Second Breath (Le deuxième souffle) (1966)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Second Breath (Le deuxième souffle) (1966)

Post by bunniefuu »

It's not the filmmaker's intention
to defend Gustave Minda's ethical code.

Persons and circumstances portrayed
herein have no basis in fact,

and therefore no judgment is called for
regarding the police methods

portrayed in this work of fiction
based on a novel.

A man is given but one right at birth:
To choose his own death.

But if he chooses
because he's weary of life,

then his entire existence
has been without meaning.


Adapted and Directed by

- It's set for December .
- All right.

If all goes well,
you'll get what we agreed on.

And if it doesn't?

The job's set for December .
Forget your trip.

I'll just go and come back.

But you could be delayed in Paris...
against your will.

You're indispensable here!

Pulling this off is a huge risk,
and without you...

Without me?
I'll be back tomorrow.

That bastard Jacques the Lawyer
got us into this.

We'll settle that later.

I need you here, Jeannot.

No one's irreplaceable.

What did you do this evening?

I went to the movies.

- Was it good?
- Not bad.

Good thing the cashier
will be back next week.

What's wrong?

Gu's escaped.

Let's go home.

Alban, two cognacs.

I can't believe it.

Ten years ago
I offered to help him.

He told me
to let him die in peace.

I was even afraid
he'd k*ll himself.

Now, at years old...


Gu's escaped.

We've got to find him
and hide him.

What happened?

- Did you see anything?
- No.

Then shut up.
None of us did.

- Look out below!
- What is it?

- See you tomorrow.
- Is Madame ill?

No, it's Jacques.
Have everyone out in five minutes.

They're here!

Let's go!
Everyone in the wagon!

Don't touch him!

Who shot him?


No, it wasn't her.
She's the boss.

No one asked you.
You'll talk later.

I doubt he'll tell you much.

That's why I...

Evening, Manouche.

Jacques Ribaldi, aka "Jacques
the Lawyer" due to his law studies.

He got a bellyful of slugs.

Probably several sh**t.
He didn't have time to use this.

Maybe you had better luck?

Always the joker, Inspector.
You know I don't use a g*n anymore.

Because all your enemies
are dead.

- How can you say that?
- Don't act too shocked.

Besides, if Manouche is all right,
that's all you care about, right?

Come here, gentlemen.

I suppose there were
no customers tonight.

Gentlemen, the food on the plates
gives no indication of a hasty departure.

Some were having appetizers,
some dessert.

Perfectly understandable.

Maybe the Queen of England was
hitchhiking nearby... can't miss that.

Meanwhile, here's Alban.

He didn't see a thing.

He was crouched behind the counter,
chasing away flies.

When he looked up,
the bad guys who'd charged in

for some yet unknown
reason were gone.

He couldn't say
whether it was one man

or a tribe
of desert nomads, right?

That's about right.

Malicious gossips might say
Jacques was sweet on Manouche here,

but what could that
have to do with it?

Manouche didn't see a thing.
She was bent over the cash register.

Here's the second bartender,
Marcel Le Stéphanois, if memory serves.

The sinister assailant
scared Marcel so

that he couldn't
identify him now.

He hid behind the counter.

Our Marcel's a timid one.

He didn't see a thing.

- That's amazing!
- Take your time.

My story exactly.
It's like you were here.

Gentlemen, look how forthright
and accommodating our witnesses are.

Ah! Let me introduce
the valet,

an upstanding citizen
whose name escapes me.

He saw customers come in
but heard nothing

due to the roar of traffic,
trucks and train whistles.

Then he saw customers leave...
nothing out of the ordinary.

They told him a man had died.
He's still in shock.

Are you strong enough
to speak, my child?

It's true! What a shock!

But enough.
I'm no torturer.

Don't be shy.
Have a seat.

Any village idiot could see
that no one here saw a thing,

and they're not paid to know
why the customers rushed out.

Not everyone's born
with an inquiring mind.

I'm finished, gentlemen.

No point. Right, Alban?

The kitchen help
must have all gone home.

It was a lot of people
for no customers.

Obviously we're wasting our time
with these sweet tots.

Would you do me
the same favor as two years ago?

It's all current.

Employee names
and addresses...

for all the good
it will do the judge.

Call them to come
get the body.

How very curious.

It seems they shot
into the street on their way out.

Unless someone shot
at them from inside.

Alban, I hope you k*lled at least one!
We'll know in a few days.

We've got a body for you.

We'll take the body away.

The rest of you
know the routine.

You're to be available at all times.
Don't leave Paris without notifying us.

Did he have family in Paris?

Not that I know of.
They live in Bastia.

His mother and two younger
brothers are still alive.

And now you're alone.

Too bad the ante is so high.

It's over, Manouche.

You can all go.

It's one hell of a crossroads.

Someone new comes along,
and everything changes.

Good night, Alban.

A little something
to read to her tonight.



- He's been in a coma for two days.
- Didn't you call a doctor?

Sure, but he's delirious.
He keeps calling your name.

I'm going to Paris with you.

Jacques kept asking me
to go away with him.

Maybe he really did love me.


Call Manouche.

Aren't those rods
a little heavy?

What did you do with Alban?

Here to finish the job?


I've been on the scene for years.
I know the score.

You don't know everything.

You must be fed up
with all this crap.

We can put an end to it.

- For how much?
- We're not greedy.

- Five million each.
- And if I say no?

Hands up!

Don't talk, Manouche.

You two,
face-down on the floor.

Search 'em.

Who's got the key
to the handcuffs?

He's out cold.
And tell him not to say my name.

Playing cops, were you?

You let rubes
knock you out these days?

Get up, you two.

Hands down.

It's easy from behind, huh?

Now we'll have a little chat.

What's your name?
- Henri Tourneur.

Who sent you?

Don't make me repeat myself.

Jo Ricci.

Keep going.

My friend over there knows him.

Said he had a once-in-a-lifetime deal,
that we should sit tight.

And then?

We went to see him every night.

Tonight he told my friend
the client was ripe.

Why tonight?

They k*lled Jacques
three days ago.

What did you know about her
before coming here?

Only that she couldn't
go to the cops.

I got it.

Alban, let's go.
The keys.

He's got 'em.


Where are we going?

Floor it.
We're almost there.

I told Manouche to wait
outside Ville-d'Avray.

Gu, my place
is out of the question.

The cops have been
on my back for three days.

The guy in charge
is a crafty one.

I know. Blot.

He's made quite a name
on the inside too.

There's Montrouge.

That's right.

What's that?

Don't worry.
You'll be nice and cozy there.

This'll be your kingdom
for a while.

Here are the keys.

- Who sent for him?
- He's my wife's cousin.

I can't stay, but let's get him
buried in the backyard.

Why didn't you let me know?
I'd have come to get you.

Did you take the train?

No, I drove.
I'm flying right back.

Why the sudden trip?

Our cigarette business
with Jacques the Lawyer.

He and Jeannot are dead.
No more squabbles now.

Jeannot Franchi is dead?

You'll miss him.
You always did need a partner.

No... not always.

One... two...

Too slow, Yvette.
That's it.

I went to see my brother,

but I realized
it would never work.

But I've got another idea.

Orloff's back in France
and passing through Marseille.

I know. He works alone.
Always has.

million could change that.

My thought exactly.

I asked him
to call me tonight at home.

Better yet,
that he come in person.

My home's more discreet
for Orloff than here.

I sent my wife
to visit her family.

We'll be alone.

Thanks for coming.

When Paul calls, I come.

I've got two friends
I'd like you to meet.

I have a job to offer you.

Pascal Léonetti.


Antoine Ripa.

You want to start
the New Year with million?

One can start the New Year
lots of ways... or not start it at all.

Well, not with this job.
I have inside information.

It's a month from now.
We'll know the time and everything.

Two motorcycle cops escorting a van
with , pounds of platinum.

A five-way split, million each,
including my inside source.

So the four us and him.

Is it so hard finding someone
for such a big payoff?

Why do you think you're here?

Your confidence
touches me deeply.

I assume you've worked out details
and I need only say yes or no,

so I'll ask no questions.

I'm not saying no,
but I'm not saying yes either.

I need a week
to give you a definite answer.

We must be ready
in four weeks.

I know.

You'd still have three weeks to find
a fourth, or you three could do it.

Three men can't pull it off.

Three's already a lot.

I've done lots
of small jobs myself,

but a million in platinum
requires special care.

Meanwhile, you're free
to keep looking. It's only fair.

That way I won't hold you up.

- How about a scotch?
- Just a drop.

To our future collaboration.

Would you step in here a moment?

Find out where
these two guys hung out.

Tourneur and Bartel
were at Jo Ricci's bar every day.

Petty thugs picked off
by a first-class k*ller.

- Mrs. Simone Pelquier.
- I'll be right there.

Hello, Manouche.

Hello, Inspector.

I'm glad I found you in.

I've come for permission
to leave Paris.

My cashier is back.

I need to forget all this.

It's gotten me down.

One couldn't tell
from looking at you.

Manouche, you know
how I feel about this sort of thing.

Lots of women would relish
men k*lling each other over them.

There's no greater homage.

I don't ask for that much.

Look here.

These represent
two men's death.

Riddled with holes
in a barely concealed car,

as if it didn't even matter
if they were found.

The mark of a pro.

Go wherever you like.
Sell everything.

Find other people,
lead a different life.

It would be better
for you, Simone.

You know...

it's kind of late for that now,

For a woman like you?
You're kidding.

- Well?
- Permission granted.

Good luck.

What do you think?

- Very dangerous.
- Much more than you think.

But these people
need a lot of freedom.

I'll go see Jo Ricci tonight.

His brother Paul messes around
in cigarettes in Marseille.

Jacques the Lawyer was k*lled
over cigarettes. Jo Ricci knows it.

The two stiffs from Ville-d'Avray
hung out at Ricci's bar.

And Manouche
is calm and relaxed,

like she's been helped...
by the very best.

Look at this guy.

He was very rich once.
Now he's broke.

He won't leave France like that
if there's another option,

and there's always another option.
He's more dangerous than ever.

Gu, it's me!

She's coming here
for dinner tonight.

I thought
you might like to dress.

She has word
about getting you out of here.

I'll be going.
I can't leave the bar unattended.

No need to be afraid here.
Only the three of us know.

Leave everything.
She said she'd handle it.

It's me.

You shouldn't have.
I wanted to take care of it.

Why? You're my guest,
aren't you?

It's not a very nice place.

You know where I came from,
and what's waiting for me.


Every cop in France
has my picture in his pocket.


A picture isn't
the same as the man.

The cops aren't exactly geniuses.

That reminds me:
I saw Blot this morning.


It was a touching courtship.

He said I could travel
anywhere I wished, etc.

Complete freedom.
Know what I mean?

Sure I do.

We have to dance
to Blot's tune.


we've been crooks
since we were kids.

If we can't get you out,
we're in sad shape.

In any case,
I'm never going back there.

What about me?

What about you?

What'll happen to me?


don't you understand?

You know what happened.

I gambled and I lost.
No one was to blame.

Now they're after me,
and they always will be.

Come on.

- Evening, Inspector.
- Evening, Jo.

The same good taste, I see.
- Spend the evening with us.

That could be very pleasant.

Colette and Marceline.

What'll it be? Cognac?
- I never drink.

But if I might offer
these young ladies a drink...

- A tomato juice.
- Me too.

And I'll have the same.

Colette and I always
go out together.

We never leave
each other's side.

I wouldn't want to appear
overly confident,

but I'll try to cancel
a prior appointment.

May I use your telephone?
- Of course.

Sorry about those little vixens,
but I'm here on business.

Careful not to work
too hard, Inspector.

Tell the girls my friend left.

I've got two corpses on my hands,
and you came to mind.

- You're too kind.
- Any news from your brother Paul?

He's a good boy now,
all settled down.

I trust he won't be entering
the convent.

When Jacques the Lawyer
was bumped off, I thought of Paul.

Everyone knew Jacques...
and Manouche.

You know me too,
and I'm not stupid enough to believe

that Jacques died
because of Manouche.

We all have our little ideas.

Don't be a wise guy.

I'm not here to bust you.
You said we all have our little ideas.

And here's mine.

First, you weren't in on it.

Paul's cutting down his competition
in the cigarette trade.

Jacques was a big fish.
Now Paul's sitting pretty.

But not entirely,

because I know
something you don't.

Three days after Jacques dies,

two thugs
who weren't even third-rate

take a one-way trip
to Ville-d'Avray.

You saw their names
and mugs in the paper.

I knew them...
as customers, of course.

That's the Jo I know!

- What'll you have, Inspector?
- A cognac.

So this Tourneur and Bartel
came to your bar.

Two low-class burglars.

But they get knocked off
like big sh*ts.

You realize what a mess
those two idiots walked into?

You'd almost think
they were sent on purpose.

There's a house just yards
from where the car was found,

and no one heard a thing.

It means they were shot
in the car, on the road.

I stayed up all night
digging through old files.

You'll never guess
what I found.

Francis the Gimp, k*lled years ago.
Straight stretch of road and bang!

No one was ever arrested,

but everyone back then
thought it was Gu.

I find that amazing.

Don't you?

That's strange.

Gu has escaped.
You know that.

Gu means Manouche
and Alban.

You're with Paul...
and Jacques, by extension.

But Jacques was also
with Manouche and Alban.

So those stiffs, hanging around here,
must have heard about Manouche.

See my point?
- I hadn't thought of that.

Don't bother.
I'm paid to think.

Sometimes I can't stop.

So our two altar boys hear
that Manouche's man got plugged

and figure a friendly visit to the widow
might fatten their wallets.

Off they go...
only to run into Gu.

We'll learn
all the details later...


At this rate, he'll be back
in the can in no time.

That would suit you fine.


What the hell do I care
about that dago?

- Well, he might care about you.
- Why?

Gu must have wondered
who sent those two.

I think those two softies
spilled the beans.

So your name came up.

Gu couldn't be too happy seeing
someone harassing Manouche.

To hell with Gu!
He'd better not come looking for trouble!

I'm not responsible
for my customers.


But what if he thinks otherwise?

He knows your whereabouts,
but you don't know his.

Do you?

Not yet, but I will.

Gu is crazy!

Your kid doing okay
in school?

Yeah. I'm sending him
abroad to study.

Bravo! I hope you're alive
at diploma time.

I'm not scared.

Courage won't keep you out of danger.
Think of your family.

Listen, we have to meet again.
I can't think now.

You know what to do.
I'll show myself out.

It's me!

I was sleeping.

So I see.

I'll take these so she won't
go nuts looking for them.

She's leaving.
- Leaving?

Says she can't take it anymore.

The rain never stops here,
and you need some sun.

She'll shake them first,
then find you a hideout in Marseille.

Her cousin has a boat.
Théo Cassini... know him?


He'll know how to get papers.
Depends where you wanna go.

I'm flat broke.

I can't go abroad empty-handed.

I know a place in Italy,
but you need at least something.

And there's something else.

I'm not leaving
without setting things straight.

I'm not gonna let
Jo Ricci take over.

That stuff still sticks
in your craw, eh?

You'd die before
you'd let me do it alone,

so I might as well
forget about it.

Let me drive you at least.

Here's Jo Ricci's bar on rue Washington,
with a back entrance.

His private residence
on the Place des Etats-Unis.

Tap both those lines,

the bar and his apartment.

I lit a fire under Jo. He'll make a move.
He may have visitors.

- What kind?
- The fatal kind.

But we can't know
in advance.

Make a move if you're sure,
but don't go first.

there won't be time beforehand.

So Chapter :
Jo swallows molten lead.

Chapter : If we can't move in,
we wait for Chapter .

And who do you say
will be there?

Gu and Alban.

- Easy as pie.
- On the contrary.

Alban is Manouche's bodyguard,
and an ace marksman.

Her fine health
is ample proof.

And you already know
my thoughts on Gu.

If Gu shows,
no Christmas turkey for Jo.

Only they can k*ll him.
Otherwise he'll die of old age.

If you can't get a clear shot
at Gu and Alban,

stay out of sight.

Take Le Terrier
and a few other men.

It's now or never.
Jo's not likely to stay in town long.

Go on.


Le Terrier's in the bar.
Alban's strolling down the street.

And more news:
Ricci's flying to Corsica at : p.m.

I'm on my way.

They were loading Ricci's Ford
with suitcases outside his apartment.

We can catch him
at the bar if we hurry.

Pass by and don't stop.

It's one-way.

The next street.

Circle the Arc de Triomphe
and come back.

We've got men at both corners.
Where's Le Terrier?

- Inside.
- Get him out here.

Alban was checking
the back entrance.

Let's hope it doesn't
get more crowded.

Here we are.

There it is.

Let's go.
I'm not going in.

Did you see something?

No, but it didn't feel right.

It's best
if I leave you alone.

Manouche will send word,
and we'll figure out what to do.

- If it isn't dear old Alban!
- Hello, Inspector.

- Wandering around?
- Out for a stroll.

- Me too. May I join you?
- If you like.

- How's your lovely boss?
- She's gone.


She had enough of all this.

How long a vacation?

No, she really left.
For good.

Everyone's taking off today.

I know a guy
who just flew off to Corsica.

- Lucky man.
- Indeed.

But you're staying?

I have to take care
of Manouche's affairs.

I haven't heard a peep
about a certain Gustave Minda.

He's got all-terrain

That guy's like a wild boar.

Tough to track down,

and he'll k*ll two or three
of your dogs in the process.

I'm not thrilled
about hunting a man like him.

I suppose not.

Well, I'm going to cross here.

Be careful crossing.

Good luck.

Long live the crooks.

Tell Le Terrier and Godefroy
we're done for the day.

Théo, I need your help.

Find a furnished house
around here.

Money's no object.
Just no names.

A secluded little house
to hide someone.

Who no doubt wants
to set sail for abroad.

It's Gustave Minda.

I thought so.

- Can you arrange it?
- I've got just the thing.

My father's old house.
No one goes there in winter.

Good. I'll get it ready.

You're saving his life.

What about the boat?

Gu's no small fry.
It won't be easy sneaking him out.

But I'll try.
Does he have papers?

- Not yet.
- We'll take care of it.

What's she thinking?

She'd pack me off in a crate
marked "this side up."

I could spend
the whole trip upside-down!

- She says there's cops everywhere.
- No kidding.

Think it was easy
breaking out of the pen?

I'll do it my own way.
I'm leaving in ten days.

I'll do what I can to help.


I've got what I need.

This one's different.
It's never left my side.

Good old Alban.

Hello, Théo.

Is your boat in good shape?
- It floats.

It may be sailing
for Sicily soon.

I may have
an important job.

Me too... for southern Italy.
Maybe we can combine them.

I'd rather not. Is the risk
in leaving here or arriving there?

More like in between...
and arriving there.

Anyone important?


You'll have enough
to retire soon.

- I'll only charge this guy for expenses.
- You've changed.

The thing is
he needs papers.

I can tell you.
It's Gu.


I'll see to his papers.
When does he want to leave?

- They're waiting on me.
- They?

His sister too.
But she's not on the lam.

Tell them the papers
will take a week.

Tell him to grow a moustache

and to give you two pictures,
or a negative I can develop.

Don't mention me, of course.

- What about money?
- Ah, yes.

It's odd, but I'd like
to do him a favor too.

Ah, something else.

Ask Gu if he's interested
in million before he leaves.

Life in Miami
is sweet for millionaires.


It's the job I mentioned.

I can take my time to decide,
but Gu can't.

It's in three weeks.

Tell him I need
an answer right away.

Meanwhile, I'll take care
of those papers. See you.

See you.

We just have to wait.

Théo will get papers
and let us know the date.

I'm in no hurry
to get to Italy broke.

We're not broke.

I'm talking about "me," not "us."

- I thought I was traveling too.
- You are.

It's Théo.


I've got news.

I need two pictures
for your papers.

I've got a camera.
I'll take care of it.

Another thing...

What would you say
to million?

Some guys need a hand,

and everyone
gets million.

million francs?
You're not interested?

Too risky. I'm too old.

That's just great!
It's not risky for Gu?

The Gold Train wasn't
exactly child's play.

I'm still alive, aren't I?

What about
your buddy Roger?

- No one forced him.
- No one's forcing you now!

- I have no choice.
- No, I won't allow it.

He's not doing it.

Who's behind this job?

Paul Ricci.

- I'm in.
- Fine.

If I'd known,
I'd never have come to you!

Come on, Manouche.

I know I can trust you men.

Your caution in choosing a fourth
weighs in your favor.

Only the sum involved stopped me
from saying no on the spot.

But I've thought it over

An attack on the open highway
could only last seconds.

How will you get past
the motorcycle cops so quickly?

We'll k*ll 'em.

There you go.

In that case,
million isn't enough.

Not billion,
not all the gold in the world.

Count me out.

Now, if you've got a moment,
I know a man who'd join you.

No one asked you
to do that.

- The risks are great.
- A foreigner?

You know him well.
His name is Gustave Minda.

Gu Minda? Every cop's after him.
I thought he'd be long gone.


In this hellhole?

He's leaving, and his situation
calls for a little adventure.

Of course,
he doesn't know it's you.

Tell him I say he's in
and to ask for anything he needs.

He won't.

He didn't get any younger
in the can.

I know guys who bunked
with him in the pen.

He's washed up.
He could crack any minute.

- Yet he escaped.
- Yeah... with plenty of help.

Bernard, the guy
who escaped with him,

jumped off a cliff
when they surrounded him.

Best not to get surrounded.

Three men escaped.

Not a scratch on Gu.
The other two are dead.

I'll vouch for him
as if it were myself.

You wouldn't be
working with him.

Gu will ride
with Pascal and me.

He'll be just as good
as Jeannot.

I have no doubt of that.

It's after
that I'm not so sure of.

After... and during.

But I'll do my job
and take my share.

If he cracks up,
you'll do his part too.

"After," you say?

That's right.

Gu's behind the times.
He's old-fashioned.

There could be consequences.

I'll vouch for afterward too.

In that case, I'm in.

Can we work out
details with Gu?

You can meet here
two hours before.

When will you know?
- The day before.

I know the place and the day,
just not the time.

You let me know,
and Gu will be here.

And don't mention my name.
Gu doesn't know I'm behind this.

He'd want to see me, and it's safer
not to know where he is.

You trust him or not?

I wish you the best.

I've had about enough
of that chump.

Don't let it show.

What could he do?
He's all style, no action.

Live a nice long life and enjoy
your millions. Forget Orloff.

Tell Alban luck's on our side
and not to worry.

What if something goes wrong?
What will I do?

It'll be great when you come back.
You'll see.

Here's Théo now.


The van leaves Toulon tomorrow
at : p.m. With two motorcycle cops,

headed for Cadarache
via secondary roads.

There'll be a guy up front
with the driver...

and another sitting
on the crates inside.

I'm glad you're here, Gu.

- How are you, Gu?
- Pascal.

Antoine Ripa.


- Gypsy?
- Yeah.

Sit down, Gu.

Antoine, get him a drink.

How are you feeling?

Don't worry.
It'll be fine.

It's reassuring
having you on the team.

Tell me the details, Paul.

We're hitting the jackpot,

but it's all timed
to the second.

Here it is.

It's wild terrain up there.

Antoine hides
a station wagon in the bushes

and waits at the top
with a r*fle.

There's a shed there
to lock up the three guys.

I've got a hideout for us
six miles away.

Two motorcycle cops
will escort the van.

We come along
in the Mercedes.

Half a mile
from Antoine's lookout,

a little side road
curves off the highway.

We'll wait there
for the convoy to pass.

We can't follow them long
or they'll catch on.

We hit them the moment
Antoine sh**t the first cop.

The second cop...

the second cop...

I sh**t him from the car.
The guys in the van panic.

We tie them up
and head home, right?


What if they beef up
the escort at the last minute?

No risk of that.

My informant gives
the orders for the convoy.

He specified two cops,
no more.

There'll be twenty -pound crates
of platinum in the van.

I know the kind.
This big, with handles?


I think that's everything.

You know...

if we could avoid
k*lling the cops...

But we can't.
If one gets away, it's all over.

And the guys in the van
will be armed.

Only fear will freeze them
in their tracks.

- You got tarps?
- Tarps?

To cover the bodies.
No point hauling them around.

Not a bad idea.

It's true.
You never know.

I've got a big tarp
we can cut in two.

What time do you have?
- : .

All right.

You can get going.

Watch your speed, and change
your plates five miles from here.

Open up!
Both of you, out!

Throw down the g*n!
Let me hear it!

What happened?

I don't know.
I thought I heard sh*ts.

Get in the car!

Get in or you die!

It's me!

I found this guy
over by the second cop.

This place belongs
to my in-laws.

The show got under way
minutes ago.

They'll sound the alarm in Cadarache
when the van doesn't show.

Well, I'll be off.
Who's taking me?

I am.

Pascal will come
for the crates in a few days.

You want to come along?

No need. I trust you.

You know how to reach me.
I'll come get my share.

You should stay with us, Gu.

You might not be at Paul's
when I pick up my share.

I might not.

It was a pleasure
working with you.

You know,
I was against you at first.

I don't know how to say this.
Those two cops...

It was just you and me.

That's right.

- I'm thinking about Paul's contact.
- Why?

He's the only one
who knew the time and route.

They'll suspect everyone.
He's not one of us.

- We can't just...
- Yes, we can.

- He only knows Paul.
- Then Paul should do it.

Drop me at the train station.

Good luck.

Marseille, please.

How much?
- . .

That's all for today.
Everyone go home.

Inspector, give us a quote.

Not on your life.

You won't admit
you've already arrested them.

won't get you promoted.

What the hell are you doing here?
I don't have the time!

Some New Year's present

they gave you.

Now they pop some motorcycle cops
and take off.

They're gonna pay.

I doubt you'll find anyone.

I've been here ten years.
I know every last one of them.

I'll haul a few of 'em in
and then we'll see.

I'm sure you'll be delighted
to cooperate.

You're ordered to turn over
all projectiles found in the bodies.

We wouldn't know what to do, right?
You're the expert?

Take your good-luck charms.
Make a necklace out of 'em.

I'll inform my superiors
of your noble attitude.

Out of my sight.

Find out if these
are from the same g*n

that k*lled the two guys
in Ville-d'Avray.

Each man k*lled one cop. Four b*ll*ts
from a Colt, three from a r*fle.

They'll learn nothing in Marseille.
Witnesses give conflicting accounts.

The K*llers' car was dark blue,
light green, brown, black.

And it wasn't a French make.

- This is the lab, sir.
- And?

A Colt. .
The same g*n.


It was the same gunman
in Marseille and Ville-d'Avray.

Please listen carefully.

Jo Ricci sent two guys
to lean on Manouche.

They were given a warm welcome, taken
to Ville-d'Avray, and shot in the car.

By whom? I say Gu,

the same way he k*lled
Francis the Gimp years ago.

In Ville-d'Avray he used a Colt
and didn't toss it afterward.

This isn't your usual k*ller.
He's doomed and he knows it.

In Marseille he joined a heist
and k*lled the cop following the van

with the same Colt,
a g*n he was comfortable with.

You don't switch g*ns
on such an important target.

Now for the others,
like Manouche.

She returned to Paris
before the as*ault. Alban never left.

So Gu used other connections.

Now he's flush.

He'll need a month or two
to convert some platinum into cash

before he disappears.

That's all we know.
Be seated.


Manouche and Alban
will try to see him.

Sure, but it's no use tailing them.
They're too good.

Losing a tail is easy.
I'll give them free rein.

- Fardiano might find a clue.
- Fardiano?

He'll just haul in a few
"suspicious characters."

No, the people who k*lled
those cops are different.

First, they knew Gu.
That's a sign.

We're policemen,
not magicians.

If some little thing
doesn't come along to help us,

Gu will escape.
End of story.

The others aren't hiding.

With good reason.
It's easier to find someone who's hiding.

They lead an unusual life.

We'll run pictures
in the newspapers.

No, no pictures.

Gu would never surface,
and we need him to.

That leaves just luck...
or chance.

Call it whatever you like.

We just need one tiny lead,
and we'll work it to the very end.


Luckily his name
isn't mentioned.

Luckier still, Blot hasn't
stuck his nose into it.

Paris police have nothing to do
with matters down south.

Of course not.

I'm dying to go to Marseille,

but I'm afraid
I'd somehow mess things up.

I'll be right back.

Well, I'll be going.

May I tell you
a couple things?

Go ahead.

Pascal will tell you what I think
about your informant.

And your brother Jo...
- Save your breath.

I know my brother.

He must never know.

You're asking a lot.

He's not on the up-and-up.
You want proof?

I almost bumped him off in Paris.

He never knew, but he flew the coop.
So much for a clean conscience.

You want to know why?

He has a good brother.

I'll do you a favor and forget it.
He'll live to a ripe old age.

That's all.

You know,
on the lam or not,

I don't think
I'll stay around here.

Good-bye, Paul.

Where will you go?

I'll vanish into thin air.

Be careful.

Try anything
and I blow your head off!

Get out.

That's where the cops surrounded
the guy who escaped with you.

He jumped from up top.

We thought you might like
to die here.

I know you're
the sentimental type.

Though not much of a talker.

But we're not here for your life story
or even for the loot.

We don't give a damn
about the loot.

You really sank low this time, Gu,

working with just anybody.

Sorry, but the Angel
can't let this slide.

The Angel?


That's right.

It was his job. You double-crossed him.
He doesn't like that.

You know that, Gu.

We found you.

We'll find the others too.

And then you'll die,
every one of you.

I know the Angel,
and he knows me.

I never ratted in the pen.
I stay true to my principles!


You kicked them aside
for a little platinum.

Has Nevada gone nuts?
He knows where I was.

Does he think I call the sh*ts?
I just did my part on a job!

I didn't know
about any double-cross!

But you see...

The Angel thinks otherwise...

And my word means nothing
in this rotten business?

You with all your men
and g*ns,

talking bullshit
and more bullshit!

What do you know
about my life?

Nevada's hallucinating
that I double-crossed him?

Is he cracking up?

What about Ricci?
Was what he did right?

- Which one?
- Both.


That's right.

Jo and Paul.

Paul's my friend.

That means nothing.
So you didn't know?

You have my word.
And the Angel can be wrong too.

No, he can't.

You understand?

He didn't get a single franc
of his million.

Paul wouldn't do that
unless he lost his mind.

We can't know his mind.

Nevada tipped him off
in exchange for half.

Paul should have
been happy with half.

But you guys got together
and split it all four ways.

Four? No, five.

What do you mean, five?

That's right.
The informant's share.

That's really rich!

Nevada was the informant.

So Paul walked off
with million.

Listen carefully.

I've changed my mind.

Paul's as good as dead.
No use talking to him.

But maybe the others
are like you.

We want to see them.

If you'd care
to take us to them...

Keep dreaming.

You won't do it?

That's enough.


Blot, crime squad.
We taped it all.

That's illegal!
You hear me?

Everything's legal.

I won't sign a confession!

You and Ricci can tell that
to Fardiano. We've got all we need.

Let's go.

Gustave Minda here was
in on the job with Paul Ricci.

This tape should come in handy.

Anyone can imitate a voice!
I didn't say a word!

You will here!
Everyone does!

One of your guards from prison
was here on vacation.

He recognized you at the pétanque
court, despite your moustache.

A lot of good
that does me now!

Cuff him to the radiator.
Three men on guard.

Your reputation's
gonna take a real blow.

Paul won't be too happy.
You usually went down alone.

Time was when a man seen talking
to a cop would be shunned,

and inspectors
didn't rub shoulders with crooks.

Now you hold hands
and go out on dates.

Makes the job easier, right?

Makes me want to vomit.

Don't be sick here.
Fardiano's no nurse.

I'm going back to Paris.

Any message
for Manouche and Alban?

Friends of yours?

No, yours.

Old friends.


You make me laugh.

Enjoy it while your head's
still on your shoulders.

Listen, big shot.

When my men bring in your friend,
we'll work things out together.

You already ratted on Ricci.
You'll think of a few more tidbits.

I don't like that look.

I'll change your tune.

I'll get every lawyer in town!
You'll pay for this!

Hello, Paul.

Your friend tells us
he was part of the platinum heist,

that little story
no one's talking about.

He said you were in on it,
so we came to get you.

But you just yell your head off
and get on our nerves.

Save your patter
for the yokels.


You have my word.
Even the Angel can be wrong.

No, he can't.

You understand?

He didn't get a single franc
of his million.

Paul wouldn't do that
unless he lost his mind.

We can't know his mind.

Nevada tipped him off
in exchange for half.

Paul should have
been happy with half.

But you guys got together
and split it all four ways.

Four? No, five.

What do you mean, five?

That's right.
The informant's share.

That's really rich!

Nevada was the informant.

So Paul walked off
with million.

Still think I'm bluffing?

It's not true!

Second thoughts.
Only natural.

Is this a lunatic asylum now?

Could be.
Depends on who we've got.

I'm innocent!

I know no one!
I met no one!

I want my lawyers
and a judge!

Give the gentleman
a seat.

More comfortable for talking.

Where were you
the afternoon of December ?

- The th?
- That's right.

I caught the flu on Christmas.

- Who saw you?
- My wife.

Who else?

- You need more?
- Not really.

You were too busy k*lling cops
to be seen in town.

You don't have open house
when you're sick.

You're not the type
to stay home with your wife.

We're in love.
Is that against the law?

Get him a drink.
He must be thirsty.

You didn't sh**t those cops.

Maybe you were just driving.

You can't claim we hit you.
You have no bruises.

You're being unreasonable.

We'll only lose our temper this way.
Why not just talk?

Especially if you were
just driving.

I've told you everything.
I did nothing wrong.

I want my lawyers!

Let's start over.

Do you know him or not?

Never seen the guy.

But he's still a human being!

Weren't those cops human beings too,
with families?

Did you give them a chance?
You doomed them from the start.

You'll adopt
their five children, right?

All I want is a confession.

They didn't waste any time.
"Bloody holdup.

Gu Minda names accomplices
to save himself.

Paul Ricci, nightclub owner,
already behind bars.

Other arrests imminent."

Get him to the hospital!

Calling him an informer
drives him crazy.

I'll make sure
every thug hears it!

He didn't talk.
I'm sure of it.

That's just to turn
everyone against him.

No one will believe us.
Gu was arrested before Paul.

- What do you believe?
- I don't care.

To me, Gu is Gu.

My Gu.

It must k*ll him to know
people think he'd do that.

So we go help him?

Let's wait a few days.
We can't get near him now.

We warned your brother,
but he was all for Gu.

Doesn't surprise me.
Gu was trouble even in the pen.

Too bad Paul
didn't talk to me.

Gu ratted on him.
That much is clear.

Let's wait till Paul sees a judge.
All they have is Gu's statement.

Let's hope
he doesn't make others.

He and Orloff
make quite a pair.


Paul chewed me out
'cause I couldn't stand Orloff's attitude.

Orloff is mixed up in this?

That's why we want to see him.
He set Gu up with Paul.

He's still in Marseille.

Maybe we should
ask him about Gu.


- Tell him I'm waiting.
- You could wait a long time.

A friend.

Gu's sister.

Orloff, a friend of Gu's.
I have news.

- Have you seen him?
- No, I haven't.

Could you help me
try to see him?

- I'll try.
- When?

I'll tell you here
tomorrow at : p.m.

How do you think
things will go for Gu?

With a woman like that helping him,
his troubles won't last.

Pascal and Antoine
want me to meet Jo Ricci.

It's set for tomorrow
in an abandoned hideout of mine.

Be careful.
Jo Ricci has a bad reputation.

It's that kid Antoine
that I'm worried about.



It's about Paul.
It's bad.

He always worked with good guys.
- So did they.

My brother's in there,
not them.

You set Paul up with that lowlife Gu.
Paul wanted to help him.

Your friends lied to you.

Let's stick to you and Gu.

Fine. You think Gu
ratted on Paul.

Why didn't he rat on you too?

He had second thoughts
after seeing my brother.

If he panics again,
he'll rat on us too.

I think he was set up.
Blot was in town.

Nothing sticks
if you don't talk.

A big shot like him
should know that.

My brother wouldn't be
in the can if not for you.

I'm ready to help Paul.

Paul has his brother
and his colleagues.

We'd rather
you took care of Gu.

I see.

Since his jailbreak,
he's had no lack of help.

That will probably continue.

If he escapes again, k*ll him.
Then we're square.

Fair enough?

Our problems will be over.

Nothing like thinking ahead.

It's good to know
where one stands.

If I'm shown proof
that he ratted on Paul, he'll die.

Don't you read the papers?

They don't mention Blot.

Only Gu, Blot, and Fardiano
know the truth.

My brother spoke
to his lawyers.

Gu ratted him out,
as sure as day.

Your brother trusted Gu implicitly.
He was eager for Gu to join.

That's no excuse.

I have all the proof I need.

Gu must die.

You know Fardiano
isn't very bright.

I'll see what I can find out.

If you're right, I'll k*ll Gu.

And if not?

Then it's no longer
my business.

But we could make it ours.

Do as you like.

If we can't get Gu,
we can settle things with you.


Whenever you like.

This kind of talk
just gets people worked up.

You talk too much.

You're looking out
for Paul. Fine.

But I'm not your servant.

It's normal to look out
for your brother,

but talk some sense into your friend.
This is his last warning.

If Gu ratted on Paul, he'll die.

That's my final word.

My God!

You have absolutely nothing
to be ashamed of.

I said his name.
Me, Gu Minda!

Don't you know
what that means?

I have to get him out of there.

He'll find out
you didn't sign any statement,

and a tape recording
isn't enough to convict.

That bastard Fardiano is saying
I cut a deal to get back at me!

I can't stand it anymore.

You know...

you deserved better.

I never should've gone
to Paris.


you should have.

Go straight
until I tell you to stop.

Then we'll have a chat.

Turn off here to the left.

k*ll the engine.

Take this.

Now you'll write
an open letter to the press

saying you lied about me

to get back at me
for not talking.

Then you'll write
how Blot set me up,

and how Paul Ricci and I
didn't admit to anything.

Got that?

Make sure
it's good and clear.

That's it.

Now sign it.

Now that you're warmed up,
write to the Minister of Justice.

- The minister?
- Tell him the same thing.

You'll also describe
how you get men to talk...

and that you're sorry
and you'll never do it again.

That's it.

- What pocket are your handcuffs in?
- Left.

Lean forward.

Hands behind your back.

Both hands.

Get out.


Lay down.

Who knows where journalists
get their stuff?

I'm sure you never
said a word about me.

They misunderstood.

You know, I'm not proud
I shot that cop.

- Why tell me that?
- Isn't it your job to know everything?

There were four of us:

Antoine Ripa, Pascal Léonetti,
Paul and me.

Shut up!

Antoine waited up above
with a r*fle.

I'm not listening!

What a shame.

Lots of people
would love to hear this.

You've changed,
but not that much.

Stop acting as if you're alone.
You'll get nowhere.

I've been going crazy.

Certain things
need to be done.

Hundreds of cops are on your trail.
You can't get out now.

And now Jo Ricci, Pascal,
and Antoine are after you.

Hear me out.

I'm going to see them now.

I'll ask for a few hours
to prove you didn't rat on Paul.

You can slip away
with Manouche.

What about Paul?

Forget Paul.

His wife protects him,
and he's got good lawyers.

Still, I'm going
to find Fardiano and...

Supposing things
don't work out with Fardiano?

Then I'll have to face the others,
but that's all right.

Meanwhile I wait here,

sipping tea with Manouche.

You won't have time.

I forgot to mention
that Blot got into town last night.

Blot's here?

He'll have his hands full.

He's a fast worker.
You have to leave.

Not until I clear my name.

That's my job.

No, it's mine.

What's that?

Fardiano's confession.

He wrote it before he died.

Why are you...

I don't need it anymore.

This is for Alban.

And here's Fardiano's confession...
don't let them keep it.

The press will have
a field day with it.

I'll be right back.

Tell me where you're going
just in case.

There's no point.
Everything will be fine.

I'll let you do it,
but my whole life is in here.

I risked my neck
to get this in writing.

Anything can happen.
I need to know where you're going.

, rue Vinci, fourth floor.

Is the coast clear?

Freeze, Antoine.

You must be glad to see me.

Are you behind this, Jo?

Answer me, damn it.


So you're here to avenge Paul.

Good boy.

I have Fardiano's confession
in my pocket.

You take me at my word?

I believe you.

There you go.

How about you two?

You sit there like assholes!

Didn't you hear?

My word is enough.

You didn't need
to make such a fuss.

Where's Orloff?

Shut your trap.
I'll do the talking.

What about you, Pascal?
Nothing to say?

I want to believe you.

What a pal.

Just here
to pass the time, right?

It seems we all agree.

You two will spread the word
that it was a misunderstanding.


Anyone can make a mistake.

I wasn't talking to you, Jo.

Get up.

Hands on your head.

Back up.

Keep going.

That's good.

Turn around.

You're looking
at the scum of the earth.

The man's a jackal.

Now he's after
his brother's platinum,

and probably his wife to boot.

He'd send his brother
to the guillotine

without blinking.

- There are men up there.
- No, it's been empty for years.

- Get an ambulance.
- I didn't think of that.

He's got a g*n.

Fourth floor.

Stop at the third floor.

Gu, drop your weapons.


A real bloodbath.

Jo Ricci, Antoine Ripa,
and Pascal Léonetti.

Please let me through.

Let her through.

It's over, Manouche.

Did he say anything?

Not a word.

Go home, Manouche.

Go back to Paris.

Anything serious, Inspector?

Gustave Minda k*lled three men
and was k*lled himself.

You dropped something.

- You think it's mine?
- I'm sure of it.
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