06x13 - Obsessions

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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06x13 - Obsessions

Post by bunniefuu »

Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

Love letters straight from your
heart Keep us so near while apart.

I'm not alone in the night When I
can have all the love you've got.

I'll memorise every line And
I'll kiss the name that you sign

I'll memorise every line Heartbeat,
why does a love kiss stay in my memory?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory?

I want your Tinder job, I am a
loner And I'm a loser, I'm a loser

I want your Tinder job, I am a
loner And I'm a loser, I'm a loser

And you're not to come over I'm
not your baby, I'm not your baby

Can't you see that I'm lonely?

Come on baby, I'm gonna take your
love And I'm gonna be your partner

I'm a loner and I'm
a loser I need you

and you're not to
come over to rescue me

Come on baby, and rescue me
Come on baby, and rescue me

I'm asking you, can't
you see that I'm lonely?

Rescue me, I'm trapped in your
heart Rescue me, I want your Tinder job

I'm a loner and
I'm a loser Are you

sure you don't want
to go to the hospital?

No, I'm fine, it's just my eyes.

Oh, Nick. Are you alright?

Yeah, I'm fine, my eyes
are just a little bit soft.

I've told him you ought to go to the
hospital and have them checked. His

chest as well.

You only got to smell his clothes
to know what the fumes were like.

Alright, I'll go in the morning.

I thought you were going
bowling with Phil tonight?

Yeah, I cried off, didn't fancy it.

Well, lucky for that girl you didn't.

Are you sure you squared
this with them, Claude?

Do you want it in writing?

No, no.

Well, shut up and get shoving.

Sandra Croft?


Nick Rowan, we met last night.

You were the one who pulled me out?


Thank you seems a bit feeble.

Well, no, that'll do fine. How are you?

I'm okay, thanks to
you. I'm waiting for

the doctor to come
and discharge me.

Well, that's good.

I'm, um... I'm ashamed I
caused so much trouble.

I... I was drunk, you probably guessed.

Yeah, yeah, I gathered that.

You don't have to believe me,
but I don't make a habit of it.

I believe you.

I'd, um...
I'd had a letter from my boyfriend.

I've been pretty stupid.

You don't have to explain.

No, I'd like to. He's,
um... He's married.


An old story, I know.
Everyone said he'd

never leave his wife,
but... I believed him.

Came up here to be near him.

Well, I'm...
I'm sorry things didn't work out for you.

Are you married?

No. No, I was. My wife died.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You're not going to cover
it with twigs and branches?

What for?

Well, camouflage. It's a hide, isn't it?

I mean, it's not going to take
much finding stuck here like this.

Would you like to go out and come in again?

What are you talking about?

It's the birdwatchers we're
trying to hide, not the box.


In any case, as long as we leave it
there, the birds will get used to it and

accept it.

Well, in time, I suppose.
It's just it doesn't look natural.

A nervous bird might think,
"Hey, what's in that box?"

I know I would.

I'm sure you would.

But the black grouse hasn't
got your personality, has it?

He don't stand around
psychoanalysing all the time,

especially when his feathers are
fluffed up and he's feeling frisky.

Because you know what
this month is, don't you?


I've done me own work.
It's the mating season.

Oh, yes.

Oh, yes. And according to the headmaster's
notes, this area is what's known

as the lek.

This is the place where traditionally
the black grouses do their courting.

And from what I can gather, when
its primitive passions are stirring, it can

be shameful.

So I think we ought to go.

What a star.

Oh, what a pong.

Yeah, I know. I can't get rid of it.

Well, if you're angling for a
new uniform, you can forget it.

Wicked says there's not enough
in the budget to pay for the whistle.

How'd the bowling go, Phil?

You missed a great night.

Morning, Rowan.

Morning, Sarge.

Well done last night.

Thank you, Sarge.

I heard you showed great presence
of mind and no little courage.

A fine example to those of
us of a more sedentary nature.

She was a good
looker, though, Sarge.

Otherwise he'd have
called the brigade.

Oh, well, you're in
luck again then, Rowan,

because the same
lady has just called in.

She wants our help on a different matter.

What's that?

She's complaining about being followed.

Well, I'm free, Sarge.

Out of your patch, Bellamy.

It's out of your league and all.

I assume this aroma of burnt material
is not for once the result of somebody

smoking the evil weed whilst on duty.

Correct, Sarge.

Put in for a new uniform, Rowan.

I'll support your application.

Thank you, Sarge.

Hell's bells.

There'll be a gong from Buckhouse next.

Miss Craft?


Miss Craft?

Oh, hello.

Are you arranging the station?


Shut the door.
I don't want to be heard downstairs.

I'm trying to salvage some things.

Doesn't seem to matter if it was in
a drawer or not. Everything reeks.

Are you told by my sergeant
you're being followed?


I meant to tell you at the hospital.

Let me clear you a seat.

Um, I'm fine, thanks.

It's been going on for a while.

Well, do you know who it is?

Not for sure, no.

It could be my ex-boyfriend.

The one you told me about?


Well, I thought he wanted
to break off the relationship.

No, I said he wasn't
willing to leave his wife.

He wanted us to carry on as we were.

He got quite violent when I refused.

Woke up this morning feeling fine.

Something special's on my mind.

Last night I met a new
girl in the neighborhood.

Don't sound the taxi this way.

Anything your side?

No, nothing.

Well, we're bang on time,
so, um... We just have to wait.

Yes, I'll be here shortly.


Excuse me!

Excuse me.

This room is in Flint, huh?


Called Greengrass.

Greengrass Guided Tours.

The only holiday of my lifetime.

Tell me I'm into something else.

Around the front.

Come on, around you go.

There we are.

In you get.

I'm Madge.

I'm Colin.

From Crawley, Newtown.


I'm sorry I had to bring the truck,
but the dealer's having a service.

We're glad you did, aren't we?

Yes, great fun.

Mr. Kenway?


PC Rowan, Aidensfield Police.

What can I do for you?

We're making inquiries about a young woman.

Sandra Croft.

Do you know her?

Do you mind telling me why you're asking?

Do you know her, sir?

Well, you know I do.

Otherwise you wouldn't be here.

What's the problem?

She claims she's being followed.

What's that got to do with me?

What's your relationship with her?

She was a friend.


Well, she said you were lovers.

We had an affair.

It's private.

Finished business.

You sure about that?

Yeah, very sure.

It's different.

Complete change.

No home comforts.


We say we like the outdoors.

Roughing it.

Is this so much worse than a tent?

It's close.

And more expensive.

It doesn't matter.

As long as the bed linen is clean.


It doesn't matter.

And we're not holidaying in this room.

We're going to be out there.

Hoovering up the countryside.

Oh, you're right.

I've gone soft.

Soft and tired.

We've been on the road all day.

It's ready when you are.

I wonder if our host is dressed for dinner.

I don't really care.

I just hope he's washed his hands.



Oh, hello.

You just caught me.

Are you going away?

Only to the pub.

I'm moving out while the
house is being redecorated.

Couldn't stand the smell any longer.

I've just been to see Mr. Kenway.


He said your relationship
ended ten months ago.

Yes, well, he would, wouldn't he?

He seems a busy man.

Too busy to follow me around, you mean?

Well... Well, he
made time before.

He was always very
jealous if he thought

there might be
someone else in my life.

And is there?


But he might think it.

Yeah, well... All I can do at the
moment is keep an eye on the situation.

Thank you.

I really do appreciate it.

Mmm, this fish is delicious.

I'm not surprised.

It jumped out of Whitby Docks this
morning and chucked itself in the pan.

Is this the moment to discuss
arrangements for tomorrow?

Ah, no time like the present.

What do you fancy,
rambling or birdwatching?

Birdwatching, Madge is the rambler.

We're going to take it turn, turn about.

It's great, that.

If only people would settle
their differences like that,

the world would be a
happier place, wouldn't it?

So what's it going to be tomorrow, then?

You first.

No, you.

I don't mind.

Come on, Madge.

Really, I don't.

Yes, you do.

I don't, Colin.


Hang on, it's going to turn
into World w*r III, isn't it?

Let's spin up.

I tell you what.

If you're rambling, tails
you're good twitching.

If it's heads, you're good rambling.

As a matter of fact, I've
got your itinerary here.

I sorted it out.

Here we are.

That's the one and that one and that one.

There you are.

There's your walk for tomorrow.

Long-term stride.

Ah, that's him.

Why's it called that?


Well, it's, um, well,
it's all in there, isn't it?

You see, seek and ye shall find.

I can see Mr. Greengrass isn't
going to make this easy for us, Colin.



I've got a little something for you.

Oh, thank you.

I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

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I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

I'm not sure what it is.

I think all your stuff is there, right?

Yes, thank you.



Right now then.

Hey, are you ready?


Look, that's your starting point then.

That's style.

Oh, you're not joining us then?

I only wish I could, Mrs. Flinttop,
but I've got to deliver all this stuff.

I'll pick you up at six
o'clock at the Devil's Dip.

You can't miss it.

It's on your map.

Try not to worry the sheep.

Dip, dip.

I walked her home and she held my hand.

I knew it could be just
the one night stand.

So I asked to see her next
week and she told me I could.

I asked to see her and she told me I could.

Something tells me I'm into something good.

Something tells me
I'm into something,

something tells me
I'm into something good.



Sorry to trouble you.

The car's overheated.

Must have a leaky radiator.

I wonder, could you let me have some water?

Of course.

Come in.

Thank you.

What a lovely room.

Oh, I like it.

Cottages tend to be a bit
dark, but I get the sun here.


Will a kettle do?

Fine, thank you.

Do you live here by yourself?


You're not looking for
any lodges by any chance?


Why do you ask?

Well, I'm staying at
the pub in Aidensfield.

It's OK, but it's not
exactly home from home.

Had to move out of my own
place while it's redecorated.

That sounds a bit extreme.

Yes, well, I had a fire.

Oh, I see.

You must be Sandra Croft.


Famous for all the wrong reasons.

Was there a lot of damage then?

Not to the building, no.

The fire was confined to one room.

The smell is all through the house.

Perhaps I should be looking
for another place altogether.

Are you thinking of selling?

Sorry, no.


You've a lovely house.


You were lucky to get
out of the fire unharmed.


At least someone up there loves me.

He sent a guardian angel.

Constable Rowan, do you know him?


Come back for a fill-up if you need more.


This rock is called the
Victory, after Nelson's flagship.

Oh, it doesn't look much like a ship.

No, but it's saving up
to build another column.

Yorkshire Nels, you see.

Do you want to take a photo?

Me on the Victory saying, "Kiss me, Colin."

Glad we came.

Could you have lost a
bracelet when you were out?

A loose clasp or something?


I'm very careful with it.

It's gone from this box.

Right, well, when did you last see it?


Since the fire, anyone
can get into my place.

It's so sick.

As if what's happened isn't bad enough.

I feel that everything and
everyone's against me.

Except for you.

Was there anything distinctive about it?

Not really.

It's an -carat chain bracelet
with a heart-shaped clasp.

Clive Kenway gave it to me.

Mr. Kenway?

It was his grandmother's family heirloom.

He said he gave it to me
in a moment of weakness.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying he wanted it back.

Is that an accusation?

I'm not accusing anybody.

But you still think he's following you?

Somebody is.

It means so much to know
you're looking after me, Nick.

May I call you Nick?

Have I got this right?

A young, attractive woman won't
leave you alone, and you're complaining?

Why, it's a bit spooky, Sarge.

Women and uniforms, Rowan,
you know what they say?

The trick cyclist will have
a theory for it, no doubt.

She's probably gone soft on you.
It'll pass.

And what about the stalker?
Do we take it seriously?

I've no choice. I'll put Ventress onto it.

Thanks, Sarge.

This doesn't mean
you can stop chasing

up her ex-boyfriend
about the bracelet.

Anyone there?

I said anyone there?

Oh, hello there.

I was looking for you coming down the road.

You found your way, all right?

Very well, thank you.

I bet you're ready for something to eat.


We're eating out tonight.

What, now? I'd really rather tidy up.

There's no time to muck about.
They're already open. Come on. Get in.

There. Go on, then.

Come on.

Come on.

She had a real nose around.

She's staying up at the pub while
her place is being redecorated.

Yeah, I know.



How do you know?

Well, I saw her today about something else.

You never told me she was so attractive.

Don't tell me you hadn't noticed.

Why do you want to know about her?

Oh, strictly business, Gina.

Oh, yeah?

She thinks that somebody's following her.


Well, no idea. But Nick thinks.
It's in her mind.

But now it's come true.

Well, how do you mean?

Well, she's got you following her.



Now then, George, how about rustling
up a couple of your country platters

for two of my guests?

We don't serve food to non-residents.

Since when?

Since now.

Well, not only am I a resident of
the area, I'm pretty much a resident in

this flaming bar.

Maybe you are, but not them.

What's it all about?

It's called competition.

If you want to play the guesthouse
landlord, you've got to do your own cater

ing, not come sticking
your Mark up on my grub.

Leave them to me, Claude.

I'm afraid there's been
a Nick-up in the kitchen.

What sort of a hiccup?

Clash of temperaments.
But that chef's for you.

Why they let him have
knives, I shall never know.

I'm ashamed of you, Uncle George.

Look, charge Claude what you like,
but I'm feeding them, or our name will be

mud and crawl in Newtown.


Yes, he is. Who's speaking?

Hang on a second.

Sandra Croft.



Why are you there?

I'm here to see you.

Why are you there?

What do you mean?

You shouldn't be here. There's another
policeman outside. I thought this was

your beat.

I don't patrol hours a day.

But I can't trust this man. I need you.

I don't think you're being very sensible.

Don't talk down to me!

I'm sorry. I didn't mean...
I'm sorry. I'm in a bit of a state.

I'm sure I saw somebody.
He knows I'm staying here.

I'm frightened, do you understand?


I only want you, Nick.
Please, don't let me down again.

I'm sorry, she shouldn't have found you.
She must have got your number when

she called round earlier.

Something serious?

I don't know. Thanks.

It sounded serious. Can't you tell me?

It's work.

Nice work if you can get it.

You what?

You heard. She's a very attractive woman.

Not you as well.

What do you mean?

Well, it's the same as filling out.
Making a joke of it.

You think Sandra's protesting too much.

Well, you'll just have to get used
to the adulation of two women.

As long as it's only me
who's getting it returned.

You don't mind the early start?

I'll tell you when I wake up.

Best time of the day
to see the black grouse.

Of course, I don't need to tell you that.

He's been awake all night with excitement.

Has he?

Right, well, you're
going to get excited now.

Because this is really a room with a view.

Right, then, I'll leave you to it.

I'll have to take this back to the
cleaners. The smell's still there.

Thanks, Ali.

Oh, I saw that girl yesterday.

The one you pulled out of the fire.


Just outside.

How do you know it was her?

She introduced herself.

I thought what a nice young woman she was.

She made a great fuss of Katie.

Even offered to babysit.

Well, if she calls again, I'd
prefer you not to let her in.

Not let her in?

I don't want to explain, alright?

Trust me, Eileen.

What am I looking for again?

The male is black with
longish, liar-shaped tail.

Erect in display to
show the white undertail.

What's that?

Now, then.

Now, then!

Not a pretty sight, is it?

How many have you spotted?

I'm glad you found a use for them.

She claims it's gone missing.

Along with her marbles.

So you bought the bracelet for her?


It was her birthday, I think.

Well, she said it was your grandmother's.

Family heirloom.

Is there no end to this?

The only thing my grandmother's
handed down to me is her bad back.

I bought the bracelet for
Sandra on a day out in Whitby.

She should know.

She picked it.

She's always been that.

You know exactly what she meant.

Don't you?

I think we need to say hello.

I'm sorry I couldn't say no.


What a lovely little baby you've got.

What's the problem?

I'm getting rid of the problem.

Come here, darling.

How do you mean?

Well, I want to withdraw
the report about my bracelet.

I've decided to let the matter drop.


Well, I suddenly realised how upset
people would be if you questioned them.

As if I'd accused them. Do you mind?

It's your bracelet.

I'd be happier, really.

Right, well, I'll just keep
it on file, then, if that's all.

Thank you for letting me wait.

Not at all.

Thank you, Katie.

I hope everything sorts
itself out for you very soon.

We've got to stop this.

This what?



I want you to stop.

Me, pestering you?

You haven't been leading me on, then?

No, not at all.

How can you say that when
you've made it so obvious?

Made what obvious?

That you care, Nick.
That you... That you care.

Now, walk with me and we'll talk.


Nick, please.

Nick, please!


You're not listening, are you?

I'm alive because of you.

Doesn't that mean something?

Why did you save me just to destroy me now?

You need help.

That's what I'm saying.

Professional help.

Please, don't go.

Let go.

Tell me the truth.

Tell me I mean something to you.

I can't, because you don't.

You mean no more to me than a job number.

Now, get some help.

See a doctor.

But leave me and my family alone.

I've got to break them in sometime, Colin.

Ah, then, you happy wanderers.

Here's your information for today.

Ah, yes, Mrs. Flintlock.

Those boots are Bobby
dazzlers, aren't they?

You'll have to go a bit to keep
up with them, won't you, Colin?

Right, well, as I
say, the sky's set fair,

so it's onward for
Harry in England, eh?

Dip, dip.

The cairn probably
dates from around BC.

Oh, if you've seen one
cairn, you've seen them all.

I'll shut up, then.

Fine by me.

Oh, hello, Eileen.

Hello, Alf.

I've brought some forms
round from the station.

Is he in?

Sorry, no.

I wish he was.

I don't get it.

Are we lost?

Are you ever mad I have a guide?

How can we be lost, woman?

I don't know. Are we?

It says here that a large Boulder
sits on the rim of an old quarry.

Large Boulder.

Forget the Boulder. Where's the quarry?

We are lost.

We've picked every point of interest.

How can we be lost, woman?

I'll have to take this boot off.

Oh, no.

Just for a minute.





She doesn't know anything about it yet.

I've only just found it.

He told me not to let her in, but...
but she called and it seemed so rude.

She must have put it there, Alf.

But why?

We'll have to go back.

I'm not going back.

We'll have to go back to the ladder style.

I am not going back.

Stupid woman.

We've got to go back to go forward.

That's the last place
we knew we were right.

Oh, come on.

Oh, that's it.

I can't move another inch.

Stop mucking about.

I mean it, Colin.

I have passed this way
a dozen times already.

No house, no road, no sign of civilization.

That's the reason we came here.

Now keep moving.


So she must have left the bracelet
there, so I'd have to see her again.

Do you want to do that?

Well, no, of course not.

Then don't. Hand it in to Blaketon.

He's not interested. It's my problem.

Wrong. It's our problem.

I don't want to bring the
job back with you, fine.

But this problem comes
into your home, talks

on the phone, goes
through your pockets.

All right. I'll deal with it. OK?

Not too bad, considering.

I can't think why we went so wrong.

It happens, Mr. Flintoff.

You'd be surprised how
many get lost up there.

Ten miles it should have been.

We must have walked a hundred.

You were using this?

Do you mind?

I blame myself completely.


Your wife seems to be
feeling better, Mr. Flintoff.

Oh. Hmm. Yes.

Did you have a nice day?


The grub's ready when you are.

I've already eaten.

You are? What...
What's happened?

Got lost.

Got lost?

Mrs. Flintoff's suffering from
blistered feet and dehydration.

That headmaster's guide of yours.

What about it?

There's a page he didn't give them.

What are you talking about?

You sent them out there with
two miles of the route missing.

Well, how was I to know?

Because according to the advert,
you are Greengrass Guided Tools.

Born and bred here, steeped
in the flora and the fauna.

I know, but that's just
the advertising, isn't it?

There's a very fine line between
window dressing and fraud, Claude.

Now then, what's so important that
you couldn't tell my officer on the desk?

Well, it's a... it's a police matter.

That is, it's, um... It's
about a policeman.

Go on.

I believe Constable Rowan
has stolen a bracelet from me.

When was this?

He came to see me the
day I came out of hospital.

After he'd gone, I found
the bracelet was missing.

Why have you left it
until now to report it?

I did report it to Constable Rowan.

You realise the seriousness
of your accusation.

Any police officer
found to be involved in

any wrongdoing is
immediately suspended.

Yes, I know.

It hasn't been an easy decision, Sergeant.

I owe Constable Rowan a lot.


But I've had to balance his actions
on that night with his behaviour since.

I've... I've given him every
opportunity to return the bracelet.

You asked him for it.

Not straight out, how could I?

Perhaps he hasn't got it.

He's got it. I'm sure he has.

And I'm equally sure,
Miss Croft, that he hasn't.

Yes, well, I'd expect you to close ranks.

But perhaps you should
search the police house first.

No need for that, Miss Croft.

Because I believe I've
got your bracelet here.



Constable Rowan brought
that in first thing this morning.

It was found in the
pocket of his old uniform.

Why it was there isn't clear.

The uniform had just come
back from the dry cleaners.

And that bracelet certainly wasn't
in the pocket when it was sent.

I trust you're happy with
the outcome, Miss Croft?



Can I assume that after this, any
lingering attachment you might have to

Constable Rowan is now at an end?

It's time, I think, Miss Croft,
for you to get on with your life.

And let Constable Rowan get on with his.

Keep your eye on that one, Ventress.

That, Sarge?
Wouldn't that mean a bit of overtime?

I never heard that.

Can anything be salvaged, do you think?

Hmm? From this holiday?

From this marriage?

Don't dramatise, Madge.

Yesterday was a hiccup, that's all.

I've already said it wasn't your fault.

That's very big of you, Colin.

If I miss what I've come to see
due to your constant sniping...

Seeing the black grouse,
that's your first priority?

At this moment, yes.

See black grouse, drink celebratory
pint of beer, save marriage.

Oh, for pity's sake!

Ornithology's supposed to be
a quiet, contemplative pursuit.

Rather like rambling. But they
didn't stop you stumping and cursing.

I could have been brought
back in a coffin for all you cared.

Look, Madge, don't be ridiculous.

I was... I was really, really
concerned about you yesterday.

Really, really, really I was.

What's that?

Listen! That's it! Glasses!

That... Oh, nothing! It's gone!

It could have been anything.

It could not have been anything!

Ruckoo, ruckoo is the
unmistakable call of a black grouse!

One chance and I've fluffed it!

My fault, I suppose.

No! Who else's?

I'm not taking any more of this.

You and your stupid whining!

You don't have to worry!

I won't!

Take a ramble, Madge,
and don't forget to get lost!

Oh, hello, Mrs Flintoff. Any luck?

What do you think?

Oh, well, not to worry.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

The urn's been set.
If the birds don't show themselves soon,

they'll probably stay here another week.




Come on!

Come on!

Can I help?

I think maybe it's the other way round.

You've come to help me?


You must be wondering what's
going on between Nick and me.

Must I? Why?

Well, it would be natural.

Look, I really don't think we
have anything to talk about.

If you think that, he's deceived
you more than I thought.

You'd better go.

You don't want to know?

No, and I suggest you stop pestering Nick.

Me pestering him?

You must be blind, or... or
perhaps you just don't want to see.

He's made any excuse to
see me - on duty, off duty.

You know he has.

When he hasn't been
with you, he's been with me.

Please go.

Do you think he just happened to
be passing on the night of the fire?

You promised me he'd tell you.

You're lying.

Now get out of my classroom.

Wake up, Jo.

Get out and leave us alone.

Leave you alone?

You're still not listening.

We're lovers, Jo. We're lovers!

I just wanted to finish it.

The score box?

The holiday.

I thought if I flattened
it, that would be that.

Yeah, well... What
will happen to me?

moment Mr Greengrass arrived

in his lorry, Madge
wanted to drive it.

But she lost control, similar as that.
It was an accident.

Not according to your wife?

She doesn't know what she's saying.

Look, I'll pay for the damage and
we'll get the first bus out of here.

You won't hear any
more about us, I promise.

Where are you going?


I thought we were
horse riding this weekend.

I was going to call
when I got there. I

need some time away
to sort some things out.

What things?

You had a visit at the school, didn't you?

Sandra Croft.

So what did she say?

Things I probably already knew.

Like what?

Jo, she's a dangerous, twisted woman.

Is that the attraction?

Oh, come on, she tried to set me up.

You can't believe the things she says.

Why are you letting her do this?

On the night of the
fire, you were supposed

to be in Whitby
with Phil Bell Amy.

You made some lame excuse not to go.


Well, she said you arranged to meet her.

She says you're lovers.

Are you crazy?

Well, are you?

I can't believe this.

You haven't answered.

Well, I shouldn't have to.

No, you shouldn't. That's what I mean.

I thought I trusted you,
but obviously I don't.

And now I doubt my own
feelings as much as yours.

The things she says just aren't true.

If I can't convince you
of that, then I'm sorry.

I love you, Jo.

I love you.

You did say you wanted a discovery holiday.


My first dose of dehydration.

First drive of a lorry.

First time in Clink.

But the biggest
discovery of all, how

much I like the sound
of that word, "home."

I thought we had your share.

You've got to be quick.

Yeah, I see that.


Oh, I missed.

Oh, you'll getcha.

You all right?

Hold me.

I am holding you.

Will you stay with me tonight?


♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Heartbeat, why does a
love kiss stay in my memory? ♪.
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