05x03 - Thief In The Night

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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05x03 - Thief In The Night

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, why does a love
kiss stay in my memory?


♪ Sunny

♪ Well, yesterday my life
was filled with rain

♪ Sunny

♪ You smile at me and
really ease the pain

♪ Oh, the dark days are done

♪ The bright days are here

♪ My sunny one shines so sincere

♪ Sunny one so true

♪ I love you ♪

Oh, Maggie, you shouldn't have!

It wasn't me.
Rita Stirling insisted on doing it.

- Look at all these!
- Grateful patients.

Bootees by the dozen.

What a welcome, Sarah, eh?

I'll just go and put the kettle on.

It's lovely having you back.

You haven't told anyone?

No, promise.

How are you feeling?

No doom and gloom.
I'm very well.


I do not expect my men

to waste valuable police time
wrapping plastic ducks.

No, sarge.

Life does not stop just because
somebody's having a baby.

In China, there's one
born every minute.

Oh, yes, sarge.

Now, has our absentee
constable rung in yet?

- No, sarge.
- Yes, sarge.

Well, he's fetching the
firearms certificates.

What have I ever done
to deserve you two?

One more day I'll give him.

One more day!





You thought you heard a what?

It's a Mr. Copeland.

Thought he heard someone
in his driveway.

Aren't you going out?

No. I told him it's probably a cat.

- Nick!
- Oh, come off it, Kate.

I'm not leaving you on
your first night home!


That's better.

It's all right.
You go back to bed.

Nice car.

Oh, it's not mine, Mr. Rowan.
It's Gary's.

- It's grand, innit?
- Who's Gary?

Oh, he's me old mate from school!
He's come back to see me!

Come on, bird-brain!
Get a move on!

Morning, constable.

He's done right well.
He's got his own business in Leeds.

Oi! What did I say?
No ride unless you do a proper job.


Just back to give the
old place the once-over.

Hey, Kate!

I'm sorry.
Do you want me to come back?

No, no, come in.

Wait for me!

- Hello.
- Well done, Kate!

Oh, you look ever so pale, though.

Oh, was it as bad
as they say it is?

- Not really.

There she is.
Can I go and pick her up?


Best blackcurrant cordial that is.
With my congratulations.

Now, give it to me, Dad.
I'll drop it in for you, shall I?

I'm going up anyway to see if
Dr. Rowan needs any shopping.

Well, thanks, Joseph.

I'm sure Kate'll be very pleased.

Aye, well, she's been a grand
doctor for me, she has.

Come on, dad.
Let Mr. Rowan get on.

Chat all day he would!

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I want to tell him
about our prowler.

- No, come on.
- I heard him, I'm telling you.

What's this, then?

Strange noises outside my
bedroom window, Mr. Rowan.

In the dead of night.

Yes, that's right, love. Come on.

Dreaming again!

Will you thank Alf for me?

This one...

This is from me.

Hope it's all right.


Oh, Phil!

She probably won't appreciate it yet,
maybe when she's a bit older.

It's good, isn't it?


(SOBS) It's absolutely lovely.

Hey, are you all right?


It's just baby blues
or something. I...

- Phil, can I ask you something?
- Yes.

Look after Nick for me.

Kate. She's lovely.

She looks just like you!

Got to be careful, son,
you're tearing the meat, alright.

And watch those tail feathers.

- David.
- What do you want?

I need to speak to him, all right?

No, it's not all right!
He's in the middle of a job!

Hey Dav...

Where do you think you're going?



You're a genius.

Yup. With any luck she might
go through till about five.

- How are you feeling?
- Fine.

No. No, really?

A good night's sleep and
I'll feel a million dollars.

- Do you know what I'd like?
- What?

To go out for a day.

You, me, and the baby.
Right away from everyone.

Oh, don't you think
that's a bit soon?

I'm getting stronger every day.

Just the three of us.

Like a proper family.

We are a proper family.

We'll know more when we get the
results of the latest blood tests.

We thought of going out for the day.
Is it all right?

The main risk is infection.

But in the car, well wrapped up,
I can't see any problem.

- I'm pretty hopeful.
- What, of a cure?

She's a fighter, Nick.

I've got a feeling she
may surprise us all.

You better hurry.
Rita sounded in quite a panic.

- You sure you'll manage?
- I'll be fine. Go on.

Be back as soon as I can.

He went off in his car after breakfast,
Mr. Rowan, and he's not come back.

- Do you know where he went?
- To see his pals, he said.

I mean he's always back for
his dinner at the dot of twelve.

Well, who are his pals?

Well, there's Ernie Shawcross
of Upper Toft Farm

and Ginger Roberts at Cloud End.

I mean, I wouldn't worry, but he had
that stroke only six months back.

Hello, little baby.


I love her so much.

More than I ever thought possible.

Of course you do.

They don't tell you
about that, do they?

Mother love.

I'd do anything for her,
anything in the whole world.

But the one thing she wants,
the one thing she really needs,

I can't give her.

Oh, come on, that's not true.

I can't be a mother to her, Maggie.

You ARE a mother to her.

A wonderful mother.

Yes, but what about
in six months time?

Or a year, however long I've got?

Who's gonna be there when
she takes her first steps?

Or says her first word?

Look, you're down in the dumps.

- It's natural after having a baby.
- Don't.

Let's just be straight with
each other, shall we?

- I'm going to die.
- Nonsense.

You've responded
brilliantly to treatment.

You know you have.

My glands hurt.

Let's feel.

Don't tell Nick.

You get in out of the wind.

I was on my way up to see Ernie
and she just conked out.

I tried it with the starting
handle but it were no good.


Oh, looks like you're
out of petrol, Joseph.

- Are you sure about this?
- Yes.

Well, wouldn't it be better
to go out in the car?

I don't want to be cooped
up in the car!

I want to go out for a walk up
into the hills like we used to.

All right.

If anyone sees me, I'm on a case.

This is happy families.
It's all right for some, isn't it?

He's on a case.

Time In A Bottle

♪ If I could save time in a bottle

♪ The first thing
that I'd like to do

♪ Is to save every day
till eternity passes away

♪ Just to spend them with you

♪ If I could make
days last for ever

♪ If words could make
wishes come true

♪ I'd save every day like
a treasure and then

♪ Again I would spend
them with you ♪

Spring is coming! I can't wait.

We've been happy, haven't we?

We ARE happy.

It'll be even better now.

How d'you mean?

Now that I'm not spending
half my life in Whitby.

And I've been thinking about
the Aidensfield practice.

How about if I worked part time?
Just held one surgery a day?

Sounds great.

I could take Sarah with me to the
surgery and get Rita to mind her.

Now I wouldn't have
to leave her at all!

Kate. Don't make too many plans yet.

Come here, darling.

Right, we er...
we're off then?

I'm sorry. Could you fetch the car?

Why, what's the matter?

I'm just tired, that's all.

Right then.
You just sit there.

I'll be back in a minute.

♪ If I had a box just for wishes

♪ And dreams that
had never come true

♪ The box would be empty

♪ Except for the memory

♪ Of how they were
answered by you ♪


- What's up?
- Nothing.

You're really hot, Kate.


Leave it! Let it ring!



Yes, he's here.

Same as last time.

Noise over there by the garage
and then footsteps on the gravel.

Yeah, well, I can't see
anything at the moment.

I'll come back in the morning when
it's light and have a look around.

That's not good enough.

I want you here now in
case he comes back again!

Look, Mr. Copeland, it is half
past one in the morning.

No crime's been committed.
Nothing's damaged and nothing's stolen.

Now, I'm sorry, but there are people
in this world with real problems.

And I have to get home now to
deal with one of them. All right?

It's !

- I'll phone Faber.
- It's the middle of the night.

I don't care.

I'm frightened.


- How is it?
- Too high.

Respiration rate is , by the way.

Thank you, doctor.

It started with a sore throat, which,
of course, she didn't tell me about.


Made me take her for a
walk up to Cloud End instead.

Nick, could you do me a favour?

Could you go and ask Rita Sterling
if she'd come in and tidy up a bit?

I can do that. I'll ring Blaketon.

No, I'd rather you went
to work and Rita came in.

I think Kate'd feel easier that way.

His attitude was offhand
in the extreme.

I'll look into it, Mr. Copeland.

I'm tempted to say positively rude.

Right, Mr. Copeland.

Then to discover this morning

that someone had stolen a tankful
of petrol from under my very nose!

I've made a note of all
you've told me, Mr. Copeland.

And I shall be investigating
the matter fully.

I hope you will.

Right. That's it!
I've turned a blind eye long enough!

Ventress, try Rowan on the phone.

Bellamy, you try his radio!

If we don't raise him this time,
I'm going round there!



Only in the one lung at the moment.

Have you started the antibiotics?

Straightaway last night.

Sod's law, isn't it?

You'd come into remission so well.

The blood tests were looking better.

This is just what we didn't need.

I'm gonna call in Charlie Morrison.

Do you have to?
It'll only worry Nick.

Kate, I'm only a
humble haematologist.

I need an expert opinion.

Say that again.

Hypostatic pneumonia.

I want our chest man,
Morrison, to come over.

I better warn you.
He'll probably want her in.

Back to hospital?



I'll um, I'll ring you later.

Uh, wait a minute, sarge.

So, this is what you've
been up to, is it, Rowan?

Playing mummies and daddies.

While drawing full pay from
the North Riding Constabulary.

And while I, Rowan,
receive complaints!

Complaints about the inefficiency
of the village constable!

About rudeness,
about incompetence!

And these complaints come to me
because, for some unknown reason,

nobody can contact you!

Now, I don't care if
your wife is a doctor

or the Chancellor
of the Exchequer.

Once she's had a baby,
that's her job.

And your job is to
bring in the bacon!

And there'll be precious
little bacon to bring in

if you don't pull your finger out!

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, sarge.

Alright, just put that telephone
back on its hook!

Now, where is Dr. Rowan anyway?


And when she's finished resting...

this place could do with
a woman's touch!

I heard all that.

You shouldn't be up.

You've got to tell him.

I was the one who wanted
to keep it a secret

and I was wrong.

It's better now if everyone knows.
For your sake.

What shall I tell them?


Zero-two-four to control.

"Yes, sarge."

Ventress. I'm on the
Aidensfield Road.

Get yourself out here fast...

...and bring a can of petrol.

David! What do you think you're...?!

That serves you right, that!

That's not very nice, is it?
After all I've done for you!

- Sorry.
- Right, I'll have this.

I need my can!

You're joking!
It's got my petrol in it.

No, it's not yours.
It come from Mr. Blaketon!

Well, no matter where it came from,
stealing is a mortal sin.

So get out of it before
I chop your legs off!

Go on!

Nick. I don't know what to say.



So, what have I got
now, then, Ventress?

A monkey carburettor.

A car that sounds like Firework
Night gone wrong, sarge.

What's wrong with you?

I've just spoke to Nick.

Kate's got leukaemia.

Kate? Kate Rowan?


But she can't have!

She's just had a baby.

They don't reckon that
she's gonna pull through.

She's so young.

She's only a couple of
years older than me.


On the side there.

Under some books, instructions.

- Oh, yes?
- I want you to take them.

If it's your last will and testament,
I'm having nothing to do with it.

No. It's not.

It's arrangements... for afterwards.

That's even worse!

We're not at that stage yet, Kate.

Stick that other leg out.

Please. Take them.

Oh, come on!

Where to get the ham,
who to ask?!

I've heard of forward planning
but this is ridiculous!

It's only to make
things easier for Nick.

More to get your own way, more like.

Bossy to the bitter end!


Kate. Mr. Morrison's here.

(Ssh-ssh-ssh. All right. All right.)

Things aren't looking good,
I'm afraid.

The congestion is getting
worse rather rapidly.

We'd like you back in hospital.

I'm not making any
decision without Kate.




It's very kind of you, but no.

It might give you a better chance.

Time is very precious
to me now, Michael.

And I want to stay here.

With my husband and my baby.

If there are other treatments...

They wouldn't work.

They'd only delay things.

I don't want to linger.

Anyway, it's playing
havoc with my looks.

Let us know if she
changes her mind.

Yes. Thanks for coming.

Bye bye.

Sgt Blaketon's here to see you.
He insisted on waiting.

Hello, Nick.

I've uh... just come
back to apologise.

If I'd known Kate was so ill

I wouldn't have said
the things I did.

I am extremely sorry.

So if there's anything I can do...

...and Bellamy and Ventress...

you only have to ask.

For starters, you can
get that uniform off.

From now on you're on
compassionate leave.

Three days official.

After that...
we'll bend the rules.

Excuse me, sarge.

Right. Have you got
everything you need?

- Yes, thanks.
- Right.

Don't be bitter, Nick.

Don't be bitter?

My whole life's been turned
upside down. I'm not a saint.

Look, feeling angry won't help.

You've got to be calm,
for you and the baby.

- Yeah, well, if it hadn't been for her.
- Having her made no difference!

I would have got the illness anyway.

You must never, never think that!

Yeah, I'm...

I'm sorry.
I don't know what I'm saying.

Go and get some sleep.
You look exhausted.


Are you sure you'll
be all right in there?

Yeah, you just knock on the
wall if you need anything.

Is that a proposition?

Oh, isn't she a little poppet?!

Yeah. She's lovely.
And just like her mum.

Poor wee thing.
Lying there all innocent.

It's so awful, Rita.

I know, love. I know.

Is that her?

Yes, she's pushing
the pram up the path.

I want to see the baby.

Not Gina. I'm not up to Gina.

Nick. I want to say something.

- If you remarry...
- Oh, Kate.

No, I'm serious.

I want you to find someone else.

But I want you to remember...

Ssh. Don't talk so much.

I want you to remember
that Sarah is your first-born.

She must never take second place.

She won't.

And you must give her
enough love for both of us.

Double rations.

Lots and lots of love.

She's at it again, you know,
telling me what to do.

Lots of cuddles and bedtime stories.

No smacking or leaving
her to cry, and what else?

Plenty of fresh air and exercise.

Take her to all our
favourite places.

And, when she's older,
help her with her homework.

See, even I know it by now.

With your brains and his looks,
how can she possibly fail?

Excuse me!

I won't drop her.

(There you go!)

I'll just go down and
make some bottles.

I meant to do so many things.

Have lots of children.

Tell her about us, will you?

- Yeah.
- Tell her...


Tell her that her Mum and
Dad quite liked each other.

Come on.

I'll put her back in her cot.

Wait a minute.

Night-night, darling.

Back in a minute.


You were supposed to meet
me an hour ago. Where is it?

- I haven't got any.
- What?

Well, I can't any more, Gary.
It's stealing.


Ask Mr. Greengrass,
he tells it were wrong.

Never mind what he says!

You get me some more petrol or I'll tell
your mum what you've been doing!

No! No, don't tell Mam.
She'd k*ll me.

I'll get you some more, I promise!

You'd better.

Alex. Call Alex.

Sorry, love?

Alex Ferrenby. I feel terrible.


She just asked for Dr. Ferrenby.

He died three years ago!

You need some sleep, Nick.
Get to bed.








Kate? Come here.

Now, I'm sick of the spare bed.

So, if madam doesn't object,

I think I'll sleep in me
own bed for a change.

Come on. Give us a cuddle.

Oh, don't I even get a kiss?

Oh, well.


Night, Kate.

I'm Always Thinking Of You

♪ I need to know you

♪ Need to feel my arms around you

♪ Feel my arms surround you

♪ Like the sea around the shore

♪ Each night and day I pray

♪ And hope that I might find you

♪ And hope that I might find you

♪ Because hearts can do no more

♪ It always adds up to one thing

♪ I'm still kneel upon the floor

♪ How can I tell you

♪ That I lo-ove you?

♪ I lo-ove you

♪ But I can't think of
the right words to say

♪ I long to tell you that I'm
always thinking of you

♪ I'm always thinking of you


♪ It always adds up
to one thing, honey

♪ And I can't think of the
right words to say ♪

"Man that is born of a woman"

"hath but a short time to live,
and is full of misery."

"He cometh up, and is
cut down like a flower."

"He fleeth as it were a shadow,
and never continueth in one stay."

"In the midst of life
we are in death."

"Of whom may we seek for
succour, but of thee, O Lord."

"Who for our sins
art justly displeased?"

"Yet, O Lord God most holy,
O Lord most mighty,"

"O holy and most merciful Saviour"

"deliver us not into the bitter
pains of eternal death."

"Thou knowest, Lord,
the secrets of our hearts."

"Shut not thy merciful
ears to our prayer"

"but spare us Lord most holy,
O God most mighty..."

"O holy and merciful Saviour."

"Thou most worthy, Judge eternal,
suffer us not, at our last hour"

"for any pains of death,
to fall from thee."

"Forasmuch as it hath pleased
Almighty God of his great mercy..."

"to take unto himself the soul of
our dear sister here departed."

"We therefore commit her
body to the ground."

"Earth to earth,
ashes to ashes,"

"dust to dust."

"In sure uncertain hope of the
Resurrection to eternal life,"

"through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Sometimes, life seems
so very unfair, doesn't it?

Oh, I don't know, Vicar.

God moves in mysterious ways.

I daresay this is a case in point.

You drive on.
One of us will bring him back.


I'll wait for him, sarge.

Get a hold of yourself, Bellamy.

Remember, you're in uniform.

Would you like to go
home for a bit first...

before the wake?


Would you like to go
home and see the baby?

It might make you feel better.

I doubt it.

No, you go on, Alf.

Don't miss the bun
fight on my account.

The Lord giveth and the Lord
taketh away, Mrs. Rowan.

Well, he's taken away a bit too
much this time, if you ask me.

I'll get myself some ham.

Right, David Stocker!

So, it's you, is it, eh?

You're the nasty thief who's
been nicking the petrol!

- No!
- No? So what's all this, then eh?

- Prowling around at night.
- Please, Mr. Rowan!

Getting me out in the small
hours while my wife was dying!

Get up, son! Go on, get up and run!

What are you doing?
I was about to make an arrest.

It'll keep.

Let's get back to the wake.

Good boy, Alfred. Come on, son.

You must be Alf Ventress!

The name is Blaketon, madam.

Sergeant Blaketon? Never!

I mean, you're quite nice-looking!

Nothing at all like Nick
says in his letters.

I'm his mother by the way.

Ruby Rowan.

Nick. Everybody's here,
it's just how Kate wants it to be.


- Tea, Nick?
- No thanks.

He'll need some careful
watching, Ventress.

He doesn't seem that keen
on the baby either, sarge.


Shut up, will you. Come here!

Come 'ere! What you doin'?

Alfred, come here!

What's up with you?
What are you doing here?!

Don't let them catch me!

"He went bananas,
absolutely bananas."

I mean, that lad's not all there.
He can't read or write.

And Nick really went for him.

But he was carrying the
petrol can and siphon.

That's no way to treat him.

(I've never seen Nick lose
his temper like that before.)

Get that down, you lovey.

Come on, you haven't
had a thing yet.

Now, then. I want a
serious little chat.

About the baby.

- Mum, not yet.
- It has to be decided.

You won't be able to cope,
not on your own.

And Kate only had Auntie Eileen.

So, it's down to us, isn't it?

I could take her back
to London with me.

So what d'you say?

I'll think about it, Mum.

Eileen, I've offered
to have the baby.

Well, it's the only
solution, isn't it?

It's a solution, yes.

I'm not sure it's the only one.

You've done nowt to me.

I'm talking about what
you've been doing to David!

So you better get in your motor
and get out of the village

while you've still got
a motor to get out in!

- I've not got any petrol.
- Then go and buy some!

- I'm skint.
- Skint!

Big businessman
like you from Leeds?!

You're not a big businessman,
are you?

You're just a bigmouth who's got
a big car you can't afford to run!

And in case you've not noticed,
there's a funeral on!

There's plenty of cars about!

Even somebody with
your limited intelligence

should be able to
think of summat. Right?

Alex Ferrenby dead?
For three years that I know of.

Well, well, well.

The medical profession.

Um, may I put a question
to you, as doctors?

- Yes, of course.
- Well, may I ask how it happened?

How my wife managed to got through
her whole pregnancy with leukaemia

- and nobody noticed?
- Look.

- Looks like medical negligence to me.
- Oh, come on, Nick.

No, I understand how he feels.

I doubt it, Dr. Faber.

I watched her die.

I lay with her as she died.

And all through the night,
you know what I thought?

That this needn't have happened.

She must have been ill for ages.

- Look...
- And if you'd spotted it,

you could have treated her earlier.

- Let me try and explain.
- I don't need explanations!

You're as much to
blame as they are.

Come outside a minute.

You're quite wrong.
We all did our best.

Yeah, when it was too late.

Because we didn't know!

She hid the symptoms from us.

Look. The hospital did a blood
test early on in the pregnancy.

She was anaemic.
Said she'd treat it herself.

I made her have another test at
weeks cos she looked so awful!

She sent that one off
under another name

and kept the results to herself
till just before she had the baby.

She did it for Sarah.

To give her the best chance.

Well, you should've seen
what she was up to!

You and the doctors.

You're supposed
to be the experts.

Ladies and gentlemen.

What does he think he's doing?

To the lady that planned this
whole do for us, Kate Rowan!

ALL: To Kate!

She were a grand doctor,
a lovely girl...

...and a damn fine policeman's wife,

which is an art given but to a few.

And to Nick!


To Kate!

- ALL: Kate!
- Kate!

Get him out of here, Bellamy.

There's loads more grub, everyone.
Just help yourselves.

Let's go and see that
baby of yours, shall we?


She's been fine.

All the made-up bottles
are already in the fridge.

- Thank you.
- I'll be round in the morning, then.

Thank you.

I'd just like you to know, Nick...

that the Force stands by
its men in times of trouble.

So, just er...

take your time.

Don't rush into anything.

She's very nice.

Just like her mother.

I'm that sorry, lad.

I'm that sorry.

There's one thing I
have to know, Maggie.

Did she suffer much?

Not physically, no.

- She was terribly sad.
- I'm sure.

Especially about the baby.






...Katie Rowan.

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, why does a love
kiss stay in my memory? ♪
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