01x08 - Outsiders

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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01x08 - Outsiders

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, why does a love
kiss stay in my memory? ♪


- Hi.
- Hello, Anna.

Could you do me a favour?

I need my passport
application signed.

My father seems to do everyone
else's, but he can't do mine.

- I'd be glad to.
- You're going somewhere nice?

A week in France with a
girl I went to school with.

And her family.

Drop me stuff around at any time.

I'll do that, thanks. Bye.

- Come on, Peppermint. Come on.
- Bye.

She'll have the French
lads falling at her feet.

Lucky girl.
They're so romantic, foreigners.

Not like English men!

Hey, copper!

My mum said to give
you these eggs.

And she said to say thanks.

Thank you.

- See you.
- See you.


We've won them round.
I knew we would.

We should go and
see that, you know.

- What?
- The local beauty spot.

Oh, leave it to the tourists!

You know people come
from miles to see it.

It's on our doorstep.

Hark at the intrepid explorer!

What the hell are you
doing on my land?!

We just want to camp
for a couple of days.

We are not hurting anyone.

I'm not having thieving
gyppos on my land!

We're not thieves and
we're not Gypsies.

We're circus artists.

And we're not hurting your land.

Lucky you're in a caravan,
you Gypsies. Now, get!

I mean, you're not using this land.
No crops, no animals.

- Why should we get?
- Look, I told you. Move!

Take all your junk, all your
bag and baggage with you!

Watch it!

And watch where you point that g*n!

Now don't you backchat me!


You'll bloody regret you did that!

Leave it, Dad.


All right, we'll go.

Take him home before
he hurts himself.

It must be here somewhere.

Dad made a point
of giving it to me.

Oh, here it is. Look.

"The Moors On Foot"
by Arthur Samson.

It was published in .

You think it'll still be there?

It's a waterfall,
not an ice cream, Nick.

"The Fountain Falls."

"Well off the beaten track,

inaccessible to the horrible menace
of the motor car and share-a-van...

...Fountain Falls is one of Yorkshire's
loveliest and best kept secrets."


We should go at the weekend.
Take a picnic.

We could walk. It's only
ten miles over the moors.


Aidensfield Police.


Well, how many were there,
Mr. Hunter?


Gypsies, Constable.
Could mean trouble.


Well, it's not what THEY do.

It's how people react to them.

They bring out all
our worst prejudices.

I'll bear that in mind.

Down, boy!

What do you want?

There's been a complaint of as*ault,

involving a caravan not unlike this

and a young man not unlike you.

There was no as*ault.

A man threatened me,
so I took his g*n away.

You admit it, then?

It was self-defence.

And he insulted my mother.

What's your name?

Milos Lazlos.

Can I come in?

Maria Lazlos.

This is my second son, Jadran.

A farmer reported
that a caravan of Gypsies

trespassed on his land last night.

We are circus people, not Gypsies.

- We wanted somewhere to camp.
- Thank you.

But we left his land.
What is the problem?

Yeah alright. You didn't
camp on Mr. Hunter's land.

What are you doing here?

We can camp here.
It is common land.


That's my husband, Joseph.
He's not well. A cough.

It sounds worse than just a cough.

Does he need a doctor?
I could get one to call.

No. Thank you.

- You sure?
- We'll be okay.

I'll have to check what you
say about common land.

You check. I know this place
better than you think.


- Hello, love.
- Hello.

A family of circus people turned up

slap bang in the
middle of the village.

There's some bloke with
them coughing his guts up.

He don't sound too healthy.

Maybe you should
take a look at him.

- How bad is he?
- Oh, I don't know. I didn't see him.

They've got him hidden away like
he's contagious or something.

I'll call in on my rounds.

Shakin' All Over



I'm all right.

My dog startled him. I'm sorry.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself.

I'm fine. It's all right, honestly.

But the girth broke. Otherwise...

I know. I saw.

You're a good rider.

It's my job. I'm Milos Lazlos.

Milos. Anna Collingsworth.

- Can I buy you a drink?
- I've got to get back.

How about tonight?

All right.

So you don't forget.


Hello, I'm Dr. Rowan.

My husband mentioned
you had someone ill here.

- Your husband?
- The policeman.

Your husband is the policeman?

The doctor marries the policeman?



Yes well, hilarious as it
may seem, I am a doctor,

and if you'd like me to
take a quick look at him...

No. It is not possible.

There's nothing wrong.

Thank you for calling.
Good day.

She didn't even
let me in the door.

Well, perhaps she's
hiding something.

Sorry to break in, Nick.

It's just there's something the
lads would like to talk to you about.

- Oh, yeah?
- Go on, Jim.

These Gypsies.

Now, it's not that I've...

Look, it's not that we've got
anything against them personally...

...but we want you to move them.

Well, I can't, I'm afraid.

They haven't done anything.

Well, they're trespassing
for a start.

No, they're not trepassing.
I've checked.

That patch is common land.

Look, I've seen this before.

You let one of them in today

and tomorrow you've
got the whole circus.

Screaming kids and
dogs and rubbish

and those caravans, even
one of them's an eyesore.

And someone's sick in there.

I saw this bloke looking
out of the window.

White as a bloody ghost.

Look, I appreciate your concern.

But unless an offence is committed,

the police can't take any action.

Never stopped you before, has it?

Yeah, thank you, Claude.

I'm sorry, gents.

The vicar's daughter
seems to like Gypsies.

Mind you, I can't say I blame her.
He's absolutely gorgeous.

Ah, you're much too old for him.

Evening, all!
Pint please, George.

Hello, Anna.

We've met before.

Jamie... this is Milos.

Did your father get his g*n back?

Yeah. But it took
some cleaning, though.

You seem quite good at
trespassing, don't you?

What do you mean?

We're engaged.

Shall we go?

Get rid of them!

They've done nothing wrong, Sarge.

Then find something, lad.

Bald tyres, bad brakes,
bad breath, anything.

Just get rid of them!

I can't get rid of them if they
haven't committed any offence.

Oh don't worry. They're probably
commiting one right now.

♪ ZOMBIES: She's Not There

I wish you wouldn't listen
to this rubbish, Anna.

I wish you wipe that
muck off your lips.

Oh, Daddy, you're not
starting all that again.

It's only music!

But it's what it stands for,
where it leads to.

- Well that's stupid!
- Is it?

You weren't brought up to make
an exhibition of yourself

in the village pub flirting
with some damn layabout

behind your fiance's back!

You make me sound like a tart!

The way people are talking,

you were doing your best
to behave like one.

- All that happened...
- I don't want excuses.

I want you to remember
who you are, who I am.

How many times have
I had to listen to you

preaching tolerance
and understanding.

There's precious little
of it being shown.

If your mother were here now...

You always have to bring
Mummy up, don't you?

She'd listen to me.
She'd understand.

If I can't trust you
in your own village

how can I trust you
when you go to France?

At least there'll be none of your
precious parishioners there

to see me disgracing
the family name.

Hi, Anna!

You're with my fiancee again.

We're shopping.

I thought I made
it clear last night.

Maybe she feels like a change.

Stay away from her.

Maybe she doesn't
like you anymore.

Jamie, stop it.

I'm gonna kick your arse, gyppo.

Like before?

You better get your sock on.

Hey, what do you
think you're doing?

Look at all my stuff. Get out!

Oi! Hey come on, leave it!
That's enough!

Hey! Look at that!

You little devil! The dog!

Look at that bloody dog!

MILOS: I didn't start it.

Well, I'm not so sure of that.

Your presence certainly caused it.

Now it's just possible I can smooth
things over with the shopkeeper.

If and only if you pay for
half of what was damaged.

Otherwise, you'll end up in court.

All right, he agrees.

There's one more thing, Mrs. Lazlos.

I think you should allow my
wife to look at your husband.

And then you're
moving out of Aidensfield.

You wonder what words are
hovering on my lips, Rowan?

I told you so?

Do you propose to
do something then?

Or are they going to burn
Aidensfield round your ears first?

They are paying for all
this damage, Sergeant.

And the little matters of disturbing
the peace, theft, as*ault?

I don't think we
should press charges.


Uh... yes, Sarge?

Have I still got ears on
the side of my head?

An as*ault charge would
be difficult to prove.

Jamie Hunter provoked him.

They're moving out of Aidensfield.

You'd best be right.

Cause the sooner they're
gone the better.

Why don't you move along
in my direction, Nick.

This is my husband, Joseph Lazlos.

Are you having trouble breathing?

Are you coughing up anything?

Thee won't get far doing that, lass.

I know he is ill.

But he's seriously ill, Mrs. Lazlo.

I need to get him to
hospital immediately.


He has been in hospital.

In York, when the circus was there.

Hospital were the shit.
I took him out.

They were going to cut him up.

So you know what's wrong with him?

Cancer. Cancer of the lung.

They wanted to remove one lung.

But they said the other was gone, too.
What is the point?

Look, we can't do anything
for him here.

Please let me take him back in.

You can't do anything
for him anywhere.

He's dying.

A month. Not much more.

He's come home to die.



Aidensfield is home.



Come on, Alfred. Come on, my son.

A whole salmon.

Er... this isn't what it
looks like, you know.

I bet it is.

It's alright. I saw where you
hid your snares back there.

I wanted to meet you.
Your name's Greengrass isn't it?

Who... who are you, then?

There you go. One tent and
accessories, as requested.


She's a bit of all right.

Vicar's daughter, mate.
Join the queue!

So, Joe Whittle's come back?

Must be over years
since he upped and left.

Bewitched by a woman
with black eyes.

Follow the one you love, eh?

And now he's come home.

To die.

How long's he got?

York say a month on the outside.
If they could operate, then longer.

And you'd like him
back in hospital?

Of course! We can't
look after him here.

You knew him, Alex.

Could you talk to him, persuade
him it's in his best interests?

Well, I'll see what I can do, Kate.


Look at this!

If we get picnics, we're
gonna do this properly.

What's all this?

What do you think it is, Kate?

Now, we're going to get up
at first light, walk to the falls

and then camp under the stars.

- Hello, Doctor.
- Hello, Nick.

What's wrong?

The man in the caravan,
he's got cancer.

He discharged himself from York
General against doctor's orders

and he's come here to die.

- Why here?
- He's from Aidensfield.

His name's Whittle.
He's come home.

Kate wants me to persuade
him to go back to hospital.

I think I'd better come with you.

Where's Milos?

He's gone for a walk.

His father is dying. He knows.

He wants to explore this place,

then come and tell his
father all he's seen.

He is his eyes and ears now.

We'll try not to disturb
you again, Mrs. Lazlos.

Don't you think he should
go back into hospital?


What can he get there
he can't get here?

No one can force him into an
operation he doesn't want.

Would it really do him much good?

It'll keep him alive.

Yes, but for how long?
A few months, another year.

Is it worth all the
pain and indignity?

At least here he's with the people
he loves and who love him.

But we can't just stand
back and let him die.

Kate, listen to Mother
Nature talking.

She's saying it's
time for Joe to go.

Right now, she's talking to me,
saying it's bloody cold out here!

So, with your permission,
I'll uh... I'll say goodnight.

Good night.

Hang on.

Nick, been a theft
at Hunters' farm.

Blaketon's on warpath.

Anyway, said you'll know culprit.

So, come lad, get dressed.

I warned you, Constable.
Look what's happened!

But we don't know who did it, sir.

Was the tool box the
only thing taken, Jamie?

I think so.

- And where were it kept?
- In the boot.


Come in.

- Hello.
- Hello.

I'm sorry, Dr. Rowan.
Would you sign these forms again?

What happened to the
ones I signed before?

A bit of an accident.
My father ripped them up.


Well, he thinks he can stop me
going to France. But he can't.

Why would he want
to stop you going?

Because he's a
stupid, old man.

This business with
Jamie and Milos.

Well, he'll be worried about you,
I'm sure that's what it is.

Worried about me?

He thinks I'm a
disappointment to him.

A disgrace to my
mother's memory.

He just wants me married off
to Jamie and out of his hair.

He wants what's best for you.

And Jamie's a nice boy.

Oh, I know. A good catch!

You sound like you
don't think so.

I just wish people would get off my
back and let me lead my own life!

I said I was out walking.

- On your own?
- Yeah.

Did you go to the Hunters' farm?

I don't even know where that is.

You know exactly where it is.

Nick, I found this in the trunk.

Do you have plans to join
these gyppos Rowan?

Cause your police work is
becoming distinctly suspect

where they're concerned.

It's too easy though, Sarge.

The tool box left lying exactly
where we supposed to find it.

The facts point to this
lad sitting in here.

And I'm gonna get
the truth out of him!

Shall I come back
another time?

What are you looking for?

What. By heck!
You've not changed much.


You had hair!

Yeah, you've not changed
at all, have you!

Come on in.
Joe will be glad to see you.

Is he ... is he all right?

He'll be glad you came.

I still stick to the
old rule, you know.

Never be greedy, just take
enough to keep myself fed.

And from t'look of t'belly on thee,
that's more than enough!

Wherever we stop by,

Milos can find enough
food for the pot.

But he's not a thief, Claude.

I know. Police round here
can't see any further

than the end of their
noses though, can they.

They find the stuff here, they
just reckon it's gotta be him.

But it weren't. It weren't him.

Well, don't you worry,
cause they can't prove it.

No matter what they think.

I'll ask you again.

Where were you last night?

I've said walking.

- Where?
- About.

With anyone?

What time did you get
back to your caravan?

How did this tool box
come to be in your truck?


Have you got a grudge
against Jamie Hunter?


Because of Anna Collingsworth,
are you sure?


Does she know where
you were last night?

Bellamy, watch him.

Obstinate little sod!

Aye. Well, this feud over the girl
gives him the perfect motive.

Charge him, Rowan.

Larceny and malicious damage.

Sergeant, after we've charged him,
I think we should let him go home.


His father's dying of cancer.
He should be with him.

And the next thing you know,
they'll be up and off to Ireland.

I don't think so, Sarge.

All right, Rowan.
Release him on bail.

But make sure that caravan
stays exactly where it is.

Yes, Sarge.

First, they have to go.
Now, they have to stay!


Would you please
come home, Anna?

- Why?
- You know why!

What's that round your neck?

A handkerchief.
Milos gave it to me.

Milos Lazlos.
How do you do?

Stop pretending
he doesn't exist!

You are engaged
to be married!

- You're acting like a tramp!
- We were only talking.

Shut it! You should be in jail.

Come on, Anna.

Bye, Anna.

I enjoyed our walk.


Usual please, George.

There's a sick man in that
caravan, isn't there?

- Possibly.
- Not just sick. Dying.

Why isn't he in hospital then eh?

That's what we want to know.

What if he's got something
contagious then?

He hasn't. He's got cancer.

There's not the remotest chance
of anyone else being infected.

Yeah. Well, it's not right, is it,
someone coming here and dying.

Now then, lads.

They should have been
moved on when we said.

Bill's right.

They're diseased.

We don't want bloody
diseased gyppos dying here.

I'm not drinking with a bunch of
narrow-minded, beer-swilling bigots!

The only thing that stops me
slapping your pig-ugly face

is I wouldn't want to
dirty my hand with it!

Why don't you all go
back to the Middle Ages

and find a witch to burn!

You're putting summat in her drink.

Good afternoon.
My mother asked me to call.

His parents and his grandparents
were buried here in your church.

He would like to join them
when his time comes.

When is his time expected?

He hasn't got very long.

He's been an Anglican, has he,
all the time he's been away?

I don't know, he's not
followed any religion.

He just wants to come back.

Very well, though the churchyard
is small and space is limited

I see no reason why your father,
being from Aidensfield,

cannot be buried here.

I shall, of course, need
to meet your mother.

There will be final arrangements
to be made, and I shall...

How dare you! Get out!

Don't you or your thieving family
dare show your face here again!

People can be horrible when
they show their true colours.

They are afraid,
more than anything.

Of someone mucking
up their cosy little life?


Doesn't it bother you how easily
the village can turn against us?

Don't worry.

We're here to stay.


Over here, Constable.

So, how much has been stolen, sir?

They took the cash box
with the Easter offertory.

£ or so.

The key was in the cupboard.

I supposed anyone
could have found it.

- What do you want?
- You. Out of here!

No. We can't move.

Oh, yes, you can.

If you're not hitched up to
your trailer in ten minutes,

we're gonna tow you
away ourselves!

No! You stop that!
You get off!

Don't you dare lay a finger
on this woman's property!

Keep out of this, Mrs. Rowan.

If your husband won't help us,
we must sort things out ourselves.

There's a sick man in here!

If you attempt to move him...

He's dying.
He should be in hospital.

We want that brat who vandalised
the church! Come on, fellas.

Let's not mess about.

Get the chain on.

Hurry up. Come on, come on.

It's one of your own
people in there!

He's not one of us.
He's been gone years.

He's a bloody gyppo.

Get off home all of ye, you
bloody animals, get off home.

You stay out of this, George.

We're doing what's
right for the village.

Get off home Jim Clayton
before I clop you one.

If I had know you'd
take their side, George,

I'd never would have
drunk ale in your pub.

If I'd known you were such a prat,
I'd never would have served you!

- Stop! Stop it!
- Come on!


Do you recognise this?

Please come quick!
They're attacking my mother!

Stay there.

Don't trouble yourselves!

We're going.

I came back here...

...to see my birthplace
before I die.

I've seen enough!

I'm ashamed to
have been born here!

If I see any of you out
here in seconds

I'll have the lot of you for riot!

Now, go home. Now!

There he is!

Are you deaf?
I said, go home!

Oi, Milos! Come here.

Where were you between
ten and midnight last night?


Forgive the intrusion, Mrs. Lazlos.

But I'd like permission
to search your caravan.

Is this necessary, Sergeant?

A serious crime has been
committed, Dr. Rowan.

What crime?

A cash box has been
stolen from the church.

Search the place.

Tear it apart.

No son of mine ever
stole from a church!

Right, Rowan.

Is he really dying, Doctor?

How well do you know him?

We were like brothers, you know.

We used to have some
great laughs together.

What's Blaketon up to now?

Milos in more trouble?

He's in trouble, even by your
standards, Mr. Greengrass.

Where were you last night?

Isn't that good enough for you?

No. Do you recognise this?

Where did you get that?

- In church.
- Amongst the wreckage.

I'm gonna have to charge you.

But I gave that
handkerchief to Anna.

Yes. Milos gave it to me.

But you lost it?

Sort of.

- When?
- Yesterday.

At what time yesterday?

You think Milos stole
from the church?

When did you last have
this handkerchief?

He wouldn't do that.
He's not that sort of person.

I'm sorry, Anna. We have evidence
connecting Milos with the break-in.

What? That handkerchief
you keep waving around?

Your evidence must be wrong.

Milos was with me all night.

Anna, what are you saying?!

He was with me.
He slept with me all last night.

- You're prepared to swear to that?
- Of course.

Anna, what are you doing?!

I'm protecting an innocent man.

Constable, this just isn't true.

I've seen the fascination
she has for this young man.

I was frightened she might do
something she might later regret.


I was in my study all night.

No-one came into the house.
No one went out of it.

My daughter is lying.

How could you do that?

Spy on me? You make me sick!

I want to thank you for
what you did out there.

You and George Ward.

I never thought the
old sod had it in him.

If we got you were back into hospital,
you'd be much more comfortable.

And have them
chopping bits out of me?

Nay, lass.

I'm a goner.

And I'm going to die,
I might as well die in one piece.

You're in pain now, Joe.

It's going to get worse and harder
for Maria and the family.

We have discussed it,
and with the boys.

It's what we want.

We won't trouble you
for much longer.

We've seen Aidensfield again.

I know where my home is.

On the road and
under the wide sky.

And that's where I'll die...

...and you can throw
my ashes to the wind.

Mr. Greengrass, the
police have arrested Milos.

I know.

Well, don't you mind
what happens to him?

He was with you all last night!

You what?

I saw you call for
him in the village.

I know where you were going.

You don't know anything.

I know a lot.

Milos showed me where you
hide your snares and traps,

and your salmon
nets in the river.

He told me about the supplier
in York you sell to.

And what sort of money you make.

He shouldn't have told you all that.

Maybe. But he shouldn't
go to prison, either.

Well, it's no good me saying owt,
is it, we'll both finish up in prison.

So he was with you!

Yes, all right.

So tell the police where
Milos was last night.

Nah, it's this bloody handkerchief.

They're all standing in the street,

the vicar, Anna, Jamie and Milos.

Now, the vicar takes it off Anna,

throws it at Milos,
then they all walk away.

So, who picked it up

and who left it in the church?

Well, if it wasn't Milos...

It was someone trying
to frame Milos.

So, who wants him
out of the way?

Jamie, obviously.

Yeah. He's dead jealous.

What about the vicar?

He's a very possessive father.

You don't think a vicar
would burgle his own church?

At least he'd know where
to find the money.

Would Jamie really
muck up his own car?

No, the likeliest suspect
is still the one in the cells.



Mr. Greengrass has
something to tell you.

I don't believe you.

I tell you Milos was
with me both nights.

And that is the truth.

Greengrass, you are totally
unacquainted with the truth.

- You said you could prove it.
- I can.

I can, but I want immunity
from prosecution.

You're wasting my time, Greengrass.

Look Mr. Blaketon, he was with me
on Ashfordly's estate, both nights.

Take him there. He'll show you
every snare, every line we laid.

The lad's a natural.

It's just like seeing old
Joe Whittle running again.

You never cease to
amaze me, Greengrass.

You could've set those snares
any time in the last week.

You don't honestly
think I'd come in here

and confess to you to poaching
if it weren't the truth?

Much as it galls me, Greengrass,

you know I can't do you for poaching
unless we've had a complaint.

- And we haven't.
- Well, it's not my fault.

So this is a bloody waste of time.

Two thieves don't make an alibi.
So just get out!

Uh... uh... uh.

You don't think he'll go
down, do you, Mr. Rowan?

Well, Sergeant Blaketon thinks he's
got a pretty fair case against him.

He can't. Milos were with me.

I mean, surely you don't think I'd
come and confess to Blaketon

just for the hell of it, do you?

Now, for once, Claude,
I believe you.

But we've got evidence that
puts Milos in the church.


We found his handkerchief there.

Half the village can identify it.

Jamie Hunter picked that up off the road
after the vicar had taken it off Anna.

How do you know?

Well, I saw him. I were there.

Would you swear to this in court?

Would you?

Why didn't you tell me
this handkerchief

were all that important
in the first place?

Who's there?

What do you want?

I know who you are.

Come out and fight,
you gypsy bastard!

You've got the wrong man, Jamie.

Why did you break into the church?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

You're not acting
very innocent, Jamie.

I know nothing about the church.

Now, if you'd left it at
planting the tool box,

you might have
got away with it.

But how do you explain this?

I showed him to your room.

Why did you do it, Jamie?

For a girl!

♪ ZOMBIES: She's Not There

Let's go.

I didn't see Anna
staying in Aidensfield.

Joe Whittle will be glad
to be out of it, too.

I still think he should
be in hospital.

That's not what he wanted.

Just think of him as
the one that got away.

Cor! Are you moving us out?

Feels like you've packed
half the house!

Are we nearly there?

We've only done a couple of miles.

It feels like .

Well, you're the one who
wanted to see the waterfalls.

Is there a pub around here?

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