05x02 - Expectations

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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05x02 - Expectations

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪



- I don't want to.
- Go on. It'll be a laugh.


Look, d'you want me to tell the
lads at school you're chicken?


"Geronimo Rowan".
I love it.


Oi! What d'you think you're doing?

Bob a job week.
We're just emptying your bins!

Well, pick that up now.



Joe. Joe!

- Joe!
- Come on!

Come on. Hurry up!

Sorry. Slipped out of me hands.

I'll be seeing you, Joe Norton.

Joe must be a terrible
worry to his family.

Yeah, what if ours turns
out to be a monster?

No chance. Our baby's gonna
have the best of both of us.

Your looks, my brains.

Hop it.


I say, your dog's a menace.

Call it off.

He's only doing his job.
He's a guard dog.

What's he supposed
to be guarding?!

Me, for a start.

Oh, I see. Have you got
a nervous disposition?

I have when your sort's about.

Come on, son, before she
tries to sell you summat.

We don't need any pegs.

Or you can buy a
sprig of lucky heather?

Is there summat wrong
with your eyesight?


We're falling down
over the stuff up here!

Ah, but not this kind.

The only kind of heather that's lucky is
still full of grouse waiting to be shot.

Oh, so you won't spare a few coppers
for a poor woman and her horse?

You don't mean to tell me
that people are daft enough

to spend good money
on that rubbish!

Oh, some people reckon
they'd be daft not to.

Oh? It's quite lucrative
then, is it, this luck lark?

I should have to have a go.

Look, mister,
if you've got any ideas

about muscling in on my territory,
you can forget it!

- Ah, what's to stop me?
- I am.

Oh, yeah?
That right? How?

I'll hex you!

Pfft. Hex me?!

You don't think that mumbo jumbo
is going to frighten me, dear?

I've got nerves of steel, darling.

And you'll need them.

Consider yourself
well and truly... hexed.

Go on, get out of it.
Stick your hexing up your jumper!

Come on, Peg.

This is no place for ladies.

What do you think you're doing?!

You are not asking to
be taken to the vet!

Get out of it!
Go on, get out. Get out.

This is really swollen.

Do they always
get as bad as this?

It'll all be worthwhile
when the baby arrives.

And what about the pram?

Tempting fate to get it too soon.

At this rate, we'll push it
around in a wheelbarrow.

- Right, I'm off.
- Bye.

A sprig o' lucky heather, lady?

I let the Lord take care
of that sort o' thing.

Ah, but from what I've heard,
we're all God's creatures

and I'm sure He would not
object to a small contribution

for me and my horse.

Stay there. No need to come in.

- Thank you.
- No, you're all right.

Oh no, take it, please.

We're not a charity and may it
bring you all the luck you wish.

- Morning.
- Morning.

And I expect you'll be wanting tea.

- What was she selling?
- Luck.

Yeah. How much
is that a pound?

Look, I dislike Gypsies as much
as anybody in this village

but I won't have anyone starve.

Well, speaking of which...

Go on, then.
You know where the tin is.

So, how's the leg been?


Stay where you are. I'll go.


How do you like your eggs
boiled or scrambled?

Get out of there this minute.

I know who you are, Joe Norton.

Yeah, guess what? So do I!

Quick, leg it! Come on!

"Where are you, Rowan?"

Sorry, sarge. I got held up.
Bishop's d*ke.

"Well, get yourself back
to Mrs. Hardaker's."

"The district nurse has just reported
an incident involving some kids."

On me way, sarge.

I wish you'd let me wash that off.

I told you, it's evidence.

I'll go.

Anybody'd think you lived here.

- Hello, Maggie.
- Come in.

What's up?

Kids, I'm afraid.

- Hello, Mrs. Hardaker.
- You took your time.

Gangs o' lads preying on old folk.

It's a good job my Sam's
dead and out of it.

What's happened?

Joe Norton and cronies were messing
around with the Hardaker's eggs.

In fact, Joe should be
bowling for Yorkshire.

Anyway, when the ... was discovered,
washing was missing from the line.

What's been taken?

Underwear mainly.
Sheets get done on Mondays.

Six pair o' knickers, white cotton.

- Anything else?
- Two vests.

They left the pink
flannelette bodice.

Were the boys carrying any clothing?

Not that I saw.

May the Lord forgive
me for saying this,

but sometimes I find it quite hard
to make sense of the Divine Plan.

Joe would've scattered
them all over the ground.

I've had a run-in with him
already this morning.

Maybe he wants attention.

He never gets much at home.

I thought Ted Norton was
really proud of his boys.

Joe was an unwanted surprise.

How d'you mean?

Look, I'm visiting Kate
first thing tomorrow.

- How about we discuss it then.
- Right.

Can't have me patients
thinking I'm a gossip.



Sorry love.
I didn't mean to disturb you.

It's alright.
Makes a change from lying down.

Well, I've got just the thing for you.

A sprig of white heather
to bring you luck.

Thanks, but no.

Well, we all need a
bit o' luck, don't we?

All right, I'll go
and get my purse.

What happened to your hand?

Oh, caught it on a bit of
barbed wire, that's all.

It looks as if it could
do with a new bandage.

If you come in,
I'll change it for you.

Oh, no dear, no.
Thanks all the same.

I'm a doctor.

What sort of a doctor are you?


Oh, well. Why not?

Was you thinking of
putting the kettle on?

- Constable.
- Hello, there.

- I'm looking for your Joe.
- Why, what's he done?

Suspected theft.

- He hasn't hurt anyone, has he?
- Why? Has he before?

- He's not here.
- D'you know where he is?

He's almost a grown man, constable.

He doesn't has to have
my permission to go out.

He's still your responsibility.

Look, Joe's not on his own, you know.
His pals are just as bad.

Yeah, well, I will speak
to their parents an' all.

Look, nobody can say is more
than me having done our duty.

He's always been a
mongrel, he's wilful.

Any reason for this latest trouble?

Yeah, well, I have to tell, there's
no work for him on the farm.

It's stretch enough
keeping the other lads.

Joe took it personal.

So what's he doing
for spending money?

Nicks it from his mother's
purse if he can find it.

All right to take a
look in his room?

Well, he shares it
with the next lad up.

You might need a gas mask.

He's set his mind on
joining the Paras. What else?

How long before he's ?

Not soon enough for the rest of us.

I mean, the other lads try to keep him
in order, but when they're not around...

What happens?

Ah, it's not as if I can take
my belt to him anymore.

Still, the Army'll
soon sort him out.

Has he got any weapons?
Any g*ns or knives?

Not as far as I know.

Have you seen him in
any women's clothing?

The lad's gone rogue,
he's not peculiar!

There's nothing funny
about any of my boys.

It's a nasty cut. I still think an
injection would be a good idea.

Nah, I'm not too keen on needles.

Here, could I...
Could I ask a favour?

Depends what it is.

Well, do you mind if I... touch?

No, of course not.

Strong healthy baby.

Oh, I mustn't forget
to give you this.

- Here.
- No, no. Not after you done my hand.

I'd still like to give you something.

One more o' these'll do.

Right. I've had enough
of you lot today.

Think you're being clever
behaving like this?

Oh, not clever.
We go to t'secondary modern.

I could do you for wilful
damage to property, as*ault.

You got to be joking, aren't you?
One little egg.

We were just mucking about.

There's nothing else
to do around there.

We're just trying to
have a bit of fun.

You know, F-U-N.

Don't waste your breath!
He's a copper.

They got rules to stop
us enjoying ourselves.

We've got rules that'll have you
put away for stealing those clothes.

What clothes?

The ones gone missing from
Mrs. Hardaker's washing line.

- That wasn't us.
- I don't believe you.

Look, if we did do any thieving,
it'll be stuff worth having.

I'm warning you lot now.

If I catch you stealing so
much as a blade of grass,

you'll be on the next
batch to borstal.


- Yeah.
- Okay.

Right, everyone, home.
All of you.

I gave them a warning, sarge.

What about the stolen clothes?

Well, there's no evidence as
yet to prove it was them.

And if I arrest Joe for vandalism,
he'll only see himself as a hero.

A clip round the ear usually works.

No, I doubt it in Joe's case.

The boy needs watching,
he's heading for trouble.

He's a light-fingered lad who threw
an egg, not Jack the Ripper.

What about the parents
of the other two?

Well, David's mother works
at the chicken factory,

I couldn't get to see her.

And Frank's dad just laughed.

Who'd be a father, eh?

Oh, how is Dr. Rowan, by the way?

Oh, she's all right, thanks sarge.
A bit tired.

I'm trying to get her
to look at prams,

but she thinks it's unlucky
to buy one too soon.

I've never understood 'em.

Mrs. Ventress took a liking to coal
and radishes when she was carrying.

The amount that she ate.

I'm surprised she didn't
ignite in the delivery room.

Well, I'm not ready
for fatherhood yet.

And you're not even married.

Aye. Some of my mates have discovered
they don't naturally come in that order.

Anyway, babies cost a fortune.

Hey look.

Bought this today.

Year by year.

You can record the baby's
progress, you know,

first step, first words,
that sort of thing.

Just you make sure you get lots of
photos of the nipper in the bath, eh?

Why is that?

Well, if he refuses to
do the washing up

you can thr*aten to show
them to his girlfriend.

Worked on me.

And I'll have a
half a pint, please.

That'll be sevenpence.

Is that your caravan parked
on the Fletcher's Common?

Yes. Why?

Because it's an illegal offence
against the bylaws, that's why.

How d'you mean?
I'm not harming anyone, am I?

No. You're not paying any rates either,
are you. Unlike the rest of us.

And how long is it since
you paid rates, Claude?

That's got nowt to do wi' it.
I live here.

And I got every right
to object to outsiders

coming in and living
off the land for nowt.

From what I've heard, you've made a
profession out of doing that, Claude.


- All right, who's the joker?
- Why, what's happened?

Someone's pinched me
knickers off the line!


You got to give us a description
so we know what to look out for.

Typical. You wouldn't mind turning
your pockets out, would you, Claude?

What are you talking about?

The only knickers I'm interested
in are green and crinkly

and come from the Royal Mint.


Why don't you get on your broomstick
and pop off, you old witch!

I hope you've come to move her on.

Now why would I want
to do that, Claude?

Cos she's an eyesore, that's why.

Well, that's rich, coming from you.

Ah well, she's a danger
to the public an' all.

- How d'you make that out?
- Why, she's a flaming albatross.

- She brings folk bad luck.
- Oh, come off it, Claude.

Well, let's face it.

Nobody ever accused me
of nicking women's knickers

till she put the evil
eye on me, did they?

You wanna get rid of the old witch.

Hello there. Police Constable Rowan.

Is anything wrong?

No, I just wondered how
long you intended staying.

A couple more nights, that's all.

- But that's not a problem, is it?
- Well, no. Shouldn't be.

You need to keep an
eye on that though.

Moorland fires could be a
real hazard even in winter.

Oh, yes, of course.

How you managing for water?

Don't worry.
I've made me own arrangements.

Where've they come from?

Claude honestly thinks
that this Flo has hexed him.

She seems perfectly harmless to me.

Oh, when did you meet her?

She came here selling lucky heather.

First the pram, now the heather.

What happened to the
level-headed doctor I married?

I know. I'm being stupid.

Why don't you go ahead
and buy the pram?

Nah, not without you.

Well, I'm not sure I'm
up to a shopping trip.

Whatever you choose
will suit me fine.

We'll see.

Here, I got this today.

Well don't tell me that's
unlucky an' all!

No, of course not.

Now there's something
for us to look back on.

When we're old and our
children are having their.

It's a lovely thought.

You, me and Geronimo.

I can't wait.

Probably the carburettor.

Why don't you go
and sell some pegs?

I'm only trying to help!

Hello, this is Dr. Rowan here,

You sent a letter asking me to ring
you for a Mrs. Bett's blood results.

Don't worry, I'll hold.

Yes, yes, I'm here.


Yes, I got that.
Thank you.


Oh, come on!

You're not going to get very far in life
if you're always so bad tempered.

I don't wanna get very far.
I just want to get to Ashfordly.

Hello there.

Kate's just nipped to the surgery.
Want a cup of tea?


Alright, now what can you
tell me about the Nortons?

Well, last couple of
times I've called...

...Mr. Norton had bruising
to the face and eye.

Reckoned he'd walked
into the barn door.

And how long ago was that?

Oh er... about a month,
six weeks ago.

Well, if Joe's beating up his
father, he's out of control.

I'll have a word with him.

Ted Norton's a proud man.
He'll deny it.

Besides, he'll never be able to
hold his head up in the pub again.

Hi, Kate. How are you?

Bored, tired, the usual.

- You haven't been working?
- I wouldn't dare.

Have you had the results of
your blood test back yet?


You sure? It should've
been back by now.

Will you stop fussing!

We both know all it's gonna
tell us is that I've got anaemia!

'Hippy Hippy Shake'

Oi, you're not getting on
here playing that racket.

Why not?


- Hi, Nick.
- Hello, Gina.

Have you caught the
knicker nicker yet?

I'm working on it.

I hope you find him.

Cause you can't get that
lace in Ashfordly you know.


Mr. Faber, it's Kate Rowan.

I'm sorry to disturb your clinic,
but I need a second opinion.

One of my patient's tests is
showing very immature blood cells.

Yes, the white count is
elevated with immature cells

and the platelet count is low.


I'll refer her for
treatment immediately.


Calm down. I can't understand
what you're saying.


Did you see anyone?

What's missing?

Might be worth checking
the dress agencies.

No. I'm coming, I'm coming.

Got trouble, Ventress?

Uh, Mrs. Ventress. Washing's
missing down our street, sarge.

Well, anything nicked from your place?

Uh two shirts, a petticoat
and six pairs of bloomers.

Well, you best get round there.
See if anyone's seen anything.


Looks like our thief is
widening his area of activity.

Joe Norton and his mates were on
the bus to Ashfordly this morning.

What we got to find out is

what they're doing with the
stuff once they've nicked it.

Well, I'll try the second-hand
stall in the market.

Aye. I think I'll come with you.

I'd quite like a run-in with
these flowers of our youth.

♪ Waaaah!
I feel good

♪ I knew that I would now

♪ I feel good

♪ I knew that I would now

The trouble is, I don't know
anything about prams.

It's just another
form of transport.

If you approach it the same way
as if you were buying a car,

you can't go wrong.

Which means you
avoid wrecks like this.

You the owner of this stall?

Uh no. You've just missed him.

He's gone to a house clearance.

He'll be gone all day now.

Label's been cut out, sarge.

Any idea where your
boss got these?

Sorry. He does all t'buying.

Was it black lingerie
you're interested in?

Purely in a professional capacity.

It's just there's a
boxful under t'stall.

Got something to sell
then, Greengrass?

Of course not. Why?

Don't tell me you're putting
your hand in your pocket

and actually buying something?

Could do if I wanted to.

Well, perhaps we could help
you make up your mind?

You already have.

- Maggie, it's Kate. I've started.
- Are you sure?

"I'm a doctor, aren't I?"

This is no time for pulling rank.

How fast are the
contractions coming?

Every half hour.

But there's no hurry,
my waters haven't broken yet.

I just thought I'd let you know.

Right. Well, I've a couple
of quick visits to make,

then I'll see you at the hospital.

You fancy a look inside?

We're on duty, sarge.

If your conscience
bothers you that much,

I can put you down for
some unpaid overtime.

Phil, if you could just tell Nick.

"Yes, yes, I'll tell him."

"Leave it with me, Kate."

And don't panic.

No need to panic. Understood.

- Panic? Why should I panic?
- What about?

Kate. She's only having the baby!

Oh, is that all?

Alf! This is an emergency!

We've got to find Nick.

Well, come on!

♪ KINKS: 'You Really Got Me'

♪ "Girl, you really got me going"

♪ "You got me so I don't
know what I'm doin' now"

♪ "Yeah, you really got me now"

Excuse me.
I'd like to pass please.



You stupid cow!

Hey! Leave her. You're mental, you.

- You all right, love?
- Yes, I am now.

You've got to report them.



Oh, you all right?

- I've gone into labour.
- Ambulance?

- On their way.
- Bag packed?

- Yes.
- Right.

Make yourself comfy
and I'll wait with you.

♪ Waaah!
I feel good

♪ I knew that I would now

♪ I feel good

♪ I knew that I would now ♪

When you can't stand
the pain any longer...

...just think of that beautiful baby.

- Ready to go, Dr. Rowan?
- Thank you.

♪ I feel nice

♪ Like sugar and spice

♪ So nice, so nice

♪ I got you ♪

You see beige doesn't
show the muck as much.

Nick! Kate's having the baby.

I've been looking all
over the shop for you.

- Where is she?
- She's on her way to hospital.

And off you go, then.

And drive carefully.
Parents come better in pairs.

♪ Now if you feel
that you can't go on

♪ Because all of your hope is gone

♪ And your life is filled
with much confusion

♪ Until happiness
is just an illusion

♪ And your world around
is crumbling down

♪ Darling, reach out

♪ Come on, girl,
reach on out for me

♪ Reach out
♪ Reach out for me

♪ I'll be there

♪ With a love that will shelter you

♪ I'll be there

♪ With a love that will
see you through ♪

- No running in the corridors, please.
- I'm looking for Dr. Rowan.

- I'm her husband.
- I'm in here, Nick!

You okay?

Yeah, the baby just
got bored waiting.

I think we'd better get you down
to the delivery room. Nurse!

♪ And you need a hand to hold

♪ Darling, reach out

♪ Come on, girl,
reach out for me

♪ Reach out
♪ Reach out for me!

♪ I'll be there ♪

I'm all right.

I feel so helpless.

You're lovely, Nick Rowan.
Did I ever tell you that?

- If you'd like to wait outside.
- Yeah.

I'll try not to be too long!

I'm not going anywhere.

That's a nice shirt, Claude.
Very colourful.

Do you like it? It's a new 'un.

New to you, maybe.

That went missing off
our line two days ago.

What are you talking about?
I only got it yesterday.

Our Ernie brought us that
back from Hong Kong.

Hong Kong?

Your brain must be short-circuiting.

It come from Ashfordly.

Take it off.

What do you think
I am, a stripper?

I'm sure there must be
some misunderstanding.

You can keep your nose out.
You don't even belong here.

Hey, hey, just watch your lip.
You're talking to a lady.

You're a thieving
skunk, Greengrass.

Either you take it off
or I'm gonna take it off for you.


Come in.

Pub brawl, sarge.

You know, there should be a law banning
market traders from public houses.

Maybe so, but the call came
from the Aidensfield Arms.

- How's Kate? What's happening?
- Still busy.

- Nick! Am I too late?
- She's waiting for you.

Don't worry. Kate'll be fine.

You will tell me what's going on?

What happened here then, George?

- Were they bikers?
- A couple of cloth heads.

Well, it's a long time since I did you
for a barroom brawl, Greengrass.

Quite like old times.

You don't seem to be having much
luck, do you, Mr. Greengrass?


It's a girl, Nick.
Seven pounds two ounces.

- Is Kate all right?
- They're both fine.

- Can I see them?
- Course you can.

Aren't you coming in then?


...Sarah Rowan.

You're magnificent,
d'you know that?

She's the most beautiful
thing I've ever seen.

Next to her mum.

First for the album?


I hope it's not ladies' knickers again
cause I've stopped wearing 'em.

You were behaving suspiciously
in the market yesterday.

Well, I bought that
shirt fair and square.

Well then, you've
got nothing to hide.

- You can't come in.
- Why not?

Because it will
spoil everything!

Come on, Claude.

- Here Claude.
- What's this?

That's what I didn't
want you to see.

I... I've got it for you.
It's for your new baby.

I, I was going to do it up.

Well, I'm... I'm touched.

I know you think I'm
just an old villain.

Well, not all the time.

Well, do you want it?

Well, the thing is, Claude...

It's a bargain for ten bob.

Ten bob?

Well, I might have to charge you
a bit more when I've done it up.

You expect me to pay for that?

Well, you won't be able to get a pram
like that nowadays. It's an antique!

Hello there.

Oh! I heard in the
shop it's a daughter.

- Congratulations.
- Well, thanks very much.

Just a minute.

There. I wanted to give you this.

For luck.

How are you feeling, Kate?

Fine thanks, Mr. Faber.

I didn't know consultants
worked on a Saturday.

You're a special case.

I suggest we have a think
about where we go from here.


You're right, it is.

I was, I was, erm...

I was wondering if you
could do me like a favour.

Oh, get on with it, Claude.
What is it?

Well, it's just that hex
thing you hexed me with.

I was wondering if
you could unhex it.

You know, cause I tell you the truth,
I've had a right bellyful of things like

broken-down lorries and house-
proud poltergeists in me karzy...

Yes. It'll cost you.

How much?

Free use of your lav...

...and I'll throw in the floral
arrangements for nothing.

Oh, it was you, was it?

Well, I couldn't use it in
the state it was in, Claude.

It was disgusting!

Is it a deal?

Aye, all right.

She's just some old biddy.
She's harmless.

I thought you reckoned
you were hard?

Maybe she didn't say anything.

There you are.

That make it easier for yous?

No. I'm off.

He'll regret that. Come on.

Come on!

Right. Thank you.

Uh, report of an old lady in the river,
near Fletcher's Common, sarge.

Right, Ventress, get out there.

I'll radio Rowan to join you.

♪ The sun has got his hat on

♪ Hip hip hip hooray

♪ The sun has got his hat on
And he's coming out to play

♪ The sun has got his hat on

♪ Hip hip hip hooray

♪ The sun has got his hat on
And he's coming out to play

♪ The sun has got his hat on

♪ Hip hip hip hooray

♪ The sun has got his hat on
And he's coming out to play

♪ The sun has got his hat on... ♪

Are you in need of any
assistance, madam?

Well, not unless you fancy
scrubbing my back.

Er... would you like to come
out and put your clothes on?

- You all right, Flo?
- Yes, I'm all right...

...but your companion's
gone a funny colour.

Well, why don't we all go back to your
caravan and have a nice cup of tea?

You got a towel?

I don't usually bother.

We'll turn our backs.

She'll drip all over the upholstery.

She can hardly ride
pillion, can she?

I don't know.
It's one way of drying her off.

That was my home.

Keep an eye on her, Alf.

I've been looking for you.

It wasn't us. Joe was the one who
set fire to the old bird's caravan.

- He's gone completely barmy.
- So where is he now?

Down at the quarry.
That's where he always goes.

Die, you pig.


Come 'ere.


It'll be m*rder, Joe.

Now put that down and
we'll sort this out. All right?

I wouldn't have done it.

- What are you playing at?
- I'm showing them.

- What?
- I'm somebody. They gotta respect me.

What, a bully boy who burns
down some old lady's home?

Old tart's dirt.
She was asking for it.

You're the one who's dirt, Joe.

Oh, me dad used to say that.

Not any more. I showed him.

By beating him up?

That's very smart. Come on.

- I wouldn't have hit you.
- Are you sure?


This is a nice surprise.

How long have you known?

I got the results two days ago.

You're a doctor!

You must have realised before then.

I wanted to tell you.

It just seemed disloyal.


To Nick.

You haven't told him?

He was so excited, Maggie.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to shout.

It's the shock. You're the last
person I should be angry with.

How did you manage to hide
the results of the blood test?

I ran the tests under
someone else's name.

Why didn't you do it earlier?

You could've been induced,
started treatment sooner.

I wanted things to go normally.

Poor little baby.

- It's not her fault.
- It's not yours either!

Anyway, I had the blood
transfusion last night.

What about Nick?

He's visiting this afternoon.
I'll tell him then.

You've got some guts, girl.

No, I haven't.

I'm scared...

...and lonely.

I look at Sarah and I can't bear it.

It's so unfair, Maggie.

There's a good girl.

Here, Flo. I've brought
you some sustenance.

Here, have this on me.

Oh! Thanks, Claude.

By the way, if you want a brew
anytime, just give me a knock.

- I won't charge you.
- Thank you.

I don't suppose you're any good
at washing and ironing, are you?


That's good. Otherwise I
might be tempted to propose!

These are very serious charges.

Do you understand that?

Answer the question!

Get off me.

Ah, he's beyond hope, this one.
He was born a maggot!

Arson, assaulting a police officer.

I've no choice but to charge you.


Come in.

Er, can I have a word
with Nick, please?

How's it going?

I'm getting a really good
lesson in parental care!

Well, the boys weren't the
ones who sold the clothes.

I've just seen the stallholder.

And Greengrass bought
the shirt like he said.

So we start again.

They're popular.

He had one on as well.

- Who did?
- The stallholder.

What are you up to, Flo?


I had you down as an honest person.

Well, I've got to eat, haven't I?

Well, stealing those clothes
could get you locked up.

Oh, no! No, I couldn't stand it.

Please, no. I'm sorry,
but not again.

You been sent down before?

Yes. And I didn't do anything wrong.

There was nothing wrong with me!
And they let me out.

Out of where?

Spring Hill.

The mental hospital?


We're going to start you on the
Methotrexate straightaway.


This does mean that you won't be
able to feed little Sarah, I'm afraid.

I had a baby when I was ,
but they said I couldn't keep it.

I never even got to hold him.

Why did you go to Spring Hill?

Well, after they took the baby away,
you see, things was... difficult.

- How long were you in there?
- Nearly forty years.

It was a mistake, you see.

Well, didn't you
complain to somebody?

It don't pay to complain
in them places.

All they do,
they increase the medication.

You'll have to come with me, Flo.

If you lock me up, I'll do meself in.

I'll have a word with my sergeant.

See if we can work something out.


You're a kind boy.

Pity there isn't more like you.

For you.

Thanks, they're gorgeous.

And how are my two beautiful girls?

Everyone's dying to visit, you know.

Maybe we should draw up a rota.

Nick, we've got to talk.

What? Sarah?

There's something wrong with Sarah?

No, it's me.

I've got leukaemia.

Why don't I just go out
and we'll start again?

Nick, it's true.

Acute leukaemia.


No... you've just had our baby.

When did you find out?

Two days ago.

It's a mistake.

I wish it was.

Why didn't you say something?

I didn't want to spoil things.

We were so happy,
planning for Sarah.

I just wanted to concentrate
on having a healthy baby.

Why didn't you tell me?
We share everything.

Do you remember when I
first knew I was pregnant?

How selfish I was?

- No, you weren't.
- Oh, yes I was.

Worrying about my career.

That should have been a special time.

And I ruined it.

I didn't want to ruin this as well.

What about the doctors?
Why don't they do something?

They didn't know.

No, but you did though, didn't you?

Your swollen ankles,
and your breathing...

..and the bruising.

Why did you tell me there
was nothing to worry about?

The baby had to come first.

I love you, Kate Rowan.

I'm going to fight this, Nick.

You're the most precious
thing in my life.

We're going to fight this.
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