02x05 - Over The Hill

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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02x05 - Over The Hill

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, why does a love
kiss stay in my memory? ♪

I finally took to wheel wet nurse
a bunch of school kids like you.

So now you gonna find out
what the army's all about.

So, the exercise lasts
for seven days...

...but I don't reckon you can
last longer than three...

cos we'll be looking
pretty hard for you.

And if you fall and break a leg,

you just try and make
yourself look conspicuous.

We'll find you, but no
guarantees about when.


First two... off!

WHISPERS: Bye-bye, Marston.

r*fle SHOT

Sergeant Nichols!

Well, well, well.

Her Majesty's bad
bargain in person!

Christ, you bastard.

Going to complain again?

Like telling tales out
of school, don't you?

Time you learned to keep
your mouth shut, sunshine!

r*fle SHOT

Running home to Mummy, Marston?

r*fle SHOT

r*fle SHOT

r*fle SHOT
Mummy's not here,

but Daddy's coming!



I can smell you, Marston.


You're a whingeing waste
of space, Marston!




I don't believe it!

I thought I make an
early start, Kate.

You were still working on it
when I went to bed last night.

This is ridiculous.

- I've nearly finished.
- So you keep saying.

You've been called out,
a break-in at Woodfall Farm.

And have a bath, you look
like an industrial waste tip.

♪ Hey, Joe

♪ Where you goin' with
that g*n in your hand?

♪ Hey, Joe

♪ Where you goin' with
that g*n in your hand?

♪ I'm goin' to find my woman

♪ She's runnin' around
with another man

♪ Now go downtown, buy
my blues to you forty four

♪ I'm gonna go downtown gonna
find me a blues to your forty four

♪ I'm goin' to find my woman

♪ She's makin' a run anymore

♪ Hey, Joe

♪ I hear you shot
your woman down

♪ Hey, Joe

♪ I hear you shot
your woman down

♪ Hey Joe, where you're gonna go?

♪ Hey Joe, where are
you gonna go now

♪ I guess I go down where
a man can be free

♪ Yes I guess I go down
where a man can be free

♪ Ain't no damn no hangman
gonna put a noose around me

♪ Hey Joe, where you're goin'
with a g*n in your hand?

You sure nothing else was taken?
Nothing of value?

No, just that rubbish
I told you about.

... had he but known.

What's this?

Looks like khaki or summat.

Yeah. It's a bit of old coat.

Breathe in... and out.

And in... and out.

Once more, in... and out.

Sounds like a kettle
on the boil in there.

- Have a listen.
- Daniel!

It's all right. I've finished.

His bronchitis has
flared up again.

Do that outside.

He ought to be wrapped
up warmly, you know.

He's grown out of
most of his clothes.

And since Tom died,
I can barely afford new ones.

It's all I can do to keep
the house warm.

How's he behaving generally?

Can't do a thing with him.

It's bad enough before, but since those
council people started pestering us...

- Council people?
- You know who I mean.

It was you who put those
busybodies on to us, wasn't it?

Enjoying your breakfast, Claude?

Um, um. I'm just... tasting the
quality, Mr. Rowan, you know.

You have to try 'em before
you buy 'em, don't you?

You might get a bunch
that's a bit unjuicy.

What are you looking at?

That's not a bad coat, that.

What, this? I-I've had
it for years, you know.

It's as good as new.

Doesn't half look good on you.

Ah well, you have to know
how to wear 'em, don't you.

I were in the Forces, you know.

Can I see how it hangs
round the back?

Have a look all you want.

You're not looking for
one of these, are you?

I am, as it happens.

What do you want?
One exactly the same as this?

No. One with a bit missing.

In fact, one worn by whoever broke
into Woodfall Farm last night.

I told Dr. Ferrenby about you.

Not to interfere, Mrs. Sandford,
to help you, you and Daniel.

We don't need his help,
and I never asked for yours.

Dr. Ferrenby is on a new
council committee

that's been set up specially to
help people in your situation.

I don't want handouts.

Tom was ??? that we paid
our way or went without.

And what about Daniel?

He's not in good health,
he's missing school.

I do my best!

What can I do, the boy won't
even accept his father's dead.

He needs expert counselling and
you can't provide it without help.

They're no help.

The questions, the horrible things they
try and get Daniel to say against me?

You had no right to interfere,
Dr. Rowan.


Hey! Come here!


Constable, that lad running off
there, little Danny Sandford,

he's just nicked one
of my penknives.

Right, Daniel. Let's have it.

I'm impressed.

Now, pick it up.

I said pick it up, Daniel.


- Is Mrs. Sandford with you?
- Yes. What is it?

I'm afraid Daniel's
in a spot of bother.

Why? What's he done?

He stole this from
the hardware shop.

- Stole it? Is that true, Daniel?
- Yes.

But why? You know
it's wrong to steal!

It's not stealing.

Of course it's stealing.
It wasn't your knife.

It's the one Dad
promised to buy me.

He'll pay for it when
he comes back!

- Stop it! Don't say that.
- Take it easy, Mrs. Sandford.

You mustn't say such things.

Look, we'll have a
word with Mr. Diprose.

He'll be happy just to
get his property back.

I don't want this happening again,
Daniel, do you understand?

Nick, could you run Mrs.
Sandford and Daniel home?

It's all right.

It's no bother Mrs. Sandford.

We can pop in and see
Mr. Diprose on the way.

Come on, son, out.

Thieving swine!

We're not open yet,
Mr. Greengrass.

Good job I am then.

What about them?

What's that?

They're Greengrass
breeded chicken.

- Chicken?
- Aye.

Specially bred for the
Aidensfield Arms, eh George?

Didn't manage the
rabbit then, Claude?

I got one, some bugger
poach the snare, didn't he.

That makes a change.

One man, but I saw
him make off with it.

Oh, wait on.

I reckoned he's been a bit busy
somewhere else and all.



- Could I speak to Mr. Sandford?
- 'Dad's not here.'

- How about your mum?
- 'She's outside.'

- Who are you?
- 'Daniel.'

I can't wait, Daniel.
Your dad, will he be back soon?

'Don't know.'

Could you do me a favour?

Could you tell your dad
Ken Marston called.

Ken. You got that?

Tell him I have to see him.

'Tell him I'll meet him at our den.
Our den, you got that?'

- Who was it, Daniel?
- Someone for Dad.

Don't tell lies!

It's true. It's Ken.

He wants to see Dad.

- Gave me a message for him.
- Stop it!

Don't say things like that.

Go on, out of my sight!



I'm beginning to feel
all I'm good for is

answering your damned
telephone calls.


If that car was a woman,
I'd scratch its eyes out.

I have to put the time in, Kate.

That was Blaketon.

He wants you out at
Lord Ashfordly's lodge.

Another break-in.

A bit of poaching's
one thing, Sergeant.

Part of the tradition.
Fine, that's understood.

But this makes me angry.

I can understand that, sir.

It's got to be stopped, especially as
our syndicate sh**t are about to start.

- Understood?
- Right, sir.

Right. Carry on.

WHISPERS: Thank you, sir.

His Lordship is not a
happy man, Rowan.

Some tinned food,
a few bottles of booze,

curtains, paraffin.

It's hardly the crime
of the century, sarge.

Well, no vehicle tracks.

Must be someone local,
someone who knows this area.

WHISPERS: Greengrass!

He never made those prints, sarge.

Oh, an expert on his
footwear, are you?

Oh, look at the stuff
that's been taken.

I mean, curtains and
paraffin, stuff like that.

It's like survival gear,
someone who's living rough.

Well, HE'S certainly no boy scout.


- Are you Ken?
- Daniel Sandford?

Is anyone with you?

- Did your dad send you up here?
- No.

But you gave him my message?

- Dad's not here.
- Where the hell is he, then?

He's away, but he's coming back.

- When?
- Don't know.

Look at Mini on that, Alf.

Looks more like a minus to me.

I don't know why you
read that rubbish.

Who said I'm reading it.

When I was your age,
it was Popular Mechanics.

Alf, you were never my age.


Well, I've tried everywhere, Sarge.
Missing persons, you name it.

I even tried the Army.

They've got a few soldiers gone over
the hill, but they know where they are.

Hmm. Can't be them, then.

They don't think so.

All the same, I still
think there's someone

living rough in Ashfordly forest.

How old are you, Daniel?


I was nine when Tom...

your dad and me were last here.

Why didn't you stay with him?

Lived in London, didn't I?

Send up here on holiday
at your dad's house.

We was great mates.

But you didn't come back.

That's how it goes, Daniel.

Often thought about him, though.
How he'd made out.

Was it your dad who told
you about this place?

Yes. It's our special place too.

I suppose that's alright.

But you'll have to
keep it secret too.


Come in.

Ah Kate. News of the Sandfords.

Nowhere near the whole story,

but enough to know trouble
when it rears it's head.

What's going on?

Social Services looked into the
case purely as a formality,

but that is no longer so.

Mrs. Sandford is now the object of
an in-depth investigation, Kate.


Kate, there is a strong belief
that Mrs. Sandford is unstable.

No more unstable than anyone
who's just lost their husband

and is living from hand to mouth.

Helen Sandford loves Daniel.

Their view is that Daniel
is seriously disturbed,

deeply hostile to his mother.

If they decide and I think that
they have done already

that the boy is at risk, he
will be taken into care, Kate.

Take Daniel?!

They can do that, take my child?

It's only if they can prove
you're an unfit mother.

- But I love Daniel!
- I know that.

You did this.
If it wasn't for you...

Nothing's decided yet.
What you have to do...

I don't know what to do!

Tom would.

If he was here...

But he's not.

Just when I needed him most,
this stupid bugger died on me!

I can't forgive him, I can't.

- Morning, George.
- Oh, morning, Nick.

Have you heard any
good gossip lately?

Depends what you
mean by good really.

Any strangers in the area

and more specifically,
strangers in Ashfordly Forest?

Well, you couldn't do worst than have
a word with Claude Greengrass.

- Really?
- Hmm.

He mentioned seeing
someone out that way.

He was quite put out about it.

It seems he lost some property.

- But was it his to lose, eh?
- Ah! Well, that I wouldn't like to say!

Well, let's see if he
can enlighten me.

Thank you.

- See ya.
- Bye, Gina.

Just saw Gina with a bloke.

That's perfectly natural, Nick.

- Not with this bloke.
- What do you mean?

He's the probation officer
from Ashfordly.

It takes all sorts.
Where are you off to?

Have a word with Greengrass.

MUSIC: 'You can't do that'
by The Beatles

♪ I got something to say
that might cause you pain

♪ If I catch you talking
to that boy again

♪ I'm gonna let you down
and leave you flat

♪ Because I told you before
oh, you can't do that

♪ Well it's the second time
I caught you talking to him

♪ Do I have to tell you one
more time I think it's a sin

♪ I think I'll let you down
and leave you flat

♪ Gonna let you down
and leave you flat

♪ Because I told you before
oh, you can't do that

♪ Everybody's green

♪ Cause I'm the one
who wants your love

♪ But if they see

♪ You talking that way
they laugh at my face

♪ So please listen to me
if you wanna stay mine

Come on, Alfred.
Come on, get on.

Go on, get out of it.

♪ I think I'll let you down
and leave you flat

♪ Gonna left you down
and leave you flat

♪ Because I told you before
oh, you can't do that

♪ You can't do that

♪ You can't do that

♪ You can't do that

That's handy. A live 'un.
Very collectable.

We can find a home
for that, don't we?

Do for that rabbit he nicked.

Now then, Reg!

- Long time no see.
- Aye.

I've uh... I've got a bit of summat
you might be interested in.

Are you still doing
a bit of collecting?

You know... bang, bang.

We all have our hobbies, Claude.

Cop that little lot, then.

You got the piece
that goes with it?

M-m-my lips are sealed, but I think
if anybody showed willing...

I think a fiver might
reserve it for you.

All right.

- Fiver.
- It's reserved.

I'll see you.

Come on.

Your mom, she don't know me.

And anyway, I'm
in a bit of trouble.

You won't go away again.

Told ye, I'm here
to see your dad.

You will find out when he'll
be back, won't you Daniel?

It's important. Yes?

- Oi, Claude!
- Huh?

Frightened the life out of me!

I've been looking
for you all morning.

What do you want?

I thought you might be able
to assist me in my enquiries.

Not again. What is it this time?

I gather you've seen someone
in Ashfordly Forest.

Someone stealing your property.

Oh, you mean that chap
you thought were me?


Somebody's only got to
break wind around here

and it's "blame Greengrass" time.

- But you have seen him?
- Aye. Only the back end of him.

Can you give me a description?

Well, not really. No, I mean I
didn't really see that much of him

and that's the truth.

Whereabouts in the forest?


r*fle SHOT

No question about it.

NATO issue,
FN semi-a*t*matic round.

Recently fired.
Bloody dangerous w*apon.

Is it one of yours?

We lost one on exercise
a quarter miles away.

Booked out to a Sgt Nichols.

He took a nasty fall.

We found him, but no
sign of the w*apon so far.

Was he using live amm*nit*on?
This Sgt Nichols.

Hardly. It was Escape and Evasion,
not World w*r Three, Sergeant.

Cause whoever fired that,
Major, weren't using blanks.

- We'll be looking into that.
- I'm glad.

- Have you spoken to the sergeant, sir?
- Not up to it yet.

So that could be
from a different r*fle.

Unlikely. They're
restricted to the army.

Do you think this man could
be one of yours, then?

I don't see how.
No-one's been reported AWOL.

This Escape and Evasion exercise, sir,
how long are they out for?

Seven days.

Well, our suspect showed
up three days ago.

As Constable Rowan implies,
one of your men could be AWOL

but you don't know that yet.

May I use your phone, Sergeant?

Well, that put the wind up him.

Let's hope they can identify him.

I bloody hope so too.

A rogue squaddie on the loose
with a w*apon like that,

doesn't bear thinking about.

- Kate!
- Yeah?

You still want to know what
attracted Gina to Aidensfield?

Ashfordly Probation say she was meant
to report her presence here to me.


She was convicted for possession
of stolen property in Liverpool.


She got probation on condition
she lived here with her uncle.

You were meant to report
your presence here to me.

- I would've told you, Mr. Rowan.
- But you didn't.

I've nowt to hide but...

I mean, Uncle George was keen
to keep it a bit hush like.

You know what they're
like round here.

Yeah, but you still should
have reported to me.

You won't have
no worry with me.

I'm not about to let my
Uncle George down, am I?

It was all a mistake, you know.

- It always is, Gina.
- It's true!

Some fella asked me to look
after some gear for him.

How was I to know it was nicked!

So why do you think
he gave it to you?

Must be my trusting nature.

Oh Daniel, can't you go play outside
or in your room or something.

If you knock anything
over with that...

Damn you Daniel, I told
you not to do that!

Why can't you do as
you're told for once?

- What are you doing up there?
- Waiting for you.

Get down. It's dangerous.


- Trooper Kenneth Marston. Londoner.
- He failed to show up, then?

That and because
Sgt Nichols talked.

- The one who had the accident?
- No accident.

Nichols' story is that Marston att*cked
him and made off with the w*apon.

He's violent, is he, this Marston?

No record of it until now.

What we do know is that

there's no love lost between
Marston and this Sgt Nichols.

Apparently this Marston has made
an official complaint against him

for intimidation and bullying.

Their CO was looking into it
when this accident happened.

So what's Marston doing running
around with live a*mo?

You see, it was Nichols who was
holding onto it without authorisation.


Sergeant Nichols has
yet to explain that.

I don't even know your name.

Ken Marston. A very old friend of
your husband's, Mrs. Sandford.

- It was you who telephoned Daniel?
- Yes.

Told you he did.

I know. I thought...
I'm sorry, love.

It's very important I see
Tom, Mrs. Sandford.

Daniel said he's away just now,

but if you could just tell
me when he might be back.

My husband's dead, Mr. Marston.

I'm off to the Sandfords' place, Nick.
There's been an accident.


- That's him, is it?
- Yeah. Londoner called Marston.

Oh, what's he doing here?

No one knows.

The way he's put himself about,

it's hard to believe he's
a stranger to Aidensfield.

- Mr. Greengrass, isn't it?
- Who... who wants to know?

We're friends of Reginald,
Mr. Greengrass.

He's got first refusal on some
merchandise of yours, isn't that right?

Ah, well, n-n-not exactly, no.

Well, he's sold his interest
on to us, Mr. Greengrass.

It's not really like
Reg thinks, though.

Not to worry.
We've brought the means to deal.

Ya, I know that.

Well, you see, what you
don't understand is that,

I mean, I were just
pulling his leg, that's all.

You know, like a bit of a joke.

A joke?

We're not here to be
amused, Mr. Greengrass

but to buy what we've come for.

Where is it?

Tom died four months ago.

He'd never been ill.

Then one morning,
he walks out into the yard

and minutes later, he's dead.

Heart attack.

Really sorry. If I'd known,
I wouldn't have troubled you.

It was wrong of Daniel
not to tell you.

I've tried to make
him understand, but...

he won't have it.

He hates me for even trying.

SOBBING: Losing Tom
was bad enough but...

...watching your own child
tear himself apart inside...

...that's the worst of it.

That one b*llet were all I had,
honest, that's the truth.

Or maybe you sold it on to someone
else? Isn't that it, Mr. Greengrass?

I'm not likely to have a r*fle and
a load of damn b*ll*ts, am I?

Don't talk damn daft.


You... bastard!

Had one too many,
Mr. Greengrass?

Don't just stand there.
Go and fetch help, you daft article.

Your mum is really upset, Daniel.

It's not my fault.

I was about your age
when I lost my dad.

Mum couldn't cope, so they
sent me up here on holiday.

I was a right pain.

- How?
- I told lies all the time, didn't I?

Wanted your dad to think I
had a life just as good as his,

but he won't have it,
he knew it weren't true.

He used to make me really mad.


I wanted us to be friends, didn't I?

Only that wasn't going to happen
so long as I kept on lying.

I was doing the worst
kind of lying, Daniel,

lying to myself.

It weren't easy to get out of it,
but I did, with help from your dad.

I'm telling you this, cos you've
got to do the same, Daniel.

I know it ain't easy, but this
pretending about your dad,

that's a kind of lying too.

And it has to stop.

It's hurting your mum and
it's bad, really bad, for you.

And it's not what your dad
would have wanted, is it?

Is it Daniel?

- I have to go.
- Why?

I'm in trouble, Mrs. Sandford.
That's why I came to see Tom.

- What trouble?
- The worst.

Don't go, Ken. Mum'll help you.
Won't you, Mum?

I don't know how I can.

Dr. Rowan won't be here long.
You can wait in there.

Mrs. Sandford!

- Mrs. Sandford.
- Dr. Rowan.

- Hello, Daniel.
- Hi.

Been in the wars, have you?

- So did you recognise them?
- No. They'd gone.

Oh, come on, lads.
Give him some air.

- Here you are, Claude.
- Thank you, George.

Y-y-you don't really feel
the benefit, do you,

when you've just had
your face kicked in!

You'll live!

Well, I know, but it might
have spoilt me looks!

Improved them, more like.

Let me have a word
with him, George.

Go on, Gina.
Let the constable do his work.

So you don't know
who they were

and you've got no idea
why they att*cked you?

No. I think it's disgusting
though, attacking somebody

who's nearly an
old age pensioner.

It's not safe to walk the streets.

Nothing to do with this, was it?

Look, this isn't poaching
or car dealing.

There's an armed
deserter out there.

So you tell me any stories,
and you're in trouble.

- How is he?
- He'll be fine.

I can't thank you enough
for what you did,

even more for what
you said to Daniel.

So, what kind of trouble
are you in, then?

I k*lled a man.

That's why I came to find Tom.

I need his help.

That doctor's still there.

She's poking about in the barn.

You found it?
Well done Rowan.

He's found the w*apon!

We've got Marston's connection,
sarge, it's the Sandfords.

Yeah. The family that
live near the forest.

Right. I'll go to the Army, they
can concentrate their search there.

I'll get over there, sarge.

Kate's there. I want her out of
the way in case this turns nasty.

Hey! What about me?

You'll have to walk it.

What are you doing
here, Dr. Rowan?

The door was open.

Is this your husband's work?

- Yes.
- He was a clever man.

When he could be bothered
to take paying work.

Did he make all this furniture too?

It's just some old stuff Tom bought
over the years and did up.

When the council came to see,
did they look in here?

No. No-one looks in here.

Now, if you don't mind...

Could I tell the council about
this place, Mrs. Sandford?

What, have them busybodies
picking over Tom's things?

It'd help your case.

Sorry, Dr. Rowan, I don't
want you interfering again.

I've done listening to
you on this subject.

Do you want to lose Daniel?
Have him taken into care?

- Carry on like this and believe me...
- Just go, Dr. Rowan.

What's this about Daniel?

She keeps saying the council
want to take him into care.

Into care? Sling Daniel
into a children's home?

They won't. I won't let them.

That's what my mum said,
but they took me all the same.

k*lled her too, I reckon.

As for me, it destroyed anything
I had in the way of a life.

Don't let it happen to Daniel.

Don't let them put Tom's kid
into one of them hell-holes.

Mrs. Sandford!

Daniel being taken into care is not
a problem you can walk away from.

You can't shut it out. Or pretend
they can't do it, they can.

All I need is something to
force them to review your case.

And you have it.

Those things in the
barn are worth money.

Real money, Mrs. Sandford.

It alters your financial

Who is that man?

Both the army and the police
are looking for a man

who's been seen in these woods.

He's armed and dangerous.

He's none of those things.
He was my husband's friend.

- I'm going to call the police.
- No. He's a good man, Dr. Rowan.

He's not what they say he is.

- Where's Marston?
- In the barn over there.

The Army are on their
way, Mrs. Sandford.

He won't give
himself up to them.

He k*lled a man, Mr. Rowan,

some brutal army sergeant
who tried to sh**t him.

You're wrong, and so is he.

The sergeant's alive.

Alive! But Ken thinks...

I've got to tell him!

I'll deal with him.
You just wait there.


Come on. It's over.

- Time to give yourself up.
- For what?

To do life in an Army nick?!
You'll be lucky!

You're out of date, Marston.

Sgt Nichols is alive.

Don't give me that!

- He's alive and in trouble.
- Is that what they told you to say?

Look, they know
he had it in for you.

It won't take them long to work out

what he was doing with
that live a*mo he nicked.

You've got a good case, Marston.

All we've really got against you

is these few stunts you
pulled around here.

So why blow it now?

Please do as he says, Ken!

Listen to her, Marston.

You're not on your own, you know.

There's a woman and child out here

who care what happens
to you even if you don't.

- Come on, Marston.
- Ken!

How did it go?

Well, with Alex's help and Helen and
Daniel starring like you won't believe.

And with a bit of a nod
and a touch from you.

Anyway, the case against Mrs. Sandford
is suspended indefinitely.

- That's great news.
- Hasn't really sunk in yet.

I've got something for you, Daniel.

Ken wanted you to have it.

Oh, thanks!

That's very kind of you.
Thanks, Dr. Rowan.

You're welcome. See you soon.

Can I give you two a lift home?

That's alright, thanks, Alex.
I'll do the honours.

- Right. Well, I'll be off, then.
- Bye.

If you think I'm going to ride pillion
on that clapped-out bike of yours...

No. You can ride up front with me...

...in that.

♪ What do you want
If you don't want money?

♪ What do you want
If you don't want gold?

♪ Say what you want
And I'll give it to you, darling

♪ Wish you wanted my love, baby

♪ What do you want
If you don't want ermine?

♪ What do you want
If you don't want pearls?

♪ Say what you want
And I'll give it to you, darling

♪ Wish you wanted my love, baby

♪ Well, I'm offering you
This heart of mine

♪ But all you do is play it cool

♪ What do you want?
Oh boy, you're making a fool of me

♪ One of these days
When you need my kissin'

♪ One of these days
When you want me to

♪ Don't turn around
Cos I'll be missin'

♪ Then you'll want
My love, baby... ♪

Isn't that the car you
sold him, Claude?

Sold him? Give him, you mean.

Took advantage of my good nature.

Worth a packet now, I reckon.

Do you do requests?

♪ One of these days
When you want me to

♪ Don't turn around
Cos I'll be missin'

♪ Then you'll want my love, baby. ♪
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