others."

This is the only
favorable report in the entire file.

Your police record begins at the age of 14.

Come in.

Oh, come in, inspector.
Uh, this will be over in a few minutes.

This long series of armed offenses,

characterized by a cold- blooded brutality,

culminated in the case
now under consideration,

the armed robbery
of the Caron jewelry store.

On June 15th, you went
into the store alone

a few minutes before closing time.

On this occasion,
you fired without warning

and fled with jewelry valued at $150,000.

Three months later, when you were
tracked down by the police,

you refused to surrender
and fired on the police,

k*lling officers Ponthier and Sorel.

You consistently denied being responsible
for this last hold- up,

but ballistic evidence has
conclusively established

that the b*ll*ts shot
in the Caron jewelry store

came from the w*apon
with which you k*lled the two officers.

These are the charges
submitted against you.

As prescribed by law, I now ask you,
have you anything to add?

- I maintain my statements, Your Honor.
- Very well, Sartet.

"Having read a transcript
of the charges against me,

"I adhere to my previous declarations."
Sign there, please.

- Checking my neck, inspector?
- Not exactly.

You'll forgive me if I get you out of bed
at dawn one of these days.

LE GOFF: There is no need to apologize.

I'll be there.

- Thank you, Your Honor.
- The Perez file, Your Honor.

Huh. I'd given up hope of getting it.

No, thanks. I haven't smoked

for exactly 13 days and six hours precisely.

- Don't you miss it?
- Sure I do. See?

It's not the same thing, but it helps.

Okay, go.








Let's go! What are you waiting for?


Your brother's out.

- Okay.
- Sir.

How will I hear from him?

He'll contact you, but with him,
no news is good news.


Handy gadget.

Just like a can of sardines.

I'm very sorry, sir.

Very sorry?

You know what it cost us the last time?
Two men.

And next time, it may be one
of these two here, or maybe me.

You'll figure that's what we're paid for.
So why should you worry?

Well, I'll give you something
to worry about.

Finding a new job.

Did I ask you for anything?

He's trying to quit smoking.
It's driving him crazy.

- So now I know.
- He'd be better off smoking.

Vittorio MANALESE & Son


How come you picked us to get you out?

I worked with Aldo before. I liked his style.


Ought to be worth...

Don't worry. We'll find that out right away.

Not a bad idea to hide your loot.

(IN ITALIAN) And so?

It's worth a little more than you thought.

It should bring you 145 million lire.

- When can you wrap it up?
- A couple of days.

I've got a buyer in Milan.

What do you want me to do
with the money?

You still buying land in Sicily?

Yeah, I've got options for all this land here.

Look, borders on what I already have.

It will make around 12,500 acres.

- You planning to retire there?
- Sure.


You will be bored to death down there.

I was nine when I left Sicily.

So when I go back, I'll be fawned
over by all those people

who knew me when I was
begging on the docks.

That'll be quite a show.

And my parents are buried there.

In the most beautiful grave in the country.

You're all the same.

In America, a merchant buried his father
in a platinum coffin.

Better to leave the money for the living.

- Who are you? Where do you fit in?
- l'm Aldo's wife.

Aldo and I live here.

We moved downstairs
with my father- in- law for a few days.

For as long as you're here.

You'll find everything you need
here in the refrigerator.

The bathroom is here.

I'll change the sheets for you.


(IN ITALIAN) My friend Turi Lo Cascio.
The family. My oldest boy, Aldo.

- Hello.
- VITTORIO: Sergio, my youngest.

My daughter, Theresa.

- How do you do?
- And her husband, Luigi.

- Hi, Grandpa.
- VITTORIO: My grandson.

And you know my wife, Maria.

- How are you?
- TURI: Fine, thank you.

Aldo's wife, Jeanne. She's French.

(IN FRENCH) Hello.

(IN ITALIAN) Sit down.

How's it going?

- All's fine.




(IN FRENCH) Cheese.

Aldo, you shouldn't let her dress like that.

I'll see you.

Beer, please.

- Should I get somebody to take my place?
- No...

Not if you'll cooperate.

Then I'd better get somebody.

Why? You got something
on your conscience?

What do you take me for?

If you've come about my brother,

I read the papers like everybody else.
That's all I know.

So I can't tell you anything.

I didn't ask you anything.

MONIQUE: Then what do you want?

I just want to tell you something.

You see this phone, the one in the booth,

the one at your place. They're all tapped.

You'll be followed, day and night.

And if you try to call from any place else,
we'll be there asking who it is.

- And we'll check it out on the spot.
- You're wasting your time.

He won't try to call me.

Maybe not,

but if he does, all I want to hear is,
"Monique Sartet isn't here."

Or "Monique Sartet
doesn't work here anymore."

If you say anything else,

I'm afraid you'll be in trouble,
and I won't be able to help you.

I don't understand.

Generally, you watch people
without telling them.

I'm doing it backwards.

I tell people and then I watch them.

I don't want you to be
dragged down with him.



Now we just wait.

You think Sartet will try to call her?

Yes, and when he can't reach her,
he'll go to see her.

Or at least I hope so.

And when he does,
you tigers better hang on to him.

May I talk to Monique Sartet, please?

What time does she come back to work?

But she's still working there, isn't she?
Will she be on tonight?

Hello? Hello!


- Hello.
- Hello.

I brought you some groceries.

Thank you.

That wasn't very smart,
going outside like that.

They wouldn't like it downstairs.

Go tell them. But I bet you won't.

No? Why not?

SARTET: That's Why.

You know I don't need any of that.

So why do you think I came?


You've got a k*ller in the house,
and you want a closer look at him.

Because the crowd downstairs
never sh**t anybody, huh?

Maybe that's more intelligent
and harder, too.


The Manalese clan has all
the answers, don't they?

Don't ask me about the Manalese clan.
I'm the only one who's not Sicilian.


How does it feel
when you sh**t somebody?

See? (SNICKERS) You are interested.

All right, I'll tell you.

It makes a big bang.

And when he falls
right there in front of you,

- what does it do to you?
- Nothing.

It's over so fast.

You know what started me sh**ting?

Nobody took me seriously,
even with a g*n in my hand.

I guess I didn't have
the face for the business.

It's as simple as that.

Now beat it!
I haven't had a woman in two years.



- Where is he?
- Room 36.

That's him?

Sure is.

He was in such a hurry
he didn't even wait for his change.

You know the girl?

Her name is Simone. A regular.

- Call her room.
- But...

Go ahead. Ask them if they want a drink.



I don't know, Albert. I'll ask him.

You want something to drink?



You got any good champagne?

All right, send up a bottle.

Okay, thanks, Albert.

- That's for the champagne...
- Thanks.

...and that's for you.

Huh. If only they were all like you.

Enjoy it while it lasts.
I never paid for it before.

Hey, you didn't mind
about the champagne, did you?

No, no. It's okay.

I don't know what's come over Albert.
He never pushed drinks before.

SIMONE: What's happening?


Jean- Marie Ballard.

Antoine Le Coeur.

Jojo Benini.

Nicolas Ramsky.

That's all?

Yes, sir. They were five in the cell.

So these four plus Sartet is right.

LE GOFF: Okay, let's go.

Your name, last name and occupation.

- Jean- Marie Ballard, electronics engineer.
- How long have you been in?

- Three months.
- What for?

What happened?

I was in Rome setting up
the alarm system for a jewelry show.

You know, the French jeweler's
exposition at the Villa Borghese.

The display is worth millions.

Anyway, we worked for almost a month.

I finished sooner than I thought I would.

I came home unexpectedly.

I wanted to surprise my wife.
And she was...

I caught her in bed with another man.
I lost my head.

There was a g*n in the drawer.
I grabbed it and fired.

You were in the same cell as Sartet.

How did you get along with him? Well?

BALLARD: He was the nicest of the lot.

And the only one with any manners.

SARTET: Well, that's it.

The whole plan for the security system
of the jewelry show at the Villa Borghese.

Drawn by the guy that installed it.

Pretty sloppy work for an engineer.

He was on his hands and knees in the cell.

Didn't it seem funny that this guy
would spill his guts to you like that?

Not under the circumstances.

This guy never even saw a jail before.
Jealous husband, he was a wreck.

Ready to cry on the shoulder
of the first guy that would listen to him.

I didn't have to pump him,
just let it flow out.

And every day he told me a little more.
You wanna know what I think,

it's the greatest deal of the century.

Yeah, but we don't want any k*lling.

That's something you can't be sure of
ahead of time.

We wanna be sure.
That's why we're talking about it.

Listen, if you want candy,
go rob some old lady's candy store.

- Is that for my benefit?
- VITTORIO: Sergio.

Well, personally, I trust the engineer.
He sounds okay to me.

You're the one I don't trust.

- Me?
- Yeah, you.

All your brain's below your belt.

You almost got us all in
cold storage last night

playing games in a whorehouse.

Would you rather have had me do it here?

At 35, the question is that simple.

Well, at 65, it's even simpler.

Right now, I got a terrific urge
not to touch your job.

I can't argue with a terrific urge.

I'll take my idea elsewhere.

Nobody's stopping you.

Who's gonna buy your
$50 million worth of ice?

$50 million worth of stones
at half price, I'll find someone.

Oh, yeah?

You know many fences who'll put out
five million or even two in cash?

- Can you name one?
- And you... Can you?

Yeah, I can.


What's your proposition?

You keep out of it until we're ready.
Stay in the apartment.

You can't be trusted outdoors alone.

All right, but remember one thing.
Nobody cuts me out of a deal.

Especially when I brought it in.


Operator, I want New York.

Person- to- person for Mr. Tony Nicosia.
N- I- C- O- S- I- A.

New York City, 957- 5000.

(IN ITALIAN) Vittorio, don't you have
enough yet with all the land you've bought?

Do you still want more and more?

You said that after that man was safe,
you'd quit the business

and we'd go back
to the old country to end our days.

- Are you in such a hurry to die?


(IN ENGLISH) Hello? Yeah, yeah.

I want to speak to Mr. Tony Nicosia.
Vittorio Manalese.

Manalese, that's right.

(IN ITALIAN) Hello, Tony? It's Vittorio.

I hope I didn't wake you up.

(IN FRENCH) It's 3:00 a.m. over there?

Why can't you have
the same time as everybody else?

No, it's not business this time.

I was gonna suggest a vacation.

VITTORIO: How about a little pilgrimage
to Rome, just us two?

There's no hurry, in two or three days.

When was the last time
we saw each other?

No, that's 37 years.
Cable me your arrival time at Rome.

I'll meet you at the airport.

You'll recognize me easy.
I haven't changed a bit.


- Vittorio!
- Antonio!

So you think you didn't change a bit, huh?

- You bet.


ANTONIO: Holy Mother.

- (lN FRENCH) Speak French.
- (lN FRENCH) Yes, you're right.

Felt bug. Local alarm.

Electric eye in the window base.
Local alarm.

ANTONIO: Detecting mike.

Shock detector.

Everything's exactly like in the plans.

Yes, everything's exactly like in
the plans, except for one thing.

Look up there.

VITTORIO: What's that?

I'll explain it to you later.

As soon as they switch on
their alarm system,

all hell is gonna break loose.

On account of your watch?

What do you think,
I sacrificed a good watch for nothing?




I knew about all the systems,
but this is new to me.

- American, huh?
- What else?


And how does it work, your system?

It's based on shortwaves.

You lift a finger, nod your head,
the hands of a watch, anything moving

interferes with the shortwave, see?
And it makes the alarm go off.


That kills this.
I suppose it's all hooked up to the police.

That wasn't in the plan.
We should've known before.

Come on, old pal, it's getting you down.
Anyhow, it's really great to see you again.


(IN ITALIAN) Stick 'em up!

Hey, never like that.

- Like this, you see?
- Understand?


How old is your grandson, Vittorio?

- He'll soon be seven. And yours?
- Nine and a half.

Well, maybe the kids can get something
out of this trip even if we don't.


Say, Tony.

Did you know that in a couple of weeks,

they're moving
the whole show to New York?

Yeah, I read about it in New York, I think.

So from the Villa Borghese to the airport,

to get the Rome- Paris- New York plane,
they'll call out the troops and the tanks.

For 50 million? That's for sure.

And there's nothing
we can do during the trip.

And at the Paris stopover,
the same thing, only different uniforms.

And when they land in New York,
you multiply your troops and tanks by 10.

There you are at the New York show
with the same alarm system.

Multiplied by 10.

May I help you, gentlemen?

- I'll take this plane, batteries and all.
- Well, I'll take...

- This bunch.
- Would you like them gift- wrapped?

BOTH: Of course.

(IN FRENCH) Listen, I've got an idea.

What if that plane
doesn't land in New York?

- You mean hijack it?
- Well, why not?

That's okay when you're in politics.

You land at a foreign airport,
they kiss you, give out medals.

We land at a foreign airport,
they call out the fuzz.

I can just see the red carpet
right to the lockup.

Listen, both of us, let's think about it.

ANTONIO: If I come up with anything,
I'll send you somebody

with the other half.

You do the same.

And if we don't come up with anything,
we'll meet in another 40 years.

Well, why not? You never change a bit.


Can I help you, sir?

Mr. Manalese?



Well, he's got a great idea, that Tony.

I'll be back. Listen, Luigi.

Tell Theresa to go down to Menton
and rent us a big house,

isolated, not too far
from the Italian border.

- Got anything to drink around here?
- Sure. What would you like?

Scotch, vodka, gin, whatever you got.


Léoni, I need five doctored passports.

Who for?

Aldo, Sergio, Luigi, Jeanne and me.

- When can you have them?
- Oh, in about a week.

- But what names do you want?
- Something honest- sounding... Wait.


"Charles Bosquet."

"Suzanne Haussmann."

"René Perrére."

"André Spontini."

And "Robert Levalois." That makes five.

You can't do this! I got my rights!

My God, I'm gonna fall!
I'm gonna complain to your chief.

That's right, I'm gonna...

All right, I'm listening.

What do you want me to say?
I don't understand.

You want to complain to the chief?
Well, here's your chance. I'm listening.

I was sound asleep.
They burst into my room and

turned everything upside down.
Not that they found anything.

I got nothing to hide.
What right have they got to...

That's all?

Yes, that's all.

I want a lawyer. I...

Look, inspector, I'll catch a cold.
I got a delicate constitution.

I'll tell you what.

We'll forget about the junk
if you're reasonable

and you help us out.

This mean anything to you?

"Pascal Astalde."

Sorry, inspector. I don't know the name.

And the picture.
You don't know the face either?


You got the second bag?

Hey, wait a minute. Isn't that Sartet?

Bright boy, Robel.

You have everything figured out.

These are the fake papers Sartet had
on him when he was arrested, right.

Robel, who did this job?

It's not bad work, inspector.
I've seen better, but it's good enough.

I don't want an opinion.
I want a name and address.

I don't operate like that.
I can't do it. Inspector, I just can't do it.

Professional conscience?
- Yes, it is.

You know I can't
tell you an address, inspector.

Well, see, I'm not like you.

I'll give you one. A good one.

Police headquarters.
To cool off a while. Take him away.

- Inspector!
- Yes!

I can't think of the name of the street,
but I can take you there.

WOMAN: Who is it?

- It's me, Raymond.
- WOMAN: It's Raymond.

MALIK: Let him in.


LE GOFF: You Malik?

I beg your pardon. Have we met?

We'll get around to the introductions.
Take this bunch in,

and drop Robel on the way.
You recognize these?

I don't do identity photos.

As you see, my field is art photography.

Listen, Malik. Listen to me.

I could be persuaded to forget
about your artistic photography.

Sartet needs papers. You made these.

So he needs a set from you again.
Have you seen him?

Look, inspector, that's all in the past.

Can't you see I've given up documents?
Otherwise, I wouldn't be messing

around with dirty pictures.
That makes sense, doesn't it?

And don't ask me if I have a search warrant.


- Ah.

Well, here you have it.

I think we've hit the jackpot.

"Levalois, Robert."

"Perrére, René."

"Bosquet, Charles."

"Spontini, André."

"Haussmann, Suzanne."

Which one's for Sartet?

None of them, inspector.
Sartet is too hot to handle.

Nobody will touch him now. He's bad news.

I want the photos to these passports.

The pictures, Malik.

I'll tear the place apart.
You know I'll find them.

So why not give them to me?

In there, inspector. Honest to God.

It's the negative.
But I swear you won't find Sartet.

You can see for yourself.
I'll develop it right now.

Damn it! They're exposed.

I think you made a mistake.

Take him away.

- Develop it anyway. You never know.
- Mmm- hmm.

- MAN: Inspector.
- Yeah?

MAN: Look at this.

- These must be very special friends.
- Four of them.

You take the first two.
I'll do the other two.

I'll start with this Léoni.

We'll leave when the passports
are fixed. And Sartet?

He'll be on the road in a few minutes.

- Who's driving?
- Jeanne.

Tell her not to go too fast.

- Boss.
- What?

It's about Malik.

A little while ago, I told you...

I told you he didn't have your number.

- Has he got it or not?
- He doesn't, boss. He doesn't have it.

- Well, then.
- But he's got mine.

With that, they can find out
where I work, see.

But you'll see. Nothing will happen.

He isn't the kind that talks.
Nothing will happen.

That's right. Nothing will happen,
except a visit from the police someday.

I'll get Mr. Manalese.

Don't stop on the way.

The villa is on the San Remo road,
at the exit for Menton.

You want to see me?

- You're Mr. Manalese?
- Yeah.

- Chief Inspector Le Goff.
- l'm pleased to meet you.

I'd like to ask one of your employees
a few questions.

I'll get him for you. What's his name?


Oh, come to think of it, Léoni. I fired him.

Must have been two, three months ago.

I can look it up in my books.

You mind telling me why he was fired?

It wasn't because of his work, you see.
It's a kind of touchy subject.

What do you mean, touchy?

Well, because I have no proof.

He was making a phone call one day.

A funny kind of call, something
about driver's licenses and passports.

Sounded like he was making
a little extra on the side

with some shady deals.

Fake documents?

I couldn't be sure,
but I felt safer getting rid of him.

You should've notified the police.

Yeah, I know,
but I told you I couldn't prove it.

Besides, he's Sicilian, too.
I wanted to give him a break, but not here.

See, inspector, this is a family business.
And I plan to retire to Sicily soon

and I want to leave with a good reputation.

These passports... I don't suppose
you know anything about them?




It's a real map of Paris.

No, doesn't mean anything to me.

Now what about these pictures?

(CHUCKLES) It's a joke.

That's right, Mr. Manalese,
a bad joke for us.

A light that went on too soon,
and we're back where we started from.

Don't mind me.


- I won't say, "See you soon."
- lt's no bother, inspector.

Drop in any time. It's no bother.


- What would you like?
- Fruit juice, please.

- Orange juice or...
- Whatever.

Thank you.


MAN: (ON RADIO) Both teams are lined up
for the second quarter

of this championship match.
There they go.

Smile and pretend you're talking to me.

SARTET: Monique, no! Don't look this way.

Just listen. I'm going away, Monique.

I'm leaving Europe for good.

You've had trouble on account of me.
But that's over now.

Monique, what are you crying about?

You're through with lawyers,
sending packages and visiting days.

Take over for me, will you?

- What's the score?
- Two to one.

- What's going on down there?
- Nothing. She's gabbing with a friend.

What a nice shot by Seaman!

I'll send you money as soon as I get
to where I'm going.

Aldo will send it to a P.O. box.

Well, that's it.

I didn't wanna leave
without saying goodbye.

Take care of yourself, sis.

JEANNE: I never saw anybody
k*ll a fish in such an awful way.

You haven't seen much.


Listen, darling. You mustn't tell
your mama you saw me here.

Why not?

Because your mama
doesn't want me to go swimming.

You promise you won't, Roberto?
You won't tell a soul?


VITTORIO: Listen, you.
From now on, not one drop of liquor.

- Get it?
- Don't sweat it. I know when to quit.

I hope so. Good evening, Sartet.

All right. It's for the day after tomorrow.

There'll be eight of them.

Four jewelers, three guards

and a man from the insurance company.

He's arriving tomorrow from London.

He's got a room at the Minerva Hotel.

His name is Evans. Edward J. Evans.

Passenger Evans.

Passenger Evans is kindly requested

to contact the information counter.


(IN ENGLISH) Excuse me, please.
I'm Mr. Evans. Did you call me?

Mr. Evans? I'm Mario Bianci,
Italian Security Police.

I'm to take you to your hotel.

Oh, that's very kind of you. Thank you.
I'm at the Minerva, am I not?

That's right. Please.

The Minerva.

(IN ITALIAN) Thank you.

Edward Evans. I have a reservation.

That's right, sir. For one night, I believe.

- Yes.
- Room 332.

- (IN FRENCH) Thank you.
- (IN ITALIAN) Thank you, sir.

(IN FRENCH) Here are your passports.

They've been checked by the police.
You may board the plane.

- Mr. Packard?
- Yes.

Mr. Vallick.

- Mr. Goldenstein.
- Thank you.

- Mr. Van Peters.
- Thank you.

Mr. Evans.

Mr. Maxwell.

- Mr. Peccio.
- Thanks.

Mr. Stern.

United Overseas Airlines.

Last call for flight 404 to New York City.

Gate 10.

Captain Kern and his crew

are happy to welcome you aboard
Flight 404 of United Overseas Airlines

Rome- Paris- New York.

(IN ENGLISH) United Overseas Airlines 404
requests clearance to taxi.

MAN: (OVER PA) United Overseas
Airlines 404 is cleared to taxi on runway 25.

be flying at an altitude of 35,000 feet

at a speed of 530 miles per hour.

We shall arrive at Paris Orly, our next stop,

at 12:30 p.m. local time.

United Overseas Airlines Flight 404,

Rome- New York,
has just landed at Paris Orly.

Passengers for New York
boarding at Gate 12.

United Overseas Airlines Flight 404

for New York is boarding now at Gate 12.

Naturally, gentlemen,
you may remain on board.

- I'm Mrs. Evans.
- Yes?

My husband's on the plane
that's arrived from Rome.

We were to meet here.

- Evans?
- Yes.

One moment, please.

Mr. Evans, Mr. Evans,

please contact Mrs. Evans.

(IN ENGLISH) Mr. Evans, Mr. Evans,

please contact Mrs. Evans.


- My husband's on a special mission.
- Yes?

- He's with the...
- Oh, yes, I understand.

But your husband stayed on the plane.
You may board immediately.

- Thank you.
- Would you please follow me.

My husband invited me along on his trip
since I've never been to New York.


- In first class, madam.
- Fine, thank you.

Mademoiselle, there's been some mistake.

- I've come back from the plane...

Excuse me.


Yes. It's a call for you, Mrs. Evans.

(IN ENGLISH) Hello? Yes.

(IN FRENCH) Yes, sir, I speak French.
Who are you?

French Security Police.

I have a very confidential message for you.

Your husband's still in Rome.
He'll be on tomorrow's plane,

same airline, same flight, same time.
Your seat's been reserved.

Confidentially, the real jewels
will be on tomorrow's plane.

The shipment today is a dummy.

It's an extra security precaution.

Yes, thank you very much.
I'll take tomorrow's plane.

I can't take this plane.
I must go and get my bags off.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

WOMAN: (OVER PA) Attention, please.

United Overseas Airlines,
Flight Number 404,

destination New York, now boarding.

Excuse me. I want to
telephone Rome, Hotel Minerva.

The Rome directories
are over there, madam.

Thank you.

Excuse me. I want 46- 34- 40,
Rome, Hotel Minerva.

(IN ENGLISH) Ladies and gentlemen,
this is your captain speaking.

I'm happy to welcome you aboard
this Super DC- 8.

We'll be taking off from
Orly Airport in about 10 minutes.

The weather en route looks pretty good.

The westerly winds
aren't as strong as usual,

so our flight should be very easy.

We shall arrive at
New York International Airport

in roughly seven hours and 15 minutes.

I'll be giving you further information
concerning our flight from time to time.

Thank you for your attention.

WOMAN: Dakar, in Booth 3.


(IN FRENCH) Hello. Yes, thank you.

Tehran, Booth 5.


Hello. Yes, thank you.

You have Rome, madam. Booth 7.

Thank you.

(IN ENGLISH) Hello, Hotel Minerva?
I want to speak to Mr. Evans.

E- V- A- N- S.


- Hello, Bordier. How are you?
- Okay, I guess.

You're still not smoking?

No, I'm still not smoking.

Listen, stay away
from today's special. It's awful.

I just want some coffee. We ate at Orly.

You shipped your hardware out?

In four hours, it will be in New York.
I can relax now.

How are you doing on Sartet?

It's going nowhere. I'm coming up empty.

- See you.
- Bye!

This is your captain speaking.

- Our speed is 525 miles per hour.

We shall arrive at New York
in three hours and 45 minutes.

Thank you for your attention.

(IN FRENCH) No, thanks.

(IN ENGLISH) Oh, yeah, honey,
I'll have a little champagne.

New York radio from
United Overseas Airlines 404. Copy Gander.

Position 54 north, 40 west, 17:05.

Flight level 350.

My luggage stayed on the plane.

My husband isn't in Rome.

There is no reservation on tomorrow's
plane in the name of Evans.

You called me yourself,
and you told me not to take that flight.

I want to know
what has happened to my husband.

- I demand that you...
- Madam, please try to stay calm.

First of all, I did not telephone you.

Second, we are certain that a man
named Evans was on that plane.

Well, it wasn't my husband.
I boarded the plane myself.

cleared to New York International Airport

via jet 585.

Nantucket jet 62 Riverhead,

maintain flight level 350.

New York Center, Overseas 404 copy, okay.

Revising my estimate. New York, 20:30.

(IN FRENCH) Don't move. Put these on.

Nobody move.

I won't do anything
that might endanger my passengers.

Do what we say.
If not, we'll get by without you.

You, outside. We'll call you if we need you.

Sit down. You, get up. He's taking over.


Go ahead.

Same thing.

(IN ENGLISH) New York Center,
Overseas 404. Request descent clearance.

Overseas 404, New York Center.

You are cleared to flight level 200.

From your present position,
proceed to beach intersection

then Deer Park and radar vector
to the ILS final approach course runway 22.

New York Center, Overseas 404.

Descending to flight level 200 at this time.










That's him!

That's him, with dark glasses like that one.

Madam, are you sure?

- Are you absolutely sure?
- I tell you, that's him.

- Is he in the office?
- I think so.

Le Goff.

What's the matter with you?

Sartet is on the New York plane,
the one with the jewels.

Get me New York, right now.

Call New York, right now.


LE GOFF: Give me a light.



Kennedy ground, about 24.

MAN 2: Now 24, Kennedy ground...

Overseas 404 is due to land in 20 minutes.

- Uh, can you hold up the landing?
- How long?

- Ten minutes.
- Oh, we can manage that.


Get me Paris Police headquarters,
Chief Inspector Le Goff.

Overseas 404, delay landing 10 minutes.

Overseas 404, New York Center.
Overseas 404, New York Center.

Maintain flight level 200
in the Deer Park holding pattern.

Expect approach clearance
not before 20:40 due to the traffic.

New York Center, Overseas 404, wilco.


Overseas 404, New York Center.

After your landing,
you are to proceed to gate 107,

which is located at the northern
far side of the airport installations,

to allow special police action.

Understood. Gate 107 from Overseas 404.

(IN FRENCH) I don't get it.
What are you trying to do?

Is this political or for the jewels?

You realize the whole
New York Police force will be at the airport.

And if you sh**t before we land,
you risk blowing up the plane.

Ask him.

Captain, if we muff this job,
we're blown up anyway.

We got nothing to lose.

So do what we tell you
and think of your passengers.

I haven't seen much of you
on this trip. What a shame.

How sad. Nobody ever notices me.

I'll make it up to you.
What are you doing tonight?

That depends on a lot of things.
But now you have to go back to your seat.

Overseas 404 from New York Center.

Cleared to descend to 4,000 feet.

Change to New York
approach frequency 127.4.

New York Center, 404, roger.

- 127.4.

Hello. Hello, Le Goff?

Listen, I'm leaving the radar room now.

The plane is now in contact
with the control tower.

The plane will be on the ground
in a few minutes.


MAN: (IN ENGLISH) Overseas 404,
this is New York approach.

Steer 273,

contact New York
International tower on 119.1,

passing the outer marker.

JACK: New York approach,
Overseas 404, wilco.

(IN FRENCH) You're crazy.
We'll be flying over New York.

Relax, Captain.

- (COCKS g*n)
- Or I'll sh**t.

We will be landing in a few minutes
at New York International Airport.

Straighten the backs of your seats.

Refrain from smoking
and fasten your seat belts.

Thank you for your attention.

(IN ENGLISH) Ladies and gentlemen,
we will be landing in a few minutes

at New York International Airport.


MAN 1: Overseas 404, what's your heading?

- 404, do you read me?
- MAN 2: 404, make good track, 343.

All aircraft. All aircraft.
All aircraft, clear airport area.

Climb to flight level 50, acknowledge.

MAN 2: National 253, roger.
MAN 3: United 580, wilco.

MAN 4: November Charlie 205, roger.

Where do you think you're gonna land?

MAN '5: Lima Alfa, roger.
MAN 6: Uniform Yankee, roger.

MAN 7: Lima Charlie, okay.
MAN 8: Lima Elko, wilco.

(IN ENGLISH) Flaps 25.

JACK: Flaps okay.

Slats open.

PILOT: Gear down, spoilers out.

Gear is down and locked.

JACK: Spoilers on.

Flaps 35.

Flaps 35.

Pull flaps.

Pull flaps.

Nobody move. Stay in your seats.

Stand up.



- SERGIO: Shut up.

- (lN ITALIAN) Everything all right?
- Fine.

(IN FRENCH) New York- London- Paris
on BOAC, boarding in 45 minutes.

Olympic Airways, Rome.
You leave in an hour.

Stay in New York. Get your tickets
to Veracruz in a couple of days.

(IN ENGLISH) Montreal. You leave at 5:15.



(IN FRENCH) Hello. Hold on. It's Wilson.

Hello. Yes, it's me.

Yes, I'm listening.

Thanks, Wilson.

They hardly even mention it anymore.
Just a few lines today.

"Nothing new on the plane hijackers.

"Both the French and American
police are completely baffled.

"Where are the gangsters hiding?
In space?"

Say good night to everybody.



Look, just like Auntie Jeanne
and Mr. Sartet.

He's crazy.

What kind of lie are you going
to make up next?

- You're not gonna believe a kid, are you?
- ROBERTO: It's true.

Roberto, stop that. You shouldn't tell lies.

I'm not telling lies.

Auntie Jeanne even told me
not to say anything.

That's enough. Now go to bed.

It's true. They were alone on
the beach behind the rock

like the man and the lady on TV.

Can't you see he will say anything?


Aldo, get her out of here.

Aldo, you know it's not true.

Get out.

You've always hated me.

Naturally, you'll swallow
some crazy story from a kid.

VITTORIO: (IN ITALIAN) Take him to bed.

Luigi, get me Tony Nicosia in New York.

We'll keep this in the family.

(IN FRENCH) What Will you do?

Get your friend Sartet back here.


- Who's there?
- ANTONIO: Tony.



Here's your passport.

A driver's license and your boat ticket.

You leave tomorrow.

You'll be in Veracruz six days from now.

What's it like in Veracruz?

With a million in your pocket,
any place is paradise.

- What about my money?
- Money?

- What money?
- My cut.

- I sent it all to Vittorio.
- What?

The Mandaleses kept my dough?

I had it, but Vittorio asked me for it.

I figured that was the deal you made.

The deal was you were supposed
to keep my cut for me.

That's what I thought myself.

The bastards.

I never wanted to mention it to you.
After all, it was no business of mine.

Only I did think it seemed kind of strange.

SARTET: Can you help me out?

What do you mean by "help"?

Just a plane ticket to Paris.

Okay, take this.

And I'll get you a plane ticket
for day after tomorrow.



(IN ENGLISH) Yeah. Yeah.


(IN ITALIAN) Good morning, Tony.

Or, better, good evening.
It is already dark here.



Tomorrow, Orly Airport, 2:00.
2:00 our time, right.

Listen, is he on to anything?


Mmm- hmm.

Let him come for it. He'll get it for sure.

Thanks, Tony. Bye.

Well, he gets in tomorrow at 2:00.
You pick him up at Orly.

I'll wait here for you with her.
Then we'll go someplace.

Okay, let's get it over with.


(IN FRENCH) Hello.

- Who is this?
- l'm a friend of your brother's.

He's arriving at Orly tomorrow at 2:00.
You have to meet him and tell him...

Don't hang up.

I 'm a friend of your brother's.

He's arriving at Orly tomorrow at 2:00.

You have to meet him and tell him...


Who is this?

JEANNE: I 'm a friend of your brother's.

He's arriving at Orly tomorrow at 2:00.

You have to meet him and tell him...

She hung up in a hurry.
She knows we're still watching her.

She won't go to Orly.

She has to go to Orly.

Why? lt will just complicate things for us.

She has to go to Orly.

First, because someone called her
so she would go.

And I want to know who and why.

And then maybe her brother won't
be so trigger- happy with her around.

That's what I hope anyway. Let's go.


United Overseas Airlines Flight 408

from New York
has just landed at Paris Orly.

Just wait. Play it cool, boys.

- Here to welcome the big man home?
- You know them, chief?

Except for the sister.

But I think we should get acquainted.

Aldo! Aldo!


SARTET: Sartet!

Yeah, Roger Sartet.
You thought I'd be on that 2:00 plane, huh?

Well, I got in this morning.

With partners like you,
I figured I better play it safe.

And now, listen.
You know what I'm looking at now?

Aldo, Sergio and Luigi
being hauled off by the cops.

And you even used my sister.

If they hold her more than two days,
I'll blow you and your whole outfit to hell.

Meanwhile, I want my dough. Yeah, my cut.

You'll get your dough.

Just name the time and place.

With your money, you can buy
all the land you want in Sicily.

If anybody asks about your sons,
you can just say that they're in jail.

He'll k*ll you. I hope he kills you.

Got my dough?

(g*n COCKS)

Look out!







Hello, Mr. Manalese.

I don't suppose you're surprised to see me.

I told you to drop in any time.

- Another lucky break, huh?
- Yeah, you could say that.

- Well...
- Let's go.

aren't you eating with me tonight?

No, not tonight.
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