05x08 - Gone Tomorrow

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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05x08 - Gone Tomorrow

Post by bunniefuu »

Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

Oh no!

Oh no!

Hey, sexy!


Luke, are you alright?

Are you alright?


It sounds rough out there.

Swoken Katie.

Oh no.

Higgsville Police.

Yeah, yeah, well, yeah, OK Mrs Conway.

Yeah, I'll be with you as soon as I can.


I've got to go out Alf.

Any chance of a lift?



I've got a bloody egg.

Sounds bad.


Oh no, has the chimney gone?

George, what's happened?

Oi, get off!

Don't touch my leg!

This is the moment that takes Halliwell.

What's going on?

Where do you think you've been?

I've had it with them everywhere.

Oh, what a night.

Aidensfield's getting the worst of it.

It'll be a right mess to clear up Sarge.

Well, at least weather like
this keeps the villains at home.

Although most of it seems
to be giving us the go-by.

I think you spoke too soon Sarge.

Just find some candles Bellamy.

It's bright enough for me.

Come on, turn the car.



What's that?

Come on, don't start that again.

Go on, out you get, quick.

Go on, it's only a drop of
rain, what's up with you?

What's wrong?

Go on, get out!

Hey, how many times do you want to tell it?

What the devil's that?

Can't I be at home in bed?


Go on.

Lily, I'm sure the constable
has more important things to do,

than bringing him out on a night like this.

Well, if you'd been at home, I heard
the milk churns fall over, scuffling.

It was only sheep.

Put there on purpose to scare us, I'll bet.

Now Lily.

Who'd want to scare you Mrs. Conway?

Ted Halliwell of course.

He thinks he can get away with m*rder.

Now, he's half built a new
extension, without permission.

Leave it.

How long have you lived here?

A couple of years.

He bought this place off him and did it up.

Now he's trying to drive us out.

Well, the Halliwells
have lived here for ages.

They're not known as troublemakers.


The way his lad used to pester
our beryl on the school bus.

Well, if they were Ted's sheep,

I'll have a word with him
about keeping his gate closed.

You do that, he won't listen to me.

Whenever I ring up to complain,
he just puts the phone down.

I just had that roof repaired.

How's my chimney?

It's had a bit of a
clout, but it'll be all right.

Do you think it's lightning
that caused it, Ted?

I don't know, it's weird like.

It's all calm out here now.

I mean, even the wind's dropped.

That's what I mean.

It's weird.

That was quick.

I think we've sorted it out.


Half an hour on a grudge between
neighbours is half an hour too long.

You all right?

I feel fine.

Well, you don't look it.

What's happened?

Well, when I was turning
the car around... Oh, yeah.

I crashed into a wall.

Well, Blaketon's going to love you.

Are you injured?

I struck my head on a steering wheel.

Well, you best get it seen to.

Do you want me to drive?

I can manage.

What'd you get, a slip or something?


Well, you look like you were struck.

I was dazzled by something.

It was a lie to me.

What lie?

It was down there by the golf course.

Well, you better take a look.

Look, there's an out here.

I'm tired and you're soaked.

How's your head?

I'm fine, I keep telling you.

Do you want me to get
my head seen to or not?

Well, he'll have a bruise
but a constipated concussion.

He must have been out for
about half an hour, I reckon.

I never was.

Alf, when I came out the conways,
you thought I'd just gone in.

Maybe I had a dose.

Must have been a lot quieter up on
the tops than it was down here then.

Nick, could you see if the power's back on?

Oh, what's wrong?

It's right of me eye.

Alf, what's the matter with your face?

What's wrong with it?

Like bad sunburn all down one side.

Wait there a minute, I'll
get you something for it.

What really happened up there, Alf?

It's past my bedtime.

Miss Chadwick!
Miss Chadwick! Miss Chadwick!

Miss Chadwick!
Miss Chadwick! Miss Chadwick!

Follow me!

You filled our garden
with sheep on purpose!

Now why would I do that?

Because you're determined to
make our lives a misery, that's why.

And look at you now, sloppy
pig slurry all over the Lane.

Leave it, Lil, we'll be late for work.

I'll back up, let you through.

Not till I've had it out with him.

Are you going to back up or
do we stay here all morning?

I haven't finished with you, Ted Halliwell.

I'll have a law on you.

If you think the council are going to
let you finish that extension, you've

got another thing coming.

And you can wipe that smile off
your face when I'm talking to you.

Or I'll wipe it off for you.

How dare you! Stop! Stop it! Stop it! Stop!

I said stop it! Stop him!

How dare he!

Burn it, do something!

How dare he!


You useless article!

How's the head today, then, Ventress?

Better, thanks, Sarge.

Well, get it round to
report on that bent bumper.

I told him I was dazzled by lightning.

Yeah, he wants it in writing.

And if that's supposed to be a
ship, you've given it two blunt ends.

Halliball's gone a bit far this time, then.

Nothing's damaged that won't grow again.

And I've always hated these.

But if he upsets your mum
and dad regularly, like last night.


Just a few sheep gone daft.

Anything else you want to tell me?

Your mum seems
to think you don't see

Luke Halliball now
you've both left school.

Better she doesn't know.

Well, it's a good job she's not
in the village much, then, isn't it?

Oh, thanks.

Thanks for not telling.

You all done about, Luke?

And guess why you've come?

Well, maybe you should
check the steering on his tractor.

You don't want him annoying
the conways, do you?



About last night.

It was me knocking the milk trains over.

Well, I guess Beryl knew
more than she was saying.

We've been up in her room.

Only talking.

I'm usually quieter than that.

Well, you don't usually have a
flock of sheep with you, do you?

They must have gone mad and jumped walls.

It's not surprising when you
think what the storm brought down.

Why, what did the storm bring down?

The UFO, wasn't it?

Two ewes and a bullock.

Some hens.

Some hens.


Well, it's Hayden's field
and all the headlines.

Stampeding horses.

Chimneys hit by lightning.

And would you believe it, unidentified
flying objects give me strength.

Claude Jeremiah Greengrass, age .

Witnessed a flying saucer
landing on Whitby Golf Course.


It's a measurement.

It was the putting green, you know.

Subsequent investigation revealed no trace.

You can't half tell them, Claude.

How many of those did you have last night?

Not as many as I intend having tonight.

I'll be back in half an hour, Eileen.

Hello, Miss Jarvis.


Nick, you haven't forgotten I'm
running the beetle drive at church for H

ester tonight.

I'll stop in with Katie.

That's very good of her.
I've got parish council.

My pleasure. Makes me feel I belong here.

Where will you be if anyone phones?

Looking for Claude Greengrass.

And then this great big light beam come
down and sucked up this herd of cows

and dropped them in the school classroom.

Did you see any spacemen, Claude?

I've been told I've got to be a bit
careful, just how much I say, you know,

because they don't want me to incur panic.

It'll be them experiments at Filingdale's
causing freak weather conditions.

Hey, when are you going
to clear this slate, Claude?

I've got assets coming.
You know your trouble, you worry too much.

About time you went
on your holidays and

I happen to know
where there's one going.

It's for two. You could take Gina.

Holiday? What I need is compensation.

I bet if Gina were offered a cup-sized
Mediterranean cruise for two, you'd

jump at it, wouldn't you?

Oh, yeah.
I wouldn't go with me Uncle George, though.

You're not a bad judge.

Thank you.

Anyway, think about it.
I'll come back to you.


Can we have a word about flying saucers?

Not for now, we can't.

Tell me, Claude, and not the pub version.

I'll think about it. In the
meantime, can I interest you in this?

It's only one of those prize drawers.
Ignore it.

Ignore it? Can't you read? I've won it.

Well, so you have.


Ta. Know anybody who might want to buy it?

Why, can't you find anyone
desperate enough to go with you?

I'm terrified.
Never been on a boat in me life.

I'll think of somebody.

Hey, about this UFO.

If I'm no buyer for this, I might tell you.



Could be that your daughter's
pony's turned up in the cemetery.

Oh, no, it was grazing.

Alf, have you seen the paper?

It's around somewhere.

No trouble.

You wouldn't be withholding
evidence, by any chance?

Six miles, that one bolted.


In here.

Right, Sarge.

I want a word with you.

I'm relying on you, Rowan, to nip
these science fiction rumours in the bud

before they hit the national press.

I'm not sure that they are rumours, Sarge.

There are two eyewitness reports
of an unidentified flying object.

So it's not just green
grass pulling your leg, then?

I've reason to believe
there's been another sighting.

You'd believe anything you would.

Just don't go making it official,

otherwise headquarters will think
we don't have enough work on.

Just take it from me, until we're
actually being invaded by Martians,

this kind of nonsense
is not a police matter.

But if I investigate the facts,
we can squash the rumours.

Yes, we'll keep a pinch of salt handy.

Right, Sarge.

Oh, Rowan, just one other thing.

I've been thinking.

It's occurred to me that...

Well, your Auntie Eileen, she
doesn't get out much, does she?

She might fancy a change of scene sometime.

A bit of civilised company.

Well, she has made a few friends, Sarge.

Not free tonight, is she?

No. No, she's got a date.


Charity fundraising.


Was that all, Sarge?


I make it £ . and top of that.

Not bad, is it, for a small village?

Will the bank accept this?


They took one of me once that had
been through a washing machine.

Thanks for the tea.

Now, you know what to do.

Oh, yes.

There we are.

Oh, she likes you, Hester.

Did you never want a
husband and children yourself?

Oh, I gave up that prospect ten years ago.

Bye, Katie.


I'm all right. You just look after the dog.

There we go.


Oh, come on, son.


When should we tell them?

Why not now?

Hang on.

It's the meeting tonight.

My dad's going to
get the council to

object to your dad's
planning application.

No way.

The extension's almost built.

If dad has to knock it down
now, all hell will break loose.

If he doesn't knock it down,
my mum swears we're moving.

We'll never see each other.

They're not going to stop us.

I'll tell dad tonight.

Then we'll know what we're up against.

I'm sorry you'll have to take me back.

I feel as sick as a dog.

I'm sorry, son. We're not going.

I'd rather get away.

Look, can't we forget about it?

State you're in?

This is a nightmare, this is.

Look, I'm not sure what happened.

And now I know that
other people saw the thing.

Well, it's worse.

How close did you get?

I think... that I was
taken right inside.

Into the spaceship?

Who took you inside?

Well, it was as though I was being pulled.

Oh, look, just thinking
about it scares me stiff.

You're not writing anything down, are you?

No. No, no, not if you don't want me to.

I woke my missus last
night, yelling out loud.

What does she think about it?

I couldn't tell her.

She blames it on the
cheese and pickled onions.

I remember wondering...
is this what dying's like?

Do you know someone who can help you, Alf?


Well, you're on a cruise,
you must be joking.

No, I'm gearing it away.

Well, for quid, it's
as good as, isn't it?

Hello. Here cometh the parish council.


You'll have to knock it down.
I did warn you.

You're corrupt, Conway.

I beg your pardon?
You were the only one objecting!

It's the principle.

That extension stays where it is.

Even farmers can't extend
their homes without permission.

What if I say it's a dairy? What then?

It's still got to come down.

You're pathetic.

Hey, Ted, stop this.

He's taking advantage of
his position on the council.

I'll have you for slander!

I'll just stop!

I'll do as I like on my own land.

And you can stop your
son pestering my daughter!

It is well enough, the little tramp.

How dare you!

This engagement goes out over my dead body!

What engagement?


Forgotten your key?

Oh. Hello.

It was a huge success. £ now.

Oh, thanks. That's splendid.

Tell me all about it tomorrow.

Goodnight, Eileen.


Now, is either of you gentlemen
going to press charges?

What's the point?

They sort always get the law on their side.

The law concerns itself
with keeping the peace.

Mr Conway?

Hm? No, no charges.

If you're letting it
drop, I don't want

any more trouble
out of either of you.

Aye, or you'll both be barred.

Last orders, please.

Yeah, come on, everyone.
Last orders, please.

Do you have any idea the
trouble a report like this will cause?

It was an incident. Three witnesses.

I know the trouble I'll
be in for not reporting it.

Alarm is twaddle, that's all it is.

Now, listen, I can explain away
sightings by an idiot like Greengrass

or some teenager brought up on Dan Dare,

but not when they're vouched
for by one of me own officers!

Well, why try and explain it away?

Instructions from headquarters, that's why!

I'm responsible for
keeping the lid on this,

so if the press get too interested...

It's my head on the block.

There's only one way out of this.


Ah, Ventress. I owe you an apology.

What for?

Well, the other day you had
an accident in the patrol car

and I was more concerned about a
bent bumper than the state of your health.

That was very remiss of me.

So I've decided to put you on sick
leave until you're fit enough for duty.

But I am fit, Sarge.

As for your own good,
Ventress, just go home.

And whatever you do, don't
talk to anyone about anything.

Sick leave?

I can't go home.

What'll I tell the missus?

What this bloke Maggie knows.

The hypnotist.

Well, if we can get at the
truth, we can argue back.

So we're not stopping building, then?

No! Stuff the local council!

We'll get it on appeal!


About the sheepdog trials?


I've told you! You're not ready!

It's the under- s!


And remember, that's what you are!

You're not marrying the Conway girl.

You're both too young
to know your own minds.

You can't stop us.


If it's likely you'll not make a
fool of yourself and let down Ty,

you can enter the trials.

But on one condition.

You're to promise you
won't go pestering the vicar.

It's a deal.

We'll hope to Gretna Green instead.

You sure you want to
go through with this, Al?

You'll stay in the room with me, won't you?

Yeah, well, someone has to take notes.

Well, I might not go under.

Hello, Dr. Adler.

Oh, hello. You come in.

After you.

What's happening now, Alf?

I'm moving into reverse.

Oh, this clutch needs seeing to.

It's wild up here.

Hey, Victoria!

What's that?

Can you tell us?

It's a light.

It's moving.

It can't be.

It's settling down.

Relax. You're absolutely safe now.

Now concentrate on steady breathing.

That's better.

I'm fetching it.

I can't move.

Open your eyes.

What can you see?

It's a door.

It's opening.

It's pulling me in.

I can't stop the pull.

My face is on fire.


He's going to have a heart attack.


You're absolutely no danger now.

I'll bring him out.




Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

You know, Bill could stop
you smoking as well, Alf.

Not just at this minute, thank you.

So I'm not going to lose my job
on account of what I saw then.

Why should you? You're not alone.

There are more cases
of human interaction

with the paranormal
than people realise.

Try telling that to Blaketon.

Why me, eh?

That's what they all say.

It's a phenomenon we
don't yet understand,

but there's nothing
to be afraid of.

Here you are. Evidence of valid experience.

And just remember, you are not abnormal.

All right, well let's get
you back on duty, shall we?


If he were all right, he'd have
let me know where he was.

Something's happened to him.

Tried PC Rowan first, he was out.

It's not good enough.

What's the problem?

This lady's husband didn't
come home last night, Sarge.

Well, get on to it, Bellamy.
Check the hospitals.

Leave no stone unturned.


Don't you worry, madam.
We'll move heaven and earth to find him.

Finding the car would be a help.

I've had to come in a taxi this morning.

There was £ in that box
when I gave it back to you last night.

Oh heavens, I'm not blaming you.

I just wondered if you could throw
any light on how it disappeared.

All of it gone?

Well, who on earth would
steal money raised for charity?

You didn't leave the box
unattended in the church last night.


Maybe you've had burglars.

You mean at home?

During the night.

I didn't notice anything unusual.

But listen, perhaps we needn't
bother Constable Rowan just yet.

There may be a perfectly
simple explanation.

I'm sure the money will turn up.

I hope you're right.

I know it's quite common,
is it, what you experienced?

Apparently bright lights can stimulate
parts of the brain not normally used.

Of which you have more
than average, Ventress.

I can stay on duty then.

Well, unless the powers that be
recommend otherwise, I can't stop you.

Do you know, Ventress,
it's a bonny afternoon.

And now we aren't a man short, I
could do a follow-up investigation.


On Whitby Golf Course.

I thought there was a missing
person over on Rowan's patch.

Well, Bellamy's dealing with that.


Oh, um, no business where he's sarge.

Been to the factory and the shop
and, uh, well, it's all full order books

and in profit.

So Councillor Conway's not
running away from creditors then.

Did his employees give you
any idea what kind of chap he is?

Ben Peck.

It's Councillor Conway's vehicle,
all right? What time did he leave?

Well, soon after last orders.

So he's either on foot or
someone gave him a lift.

Well, you don't suppose Ted
Halliwell had another go at him?

Well, what time did he leave?

Oh, a few minutes before.

You mustn't jump to conclusions, George.

Let me know if you
hear anything, all right?


You're getting to be a very
big young lady, aren't you?

Oh, little Katie Rowan.

Off you go, then.
I'll stay till Nick gets back.

It's too early yet.

Oh, of course, yes. You mustn't
look too eager on your first date.

Maggie, really.

Can I ask what you think of Hester Jarvis?


Typical spinster of this parish, I suppose.

She's a private sort of person.

She wouldn't have a delinquent
in the family she wants to protect?


But she's cousin to Lord Ashfordly.

She's a magistrate. Why?

All the church money for
famine relief has gone missing.

Lost or stolen?

Stolen, I think.

And she doesn't want Nick to investigate.

Well, tell him.

Tell him or I will.

The village put a lot of
effort into raising that money.

She lives alone, doesn't she?


She was expecting someone
last night who has a key.

Oh, and we thought we knew all
the local secrets, didn't we, Katie?


Can either of you suggest
why I might want to disappear?

No, he wouldn't go of his own accord.
You can forget that.

He's got too much to lose.

Well, he has been known, Mrs Conway.

That's why we can't put too high
a priority on tracking him down yet.

Oh, I see.

You'll be sorry when he's
found dead, then, won't you,

because the police didn't act fast enough?

Don't say that.

Conscience troubling you, is it?

Fetch me the spare car keys.
I'll have the car back at least.

Oh, well, I'm sorry, Mrs Conway.

He might be needed by a forensic.

Now, did he take any
extra clothes with him?


Just what he was
wearing, his business suit.

And how about money?


I handle the finance.

He can't be far away.

What about using tracker dogs?

Yes, if we have to.

And when are you going
to arrest Ted Halliwell?

He's behind it.

When she told me about this stupid
engagement, I couldn't believe my ears.

Mum, you've no right.

Don't worry, Beryl.
I'm sure your dad's safe somewhere.

Your whistles are too long.

If you cut them in half,
you'll get more commands in.

Now what?

Counselor Conway
hasn't been seen since

he left the Aidensfield
Arms last night.

We heard. Good riddance.

Any idea where he went?

What's she been saying?

I know you've had your problems
and it got a bit rough last night.

I get it.

I've done the poor
blighter in and buried

him in concrete, is
that what she's saying?

His family are very worried.

She'll say anything to get
that extension demolished.

Take no notice of him, he's all mouth.

If you ask me, Conway's done a bunk.

And what makes you think that?

With a missus like he's got.

Your shoulders relaxed and your head still.

And you don't move your head
until after you've hit the ball.

Have you got that?


Right, have another go.

You've got a very nice swing, Eileen.

Now you stand over here and I'll have a go.

Right, Eileen, bring the trolley.

Phil, twelve o'clock tomorrow.


I'll be there.

I never knew they cared.

What's up?

Headquarters have made
an appointment for me.

I have a medical check-up
with Mr. Aylersham Hooker.

An eye specialist, is he?

I know which I saw.

Yeah, Blayden said they
wouldn't like the report.

Do you think they're
trying to get rid of me?

On medical grounds?


They wouldn't put a
copper like you out of grass.

Oh, I wouldn't bet on it.

I've been dreading this.

Sheep droppings.

Who's allowed sheep
onto the course, I wonder?

And what is this?

I mean, I know it was a
severe storm last night, but...

Or else it was a
triangular-shaped space capsule.

Oh, Eileen.

Ah, Miss Jarvis. Good afternoon.

Sergeant Blaketon.

Is this what our tame UFO did?

I never knew you played golf, Eileen.

I'm having lessons.

Good idea.

By the way, I may have
alarmed you unduly this morning.

Bit of a mix-up.

I banked enough to cover it.

Generous of you.

Not like you, Miss Jarvis.
Getting mixed up.

You've got time for a cup of tea?


Come on.

Any messages, Jamie?



Hello, Maggie.

All right?

Yeah. Well, no.

I think I might have
landed out right, innit?

With Blaketon?

No, with headquarters.

They've ordered a medical check tomorrow.

They must think it's urgent.

Do you know who he's seeing?

Yeah, Mr... Alsham Hooker.


How dare they?

Well, why? Who is he?

Top brass psychiatrist.

He's the type to certify
off as soon as look at him.

So they're that keen to
suppress talk of UFOs, eh?

Look, er, I've got to go. Sorry.

Evening, Al.

Hi, Nick.

I'll have a pork pie when
you're ready, please, Gina.


What do you call this, Claude?

Legal tender.

Well, I don't like the look of it much.

Oh, neither did I.
That's why I've given it you.

Well, it'll do.

Help settle his slate,
see him to suddenly flush.

There you go.

Only Hester doesn't
want the thief caught, Nick.

No, he did right telling me.

My guess is that she's made up the
loss out of her own money to hush it up.

Yeah, well, it'll be all
old coins and news notes.

Hm, untraceable.

Except one note was covered in ink.

I was afraid it might be no good.

What colour ink?


Does it matter?

Is that your lunch already, Ventress?

I might not have an appetite later.

Can I have a word, Sarge?


And you can't have
your afternoon off,

Rowan, unless Councillor
Conway's been found.

Yeah, well, I think I
can trace where he is.

Well, get on to it, then.

If you're all right, Bellamy
can cover Aidensfield for you.

Ventress'll be back
from his medical by then.

Yeah, but it isn't a medical, is it, Sarge?

It's not the routine take your blood
pressure and how's the family job.

You can't let them do this to him.

Who am I to argue with
the powers that be, Rowan?

Well, have you tried?

Like saying that UCL every day,
he's as fit for duty as he ever was.

Now, you listen to me.

Rumours of an invasion by
little green men from outer space,

plus MOD experiments,
can be very unsettling.

And this psychological condition
of Ventress's is not your problem,

so don't get involved.

I am involved.

I am involved.

All right.

Ashfordly District Hospital, o'clock.

He's entitled to have a colleague with him.

♪ Riding along in my automobile ♪ I
was anxious to tell her the way I feel

♪ So I told her softly and sincere ♪
And she leaned and whispered in my ear

♪ I'm cuddling more and driving
slow ♪ With no particular place to go... ♪



What, you in the money this week?

Just enough to buy a few luxuries
like bread and milk and biscuits for him.

Wouldn't have come from a
certain charity fund, would it?

You know your trouble, you spend
too much time with that Blaketon.

If you must know, I sold that
Mediterranean cruise, didn't I?

Who to?

That is for me to know and you to find out.

Now, don't mess me about, Claude.

Was it Councillor Conwyn?

Yeah, why?


Yesterday, first thing.

Well, thank you.

Could have saved me a lot of trouble.

Is there any reward for
information received?

Morning, Miss Jarvis.

I hear you've lost rather
a lot of cash recently.

Oh, there's no need to
chase it, I've made it good.

Well, aren't you interested
to know where it went?

Actually, a friend borrowed
the money thinking it was mine.

Would that be your
colleague on the Paris Council?

Mr Conway?

You'd better come in.

I expect you're looking for me.

Your family are very worried about you.

Greengrass had this
Mediterranean cruise, half-price.

I wanted to surprise Hester.

I thought by the time he got back,
the fuss would have died down.

But it's all the way out in the open.

If you'd made the break sooner.

I had to stay with Lily for Beryl's sake.

Now she's grown up.

Well, it was the right moment.

For you?

You'd have saved a lot of police
time if you'd told your wife your plans.

Don't tell her I'm here.

She'll have to know you're safe.

The rest is up to you.

I can't go back to Lily. I'm sorry.

So am I.

You might have asked me before
you threw caution to the winds.

I'll see myself out.



It's only being with you that's
kept me sane all these years.

I've waited too long.

What am I to do with this holiday?

I'm not going to be here.

I'm not going to be here.

I'm not going to be here.

I'm not going to be here.

He's here for a medical check-up,
not a psychiatric examination.

And I'm here to determine
his fitness for duty, Mr Rowan.

I'll make better progress
without your help.

Well, he is fit.

No officer who sees flying
saucers can be regarded as fit.

There were two members of the public.
They saw what I saw.

They didn't experience the same
paranormal images and sensations.

I regard it as evidence
of mental instability.

Well, Dr Bill Evans disagrees.
We have his report.

You haven't heard my tapes.

It was highly irresponsible
of you to make this official.

Your superiors are very alarmed.

Well, I'm not alarmed. And I was there.

That is a matter of opinion.

You hadn't taken any substance
likely to cause hallucinations.

No, I hadn't.

Accidentally, perhaps?

I'm offering you a way out.

By faking his evidence?

He can persist in his fantasy
and embarrass the authorities,

or he can be admitted to my wing of
this hospital as a voluntary patient for

a mere days,

and then, if I am satisfied he suffered
only a temporary mental breakdown,

he can no doubt return to his job.

Which is it to be?

Don't even think about it, Alf.

Not unless you want this on your record.

What will feature on my record
is your lack of cooperation.

They can't sack me, can they?

No, I doubt it.

Let's risk embarrassing
the authorities, shall we?

Let it be known how
they tried to get rid of you.

And why.

♪ Baby back, dressed in black ♪

♪ Silver buttons all down her back ♪

♪ Howl, tips her toes ♪

♪ She broke the needle and she can't slow ♪

♪ Walking the dog ♪

♪ I'm just a walking the dog ♪

♪ If you don't know how to good ♪

♪ I'll show you how to walk the dog ♪

Ventress, you wouldn't
talk to the press, would you?

I might, if I'm pushed.

The media doesn't want any
more headlines about UFOs.

Well, the pub's open.
I'll buy you all a drink.

Well, come on, then.

♪ She broke the needle and she can't slow ♪

♪ Walking the dog ♪

Maggie. Thanks.

Ventress. Ah.


So, are we to be told or not?


Oh, come on, Sarge.
Has Alf still got his job?

Well, I'm happy to say
that his ruse has failed.

Eh? What ruse?

Well, your attempt, Ventress,
to stay on indefinite sick leave.

Well, that was you.

Now, it seems that you're to continue
to report to Ashfordly Police Station,

where I can keep my beady eye on you.

Cheers, Sarge.


You all right, Alf?

Oh, I thought I'd blown it, then.

They had me down as a barmaid.

I'm better now.



Ah, come off it, mate.


I'd be on the dole if
it wasn't for your help.

I know something happened.

You believe me, then?

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪
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