05x07 - Sophie's Choice

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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05x07 - Sophie's Choice

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when
my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss
stay in my memory? ♪


Alright. I want at least an hour's
practice from you lot tonight.

Particularly the trombone, Kevin.

Me dad said it puts
the chickens off laying.

I'm not surprised.

Another rehearsal tomorrow
night, lads, alright?

Yes, sir. Bye, sir.



♪ Ruby Tuesday

♪ Oh there's no time to lose

♪ I heard her say

♪ You've got to catch your
dreams before it runs away

♪ Dying all the time

♪ Lose your dreams and you

♪ will lose your mind

♪ Is life unkind

♪ Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday

♪ Who could hang a name on you

♪ And when you change
with every new day

♪ Still I'm gonna miss you

♪ Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday

♪ Who could hang a name on you

♪ And when you change
with every new day

♪ Still I'm gonna miss you

Thank you.



Aidensfield police?

I'll just get him.

One of the Great Train Robbers
is still on the run, you know.


PC Rowan.

Nick, it's Barry Jackson.

♪ Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday

♪ Who could hang a name on you

♪ And when you change
with every new day


You could've k*lled my dog!



CHILDREN: ♪ Ring a ring o' roses

♪ A pocket full of posies

♪ Atishoo, atishoo

♪ Ring a ring o' roses

♪ A pocketful of posies

♪ Atishoo, atishoo

♪ We all fall down ♪


Look out!

You stupid...!

Hey! Hey! Hey up!

I want a word! Hey!

What happened?
Did she have a puncture?

Just give us a bit of
room, can you, Kevin.

Anyone hurt?

Well, the boys got out of
the way before the crash.

And Sophie?

No injuries as far as I can see.

Alright, come on, keep back.
There's nothing to see.


It's okay, Barry. She'll mend.

Oh, Sophie.

Hey! Hey, I want a word.

She must be tired
of living or summat.

On your way, Claude.

What do you mean, on my way?

I was on my way before she
knocked me in the flaming ditch!

I'm nearly an old age
pensioner, you know.

But try and be
charitable, will you.

Charity begins at home and
that's where she ought to be.

Locked in one. Lunatic.

Is Mrs. Jackson all right, sir?

She will be. Thanks, Kevin.

"Onward, Christian Soldiers"
will sound even worse now.

It's still hanging around then?

It's bats that hang,
isn't it, not pigeons.

It's a flaming nuisance
just like its owner.


It's my fault.

I'll pay for any damage.

If anyone's been hurt
I'll make full restitution.

I should've hidden the car keys.

I, I usually do.
You know that, Nick.

It's just...
She's been so good lately.

Poor Sophie.

Never mind poor Sophie.

That woman's committed at least six
traffic offences in as many miles.

Well, she won't commit any more, sarge.

She's reduced the Aidensfield
bus shelter to a pile of rubble.

Mr. Jackson won't let her drive again.

And she only just missed
decimating the entire

Aidensfield Primary
School Brass Band.

Well, no-one's been hurt, sarge.

Well, only one person, slightly.

These are very serious offences and
I see no good reason to ignore 'em.

So er, who was the person
who was injured, anyway?

Oh, er, Greengrass.

Greengrass, eh?

Yeah, he sprained his ankle when
she pushed him into that ditch.

Bet he wasn't happy about that?

Nah, he was hopping mad.

Point made, Rowan!

Yeah, we've got a
couple of rooms free.


So is it a little holiday?

I'll pay in advance, alright?


You've got have a bit
of sympathy, Claude.

It's alright for you
to talk, George.

I mean, I'm as forgiving
as the next man,

but apart from all
the other mayhem

she's knocked me flying and
nearly k*lled the flaming dog!

She don't want forgiving,
she wants locking up!

Any road, now that you've

Walked Through the Valley of the
Shadow of Death and made it here,

would you mind taking
that back with you.

You what?

Isn't it yours?

Certainly is not.

Well, get one of your
mates to collect it then.

I've told you, I've checked it, it
don't belong to one of our members,

it's a stray.

You want my advice,
you'll wring its neck.

You will not wring
that little bird's neck!

Why, do you want to do it?


Well, there's to be no official
action taken against Sophie.

I should think not too!

Well, Sergeant Blaketon has asked
me to have a word with you.

The car. Like I've said,
I've tried to be careful.

Well, you really mustn't
let her drive, Barry.

Yes, I know.

When Sophie gets like this,
she can be quite dangerous.

Thought I heard voices.

Hello Nick, how are you?

Fine, thanks.

- Oh, hi Maggie.
- Hello.

What's this? A deputation?

The school concert, Sophie.

Maggie and Nick have offered
to sell some tickets for me.


Physically, she's as fit as a flea.

Her problem's in her head,
where we can't reach it.

So is there nothing that
can be done for her?

Oh, I didn't say that.

She could be committed
to an institution.

What, a mental asylum?

Maybe psychiatric
wing of a hospital.

Well, either one will be
over Barry's dead body.

The band are going great g*ns.

Stacey Robinson is
singing like an angel.

What's wrong with me, Barry?

What happens to me?

What do I do?

When I'm not like this?

When I'm...

It... it's a bit like...

...waking up and

remembering bits of a dream.

Only it isn't a dream
I'm remembering, is it?

I've been awake all the time.

You'll be all right, Sophie.

I'll make sure you are.

No, I won't.

Neither will you.

You're the real victim, Barry.

Sorry, love.

There's no need.

I'm so, so sorry.

Right, my little feathered friend,

up there is The Wild Blue Yonder,
your home.

So shove off into it!


Alan Molloy, as in
china and gift shop.

Ya. I know Alan Molloy, sarge.

He's been yelling the odds at
me for the past minutes

about some shoplifter...

who's had it away with a
nice selection of his stock.

And he wants me down there so
he can give us a full description.

Now I've a lot of respect
for Mr. Molloy.

But I've even more respect
for my eardrums.

So I want you to go instead.

All right, sarge.

"One salt cellar,
one silver knife,"

...one platinum teaspoon,
a whole tray of cake forks...

Right, Mr. Molloy.

Two stainless steel napkin rings.

Actually I got a bit lost
after the salt cellar.

And the sheer bare-
faced cheek of it!

Just waltzed around putting
that little lot in her basket.

Well, it's odd sort of stuff
for a shoplifter to take.

I was so staggered,
I just stood there watching!

Well, could you give me
a description, please sir?

I've been trying to, haven't I?
One salt cellar...

No, of the shoplifter, Mr. Molloy.

She looked such a
respectable woman and all.


Pass her in the street, you'd take
her for a doctor or summat.

Certainly not a cool
customer like this.

- Right, that's it!
- What?

That pigeon is going in a pie!

Uncle George!
Will you listen to me.

If it must take up space around here,
it might as well be in my stomach!

I'm God.
What time did you let it go?

About two o'clock. Why?

- Because it's back here by ten past.
- So?

- So that's fast!
- How do you know?

Because I'm the poor so-and-so

fetching and carrying drinks
on club night, aren't I?

I'm the one who have to listen
to Greengrass and his mates

rather on about how
quick the birds are.

And I'm telling you,
that's supersonic!

- So what?
- Shh!



Hello, Barry.

Nick. Social call?

No, not exactly.

There's been a bit of
trouble over in Ashfordly.

Sophie hasn't been
outside the house all day.

Have you been here all the time?

No, I've been teaching.

Well, let's talk inside, shall we?




Vicki, are you all right?

She's okay.

She doesn't sound okay.


I said, she's fine.

She had one of her
bad night last night.

I left her in the chair
when I went to school.

Yeah, that was over
six hours ago.

But I popped back at lunch
time and she was still there.

The description Mr. Molloy
gave me fits Sophie to a T.

I'm telling you, she hasn't
left that chair all day.

I'm not saying she has
stolen anything intentionally.

The things that went missing

aren't the usual kind of things
a shoplifter would take.

There was a salt cellar,

a couple of napkin rings,
some cake forks.

Teaspoon, silver knife.

They're in the drawer, Barry.

Where you put them when
I showed them to you.

Right then.

Now you fly on home,
you little beauty,

just as quick as you can.

She's not a criminal, sarge.

Try telling that to Mr. Molloy.

I've had a word with him.

Told him what Maggie Bolton said.

It's a memory thing, you see, sarge.

In other words, she's not
quite right in the head.

You can't prosecute people for that.

No, you can't.

Otherwise the courts would
be full to overflowing.

With Ventress and
Greengrass top of the list.

It won't happen again, sarge.

Clairvoyant are we now, constable?

Mr. Jackson's fixed up a rota.

People to look after Sophie
while he's at the school.

And you're confident this list
of do-gooders will do the trick?

Well, it should do, sarge.
Kate's Aunty Eileen's at the top of it.


♪ Ring a ring o' roses

♪ A pocketful o' posies

♪ Atishoo, atishoo

♪ We all fall down

- ♪ Ring a ring o' roses...
- Hello, Sophie.

It's Barry, Sophie.

♪ Ring a ring o' roses

♪ A pocketful o' posies

♪ Atishoo, atishoo... ♪

It's as if she's
trying to remember.


That's a good sign, isn't it?

Is it?

What'll it do to her if she does?

Come on, Sophie.

You go through.
We'll be with you in a minute.

I took away the paper.

I saw it in school.
I was hoping you would.

- Everything all right?
- Fine.

I'll put the kettle
on then, shall I?

Actually, I'd just assume myself
and Sophie were left alone!

I'm sorry, Eileen.

It's just...

She scares people, Eileen.

I know the crash was unfortunate,
but this is diabolical!

It's not just the crash.

People shy away from
her in the street.

That's just ignorance.

She scares me too, sometimes.

But I can't do it.

I can't have her put away.

You don't have to.

I'll show this to Nick,
he'll soon nip it in the bud.

Still want the upstairs room for the
Pigeon Club tomorrow night, Claude?

Course we do.
It's the big race the day after.

Your mate was in earlier.
New Little Johnny.

Reckons he's in with a real chance.


He says his bird got from Ashfordly
Rise to Aidensfield in minutes.

Ooo. What did it do,
stop for its tea on the way?

Well, isn't that fast?


That Firefly of mine can do that trip
in minutes dead, consistently.

So he has got no chance.

So what did Speedy
Gonzales do it in?

Just under ten.

Who's that?

There's no-one there, Sophie.

A young man.


Like you.

But younger.


Is there a young woman
there too, Sophie?

A beautiful young woman?



This is sick.

If that's a summons,
tell them you've not seen me.

It's an anonymous letter, Claude.

Is it? Who is it from?

Aye, it's serious.

Sent to Mr. Jackson about his wife.

As much the same as you
were saying the other day.

That she should be locked up.

It's a bit strong, isn't it?

I hope you are not doing the Blaketon
and accusing me of writing this?



Not even Greengrass'd
sink that low.

I wouldn't have
thought he could type.

I told you Vicki,
put her out of your mind.

- I miss her!
- Vicki.

I miss Mum!

Will you stop going
on about your mother!

Now then George,
a little bird's just told me

you're being allowed to enter that
stray of yours for the big race.

Your little bird heard right.

I don't know why you're bothering.

You know nowt about pigeon racing.

What'd you need to know?
You just let 'em go and they fly home.

You've got to be joking!

It takes years of
breeding and training

to get a champion
like that one of mine.

Seems simple enough to me.

And there's a nice little
packet for the winner.

You don't honestly think that bit
of scrag and bone's of yours

is going to win, do you?

I've got ten bob says he does.

Why don't we go raving
mad and make it a pound?

Why don't we go barmy
and make it a fiver?

Done. And you are going to be.


He fell for it, hook,
line and sinker.

I could pick up a right
little bundle off this race.

- There's no address.
- What?

For Mr. Brown and Vicki.
He hasn't left an address.

Well, he paid in advance, didn't he?
What's the problem?

Well I've seen him and
the little girl around.

I've never actually
spoken to them though.

He's not exactly the talkative type.

He's as good as bit my head
off when I tried to talk to him.

Well, that's not a crime, Eileen.

And he never lets
Vicki out of his sight.

And neither is that.

Kidnapping is though.

You what?

Vicki was talking to him
before, about her mum.

How she wanted to see her.

He more or less told her
to forget all about her.

She was upset about something
the other day, too.

Hold on, hold on.

So, you overheard snatches
of this bloke's conversation,

already he's
Public Enemy No. ?

Something's not right, Nick.

Have you got his full name?

No address though,
that's another thing.

He didn't give one.

I'll get Alf to check it against
the police records tomorrow.

I didn't know you
were on duty tonight.

Well, that's unofficial.

Uh, Maggie been asked
around in her calls.

To see if she can find any likely faces
for this hate campaign against Sophie.

Wouldn't do for her patients to know
she gossips to the village bobby.

Wouldn't do for folks to
see the village bobby

going in and out of a
married woman's flat either.

I'm sorry?

Honestly, people may talk.

Yeah, well, only some people.

She just frightens people, Nick.

One minute normal, the next...

Yeah, I have heard
that kind of muttering.

Oh, I've heard more
than that from some.

Quite a few people would prefer it if
she was out of harms way somewhere.

But I've not met anyone who
agrees with these letters.


Another one came this morning.

Oh, at least they can forget
about it this evening.

They've gone to the school concert.

- Sophie as well?
- One of her good days.

Sophie was really
looking forward to it.

Look, I've got a few
more calls to make.

But I could see you
in the pub later on.

I don't think we'd get much
chance for a quiet chat tonight.

They're plotting
tomorrow's pigeon race.

Oh yeah, George has
entered Gonzales for it.

Claude reckons it doesn't
stand a snowballs.

George thinks he does and has
put his money where his mouth is.

Has Claude opened a book?

Uh no. George actually.

But you didn't hear that from me.

It's only a bit of fun, Nick.

It's also illegal.

As I'm sure Constable Ventress
has been telling you.

♪ Onward, Christian Soldiers

Well, I reckoned that's
nipped it in the bud.

- I'm grateful for your help, Alf.
- Any time.

- Good odds were they?
- I should say so.


The Fire Brigade.
Yeah, it's in Aidensfield High Street.

♪ Onward, Christian Soldiers

Right, come on.
Everybody right back.

Right to the other side
of the road. Come on!

- Sophie!
- Sophie was with you!

She was asleep. I left her in bed.

Stay there.




Oh, you can't go in there, Barry!

Anyone in there?

My wife!

Upstairs bedroom.

Move back, sir.


Right, lads, in you go, and out fast.
I don't want any heroes.

Why did I leave her alone?

Come on, Barry.



Well they've found a body
in the upstairs bedroom.

I'm very sorry, Mr. Jackson.


Well they found the seeds
of the fire at the front door.

I thought Sophie was upstairs.

She was.

The fire boys will have
to do some more tests.

But this could be arson.

♪ The Good The Bad And The Ugly
Theme Music

May the best bird win.

Don't worry, it will.

- Yes.

Any news from the
Fire Officer, sarge?

I'm still waiting on his report.

But I want all our efforts
concentrated on this one.

Cos if it is arson...

Then it's also a m*rder.


Well it is possible that the arsonist
thought Sophie will be at the concert.

Still m*rder.



Uh, can I have a word
with PC Rowan, sarge?

- Is it to do with the fire?
- No.

Then get out!


It's not much.

Ah, it will show folk
are thinking of him.

- Yeah, let us know how he is.
- Ah ha.

She's lovely, isn't she?

She's like a little doll.

Is she like the dolls you've
got at home, Vicki?

Where is home, Vicki?

He says I'm not to talk about it.

There's nothing wrong
with talking about home.

He doesn't want anybody to find out.

Find out what?

Where you are?

Who mustn't find out, Vicki?

Your mum?

What's going on?!

We're just talking.

- Well, talking's over. Come on, Vicki!
- Dad!

I said, come on!

I ran that check for you.
Malcolm Brown.

- So did you find anything?
- Not a sausage.

I thought Gina was overreacting.

Yeah, and then this came in.

It's an alert for a man who disappeared
with his -year-old daughter.

Well the description fits.

What's this Jackie Slater
supposed to have done then?

He absconded from Pentonville
Jail about two weeks ago.

He's been on the run ever since.

Escaped convict?

Well, could be, sarge.

On our patch?

Yeah, he's staying at
the Aidensfield Arms.

Well, why didn't you say
so before, Ventress?

I thought you were
staying till the weekend.

We were.

Until people started poking their
noses into what don't concern 'em.


Aidensfield Arms?

That bloke and his daughter
you've got staying there, Gina.

Mr. Brown and Vicki?

They've just gone.


♪ The Good The Bad And The Ugly

... ... ... ... !

- Let 'em go!

- Excuse me.
- Yeah?

Has a maroon Zephyr
passed through this way?

Yeah. A little bit.

- Delta Alpha - to Control.
- Go ahead, Nick.

Suspect Jackie Slater,
and his daughter, Alf,

they've taken the Whitby Road.

Delta Alpha - .

I'm at the Whitby crossroads,

and he's just passed me on
his way towards Ashfordly.

So he gave you no home address
and he paid you in advance?

We don't know where he's gone.

Hang on.


No. It's only a sparrow.

Are you all right, George?

Well, if Mr. Brown is
an escaped prisoner

then why has he
got Vicki with him?

I thought having a little girl
with him would slow him down.

Useful though, if he got caught.

So he can use her as some
sort of hostage you mean?


- Dad!
- It's all right.

- Dad!
- I said it's all right!

Take the Grassmore Lane, Nick.
Cut him off before the crossroads.

We're about a quarter of a mile
from the crossroads now, Alf.


- Any news?
- No sign of him yet.

I meant about Vicki.

Oh. No.

Anyway, still waiting for Gonzales.

You'll have to wait at least
another half an hour.

Just so long as Greengrass
has to wait longer.

Here, come here, come here, son.


...Malcolm Brown.

Or should we call you Jackie Slater?

Of Francis Terrace, Doncaster?

There's no point keeping quiet.

Officers are on their way to your
house right now to contact your wife.

She'll identify you for us.

They'll have a job.

She's walking back from
the shop, a month ago.

And this car...

...came from nowhere.

They took her to hospital, but...

I got compassionate, of course.

Days out to attend the funeral and
sort out the arrangements for Vicki.

But at the end of two days
I just couldn't go back.

I've never been the best of fathers.

I was away more than at home.

And now, just when
Vicki needed me most,

I was going away again.

So you just took off
with your daughter?

She'd have been years
old when I got out.

She's gonna be a bit
older than that now.

Not an easy story to listen to.

Now I think even Blaketon
felt sorry for him.

No, I meant for you.

What will happen to her?

Well, I'm contacting the family
trying to sort something out.

In the meantime,
she can stay here.

How's Barry bearing up?

Just keeps on talking
about Sophie all the time.

He was telling me this morning
how they first met.

Seems she was a secretary
in a firm over in Whitby

and he was a student.
at the college there.

He needed somebody
to type up his thesis.

So he puts an ad in the local paper,
she saw it and that was that.

Love at first sight all courtesy
of a bit of overtime.



The report has just come through.

And according to the boffins, the
fire was started with rags and petrol.

So it's not an accident, then?

Fires started with rags and
petrol are never accidental.

- Alright to take a look inside?
- Yeah.

- We're closed, Claude.
- I want a word with George.

Now, George,
your bird shown up yet?

Must have run into some sort of problem,
because I'm telling you, Claude,

that bird is fast.

It certainly is.
It got back in under an hour. Here.

Hiya, Gonzales!

The only trouble is, it came
back to my loft instead of yours.

So what happens? Did it lose
it's sense of direction or what?

It's a stray. I told you
you can't trust strays.

What happened to yours?

It got back ten
minutes after yours.

So I won the bet?

No, because it came
back to the wrong loft.

But it still beat Firefly!

It makes no difference!

So what you're saying
is we've all lost?

Not necessarily.


Your Uncle Claude
might just have an idea.

Sgt Blaketon called earlier
to tell me the news.

I still can't believe it was m*rder.

Not intentional, anyway.

Whoever did this must have
thought that Sophie was with me.

Which makes these
important evidence.

The anonymous letters?

It was a fair bet that whoever
wrote them also started the fire.


Well, before we passed
these on to Whitby,

can you just confirm that these
are the letters you received?

Yes. Yes, they are.

Well, actually, they're not.

I've just typed these on
your wife's typewriter.

You sent the letters,
didn't you, Barry?

You painted those
words on the wall.

You started the fire
that k*lled your wife.

Please, Barry!

For pity's sake!

It's the only way!

It's inhuman!

So is this!

I can't live like this, Barry.

I need...

...your help.

She had pre-senile dementia.

I read up on how
long she might have.

It could have been years.

Wasting away.

Ending her days in some home.

I suffocated her in her sleep...

...before the school concert.

I slipped out.

The infants were singing.

And I started the fire.

He's not the likeliest
of criminals, is he.

I won't exactly call
him a criminal, sarge.

What he did, Rowan, was m*rder.

In the eyes of the law.

Which we uphold.

It's evil!

Yeah, maybe.

There's no maybe about it, Nick.
It was cold-blooded m*rder!

Sophie was never going to
get better, you know, Gina.

Oh, so what Barry did was right?

Nick isn't saying that!

It's complicated.

The night of the fire, me and
my Uncle George never slept.

We just can't stop thinking
about poor old Barry.

We'd have felt a
bit different Nick,

if we've known it was
down to him all along.

You're talking like he's
some sort of monster.

Well, isn't he?

He did love Sophie, you know.

Oh, so you show someone you love
by holding a pillow over their head.

She was ill, Gina. There's no cure.

So is that what you would have done
if Kate were to last any longer?


Oh, I am so sorry.
I didn't mean it like that.

Maggie, one of Vicki's aunts is
going to pick her up tomorrow.

She's only young, Nick.


I mean, Gina.

She's not that much
younger than me.

You've lived rather more,
especially these last few months.

You think she's right then?

How do you mean?

One half of me can
see why he did it.

I don't suppose anyone can know

unless they've been in the
same situation themselves.

So, what do you
think about Barry?

I think you're probably right, Nick.

It's complicated.

And we're in no position to judge.


It not going to be easy living
with someone she hardly knows.

Better than life on the run.

The word in Whitby is they may
not be too hard on her father.

Yeah, but she'll still be a young
woman by the time he comes out.

So, we're gonna mate
our birds with Claude's?

- It's a tempting prospect.
- It certainly is.

Just think of the offspring.

With Firefly's homing instinct
and Gonzales's turn of speed,

we could have a right
champion on our hands.

What if it turns
out the other way?

What do you mean?

What if it has Gonzales's homing
instinct and Firefly's speed?

Do you coppers always see
the worst side of everything?

No, not always.

♪ Heartbeat, why do you miss
when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, why does a love
kiss stay in my memory? ♪
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