01x02 - Fruits Of The Earth

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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01x02 - Fruits Of The Earth

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat...

♪ ...why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat...

♪ ...why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪


♪ When you... when you walk...



Mr. Maskell.

If you've come to see t'baby,
you're in luck.

She's awake,
but then she always is.

A man can't get any rest.

Hey, best go in.


Now, go on now,
go on out to play.


Oh, Dr. Rowan!


Have I come at a bad time?


You brought her into the world.
You've every right to see her.

Well, I'll just take a quick look.


Doesn't anyone help out?

Well, Alan and Lizzie
do what they can,

but it's down to me at t'finish.

No joke before,
but now with another...

If I fell pregnant again,
I don't know what I'd do.

Does your husband
know how you feel?

Doesn't want to know, more like.

But have you talked
it over with him?

I tried, but it's not summat you do,
not with a man like mine.

Nor is he the kind of man you
turn your back on in bed neither.

You don't have to get
pregnant, you know?

Not if you don't want to.
Have you heard about the pill?

Like I said, there weren't
nothing I could do.

It could be a valuable animal, this.

Now about the hiker,
did you speak to him?

I didn't hang about.

He were that gone wi' drink,
he wouldn't know what day it was.

Drunk maniac.

By right, he were the one
who ought to have copped it.

Says here, that they were
that close to nabbing

Charlie Wilson till he
slipped through the net.

You see, should've
had me with them.

Great train robbers?
You wouldn't know where to start.

- All right, lads?
- 'Ey up.

Nothing like an early
start, eh Rowan.

And this is nothing
like an early start.

I had an RTA to deal with, Sergeant,
way up on Kirlby Moor.

It's rather peculiar.

An accident caused
by a drunken hiker.

Another one.

- Another one what?
- Drunks. We've had reports.

- Drunks?
- Aye, Rowan, drunks!

Leastways, up on the moor
they're harmless, as a rule.

Right, now onto real business.

I've had the divisional
inspector on the phone.

A new one...

...the one they call
the Career k*ller.

And he's coming here on the
th to inspect this station.

Bellamy, Ventress. You'll be in
charge of paperwork and files.

And Rowan, you'll be personally
responsible for the station inventory.

Nothing shows up worse
than a false inventory, Rowan.

It suggests pilfering...

...insider thieving.

Foul it up, and there's
trouble for all of us.

But mainly...

...for you.

As for the cleaning
of the station itself

which Ventress treats
like a dustbin

...you can safely... leave that...

...to me.

Carry on, lads.

I don't think you
should get involved.

Thanks a bunch!

Why ask what I think if
you don't want to hear it?

Look, Mrs. Maskell is ,
she's had six kids.

She's dead on her feet...

...with a selfish ignorant husband
who won't give her the time of day.

I know how you feel.

It's how she feels, not me.

What you call help,
others might call interfering.

In London, we helped any number
of women in Susan's situation.

We're not in London, Kate.

So I'm supposed to
forget I'm a doctor

and keep my mouth shut for
fear I might rock the boat?

I'm just thinking of
the husband of hers.

Helping a woman to help
herself is no big deal, is it?

Has she asked Ferrenby
to put her on the pill?

Susan can't cope with Alex,
not with something so personal.

But he's her doctor, not you.

Yes, but he's a man.

Yeah, well, I hope it works out.


Are you all right, mate?

Come on, Charles, time to go home.

Who's that, George?

Charles Holroyd.

Getting to be a habit, this.

He's a hill farmer called Potter,
and it's definitely his ram.

Oh, the other side of Kirlby Moor?

It travelled a bit, didn't it?

When would he like to come over?

Yeah, Tuesday's fine, yeah.

Alright, I'll be here after lunch.

Okay. Thanks. Bye.


That was Eltering Police.

Dead ram case solved.

What's so funny?

The Mystery of the Dead Ram,

The Case of the m*rder*d Budgie,

The Lost Sixpence.
Gripping stuff, isn't it!

Well, you forgot about
The Forged Pig Movement Order and

The Village Dog Dustbin Conspiracy?

- What?
- I'll tell you later.

A couple of months ago,
it was bank robbers, g*ng wars,

clip joints, big city excitement.

Yeah, that was different.

I'm beginning to feel like
I'm part of something here.

I never had that feeling in London.

You're lucky.

You're still pining for your
Emergency Ward Ten stuff?

I can live without that.

But I'd like to be a
part of something, too.

It will happen.

No, it won't.
You have to make it happen.

And, believe me, I will.

I'm off to catch Alex before
he does his rounds.

Wish me luck.

You've got it.


Constable. My name's Holroyd.

It's my husband. He's missing.

He left yesterday evening.
I haven't seen him since.

Still living dangerously, Alex?


Bad at any age, lethal at yours.

I've seen off more than my share
of non-smokers in my time, Kate.

I thought doctors were supposed to
inspire a life wish, not a death wish?

Well, in your perfect world, perhaps.

But in mine, we're all too fallible.

Now what brings you here?

I saw Mrs. Maskell yesterday.

Ah yes, baby's doing well there.

Which is more than I
can say for the mother.

I think she's cracking up, Alex.

- Here you are.
- Thank you.

Has he ever stayed away before?

Er, yes, sometimes,
when he goes fishing.

But he's always back for breakfast.

And... this morning he wasn't.

Isn't it a bit soon
to be worrying?

I don't think so.

Where does he usually go to fish?

Uh the reservoir, on Kirlby Moor.

- And do you ever go with him?
- Uh, no.

We have different interests.

Well, erm...

...he's older, you see.


I have my part-time job.

Where's that?

At the bank in Ashfordly.

Is your husband... a drinking man?

Not particularly.

Oh, one or two now and then,
same as anybody, but... why?

I saw him in the pub last night.

He looked like he'd
had one too many.

That's... that's not like him.

He's just not that kind
of man, Mr. Rowan.

I think I'd better have a
look up on Kirlby Moor.

Of course she's run down.

That's perfectly natural for a
woman who's just given birth.

What about her mental state?

Perk up after a spoonful
of tonic, will it?

What do you mean?

She can't cope as it is.
Another pregnancy...

I agree that would
be best avoided.

Have you told her husband that?

Maskell refuses point blank to discuss
anything to do with contraception.

- Why?
- Who knows.

Irrational belief it somehow
threatens his virility, I suppose.

It doesn't matter why.
It's how the man is.

And that's it? End of story?

Kate. You have been away long
enough to qualify as an outsider.

You must accept that I know
what is best for my patients.

What's more important?

Walter Maskell's hang-ups or
Susan's dire medical need?

One you can help right now
by putting her on the pill.

You expect the Maskells to behave
like responsible adults? Some hope.

Susan Maskell is a
responsible adult.

All she needs is our support.

Kate, the pill has moral
and medical implications

I haven't even begun
to consider yet.

And Susan? What about her?

Very well.

I'll call Mrs. Maskell
in for an examination.

But I would prescribe the
pill on only one condition...

...and that is that
Walter Maskell agrees.


♪ I'm not content to be
with you in the daytime

♪ Girl, I want to be with
you all of the time

♪ The only time I feel all
right is by your side

♪ Girl, I want to be with
you all of the time

♪ All day and all of the night

♪ All day and all of the night

♪ All day and all of the night

♪ I believe that you and
me will last forever

♪ Oh, yeah, all day and night-time
yours, leave me never

♪ The only time I feel all
right is by your side

♪ Girl, I want to be with
you all of the time

♪ All day and all of the night

♪ All day and all of the night

♪ Oh, come on!


Taking the bike for
a stroll, Constable?

Damn thing's packed up.

- You'd best come inside, then.
- I can't leave it.

George, Harry, Fred. Come on.

Give the constable a hand.

Don't worry, Constable. We'll
have you out of there in a jiffy.

Thank you.

No, this one's on the
house, constable.

Thank you.

You're new, aren't you?

Yeah. Village bobby at
Aidensfield. PC Rowan.

Arnold Merriweather.

So what's brought
you up to Kirlby?

It's a bit out of
your way, ain't it?

A missing person.

Chap called Holroyd.
He lives in Aidensfield.

Oh right, I know him.

I've not seen him
up here though.

Just some drunken hiker.

It's true what I've heard then.

That drunken hiker's on Kirlby Moor.

If I had a pound for every hiker
I picked up drunk on this moor,

I won't be driving this bus.

Where do they get the booze?

Don't ask me.

Hey, perhaps there's someone
with bottling in the air out there.

The electrics on the
bike have packed up.

Can you try to sort it out?

- Why me?
- Why not?

Haven't the police got
their own mechanics?

Yeah, but you'd be a lot quicker,

and my sarge, he need never
know I [indistinct] my bike.

So what's it worth?

I'll see you right, don't worry.


I'm thinking of setting
up a business myself.

A small garage like.

Well, I want to get
out of this place.

I'm sure you will
if you want to enough.

You're saying that easy.
Comes from being a copper.

I wasn't always a
copper you know.

In my teens, I was in a bit of
bother with the law myself.

Oh yeah?

Well luckily, it never came to much.

So how did you end up in uniform?

A push in the right direction.
I know the difference.

And there was me thinking
coppers were born and not made.

Well, leave it with me.
I'll see you later.

Yeah. Cheers.

Did you wipe your feet?

Make sure you do!

Who's she?

Mrs. Parkin. Blaketon's new broom.


PC Rowan!

I wanted you here first thing,
sorting out that inventory.

I had to go up to
Kirlby Moor, Sergeant.

What? Another dead ram?

A missing person.

His wife was worried, and I knew for a
fact the man was drunk when last seen.

Right, well leave that and pop round
to the North & Provincial Bank.

The manager wants a word with you.

What about, Sergeant?

Mr. Carter is an important man.

And important men only deal with
important matters. Don't they?

What about the inventory, Sergeant?

Mrs. Holroyd,
I've come to see Mr. Carter.

I uh, I had a look around
the reservoir on Kirlby Moor.

There was no sign of your husband.

I thought as much.

We've circulated a description.

Are you sure he didn't
mention he'd be away?


He didn't take a suitcase with him?

Why d'you ask?

Well, it could be he left home.

People do walk out sometimes.

Walk out on me?

That's an absurd
notion, it really is!

I'll make sure Mr. Carter
knows you're here.


You know a lad called Alan Maskell?


Yeah, he's made an
application for a loan.

Start-up money for a
motorbike repair shop.

Yeah, he's keen to go
into business for himself.

Question is, can the bank
have confidence in the lad?

He knows the job,
if that's what you mean.

Oh, I'm sure he does, but a lad
of his type and background.

Young tearaway,
bad family situation.

Hardly the type to
inspire confidence, is it?

You know we're not supposed
to give references?

But I trust him,
and I think you can, too.

Has he ever been in
trouble with the police?

Yeah, but only what sticks to
any kid with a lively mind

and not enough to occupy.

I see.

Look, he's keen to get on.

Now he's got the skill and the
intelligence to make a go of it.

So why not give him a chance?

Believe me, you won't
regret it, Mr. Carter.

Thank you very much
for your time, Constable.

Not at all.

- See you later.
- Bye.

Hurry along then.

Hold tight. Next stop Aidensfield.

Fares, please.

That was so filthy. Beggar!

Well he exposed himself
to Hanna, that's what.

I saw him counting it out.

His fare like.

Only it wasn't hand to hand.

He was putting it on his...

I mean...

Paying me out of...

I'm sorry, Mr. Rowan. I don't
want to think of it no more.

It's all right, Miss Davis.

Did you recognise the man?

Not me, Mr. Rowan.

No, never saw him before, and I
know everyone who uses our bus.

How about the other passengers?

Same there.
Asked each and every one.

Where you picked him up...

does anyone live around
that part of Kirlby Moor?

No, not there.

On the other side, over Eltering Way
maybe, but it's not part of our route.

This man wasn't a tourist? A hiker?

No. You can always tell
moorland folk, Mr. Rowan,

and this chap were definitely
from the moors.

Well, thanks for your help.

We'll be in touch, okay?


Doing something like that
on Merriweather's Coaches!

And to an innocent young girl
like Hannah, I don't know!


- Okay?
- Yeah, great!

Let's hope this is the
start of something.

Oh, the bike repair shop?
I doubt it.

I still haven't heard from the bank.

I reckoned they will not be back.

I wouldn't be too sure.

I had a little chat with your
bank manager about you.

Alright. What did you tell him?

More than you deserve, I reckon.

Thanks, Mr. Rowan. And don't
worry, I won't let you down.

It wouldn't be me you'd be letting
down, Alan. It'd be yourself.

I'd be daft to do that, wouldn't I?

It will work, I know it will.

It's exciting, me
being my own boss.

Well, there's nowt else for the
young in Aidensfield, is it?

- See you.
- Thanks a lot.

Kirlby Moor.

Was he drunk?

There's certainly something up there
that gets to people, Sergeant.

D'you want me to take another look?

Oh no. Ring the other stations.

Someone must know this pervert.

Creatures of habit, Rowan.

If he's done it once,
he'll do it again.

And remember, today's flasher,
is tomorrow's r*pist.

And I want him caught...

...d'you understand?

Yes, Sergeant.

Oh, Rowan...

...any problems with the inventory?

Not so far, Sergeant.

Want a cup of tea, chaps?

Can't. She's done away with mugs.

Mrs. Parkin?

Where are the mugs?

They're soaking in bleach...
to k*ll the germs.

'Ey! None of that!
Not in my station!

Where did Blaketon find her?

Wormley Prison.

What? An ex-con?

- No. She were chief domestic.
- Poor devils!

The station push-bike...
anyone seen it?

It's not in the garage?

There's no sign of it anywhere.

Booked out for repairs?

It's not in the service log.

It's an old relic, Nick.

Hasn't been used in years.

A bit like Alf there!

It's not the point.

If the push bike's on the inventory,
they'll expect to find a push bike here.

Turn the place upside
down until you find it.

All right, chaps?

Mr Carter. I thought I
recognised your car.

Hello, Mr. Rowan.

All right?

Yes, fine thanks.
Just pulled in for a chat.

Just leaving, as a matter of fact.

- Ah, goodnight.
- Goodnight.

Goodnight, Mrs. Holroyd.


Mr. Maskell?

Who the hell do you think
you are, interfering?

You'd better come inside.

What I've got to say,
I'll say out here.

You come here out
of bloody nowhere,

and start telling us
how to live our lives.

I was born around here.

And in any case,
I'm just trying to help.

No, you're not. You're prying into
things that don't concern you.

Now you might be able to
sweet talk old Ferrenby...

Dr. Ferrenby agreed.

It's nought to do with you.

Muck about with your
own life, not mine.

You don't need me to muck
up your life, Mr. Maskell.

You do a very good job
of it all on your own.

I'm tellin' ye, you don't
come round mine,

shacking sex pills under
my wife nose again.

You're a stupid, ignorant man.

Why don't you behave
like an adult?

Kate, are you still with us?

Sorry, I was miles away.

What's up?

Susan Maskell.

I think I've really
dropped her in it.

You were right.
I shouldn't have got involved.

You were only trying to help.

- It's like me with Alan.
- Yes, but that worked out.

You've got standing.

Me, I'm just an
interfering housewife.

It's not that simple, love.

I'll have to tell Blaketon.

You can't.

It can't be covered up, not with
an official inspection on the way.

Anyway, it's not worth it for some old
bike that should be on the scrap heap.

It's not the value, it's Blaketon.

He's responsible
for police property.

We report it, and Blaketon's blotter
is marked at HQ for negligence.

Oh, he'll carry the can fine,
but we'll get the stick.

So what's to do?

It's obvious.

We find another bike, right?

Mr. Blaketon has asked me
to stay on here regular.

If I do, you'll see some changes
round here, I can tell you.



I had a word with your
mate this morning.

What mate?

That Carter from the bank.
He turned me down.

Bastard thinks I'm a bad risk.

But I spoke up for you.
I thought you'd get the loan easy.

Looks like it!
Should have known.

You're nowt if your face
don't fit in a dump like this!

First chance I get, I'm off.

Two of a kind, you and Carter.

You're in different uniforms,
but you're all the bloody same.

Take a seat, Mr. Rowan.

You said it was urgent.

It's about Alan Maskell.

Why did you turn him
down for a loan?

The bank has limited funds.

We can't dish out loans
to everyone who asked.

So in spite of what I said,
you still think he's a bad risk?

Each application is considered
on its merits.

And you intimated that he was...

what's the phrase,
"known to the police".

And I told you, it didn't
amount to anything.

Even so...

And what's so bad about him?

His character? His background?

The fact that he's
been wild as a kid?

We're none of us perfect, are we?

We all have faults,
even you, Mr. Carter.

If you're referring
to Mrs. Holroyd...

No, that's your business.

But you obviously give yourself the
benefit of the doubt in matters of...

personal conduct.

So why not do the
same for Alan Maskell?

Did your husband know
about you and er...?

I think so.

I didn't want him to find out.

I... I didn't want to admit
it to myself, I suppose.

Well, it would obviously
explain his absence.


Well... what happens
now, Mr. Rowan?

If your husband has left you,
then he's not a missing person.

It's not a police matter.

Oh, I see.

It's not what I wanted...

...to lose him like this.

Over something that's
bound to pass.

Yeah, well, maybe he knows that.

I hope so.




Could you go over and
see me mum, Mrs. Rowan?

Is she all right?

Dad gave her a bit
of a going-over.

Oh, God!

- Dr. Ferrenby saw to both of them.
- Both of them...?

Dad got knocked about, too.

Got a taste of his own medicine.

Who from?

The man's an animal.
It's the only thing he understands.

Oh, no, Alan, he's not.

He's... ignorant and confused,
and most of all, he's frightened.

Look, will you go over,
for Mum's sake?

Of course I will. Hold on.

That's him.

The flasher. It's Potter.

The one with the dead ram?

That day when he
flashed on the bus,

he was obviously on
his way to see me.

No wonder he never arrived.

And the conductress,
she identified him?

It's got to be Potter!

He fits the details I got
from Eltering Police.

They say he's a recluse,
a real [indistinct].

He hardly ever shows his face
except for the odd market now and then.

Right. Bike over there,
get a statement.

The sooner this pervert's
put away, the better.


♪ Girl, you really got me going

♪ You got me so I don't
know what I'm doin'

♪ Yeah, you really got me now

♪ You got me so I can't
sleep at night

♪ Yeah, you really got me now

♪ You got me so I don't
know what I'm doin'

♪ Oh, yeah, you really got me now

♪ You got me so I can't
sleep at night

♪ You really got me,
you really got me

♪ You really got me

♪ See, don't ever set me free

♪ I always wanna be by your side

♪ Girl, you really got me now

♪ You got me so I can't
sleep at night

♪ Yeah, you really got me now

♪ You got me so I don't
know what I'm doin'

♪ Oh, yeah, you really got me now

♪ You got me so I can't
sleep at night

♪ You really got me,
you really got me

♪ You really got me


Hello, Mr. Maskell.

I've come to see your wife.

I'll not leave here till I do.

In the kitchen.

Hello, Susan.


Now then, Constable...

- Mrs. Potter?
- Ah.

- PC Rowan, from Aidensfield.
- Aidensfield?

Oh, it'll be about the tup, then?
The one that was k*lled?

- The ram?
- Hah.

No, I'm looking for Mr. Potter.

Well, you'd best come in, then.

As soon as he came home from
the pub, I wouldn't let him.

In bed like.

I only wanted him to hold off
until Dr. Ferrenby fixed me up.

Didn't he at least listen to you?

I don't talk to him, Doctor.

I've told him, I'm going on
the pill and that's final.

Them kids need me up and doing
not wrecked and flat on my back.

And if he can't understand that,
then he can bugger out of our lives.

He was out after them pregnant ewes.


Real loss, it were, when
they fetched the tup down.

Mr. Potter was on the Aidensfield
Road earlier today, then?


That'll be him now.

Jack, Mr. Rowan has come all the
way from Aidensfield to see you.


That's right.

It were you I were supposed
to go to see t'other day...

about that tup?

Mr. Potter, I believe
on Tuesday last,

you boarded the Aidensfield
bus on Kirlby Moor?


The conductress on that bus has
made a complaint against you.

I never meant her
no harm, Constable.

Well, you may think it was nothing,
but the woman was very distressed.

I'm sorry.

Well, sorry's not enough.

I'm now going to
charge you, Mr. Potter.

You are not obliged to
say anything unless...

Who the hell invited you in here?

I've come to apologise.

For what I said at the
house the other night.

Well don't expect
the same from me.

I meant everything I said.

Fair enough.

So we know where you stand.

Now how about
listening to my side?

I know all about your side.
I know what you're about.

Teaching her to deny me me rights.

Turning her against her own man.

Not that I'm about to ??? after your
pills and potions had done their job.

I've asked Susan to join us.

What for? So you can
g*ng up against me?

So we can have a cup of tea.

I could use one.

Look, you're right, Mr. Maskell.

Your private life isn't my business,

but you and your family's health is.

Now if your wife has another
baby, it may k*ll her.

Nah, I'm not having all this!

Please hear me out.

The contraceptive
pill is not witchcraft.

Not something that will
make you less of a man,

or turn Susan against you.

It's not there to cause problems,
it's there to solve them.

You're clever with
words, Mrs. Doctor.

I can help you and Susan...

...but you have to give a little.

Consider what's best not
just for you, but for her...

and for the whole family.

You've got all the
answers, haven't you?

In this case, some of them, yes.

Give me five minutes of your time,

and I'll explain what this
pill is and what it does.

Five minutes?

Then you're more than
welcome to kick me out.

Sit down.

If that don't beat hand raisin'.

She thought...?

She thought I do
summat like that?

Yeah, well I think Miss Davies is
a bit... you know, inexperienced.

I'm sure you can.

A man with a blooming
shoulder on board.

I've a good mind to enter myself

Why did you run away?

He's always been terrible shy.

I keep myself to myself.

I know folk don't like looking
at a man that's deformed.

Have some more cordial.

It's certainly very fruity.

Fruits of the earth,
nature's bounty.

That were blackberry.
Wait till you try t'rosehip.

Would you like some
to take with you?

- Well...
- Go on, it's all right.

We've got plenty.

Go on, take a couple.

Well, maybe for the
station Christmas raffle.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Bye now.

Be careful.


♪ My boy lollipop

♪ You make my heart go giddyup

♪ You are as sweet as candy

♪ You're my sugar dandy

♪ Whoh-oh, my boy lollipop

♪ You never ever leave me

♪ Because it would grieve me

♪ My heart told me so

What's she put in that stuff?

♪ I love you, I love you,
I love you so

♪ But I don't want you to know

♪ I need you I need you
I need you so

♪ And darling never let you go

♪ My boy lollipop

♪ ...go giddyup

♪ You set the world on fire

♪ You are my one desire

So, we'll have to wait
for postmortem.

It's obvious Holroyd
topped himself.

You know, spooky the way his weight
dragged down that overhead branch.


You all right, Rowan?

Yeah, it was a bit of a shock.

Well, just concentrate on Potter.

I take it you charged him?

Charged him? What with?

What with? Indecent exposure, lad.

Have a look and judge
for yourself, Sergeant.

Stupid bloody woman.

She made a mistake.

Aye! And bigger than most!

- 'Ey, Phil.
- What's that?

Have a look at these.

Yeah? What's that?

Another mystery solved.

- The drunken hikers?
- Yeah?

Potter's been flogging
them his own brew.

No really? Is it good stuff?

Don't even think about it.

One sniff and it's goodnight Irene.

- Here, have you told Blaketon?
- Not yet.

- I'll be getting back, then.
- Ya, Mr. Potter, just a minute.

This, so called fruit
cordial of yours,

the stuff you've been
selling to the hikers.

Well it's against the law
without an excise licence.

I never knew.

I should really make a report.

I don't want no trouble.

But a caution may well be enough.

If there's owt I can do
to put things right, like...

Well, your bicycle of yours.

- What about it?
- I'd like to borrow it.

I need it to get about.

Get about where?
You hardly ever leave your farm.

I know, but sometimes...

So you won't mind if we hang
on to it for a while, will you?

I mean, those Customs and Excise,
they're not like us coppers.

They're hard men,
barely human some of 'em.

You're a pretty hard
man yourself, Mr. Rowan.

Me? No!

I'm a pussycat, Mr. Potter.

- That all seems satisfactory.
- Thank you, sir.

- The inventory, Sergeant.
- PC Rowan!


- Where shall we start?
- This way, sir.

Here, she can't go in there.


I think I've seen
everything I need to see.

You run a very tight
ship here, Sergeant.

You and your men should
be congratulated.

We do our best, sir.

And a very good best it is too.

In these out of the
way country sections,

it's all too easy for
laxity to set in.

Have to go through me first, sir.


Isn't that your office, Sergeant?

Yes, sir.

I'm just having a little erm...

...tidy-up, gents.

(DRUNKENLY) You couldn't get me
through that door.

You could come home and have
some potato pie with me...

- All right, Mrs. Parkin. Here we go.
- I make a very good potato pie.

Mind your head.

- That's it, in you get.
- Thank you.

Oh, dear!


- That's right.
- Good night.

And we could have some...
Where are you going?

It's sad, really, but I had a
feeling she wouldn't fit in.

How did she know
about Potter's booze?

Donno. She must've heard
one of us talking about it.

Yeah, that cupboard's kept locked.

Somebody must've left the
key lying about, I expect.


Mrs. Holroyd.


I'm, I'm sorry.

Thank you.

I keep asking myself why he did it.

He must've known I loved him.

Even if...

...I wasn't in love with him.

He's a good man and I
never meant to hurt him.

But you can't... pick and choose
the bits of a marriage that work...

...can you?


There's a lot of fence mending going
on in the Maskell household right now.

They'll be all right?

Um, too soon to say,
but at least they're trying.

I thought you might like to know
I spoke with Mr. Carter again.

He wants to see me.
Any idea why?

Well, maybe he wants
to give you a loan.

Why would he want to do that?

You're a good risk, aren't you?

Or maybe you had words?

Nah, not me.


What've you been up to?
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