Score, The (2001)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Score, The (2001)

Post by bunniefuu »





I wanna smoke.

I wanna smoke.

Fine. Smoke.

Smoke all night.

Be still. Do not turn around.

Do not turn around.

You will not be hurt.

- Bonjour, Nick.
- Bonjour, madame.

- Here you are. Have a nice day.
- Have a nice day.


- Bonjour, Nick.
- Bonjour.

Boss, hi.

- Jean-Claude.
- So, the trip was good?


- So, how are we doing?
- Great.

We have many reservations for tonight.

Good. How many covers did we have last night?

- Over 150.
- Good.

- Bar was steady.
- How was the music?

- Great band.
- Good. Good.


Scotch on the rocks, please, little water.

- Yeah, sure.
- Thank you.

Attention, boys, grandpa arrives.

- Monsieur Max.
- How are you?

- Where... Where Nicky?
- Just on the top.


Voila. Back from Bermuda.

Did you have a good trip?

Well, not as interesting as yours, I'm sure.

My God! Let me get a look at you.

You look like shit. What's your secret?

Jean-Claude, set up number two for us.

Yeah, sure.

You can go now.

Thank you.

Just give us a little room. Thank you.

For sure.

There we are.


Oh, God.

- It was pretty tight out there.
- Good. It'll keep you sharp.

I got a minor development.

- We lost the buyer.
- What do you mean, "lost"?

Well, she's in a brass casket
six feet underground...

never to be heard from again.

Well, I fronted 20, 000 in expenses.

Now I'm due that, plus 250 for my end.

You don't think I'm not gonna take care of you?

I'm not gonna cover your expenses and all that?

It's not about covering my expenses.
It's the money. Find another buyer.

Of course. But Jesus Christ, shit happens.

This thing's gonna drag out.
You've got to be patient.

Wait a minute. How about this?

Four big ones in your hand.

Four million dollars in your mitt.

- Four million?
- More than you ever dreamed of.

More than we ever, ever did together.

Four million. What are you into?

Well, I spotted this item
which was really exceptional.

It was European antiquity, elegant...

and it was in the hands
of this real dumb prick...

that didn't know what he had.

And unfortunately...

it's become detained in transit a little.

You don't wanna know where?

It depends.

Depends on what?

- On what you're gonna tell me.
- Okay.

It's in the Montreal Customshouse.

No Way.

- No way. I'm sorry.
- Oh, yeah. Wait a minute.

I got a guy... I got a guy inside.

He gives you the whole layout,
handles security, everything...

You used to tell me,
"Steal outside the country, in the States, Europe.

But Montreal, live in Montreal."

I said a lot of dumb things
in my day, didn't I?

- But that's...
- Right.

Let's just find another buyer for this.
I gotta open the place.

Okay, but I'm not finished talking about this.

Jean-Claude, Albert, come on.

You're making a large error here.

Not bad.

- Yeah?
- I just landed.

I got the delivery.

Got the bag?

- Yeah. Right here.
- Where's Johnny?

He got it in Istanbul, right through the neck.

- Jesus. He was a good kid.
- Yeah.

Good and dead.

So you wanna talk, or you wanna see what I got?

How can I be sure you're okay?

I suppose I could f*ck you.

That would work.

Hey. You okay?

Yeah. Great.

- How was your trip?
- I don't know.


They're all starting to look
the same. They really are.

And the pasta in Rome is not as good as yours.

And the ass pinchers.

They used to look so charmingly European.

Not as good as me?

Come on.

It really must be
what it is about you I like...

because you most definitely are not common.

- What if I were?
- What if you were what?

A little more common,
you know, and around more.

How much more?

Like, "all the time" more.

And I was just a jazz club owner
and not that other thing.

How would you feel about that?

Hey, are you saying what I think you're saying?

I think that's what I'm saying.

Hey, baby, you know I've never
asked you to change anything for me.

I know that. I'm just asking you,
how would you feel about that?

I don't know.

I suppose I'd have to
give it some serious thought.

Then you'd better start
giving it some serious thought.

Thank you. So I'll see you when I see you?

See you when I see you.


Voila. Have a good day.


Excuse me. Can you help me, please?

Can you help me?

- Place Norman?
- Yes, yes.

You go to the corner,
make a right. Go two blocks...

- Two.
- Two blocks, then a left one block.

- Again, please.
- Two blocks this way...

one block that way to the left.

- And you're right there.
- Okay, thank you.

Thank you, Nick.

What did you say?

I said, "Thank you, Nick."

I'm Max's guy in the customshouse.
We should talk.

Okay, bye-bye. Thank you.

Thank you. Bye.

- Where's Max?
- He's in the sunroom.


Nicoli, Nicoli.

Have you lost your f*cking mind?

My mind? Years ago. Why?

- What did you tell this kid?
- What did I tell who?

Your inside guy with the ret*rd act.

He was in front of my house. He knew who I was.

Wait. He must've followed me
to the club and made you from there.

Tell him he pulls a stunt like that again,
he'll end up in the hospital.

Wait. Do you think I'm gonna
set you up with a jerk-off heister?

- You gotta admit that this kid did a pretty good dog and pony show.
- Are you crazy?

I don't care who is he.
Don't expose me like that. You know better.

He's got it all pre-wired.

- You go in, turn the key...
- I told you, I'm not interested.

You're never gonna get
another chance at a score like this.

- Why are you pushing this?
- Four million balls.

How many times do I have to tell you?

He's pushing it because
we're running out of time.

If I'm gonna work with a partner on this...

we gotta start putting
our heads together right away.

- What are you doing in my house?
- Take it easy.

- All I'm saying...
- Who the f*ck is this kid?

- What the f*ck do you know?
- I've been on this for three weeks.

I gotta know if you're the guy
that Max says you are.

- I gotta go.
- Nick, wait. Wait.

I didn't come 500 miles just to...
Jack Teller. Nice to meet you too.

What the f*ck?

You're not smart enough
to know where your d*ck is.

We decided that you were gonna
sit tight until I called you.

- Is that correct?
- Okay.

I thought I could help you sell him on it.
I thought he was already in.

Don't be so f*cking creative.
Just get the f*ck out of my house.

When you guys get your shit together,
give me a call, okay?


# It's a lucky thing you came my way #

# Today #

# I'm about to tell you something you should know #

# All you have to do is let the plot unfold #

# Desire is clear #

# When you are near #

# You're about to give in #

# Don't tease me so #

# I think you know #

# You're about to give in #

# And if you listen we can both find peace #

# Release #

# Inhibitions that you thought could not be there #


God! Jesus! Take it easy.

Listen close. Leave town tonight.
Don't come back.

I see you again, I break your f*cking knees.

I see you around Nick, I'll k*ll ya.

It's a dangerous f*cking game
you're playing here.

Are we clear?

Yeah, we're clear.

How did it go?

Not as planned.

- What do you want?
- Some f*cking respect for starters. How about that?

I mean, what are you thinking?
Now, I'm on a job here.

Now, if you just don't wanna
come in on it, that's fine. Say "no."

But don't send some third-rate
rent-a-thug to brush me off.

You can do it like a professional.


Yeah. You okay?

He's right here. Don't worry. Just go home.

I'll call you later, all right? That's okay.


I didn't come here to cause any trouble.

I didn't.

Coming up to you on the street
like that, that was a stupid move.

Sorry. Why don't we just call it even?

I just wanna say one thing to you,
then I'll go away.

We don't have to bother each other
anymore if you don't want.

I have been casing this place
for a couple of weeks now.

It's a little bit complicated,
but this is a very doable job.

I can handle the system in there
if someone can break into this box.

Look, I don't know you, you don't know me.

I know that's not
the best way to do things, but...

I am very good at what I do, okay?

And I take it very, very seriously.
You can check it out with Max.

Now, if you are the guy
that he says you are...

then we should check this out.

Just... Just take a look at it.

That's all I'm saying,
'cause this is a very big payoff...

for very acceptable risks.

Just take a look at it. Go look for yourself.

I like your place.

You got good taste.

Oh, Jesus. It's nice and dark in here.

f*cking everything.

- Hey, Nicoli
- Max


Why don't you jump
for some lights in this place?

Every time I come in here,
it's like hide-and-go-seek.

How are you?

Now, you gotta tell me the...

the magic word.

All right, I'm gonna do it.

Good, good. Jesus, sweetheart.
You're a sweetheart.

Bravo. You're making sense.

But because of the risk involved,
my end's gotta be six million.


I got a nut down here
that just said six million.

No, no. Send paramedics.
I think... Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Six f*cking million dollars?
What happened to four?

I'm doing it in my backyard.
I'm not gonna go like that. I'm sorry.

If you want me to do this,
you gotta pay me what's right.

- It's gotta be that way.
- I always pay you what's right.

You always think you do.
I always know what you pay me.

It's not always right. I need this for this.

I like your style.

Yeah, well, okay. I understand.

That's what I have to do.
I wanna pay off the club, the mortgage.

I wanna own this place free and clear.

I want it to be mine. I live the way I want.

Because after this, no more jobs.

This is the last one I'm doing.
I'm quitting for good.

How many times have you
told me that in 25 years?

I'm gonna believe that
when the pigs eat my brother.

- Right?
- I'm done. I'm done. No more.

Well, okay. I hope she's worth it.

Here's numb-nuts.

Nice house, nice club. You must be really good.

I don't wanna have to do this,
but raise your arms.

- Be my guest.
- He's all right.


Is this a social call? What are we doing here?

I will explore this with you...

but I run this operation
down to the smallest detail.

If you have a problem with that,
we can all go home right now.

Is there a problem with that?

That's fine.

You will tell me everything you know,
then I will design the plan.

If I smell something about the job
or you that I don't like, I walk.

If I think for one second
you're not living up to your end of it...

or if you hold out on me in any way, I walk.

- Understood?
- That's fine.

Tell me what you wanna know.

- First, what are we looking for?
- You know what a scepter is?

It's something that a king holds.

Right there.

It was made in 1661 in France
for a special coronation...

for a girl queen.

- It's priceless.
- Not to us, it's not.

What can you give me on its specific location?

I can give you the whole building,
okay? I got floor plans.

I've been clocking the security
patterns for over three weeks.

All right. Paint me a picture.

Okay. He fixed me up with the job.

Not me but Brian, the guy on the street.

Yeah, I remember.

Is he traceable? Phone number?
Address? That stuff?

It's totally tight.
The guy's a charity case, a favor.

The guy truly doesn't even exist on paper.

He just shows up. He's the assistant janitor...

midnight to 8 a.m.

The security's pretty basic.

At night, they lock the place down.
They bar the ground floor windows.

You can only enter in through
one place, out by the truck court.

Thank you, Hubert. Thank you.

Manpower's very light.
They got one guy sitting in a booth outside...

just keeping an eye on things.

On the inside, everyone comes
in through a standard metal detector.

It's tricky bringing things through,
but I've got that figured out.

All the guards know me now,
so no one really looks too close.

- Okay, thank you.
- All right.

Once I'm inside, I can go anywhere I want.

Hey, Laurent.

Everything gets run from this
one little central command console.

They've got fixed video systems
in the elevators and in the hallways.

They got a couple magnetic doors,
but it's all very basic.

Lots of overtime. Not so much now.

Now, the head janitor's this old guy, Danny.

He loves Brian. Loves him.

I've got this guy completely
wrapped around my finger.

He'd do anything for me.

And most of the time,
he's got me working with him.

Kind of low-level shit, just helping out.

But I can get away from him plenty.
I got all kinds of reasons.

I've sketched half the place already.
I've copied a lot of keys.

I can get you access
to basically any room in the place.

Where's the scepter?

Well, see, that's the kink.

Now, get this.

It was arranged to be
brought into the country...

inside the leg of an antique piano.

And it was so simple. Then they impounded it.

I mean, can you guess why?

f*cking bugs.

I mean, the whole shipment
was contaminated with termites.

Asian longhorn beetles.

We got f*cked by bugs.

These things burrow into the wood...

so they were in the crates
of most of the shipment.

So they took the goods out
and delivered most of them.

But the piano is made of wood too,
so they impounded it.

They took the whole thing
and put it in quarantine.

Medium security, third-floor lockup.

They're really scared of these things...

and they can't send them back to France.

So they decided to burn everything.

Now, I'll tell ya...

I didn't know which one
of the f*cking legs this thing is in...

but half of me was tempted
to grab them all and make a break for it.

I mean, I don't know if this
thing's gonna melt or what.

I mean, I was dying.

I had to improvise a little.

- I-I saw something in the fire.
- We're just burning stuff.

No. Look, look. I saw something in the...

Piano. In the piano,
I saw a... Look.

- I saw something.
- Jack!

There! There!

What is it?

So everybody's freaking out.

Nobody knows what this is
or what to do with it.

They don't see this kind
of excitement down there.

So they call some supervisor.
They get him out of bed.

He comes down, he takes one look at this thing.

He doesn't know what the hell it is,
but he knows it's worth a lot.

He tells them, until they can
sort it out, put it in the basement.

- And that's what they do.
- Don't worry. Don't worry.

- Don't worry about it.
- I want to see, Danny.

- Can I see?
- No. Come on. Let's go now.

Okay. Bye-bye. Bye.

The basement in the customshouse...

is the most secure lockup in eastern Canada.

It was built as a b*mb shelter
during the Cold w*r.

All their important stuff's there...
state's evidence, narcotics...

confiscated weapons.

That scepter is in a safe
somewhere in this room.

But the thing is, there's no...
there's no cameras.

If there was, I would've seen
an angle on the video monitors.

So if we can put you inside that room,
you can work on it all night.

We'll need pictures of the safe
or a model number from their files.

Then we're gonna need plans...
infrastructure maps...

blueprints, schematics,
anything we can get our hands on.

That's all I got for now,
but give me two days.

We just gotta find a way
to get into that basement.

You gonna let it go,
or are we gonna drive around pissed all night?

Why don't you kiss my ass?

- We're about set up. You ready?
- Hold on.

- Wanna give me a mark?
- Not yet. Not yet.

How you doing?

Stay off the air until I call.

3-3 2-6...
Three-three, two-six...

2-9 3-2
two-nine, three-two.

I repeat: 33, 26, 29, 32.

Copy that. Three-three, two-six,
two-nine, three-two

Make a right. Proceed east about 20 yards.

You should see the next opening.

I'm at a wall here, a cinder block wall...

where you told me I have to go.

Are you sure about that?
It shows a straight shot on here.

It's not my imagination.
I'm right here in front of it.

You wanna come down here and see for yourself?

Right. Okay, okay. Hold on.

All right, just give me a second.

- Can you read me?
- Make a left. Go about 20 feet.

You should run into a parallel tunnel.

Make a right. You'll be right back on course.

Take the tunnel about 150 yards due west.

You'll reach a "T" junction.
Tell me when you're there.

About 300yards.

- Came to the end. Made a right.
- Head Northwest.

Northeast. Check that. Northeast.

One second. Hold on.

- Are you with me?
- Going west. Going west.

- I'm going west. I'm in a circle.
- Make a right. Go 40 yards east.

Then make a left turn. Go about...

Make a right. Head back.

You got maybe 500 yards to go.

Straight ahead 20 feet,
and you should be dead under the room.

The tunnel will keep on going.

But look up. You should see the access ladder.

I'm at a shaft. I'm gonna climb up.

What are you doing?

Still climbing.

This looks like it.

I'm done.

What the hell is this?

Hey, you got a utility crew
all over the entrance.

You're gonna have to find another way out.

Where are you?

I'm at De La Montagne and Ottawa.

Repeat: De La Montagne and Ottawa.

Got it. We're on our way.

This should be it, right here.

We're here. I'm just trying to find you.

There. He's right over there.

Okay, you're all clear.

I'm coming out.

Excuse me.

Merci. Good night.


Anybody home?

- Champagne.
- Yeah.

- Nice touch.
- Nice dress.

You like? Thank you.

So, you asked me
a question a couple of days ago.

And you gave it some serious thought?

Actually, I forgot the question.

Here's my answer.

You're not holding up your glass.

I'm sorry.

My father was a lawyer... very smart man...

and he would always say
that a deal is only good...

if it leaves both parties
feeling as if they gave up something.

Is an answer coming soon?
'Cause the glass is getting heavy.


I will change my life...

I will move here...

I will love you...

and believe that this is
the best decision that I've made.

But I will not move here
if it means that one day...

I might have to talk to you through glass.

I won't move here if it means
spending my nights worrying.

So if you can promise me,
as of right now, that you're through...

then we can drink to making changes.

I... I said you could drink now.

I know.

I wanna do all that.

I just have to tell you
that I'm gonna do one more thing...

- and that's it.
- Oh, f*ck.

Everything you said is great. It's perfect.

I just have one more thing I have to do.

You put that out there
when you knew you couldn't follow through.

I put it out there because...
I am following through.

- This is my last one. I promise.
- Sure it is.

I promise you it is my last one.

Then quit. Quit now.

- What does "one last one" mean?
- It means we don't need anything.

I didn't need anything before,
and I don't need anything now...

but what I wanted was to be with you.

And what I didn't need was
exactly this kind of painful bullshit.

My life wasn't perfect before,
but at least we were clear.

Give me some...

I'll see you when I see you.

Hey, what are you doing?

Somebody put fingerprints on my window, Danny.

- You don't need to do it.
- I like a clean window, Danny.

It's all right.

We missed you last night. You feeling better?

- Yes, thank you.
- Sure?

Yes, I'm okay. Thank you, Danny.

- Take your time. Okay, bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.


That's your safe.

Traeger standing jeweler's safe,
this year's model.

If it's new, it's gonna be
tough to get the schematics.

I've got all this year's books.

- Really?
- Yeah. What else?

Okay, the system's Ironclad Security.

They're a big commercial industrial outfit.

They handle a lot
of the government buildings here.

Now, this building's pretty old.
The lines are all over the place.

They're easy to find.
I can cut in three or four different places...

and let you in from there,
but I need the engineering pass codes.

I've been looking.
They don't keep them in here.

They'll be at Ironclad.
I don't know what to do.


What, are you calling someone now?

- What? Who is this?
- It's me. Turn down the music.

Hey, Nick, I am f*cked up.

My mother's totally out of control.

Listen. Listen carefully.

Ironclad Security.

- Big outfit.
- Yeah.

I need engineering pass
codes for the customshouse.

I don't know, man. my concentration's shot.

I haven't slept in, like, a month.

Wait. What customshouse?


You're not pissing in our own pool, man.

You have always said you were
never gonna do a job here in Montreal.

- I know. I know. Can you do it?
- Steven!

Who are you talking to at this hour?

I am having a f*cking conversation
with a friend of mine, Mother!

- Are you... Are you okay?
- She is a ghoul.

Now, tell me exactly what you want.

Just one second. Here's someone
who can tell you what we need.

Just tell him what you need.

I need separate disarm and reset
master codes for the whole system...

and I need the individual
sector bypass codes...

so I can shut down one zone
without lighting off the whole board.

- Okay?
- Yes.

- You got that?
- Got it.

Now, listen, I'm gonna
need this within 48 hours.

If you do that,
I'll double your last price.

Dude, give me a Kaypro 64
and a live dial tone...

and I can do anything.

Oh, now you are going to die.

This is someone you work with?

And you're giving me a hard time.

Thursday, 8:07 a.m.

Hi. I got your message.
One of the stewardesses is sick...

so I have to cover for her on a New York run.

We have to talk when I come
through in a couple of days.

Okay? Bye.

End of messages.

Just lock it.

- You work here?
- No. Here.

Come on.

Come on. Come on in.

Want some coffee?

Jeez. Is this what we're dealing with?

Page 720.

- Where can I get one of these?
- You gotta know the right people.

Traeger floor safe. Here it is.

Solid steel body.

Filled door with aluminum and cobalt.

Half-inch hard plate. Double dial.

You're gonna need two,
three hours to drill through that.

- You can't drill this.
- Why not?

'Cause this is a newer model
and it's got these glass packs.

See the glass pack here? See?

Drill through that, the glass breaks
and those bolts spring into place.

You're f*cked. They're locked. Forget it.

You can't break it with a bulldozer.

I've never seen anything like that.
What do you have in mind?

I don't know, but if somebody
built it, somebody can unbuild it.

Yeah, see, when I shut this down,
you'll see this light go off...

but up in the booth, nothing will register.

- Is that your box?
- That's it.

That's a f*cking monster.
That's three times the size of this.

Even bigger than that.

See that over there?

You can see it better over here.

That's an active infrared post.

I don't know. That wasn't on the system specs.

That's gotta be some independent
loop they set up just in the cage.

I'll take care of it.


All right, just calm down, okay?
I'll be over in a few minutes.

I gotta take care of something.
I'll drop you off.

My mom's only out for about a half an hour.

I was cruising around Ironclad's
server at the root COBOL level...

when someone counter-cracked me,
hacked into my machines, my data.

For three minutes, I was fully exposed.

Now I have to fire wall
my whole operations all from scratch.

- Can you tell me that in English?
- Sorry.

I was a few keystrokes away
from pulling those engineering codes...

when I bump into a guy on the other end.

- And what's on the other end?
- Ironclad's computers.

My guess is he's some
low-level systems administrator.

So, we switch to a private
chat room, and he sends me this.

Can you believe that?

The guy comes into my world
and calls me an assh*le.

- Can you get me the bypass codes?
- I type, "How much?" He types...

"Engineering codes for
the customshouse basement?"

I say, "You guessed it, Blue's Clues."

And he says, "f*ck you."
And I say, "No, f*ck you."

And he says, "No, f*ck you."
I'm like, "No, f*ck you."

Then he's like, "No, f*ck..."

Can you get me the bypass codes?

The guy wants 50 thou
in exchange for the codes.

- Fifty thousand.
- Yes.

Get the account number.

I'll wire the money,
and he'll deliver the codes through you.

Negative. The guy won't go for a transfer.

He wants cash and he wants to do it in person.

- Anything else?
- No.

You set it up. No, no, stay.
I'll let myself out.

When this score's done,
I'm gonna brute this creep with everything.

By the time I'm done with this f*ck,
he won't be able to hide in Bolivia!

Jesus. Look at all these people.

Who sets up a meeting in a public park?

- You see him?
- Still looking.

Got him. He brought backup.

Okay, I got him.

Hey, how ya doing? Good to see ya.

Shake my hand. That's right. You my guy?


- Who's this?
- Cousin.

Cousin? Okay.
See the guy over my left shoulder...

back there on the bench,
reading the paper, the big one?

That's my cousin, okay?

So we've all got family here,
which is nice, I think. Yeah? Okay.

Let me give you that.
Look inside and make sure you're happy.

No, don't take that out.

Hey, man, don't give me orders.
I get orders all day, okay?

Can't count the money in a public place.

That's why you don't set a meeting in a park.

Just for future reference.

Just flip through it in the bag.

We're about set to go here. You ready?

What the f*ck is that?

He's gonna give me the numbers,
and I'm gonna read 'em into this mike...

to a friend of mine who's gonna check 'em out.

Did you think I was gonna
write it down on a cocktail napkin?

- Okay, ready.
- Okay, you're on.

First set: 3-1-7.

- 3-1-7.
- Got it. 3-1-7.

Steven, 3-1-7.

Confirm 3-1-7.

Just be a second.
Are you guys maternal cousins?

- First numbers are clean.
- They're clean. They're clean.

You tell the hack
at the other end of that wire...

he tries to get in my system again,
I will fry him, okay?

Why don't we worry about
next time next time, okay?

Let's get this done before
people start looking at us.

- Give me the second set.
- 9-4-6.

- 9-4-6 - 9-4-6
- 9-4-6. - 9-4-6.

Repeat: 9-4-6. 9-4-6.

- Take it easy. Relax. Have a smoke.
- I don't smoke.

Me either, so good for us.
You guys local? You live here?

Why are you asking so many f*cking questions?

- They're good.
- Second set is good.

What's the third one?



5-8-3-9. Got it.


This is taking too long.
I'm gonna f*cking lose it.

Shut up, Eric.

They have to verify the numbers
off the server. It takes some time.

Just relax, Eric.

Can you help me out?
It's turning into amateur hour out here.

- f*ck you, assh*le.
- What are you doing?

One of them has a g*n.

Burt, big guy's got a g*n.

Steven, how's it going?
We're losing these guys.

- I'm working it, man.
- Steven, want some lunch?

I'm on the phone, bitch!

- You all right?
- We're fine.

Don't anybody move. Eric,
look at my hand right now.

If you take that out, I'm gonna
take this out, be a big f*cking mess.

Put it away, Eric.

There's kids all around. What are you thinking?

Put it away. Take a deep breath
and just put it in your back pocket.

Put it away.

- They're all good.
- Last set of numbers confirmed.

Last set of numbers confirmed.
Let's get out of here.

Next time, don't bring a g*n.

Listen, I thought I might need one, and I did.

- Now we've got the codes.
- Don't bring a g*n.


I called.
They said you hadn't checked in yet. No.

So what time you getting in?

Come on, honey. Don't stay at a hotel.

Just come over to my place. I'll cook some...

Yeah. Yeah.

I was just saying come to my place.
I'll cook something.

You know, we'll talk, okay?

# I'm thinking 'bout a place #

# I'm waiting for the day #

# When I will make my getaway #

# Because as any fool can see #

# there's nothing here for me #

# But hurry up, boy, bring that water #

# Don't do things you shouldn't oughta #

He's good.

When you gotta be there?

I'll go in in a couple hours.
I'm okay. I'm doing fine.

Listen, tell me something. Tell me something.

All the years you've been doing this...

what's the biggest gamble you ever took?

On the job. You know, biggest long shot.

I don't take long sh*ts.

I know you're careful. You know, I'm careful too.

That's not what I mean. I mean...

When you were starting out,
when you were just getting going...

you must have taken some fliers here and there.

Done something that was
a little wild. I'm just curious.

Never took long sh*ts.

I'm gonna say something to you.

You're smart, you're talented
and you know a few things...

but talent means nothing
if you don't make the right choices.

There's talented people out there
who never see daylight anymore.

Last thing, it takes discipline...

because this whole game is one big long shot...

and if you don't have the discipline
to stay away from the fliers...

or from the gambles or whatever
else you wanna call a stupid move...

then, my friend, I'm afraid to say,
one day you will go down.

It's inevitable.

You want my advice?

Make a list of everything you want now...

and plan on spending the next
25 years of your life getting it.

Slowly, piece by piece.

I see what you're saying.

But still, I'm looking at you,
and you got all this already...

and you're sitting here with me,
working with a partner...

in the city where you live,
on a job that's gotten more complicated...

than you thought it was gonna be.

So I know you're still
taking a shot at something.

I gotta go.

See ya tomorrow.

The maintenance crews
come in the tunnels by 6 a.m.

I gotta be back in the hole by 5:30.

As soon as the guards leave,
you gotta tell me right away.

- You can't be late.
- I'm not worried about my end.

I'm wondering how you're gonna
break that safe in half an hour.

You know, I mean...

- Is that even possible?
- Just physics.

- How long is that gonna take?
- Twelve, fifteen minutes, tops.

Fifteen minutes, tops?

Okay. Okay.

Then if you're on the box by 5:00,
the prize goes in the bag by 5: 15.

- You got no problem at all.
- 5: 15, 5:30, I'm back in the hole.

- You reset the system.
- That's perfect.

I'll pack up my shit. I can meet you here.

- We can go to Max, or I can...
- We're not gonna meet back here.

- I'll meet you at Max's, then.
- No.

You'll finish out your shift.
I go to Max. He does his thing.

He pays us off. We never see each other again.

Forget it. Just forget it.
I'm gonna come with you to Max's.

- We'll deliver it together.
- No, you're not.

Listen. I've done this down to the last detail.

Don't put me on the sideline
when it's time to collect.

- Don't do it.
- Listen to me.

You do anything out of the ordinary,
you're gonna get made.

Do you understand that?
Be smart. Finish out your shift.

- You're the boss.
- Okay.

Steven got these from a supplier.
They're throwaways.

Totally untraceable.

People are talking.
They say Max is in trouble with Teddy Salida...

and he's pulling off
a big job to get rid of him.

That's what they say?

Maybe you should walk away from this one.



What are you doing down here?

Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me.

What the hell are you doing down here?

Did you involve Teddy Salida in this?

- What? Teddy Salida?
- Yeah.

- Why would you say that?
- I see these guys outside.

They look like they might be with him.

How much you into him for?

Four million.

Look, how do you think I got all this?

They gave it to me and the house in Bermuda?

What's the matter with you?

What's he know?

- About what?
- About what we're doing.

Nothing. I told him I found
something that would go for eight...

and that we'd split the profits, that's all.

What are you actually
selling the scepter for, Max?

$30 million.

Jesus. Max, what were you thinking?

What was I thinking?
The same thing you were thinking.

How are we gonna get out from under
all this bullshit we've been living?

The chance came. Took it.

- It's gonna work out fine.
- No, it's not.

- What do you mean, it's not?
- It's not. It's a mess.

- It's not gonna work.
- Wait. Wait a f*cking minute.

This is absolutely clean, Nick.
What are you worried about?

Jesus Christ, it's my ass
on the line anyway, not yours.

I'm not taking the biggest gamble of my life...

so I can hand my money over to Teddy Salida.

You think you're not gonna
get your f*cking money?

Look, there's two things you gotta know.

One is you're gonna get every f*cking red cent.

And, yeah, Teddy knows a little.

- He knows?
- He does a little, I said.

- So you did lie?
- Yeah, lied! Shit happens, man!

Christ Almighty!

I lied for you and I lied for me.

I had to say something
to get you to suit up, like always.

I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna do it.

It's a tiny door. Open the door. Take the shit.

Close the door. We're out.

There's too much bullshit around it.

What's that?

The buyer.

Real simple.
You call him when you get the scepter.

He'll meet you at the airstrip
30 miles up the St. Lawrence.

There's a little town called St. Croix.

You give him the scepter,
he gives you the cash.

You take your cut and you wire me the rest.

I'll give Teddy his, and you're clean.

It's too risky.


You don't know what you're doing.

You know how long we go back?

Twenty-five years.

I'm gonna tell you something.

For the first time in my life, I'm scared.

I don't know why it is.
I was never scared before...

but I'm scared now, Nick.

And you're right about Teddy.
He's gonna blow me away if he can.

If I don't get him his money, he...

Man, he...

Hey, don't... don't... don't...
don't let me slide on this one.

I can't afford it, man.

I can't...
I can't scrap it out anymore.

I gotta have some slack.

All right. Okay.

I hope you're not f*cking me up.

I'm going down to check the power.

- How much more equipment you got?
- Here you go.

- Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
- It's okay, Brian.

- Come on in.
- It's my radio.

- Hey, what's all the commotion?
- Don't worry, Danny.

- They're beefing things up.
- What for?

- A few cameras in the basement.
- Like we're gonna lose it, right?

- Lose what?
- That thing in the piano leg.

- The big gold thing?
- Some French national treasure.

- It's called a scepter.
- Some expert saw those pictures.

Now we're getting calls
from the central office.

Hey, it's me. Yeah, we got a problem.

They got a camera over
the main door here, covering that.

They got a camera here,
looking right across the middle.

They got one special just on the box...

sees this entire cage.

This camera looking at the box...

how high is it from the floor
and how low is it from the ceiling?

Probably 10, 12 feet up off the floor.

Four feet down from the ceiling.
I think we're f*cked.

So let me...

When I'm here...

you'll cut the feed when I get across here,
then you'll restore it.

Then when I'm ready here,
you'll cut it again...

and I'll go to work here.

I don't know about that, man.

They know what it is so now they're
gonna move it as soon as they can.

We're not gonna get another chance.
We gotta go now or we don't go at all.

Hi, Doug. Hi.

- Hi, Henri.
- Hi, Brian.

- Okay. Thank you.
- No problem.

- Hi, Danny.
- Hello, Brian.

Oh, look at you. What fancy new shoes.

Yeah. Yeah, my mom got those for me.

- Oh, your mom gave you those?
- I think you got a girl.

No girl, Danny. You're a stinker.

Well, you and your new shoes
can give me a hand up on six tonight.

We're gonna wax the whole cafeteria floor.

You hit the garbage. I'll get the stuff.

I'll meet you there, what, 15 minutes.

Fifteen. Okay.

Okay, I'll get the garbage, Danny.
Okay? Bye-bye, Andre.

Bye-bye. You look good with those shoes.

Yeah, thanks. I know.

Watch your step out there, Brian.

I will. Thank you.

Okay. Okay, Danny.

- Guess what time it is.
- I don't know.

Yes, you do, Danny! It's lunchtime!

All right, I'll tell you what.

What do you say we keep on working,
finish the other side, hmm?

No, Danny. Why?

Then we can blow off the rest
of the day and grab some pancakes.

It won't take us long.
Just throw a little extra thinner into the mix.

It'll go like butter.

Danny, I am sorry.

It's okay. Just leave it. I'll mop it up.

- I'll go get some more.
- You don't need to...

- I will get some more.
- All right.

- You know where? Ground floor?
- Okay.

You know the closet?

Set to go. Set to go.


Are you there? I'm on my mark.

- I'm on. Are you there?
- I'm here. We're running late.

I know. I hit a snag.

I'm already all set up, though.
Just give me one second.

All right, I just gotta punch in
these codes. Just sit tight.

I got it.

Hang on one more beat.

It's clear. Get in there.

I'm inside the first cage.
Repeat: I am inside the first cage.

You're all clear.

- I'm set. k*ll it.
- All right, on my mark.


I'm here.

There we go.

Perfect. Tell me when
you're in second position.


- How ya doing down there?
- Almost there.

Do you know where is Brian?

No idea.

I'm ready.

I need a second here. Hold on.

I'm all set. Cut the cameras. Repeat:

I'm all set. Cut the cameras.

Gotta go. Got to go.

What's up? What's up?

I got company. I got company.

Hang on one second.

Just sit tight. I'll be right back.


Jack, where are you?

Jack, come in. Jack.

Jack, are you there?

I'm pulling out. Repeat: I'm pulling out.

- I'm back. I'm back.
- It's too late.

- I'm pulling out.
- No, it's not. We're good.

Get ready to go.

On my mark.

Go, go, go.

What the hell's wrong with these machines?

Hey, stop banging on it. Check the connection.

- You see something?
- I don't know.

Call them. Call Ironclad.

- And look like idiots?
- I don't care. Call them.

Maybe it's some of the equipment
down in the basement.

Okay. Thanks.

Someone will be here in a few minutes.

Where are you, kid?

Make a move, make a sound, and you are dead.

Do you understand me?

Turn around.

Be quiet.

I wish you had not come down here, man.

Get over there. Turn around.
Come on. Let's go. Turn around.

Walk over there. Open the door.

Open it.

Get inside.

Look at me.

You're a good man. I don't want to hurt you.

But if you start making noise
or try to open that door, I will do it.

Do you understand me?

Stay in there and be quiet.
Everything will be fine.

I don't wanna wait.

I want you and Tommy
to go into the basement now.

Come on, Andre. I'm watching this.

Laurent, please.

Tommy, get Philippe.
We're gonna be checking out the basement again.

Hold it right there!

- Are you crazy?
- Take it off and put it down.

- Aw, come on.
- Take it off and put it down now!

- Don't do this.
- Take it off and put it down!

- Please, don't...
- Don't f*cking argue with me.

Take it off and put it down.

I can't. I can't.

I'll put the next one in your knee.
I don't have time to f*ck around.

We can work out the details later.
I am leaving with that scepter.

Now, take it off and hand it over right now!

Put it down. Slowly.

Now, step back. Back up.

- Take off your mask.
- What?

Take it off!

I don't have time to play games. Take it off.

Throw it over there.

Step in the middle.

Step in the middle. That's right.

We wouldn't be here if you'd thrown
me some respect at the beginning.

- Just a little bit.
- This is a stupid move.

What are you doing?
Just go up there and finish...

It's a long shot. I should play it tight.

You know what I think of your bullshit advice?

I think that's you trying to
talk me into taking a sucker's share...

on a score that I set up from the beginning!

You think I'm stupid,
that I don't see what you and Max are doing?

I mean, what is he giving you?
Five, six million?

Tell me that's not true.

See, that doesn't work for me.

I appreciate your help,
but you should've made me a partner.

Now I gotta take a shot.

Just sit tight. Just sit tight.
Everything will be fine.

Now you got a choice.
You can either head for that tunnel...

or smile for that camera.

Andre, what's happening?

Get down! Go to the basement!

We're being robbed! We're being robbed!

Henri, quick! Go outside! Wait for the police!

Let's go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Over here! Over here!

- He's in the tunnel!
- Where is he?

Find him!

Come on! Come on!

- Back there!
- Okay!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

- Andre!
- Oh, shit.

- Andre, is there a fire?
- It's okay.

- Where's Danny?
- Just get out!

- Okay.
- Just wait outside.

My radio.

- Just wait outside!
- Okay, bye-bye.

Wait, Brian, wait!

Get back, Brian!

It's Brian! It's Brian!

- Have you seen Brian?
- He's okay! He's outside!

No! My God, it's him!

It's okay now. It's okay.

Attention. The bus to Albany,
New York leaves in five...


- Hey, did you make it?
- f*ck you.

Come on. I'm just checking
to make sure you got out okay.

I knew you'd give 'em the slip.

I'm almost home, too, here, by the way.

Oh, you are, huh? You sure about that?

Look, whatever you're thinking about,
just forget it, okay?

This is over now
and you just gotta deal with it.

It's not over yet 'cause you don't know
where you're going, and I do.

- You don't know shit!
- You know where you're going?

I'm five minutes from being gone.
You can't imagine where I'm going.

- You got nothing.
- You know what I got.

You just can't deal with
the fact that I beat you.

Oh, yeah? What have you got?
Huh? What have you got?

You know what I've got.

Let me ask you something.

When did you start thinking
you were better than me, huh?

You still there, ace?

Okay. Nicely done.

Nicely done. Now let's talk about this.

Okay, let's see. How'd you put it?
"Deal with it. It's over."

No, I don't think so.
You want me to list the ways I can burn you?

We either work this out right now,
or I will take you down.

Oh, yeah? How? My shop, my tools, they're gone.

Me, my friend, I'm just
a taxpaying jazz club owner.

You? Every cop in the city's
looking for you right about now.

So if I were you,
I'd quit making threats and hit the road.

Nice working with you, ace.

Okay, bye-bye.

Montreal was stunned
by the daring predawn robbery...

of the old city's historic customshouse.

A priceless scepter was stolen.
A senior night janitor...

identified this man...

as the prime suspect in the burglary.

He was spotted leaving the scene
moments after the robbery...

and is now the focus of a massive manhunt.

A second suspect vanished
from the scene without a trace.

Police have no solid leads.
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