01x01 - Changing Places

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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01x01 - Changing Places

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, why does a love
kiss stay in my memory?

♪ Riddle-dee-pat and sing
to me love's story

♪ And bring to me love's glory

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me? ♪





Bloody hell.

- You all right?
- Just about.

Right. That's it.

No, Nick. Not on our first day.

Fun and games time, is it?

Yeah, what's it to you?

You could have k*lled
people back there.

I want your names. You?

Christine Keeler.

Piss off.

Sling my jacket over,
will you, Kate?


I want your licences.

It's at home.


Alan Maskell.

You've got five days to produce it.

Yeah, where do I take it,
Buckingham Palace?

Aidensfield Police Station.

I'm your new village copper.

I certainly wasn't
expecting ton-up kids.

There weren't any in my time.

At least we're here.

It's a great view.

It's a far cry from London.

Aye leave that.


What are you doing?
Put me down.


Hey! Let me answer the phone.

- Getting customers already!
- Come on. Come on, come on.



Van's broken down on Sutton Bank.

I see. Well, thank you.

No furniture till tomorrow.

Just our luck, eh?

That's cheating.
You've still got your clothes on.

I'm freezing.

My mates will piss themselves
if they could see me now.

They thought I was
mad moving up here.

Said it was all flat
caps and whippets.

No sense of adventure.

There's one good thing about living
in the middle of nowhere though.

What is?

There's no-one to annoy
in the flat below.

So you can take your time, then.

Get on.

PC Rowan?

Blaketon. Your Section Sergeant
down in Ashfordly.

Into uniform, Rowan.
There's work to be done.

Now? We're expecting
our furniture, Sergeant.

I thought my husband wasn't
on duty till tomorrow.

This's my wife, Kate.

- Welcome to Aidensfield, Mrs. Rowan.
- Thanks.

As I was just about
to tell your husband.

If he's here, he's on duty.

Right. Claude Jeremiah Greengrass.

Mark the name well, Rowan.
He's trouble.

He's the type who believes
the law is there for others.

Not for him.

And what have we got him for?

His dog was caught on rampage
k*lling valuable animals.

Oh, you mean sheep-worrying?



Alfred did k*ll the bloody bird.

But it was an accident,
Mr. Blaketon.

Always is with you,
ain't it, Greengrass.

You admit your dog forced
its way into the aviary?

It were only a budgie!

The owners said it was
valuable breeding stock.

All right, look.

Five bob to cover any damage, eh?

All right...

Ten-ten-ten bob then! That's
fair and square, ain't it?


Do you think that's
all there is to it?

I want nowt to do with
court cases, Mr. Blaketon.

I know.

Book him.

Right, Rowan. Have the papers on
my desk when you report tomorrow.

Are you sure you want to
take this further, Sergeant?

Greengrass has no respect
for law and order. None at all.

And he thinks there
isn't a copper alive

that can get a conviction
against him.

He'd offer compensation.

You're not one of these
young constables

with the wrong attitude,
are you Rowan?

If you've come up north
hoping for a cushy number.

No Sergeant.

Just to get away from
people who can't tell

the difference between
coppers and villains.

Oh, that's London.

I think I can work best
in a place like this.

Got summat for you.

All right, innit?

That stunt you and your
mates pulled yesterday.

Who d'you think you're, James Dean?

You know what happened
to him, don't you?

So what?

So, I don't want you k*lling yourself,
or anyone else, come to that.

Race bikes on the road
again and I'll do you.

Ya, I'm really scared.

Keeping busy, Constable?

Yeah, something like that.

I can see you're the keen type.

PC Rowan. Are you the landlord?

George Ward.

Oh, right. You're down
on my list, Mr. Ward.

What for?

Oh, just to have a chat.

See how best we
can help each other.

You mean you chat, I listen.

So you're from down South, are you?

That's right. London.

I thought so.
I could tell, you know.

Well, it's my accent.
A dead giveaway, ain't it?

No. It's just that you're right keen
on telling t'others what to do.

You're outsiders.

They're a prickly lot, your locals.

A real knack of making
you feel welcome.

What did you expect?
Brass band?

I'm not their enemy, Kate.
I'm here to help them.

So what is it?
Me or just the uniform?

You're an outsider. You've just
got to tune into their wavelength.

Yeah, so far, I've learned that the
"B" in GBH stands for budgies.

- Your sergeant's a real charmer.


May I speak to you, Constable?
It really is most important.

Yeah. You come through to the office.

- This way.
- Thank you.

At first I thought it
might be an animal.

You know, a dog wandering about.

But an animal can't
turn door handles

and it doesn't rattle windows.

And the footsteps,
I heard them on the gravel.

And I even saw him out there.

You saw him?

It was just for a second.

A figure in the darkness.

Just enough to see
that it was a man.

Why didn't you call
the police at once?

Well, I didn't think...

I couldn't believe it was really
happening. Not in Aidensfield.

Has this happened before?

No. Thank you.

And you've no idea
who it might be?


I'm at my wits' end, Mr. Rowan.

I live alone, you see.

If he comes back...

If he breaks into the house...

Just keep calm and
pick up the phone.

I'll be there in minutes.

Don't worry. My husband will
see you come to no harm.

Oh, it's so good to
see you again, Kate.

And you, Alex.

You know, I never believed you were
serious about coming to live here again.

Things change.

Nick really wanted to
work away from London.

He applied for a transfer and
this is where they sent us.

And all those great plans?

The ambitious young doctor who wanted
to be at the heart of things in London?

Well, I have done three years in
one of the best teaching hospitals.

Now it's all on offer to you, Alex.

Have you considered finding a place
at one of the hospitals in the region?

Now that's more up
your street, isn't it?

I thought I could work here,
be involved like Nick.

You won't regret taking me on.

Well now, that's something else I...

...didn't take absolutely seriously.

I mean, you joining
me in the practice.

But I told you.

And when we discussed it on the
phone weeks back, I thought...

Yes, I know.

I should've made it clearer.

I would have done if I'd
known you were serious.

I'm sorry, Kate. I'm afraid
I've nothing to offer you.

- But...
- I run a one-man practice.

I always have done, my dear.

I know, but it can't be getting any
easier for you, not at your age.

I thought you'd welcome someone
willing to share the load.

Well, I admit, I considered it.

But, frankly I'm not convinced
it should be you, Kate.


It's nothing to do
with your abilities.

So, what's the problem?

It's the kind of work a
country practice entails.

Why, it's still medicine, isn't it?

It's also late calls
to remote farms.

Your car breaking
down on lonely roads.

Night visits to farms run
by men who live alone.

Shy male patients.

You mean, I don't rate the
job because I'm a woman.


Right, Greengrass.
Get out of my sight.

Be reasonable, Mr. Blaketon.

Don't drag me good
name through the court.

I mean, you can't do me for
livestock-worrying. It's not just.

At least you don't deny it.

- No, no, it happened, course...
- Right Greengrass. On your way.

- But, but...
- On your way! Now!

Come through, Rowan.

Right, this is your roster.

Now, just because
you're out at Aidensfield,

don't think out of
sight is out of mind.

No, Sergeant.

What did Greengrass want?

Trying to slime his way
out of a court case.

Did you bring the papers?

I thought you might have
decided not charge him.

- We discussed that, constable.
- Yes, Sergeant.

I want him charged
with livestock-worrying.

Are you sure?

Well, maybe failure to keep a
dangerous dog under control?

Are you questioning me, Rowan?

Come across a lot of
livestock-worrying in Hackney?

I thought you wanted
a conviction, Sergeant.

And we'll get one.
Do what I say.

Well, well, well.

You and Sergeant seemed to
have hit it off to a flying start.

Seems to have a thing about
this Greengrass character.

Obsession, more like.

- Phil Bellamy.
- Nick Rowan.

And the human ash heap
here is Alf Ventress.

- Now then.
- Alf.

Make a change having someone
like you around, Nick. Southerner.




Are you up there?


What's up?

Alex Ferrenby.

There's no job.

There never was a job,
never will be a job.

I thought he promised.

It was a lot of flannel.

All right. So he
gives you the elbow.

You go and get another job.

When was the last time you got
the elbow because you're a man?


Any idea how it feels
when it happens?

Answer: Not a clue.

Oi, hang on, Kate.

The narrow minds in
places like Aidensfield

is why I never really wanted
to work in the country.

Do you mean that?

I'm here because your
job brought us here, Nick.

Not because I wanted
to join Alex Ferrenby.

Look, coming here works for both
of us or it doesn't work at all.

It will. It would just take
longer than I thought.

Leaving London was right
for us, Nick. You and me.

Everything else takes
second place to that.

At least we'll be able
to spend time together.

Never had much of
that before, did we?


Aidensfield Police.

Yeah, PC Rowan.

Miss Fraser?

Do you think he's still there?

Yeah. Right away.

That's Miss Fraser.
The prowler's shown up again.

Tonight of all nights.
I'll need my jacket back.

- Who is it?
- It's the police.

How do I know?

It's me, Miss Fraser. PC Rowan.

You're quite safe
now, Miss Fraser.

Thank heavens you're here!

Try that.

I'm so sorry.

Now just tell me about this man.

It's not easy.
It's like a bad dream.

Do you think it was the same one?


I saw him more clearly this time.

Tall, well-built.

- Did you recognise him?
- No.

Was he young or old?

Certainly not young.


He was wearing a hat, Mr. Rowan.

It was a trilby, I think.

Young men don't wear
trilbies these days, do they?

"A search of the grounds and
immediate neighbourhood yielded..."

"...yielded no trace of sus..."

Who wrote this tripe?
Agatha "Bloody" Christie?

Rowan, if some trilby-hatted prowler is
terrorising females, I want him found.

Yes, Sergeant.

Well, there can't be that
many trilby hats round here.


This is strictly flat-cap
country, isn't it?

Something else.

The landlord at Aidensfield
Arms is on the blower.

There's trouble brewing between
village lads and hooligans from outside.

- What do you know about it?
- Nothing.

- Why did he call me and not you?
- Good question.

Well, it's your patch. So back
to Aidensfield and sort it out.

How do.


Hello, George.

Is this true?

Oh, the Aidensfield Fire? Aye.

Been burning since .

"To commemorate Queen Victoria
taking shelter from a storm."

That's what it says.

Bet it goes down
well with the tourists.

It's what we think
that matters, constable.

We put value on what's old.

And just put up with what's new.

My sergeant says you
rang him at Ashfordly.

I did, aye.

Urgent, was it?

Not as such.

You didn't think to
mention it to me?

Not specially.

Look, if you've got a problem,
I'm the nearest bloke in uniform.

I reckoned Sgt Blaketon would have
a better idea of what I was on about.

I'm not here just for show.
I've got a job to do.

So how about helping me do it?

Now if I don't, then
take it to my sergeant.

Point taken.

Right. Now, can we talk?

What are you two playing at?

Get up, you'll wreck your clothes.

by Swinging Blue Jeans

Mrs. Maskell?


- Is Alan about?
- He's not done owt, has he?

Just want a chat
with him, that's all.

He's working out t'back.

I used to see this a lot
every week at the Cavern.

Well, Aidensfield's a bit of a
come-down after Liverpool.

- Yeah.
- How do.

Oh, a B . Nice bike.

Yeah. Rebuilt it from scrap.

Look, you didn't come
here to chat about bikes.

Remember Clacton last Easter?

All that trouble with
mods and rockers.

Oh, yeah.

I've heard some mods from Ashfordly
are coming out here soon.

D'you know anything about it?

Why should I?

Cos it's you and your mates
they're coming to sort out.

We don't want no trouble.

But if they start something
you'll join in.

When are they coming?

How should I know?

Village dance?

Look. It doesn't matter
to me who starts it.

I'll be there to finish it.

So pass the word round. All right?


- Miss Fraser.
- The man. I saw him, Mr. Rowan.

- You're sure?
- Yes! Just now!

- Where?
- In the village.

He's going into the pub.

Please Mr. Rowan.
I want that man arrested!

Calm down, Miss Fraser.
Come here.

What is it Nick?

Kate. Look after Miss Fraser.
Excuse me.

I'll take her home.

Someone was in here just now.

A well-built bloke,
wearing a trilby.

That's right.

Well, is he still here?

Gone. Knock one back,
used the phone and left.

Do you know who he is?

Look, I need to find
this bloke and quick.

Not just for my benefit.

Someone in this village
could be in danger.


He's an outsider.

Like me, from down South?

South Pole more like.

He sounded like that bloke
off Hancock's Half Hour.

- Eh?
- You know, the Aussie.

What's he doing here?

I heard him on the phone.

Summat to do with
buying or selling a house.

I was born the other
side of the Moor.

And what brings you back?

Nick's job.

Have you ever trained
for a career, Miss Fraser?

I once hoped to
go to university.

Why didn't you?

Oh, many reasons.

Our family didn't believe in things
like that, not for women.

Some still don't.

But times have changed,
haven't they, Mrs. Rowan?

So they say.

But you're a doctor,
aren't you, Mrs. Rowan?


Well, that must be...

...very satisfying.

It's what I always wanted to do.

Many of us know what
we want in this world...

...but so very few of us attain it.

At least that's my experience.

And there's no-one
like that on your books?

Mmm. All right.
Thanks for trying. Bye.

Got to go, Kate.
Blaketon's waiting.

Oh. Do us a favour, will you?

Check the rest of
the estate agents.

Any Australians buying or selling?

Which ones?

Well, I've marked the
ones I've rung so far.

There's only a few.


Yes, officer.

Being the owner of such dog,

to allow it to worry livestock
on agricultural land.

Contrary to the Dogs
(Protection of Livestock) Act .

Well, Mr. Greengrass.

You've heard the charge.

So how do you plead?

Not guilty, My Lord.
It were nowt of t'sort.

Mr. Greengrass, do you propose
to conduct your own defence?

Yes, Your Honour.

Lawyers ain't for the likes of me.

I've always have to stand
on my own two feet.

Thank you.


If it pleases your worships,

PC Rowan from Aidensfield
will state t'facts of the case.

Thanks very much. That's not quite
what I was looking for. Bye bye.

I then cautioned the
accused and he replied

"Alfred did k*ll the bloody bird,
but it were an accident."

Mr. Greengrass.

Is there anything you wish
to say in your defence?

No, no, no, your Honour, no.

It-It-It was exactly...

like he said.

You mean you agree with
the facts as stated?

Oh, aye.

I see. In that case...

Er... er... there's
just one little thing.


Well like, budgies ain't
livestock, are they?

Cows are livestock.
So's sheep. So's pigs.

But, but budgies aren't,
are they. Never!

Dogs (Protection of Livestock)
Act , your worships.

Livestock is defined as

"Cattle, sheep, goats, swine,
horses and poultry."

There! Poultry!

I-I-I'm sorry, your worship.

Poultry's further defined as "Domestic
fowls, turkeys, ducks and geese."

No mention of budgerigars?

Uh... none.

There's summat else his worship
needs reminding about and all.

What now?

Well, the charge like says it were...

...that Alfred k*lled it
on agricultural land.

Well, that's not right. Cause it
were in an aviary, weren't it.

And I mean, that's summat
different in law, ain't it?

- Mr Cloughton?
- Agricultural land.

"Allotments, orchards, meadows,
arable and grazing land", Your Worship.

No mention of avaries?

None, sir.

Why is this man accused of k*lling
livestock on agricultural land?

It's not the case, is it?

Well, erm...

I accept that you're city trained,
that inexperience has led you astray.

But we can't penalise Mr. Greengrass
for your procedural error.

We've no choice in the matter.

Mr. Greengrass, you're
free to leave this court.

Case dismissed!

Can you tell me his name?

Thank you very much.
It sounds a real bargain.

That bloke on the bench
must've thought me a right prat!

Any responsible magistrate
would've done Greengrass.

Even just now, with that one.

A bit extra on the stand from
you would've done the trick.

I tried to tell you that charge
wouldn't stick, remember?

Exactly. You lacked
conviction, Rowan.

I never thought it should have
gone to court in the first place.

But you pulled rank, Sergeant.

In that case you should have stood
by what you thought to be right.

Now, thanks to you, that slimy
Greengrass has got off scot-free!

Nick! I tried to telephone,
but you were in court.

How did it go in there?

I think your husband's had
better days in court, Mrs. Rowan.

Well, if it's good news you're
after, you've got it.

I've traced the Australian, Nick.

What's all this?

A suspect for the Fraser case.

His name's Harold Jackson and
he's staying here in Ashfordly.

I want to know what
the hell this is all about.

Just a few questions that
need answering, Mr. Jackson.

Check out his movements, Bellamy.

Right, sarge.

Right, Rowan. Let's sort him out.

Harold Jackson, now
resident in Australia?

Aye, that's him.

Come on, Alf, we've got
some telephoning to do.

I'm telling you I'm not
the bloke you want.

I've done nothing!

How long have you been
in England, Mr. Jackson?

I was born around here.

I came back a few weeks ago to sell
the family house after Mum died.

You know the area, then?

Yeah, but it's a long
time since I've lived here.

How long?


Look, you've got no right
to do this to me, you know.

You've nothing to worry
about, Mr. Jackson.

Not if you're telling the truth.

Why should I lie?

Do you know Aidensfield,
Mr. Jackson?

Aidensfield? Yeah, why?

You dropped into a pub there
the other day, didn't you?

That's right. Just passing through

and stopped to telephone a
possible buyer for the house.

What about it?

It's not the first time you've
been in Aidensfield, is it?

Oh yes it is, at least since
I came back to England.

We think you've visited Aidensfield
at least twice before.

At night.

What the hell are you on about?

You were seen prowling around
the garden of a house.

You tried to force your way in.

What me, a burglar?

Could be worse.

The lady who lives there thinks you
might have wanted to as*ault.

Now look. I came
back to sell a house.

And now you're telling me I'm
some flaming midnight r*pist!

I'm a happily married
man, for Christ's sakes.

You were seen, Jackson!

No! You've got the
wrong bloke, mate.

Our witness gave a
very good description.

Build, age...

...right down to that
trilby hat of yours.

Yeah? What witness?

The owner of the house.
Miss Georgina Fraser.

Jesus wept.

The bloody bitch must
have spotted me.


I thought his name rang a bell.

It's on the form sheet.

Harold Jackson.

Charged years ago with
indecent as*ault on a female.

I knew it!

- Well, there's more to it than that.
- I've had all I need.

No, Sergeant.

The case against
Jackson was dropped.

Dropped? Not enough evidence?

Well, there's no doubt this time.

No, it was more than
lack of evidence.

Malicious accusation, it says.

The woman had a thing about
Jackson and she made it all up.

I've checked Jackson's alibi

and the hotel manager confirms
he was in t'bar till am.

Miss Fraser phoned me at . .

Who made the complaint against
Jackson years ago?

Georgina Fraser?

Right. Your very own Miss Fraser.

I was only here to sell the house.

Never gave it a thought.

Well, it was a half a lifetime ago.

She must have spotted me
in Ashfordly. Thanks, mate.

What happened between you two?

Well, nothing much at first.

I met her when I
worked at her house.

I fancied myself with
the ladies in those days.

You know, jollied them up,
laid it on, got them going a bit.

Seems to have worked a
bit too well with Miss Fraser.

Too right. But I never
meant anything by it.

It's just chat.

The stupid cat
thought I fancied her.

Well she hardly
spoke a word to me.

But the letter she sent,

Christ, you must have thought
I was Clark Gable or someone.

Why did she try and do
you for indecent as*ault?

She found out I was
going to emigrate.

I'd had it planned for ages.

Well, that was it. She's hated
my guts ever since, I reckon.

Poor Miss Fraser.

What about Jackson?

Alright, he may have started it, but
she's tried to screw up his life twice.

Maybe she was desperate.

It was her way of letting
him know she was there.

It's a funny way of showing it.

Same kind of urge drives
people to slash their wrists.

If she tries it again,
Blaketon will have her bound over.

She needs help, not punishment.


George wasn't kidding.

Maybe they're just passing through.

No chance. It's the village dance.

♪ Tell me!

♪ Tell me!

♪ Tell me!

♪ Whaaa!

♪ Do you love me?
♪ Do you love me?

♪ Do you love me?
♪ Do you love me?

♪ Do you love me?
♪ Do you love me?

♪ Now that I can dance... ♪

♪ Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

♪ Gonna sh**t you right down ♪


Oh, Miss Fraser!

- I'm sorry to disturb you, Mrs. Rowan.
- That's all right.

Is your husband here?

Not just now. Can I help?

I've seen him again,
in the garden.

And he's been on the
phone, Mrs. Rowan.

Ringing my number and saying things.
Horrible things.

- You'd better come in.
- Thank you.

Will your husband be much
longer, do you think?

Not too long.

Miss Fraser...

you know the police are still
considering taking action.

I should hope they are.

Not against Mr. Jackson.

You know his name?


But the police will take action against
you if you make another complaint.

Don't go, Miss Fraser.

At least listen to what
I have to say, please!

The police know what happened
all those years ago.

They spoke to him today.

If it happens again,
they'll summons you.

Oh. Oh, no!

You wouldn't want
that, would you?

Mr. Jackson goes back
to Australia very soon.

Oh, no!

But it's the best thing
that could happen.

It's only a problem when
he's in this country, isn't it?

Oh you don't understand.

I love him, you see!

Come and sit down.

Come on.

I believed...

...he cared just as
strongly for me.

Else why would he speak and
act towards me the way he did?

Did you tell each
other how you felt?

Oh, no.

Well, there were differences
in our background.

But day by day they
were becoming irrelevant.

And then, when I knew I loved...


It was the very day that
I planned to tell him.

He said he was going to Australia.

I had to stop him
going, Mrs. Rowan.

So you made the
complaint against him?

- Yes.
- But why?

What could you achieve
by having him locked up?

He rejected me!

He turned his back on me
to emigrate to Australia!

I believed him, you see.

He-he was the first man...

He was the only man
to make me feel...

...special, wanted.

I love him!

For your own future happiness
you have to really let go of him.

You have to come to
terms with the fact that

you love someone
who doesn't love you.

You can't let it destroy your life.

June, July, August, September...


Find Dr. Ferrenby. Tell him...

The baby's coming, love.

Tell the doctor it's before time.
He'll understand.

Oh, hurry love!
As fast as you can, Lizzie!

♪ Twist and shout
♪ Twist and shout

♪ C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, baby, now

♪ C'mon, baby... ♪


Dr. Ferrenby?

Dr. Ferrenby!

Hey! This fire has not been
out for over a hundred years.

Did you light it, Gramps?

Light it? I tell you what, you ???.

Had it been a few years ago,
I'd have thrown you on it.


That fire is history, Granddad.

Like you!

What's up?

That one, the one at the front!

Yeah, what about it?

The young buggers pissed
on the Aidensfield fire!

I'll wring his bloody neck
if I get my hands on him!

Ring Ashfordly, will you.
Tell them to send the car over.

♪ Tutti frutti, oh, Rudi

♪ Tutti frutti, oooohh!

♪ Tutti frutti, oh, Rudi

♪ Tutti frutti

♪ Wop-bam-a-loo-bam
a-wop-bam-boom! ♪


♪ Do the hippy, hippy shake. C'mon!

Hiya, dolly bird!

How would you fancy a real man?

Don't know. How do you?

Alan! Alan!

It's Mum! The baby, it's coming!

She needs us now. She needs help!

- Alan, just calm down!
- No! They've got no right!


Mr. Rowan, we need help!

Alan's mum.
The baby's coming prematurely.

Dr. Ferrenby's out.

- Where's your mum?
- Home!

Look, my wife's a doctor.

Nip up to the police house
and tell her what's happening.

That kid with the busted face
makes three charges so far.

So how's you want to leave?
Easy or hard?

Why should I go with you?

Because you're nicked, mate!



I'll take ten minutes to
deal with your mate.

Don't be here when
I get back, alright?

Mrs. Rowan's here!

Have the waters broken?

Nearly an hour since.

Don't talk. You're going
to need all your strength.

Where's your dad?

Knowing him, drunk in a ditch.


Come on. In you go, hopalong.


Aye, and a good night to you, too!

Go on Alf, let's get him in.

It's coming, Mrs. Maskell.

It's coming. I can see her head.
Everything is following.

We're just about there.
Come on now, one more push!

One too many, doctor.

This one's got me beat.

No, it hasn't. Come on now,
one more try!

I'll need a statement
from you, George.

Whenever you like.

First things first.

Got your priorities right,
I reckon, Mr. Rowan.

Well, I know how you locals
are about your past.

Well, you take the
Aidensfield Arms fire.

It's amazing, isn't it?

Over a years
it's been burning.

Never once has it
been let to go out.


Takes some beating.

How are they?

Mother and daughter are doing fine.

It's me who needs treatment.

I was wrong.

What about?

Being a country GP.
I loved it tonight.

It's just like old times.


What's the joke?

It's a present.

A present?!

Who from?


It's the local way
of saying welcome.

It's a nice thought.

Funny old way of saying it.
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