04x03 - Mid Day Sun

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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04x03 - Mid Day Sun

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me? ♪

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪

Why didn't you wake me up?
You know I hate being late.

Oh, you were dead to the world.

What time did you
get in last night?

About three. The baby
took its time arriving.

I'm due in Whitby
this morning too.

Well, maybe you'll have an
easier time at the village surgery.

Fat chance, with the bug that's
going round at the moment.

Have you eaten all the toast?

It's there, dear.

Oh, yeah. You wouldn't put that
in the car for me, would you?

Urgh. What you've
got in here, Kate?

Old patients' files.

Thought you'll be glad
to get rid of them.

Yeah, delighted. Just don't
fancy getting a hernia.

Oh, stop moaning, you'll be fine.

- You're not carrying a box.
- Get on!

"Maybe you'll have
an easy surgery, eh."

Where d'you want them?

Leave them in the
hall for the moment.

Morning, everybody!

I'm sorry I'm a bit
late starting today.

Sit down, Claude.

So, what seems to be the problem?

I've got some sort of flu.
Every bone in my body aches.

I think it's bringing
on me rheumatism.

How dangerously are you living?

How d'you mean?

I mean, if your rheumatism's
playing up

it's more likely to be caused by
midnight rambles in the cold and damp

than anything else.

Oh, yes. Very good.

You're spending too much time
with a policeman is warping you.

Let's listen to your chest.

Do I have to take my coat off?

That would be a good idea, yes!

I hope you're gonna
warm that thing up.

He'll come back when he's hungry.

You know how much
that dog means to him.

We'll find him!


Mum, I'm just gonna look for him!

Look, it's not my fault
Sam's gone missing.

You're the one who
insisted on bringing him.

We didn't want to come
here in the first place!

Oh, don't start all that again.

I didn't exactly have much choice!

And we didn't have any at all!
And now we're stuck here!

Jamie, you must eat something!

Mum, I don't want anything!

Morning, Tom.

We lost one of the
beagles yesterday.

So if you see anything...

I'll keep me eyes open.

What happened?

Oh, it's common enough that
one'll go off on a scent of its own.

But we usually find 'em next day.

Big meeting?

Good turnout.

Rotten sport.
Didn't catch a thing.

And the ground we covered should
have been stuffed with hares.

So where did they go?

Either something
frightened 'em off.

Or more likely somebody's had 'em.

- Poachers?
- Exactly.

There aren't that many dogs in
the village can take down a hare

...and one of them's a lurcher,
if you get my drift.

I'll toss you for first go.

No you won't.
You're welcome to it.


See, when I get behind the wheel of
that, there's gonna be no stopping me.

It hasn't been send in
solely to boost your love life.

- Morning, lads!
- Nick.

I see my new motor's arrived.

Er... it's Ashfordly's, Nick.

And I spotted it first.

- So keep your hands off it.
- Oh yeah?

He thinks he's James Bond
goin' to pull all the birds.

More like p*ssy Galore!


Well, it's good of you
to join us, Rowan.

I'm just going outside
to test my new vehicle.

I may be away for some time.

Good morning, gentlemen.

ALL: Morning, ma'am.

I see the new car's arrived,
Sergeant Blaketon.

Yes, ma'am.

D'you know, I'm surprised you haven't
put somebody out on patrol yet?

Well I was just about to, ma'am.

Good. Because I need you to go
over the custody records, please.

Ah. Well, er... certainly, ma'am.

Would you like to go through
to my office, ma'am?

Thank you.

Bellamy, bring in the files.

And Ventress, you go outside
and impress the ratepayers

with our new vehicle.

And Rowan, just take
that smirk off your face.

How are you feeling?

Well, I'm still getting these
headaches, Dr. Rowan.

How often?

All day. I'm on me own at the garage
now, so I can't take much time off.

And the pills I gave you
aren't helping at all?

Well, not that I've noticed.

When did you do that?

Oh er, couple of weeks back,
strippin' some rusty panels off a car.

Looks nasty.
Did you put anything on it?

I kept it clean.

Jim, that should have
been properly dressed.

Well, things heal quicker
in the fresh air.

It's a bit itchy, but been alright.

You up to date with
your anti-tetanus?

Yeah, oh yeah. You've got to in
my line of work, haven't you?

That's fine. I think I'll give
you a booster all the same.

Oh, the other thing is, I've got
a bit of a sore throat coming on.

Let's have a look.

Hmm. It's a bit inflamed all right.

It's probably the bug that's
going around at the moment.

You're in the wars, aren't you?

"Shakin' All Over"

♪ When you're movin'
right up close to me

♪ That's when I get the
shakes all over me

♪ Quivers down the backbone

♪ I got the shakes down the kneebone

♪ Yeah, the tremors in the thighbone

♪ Shakin' all over! ♪

The radio man's here, Doctor.

Are there many more patients?

There's six to go.

Seemed to be an
awful lot this morning.

I'm afraid you've had seen them all.
Dr. Rowan hasn't turned up.

I see. Well, you'll just
have to ask him to wait.

She is beautiful, isn't she?

What you're waiting for, Alf?

This could be your chance
to turn a few heads.

- Oh Nick.
- Hmm?

You wouldn't do us
a favour, would you?

What's that?

Come with me.


Well, between you and me,
it's been some time...

Don't tell me you can't drive!

Of course I can!

It's just that it's been a year or two
since I've been behind the wheel...

Well, come on, then!


Ta, love. And a pasty, please.

Pasty, please, Uncle George!

Feeling any better?

Worse, if anything.

Think I'm coming
down with the flu, now.

Claude's kind of ill.
We haven't seen him here this week.

What can I get you, sir?

Ah, pint of bitter, please.

Hello, mate.


It's thirsty work,
shopping round here.

- Are you just passing through?
- Yes.

We're caravanning. Looking for
a place to live at the same time.

That was quick!

Aye, I'd made it for meself!

Greater love hath no man, eh?

There you go, Jim. It's a good 'un.

- Keep the change.
- Thanks very much.

My, you look a pit peaky.

I'd feel a lot better if people
didn't keep goin' on about it.

How about the hair of the dog?

THE TRINITY: "This Wheel's On Fire"

♪ If your memory serves you well

♪ We were gonna
meet again and wait ♪

Now, put it in gear, and
ease the clutch out gently.

Well, let's try again, shall we?


Oh, what's the matter
with this car?

I think you're
starting in third, Alf.


It's moving!

Well, you've taken your
foot's off the brake.

♪ This wheel's on fire

♪ Rollin' down the road... ♪

I should change down
a gear if I were you.



You found one you
liking, haven't you.

Oh, come on!

And try using your brake!

So you're from round
here originally then?

No, not really.
I've been in the Army.

We've lived all over.

But, I've got a friends up North,

so it seem's as good a place
as any to make a fresh start.

That's nice.

I wonder, could you
give me some advice?

Yeah, sure.

You see, our dog's gone missing,
day before yesterday and uh...

what's the best place to put
up a notice, offer a reward,

that sort of thing?

Yeah, well write it out now and
I'll put it up on the wall for you.

What sort of a dog is it?

It's a golden retriever.
Thanks very much.

The family getting frantic.

I'll get you a piece of paper.

Are you going, Jim?
You haven't finished your pasty!

Well, me throat's that sore,
I can hardly swallow. See you.


There's a lot of it about, you know.


How am I gonna get round?

You want to come back a bit.


Oh, is that enough?

Come on, Alf. I wanna stop at
Greengrass' place on the way back.

Oh, that's up that way, then.

Well, indicate, then!

That's not the indicator, Alf!

Basically functions as a
normal two-way radio

between the base station
and the portable unit.

Now, you can either opt
for the hand-held version,

or you can have one
fitted to your car.

Hmm. What do you think, Kate?

It sounds ideal.
But how much does it cost?

£ a set.

Can we buy one set and
add more units later?

That's no problem.

£ !

If the midwife service
has them, we should.

It's the police, Claude. Open up.

Oi! Come on, this is a raid.
Bring out your dead!

What are you talking about?
What dead?

About a dozen hares,
from what I can gather.

What you're talking about?! What've
you been putting in his porridge?

It's a serious matter, Greengrass.
We may have to arrest Alfred again.

You what? Look, I've not been well.

I've not been out for a week.
Neither has he.

That's not how it
looked to Tom Gordon.

Well, Tom Gordon wants his eyes testin'.

And you taking it out on me,
you want your heads lookin' at.

So you haven't been
on Birley Moor lately?

Birley Moor?

How many times you
want me to tell you?

I should, I should be in bed,
not galloping about on Birley Moor!

Yeah, all right.

It looks like he's telling
the truth for once.

Come on, Alf.

Yeah, go on, go and pester
somebody else. Coppers!

♪ If your memory serves you well

♪ I was gonna confiscate my lace

♪ And wrap it up in a sailor's knot

♪ And hide it in your face... ♪


What's that?

You've just hit Greengrass's truck.

Oh. Let's get out of here,
before he sees us!

♪ This wheel's on fire

♪ Rollin' down the road

♪ Let's notify my next of kin

♪ This wheel shall explode! ♪

Oh, no!
What am I gonna tell Blaketon?

No, don't worry about it.
Just stay out of his way.

I'll get Jim Swaby to sort
this out on the quiet.

It's a good job they
have-n't fitted a radio yet!

What if he comes looking for us?

He won't! Now, come on.

Mind the sheep!

Daft beggars! Why don't they
read the Highway Code?!

- Right, then.
- Right.

I had a word with Greengrass.

What did he say?

Well, it's nothing to do with him.

You could be right at that.

I found my missing one dead,
down by the woods.

What would that be? A fox?

Might be.
I've never had it happen before.

But if it's fast enough and
hard enough to k*ll a beagle,

it should be able to
see off a few hares.



- Well?
- Nothing.

You do surprise me!

I've asked in the post office,
I've asked in the shop,

and I've also put up a
notice in the local pub.

So you think we
should just sit and wait?

All I want to do is to get
up to Middlesbrough,

find old Graham and see
if he'll give me a job.

But what about Jamie?

Look, he'll get over it.

We had a good life in the Army.

Alice, all that is in the past.

I mean I didn't
asked for any of this.

But since I've been given
my marching orders,

we might as well
make the best of it.

I mean, look at it from
Jamie's point of view.

I mean, it's much better for him to
make a fresh start in a new school now,

when he's , than in years' time.

Quiet. He's coming.

Any luck, darling?

He'll turn up.

Your father's going
off for a look now.

He's put a notice
up in the village.

I'll get my boots on.

I should never have listened
to you about that ruddy dog!

Hello, love.

It's finally arrived!

No, it's not mine.
It's for general use in Ashfordly.

What's it doing here, then?

Well, Alf's managed to
pranged it already, so

I thought I'll ask Jim to
have a look at it for me.

Kate, why are those turnips
in the back of your car?

Don't ask.


All right, Jim.

Hello, mate.

Hey listen.
Can you do us a favour?

Our new police car's
had a bit of a bump.

Can you sort it for me?

I'll have a look.


Are you all right?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I just keep tensing up.

Here, let's get you out of there.


Will you get us that mug of water?


Here you are.

Kate, he's through there.

What happened?

He had some sort of fit.
His whole body went rigid.

I only saw him this morning.

It could be tetanus,
but I don't understand how.

His inoculations are up to date.

Hello, Jim. How are you feeling?


My throat's as sore as hell,
and I'm so thirsty.

Could we have a
glass of water, please?

Is there any stiffness
in your neck?

Not in particular, Doctor.

It just comes in waves. All over.

These all feel quite relaxed.


Now, just sip this slowly, Jim.

Here, let me help.


It's all right. It's all right.


I think we should isolate him.

What's happening?

I'm going to ask James Radcliffe
for a second opinion.

I don't think it can be tetanus
even though it looks like it.

So what do you think it is?

I've never seen it, but I'm
wondering if it might be rabies.



Here, boy!


Come on, darling.

Look, Kate.

I hope you're wrong.

His muscles are relaxing
completely between spasms.

If it was tetanus,
surely they'd stay tense.


What have you done so far?

I've sedated him to
control the convulsions.

I've seen it a couple of
times before, you know.

Is there any way of halting it?

Once it's reach the brain, no.

What about vaccines?

They can't work.
Once the symptoms show,

it means it's established itself
in the central nervous system.

So what happens next?

With rabies, it's just
a matter of time.

I'd better go and
phone my sergeant.

Have you asked him
about being bitten?


We'd better go and talk to him.

How's Jamie?


Oh, well. We'll sort something out.

There is life after the
Army, you know.

Are you sure this friend of
yours will be able to help?

Well, I can't guarantee it, but he
did say that I should contact him.

What about Sam?

I think we should leave him.

I should never have
listened to you two.

We can't.

Our life's gone wrong
enough as it is.

I don't want Jamie to hate us.
I couldn't bear it.

Look, I really do think we should go.


Sarge, it's me. Nick Rowan.

Look, I'm at the hospital.
I think we've got a bit of a problem.

It must have come from abroad.

Try and get him to concentrate
on contacts with animals,

possibly from overseas.

Will he be coherent enough?

He should perfectly lucid until
the convulsions start again.

If they get really bad,
his heart and breathing may stop.

Can't we sedate him again?

Not until we know what's caused it.

We've got to know, Kate,
and there isn't much time.


Jim, can you hear me?

Dr. Rowan.

What's happening to me?

We don't know yet.

This is Dr. Radcliffe.
He's going to look at you.


Am I going to die?

You must keep calm so we can
try and find out what this is.

Now, I need you to think back.

Have you been bitten by
any animals recently?


Not that I can remember.

- Well?
- They're sure of it, Sarge.

Well, how can they tell?
Don't they have to do tests or summat?

Apparently not.

He's got all the symptoms.
Dr. Radcliffe's seen it before.

Alright. Do we know
where he got it from?

No, not yet.

He doesn't remember
being bitten by anything.

You can catch if a
dog just licks you.

So as far as we know, Swaby,
he could have caught the disease

from any animal he's touched
in the last six months?

Well, that's about it, Sarge.

But it does tie in with one or two other
things that's been happening lately.

Such as.

Well, something's getting
at the wildlife in this area.

We had blamed it on foxes,

but one of Tom Gordon's
beagle has been k*lled.

So it could be established
in the wild already.

What a mess.

I remember an outbreak
like this when I was a kid.

Animals the troops brought
back from abroad, after the w*r.

Well, did anyone die then?

Well, not that I can recall.
Folks were on the lookout for it.

First sign of a dog in a panic,
and someone'd scream 'rabies'.

Happened in our street once.

There was this animal rushing about all
over the place, great trails of saliva

and two men cornered it
and clubbed it to death.

Turned out there was
nothing wrong with it.

Just a lost dog that was thirsty.

But I tell you something, Rowan.

If this is confirmed,
we're in big trouble.

And we just got to find
out where it started.




Jim, have you seen
any animals recently?

Village dogs, that's all.

And what about wild animals?
Have you been carving lately?

No. Nothing, nothing.

Have you had anything
hanging round the garage?

Are you sure, Jim?

Sure... sure.

What about customers,
that weren't local?

There... was a car.

- A car?
- A foreign car.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
A foreign car.

Opel. Opel car...
which had a dog.

- It was a friendly dog.
- Did you touch it?

I can't. Probably. I don't...

Have you any idea where
they were from, Jim?


- ...a left-hand drive.
- A left-hand drive.

They're... c-caravanning.

I saw the bloke in the pub.

I saw the bloke in the pub!

Thanks, Jim.

That's a great help.


All right. Thanks, Kate.

I'll be over as soon as I can.

What is it?

It's Swaby, Sarge.
He's in a pretty bad way.

All Kate got of him was a few words.

He's talking about an Opel car,
left-hand drive,

caravan, and a friendly dog.

Right, we'll start a search at dawn,
for a friendly dog, a caravan,

what was the other thing?

- A left-hand drive...
- A left-hand drive car.

Meanwhile, you get on the phone.

You deal with Division
and the local council.

And I'll try and get some sense
out of the Ministry of Agriculture.


Right! Let's go.

We can't.

Jamie's gone.


Gone where?

To look for Sam, I presume.

Well, let's find him
and get on the road.

Venner, Lowndes.

Very nice of you to spare
us the time, gentlemen.

Uh Hogg?

- Lowndes?
- Here.

- Is he here?
- All right.




Always late.

Wilson. Anderson.


Are you sure there's nothing
you have to report to me?


You are aware, I hope, of the importance
of reporting damage to police property.

Particularly when it's so damn new,
it's hardly out of its wrapping paper!

Sgt Blaketon? Morning.
Philip Martin, from the Ministry.

What's the latest news?

Uh well, the entire
Division is checking

all camp sites and lay-bys
for the suspect vehicle.

Can we start, then?

Well come through to my office.

If nothing turns up within
the next two hours,

the search widens by miles.

They're standing by from
Sheffield to Newcastle.

I understand the people involved
were still in the area yesterday.

- Aye, so I believe.
- Where was that?

At a camp site near Aidensfield.
Bellamy! Two teas.

M-VZ . Right, Rowan. Got it.

Birley Moor camp site, it is.

Right. We'll start with a twelve-
mile radius round there then.

Perhaps you'll like to brief your
men on the roadblocks, Sergeant.

While I get the local council
in the area to pick up strays.

And we'd better call in
all local gamekeepers.

We're gonna need
help with pest control.

Alright. Ventress!

Yes, Sarge?

- Ventress!
- Yes, Sarge?


Yes, Sarge?!

Get on the phone to
the local gamekeepers,

and check this registration
with the ferry companies.

Right you lot, listen to me.

Before we set up the roadblocks,
these are the regulations.

No animal to be brought
into the infected area.

No animals to be removed from the
infected area without a special licence.

All dogs to be muzzled,
all cats to be kept indoors...

...all strays to be rounded up...

...and all feral cats
to be shot on sight.

Oh, you better shut
down all hunting as well.

Oh His Lordship won't like that.

"Fox on the Run"

♪ She walked through the corn,
leading down to the river

♪ Her hair shone like gold
in the hot falling sun

♪ Like a fox...

♪ ...on the run. ♪


Hey, what's happened to Jim?
Is he all right?

No, he's not.

Oh, what's the matter?

We think he's got rabies.


Looks like someone's brought
a dog in from abroad.

Now, we think this man
was in your pub yesterday.

Do you remember any strangers?

It was pretty quiet yesterday.

Oh, there was a man in.

His name's on the notice by
the board. He's lost his dog.

Oh, my God!

Can I use your phone?


Ah, I've got it. Right, thanks.

Well, the roadblocks will be
sealing off the area by now.

Can you ask your superiors to get
on to the Army base for manpower?

We'll need to organise sweeps
in the woods in the district.

Any luck with the gamekeepers?

Well they're meeting up at the
Aidensfield village hall at midday.

Now, what I want you...

Sarge? I've got a response
from the ferries.

The car was brought in by Major
Michael Halstead from Germany.

It was an Opel Rekord.

Sounds like a sweet.

What's up?

Claude, do you know he
should be wearing a muzzle?

I know a few coppers
that could apply to.

You can't take him out of the area.

It's all okay, I'll be
bringing him back.

You won't be bringing him back
cos you're not taking him out!

It's serious, Claude.
Now, come on. Turn it round.

- Claude?
- What?

D'you know your
rear light's broken?

Yeah. And if I find out who did it,
he's gonna get gelded!

♪ Like a fox...

♪ ...on the run! ♪

Morning, Nick. What's up?

- We've got an outbreak of rabies.
- Eh?

There's a retriever on the loose.

All animals are quarantined within
miles radius of Birley Wood.

That's where your dog
was k*lled, isn't it?

Aye. I was down there
again this morning.

Did you see anything?

Well, the pack caught a fox.

- Is that unusual?
- Very.

But if it was sick or injured...

Well, this retriever's been
on the loose for days.

So the fox could
have been infected?

They all could be.

But that means my pack
could be carrying it!

Well, make sure you muzzle
them and keep them inside.

How's it passed on?

Saliva, usually.

It has to get into the
bloodstream somehow.

Talk to your vet about it.

If I get any news, I'll let you know.





Call Dr. Radcliffe, quick.

Max! Max. Bring the dog
in now, immediately!

So when d'you expect him, Gina?

Well, he didn't say when exactly.
He just said it'd be quite early.

D'you think he's left the area?

No, not without his car.

We've got people up at the camp site.

So what's going to happen?

To Halstead?

No, I mean round here.

It's not a good time to
be a stray dog, George.

Is it true about Swaby?

Yeah, afraid so.

Claude, there's a meeting
at the village hall today

for all the gamekeepers
in this area.

Might be a good idea
for you to be there.

What as? Target practice?

They need a bit of help, Claude.

I'll have a large Scotch.

That's him!


Major Halstead?

Yes, that's right.

PC Rowan, Aidensfield Police.

We have reason to believe

you've breached the Importation
of Dogs and Cats Order, .

Would you mind accompanying
me to Ashfordly police station.


That's that.

We did everything we could, Kate.

I just hope we're not going
to have an epidemic.

Major Hallstead.


Do you know why you're here?

Yes, I do.

So, you admit the offence?

Yes. Yes, I do.

To be perfectly honest,
it's a relief.

I'll need you to make a statement.

Did you tell him about Swaby?

No, Sarge.

Uh, what's that?

A man has just died of rabies
in our local hospital.

Half an hour ago.

You may remember him, Major.

He used to run the
garage in Aidensfield.

He sold you some petrol.

Well, I'm sorry.

That's hardly the point, is it?

Well, there's nothing
wrong with our...

Are you saying that our dog...

It's not exactly an everyday
occurrence in these parts, Major.

Right. We'd best get you to
a doctor... and your family.

Where are they, by the way?

But they're still out,
looking for the dog.

Well, why didn't you
say so before, man?

Rowan, get out there,
start looking for them.


And you'd better start
praying they don't find it.




Morning, gentlemen.
Thank you for coming.

Let's go inside. I'll explain
the plan for the afternoon.

What are they up to?

Extra manpower,
help clear the woods.

"Control to Delta Alpha - ."

Delta Alpha - . Go ahead, Sarge.

Rowan, Mrs. Halstead's turned up at
the roadblock on the Strensford Road

but the boy's not with her.

So get yourself over there and see
if you can find out where he's gone.

Yeah, I'm on my way.

- And Ventress!
- Yes, Sarge?

You'd better get outside too
and see if you can find him.

Take the new car.

Only this time, try not to
wrap it round anything!

Yes, Sarge.

How soon will you
know if I'm infected?

About a week, but you will have
to be tested again in ten days.

Will I have to have the injections?

Almost certainly.

- All of us?
- Yes.

I've heard about 'em, ma'am.

Not sure if my wife
will be able to stand it.

Believe me Mr. Halstead,

any course of injection is better
than what Jim Swaby went through.

- How do, lads!
- Hi!

You know you're entering
a quarantine zone?

North Riding Council.
We're the dog-catchers, mate.

Mrs. Halstead's here.

Have you told her anything?

No, I thought I'd leave it to you.

- Mrs. Halstead?
- Yes.

PC Rowan.
Do you understand what's going on?

No, I don't! That man
won't tell me anything!

Is my husband all right?
Is it my son?

Your husband's been arrested.

He brought a dog into this
country from Germany.

We were going to have it quarantined
as soon as we were settled.

Your dog is almost certainly rabid.

It's already caused one death.
Now, where is your son?

He's out here somewhere,
looking for the dog.

He could be anywhere.

Where did you last see him?

I think he was going to
take a look in those woods.

- That's where I was going.
- Right.



Alright, there's no need to push!
Here, hold me g*n.

Alright. Come on,
come on, give us it here.

How's it going, Claude?

All right. Hey, who do I
send the bill to for this lot?

Have you got many more to do?

No. This is the last.

Oh, come on then,
you can give me a hand.

Hey, I'm nearly an old
age pensioner, you know!



Here, Sam!


Here, Sam!

Here boy! Come on.


Hello, Sam. Where have you been?

I've been looking
for you everywhere.

Good boy!

Hang on, hang on.
There's somebody moving.


Behind that wall.




Are you hurt?

He bit me! I felt it.
He bit me!

Don't touch the dog, Jamie.

- I've got to get him to a vet!
- Come here, come here!

What are you doing?
I've got to get him to a vet!

No! No! No!

- Sam! No! No!
- Jamie!

Claude, stay with the dog.
I'll send someone over.

How long's that gonna take?

Well, I don't know.

Jamie. Come on.
Jamie. Come on!

What are you doing?

I'm sorry, son.

Tom Gordon's beagles
k*lled a fox this morning.

- That means nothing.
- I heard Tom say so myself!

- That's a pack, all probably rabid!
- I'm sh**ting nothing!

Well, I don't know what
are they waiting for.

We can't take any chances
with something like this.

One of them dogs could get loose.

Now, that's enough of that, John!

If the authorities won't,

we should get out there and
finish 'em off ourselves!

While we can.

I'll have no talk of lynching anyone
or anything, not in my pub!

You just leave these matters up
to those that understand them.

There's a man dead, George!

Aye, and there'll be another soon!

And a lot more!
Wake up to what's going on.

- You've got a g*n?
- Yes, I have.

Wait there.
I'm going to radio my sergeant.

Delta Alpha - to Control.

BLAKETON: "Control receiving.
What is it, Rowan?"

The dog's been shot, Sarge.

I'm in Birley Woods.
I've got Jamie Halstead with me.

He's been bitten.

Now, where should I take
him for his inoculation?

Let me call the doctor. Out.

Where are they now?

"Birley Woods."

Tell them to wait there.

I'll find out where Dr. Rowan is,
with the vaccine, and call you back.

Excuse me. Something's come up.

- Ashfordly Police.
- Hello, this is the Aidensfield Arms.

- George?
- Give me Sergeant Blaketon.

What the hell is
going on down there?

...Aidensfield Arms!

RADCLIFFE: "Kate, can you hear me?"

Yes, James. What is it?

They found the boy and the dog,
but the boy's been bitten.

Where are you now?

"I've just collected the vaccine."

"About three miles
out from Pickering."

"I'll tell them to meet you at the
ford on the Strensford Road."

- "You know the one?"
- Yes, I do.

"Kate, inject the globulin as
close to the wound as you can."

"Rowan, the ford on the Strensford Road,
she's heading there now from Pickering."

Right. On our way, Sarge.

Right, come on, Jamie.
On you get.


Uh, no, no, Ventress,
we've found the boy.

Listen, just get down to
the Aidensfield Arms now.

There's some kind of riot going on.

Hello, Jamie. I'm Dr. Rowan.

Can you show me where
you were bitten?

Alright. I'll give you an injection,
and then we'll get you to the hospital.

They shot my dog.

I'm sorry.

Right. Well, I wanted to
speak to you together

cause what I have to
say concerns you both.

Now I know that you both knew
the quarantine regulations

regarding the importation of
animals into this country.

As a result of this,

you can expect a fine of £ .

However, I've spoken to my
superiors and their decision is

that you, Major, will be charged...

...but you won't.

But, Sergeant, it was my fault.

Just let me finish.

That was their decision, not mine.

If it was up to me, you'd both
be charged, with manslaughter.

Between the two of you, you've
caused the death of a good man

and jeopardised the
life of your own son.

We've found him, by the way.

Thank God!

He's in hospital.

Hospital, why?

Well, he's been bitten, so they've
started injections immediately.

You'd best go to him.

He'll be in a lot of pain.

Thanks to the two of you.

What will happen to Halstead?

Well, he'll probably get a fine.

And the papers'll tell everyone
what an idiot he's been.

It's the boy I feel sorry for.

If we're lucky, we'll have
caught him in time.

Doesn't do Jim much good.

You couldn't have known, Kate.

I should have known!

That's what doctors are for.

To know things that
other people don't.

It doesn't exactly happen
every week, does it?

Let's leave it, eh?


Now what?

Hello, Nick.

What have you been up to?

I got into a fight at the pub.

Alf, you've left the handbrake off.

What handbrake?

Nick! Nick!

Come on, give us a hand!
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