01x03 - Rumours

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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01x03 - Rumours

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, why does a love
kiss stay in my memory?

That's a serious allegation
to make, sir.

Could I have your name?

Why not?

If we're to follow this up,
we might need to talk to you again.



We're really going to have to do
something about our furniture.

Do you think so?

It was alright when I
was out at work all day,

but up here it's really
beginning to get me down.

Don't worry, you'll get a job soon.

I'm serious.

There's something in
the colour supplement.


That sort of thing.

It's very nice.

It's a bit pricey, though.

I've still got some savings.

You could buy it for my birthday.

I can imagine your face if I gave
you furniture for your birthday!


Postman's been, hasn't he?

I wouldn't mind one
of these stereograms.

Our record player's knackered.

Hand delivered.

"Charlie Denby has an unhealthy
interest in young boys."

"Lock him up."

You'll get a great sound
in there, you will.


It's better in the booth.


You want a copy, I've got plenty.

No, thank you.
I prefer proper singing.

Not that we've got
a gramophone.

But what can I do for you?

I'd like to put this
advert in your window.


- Pensioner, are you?
- Oh, that's right.

Well, how does sixpence sound?

The advert stays in until
you get yourself fixed up.

Oh, that's very kind.

My sister and I have just moved
into Laburnum Cottage,

but the garden's really
too much for us.

Oh, there's plenty of
likely lads around here.

You'll get yourself
fixed up in no time.

Oh, good.

Well, our concerned ratepayer on
the phone said much the same.

"Keep an eye on Denby.
He likes young boys."

What d'you know about him, Alf?

A... bit unconventional.

More so since his father died.

I've always found him
a nice enough bloke.

They probably said the same
thing about that Philby.

I hate anonymous tips but
we can't afford to ignore them.

Check him out, Rowan.

That's one pound three
and five pence, ladies.

- Frances, have you brought your purse?
- No.

I'm sorry. I thought
I had more than this.

That's okay ladies.
Settle up with me next time.

Oh how kind.
Thank you. Goodbye.

Hey! Pack it in, you lot.

Or I'll put Frank Ifield on.

It's typical of those
with pots of money.

Never have to settle their
debts like the rest of us.

What makes you think
they've got money?

Advertising for a gardener!

And the things going
into their house!

Not that I was watching,
of course.

I just happened to be passing.

And it all looked to
be expensive stuff.


You're next.

Oh, aye. Give us a... give us a
quarter of humbugs, Charlie.

Your father would turning in his
grave if he could see this shop now.

Or would you prefer to have them
in here rather than on the streets?

I chose not to bring children
into this world, Mr. Denby.

I'd rather not suffer other people's.

I'd thought you as a single
man would be the same.

Having them around keeps me young.

Stops me becoming narrow-minded.

Humbug, Miss Hamilton?

Going to bring a bit of the King's
Road to Aidensfield, are you?

If only.

- Milk?
- Please.

You know the reason I'm here is...

Well, we haven't really got off
to a very good start, have we?

I'm sure that's at least
partly down to me.

We ought to be friends, Kate.

That suits me, Alex.

You're the last person
I want as an enemy.

That's something you
need never worry about.

Are you settling in alright?

I'm getting used to the locals.

There's certainly some
characters about.

Oh, yes.

You know, if I were to repeat

only about a tenth of the
gossip I hear in the surgery,

my rounds would take me all day.

Do you know Charlie Denby,
at the shop?

Oh, one of my regulars.

A bit of a dicky heart.

Tell me about him.


Been making changes, Mr. Denby?

I have of course.
Investing in the future.

- Can I have a word?
- Hmm.

Oh, I see!


Aw, come on.
Later lads, later.

I was listening to that.

Ah, never mind. Off.

See you tonight, Charlie.

- See yer.
- See yer.

- Goodnight Charles.
- Ta ra.

We've had one or two complaints.

Oh, is it that loud?

I don't mean the records.

People are concerned about the
number of youngsters coming in here.

Well, they do get a bit
boisterous, I suppose.

It's not their behaviour.

It's yours.

You see...

I don't treat them like children.

They're my friends.

- Friends?
- I like to think so.

Is that why you encourage them?

Well, they're good
customers too, of course.

And they're doing nothing wrong.

I'm just a bit surprised that you
take these complaints seriously.

We have to.

I see.

Well is that it, Constable?

For now.

Oh come any time.

I've got nothing to hide.

Mr. Greengrass seems such an
appropriate name for a gardener.

Oh yes, doesn't it?

So uh, what experience
do you have?

D'you know Lord Ashfordly?

Not personally.

No, well I were garden
advisor to His Lordship.

I recommended what his team
of gardeners had to do.

Oh then I hardly think our
little patch will interest you.

Oh, that's alright with me.

You pay for a quality,
not a quantity.



Now then Mr. Rowan.

I thought it was you supposed to
catch us lurking in bus shelters.

What are you doing?
Having a crafty f*g?

Yeah, something like that.

What d'you know about Charlie Denby?

- Like what?
- Like anything.

He's funny.

Funny ha-ha or funny peculiar?

He always just ignores me.

Why do you want an old man
like that taking notice of you for?

I thought he got on
with all young people.

He's got quite a
gathering up there now.

I bet it's all lads.

Lads. What, no girls?

Girls never get invited.

- I think he's frightened of us.
- Frightened?

Yeah, you know, shy.
Like you're not.

Have you been up there?

No, it only young
lads he bothers with.

He can show off to them.

So what goes on?

Nowt much. Listen to records.

Maybe have the odd drink.

It's better than hanging
about on street corners.


I see the police have been at
your mate Charlie Denby's.

You talking to me?

Well, he's a friend
of yours, ain't he?

I don't really see what business
of yours who my friends are?

Ah, of course. This here old match
been going in for a bag of sugar,

but I reckon it was official like.

Oh, yes.

- Can I join you Harry?
- Of course, Reg.

Come in here to get away
from the noise, have you?

What noise?

Our Tony's round at your house,
isn't he, playing records with Dessie?

No, Des is out with his mother.

Must be somewhere else.

I could've sworn he said...

That'll teach you to listen
properly in future, eh!

You know what it's
like with teenage boys.

If you get more than a grunt
out of them, you're lucky.

I gave up listening ages ago.

Now, what's all this
about Charlie Denby?

In trouble with the police?

Really? I've heard nothing.

Thanks, Charlie.

Thanks a lot, Charlie.

- My pleasure.
- See you.

Be careful walking home.

Are you going to invite me in?

Get lost!

We've got things to discuss.

Not now. It's late.

Now just a minute.


What was all that about?


He seemed anxious to get inside.

He saw the lights on.
Wanted some cigs.

You start opening up for one,
they'll all be round.

Do you know him?

It were dark.
Didn't get much of a look.

He didn't seem too
pleased to see me.

Not everybody is, Constable.
Good night.

The registration checks out
to Reginald Arthur Pendleton,

Hill Top House, Aidensfield.

The car dealer?

So Denby should
have known him then.

Prominent local businessman.
He must have done.

Is he respectable?

Trouser roller, ain't he?

Bare-leg brigade.

Chief cook and bottlewasher
of the local Masonic lodge.

Is that respectable
enough for you?

Now, then.

They've seen better days, these.

I'd thought being a professional,
you'd have had your own tools?

Ah well, it's a bit of a sad
story, that, Miss Kirby.

You see I... I had to sell them.

It's awful indeed when bad health
forces a man to give up his vocation.

Ah well... will you be able
to manage our garden then?

Oh, I'm fine, now.

As long as I'm, you know,
a bit careful.

I'd not like anything untoward
to happen in your nice new home.


I'll uh, I'll go and get
these all sharpened then.

I'll take 'em into Ashfordly.

Oh, as you see fit.

It will not cost you a lot.
I know a fella.

What about the Beatles?


We're going to see A Hard Day's
Night when it gets to Ashfordly.

It's a fab LP.

You're here again, are you?

Why did you lie to me?

- What's the problem, Harry?
- You are!


I've always been prepared to turn
a blind eye before, but no more.

That's my son! Understand that?

- Of course.
- You had him upstairs last night.

- So what? He likes coming round.
- Dad...

Don't think I don't know
what's going on, Denby!

You've got my kid lying to me
and God knows what else.

If you so much as
laid a finger on him!

- Calm down.
- Calm down?

If you lure my son
in here once more,

I'll break every
bone in your body.

Understand that.


Come on, you, get out.
Come on, move!

You've got some nice
pieces of stuff here.

Nice furniture and stuff.

Thank you. Our father
was a... bit of a dealer.

I wouldn't want to worry you,

but it could attract the
wrong sort of attention.

Have you thought
about getting a dog?

We do have a man
about the house.

Some of the time.
Our gardener.

Well, that should be a help.

Right, I'll be off, little ladies.

Oh. Hey up, Mr. Rowan.

See you later then, Mr. Greengrass.

That's your gardener?

Eh, do you think he's big enough
to frighten off burglars?

Was Mr. Greengrass
recommended to you?

No, but he did worked
for Lord Ashfordly.

Before he was ill and
had to give up working.

Ladies, Mr. Greengrass is...

...well, should I say, known to us.

Well, he lives in the village.
Of course he's known to you.

No, I meant to the police.

He's not to be trusted.

Has he got a record?

Well, no. No, he hasn't.

So he hasn't actually
done anything wrong?

He's never been caught.
There's a difference.

Well, I thought, in this country, a man
was innocent until proved guilty.

Well, yes.

Well, we're grateful
for your warning,

but my sister and I cannot act
upon rumour and innuendo.

Right, bring him in.

Who, Greengrass?

No. Denby.

Oh, right.


You don't ask me why, Rowan,

any more than I ask
the Superintendent.

What this is his idea?


We're going to bring
Denby in and find out

exactly what goes on at
those little soirees of his.


I don't see why they're
getting interested, upstairs?

Ah. It's the Black Hand g*ng, lad.


Somebody had a word
at the last lodge meeting.

You don't seem to
have got very far.

Oh, it's deceptive.

A lot of preparation, you know.

You'll see the result next week.

Well, I do hope so.

Oh, Frances, could you sort
out Mr. Greengrass's wages?

Didn't you get money out
of the building society then?

No. I thought you...

Oh, dear.

Oh, I'm ever so sorry,
Mr. Greengrass.

Do you think you could
wait for your wages?

Well, normally, there'd
not be a problem.

But it's my mother's birthday,
you see, and I was...

Oh, well. Well then, we must
find some way to pay you.

Could I suggest summat?

Mr. Denby.

Good of you to spare us the time.

I thought we sorted out those
complaints the other day.

It's what happened since that
I'd like to talk to you about.

Look, if it's that...

...misunderstanding your wife
witnessed, I can explain.

Go on.

Harry Cottis is...

...is something of a friend.

With friends like that, eh?

Yes, but he's heard these
ridiculous stories about me.

What sort of stories?

Sergeant, I'm a perfectly
respectable shopkeeper.

Who likes young boys.

Look, I'm fond...

...of young people.

You erm...

...are aware of the laws
regarding h*m*?

I'm aware that they're ridiculous.

I'm also aware that I'm doing
nothing to break those laws.

You had a few lads in
your flat the other night.

Oh, for crying out loud?

Are you implying that I'm
doing something wrong?

Having a couple of lads
round to play records.

Why don't you invite girls?


Look, I don't know.

I don't...

Where's all this leading?

Is having boys in
my flat a crime?

What about Mr. Pendleton?

What's he got to do with all this?

Well, the other night
outside your shop.

You pretended not to know him.

Did I?

So what's going on
between you and him?


Look. This is...

This is all gossip you've
got against me, ain't it?

A rumour, tittle-tattle,
insinuations, but no facts.

Mr. Denby.

Not a single ???
between the two of you.

Well, I'm not sitting here
listening to any more of this.

Mr. Denby, sit down!

Sit down.

If you are committing unnatural
acts with young boys,

then we'll find out...

...and you'll go to prison
for a very long time.

And if I'm not, Sergeant,
what are you going to do then?

Can I help you, madam?

I'd like this, please. Oh...

Something the matter?

You reminded me of someone. Sorry.

Ah, someone nice, I hope.

Something rum about
that man, Rowan.

Wearing his hair so long, making no
secret of his contempt for the law.

I don't know, Sergeant.

You're not a Mason, are you?

If I was, I wouldn't tell you.

But as it happens, no.

But the order to pull him
in came from the Super,

who is in the Brotherhood.

And that chap I saw with Denby
the other night, Pendleton,

he's one of them too.

Aye. Worshipful Master, no less.

So maybe...

...this is all some sort of
Masonic plot to get Denby.

Maybe he's hurting one of their
members with his music business.

You know how they stick together.

It's a theory, Rowan.

Problem is, Denby's a Mason too.



Try this theory for size.

What if they found out he
really is molesting someone?

Well, that would sicken them,
like it sickens us.

Hmm. Nice piece.

Is it yours?

You don't think I'm
bringing stolen stuff in

with the local bobby's
wife in and out, do you?

Ten quid.

Oh I was thinking , at least.

, but I'm doing myself.


Now, would somebody tell
me what this is all about.

We'll just wait for Harry.

This isn't an official
lodge meeting?

Not official, no.

Just one item of business.

The resignation of Charlie Denby
from the Ashfordly Lodge.

Charlie's resigned?

No. But between us, we
decided that he should.

Oh, why was that?

Surely you must have heard
what's been going on, Doctor?

Above that shop of his.

I've heard certain
unsubstantiated rumours.

Which the police are
now investigating.

What do you mean,
they found some proof?

No. There's no smoke
without fire, is there?

I thought he was a
friend of yours, Reg.

You introduced him to the lodge.

A decision I've sadly come to regret,
considering what's happened, Doctor.

It's all very well for you
to take his side, Doctor.

You've not got a son
who could be in danger.

I'm not taking anybody's sides.

I simply don't believe in condemning a
man purely on the strength of rumours.

It's more than that.
He's been seen.

Doing what?

Enough for us to know that
no young boys are safe.

You have no proof.

Sorry you're taking
that attitude, Alex.

We hoped it would be unanimous.

Then I'm afraid you're
going to be disappointed.

And just for the record, has
anybody invited Charlie here

to give his side of the matter?

- Well, hardly.
- Why not?

Surely it's only good manners to
ask a man to his own hanging.

Or should I say lynching?

Hello, Harry.

Glad to see you're a bit calmer today.

Maybe we should talk.

I don't want to talk to you, Denby.

Look Harry. This is ridiculous.

The lodge officials met today.

We want you to resign.

You're joking.

You mean I don't even get
a chance to put me case?

Nobody wants to hear a
string of lies from you.

Forget it! I'm not going!

Look, this is your last chance
to make it easy on yourself.

Just resign. Don't come back.

- Is this your idea?
- You've brought this on yourself.

Come on Cottis. At least a man has the
right to know who's been slandering him.

You? Call yourself a man?!

Well, if you are, behave
like one, for once!

And save yourself
any more humiliation.

Hey, Reg.

Do they know about you?

Your posh friends?

Do they know what
a bastard you are.

Do you know all that?

Reg Pendleton's a right bastard.

You're behind it all,
aren't you, Pendleton?

Respectable Reg.

You're trying to ruin... oi!

You're trying to ruin me, Reg!

I know I'm going to make sure
that everybody knows all about it.

I think that's enough, Mr. Denby.


You're not going in there,
are you Mrs. Rowan?


You've heard about
that man, surely?

You're boycotting him.

It may be further, but there's a
much greater choice in Ashfordly.

Well, thanks for the advice.

I'd have thought that you
as a policeman's wife...

And I'd have thought you,
as a JP would know better

than to convict someone
without a fair trial.

Well, I'm surprised to see
you in here, Mrs. Rowan.

Do you think people
would have believed

these rumours if your
husband hadn't...?

That's not fair, Mr. Denby.

- Nick was only doing his...
- Only doing his job.

Excuse me a moment.

Hey you lot.
Don't forget the concert tonight.

What time shall we meet?

- I don't think I can go.
- Nor can I.

But it's Gerry and the Pacemakers.

You were dead keen.

- Yeah, well...
- My dad said I wasn't to.

But you know I wouldn't hurt you.

Don't you?

I'm sorry, Charlie.

You wanted serving, Mrs. Rowan.

A concert in York, you say?

Yeah, I stayed over.
I was too tired.

On your own, were you?


This Masonic regalia that was taken

would they get much for it?

No, it's worthless
to anybody but me.

Then why should anyone
want to steal it?

Why do people do any of
the things that they do?

It seems strange that
nothing else was taken.

Perhaps something was taken.

Something that you'd rather not
admit to having in the first place.

Something to do with the
lads that you have up here.

Your little friends.


They were looking for something.



I can assure you they wouldn't
find anything like that.

Why? Got it well hidden?

Why have these rumours started
about you, Mr. Denby?

You tell me.

Can you think of any reason why
anyone would want to break in here?

You are the ones with
the vivid imagination.

Look, if you'll excuse me,
I've got things to do.

If you do think of anything.

No, I'm not interested
any more, Constable.

This is the last straw.

I'm getting out of Aidensfield.
I'm selling up.

Perhaps that's giving them
what they want, Mr. Denby.

A man can only take so much.

I think I've had my share.

Would you...

...like a little something in
your tea, Mr. Greengrass?

If you insist.

We bought this with
the money you made.

Very nice.

Went well, that little bit
of business, didn't it?

Oh, very well. For all of us.

Uh, we wondering if you'd be
interested in helping us again?

Well, you mean, sell
some more of these stuff?

Oh, not that we're short of money,
you realize, Mr. Greengrass.

It's just that, well, this
house, it's so cluttered.

And auction rooms are
such forbidding places.

I'll do owt I can to help.
Any time you know.


There's just one problem.

The policeman. He
warned us about you.

He said you were a bad lot.

Oh, hang on. I mean I...

I didn't cheat you over
that figurine, did I?

I mean, I could've kept half
that money, but I didn't.

Oh, I agree. You dealt fairly.

And £ for that figurine
does seemed generous.

However, we must respect
the constable's advice.

Look, I tell you what.

Rather than me take your
things for my mate to sell

suppose I were to buy them
from you, like direct?

But could you?

I mean, I don't wish to seem rude,

but do you have savings of
any kind, Mr. Greengrass?

Well, I... I could borrow.

How much do you know about...

...valuable antiques?

Oh well, I've studied.

I mean, when I went to
worked for Lord Ashfordly,

you know, I went through
all the books in his library.

What d'you think, Frances?

Can we trust him?


Desmond! Turn that row down!

Mr. Pendleton?

PC Rowan, Aidensfield Police.

I'd like to speak to
your son, if I may.

Desmond? Why?

Can I talk to him, sir?

You'd better come in.

I'm sorry if I'm
interrupting something.

No, no, no, I was just uh...

writing a speech for the
Rotary Club dinner.

Yes, I'll get Desmond.


Come on, get out of it.
Come on.

Get out. Get out.

Charlie Denby, Dessie.
You know him?

He runs the village shop.
Of course he knows him.

- Do you go there?
- Of course he goes there.

I'm asking your son.

I've been there.

At night?


Dessie, a lot of your
friends go there.

They told me you'd been with them.

When? When did you go there?

Dad! Just with Tony and the others.

What do you do there?

We listen to records, that's all.

It's fab. He plays them dead loud.

Does anything happen there that...

...well, that maybe your
dad wouldn't like?

Tell me. It's important.

We have a drink.



Nothing else. Just cider.

Does anything else happen?

Does Mr. Denby ever...

...wrestle with you?

- You what?
- Well, does he touch you?

No, of course not.
What d'you think I am?

Mr. Denby's flat was
broken into last night.

Where were you last night?

He was here all night.

Look, my son wouldn't
do anything like that.

He only has to ask me for anything
he wants, so why should he steal?

- You seem very sure.
- I am sure, Constable. I know my son.

You didn't know he
spent time at Denby's.

I know he's not a thief.

The only thing taken from Mr. Denby's
flat was his Masonic regalia.

Why should that be?

I've no idea.

Without it, he can't attend
any lodge meetings.

Really? Anything else?

Not for the moment, sir.

But I would like to get all this sorted
out before Mr. Denby leaves Aidensfield.

Leaves Aidensfield?

That's right.
Good luck with the speech.

I'll see myself out.

Look, why can't we discuss this?

I've had enough!

You can't leave!

What d'you expect me to do?

You can't leave.

How can I go on living
in a place like this.

I'm sorry. I'll come back.

Oh, don't worry, Mrs. Rowan.

I'm not going to turn away
my only customer.

What can I do for you?

Could I have some candles
for a birthday cake?


Now then, Mr Cottis. Here you are.

That's one.

Have I discovered a
gold mine or what?

Fool's gold, more like.

I'll take the lot off
your hands for...

...twenty quid.

You're pulling my leg.

Well, let's put it this way.
Somebody has been.

How much did you pay for it all?

Over a hundred pounds.

Look, what about that plate?

That's a very old willow pattern.
It's Chinese.

Doesn't mean to
say it's valuable.

Alright then, what about this?
Look at that vase.

That come from a country house.

I don't care where it came from.

The place it belongs
is a rubbish tip!

What? You mean, it's a fake?

Oh no, it's genuine. Genuine tat.

You can buy them at five bob a
throw from a place in Scarborough.

Very popular they are.

And I'm an old bugger.

For some reason, Pendleton
is behind this campaign

to get Denby out of Aidensfield.

This is his writing.

Then why did I hear him tell
Denby he couldn't leave?

I don't know. But it was Pendleton who
put us on to him in the first place.

♪ Happy birthday to you
♪ Happy birthday to you

♪ Happy birthday, dear Nicholas

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Now, forget about work
and open your presents.


Hey what happened
to the new sofa?

Couldn't get enough wrapping
paper I suppose?

Couldn't get it delivered on time.

It's coming next week.

It's all right. I've got a plan!

According to Sandra Murray,
this is the gear.

So, this is what you were doing
in Cottis's antique shop.

- Do you like it?
- Yeah.


Hey! You've got to arrest them!

- Who?
- Who? Them two con artists.

They've just taken me
for every penny I've got.

Conned him Constable Rowan?

He says he paid you over £ for junk
that's been valued at less than .

I don't believe we ever said
it was valuable, did we, Rene?

Well, only sentimental value.

In fact, we were surprised he
was prepared to pay so much.

So you never suggested
to Mr. Greengrass that

these various items
were valuable antiques?

We wouldn't have sold them
if we thought they were.

Not to him,
not after your warning.

It was something our father
always impressed upon us.

Never dabble in antiques.

Not without taking
expert advice anyway.

I thought your father was a dealer.

Oh, he dealt exclusively
with reproductions.

Very good ones.

What do you want?

Can I come in?


I'm tired, Reg.

What is it?

Charlie, I've been thinking.

Won't do your reputation much
good being seen in here with me.

Can we stop?

Just for a minute?


Be careful.

Split up, lads!

A bunch of kids from
the look of them.

Of course.

The fickleness of youth.

Will this do?


May I ask what you're doing here,
Mr. Pendleton?

Nothing that can't wait.

See you tomorrow, Charlie.

I think this could do
with some stitching.

And you should
have a tetanus jab.

A hospital job?

We'll have to wait for that drink.

I'll nip Mr. Denby into
Ashfordly. Here.

No. It's all right, Mrs. Rowan.

It's no trouble.

No. I'm quite able to drive myself.
Thank you.

Are you sure?

Perfectly. Don't worry about me.

Go off and enjoy your
evening out together.


- Maniac!
- Hark at you!


♪ Oh, mother

♪ Tell your children

♪ Not to do what I have done

♪ Spend your life in sin and misery

♪ In the house of the rising sun ♪

He never stood a chance.

Make sure the car gets a
thorough going over, Rowan.

Any sign of it being tampered with,
I want to know right away.

Here, Sergeant!

Have a look at these.


I've just heard about the accident.

Oh, yes?

It was an accident?

I mean, there's no
question of him...

Taking his own life, Mr. Pendleton?

Now why should he want to do that?

Come in.

Did he leave a note?

I thought notes were more your line.

"Charlie Denby has an unhealthy
interest in young boys."

"Lock him up."

That was from you, wasn't it?

I had to do something.

About what?

All this stuff about molesting

you knew it was all
nonsense from the start.

Some sort of vendetta.


What about these letters?

Where did you find those?

In Denby's car.

Which is probably why you couldn't
find them when you burgled his flat.

It was you, wasn't it?

Did you read them?

Yes, some of them.

You and Denby had the same father.

So why take it out now
on your half-brother?

The man who I thought
of as my father...

was very well off.

But he didn't give me anything.

He made me achieve
everything on my own.

And then I found out why.

I wasn't his.

My mother had an affair...

...with the man who brought
the groceries round.

Old Denby?

That man ruined my mother's life.

He led her on, then deserted her.

And later on when I
became successful...

...old Denby wanted a bit of my
success for Charlie, his real son.

I didn't see why he
should have it easy.

So I made him promise that he'd pay.

You thought you were owed?

No, not for me.

For my mother.

And he went along with that?

Charlie's always been
a bit of an outsider.

I was told by Denby...

...that if I looked after him,

got him accepted,
got him into the Masons...

...I would get half the shop.

He also promised to give me
back my mother's letters to him.

So what went wrong?

There was no will.

Charlie didn't see why he
should give me anything.

Without the shop he was nothing.

So he kept it all.

And in return you
tried to ruin him?

I don't suppose you'd consider...

I mean, those letters
are very personal.

Well, I realise you were keen
to get the letters back,

but burglary's a crime.

This will come out in court.

You'll never prove it was me.

A court needs evidence.

I'll make a report.

Pass it on to my Sergeant.

He'll pass it on to
the Superintendent.

Of course...

...you know him.

This has just been handed in.

Charlie Denby's regalia.

Found dumped in the pub car park.

Pendleton getting
rid of the evidence.

Do you think I should tell him
what the postmortem said?

That it was a heart attack
that k*lled Charlie.

If he's got a guilty conscience,

let him sweat it out
until the inquest.

He was so ashamed of being
Charlie Denby's bastard brother

he hounded that man to his death.

It was a heart attack.

And all the stress Denby
was put under?

The hate campaign,
the lies, the robbery?

He k*lled him, Nick.

So much for brotherly love, eh?

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, why does a love
kiss stay in my memory? ♪
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