02x01 - Secrets

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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02x01 - Secrets

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, why does a love
kiss stay in my memory? ♪

♪ I'm the urban spaceman,
baby, I've got speed

♪ I've got everything I need

Is this it?

We were lucky to
get the last room.

♪ I don't need pleasure,
I don't feel pain ♪

Nice view.

This is the one.

Come here.

Oh, Nick.

It's quite nice.


If you think I'm spending
my anniversary night here,

you've another thing coming.



"I'll make all the arrangements,"
you said.

"We'll rekindle the
flame of passion."

I've never said "rekindle
the flame of passion"

in my entire life.

True. I've grown to
accept the fact that

you're not the world's
most romantic man.

Which is probably why you
made such a botch of it.

It's not my fault
everywhere was full.

It's your fault. You didn't
book till the last minute.

Look, we'll go away
for a whole weekend

as soon as I can
swing it with Blaketon.

Make it a second honeymoon.

- Huh!
- Huh!

♪ The best things in life are free

♪ But you can keep 'em
for the birds and bees

♪ Now give me money
♪ That's what I want

♪ That's what I want
♪ That's what I want

♪ That's what I want, yeah
♪ That's what I want

♪ That's what I want
♪ That's what I want

♪ Your lovin' gives me a thrill

♪ But your lovin' don't pay my bills

♪ Now give me money
♪ That's what I want

♪ That's what I want
♪ That's what I want

♪ That's what I want, oh, yeah
♪ That's what I want

♪ That's what I want
♪ That's what I want

- All right, I'm sorry.
- That's fine.


Aidensfield Police.

There's a what?

On Elsenby Moor?

No, no, of course I'm not doubting
your word, Miss Eckersley.

I'll be right there.



A flasher. Back to work.

A flasher!

Hey, you! Stop.

What game do you
think you're playing?

No game, constable.
Wish to God it was.

I've just been held
up wi' a shotgun.

It's obviously not a random job.

This joker knew Mr. Duffy's routine.

- I need that.
- Cheers, Phil.

It's okay.

It's no joke, mister.

Apart from my takings,
he's got all my stock.

Not to mention my flaming van.
Is my livelihood, is that van.

We're well aware it's
no joke, Mr. Duffy.

It's armed robbery
we're dealing with here.

Right, you've got full details of the
vehicle and the cargo, Constable?

Yeah, everything from shoes and
boots to Granny's fluffy slippers.

High fashion shoes,
if you don't mind.

Best genuine imitation patent
leather in the business.

And they go mad over my mock-croc.

I've had t'same patch at Ashfordly
Market now for the last years.

They all know Duffy's
boots and shoes.

As you say, Mr. Duffy.

Pity you couldn't be a bit more
specific about the hijacker!

Who would have thought of
asking for his name and address.

No, what I think Sergeant Blaketon
means, is is there anything else...

I don't need a translator, Rowan.

I believe I speak
perfectly good English.

All I know is what I've told you.

Height, build, medium-ish.

- Ish?
- Medium-ish. You know, a bit like him.

I couldn't see his hair and his face
for his blooming Balaclava, could I?

And you think he was a Scot?

Well, he sounded like that,
what little he said.

The Highlands or the Lowlands?

♪ Wild thing

♪ You make my heart sing ♪

Can we tempt you
to a drive, girls?

You couldn't tempt us
to a chip butty, Rupert.

You see how much respect the
peasants has for the landed gentry.

I wish we had peasants
like this in Chelsea.

Uh, less of the "peasants".
So what are you called?

Er, Tim. You?

Rose. Are you staying at the Hall?

Oh yeah, but only for a few days.

You better make the most
of me while you can, Rose.

Come on, then. Just for a bit.

- A bit of what?
- Fun and play.

How about you, Julie?

Hey, our Julie!
You stay right where you are.

We're only going for
a ride, Mr. Neagle.

You can please yourself, girl.

My lass isn't making a public show of
herself with young Lord High and Mighty.

I say, that's a bit strong, gent.

I was talking to my daughter.

I'd best go.

You have no right showing us up.

I've every right.

Give over, you're rude.

We've known each other
since we were little.

Aye, but you're a
grown lass now.

And I know how lads
that age behave.

Especially his sort.

They reckon village girls are there

specially for the pleasure
of the likes of them.

That's his head there.

But where's his body, then?

This is his body.

So there, Smartie. That's his body.

What shall we do with this one?

Hello, Ada.
What are you doing here?

I saw 'em all coming in.

And then they said there
were tea and biscuits.

I wondered what were going on.

It's my new "mother
and baby" group.

It's naught to do with
doctoring, then?

Well, not as such, no.

Why, is there something
specially bothering you?

Well, it's just my usual
aches and pains, love.

It's a rightful bugger,
getting old.

I'm sure it is.

Look, why don't you
have a cup of tea,

and when you've finished it,
you go home and

I'll pop in and see you tomorrow.

Oh. I don't want to be a trouble.

It's no trouble at all.

- Bless you.
- You're welcome.

She's a grand lass, this one.

Could we have a chat, Dr. Rowan?

It's a bit noisy in here.

Why don't you come across to the
surgery with me when we're finished.

- Okay. Thanks.
- Alright.

Hello everyone.
Can we have a bit of hush?

I'm delighted to see how many
of you can make it today.

That's really wonderful.


I hear the anniversary
was a bit of a fiasco.

Is there a divorce looming?

No. Did you get that list of
missing shotguns for me, Phil?


March , June , August .
There's the serial numbers.

Oh, you can forget the March one.
It was Barney Clark.

He's always screaming his head off
about having something pinched.

What about the others?

Oh June is Mrs. Wilson
from Holly Cottage.

August , Ashfordly Hall.

Ma Wilson's place
is like a junkyard.

I reckon that g*n's
under all that clutter.

Ask her to have another look.

Yeah. What about the Hall?

Well, his Lordship
had been sh**ting.

Apparently left his g*n in
t'g*n room to be cleaned.

Then he went walkabout.

A bit careless.

Young Rupert had had a couple of his
Hooray Henry pals over for the weekend.

And I reckon one of them
could have half-inched it.

What for?

Their idea of a "wizard
prank, old bean, ha ha".

Some prank.

It's chickenpox, Ellen.

I didn't realize, Doctor.
I should never have brought them.

Not to worry.

Have none of the
older kids had it?

Only mumps and measles.

Oh, Billy had whooping cough once.

Right. Well, take
them straight home.

Marilyn's not too bad now.

But if she gets worse,
you'll need to keep her in bed.

You'll have to get
some calamine lotion.

And if the baby comes down with it,

put him in some cotton mittens
to stop him scratching himself.

- Okay.
- There we are.

- Thank you, Doctor.
- You're welcome.

- Bye bye, Marilyn.
- Bye.


Is the guv'nor about?

Aye, he's inside.

Oh, nice motor.

How the other half lives.

- You from Newcastle?
- Close. Gateshead.

How long you been round 'ere?

Long enough. Foreigners both?

You may feel it sometimes.
Worked here long?

Oh, about three months.

Before that I was at
the Royal in York.

- Oh, posh.
- It's okay.

Till I did my back in.

They don't have much
use for a hall porter

who couldn't help
with the suitcase.

Ready, Pearce?

I understand you reported
a shotgun missing about...

I believe I did.

Do you have any news
on that score, Pearce?

Not as far as I know,
Your Lordship.

That's not the best treatment
for your tyres, sir.

Don't tell me somebody
nicked cook's custard tarts?

The Krays would be in
their element around here.

I'm enquiring after
a missing shotgun.

Oh that? Found it last
week in the stables.

What in God's name
was it doing there?

Not the foggiest, father.

It was while you're in London.
I forgot to mention it.

And where is it now?

Funnily enough, in the g*n room.

Do you mind if I
take a look at it, sir?

Not at all.

If you find any fingerprints
on it, old sport,

they are bound to be mine.

Oh, we're back in bed.

Can you imagine taking a child
with chickenpox into a playgroup!

You weren't in the w*r.
What did t'doctor say?

Cover her with calamine lotion,
keep her in bed, keep her cool

and the rest of the
kids might get it.

And how are you?

- About time.
- Sorry.

Your mum says you've
been out all day.

I hope you haven't been sneaking
out with young Ashfordly in his *?

I said I wouldn't.
I don't tell lies.

Aye, I know lass.

Can't say, but you should be studying
your books, not gallivanting around.

You'll not get to that university
unless you keep your nose in the grind.

Ah Billy got spots all over him.
Show him, Billy.

I don't want to.

What is it, Mam?

Doctor Rowan said they would.


Well, it wasn't the
one at Ashfordly Hall.

That turned up a week ago.

Why weren't it entered?

Because they didn't
bother to report it, Sarge.

Live on a planet of
their own, that lot.

Any news on the van?

Not yet.

We've circulated details.

We have an armed robber on our
patch and I want him found.

I know, sarge.
Can I have a word, please?

Right, in the office.

Well, go on.

Could the Honourable Rupert have
anything to do with all this?

Are you off your head, Rowan?

He's Lord Ashfordly's son.

Anyway, that don't make sense.
The family's loaded.

I know it doesn't make sense.

But he was certainly around
at the relevant time.

He knows the area like
the back of his hand

and he had access to the g*n.

He made a point of telling me
that his prints were all over it.

Cocky little bastard.

Anything else?

Not yet.

Well, whatever you do,
Rowan, do it discreetly.

Right, sarge.

We don't want to go upsetting
the landed gentry now, do we?

Come aye, come here.
Aye, come on, Alfred, come on.

Come on. Let's get some tea.
Come on. Come on.

Alfred. Alfred, come here.
Where the hell are ya?


What have you got?
Eh, come here!

Come here, Alfred!
Come here.


Alfred, come here!

Am I disturbing you, Dr. Rowan?

Hello, Julie. Of course not.

Has Marilyn got worse?

Oh, no, no.

This chickenpox...

...is it dangerous?

Your mum's says
you've not had it?


Well, it is very contagious but
mostly among young children.

It can be worse if you're an adult but
it's unpleasant rather than dangerous.

What is it, Julie?

What about for women
who havin' babies?

Oh, it's German measles that can
cause complications in pregnancy.

Your mum's not pregnant
again, is she?

Oh, no, no, no. It's just that...

It was silly of me. I'm sorry to
have bothered you, Dr. Rowan.


Julie, is there something
you want to tell me?

Are you sure?

Oh, yeah. I've seen mum's
symptoms often enough.

Have you told your parents?

God, no. My dad'd k*ll me.

I doubt that.
He's really proud of you.

That's just it.

He's dead set on me going to university
and making summat of myself.

It'll break his heart.

It's not impossible to have an
education and a baby, you know?

Lots of women do.

Not in Aidensfield, they don't.

And what about the
young man involved?

Will he stand by you?

I'm not a slag, Dr. Rowan.

We love each other.

I'm sorry, Julie.
I just want to help you.

What does he have to say
about the idea of a baby?

He's very pleased.

Is he a local boy?

I can't tell you his name.

Well, that's up to you.

But it'd just be between us.

It's not that.

I promised, Dr. Rowan.




...if he's not prepared
to go public and...

...and you've no immediate
plans to get married...

...well, all you can do
is tell your parents.

I know it won't be easy.

But they're going to find out
anyway and, believe me,

you'll need their support.

- Oh hello.
- Hello.

What's up with Julie?

Girl's problems.


Girl's problems.

Old Hippocrates
will be proud of you.

What a discreet
little doctor you are.


So what have you done now?

What do you mean, now?

You know I told you I'm starting
this mother and baby group.


I did.

You don't listen.

It's a chance for
them to get together.

Sometimes, all they need is
a more experienced mum

to tell them their baby
will grow out [indistinct].

Poo's are normally yellow
and runny to start with.

You're trying to
spoil my appetite?

I thought it was a
good idea at that time.

I thought the boarding
house was a good idea.

I had my first meeting today and
one of the kids had chickenpox.

So what?

So I've probably caused an epidemic.

Chickenpox is no big deal.

It is when you're the only
doctor in the neighbourhood

and every kids got it.

Mum, Marilyn wants another biscuit,
the rest are asleep.

I'll be back soon.

Where're you going?

- Out.
- Not again?

Oh Jack, leave the girl alone.

She can't have her nose
stuck in a book all the time.

Off to Rose's, love?

Yeah. I might do.

Make sure you're not
home late, do you hear?

♪ But if you wanna
I'll try to love again

♪ Baby, I'll try to love again,
but I know

Sorry I'm late.

♪ The first cut is the deepest

♪ Baby I know

- What is this?
- Chateau Gijnon. Not bad, old boy.

Ah, what the hell?
He won't miss a bottle or two.

- Papa gone to Durham, Pearce?
- Caught the early train.

Good show.

Papa cat's away, eh?

I don't think that's a very
good idea, Master Rupert.

On the contrary,
I think it's a splendid idea.

Won't he mind?

Who's to tell him?
Danny boy here won't split, would you?

None of my business.

Sensible chap.

Right, what are we waiting for?

Once more unto the tottie,
dear friend.

No, Mr. Duffy, not so far.

Yes, Mr. Duffy. I do realize that

without the van you
can't earn your living.

But my officers are
doing their utmost.

I assure you.

Yes, Mr. Duffy, as soon
as I hear anything.

Are you, Rowan?

Am I what, sarge?

Doing your utmost.

As far as I can.

Well, that's not the way I see it.

As I see it,
all you've done so far...

...is come up with some cockamamie
theory about young Ashfordly.

With not a scrap of
evidence to back it up.

Now where you come from you
may call that doing your utmost,

but I don't.

No, sarge.

Even you shouldn't find it too hard

to stumble over four gross
of assorted boots and shoes.

No, sarge.

Well don't just stand there
agreeing with me, lad!

Get out there.

Hello, Claude.

New boots?

Is the old w*r wound
playing you up?

No, it's a corn.

You know, right beggars,
aren't they, corns?

Well, you shouldn't be wearing
your new boots then, should you?

They are new, aren't they?

Well, middling.

Where did you get 'em?

I bought 'em,
same as everybody else.

Where from?

Ashfordly Market.

- When?
- Well uh, er...

...it's a good bit back.

Would you mind if I take
a closer look at them?

- What for?
- Take 'em off.

What, now?

I'm only asking you to take your boots
off, Claude, not your flaming pants.

I'm glad about that. You know
I've heard about you coppers.

You're getting worse
than Blaketon, you are.

Here, you'll have to hold my dog.

Here, you're a police
dog now, Alfred.

I don't know what you
want to see these for.


Do you ever wash your feet?

Now and again.

I don't see my personal hygiene
got a lot to do with you?

Whereabouts on Ashfordly Market?

Duffy's Boots and Shoes.

You want to go and see him.
He gives good value, does Duffy.

And a free set of corns
with every pair.

I don't suppose
you've got a receipt?

Come off it.

And I saw Greengrass wearing
a brand-new pair of boots

the same make and style number
of some of them that were nicked.

What're you waiting for?
A signed confession?

Go out there and get 'im.

Armed robbery is not his style.

What about the boots?

Well, he said he bought them from
Ashfordly Market from Duffy's stall.

I checked with Duffy.

He said he's been flogging
the same line for over a year.

Greengrass could well
be telling the truth.

The day Greengrass tells the truth

I'm a bleeding bluebell girl.

Yes sarge.


It's always worse first
thing in t'morning.

Till I'm up and about.

Pains me something chronic.

You have to keep mobile.

Just potter about the house.

There's no need for you to struggle
all the way to the surgery.

Some doctors thought
I like bothering 'em.

They think I'm making a farce.

Well, I don't, Ada.

Told you, I'll call in any time.

Look. Look over there on t'sideboard.
We got something for you.

In the brown paper bag?


There's really no need.

Oh, I want you to have it, love.

I'm right glad you
came to Aidensfield.

Just looking at your funny
face is a tonic in itself.

Bloody lighter doesn't work.

What are we drinking to this time?

Here is to...



♪ I hope I die before I get old

♪ Talking about my generation,
this is my generation



Rosie. Come on over.

Hello, darling.

♪ Don't try and dig what we all say,
talking about my generation

♪ I'm not trying to cause
a big sensation ♪

And what do you
think you're playing at?

- I beg your pardon?
- Turn the engine off.

Did you realize it's
an offence to drive

if you're incapable of being
in charge of your vehicle.

Ah, but see, I'm perfectly
capable, constable.

I think that's for us to decide.

I'll have to ask you to accompany
me to Ashfordly Police Station.

Your keys, please.

- Sod off.
- Come on.


Dr. Rowan.

Hello, Mrs. Lane.


Mm, it might be.
There's a lot of it about.

Right, I'll pop round shortly.


Can I have your name, please?

Roopy Bloody Roo.

Get your father down here and sort
these people out, for God's sake.

What's going on?

I've arrested this man

who I saw driving vehicle
registration no. SOP ...

I'm Sherlock Holmes, no less.

Would you mind?

When he got out of the car,

I saw that his eyes were glazed,
his speech was slurred

and he was unsteady on his feet.

Can't you lock these two up,
till they cool off.

Do you know who I am?

- Do you know who he is?
- Do what he says.

Arrogant little sods.

Right, let's get the doctor in.

She'll confirm that
they're both intoxicated.

I take it your wife is acquainted
with the procedure, Rowan?

Yeah, of course.

No reply.

Where is she, Rowan?

You've got them all
over you, haven't you?

Right, shall we do
your tummy quickly?

There you go.

- Has Stephanie had them?
- Not yet, no.

Oh, dear.

♪ So tired, tired of waiting

- She's not answering?
- Don't say a word.

It's lovely weather we're having.

♪ I was a lonely soul

♪ I had nobody till I met you

♪ But you keep me waiting
all of the time

♪ What can I do?

♪ It's your life,
and you can do what you want

♪ Do what you like

♪ But please don't keep me waiting

♪ Please don't keep me waiting

♪ Cos I'm so tired, tired of
waiting, tired of waiting for you

- Aidensfield Police.
- "Kate."

Hello, love.

We need a doctor
down at the station.

Okay. Alright, I'll be
there as soon as I can.


Now stand still with your
arms held out straight.

What's ninety-four
minus seventy-three?

- Tim?
- (Twenty-two.)


No. No, no, hang on.


Dr. Rowan.

"The Leith Police dismisseth us."


"The Leith Police dismisseth us."

- Get him to say that.
- Really, Sergeant.

Dr. Ferrenby always does.

Very well.

Rupert, can you repeat
"The Leith Police dismisseth us"?

For you, Dr. Rowan, anything.

"The Leith Police dismisseth us."

I say! Bravo, Rupert.

Well, he's passed the test.

Well I disagree. He was blind
drunk when he was brought in.

Yeah, and abusive.

Abusive? Moi? I wouldn't say
boo to the proverbial gander.

Would I, Tim?

All right, put a sock in it.

Is that it?

I do know the procedure.

Like I said, he seems
competent enough to me.

We'll have to give him
the benefit of the doubt.

Super. Can we go?

- Doctor's word is final.
- I know that, Constable.

Right, no charges.

Let 'em go.

You are an angel, doctor.

You do realise this
wouldn't have happened

if we'd been able to
track you down sooner.

I have sick children all over
the district, sergeant.

So if there's nothing else,
gentlemen, I'll be off.

That lad was pissed
out of his skull!

- I'll have one of those.
- YOU can make your own.

Sorry I asked.

I'm not talking about
the bloody sandwich.

I'm talking about you siding
with Blaketon against me.

I didn't like to see you
making a fool of yourself.

Are you really questioning
my professional judgement

or are you just piqued because
you didn't make an arrest?

By right, I should have done.

That's it, isn't it?

You resent the fact I
have some authority.

Oh, you're talking rubbish, Kate.

I respect your job,
why can't you respect mine?

I do.

Well, it didn't seem like it today.

What's this?

I refuse to reply on the grounds
that it might incriminate me.


You're the policeman,
you work it out.

Where did you get 'em from?

A bribe from Rupert
Ashfordly, of course.

Oh, and the diamond
earrings come next week.

Please, this could be important.

Ada Clough.

A present from a grateful patient.

Some people apparently
think I can do my job.

Only some.

I didn't mean no
offence, Mr. Rowan.

It were just a little thank you like.

She's been ever so good to me.

It isn't everybody 'as time to sit and
listen to an old lady aches and pains.

You've done nothing wrong, Ada.

It was a very kind thought.
My wife appreciates it.

I just like to know where
you got them from.

Claude Greengrass give me 'em.


Oh, he often fetches me
bits when he's passing.

A few eggs, a bit of fruit
and even a chicken sometimes.

But they were a bit fancy for me and
they wouldn't fit over my bunions.

And it were a shame
for 'em to go to waste.

Ada... you're a doll.

Claude, will you just sit still?

Sit still? First time I've been
on the back of one of these.

Stop wobbling.

It's alright.

First time I've been
this near to a copper.

How much do you weigh?

Eh? More then enough,
I should think.

Isn't this Lord Ashfordly land?

Ah, we're just off the edge.

Yeah, it's still private property.


Supposed to be there unless
somebody's nick it.

Take it easy.

How long have you been
driving this damn thing?

How did you find
this place, Claude?

I keep telling you, it weren't me
that found it, it were Alfred.

Oh, it didn't occur to
you to report it to us?

Oh yeah, I'm gonna
do that, ain't I?

And who gets blamed
for nicking it? Muggins.

Imagine what Blaketon
would make of all that.

So you knew they
were nicked, then?

Well, not exactly.

I mean, they didn't
have labels on saying

"These goods were stolen
property", did they?

So where's the rest
of the stuff now?

I don't know, I keep telling you.

By the time I got here,
it were just that pair of poxy boots

that nearly crippled me
and them slippers I gave to Ada.

Oh, and these, look.

This pair of odd 'uns,
they are no good to nobody.

What's that?

It might be evidence.

Yeah well, not against me, it's not.

Look look, if you don't
believe me, here's my key.

Look, you can go and
search my cottage.

- All right.
- I'll come wi' you.

Here, do you want these?

Well, he's definitely
a local villain then.

One that knew about the barn.

Knocks your Rupert Ashfordly
theory on the head, Rowan.

Even he wouldn't be stupid enough
to stash it on his own dad's land.

Ah, he might be counting on us
thinking exactly the same thing.

Well, if he was, then he was very
cool when you brought him in.

Certainly no sign of nerves
the way he got round your wife.

Well, I'm sure any doctor
would have come

to the same conclusion
that Kate did.

You might be. I'm not.

Scene of Crime office
has just been on.

Found out the only dabs found on
that van apart from Joe Duffy's

were Greengrass's.

And you still say he
weren't implicated?

I'll bet the next
leave on it, sarge.

He admits to touching the
doors when he took them boots.

Besides, Duffy said the
hijacker was medium build.

Oh, by no stretch of
the imagination can

Claude be described
as medium anything.

Well, he might be working
with an accomplice.

Well, it's possible.
But I doubt it.

So what have we got?

An empty van.

Two odd shoes.

And a cigarette butt.

We need a bloody sight more
than that to go on, I'll tell you.

Unless you're waiting
till he nicks a ten-tonner?

Who is he?!

Just tell me the little bastard's name
and by Christ, I'll swing for him.

Don't Jack. What's
good it's gonna do?

Leave me alone.

I know I should
have kept this quiet.

I said tell me his name.
Do you hear me, girl?

And I said I can't.

It's that bloody young Ashfordly!

Come in and sit down.

Please will you talk
to Dad, Dr. Rowan?

Tell him he don't need
to worry about me.

The person to do that
is your young man.

He will. But he's got to get
some things sorted out first.

That's as may be.

Look, all this secrecy
isn't helping anyone.

If I tell you his name,

will you swear you won't say?


Ashfordly Police.

Yes, Your Lordship. On my way.

Good evening, madam.

Man just turn up and went berserk

came banging on the door
making absurd accusations.

I swear to you father,
I never even touched her.

Do come in.
Lovely to see you again.

Be with you in just a moment.

I must say, it doesn't
sound like Jack Neagle.

Was he drunk?

Oh Pearce would
know more about that.

He's the one who pulled him off.

Pearce, put the Constable
in the picture.

Just sort the fellow out.
Make sure it never happens again.

I'm telling you, it wasn't me.

Yeah, yeah.

So what happened?

Oh, Neagle came around, shouting Sonny
Jim had got his daughter pregnant.

Had he been drinking?

Might have had a jar or two.

They had a bit of a punch-up.
Nothing major.

The way he's been going on you'd think
Neagle had broken his bloody neck. You?

No, thanks, mate.

Right, then.

The fun's over.
I'll get back to work.


I doubt they'll ask me in to
join them over a glass of port.

Night, then.

You know, young Ashfordly is getting
to be a real pain in the ass.

Whatever bother's going on around
here lately, he's at the centre of it.

Not this time, Nick.

Rupert's not lying.

He isn't the father.

How do you know?

Julie told me who it is.

Well then you better speak
up or there'll be trouble.

You know I can't do that.

Kate, this time it
was only a black eye.

Next time he might
not be so lucky.

It's my job to keep the
peace around here.

Now tell me who it is.

Julie trusts me.

I won't break medical
confidentiality, not even for you.

Now what time do
you want to get up?

Hello, George.

I'll be with you in a
minute, Mr. Rowan.

You alright, lads?

Can I have a word, please?

Sharmans' Shoes of Leeds.

Buy t'same every July sale
I've gone to the last ten years.

Claude been mouthing off, has he?

Silly old bugger.
No wonder he's limping.

Them boots he found
were two sizes too small.

Yeah, well you know what he's like.

He never looks a gift horse
in the mouth, does he?

George, do you sell
cigarette papers?

No, I sell cigarettes.

Speak to Alice Wickes
in the village shop.

She sell papers.

Yeah, I already have.

Right, thanks, George.

Just run it by me again.

Well, Lord Ashfordly
only smokes cigars.

Jack Neagle gave up three years ago
after a bad attack of bronchitis.

And young Rupert
only smokes Gauloise.

Aye, bloody poseur.

Now, the shop and the pub both
corroborate that our man rolls his own.

- Same as this?
- Yeah.

Right, you'd best get onto
that posh hotel in York. Fast.

Yes, it does sound like
chickenpox, Mrs. Carter.

Yes, there's a lot of it about.

Guess what?

The hotel manager's never
even heard of a Danny Pearce.

Right, then, let's go.

Good evening, sir.
I'm sorry to trouble you,

but I believe you have a Mr.
Danny Pearce working here?

Yes, he's my chauffeur.

Well uh, could we have
a word with him, please?

I think he's not here at the moment.
He's down at the pub.

Well uh, do you think we
could search his room?

Yeah, I'm sure you have your reasons.
Come in.

♪ I would have given
you all of my heart

♪ But there's someone
who's torn it apart

♪ And he's taken almost
all that I've got

- Hiya.
- What are you doing here?

I need to talk to you, Danny.


Up there, at the top.

All right. Thank you, sir.
We can handle it from here.

♪ The first cut is the deepest

♪ Cos when it comes to
being lucky, he's first

♪ When it comes to loving
me, he's worse

You've not told anybody
about us, have you?

Of course not, Danny.
I promised I wouldn't.

Good girl.

I... I just want to know that you
meant what you said about...

...about us getting married.

Well of course I did.

You don't think I'd ever
leave you, do you?

You and our little nipper in
there mean more to me

than anything in
the whole world.

Looks like he's done
a runner, sarge.

♪ And if you want,
I'll try to love again

♪ Baby, I'll try to love again,
but I know

I love you, Danny.

I love you too, sweetheart.

Look, I've gotta go now, right.

I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

♪ The first cut is the deepest

♪ But when it comes to
being lucky, he's first

I'll see you tomorrow, right?


Nice colour.

We've got the little rat.

♪ Oh, you've gotta know,
the first cut is the deepest!

♪ Yes, it is!

♪ Cos when it comes to being lucky,
he's cursed

♪ When it comes to being lucky,
he's cursed

♪ But when it comes to loving me,
he's worse ♪

Well done, Rowan.
That's very impressive.

Now, pick him up and
I'll inform His Lordship.

You're gonna come quietly?

"Dancing about on the floor. Hitting
and stuffing at Mr. Change-about."

Oh, thank you, lovie.
How are they?

- Okay.
- Are you?

He must almost be feeling better.
He's had three jam tarts.

Have you? Well, I just hope
you're not sick again, young Billy.

And how are you?

- Okay.
- Are you? Good.

They caught the man
that stole Duffy's van.

Turns out it was that young
man who works at the Hall.

Do you know, I always thought he was
very quiet from what I've seen of him.

Julie. Julie!


If Danny did it, it were
only for us, Mr. Rowan.

For me and t'baby.

So's we could get away from 'ere.

That's not the way it was, Julie.

In the first place,
his name's not Danny.

It's Mick. Mick Lewis.

And he's not a Geordie.
He's from London.

He's got quite a reputation there
because he's so good at accents.

That's not a crime, is it?

No. But he's got a record
as long as your arm.

I don't care about the past.

He just needs a
chance, that's all.

I know Danny.
He's a good person inside.

- I'll stand by 'im.
- There's more, Julie.

Have you seen that tattoo
on his arm? "S-M-L"?

It's just an old girlfriend's initials.
He's had it done years ago.

It's his wife, Julie.

Susan Margaret Lewis.

The mother of his two children.

That's where all the money went.

I don't believe you.

You're lying.


Julie, love.

I'm so sorry.

It'll be tough on her.

But she'll come through it.

Her mum and dad are going to bring
the baby up as one of their own.

And Julie can go on to university
if she still wants to. She's .

Yeah, what a bastard, eh?

I know how Jack felt.

That's life, I'm afraid.

There'll always be some smooth talking
bloke around to break a girl's heart.

It's lucky you found me then.

Nick, where did you find it?
How did you find it?

I've been coming here for years.

♪ There's no-one to hear me,
there's nothing to say

♪ And no-one can stop me
from feeling this way

♪ Lazy Sunday afternoon,

♪ I've got no mind to worry

♪ Close my eyes and drift away



Oh, Nick.

You've got chickenpox.

You got any calamine?
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