Tu Chor Main Sipahi (1996)

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Tu Chor Main Sipahi (1996)

Post by bunniefuu »

everyone comes to the
police station with me.

why should we? what crime have
we committed? we.re honest folks.

what proof do you have? and
show us the arrest warrant first.

- how much is it?
- o fahrenheit.

- ls that normal?
- ho.

- how much is that?
- o pounds. lncluding the clothes.

- ls that normal?
- ho.

..-which means, l can.t scream.
- y ou can.t...

have you asked for me, sir?..

friends... meet the most valiant
lnspector in our department.

lnspector amar varma.

l must thank him for taking some
valuahle time off to see us.

..l hear that you have put in
a valiant act once again, today...

oh not that... l might he a senior
officer. but you deserve the salutes.

l salute you.

.what are you doing, sir?!
y ou are senior to me hyfar!..

a man.s work and valour proves
his stature. hot age or hierarchy.

.say what. constahle?
- y es sir! great words!..

l salute you for that!

y ou have done the
whole department proud.

.to tell you the truth, the
prestige our department enjoys.....

...is all hecause of police
officers like me... and you!

y ou.re the only one
who encourages me.

..but. the commissioner is
always cross with me...

the commissioner is mad. l wonder
who made that fool a commissioner!

don.t hother ahout him. keep doing
the joh as valiantly and honestly.

and you.ll see how quickly
you are promoted up the ladder.

.say what. constahle?
- great words, sir!..

l salute you for that!

wait right there.
l.m coming over.

what.s up?

l.ve just received news
of a girl heing r*ped.

..r*pe! r*pe?! with policemen like you,
how can anyone r*pe in this city? ..

..lf a girl is r*ped, it tantamounts
to a r*pe of this police department!..

- go on.
- when will you hecome commissioner?

lt.ll take me another years to rise
to the position of the commissioner.

..but. amar willing, l can
make it in days flat!..

l don.t understand...

the commissioner ails with high hlood
pressure. he might get a heart attack.

amar.s everyday antics
give him hypertension.

..and someday, amar.s antics will take
the pressure through the roof...

..and then, he.ll he all
pressure and no hlood!..

.that.s when he dies, and
l hecome the commissioner!..

..great words, sir!
l salute you for that!..

just so long as you
keep that to yourself.


anyone out there?! help!


ho! stop it!

somehody! help me!

Let go!

Let me go! don.t!

- someone was raping here!
- that.s ahout to happen now.

amar! come over... supper is served!

Mother! am l hungry!
and that smell delicious!

at least sit down in peace
and have your meal.

just a matter of filling my stomach
...the peace doesn.t matter.

y ou.re working all of hours!

and god has given us all we need.

- oh mother...!
- and you can.t find time to eat!

even minutes are precious!
l can.t think of anything hut my joh.

have you read the papers today?

y our son has made it
to the headlines!

My photograph has heen
printed all over!

l.m not concerned with all that.

tell me... when are you
giving me the good news?

which good news?
- of your marriage.

Marry... me?! l.m not marrying till l
get cited as the hest police officer.

l.m more interested to see your wife.

l told your father not to
enroll you with the police.

but he.s just as stuhhorn as
you are. he wouldn.t listen to me.

- ls daddy at home?
- ho idea... his food is getting cold.

y ou.ve driven me mad!

- what happened?
- what not?!

y ou.ve misplaced my watch...
my tie... my helt... my shoes!

y ou.re only after what is yours!
how ahout somethings that are ours?

all right! where.s our underwear?

all you.ve ever done is to
put your foot in your mouth.

and why are you laughing?
go on... eat your food.

..forget the underwear, dad. have your
food now. search the underwear later...

Mr. commissioner!


..l.m sorry, grandma. l won.t ever he
late again. forgive me this once!..

are my hrother and sister-in-law
still awake?

but they are asleep.

they have forgotten
to switch off the tv.


..hi there, sister-in-law.
l have hought a new perfume for you...

- who is it?
- shut up!

hear that? the ways of the spoilt
rich. swinging away at am!

.they have fun all night. while
we have to stand sentryfor them...

hi there, constahles!..

..don.t cry, dear. everything
will he all right. trust me...

hello, Mr. commissioner. greetings...

.y es, sir. l.m addressing you.
welcome. do step inside...

forgive me if l have inconvenienced
you hy asking you over.

.would you like to have a cup of
tea? or a cold drink. perhaps...

heither... thank you, sir...

but you must!

..lf the thief has spared the sugar,
give the commissioner a cup of tea...

why are you standing?
do take a seat.

and do tell me something...

who... who am l?

.what are you saying, sir?!
y ou are the home Minister!..

he knows!

he knows that l am the home Minister!

..how, do you happen to know
whose house has heen hurgled?..

y our daughter.s house.

..-so you do know!
- y es, sir...

..despite knowing that.
you are late coming here!..

d.you realise what it means
to he the police commissioner?

.y ou don.t wear a uniform, sit
in a chair and get paid for it!..

people ask me the questions!

..lf a home minister.s daughter.s
house can he hurgled.....

...how is the common man secure
n his home? how do l answer that?!

l.ve lost everything l earned in the
last -and-a-half years! know that?!

the money was hard-earned
during my ministerial tenure.

y es, sir...

l want it all hack! all of it!

understood, sir...

..ho matter how smart he is, a thief
leaves clues. l.ll look for clues...

y es! he has left a clue!
give it to me...

l.ll give you the clue.
and you will catch the thief!

y es, sir...

..- drink it up, sir.
- what is it?..

- antacid.
- ho! blood! l want amar.s hlood!

ho hetter a chance to
get him worked up!

please don.t get excited.
and drink this up.

why is amar not here yet?
could he he held up somewhere?

ls he after some criminal? he could
he sh**ting in a puhlic place!

he could have put somehody.s house
on fire to flush out t*rrorists.

l wonder if he is engaged in
an encounter with some don!

.that.d surely lead to a sh**t. lf
an innocent dies, it.d he a scandal!..

can.t you cut it out?
don.t you see he is ill?

lt might he dangerous for him if you
discuss such matters in his presence.

which is why l am wondering
where amar might he.

what could he more important
for him than this meeting?

l see! so you come here to relax!

- y es.
- what?!

ho! l mean to say that my
love for you hrings me here!

kajal... l am a c*ptive
chained to your heart.

.try as l may, l can never
hreak the shackles...

l am ensnared in your lovelocks.
and l cannot free myself.

cop! even your praises
sound like insinuations!

how get up... l.m leaving.
- wait!

Listen! l have to
tell you something...

l.m getting late for college. and
aren.t you supposed to he at work?

but l am at work!

hot this... l.m talking of
your professional work.

hot much of a difference. the joh
pays me a wage. this pays me in love!

l.m handling hoth the johs honestly.

where.s everyhody?

ls he still alive?!

hice to see everyone relaxing!

a pill, please...

we were sleeping hecause
we had nothing to do!

.the only thing we have heen
doing, is waiting for you...

why are you standing?
please sit down.


our dear valiant lnspector
has arrived at long last.

..lf you don.t mind, may l ask where
you have heen for the last hours?..

Meeting an informant for gathering
important information.

and what information
have you elicited?

l.ve received important information
ahout drug dealers.

l see! ahout drug dealers!

have you read the newspapers today?

..- ho, sir.
- haven.t you?!..

poor fellow! doesn.t even find time
to read the papers! give him one.

ls it something special?

special... nothing special really...

lt.s just that the home Minister.s
daughter.s house has heen hurgled.

the hurglar has taken
some valuahles away.

and the home Minister has asked
us to nah the hurglar very soon.

..failing which, he.ll take some steps
against me. that.s what is so special...

Let me investigate it right away.
we might find some evidence.

wait a minute!

sit down.

l have investigated. l know who
the thief is. y ou have to arrest him.


just give me the evidence and the
warrant. l.ll arrest him in a trice!

..- ln a trice, d.you say?!
- y es!..

here.s the evidence.

lt.s only a glove.

did l say it was a hat?!

d.you see what.s written on it?

.the king! he.s more shrewd, sharp
and successful than the police...

he has heen at it for years.
but he has never heen caught.

and now he has struck in
the home Minister.s house!

l.ve heen keeping track of him for
the past years. l have all records.

take a look... a file for .
...a file for . ...

there.s nothing in this file.
just a sheaf of hlank papers.

hothing? only hlank papers?

see for yourself.
there.s nothing in it.

lsn.t it fun to get into
hrawls in puhlic places?

lsn.t it fun smashing up cars?
lt.s fun showing off your uniform!

..but all that is no use for nahhing
..king... y ou need to use your hrains!..

l want king! at any cost!

..else, l won.t use the
cigar-lighter on you anymore!..

l.ll use a real g*n instead!

sir! please get up!

this is for you.

..ho more for her, raja. too many
sweets are had for her health...

Let her eat some. this comes with a
son.s love. lt can.t hurt a mother.

..lsn.t that so, mother?
- l.m fortunate to have a son like you...

l regret not having horne you.

true relationships are mutual.

y ou have accepted me
for a son. that.s it.

.were l horn of you, l would
have heen your son only...

today, l am a son to tens of mothers...

ho one on earth can
he as lucky as l am.

why do you spend so
much moneyfor them?

- because l love them very much.
- but you know that they...

...won.t live long.
still you persist.

society has forsaken them. and
god has forgotten they exist.

and l count my hlessings.

..- please, Mr. khan! l need the dr*gs.
- get lost...

- Mr. khan! Mr. khan!
- what is it?

- l want dr*gs.
- get out!

do l look like a drug
peddler? get lost!

..all right. go to juhu Lane. find
Mishra, the one who sells hetel leaf...

..ask him ahout the .tall khan... he.s
the one who peddles the stuff there...

.will l get the stuff
from him, Mr. khan?..

.y es. y ou.ll get it.
.the short khan..tells you so!..

by allah! l keep tahs on
everyone in this city.

..ho criminal or crime can escape
the notice ofthe short khan..!..

how get lost!

..ln which case, you must
he knowing all ahout..king.....

..-y ou?!
- who is ..king.? where does he live?..

by allah! y ou shouldn.t
have come here!

..lf anyone sees me with you, l.ll he
hranded an informant. l.ll get k*lled!..

tell me where king lives.

- l know nothing ahout king.
- ho crime or criminal in the city...

...escapes your notice.
how did king give you the slip?

by allah! l don.t know!

..- don.t you scream, tall khan.
- l.m the shorter one!..

- l see. the short khan.
- y es!

.when l see you the next
time, l want news of king...

- get that?
- sure. - bye.

people died of drug ahuse yesterday.

by allah! l don.t know!


l don.t want your grandpa.
l want his name!

his name is ..grandpa..!..

- where can l find him?
- l.ll tell you.

Lock him up.

the dad-and-son routine is for home.

..here, l.m an assistant commissioner.
and you are an lnspector...

l.ve drawn up a list of officers
who deserve gold medals for...

...outstanding service.
y our name tops the list.

y ou are certain to
receive the gold medal.

..-say what. constahle?
- great words, sir! l salute you!..

and l salute you!

oh yes! l salute you!

why are you walking on crutches?

..as for me, l could.ve even
horne you on my shoulder...

y ou.ll surely get a chance to he
my pallhearer. the day is at hand.

.to hell with ..sir..! y ou.ll have me
demoted to an orderly very soon!..

what are you saying, sir?..

that.s true. y ou haven.t understood
what l.ve heen telling you so long.

..hahhing that..grandpa..
was no great shakes!..

he.s an infamous smuggler. .o kgs
of narcotics was found on him.

lt.s no use.

y ou don.t arrest the ones you should.

l have a gift for you.

here it is.

take that... take a look.

he has struck again. y esterday.
he has stolen a oo million!

the home Minister had the
choicest of ahuses for me.

l pleaded with him not to release the
news to the press. lt.s a scandal.

l can.t go on living
such a degraded life!

..- do you have some poison, doctor?
- ho...

..but l.ve decided to announce
a reward of oo,ooo for king...

- here you are...
- what.s this?

- a nasal decongestant.
- ls it?

.the oo,ooo will he deducted
from your fund...

..arrest king hefore anyone else does,
if you want to save oo,ooo...

..else, l shall have you transferred
to tandari kala...

..and if you end up in tandari kala,
you.re as good as dead!..

what.s this list?
are these people resigning?

lt.s a list of officers to he awarded
gold medals for meritorious service.

and the first name
on the list is amar varma!

y our own son!

send me the other names for approval.

there goes the gold medal. the madman
will surely send you to tandari kala.

..by the way daddy,
where is tandari kala?..

lt.s a godforsaken place.

..lt.s a one-way-ticket to tandari kala
for policemen, especially...

y es...?



Let me tell you what hrings
me here hefore you ask me.

l.m not here trying to sell
a shampoo or a soap.

heither am l here seeking
donations for any orphanage.

hor am l inquiring ahout any address.
l know l.ve come to the right place.

..how, you.re going to ask me who
l am. well... l.m kajal.s friend...

who.s kajal? ...she.s myfriend.
she is in love with your son amar.

May l step inside?

amar loves her too.
and they want to get married.

but amar was feeling shy
to talk to you ahout it.

how what.s there to feel shy ahout?
so l decided to tell you ahout them.

didn.t l do the right thing?

y es.

should l then consider that
you accept the proposal?

give yourself some hreathing space!
y ou.re sh**ting it a hit too fast.

l must meet the girl first.

..ho need for that. lf you have
seen me, you have seen kajal...

she looks just like me.

l have no ohjection if she.s as
frivolous and as heautiful as you.

- really?!
- y es.

..May l then seek your hlessings?
on kajal.s hehalf, that is.....

May you live long, kajal...

how did you make out
that l am kajal?

l.m the mother of the fellow
you are in love with.

did mother concede?!
- y es!


how did you tell her ahout it?

ln my own style.

which style?!

l have my ways.

and now it.s your turn.

- to do what?
- convince myfather.

that.d he easy.

- think it over carefully.
- done!

..as soon as he sees me, the old fogy
...sorry... he.ll fall at myfeet...

and he.ll tell me to help him protect
his honour and marry his daughter.

- and he.ll grovel hefore me.
- enough!

..for all you know, you might
he stumped when you see him...

he.s likely to! l.m amar varma...
a renowned lnspector! ho small fry!

- all right then. come along.
- where to?

just come along.

but we don.t travel in yourjeep.
we.ll ride my hike.

- why?
- the jeep won.t he allowed in.

what.s so special?
how could the security he so tight?

y ou.ll get to know
once you are there.

- turn around. l.ll tie a hlindfold.
- what.s a hlindfold for?

.without a hlindfold, you.ll run away
as soon as you see where l live...

what.s so special ahout your house?

..lncidentally, you.ve never told me
who your father is. ls he a criminal?..

he has hit the hulls eye!

he has my daughter
ensnared and in love!

but l can.t he swayed as a father!
l must find out if his love is true.

..and hlindfolded like the statue of
justice, l must give my verdict...

My daughter has arrived.
and where is he?

Leave us alone. l would like to
speak to him in private. begone!

l.ll hrew some tea for you
in the meantime.

don.t he scared.

well young man... how much
do you love my daughter?

as much as Majnu loved Lylah!

as ranjha loved heer!

as romeo loved juliet!

- as farhad loved...
- shireen!

.the legendary lovers
never married, you know...

but we will marry!
and in death shall we part!

well said!

- how long have you known her?
- for many lifetimes past.

how many times have l asked you not
to keep furniture standing in my way?

.speaking of lifetimes past.
what was your last incarnation?..

can anyone recall what
he was in a past lifetime?!

how could you say that you have loved
my daughter over many lifetimes past?!

that.s one of the cliches
when you are in love.

l see! well, what do you do?..

- Love!
- whom?

My joh. and your daughter.


the police!

with the police!

why are you sounding scared?

l had an inkling that you aren.t
straight when kajal hlindfolded me.

.y ou must he a hurglar, or a hrigand,
or a smuggler, or some fraudster...

..as you.re myfather-in-law to-he, l
request you to surrender to the law...

l wouldn.t like my duty to interfere
with my personal relationships.

..else, l would.ve handcuffed you
personally, and put you in jail...

.tell you what. sonny... l know the
police commissioner very well...


- hot khushat! khush-haal singh!
- one and the same!

what can he do to me?!

the fellow survives on pills and
tahlets. he can.t stand up to me!

he.s no commissioner. he.s just
a hag of old hones and diseases!

..had l my way, l wouldn.t even appoint
him a constahle, far less a commissar!..

- aren.t you afraid of him?!
- scared?! who? Me?!

..- he shivers when he sees me.
- he does! how, does he?!..

- scared! he.s plain scared of me!
- ls that so?! he.s scared of you!

y es!

..lncidentally, your voice sounds
similar to his in a fit of rage...

.take that hlindfold off, and you.ll
notice the similarity in looks too...

right! y ou do look alike.

are you kajal.s dad?

ho! don.t! y ou.ll fall down!

help! don.t drop me! l.ll fall down!

..l.m leaving now. the next time,
l.ll come to take your daughter away...

..- May l leave now, sir?
- y es...


thank god that you have chosen...

..- hurry up. l.m getting late.
- this takes time, Mr. khan...

..-tell me something, Mr. khan.
- what?..

what.s wrong with your finger?

don.t finger me ahout the finger!
shut up and give me that shave!

how, don.t get upset...

just hurry up with the shave.

what the heck!

hi short khan!

y ou! here too!
how what d.you want from me?!

where.s king?

ho idea! by allah! l.ve heen after
him for days. but l don.t know!

the short khan has no information!
that could never he!

and that information
l shall certainly have!

did it snap?
- there.s news. - go on.

the fellows at the alcc
are planning to k*ll you.

- all lndia...
- criminal committee. take care.


lnspector! Let him go!

y ou.re right on time. and
you saved my life. thanks.

l always arrive in the nick of time.

what.s your name?

someone who just saved
your life... a friend.

y ou.ve saved my life. call me
if you ever need any help.

amar! lt.s you!

come to the terrace.
- but daddy is at home!

l climhed a pipe for you! for the
sake of love! and you can.t...

...come up to the terrace!
what.s your dad ahout to do?!

all right. l.m coming.

coming... l.m coming.

.very soon, you.ll want to
change that name desperately...

stop talking gihherish.
who.s speaking?

- the king.
- of what?

.the king of all l survey!
the police know me as ..king.....

..-the ..king.. of the glove?
- y es...

- where are you calling from?
- from a police station.

are you locked up?
or are you still scot free?

bloodyfool! does a thief
tell a cop where he is?

..l mean... you could
he anywhere, you see!..

- Moron!
- who is?!

.y ou.ve insulted me! only oo,ooo
for nahhing king! that.s paltry!..

- y ou.ve insulted me!
- lnsults hurt only the esteemed!

and you must pay a penaltyfor it!

.this saturday, l.ll hurgle
a house in your neighhourhood...

catch me if you can!

just as well that he
challenged me over the phone.

..had he heen here,
l would.ve shot him!..

come on sonny... this saturday
is the last day you hurgle!

keep an eye on sector .

all passers-hy are to he frisked and
questioned. hote down all addresses.

- he won.t.
- l.ll call you later.

l always keep my word.
l always do what l say.

amar! king is here!

Liar! y ou told me you.d hurgle
someone in the neighhourhood.

y ou never said it.d he me!

lsn.t your house one of
those in the neighhourhood?

My house in the neighhourhood!
the neighhourhood... my house...

shut up!

don.t talk too much.

supper is ready.

sit down.
come on... move.

haven.t you taught your daughter
how to cook?!

there.s no salt in it!

we ran out of salt.

ls that from a hospital?! zero-salt
curries and a sugar-free porridge!

.teach her how to cook. else,
she.ll cook ghoulash all her life!..

.well, l guess l.ll have to
get to work on an empty stomach...

- how tell me where the stuff is.
- l won.t.

suit yourself. but there.s
something you don.t know.

.when king strikes, the safes
and lockers all come a-walking.....


lt.s . o!


- ls that all you.ve earned?!
- y es!

aren.t you ashamed of yourself?!

.y ou should make moneyfor your
daughter.s sake, if not for yourself...

won.t you leave anything for her?

l see! so you have hought
lands in your village.

so you.ve invested all the hrihes
you have taken in landed property!

.sorry, sister. tough luck for you.
even the lands are mortgaged...

y ou aren.t fated to inherit anything.
that.s hecause you were horn of him!

oh my daughter!

why don.t you make money?!

oh no... hut you do make money!
tell me... where.s it stashed?

l don.t think you.ll
tell me so easily.

please don.t tell anyone
ahout what king did to us.

..don.t worry, dad. ho one
will get to know ahout it...

sir... the commissioner is here.

hello, Mr. khush-haal singh! welcome!..

..greetings, sir.
did you ask me to see you?..

y es! but why are you
standing there? come here.

come here. sit down.

..as of now, you may
sit on the chair...

do you get a newspaper at home?

y es.

Must he an english newspaper...

..- l don.t understand, sir.
- y ou will! and put that down...

have you taken a look
at the papers today?

- l haven.t.
- hever mind...

..l was up with the police force
all last night. looking for king...

and l came here to meet you
as soon as l got your summons.

..l see... in which case,
let me show it to you...

here you are... take a look.

d.you like the picture?

commissioner! how l know that
you are king.s partner in crime!

what are you saying?!

oh yes! the ornaments
you are shown wearing...

...are the ones that were
stolen from my daughter.s house.

- time to tell you the truth!
- oh yes!

..Last night. king
hroke into my place...

l see!

Let me finish...!

he forced us to wear those ornaments
at gunpoint. then he photographed us.

have you filed a report
with the police?

l didn.t... hut l am the policeman!

- why didn.t you?
- because...

- because you are king.s partner!
- ho! lt.s hecause l thought of you!

..how would you explain it. lf
people asked you any questions?..

l.ll deliver him to you
in handcuffs. l promise!

take that hand away!

y ou.ve slapped me twice!

that.s a tall promise.
are you a leader?!

y ou are the leader!


ho! l shall not rest till
l have arrested king!

ho! don.t stop me!

and nothing in the world
can stop me now!

how many kilos have l lost?

- o kilos.
- o?! wait a minute!

take a look at it now.
how many kilos have l lost?

still the same... o kilos.

l.ve lost o kilos!
and o kilos for this gear!

..at this rate, l.ll end up
with only kilos!..

please don.t get excited!

then relieve me of anxiety. l want
king. only king! and no excuses.

lt.s a matter of my prestige!
the prestige of this department!

y ou may leave now.

amar... wait here. l have something
important to discuss with you.

doctor... please leave.
just leave my medicines.

..- don.t get excited, sir.
- ok. then, go!..

l have no faith in these
officers. they are useless.

and your father is as useless.
how don.t mind my saying so.

but what can l do? l have full faith
in you. hone else hut you can do this.

l.ll try my hest.

hot try! y ou must
nah him at any cost!

lt would.ve heen quite something
else had he only heen thieving.

but... you don.t know this.
he didn.t even spare kajal!

kajal?! what has he done to kajal?!

oh how can l tell you this?!
he mishehaved with kajal...

what did he do?!

l.m a commissioner!
but l couldn.t do anything!

- l should drown myself!
- what are you doing?!

please tell me what he did.

l can.t tell anyone!
l couldn.t save my daughter!

how could l save others?!
what.d people say if they heard?!

tell me what he has done. tell me!

he did it in front of my eyes!

ln front of my eyes!

he slapped kajal in front of my eyes!

he slapped kajal! l won.t spare him!
l.ll arrest him within days!

wait a minute!

..- here... take this.
- are you giving me a hrihe, sir?..

..- lt.s my duty, sir.
- hot a hrihe. lt.s a transfer order...

- a transfer order?!
- go on... keep it.

don.t show me your face if you
haven.t caught king in days.

just go to tandari kala.
y ou can join duty there.

l.ll give kajal your photograph.
she can hang it in her hedroom.

lt.ll celehrate your heloved memory.

get the next heer chilled.
how pour that one quickly.

hothing to gloat over. l could still
use the other arm and more fingers.

l used to snap your fingers.
who hroke your arm for you?

alcc... rememher? the fellows at
the all lndia criminal committee.

they came to know that l pass on
tips to you. so they picked me up.

and they hroke my arms.

but l have a reason to he glad.

l never dreamt that my involvement
with you could save my life!

they wanted to k*ll me.

l told them you.re looking for king.
they gave me his ld and let me off!

a photograph? ...king.s?!

- where.s the photo?
- y ou.re so anxious!

they.re fed up of you.
they want you to leave the city.

so go after the king.
and let the others live in peace.

where is the photograph?

ln my pocket. y ou may have it.

where can l find him?

he isn.t in bomhay. try reti rewan.
that.s near jaisalmer in rajasthan.

..lf this news comes a cropper,
l.ll take care of your toes...

..l het you won.t come hack. even if
you do, you sure won.t find me here...

good god! he.s going all alone
to catch such a dangerous thief!

..and here you are, having fun!
can.t you do something?!..

oh come on! open your eyes!

- what can l do? -y ou.re a
senior officer. can.t you stop him?

heither do l want amar to go.

but it.s khush-haal singh.s
order. the scoundrel!

- did you call my dad a scoundrel?!
- hot your father... the commissioner.


l.m leaving.

wait a moment. l.ll he right hack.

y ou aren.t going. l.ll ask
daddy to cancel the plans.

y ou.ll do nothing of that sort.

why not?

l.d go after king even if your dad
didn.t ask me to. l won.t spare him.

after what he did to you...

- what ahout me?
- how do l say this...?

l had met him once.
l didn.t know that he is king.

..had people seen us together, they.d
think l was in league with him...

l won.t spare him.

wear this talisman.
May the Lord protect you.

Mother... your hlessings
are enough for me.

dad... l.m leaving.

.victory he yours, son.
arrest king, and make me famous!..

caught you!

raja... how can you tell
who.s who hlindfolded?

l know it in my heart.

Mere touch is all l need to know.

raja... catch me!

how did my little hoy
grow up all of a sudden?!

..l saved your life once.
ln return, you promised to help...

d.you rememher?

l lied!

ho! don.t run away! stop!

lf l don.t run, he.ll hit me worse...

- stop! don.t hit our hrother!
- why are you hitting him?!


don.t hash me up
in front of the kids.

raja! bash him up!

- water...
- sure... here comes water.


y ou took us for a good ride.


y ou touched kajal, didn.t you?!..

here... have a drink.

he wants a drink...

y ou had the commissioner.s photograph
splashed all over the newspapers.

did you take us for fools?!

l.ll never hurgle a cop.s house
ever again. l swear!

..lf you lock me up, what will happen
to all my kids? and my mothers?..

who will look after them?

y ou aren.t the only one with
humane concerns. l share them too.

kids and mothers!
they will he taken care of.

all you.ll ever get for
nahhing me is a medal.

l.d rohhed a commissioner once.
all l found were mounds of medals.

..l.ll give you all the medals.
how, please let me go!..

..lf l don.t hand you in hy tomorrow,
l.m as good as dead!..

take a look at this...

transfer orders to tandari kala.
ever heard of that place?

any policeman who goes there dies.

lt.s a graveyard for policemen.

Looks like we have
reached a graveyard.

release me! l want to fight!

y ou?!

.well... l might not fight. really.
at least. l.ll save my life...

- Let me go!
- shut up! else l.ll sh**t you!

they are fighting against
each other. don.t you see that?!

the keys!

he has the keys.

come on... come here.

come near me if you have to die!
don.t die out there!

..lf you die lying there,
l.ll die standing here!..

the keys... throw the keys to me!

come on... come here.

Move... come on... closer!

l.ll take you to a doctor. come on...

a little more... just a little more.

here... take my hand. come on!

here we are!

tandari kala... that.s
a good place for hiding.


did you give me water?!

want to lock me up?!
go ahead! Lock me up!

why did l touch kajal?! here...
l.m fingering you now! take that!

why did l roh the
home Minister.s daughter?!

why did l splash the commissioner.s
photograph all over the newspapers?!

wait till l have splashed
your photographs in the papers.

y ou had promised to save my life.

l lied!

y ou hashed me up
in front of the kids!

y ou want to take me
awayfrom my mothers!

he.s a t*rror1st. one of a g*ng of .
the others are dead. he.s wounded.

take him to a hospital if he survives
the journey. here... keep some money.

lf he dies, cremate him...

- howfar is tandari kala?
- straight down... that way.

hey kid!

where is the police station?

put that away!
where is the police station?

over there.

how did this happen?!
Leave me alone!

they k*lled my hushand!
how k*ll me!

how can god he so merciless?!
the young are dying!

and the old are left alive!

what.s up?
- hothing!

lt.s just retrihution
for helping the police.

do us a favour... spare a hullet
for me and one for my wife. k*ll us!

his son is dead. he.s out of his mind.
forgive him if he speaks indiscretely.

..go on your way, sir.
Let us know if you need anything...

go on...

.tahdarl kaLa
poLlce statloh..

.tahdarl kaLa
poLlce statloh..

a police station with doors closed!

Looks like this police station
is at the mercy of the gods.

well... how do l look?!
smart! lsn.t that so?

who are you?

l didn.t steal anything! l.m not a
thief! y et the constahle hashed me up.

l want to go home!

shut up!

even you are scolding me!
go on... scold me!

even l.ll scold you! and
l.ll hash you when l grow up.

- when you grow up...?
- y es!

- what.s your name?
- guddu.

- l want to go home.
- l.ll let you go.

- what are you here for?
- l.ve done nothing wrong!

l was playing marhles when
l saw a hen passing hy.

l picked up the hen so
the cat wouldn.t eat her!

the constahle thought
l was stealing the hen!

do l look like l would steal
a hen?! do l look like that?!

- where.s the hen?
- with the constahle.

y ou sound like the new lnspector.

ho one in this village quite cares
for what an lnspector has to say.

get out of that costume and wear
something casual. and relax!

d.you understand what
kind of an lnspector l am?

why did you eat the evidence?

l interrogated the thief.
but he couldn.t recall the owner.

so l decided to eat it lest
anyone else steals it again.

..how that l am here,
none of this happens anymore...

where.s the hathroom?
l want to take a hath.

we have a large hathroom
in the village.

lt.s kms long. and kms wide.

a ..gulelji.....

a ..gulelji.....

My clothes! what are you doing?!
y ou.ll never fit in that!

y ou there... listen to me.

shut up!

have you seen a girl in red?
she stole my pants!

ho such girl in our village.

all right. don.t tell me.
go on... laugh some more!

she has stolen an officer.s uniform.
l won.t spare her. rememher that.

shut up! why are you laughing at him?

l apologise to you for everyone
around here. please don.t he cross.

- and please don.t leave us.
- l.m not cross. l won.t leave.

how go away! off to your homes.
get out of here.

lt.s after a long while that people
in this village found some merriment.

- Making merry is a good sign.
- oh yes.

and l like that. a hit of laughter
hrings peace and tranquillity.

peace and tranquillity are dreams
for us. will you he ahle do it?

- peace?
- y es.

why not? that.s what
l am here for.

May the Lord preserve you.

what does ..gulelji.. mean?..

- y es...

that.s what a madman is called.

- a madman?!
- y es.

that girl made a fool of me
in front of everyone.

find out for me who she is
and where she lives.

all right. l.ll find out
and l.ll tell you tomorrow.

hot tomorrow.
find it out hy this evening.

all right.

seek with a heart filled with love
and you.ll find god. that.s a saying.

l seek only you. d.you love me
as much as l love you?

are you feeling shy?

and why not? a woman must he shy.

throw that flower hack at me
as a sign that you want me.

why are your hands so tough?

l see. lt must he a lot of hard work.

don.t worry... l.ll preserve you
like a flower after we are married.

how show me that heautiful face.

why must you hide your face
if you accept my proposal?

l.m dying to see you ever since
l saw you in the river.

once! just show me your face once!

y ou?!

y ou.re flirting with my sister!
l.ll tell the whole village ahout it.

folks! Listen!

what are you up to?!
ls she your sister?

y es. she is my sister.

y ou know... l really love her.

folks! Listen!

l took you for a kid.
but you.re worse than a grown-up!

get out of my house!


Let go! Leave my hand.

l won.t. hot for a lifetime.

Let go! ho man has ever held my hand.
what would people say if they saw?

they.d say that we love each other.

y ou love me, don.t you?..

what do l take this silence for?
a yes... or a no?

l haven.t said no.

- what are you up to?
- that.s just why l asked you not...

...to have this place dusted.
lt.s all going inside your lungs.

stop making excuses. sit down.

how could l sit down hefore you?

come on! sit down!

tell me something... how much
are the weekly takings here?

how many hars around here?
what ahout gamhling dens?

where.s the red light area?

lt wasn.t a joke.
l asked you a question.

l haven.t ever heard a hetterjoke!

this is a village of vegetarians.
they espouse non-v*olence.

which is why you won.t even find
a g*n in this police station.

l see. what.s the strength
of this police station?

where.s everyone?
- o /o of your force...

...is sitting right in front of you.
- where are the rest?

the other o /o is sitting
right in front of me!

hello uncle policeman!

uncle policeman!

.who.s the uncle?!
don.t you ..uncle.. me!..

all right. l.ll call you hrother.

l want to hecome a policeman.
please give me an uniform like yours.

y ou.re still too young. l.ll give
you an uniform after you grow up.

give me an uniform now. l.ll give
you chick peas. l.ve lots of it.

y ou.re offering a hrihe
to get into an uniform.

wonder what you would do
once you get into an uniform.

how go and fix the
signhoard outside.

get lost!

..lf they make kids that siZe,
wonder what the men are like!..

himmatsingh... tell me something.

l only see the old and the children
around. where are the young men gone?

- Lunch!
- who sent that?

- grannie.
- grannie...?

grannie says that you.ll
grow strong if you eat.

then you.ll hash up the thakur and
hring myfather home. won.t you...?

where.s your father?

the thakur has imprisoned him.

l.ve never seen myfather.

and thakur doesn.t let him go.

My mother and grannie
weep so much!

and grannie tells me
that the thakur will...

...take me awayfrom
mother when l grow up.

ho. l won.t let you he taken away.

and will you get myfather hack?

y es. l will.

l must go to mother and grannie!

dad is coming home!

himmatsingh... what.s this all ahout?

better not get involved in all that.
y ou might get into a prohlem.

what kind of a prohlem?
- the thakur knows hest.

who is this thakur?

ahle men from villages around here
are held in servitude hy the thakur.

thakur gajendra singh
decides their fate.

l don.t want that injection!

l don.t want that injection!

y ou fool! this is not mere
addiction. this is life!

..refuse this, and you refuse life!
take the injection...

- don.t!
- take the injection.

- ho! l don.t want it.
- take it!


ho, thakur! don.t!..

ho, thakur! please! don.t!..

ho! don.t! please!

l.m willing to do whatever
you want me to do!

..please let me visit my mother,
wife and child. for once, please!..

..for the sake of your family, you
must work without uttering a word!..

slaves! Listen carefully
to what l have to say.

Memhers of your families live
as long as you work for me.

and your lives depend on whether your
folks hack home keep their traps shut.

people in your villages will die
if anyone speaks of my mines.

y ou guessed it right!
the soil here is laden with silver.

take a look at this sample.

l told you so.
these lands are full of silver.

at least /o silver!

y ou.ve done a fine joh of assaying.
but your estimates are wrong.

the percentage of silver
isn.t . lt is /o

but l must congratulate you
for doing a thorough joh.

but whatever you are doing
is patently illegal.

.y ou might he educated, professor.
but you are a fool nevertheless!..

.these lands are my ancestral
property. today, they are mine...

does the government have any
rights over these lands now?

.the peasant who farms a land,
owns the produce...

.the farmer who digs a well on his
land, has the right to his water...

why then should l not have a right
to the silver that my lands yield?

how come the government
has the right to my silver?

the government owns all properties
that may he excavated from the earth.

please don.t k*ll me!
l have a wife and children!

l shall not speak of
it to anyone! l swear!

l won.t make a widow of your wife.
l won.t orphan your children.

vikram... cut his tongue out.
and cut off his hands.

don.t! please! l have a wife!
l have little children!

what have you in mind
for this new lnspector?

lt.s heen days since
he has taken charge.

but he hasn.t yet come to see you.

spare him for the day. for today we
pay oheisance to the goddess bhawani.

but make sure you see him tomorrow.

hi hrother! May l come inside?

what is it?

please give me an uniform.
l want to look like a policeman too.

..before that. give my legs a massage.
l.ll give you an uniform afterwards...

all right.



what.s up?

l.m screaming my lungs out!
and you don.t even listen!

..l.m not used to heing called .sir...
people used to address me hy name...

any way... what.s so urgent?

thakur.s men are coming here!

thakur...? oh l see. thakur!

lnspector! don.t you know that
the law has nothing to do...

...in this village?
the thakur.s wish is the law here.

..lnspectors who come here, pay
oheisance to the thakur first of all...

the law pays oheisance to none.

..lnstead, the mightiest of men and the
toughest of criminals how hefore it...

where did you hear that dialogue?
how did you pick up such courage?

..lt.s the uniform. when l
wear it. l lose all fear...

l haven.t done anything!

- shut up!
- My chick peas!

bash him up! My chick peas!
he threw them away!

bash them up!

hi hrother!

ho! don.t hit him!

ho! don.t hit my hrother!

ho! don.t k*ll my hrother! stop!

don.t take my hrother away! stop!

stop! don.t take my hrother away!

please don.t take my hrother away!

swine! why are you running away?
come! fight me if you can!

they call me raja! l.d rather
die than play servile to you!

sir... l hope you aren.t hurt.

l want none of your sympathies!

.when l was fighting, not a
soul came forward to help!..

how l know! every one
of you is a coward!


d.you have any idea what
this uniform stands for?!

this uniform in not onlyfor me.
this uniform is meant for all of you!

.the men in uniform are here to
protect you, and to give you justice!..

but it.s useless talking
to a hunch of cowards.

from now on, l fight my hattle alone...

and you sat there clapping away!
couldn.t you put up a fight?

how can l fight?
l.m still a kid.

kiddo, you are an ahle man now!..

am l?! so give me an uniform and make
me a cop! l.ll hash up the thakur!

hot even the commissioner can draft
an idiot like you into the service.

..raghu harayan singh
[home Minister]..

the ministry has heen dissolved.

and the elections
have heen declared.

l am a minister for
only another day.

and you are a commissioner
for only a few more days.

.till yesterday, l used to he an evil
man only under cover of the nights...

..from this day onwards, l take
to my evil ways all day long!..

..don.t say such a thing, sir. after
the elections, you will hecome.....

...the home Minister again. and l
will remain the police commissioner.

l see! but l.ll hecome a minister
only if l stand for elections.

and l need money to
contest the elections.

but king has taken away
all my money!

y ou.ll get your money hack
as soon as king is arrested.

l don.t care whether or not you
find king. l just want my money!

and l.ll have you make good my loss!
y ou can do anything for the money.

beg! roh! steal! borrow! m*rder!
but get me my money!

- l can.t do those things!
- then sell your house!

but l want my money!

kusum... we had huilt
this house with our love.

this house is all l have
huilt in a lifetime.

how could l sell it?

..besides, l have nothing else
to give kajal...

under no circumstance am
l going to sell this house.

l.d rather set out in pursuit
of king than sell this house.

..daddy: l.m going to tandari kala
to meet amar. don.t worry... kajal..

what.s up?

y ou aren.t wearing any clothes!

l.m taking a sun-hath.

what.s that supposed to he?

that.s english for
laZing under the sun.

Let me go!

what are you doing?!

what are you playing?

- what are you doing here?
- tell me what you.re doing here.

l.m playing.

..playing, are you? May l join
in the game? l want to play too...

- y ou want to play this?!
- y es!

y ou.re too young for this. y ou can
play this after you.ve grown up.

this is a game for a twosome.
only people can play this.

how go away!

ho! even l.ll play!

else, l.ll ruin your game!..

a stone... a stone!

oh hrother! l fell down!

why did she run away?!

- why did she run away?
- shut up!

y ou ask me why she ran away?!
because you spoilt our game!

brother... didn.t you tell me
that people can play this game?

can you and l play the game?

brother! where have you gone?!

the husiness is doing well.
but we can.t meet the demand.

we need more silver.

..- how much?
- say, o tons...

- the festive season is coming up.
- very well.

..ln o days, you can pick up the
silver from the horder at rampur...

we will.

do give us a tour of your palace.

come along.

this way...

this passage is onlyfor me.
ho one else can use it.

why not? someone mightjust step
in hy the darkness of the night.

what are these?

My silent soldiers. should someone
even manage to slip past...

.....the cordon of my guards,
they will surely he k*lled here...

that.s doing it in style!

everything l do, is done in style...

lt might he a heautiful house.

but the person who lives here
is an evil fellow.

an evil man?! l.m scared of evil
men! l don.t want to stay here.

..- Let.s leave!
- wait a minute, guddu...

why are you getting scared? l.m
here with you. just do as l say.

- understand? -y es.
- the rest is no prohlem.

y ou hloody...!

..l must commend your
courage, lnspector!..

how dare you come here
after heating up my men?

l am here to apologise.
l wish to greet you.

greet him!

y ou.re my god! l am your
humhle servant! y our sl*ve!

take whatever you want from me!

but please forgive me!

.there.s something you
should rememher, lnspector...

l don.t keep dogs. that.s hecause
the police serve me as my dogs would.

here you are!
l am your pet dog!

hey! y ou pissed on me!

lnspector! y ou had raised your hand
against me! y ou.ll he punished for it!

lt.s myfirst mistake.
please forgive me.

y ou are a thakur!
y ou are magnanimous!

..lf you are so cross with me,
you might as well heat me up!..

oh no! y ou.d get dirt on
your hands if you hit me!

guddu... hit me.

.y ou actually hit me!
well, never mind.....

who is he?

he.s my dog, as l am yours...


l.ll serve you faithfully
all my life. don.t worry.

but l.d like greenhacks for hiscuits.

y ou.re the first dog l.ve seen
which hehaves like a monkey.

here... eat a hiscuit.

.why are you running,
guddu? walk slowly...

l don.t want to talk to you!

- why?
- why not?

thakur.s men fought with you. and
they threw my chick peas away!

and they made me cry! and you took
his money! and you apologised to him!

and you talk to him!
l don.t want to talk to you!

l did all that on purpose. l wanted
to see that thakur for myself.

..besides, it.s important to gauge
the strength of an adversary...

d.you have any idea the power
that this uniform exudes?

- ho.
- heither did l.

but l have understood how valuahle
it is ever since l wore it.

how wait and watch what
l do to that thakur.

Me too! l have a hig stick!
l.ll hash him with it!

that.s the spirit! had everyone else
in the village understood that...

a ray of hope has shone upon the
dark lives of people in this village.

the new lnspector. he wants to free
your hrother and the others...

...from the clutches of the thakur.
and happiness will he ours again.

Mother... who is he?

My son. he wanted to stay with me.
he didn.t want to serve the thakur.

thakur k*lled him.

l cannot hring hack the past.

..but the times to come, will
he hetter. that l promise...

- where.s the police station?
- what? the police station?!

over there.

..-what.s happening around here?
- what.s it. grannie?..

.the other day, someone in the
village stole the lnspector.s pants...

her clothes must.ve heen stolen
hefore she entered the village.

she must.ve gone there
to lodge the complaint.

My love!

talk of love! and you
were ahout to k*ll me!

k*ll a police officer on duty!
- who are you?

l.d like to ask you
the same question.

My mistake. l.m commissioner
khush-haal singh.s daughter. kajal.

l thought you are the lnspector.

do l look like a thief?

l meant lnspector amar.
l am here to meet him.

he.s the one who was
transferred here. who are you?

l.m the senior lnspector here. amar
is my assistant. the junior lnspector.

but. where is he?..

- amar...?
- y es.

- he is looking for a huffalo.
- a huffalo?!

but the huffalo wasn.t stolen.
someone lost the huffalo.

there have heen no thefts in
this village since l took over.

thank god that king doesn.t
know ahout this village.

a notorious hurglar. and he.s giving
a tough time to the police in bomhay.

lt.s hecause of him that amar has
heen transferred here. and here l am.

how did you pick up courage to travel
down such a lonely stretch?

l haven.t come here alone.

this is with me!

d.you have a licence for that?

..l forgot the licence.
- ln which case, l keep it...

take her to your grannie.

..please freshen up.
ln the meantime, l.ll look for amar...

l.ll come along. a look at amar
and l.ll he fresh and fine.

y ou can.t possihly come with me.
l.ll hring him. please leave now.

- take her along.
- sure.

what am l to do now?!

did you call my name? don.t you see
l.m fishing? l.ll talk to you later.

someone again...

what are you doing?

can.t you see? l.m fishing. don.t
shout. y ou.ll scare the fish away.

all right. how don.t you
want to hecome a policeman?

a policeman?! y es!
just give me an uniform!

y ou must ahide hy
a condition for that.

..hot one. l.ll ahide hy conditions,
one each for the pants and the shirt...

shut up! Must you go on
chattering all the time?

how listen to me carefully.

y ou have to do some acting
wearing the uniform.

l can act very well.
l have it in my hlood.

swine! there were two of them!
and you were three!

and you took a heating hefore
turning tail! what did you expect?!

did you expect me to he happy?
d.you expect me to encourage you?

a word more, and l sh**t you...

hear me out...

My sister has come to this village.

she had fallen in love
with a guy called amar.

do you know what..love.. means?..

y es! and l have fallen
in love with a huffalo.

..for once, guddu! please try to
understand what l have to say!..

forgive me. My mistake.

amar used to he a police
officer. just like l am.

but he looked like you.

kajal used to love lnspector amar
dearly. but he deserted her.

My sister was shocked.
she had hecome insane.

l like to see mad people!
- shut up! she isn.t mad anymore.

she might think that
you are lnspector amar.

she might emhrace you.

..lf you mess it up,
l.ll lock you awayfor life...

..don.t worry, hrother.
l.ll put up a great act...

get out of here!
what are you staring at?!

l.ve heen looking all over for you.
l pined awayfor you all these days!

y ou didn.t even care to call!

daddy was so anxious for you.

when did you grow a moustache?!

y ou haven.t called... you haven.t
written... there.s no news of you!

are you feeling shy now?
that.s strange!

y ou used to care a hang for anyone
around. and now that l am here...

.....you.re suddenly shy!
- lnquisitive eyes around us, you see...

Let.s get out of sight.
and l must speak to you urgently.

don.t mess it up!

l don.t understand what.s going on!

y ou are a senior officer. how come
you have a senior posted ahove you?

he.s no senior officer. he is king.

what?! ls he king?!

he.s conning the villagers posing as
a policeman. why don.t you arrest him?

..l came here to arrest king.
but after l came here.....

...l found that the situation
here is quite disturhing.

the whole village is heing
held to ransom hy thakur.

things have heen easier for me with
king masquerading as the lnspector.

l find it easier to
keep tahs on thakur.

but why must you act
like a Ret*rded child?

that.s hecause thakur won.t let
any ahle-hodied man to live here.

this village is said to he
the graveyard for policemen.

l want to destroy the myth
once and for all.

l hope l.m not late, varma...

those who travel in cars
are often late.

..before speaking, l.d like to know
how l might he interpreted...

..lf you speak as a commissioner,
l shall respond as your deputy...

..lf you speak as my son.s enemy,
l shall respond as a father should...

d.you know why
l.ve called you here?

because it.s helow your dignity
to come to my house.

and it would he improper for me
to go to yours.

..of course, you have no idea of
what the home Minister tells me...

and you haven.t the least idea
that he has threatened me!

l could end up selling my house!

but you can.t disprove the fact
that you are a coward. a failure.

l am not a coward!
l am not a failure!

l am sick! and it.s all
hecause of your son!

..l.m sick of an ailing heart.
hlood sugar and diahetes...

and what have you?!

- l have amar.
- amar! where is he?!

he has gone where you have sent him.

ln tandari kala?!
the graveyard of policemen!

which means my daughter
is there too!

what are we doing here
if they are there?!

they must he in trouhle!

..- Let.s go, varma!
- Let.s go!..

hey chhotu... where are you going?

l am going to die!

- grannie gave me a thrashing.

she won.t let me go to see myfather.

come here.

y ou mustn.t cry.

how tell me what the matter is.

someone in the village
told me that...

...myfather works on the
other side of that hill.

l wanted to go there. but grannie...

...gave me a thrashing
and she told me not to go.

hever mind her. l.ll take you there.

will you?!
- why not?

which of them is your father?


do you know my daddy?

My daddy will hash you up
when he gets to know.

what did you say?! ls your
father going to hash me up?!

he shot at my men?!
bring that swine here!

hey lnspector! come out! y ou.re going
to meet the thakur. dead or alive!

has he run awayfrom the village?!

come out!

amar! what are you doing?!

out of my way!

what is this?! when did
this moron hecome a cop?

he.s my disciple.
y ou can reach the guru...

...only after you have
won over the disciple.

- go forth!
- May l...?

Let me go! don.t instigate me!

l am a policeman now.
y ou mustn.t hit me!

time to run!

y ou terrorise the villagers!

y ou heat them up!

and you call yourself
a thakur[=high horn]!

brother! where are you, hrother?!..

are you trying to slink away?

l won.t let you run away
like a thief.

y es. l am a thief.
l have stolen.

but l have stolen
onlyfrom the rich.

l rohhed their ill-gotten wealth.
and l have given it to the poor.

l have done a good deed.

..ln the eyes of the law, it might he
a crime. but for me, it was no crime...

..Might he. but what you are doing
right now, is a grave crime...

..ln leaving, you trample over hopes
and aspirations of these villagers...

.the very hopes, the very dreams
that you showed them!..

the poor fellows could have
lived all their lives in penury.

but it was you who held the promise
of hope to light up their dark lives.

y ou promised to free their long-lost
sons from the clutches of the thakur.

lt was you who promised to protect
them from the thakur.s tyranny.

and today you are the one
who is running away!

..lf not the others, think of the poor
woman who sees her dead son in you...

l won.t force you.

stay hack if you want to
stand hy me in this w*r.

lf you want to, you may leave...

..lf you want to hreak the thakur,
you must first hreak into his safe...

what lies ahead is a thiefs task.
and that.s not a policeman.s joh.

y ou.re the thief. and l am the cop.

we know very well where
our paths lead us to.

shame on you! y ou couldn.t
get hold of men!

there.s no trace of them!

we searched every house. we scoured
the forest. but we couldn.t find them.

l think they were
scared and ran away.

they aren.t the kind
to run for cover.

..lf they were cowards, they would
not have picked a fight with you...

they would have walked up
to me seeking a truce.

y ou must do something
to dash their hopes.

who are you?

golden plates here. but no food.
gold doesn.t fill a hungry stomach.

and drinking cups wrought in silver.
but not a drop to drink!

please ask the thakur to provide food
and water. we.re dying of hunger!

the thakur has locked up
the law in his vault!

that.s just as well.
one must keep the law safe!

but he should give us
something to eat!

y ou.ve got me wrong.
l.m not one of thakur.s men.

aren.t you?

ho. but l am as good as an angel
for you. l could get you out of here.

- really?!
- why only him? what have l done?

l mean... hoth of you.

Mr. varma! get my revolver!

thakur has it.

- l won.t spare you!
- Let.s get out of here first.

- y ou can do what you want later.
- he has a point!

l had overlooked that. this fellow
king had made life hell for me.

and now he proposes to save my life!

..- our lives, sir!
- y es! he proposes to save our lives!..

.y ou have kept your word, son. but we
could not protect the women you love...

thakur.s men have
kidnapped kajal and rani.

he wants hoth of you
to surrender.

good! fight harder! there.s a priZe!

halt! who are you?

he.s the lnspector.


welcome, lnspector...

..according to tradition,
lnspectors posted here have to.....

...present themselves hefore me
on the first working day.

l regret that you have come here
on the last day of your life.

..l am here, thakur.
Let the others go...

one can only walk into my serfdom.
ho one may leave.

y ou have released my serfs who
had heen slaving for me for years.

do you really think
you have liherated them?

l have turned them into addicts.
they can.t live without the drug.

what you do not know is that
freedom is the greatest addiction.

the desire for the drug will
swamp the feelings of freedom.

..by this evening,
they will surrender...

but you won.t live to see it.

..lf you think yourself to he
as powerful, come on... fight me!..

l do not like to fight with children.

but l shall fulfil your desire.

y ou must fight with one of my men.

..lf you can k*ll him,
l shall set you free...

the fate of the women you love
rests on your strengths.

..lf you stop, her clothes
will he torn to shreds...

y ou stop... and the lady
will he disrohed.

Let the match commence.

raja... go on... hit me.

raja... hit me.

hit me, raja!..


raja... hit me!


hit me! hit me!

hit me!

k*ll them!

..untie me, Mr. varma.
Mr. varma! the ropes!..

..- ho!
- what.s on your mind, Mr. varma?!..

..- l could hecome the commissioner!
- hurry, Mr. varma!..

will you make me the commissioner?

- promise?!
- l will!

lnspector! stop!

- l.ll throw him down!


Let.s take an aim at the cur.

what happened?

..lf l k*ll him,
l.ll get a gold medal...

..lf you k*ll him, you will get
a remission in the sentence...

go on. aim.
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