04x04 - Turn Of The Tide

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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04x04 - Turn Of The Tide

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪

♪ HOLST - The Planets: Mars

Mrs. Harris.
An Aidensfield patient.

I need to examine her leg,
replace the dressing.

I can't say how late
I'll be, Christine.

But if James could cover
for me till I get there...

Thank you. Goodbye, Christine.

Is she giving you a hard time?

Clucking over James
like a broody hen.

Oh, maybe she fancies him.


I think she hates anyone
else on her patch.

Right. You ready for this?

I've got to go, love.

But I've cooked for two.

You'll have to eat
for two, won't you?

Right, Walter.

- Got them?
- Aye.

Let's have a look, then.

Hang on. There's one missing!


Fishing off a pier in winter!

With all that wind whistling
up your Y-fronts!

What kind of a holiday is that?

I always go at this time of the year.

Fortunately my missus
thinks it's a good idea.

Plus the fact that it keeps me out
from under her feet for a week.

Keeps you in line, does she, Alf?

The secret of a successful
marriage, Nick.

Making them think that doing what
you like is doing what they say.

Rowan! Can you tell me
why Inspector Murchison,

a lady not known to
indulge in idle gossip,

has just been on the blower
asking questions about you?

Search me, sarge.

Well, she's on her way
over here to see you.

So think on.

Oh. Morning, Christine.

Dr. Rowan.

Just as well my husband didn't see
me batting along the coast road.

I often wonder what he'd do
if he got me bang to rights.

The right thing, I should expect.

James coped all right?

Dr. Radcliffe takes these little
inconveniences in his stride.

Looking forward to going
on leave, Ventress?

Oh, uh, yes, ma'am.

How well do you know the
Whitby fishing community?

Better than most, ma'am.

Do they know you're
a police officer?

Eh, no.

Well, seeing how they
feel about uniforms...

..thought it best that they thought
I was there for the fishing.


Makes it all the easier for PC Rowan
when he shows up with you tomorrow.

I'm assigning you to special
duties in Whitby, Rowan.

Now then, Mr. Hesketh!

Cedric, feeling fit?

Oh, mustn't grumble, you know.

Right, there you go, Mr. Hesketh.

I count five containers, Cedric.

There should be six.

Well, that's all my bloke
reckoned was dropped off.

Your people must've made a mistake.

We don't make mistakes, Cedric.



Transport's here, Mr. Hesketh.


We've had four tip-offs
in as many weeks.

No word yet on the type
of goods coming in.

Reliable sources, ma'am?

The harbour master, rumours
picked up by my officers.

Well, rumours about smuggling
in Whitby, nothing new in that.

Not. But what is new is
how we deal with them.

You'll be working undercover, Rowan.

These boatmen are a clannish lot.

But they know Ventress which
should give you a foot in the door.

Well, how long will I be away, ma'am?

A week. If it's rumour, fine.

If not, I want to know.

And I'm confident that you
won't let me down, Rowan.

Find it, Cedric,
and find it quickly.

What with the tides,
it could be anywhere.

You don't seem to
understand, Cedric.

Now, I am a very
reasonable man...

...but the people I work
for are anything but.

You get the point?

Sit down, Liza.

Like that, is it?

You weren't planning on
getting pregnant, were you?

No, not really.

So, how d'you feel about it?

Still taking it in.

I'm wondering what the
hell Jake is going to say.

Your boyfriend?

Jake Stirling.

Will he stand by you,
do you think?

It's his baby as
much as it is mine.

Well, remember if you
need any help, I'm here.


I'll fix a room up for
two of you, then.

Lovely to have you here again, Alf.

Till tomorrow then, bye.

Alf's bringing a friend
wi' him tomorrow.

Mrs. Stirling.

Jake, I need to talk to you.

Got to go and get the
boat ready, Mum.

I'll have a word
before you go, Jake.

In private.

Go on, I'll catch up.

I thought you've stopped
seeing that lass.

No, I just stopped
bringing her here.

I've told you before, Jake, I don't
want you involved with her.

Look, if you just knew her, Mum.

Oh, I know her kind.

No family.

Comes from nowhere,
headed for t'same place.

With you along, if you're daft
enough to let it happen!

Thank you, Rowan.

I'll really enjoy having to pound
your Aidensfield beat, won't I?

Well, you can't blame me, sarge.

Right. Inspector Murchison
tells me I'm to fund

this 'fishing expedition' of yours.

Oh, right, sarge.

So I'll have chitties for
everything! The lot.

Anything not accounted for
comes out of your pocket,

not my station budget.

Oh, I'll keep my expenses
fully chittied too, Sarge.

Oh, don't stint yourself
on my account, Ventress.

You spend all the money you like...

...cos it'll be yours, not mine.

I'm on special duties
too, aren't I, Sarge?

No, Ventress, you're
on holiday, remember?


Are you sure?

Don't overdo the enthusiasm.

- Well, what do you want me to say?
- You tell me!

I never reckoned on a baby.

And until Mum steps back from the
business, we've got nothing to offer it.

It would be loved, Jake!

A kid'd really blow it with Mum.

I'll have to walk out on her.

You can't stay tied to her
apron strings forever!

Look, I love you, okay?

But the way things are, we just..., we
just couldn't afford to having a baby.

What am I supposed to do?
Pretend it's not happening?

The way things stand...

You'll have to get rid of it, Liza.

So how long will you be away for?

A week.

All right for some.

It is work, Kate.

Sounds more like a week out
with the boys, all expenses paid.

Sharing a bedroom with Alf Ventress
is hardly landing on my feet, is it?

Very cosy.

I'll be in Whitby Mondays
and Wednesdays.

Ah, no, we can't be seen
in public together, Kate.

Wasn't thinking of
meeting in public.

I could always...

What? Meet behind the
back of the bike shed?

Are you sure no one in Whitby
knows you're a copper, Alf?

Oh, too right.
I can't afford to let on.

Why? What d'you get up to?

We all have our secret vices, Nick.

Well, don't ask me to
guess what they are.


With or without the
benefit of a licence.

I'd never have guessed.

There's a lot you don't know
about Alfred W Ventress.

What's the W stand for?



Here we are.

Flat's above the store.

Nice one, Alf.


How do?
Sarah, this is Nick Row...

Erm, Roberts.

Pleased to meet you.

Mrs. Stirling.

This is her son Jake.

- Hello, Jake.
- Hello.

I haven't put you out, have I,
lugging this young fellow along?

You're always welcome, Alf.
And those you bring with you.

- I'll give you a hand.
- Oh, thanks.

How keen are you to get out there?

Oh very. If only to show young Nick
here what a treat's he's got in store.

Right, I'll get the boat
ready for you then.

By the way, how clued
up are you on fishing?

Well, I did have a go at
netting tadpoles once, Alf.


Oh, now then, Cedric!

Your time of the year
again, is it, Alf?

Cards treating you well, I hope.

Very funny, aye, very funny.

Tell you what, play with
me again, I'll have you.

And I'll teach you a lesson
in manners as well.

What's all that about?

Oh, he's a terrible
poker player, is Cedric.

Yeah, and a worse loser,
by the look of it.

And some.

Customs and Excise.

They keep a sharp eye
on you out here, do they?

Depends on what they
think you're bringing in.

It's not always fish, I bet.

Good bet.

What d'you do for a living?

Oh, you know, this and that.

Buying and selling, mainly.

Always on the lookout for a bargain.

Even the kind that falls off
the back of a fishing boat?

Yes, yes, especially that kind.

Well, I don't know anything about
... gear myself, but others might.

In fact, I know they do.


I reckoned it'll be halfway
to Russia by now.

Whose fault's that?

Brandy-soaked dimwit!


Did you mean it, you know
when you said you'd help me?

Of course I did.

I told Jake about the baby.

There's no way I can have it,
Dr. Rowan.

It's not that he doesn't love me.

But the way things stand,
if I have it I know I'll lose him.

What exactly are you saying?

Well, I don't know how
these things work, but...

...the only way out for us, really,

is an abortion.

Right, now put one of
them on your hook.

There's a nice one.

- Eugh!
- Oh, you big softie!

It's not always against
the law, I know it's not!

For a woman in
your situation, it is.

You said you'd help me!

I'll help you through your pregnancy.

And that's it?

As the law stands, yes.

Well, if I can't have it done properly,

I'll have to find another way, won't I?

Don't do anything stupid, Liza.

I'm not losing Jake!

Got it!

- Who's that, Jake?
- Ced Shanks.

Don't tell me he's found it!

Found what?

Ced lost some merchandise at sea.

Let's have a look.

Now, you hold the hook in your left
hand, the other line in your right.

You pass the line through
the hole, just like that.

- Right.
- Here we are.

- There, d'you see that?
- Yeah.

Alf, hold that.

Keep an eye open for me.

Looked through my binoculars,
there she was.

I'm very very pleased
about what's happened.

I mean, lose something out there,

imagine how many square
miles it is out there.

It's hard to find anything that size.

So anyway, I mean,
I said to Walter this morning,

I said, look I mean, this must be
a - chance of finding it.

We've got no chance.

Where? Well, it's not a question
of where I found it, but how, is it.

I mean, you know, calculating
the wind and the tide.

What we call seamanship.

Well, I found it.
That's the main thing.

We've got it here. Here, right.

Cedric seems to have lost summat.

Yeah, he has.

Coppers aren't supposed
to nick keys.

He's sitting on evidence in there.

That container, will they know
you've dipped your hand in it?

If they find out, they'll think
it was Cedric, won't they?

I'd better go and tell Murchison.
You have to watch the shop.

I'm here to fish, not snoop!

Well, you can do both!

I had a word with the
Met after your call.

A lot of counterfeit £ notes
have surfaced in London.

Any idea who's behind it?

No, but they're being
printed abroad.

So, what should we do, ma'am?

Keep Shanks under surveillance.
Don't lose touch with the money.

I would have trouble explaining how our
only solid evidence have gone missing.

And so would you.

I'm sorry, Claude, but it's over £ .

I'm not going to emigrate, am I?

Don't worry, I've got it in hand.

I don't want it in hand.
I want it in the till!

In any case, I've got the
accountant coming next week.

Well, tell him to put me down as a
fixture and fitting cause I nearly am!

You will be if you don't
get your slate settled.

You don't half go on, do you.

Give me a bag of crisps.

They're not for me,
they're for Alfred.

Put 'em on his slate.

Hello, Gina.

Hi Kate. What can I get you?

Got anything to eat?
Pasty or something, I'm starving.

Sorry, we've got no food.

Our butcher's in hospital.


Yeah. He skidded
his van into the beck.

The van's a write off.
So I'm looking for a new supplier.

Oh dear. Well, I'll have a bag of
crisps and a glass of orange juice.

Haven't seen Nick today.
Is he all right?

Fine. He's just away for a few days.

George, I'll see you in a bit.
I've got to see a man about summat.


I need a word.

I need a pint.

I have to get some money, fast like.

Best find a bank.

No, I'm not asking for a loan.

I mean work.

You know?


Harry, you know that merchandise
you were talking about?

Ah. Well, I think, I think I might
know a way to get rid of it.

Yeah, well, I don't know
till I see you, do I?

Do you want me to come
to your place or what?

I shall have to bring my van.


Come on, come on, come on.
That's it.

- Here, all right?
- Cheers.


Better check for water damage.



Of course Cedric.

If he's taken any notes...

And put them about in Whitby.

We'll have to wind it up.

He's screwed up
this entire operation!

Do you want me to...
have words with him?

No, not yet.

We'll need him to help salvage
something from this cock up!

Imagine, I thought we had
no chance of finding that.

We really appreciate
what you've done, Cedric.

Show him, Freddy.

That's not all for me, is it?

It's a bonus, for finding
the missing goods.

Don't know what to say.

There's more, Cedric.

After the next run.

I'm afraid that will be
the final run, Cedric.

Oh I thought you said you were
here for a good few months.

Well, it's orders.
But don't worry, you won't miss out.

It will be a double delivery,
a very big consignment.

Uh, when will this be?

Oh, two, maybe three days.
We'll let you know in the usual way.



It's over there.

♪ Big Mack, dressed in black

♪ Silver buttons all down her back

♪ I know, she told me so

♪ She broke her needle,
now she can't sew

♪ Walking the dog

♪ Just a-walking the dog

♪ If you don't know how to do it,

♪ I'm gonna show you
how to walk the dog

♪ Asked my pa for fifty pence

♪ To watch the elephant
jump the fence

♪ It jumped so high
it touched the sky

♪ Never came back
till the Fourth of July

♪ Walking the dog

♪ Just a-walking the dog

♪ If you don't know how to do it,

♪ I'm gonna show you
how to walk the dog

♪ If you don't know how to do it,

♪ I'm gonna show you
how to walk the dog

♪ If you don't know how to do it,

♪ I'm gonna show you
how to walk the dog

♪ If you don't know how to do it,

♪ I'll show you how
to walk the dog ♪

"Alfred, what did you think to that?"

"Thank you."


It's not exactly the back
of a bike shed, is it?

Better view.

- I've missed you.
- Yeah, me too.

Oh, and I brought you
some clean socks.

Oh, thank you.

I bet Blaketon's driving everyone
mad patrolling my beat.

Car tyres, duff lights,
he's ticketing anything that moves!

People your age should be
setting an example you know.

Have you noticed how much younger
policemen are getting these days?

So if I knock off what I owe for the
meat off your slate, we're level.

Uh. Couple of large Scotch
you're gonna pour me

for getting you
out of the fertiliser.


Kate! Come in.

Hello, Gina.

It's Dr. Rowan, Uncle George.

Your tablets, George.

I'm sorry I'm late
getting them to you.

Better late than never.

He can be a real pain when
he's running out of pills.

Don't be cheeky.

Don't have to remind you, do I,
George? It's past closing time.

My fault, sergeant.
I was just delivering George's pills.

Well I expect public houses,
innocently or otherwise,

to remain locked
outside licensing hours.

As for you, Greengrass...

...I've got my eye on you.

Keep both eyes on me
as long as he keeps his nose out.

Venison pasties. Very exotic!

They will be when I get them made.
I've only just had the steaks delivered.

I've never tasted venison.

Well, I could let you have a
couple of steaks if you like.

Well, that would be very nice.

You've lost the people, the money.

When you foul up, Rowan,
you do so in style.

Yes, ma'am.

You say they're planning
one last delivery?

Yeah, they've paid Cedric
Shanks a bundle in advance.

We need to find out
where and when.

Well, Cedric's the
weak link in this chain.

If we can prove he's in possession
of forged money, I'm sure he'd talk.

What forged money?

The notes they gave him.

I'm certain they're bent, ma'am.

All right. It's our last
chance to nail this.

Try not to mess it up, Rowan.

I've just had the word.

- Pick-up's tomorrow night.
- Right.

And I don't need to remind
you, no loose talk.

I shook hands on it, didn't I?

And no backing out, son.

Dodgy characters I'm dealing with,
don't take any excuses.

Know what I mean?

I need your help, Alf.

Oh, aye?

Think you can you set up
a poker game with Cedric?

Hang about a bit!

Lesson number one
for a tadpole netter.

First, hook your fish.
Second, land it.

And third...

Take a picture.

It'll be your only chance
this year, Cedric.

Look, why not admit you're
scared and have done with it?

Look, don't just say
it, Cedric, prove it!

He's on.

Nice one, Alf.

D'you think it's going to work?

Well, if he plays poker
like you say he does...

...we might flush out
some of those bent notes.

If he's holding them.

And if you know
anything about poker.

You'd be surprised.

Oh, full of surprises, aren't we?

Same again?




Help me, please!

There you go.


Dr. Rowan.

How are you feeling?


You must think I'm really stupid.

I think you're lucky.

They said the baby's all right.

They weren't just saying that?
I mean, it weren't harmed?

Your baby's fine.

Why didn't you listen to me, Liza?

I weren't thinking straight.

I was so afraid I'd lose Jake.

I know it's late,
but I really need to see him.

I'm out.


Up ten.

Another bluff.

All right.

See you.

Two pair, bonny lad.

I'm out.



Yes, speaking.

My name is Dr. Rowan.

I'm ringing on behalf
of Liza Everett.

Yeah, why? What's
she doing in hospital?

She's not in danger,
but she's feeling very low.

She really needs to see you,
so I've arranged for you to visit.

Yeah, but you still haven't
said what's the matter.

Oh, I see.

Yeah. Yeah, right away.

It's Liza.

She nearly died, Mum.

Has she had an accident?

No accident.

She's having my baby.

She tried to get rid of it.

It were already happening.

I was going to lose you.

You blaming me.

Me pressuring you.

And the things you'd have
done for the money.

But I've set it all up.

I'll earn all we need tomorrow.


Tell me, Jake.

A pick-up at sea.

But you said you'd never do that.

I had no choice, Liza.

But we had a choice with our baby.

We just didn't have
the guts to face up to it.

Well, I want my baby, Jake.

Say what you like.

Do what you want.

I'm sorry to wish it on you,
but that's the way it's going to be.

Know what I wish?

That your mum
didn't have to be told?

She already knows.
Told her myself.

All I wish is that we could
put the clock back, luv.

Your ...

...and up .

Bluffing again.

Your ...

...plus in chips.

Plus... .

No more cash, Cedric.

Neither have I.
We can settle up after the game.

Well, I'd better see you, then.

Full house.


Straight flush.

You owe me quid.

Back to my gaff.
You'll get your money.

Oh, lovely.

All right? Ten shillings.

- Lovely.
- Thank you.

- See you again next week.
- Okay. Thank you. Bye!

- Greengrass!
- Hmm?

I know you're up to summat.

I don't know what,
but I'll find out.

And when I do...

...God help you.

You wait there.

Couldn't believe your luck.

Well, I was just waiting for
the right hand to show up.

Let's hope it works.

Start counting!

This money's counterfeit, Cedric.

What are you talking about?

These notes are as
bent as a boathook.

Like the rest of the stuff
you've been picking up at sea.

You're police, aren't you?

That's right.

What, you an' all?

You're in serious trouble, Cedric.

Smuggling, forgery,
criminal conspiracy.

Do you know what that adds
up to in years inside?

Look I've got that money through
the normal course of work.

No, it's your payoff for the
smuggling run tomorrow.

See here mate, it's got
nowt to do with me.


You'd better get that, Cedric.

Hey, don't you go wandering off.

It's about tomorrow.

I can't do the pick-up.
I've changed my mind.

Hello, Jake.

Have you been picking up
stuff at sea for Cedric?

Say nowt.

The truth, Jake.

What's going on?

Cedric's been landing
forged money, Jake.

You know, I don't know
anything about forged money.

Well, if he's been using you...

No! Tomorrow will be my first
time out, but I've changed my mind.

That's why I came here.

Great! Lad, you're finished!

- Just wait till I tell everybody...
- You won't be here, Cedric.

You'll be doing time.

Now how much depends on you.

Who is this Murchison anyway?

You should talk to her.
She can help you.

You want me talk to coppers?
You must be joking.

Why d'you think they paid
you in forged notes, Cedric?

It's cos they assumed you're thick.

Now, you fell for it cos
you trusted them, right?

Now you carry the can.

And they go off laughing
all the way to the bank.

Will Shanks play along?

Eh, yes ma'am. He feels seriously
let down by the organisers.

And the money containers.

How far out at sea will
they be dropped off?

The other side of
the three-mile limit.

That's beyond the
reach of the law, Rowan.

PC Ventress thinks he can tempt
them to our side of the line.

We're here.

There, they're over there!

Now, let's hope I can
remember how to do this.



I told them we've got engine trouble,
they better come back to us.

- And what they say?
- They're thinking it over.

So, are they coming?

Well, no seaman likes to go
back with undelivered cargo.

Stand by.

Stand by.

They're coming in.

All right, all right, go!

That's it, go!

♪ BLACK SABBATH: 'Paranoid'

♪ Finished with my woman cos
she couldn't help me with my mind

♪ People think I'm insane because
I am frowning all the time ♪

This is Her Majesty's
Customs and Excise!

Heave to at once or I'll open fire!

Open fire!

FIVE sh*ts

Good morning, Cedric!

- Morning.
- Morning.

- Lovely weather for it.
- Aye.

Reg, you don't need me now.
See you later.

Oh, but I do.

After you.

Well done, Cedric.

Hmm. Time to settle up, I think.

Hey, what's the matter, man?
What's the problem?

The problem is, Cedric,

that your stupidity has
destroyed years of planning.

And you have lost me money!

Real money!

Go and put him somewhere
till we're ready to leave.

Right, load up.

Mr. Hesketh!


Grab him!

Hey, you looking for these?


Where's Cedric?

Come on!

Hoist by his own petard,
you might say.

Twenty-five people arrested
all over the country.

Almost as many in Holland.

You must be Blaketon's
blue-eyed boy now.

Well, he did express
amazement at how much

me and Alf had managed
to learn from him.


And he asked me to
be in early tomorrow.

Shall we go?
Special dinner tonight.

What's that?

Venison stew.

At this time of year?

There's a lot of it
about, apparently.

What's that smell?

What smell?


- Oi! Missus!
- Come on!

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me? ♪
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