07x07 - The Family Way

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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07x07 - The Family Way

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss

♪ When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪



Not exactly the centre of the universe, eh, Charlie?

Get in the car.

Are you sure you'll be all right, Granddad?

We'll be fine, won't we, Justin?


- Bye, Justin.

- Bye.

So what do you do for a bit of excitement around here?

- Pick flowers?

- Don't start, Lisa.

How long are we stuck here, anyway?

I told you, didn't I, eh? As long as it takes.

LISA: Terrific.


Just a few days, you said on the phone.

A few days, a couple of weeks what's the difference?

What's the difference?!

Look, it's out of my hands, right?

Watch out!

Are you all right?


All right, all right, no harm done.

He could have been k*lled.

Whose fault would that have been? A kid running around on his own?

You were driving too fast. As usual.

You've been drinking. I can smell it on you.

Oh, get on with your knitting.

LISA: Is the kid all right?

Don't ask me, love. It wasn't me that tossed him into the ditch.



Hello? Dad?

He should be in.

I'll go and check upstairs.



His bed hasn't been slept in.

Hello, Jo. Hello, Nick.

Where've you been, Dad?

Staying with Harry Fairhurst and his wife.

They only live down the road.

That's right.

I've got this little problem, you see.

Since the funeral, I've not been able to stay here overnight.

Pathetic, isn't it?

- Why didn't you say something?

- I didn't want to worry you.

It's not going to be a problem for much longer.

I'm the place up for sale.

I've got to go and unpack,

so if you two would like to put the kettle on...

Nick, I had no idea. What are we going to do?

Let's go and make the tea.

Thanks, Steve.

That's all right. Is there anything else I can do?

That'll be fine, thanks.

How's things going up at Deepdale these days?

They're all right. If you like that sort of thing.

What's that mean, you don't?

To be honest, Mr Greengrass, I couldn't care less

if I never see a tractor or the back of a cow again.

You must be out of your mind.

How do you mean?

With that lot to inherit.

You know what they say, you rarely see a farmer riding a bike.

There's something else people like you never see.

What's that?

Me and my dad in them fields at five o'clock every morning.

Five o'clock?

You're joking. I'm usually on my way back home by then.


Aidensfield police.

I'm afraid he's not, but I'm expecting him back this afternoon.

Can I take a message?

Tell him I...

Tell him I wish to report an accident.

The name is Alec Oxley.

GINA: I'm going to see him later.

How is George, anyway?

He's still in hospital. It's all a bit worrying, really.

I don't know how you cope on your own.

With great difficulty. Yes, sir, what can I get you?

I'll have a large G&T please, my love.

And whatever my little brother here is having.

Your brother!?


The one and only. How are you?

None the better for seeing you, I can tell you that.

Don't be like that.

What do you expect after nearly years?

If I did the right thing, I'd grab you by the throat.

Well, before you do that, have a drink with me first.

- What are you doing here, anyroad?

- Come to see you.

That surprises me.

After spending two decades trying to keep out of the same county!

I couldn't live with my conscience any longer.

Especially thinking about that money you lent me

to set up the business all them years back

Been keeping you awake at night, has it?

Er, I think you'll find it all there.

Including estimated interest.

Feel free to count it if you'd like.

Don't worry. Knowing you, I'm going to.

You don't change, do you, Claude?

Good to see you again, little brother.


Tea's ready.

Jo and I were wondering whether you fancied spending a few days

over in Aidensfield.

There's a spare room at Maggie's. I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

I wouldn't want to put anybody to any trouble.

You wouldn't be, Dad. Please come.

- Well, it's a kind thought.

- Good. So you will?

I'll need to make a couple of phone calls and pack a few things.

I'll pack for you. You can go and make your phone calls.

CYRIL: Not a bad little runabout, eh?

CLAUDE: No... Mind you...

I don't think you'll get many sheep in it.

I always fancied getting behind the wheel of one of these.

The only ones allowed behind this beauty are me and my Edith.

Sorry, little brother.

How is Edith? Still playing rugby league?

You remember her well, do you?

Your missus? Once seen, never forgotten.

And don't think I haven't tried.

Are you going to tell me, or have I got to knock it out of you?


What you've actually come up here for.

There is something you might be able to help me with.


Why is it I am not utterly and completely surprised?

I'm over here looking at cottages.

Somewhere to get away from it all weekends.

Do you mean a place summat like mine?

That sort of thing, yeah. But with the odd extra mod

-con perhaps,

like running water.

Ha flaming ha.

So can you recommend someone who can get one at a bargain price?

Somebody bent, you mean?

Someone who shares my own keen business acumen.

Yeah, well, I might be able to put my hand on somebody.

That would be wonderful, little brother.

And of course there should be a little something in it for you.

Does this mean you'll be staying over?

For tonight at least.

CLAUDE: I rent my spare room out at a very competitive rate.

CYRIL: You don't happen to charge for parking.

CLAUDE: Only if you insist.

How's your grandson now?

He and his mother are still at the hospital.

He's got a broken collarbone.

The car didn't actually hit him?

Only because I managed to get him out of the way in time.

Fenton was driving too fast and he'd been drinking.

I could smell it on his breath.

- So you know the driver?

- Well, I can't say I know him.

He moved into that cottage up the lane a few weeks ago.

The way that man drives, somebody's going to end up getting k*lled.

I'll have a word with him.

More than a word I hope, Constable.

That man's a menace. He's an absolute menace.

Do you want one?

No, thanks, Charlie. Bit early for me.


Hello, hello.


No prizes for guessing what he's come about.

There was no way that it's my fault, you know.

I mean, as my wife here can bear witness to.

I mean, it was him that was responsible for the accident.

He said you were driving too fast.

He would, wouldn't he?

Anyway, how could he tell how fast I was going?

He also said you'd been drinking.

That is rubbish, Constable.

Look, no

-one regrets what happened more than I do.

But it was Oxley let the kid wander into the middle of the road.

Well, I need to make a report on this, so I may be in touch again.

In the meantime, watch your speed.

Of course.

Thank you.

Your wife. When did that happen?

Things to come, darling. Things to come.

When we're there enjoying that sun and sand

and... whatever else is going on.

Oh, just make it soon, Charlie.

I've only been here a few hours,

but I don't know how much more of this country life I can take.



-one here.

CYRIL: Edith, it's me.


Everything all right at home, is it, my love?

Oh, good.

Claude... isn't very well at all.

No, I wouldn't say he was dying actually.

He was pathetically grateful to get that money back at long last.

I... I could be stuck here for a couple of days at least.

Well, blood is thicker than water, you know.

Of course I'll tell him. Bye.

Dad still hasn't surfaced?

Not yet. Probably fancies a bit of a lie in.

Can you give him a message for me?

Mmm, course.

How is he now?

He's in a lot of pain.

It's a serious injury for a little boy to cope with.

Well, at least he's sleeping, eh?

It's just as well cos all he does is cry when he's awake.

I just can't believe you let it happen.

I only left him with you for minutes!

Isn't it time you had a telephone put in here?

There's not much point. Nobody ever rings me.

Oh, the wife sends her love, by the way.

Does she? Isn't she feeling very well?


That'll be the estate agent. You'd better get cracking.

Right. I'll see you down at the pub later.

Aye. All right.

I've spoken to Fenton.

He assures me he'll drive more carefully in future.

Is that it? You're not going to charge him?

There isn't any evidence.

My grandson has a broken collarbone thanks to him.

You said the car never actually touched him.

It must have happened when he fell.

- It's all my fault, is it?

- I didn't say that.

No, you didn't have to say it.

So, no further action to be taken.

Well, we'll have to see about that. Won't we?

Eh, what about this, then? You enjoying yourself?

Can I give you a lift somewhere?

No, thanks, I'll be fine.

So, er, how are you feeling?

All right.

A bit unreal, somehow.

Well, I hope you enjoy your walk. Where are you off to?

I thought I'd have a look at a few of the old places.

Fiona and I were very fond of this part of the country.

It'll do you good. A breath of fresh air.

I'm sure it will.

Oh, er, Jo said she and Nick'll be in the pub lunchtime,

if you fancied joining them.

Oh. Good.

Thank you.

Nice one, Claude. Shame about the no parking sign.

You won the pools? Or have you nicked it?

I know your lot have got a vivid imagination,

but you don't think it belongs to me?

So you were admiring the upholstery, then?

It's a nice bit of leather, in't it?

If I could afford it, I'd have my truck done out in it.

If you didn't leave it here, who did?

Far be it from me to become a police informant,

but there's a bloke in the shop

with an astrakhan

-collared coat who looks as if he's got a bob or two.

MUSIC: 'Set Me Free' by The Kinks

♪ Set me free, little girl

♪ All you gotta do is set me free little girl

♪ You know you can do it if you try

♪ All you gotta do is set me free, free

♪ Free set me free, little girl

♪ All you gotta do is set me free little girl

♪ You know you can do it if you try

♪ All you gotta do is set me free, free

♪ Free, free

♪ I don't want no


♪ If I can't have you to myself

♪ I don't need nobody else

♪ So if I can't have you to myself

♪ Set me free

♪ Set me free

♪ Oh, set me free, little girl

♪ All you gotta do is set me free little girl

♪ You know you can do it if you try

♪ All you gotta do... ♪

Two large vodkas, please.

GINA: I'll be with you in a sec.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

What sort of a place is it?

Erm, just what I wanted.

Quiet, in fairly good nick, er, and cheap at the price.

Thanks for the introduction.

I'll get my reward in heaven.

In the meantime, I'll have another large Scotch.

Look, set them up. I've just got to phone Frankie.


I always discuss everything with my financial adviser.

Here we go, princess. Bottoms up. It works for me every time.

It's the excitement of the place I have problems coping with.



Just hang on a minute, Claude.

- I am a resident, you know.

- Yeah. Worst luck.

She's only got one pair of hands, Mr Greengrass.

- Put it on the slate.

- Here.

Thank you, saves me having a bath.

You could do with a bit of help.

- GINA: A bit!?

- Right, then.

Have you had experience of bar work?

No, but I'd none of swimming till my dad threw me in one day.

And what happened?

I think I drowned.

Come on, then. I'll show you.

It's a grand little place, Frankie. Aye, in fact, it's perfect.

So get into that car of yours and get here sharpish.

It looks like he's not coming.

He does worry me, Nick.

He's probably just lost all sense of the time.


MUSIC: 'Set Me Free' by The Kinks

♪ Set me free, little girl

♪ All you gotta do s set me free little girl

♪ You know you can do it if you try

♪ All you gotta do is set me free free, free

♪ Set me free, little girl

♪ All you gotta do is set me free little girl

♪ You know you can do it if you try

♪ All you gotta do is set me free free, free

♪ Set me free

♪ Oh, set me free ♪

Well, for someone who's had no experience at bar work,

you seem to be coping all right.

Yeah, I must be a natural.

In fact, if you're looking for a bit more help

on a more permanent basis...

I thought your dad was working you to death.

Yeah, he is. That's why I want out.

Well, er... We'll have a talk about it later, eh?

Come on, darling. Up you get.



Not you again.

He's probably gone straight down to Maggie's.

I hope so.

Constable, I realise you're off duty,

but Mr Fenton's outside and he's just run into me.

I'd say he was drunk. Again.

He drove out in front of me on purpose.

Do you want me to write it down for you?

That's exactly how we want it, Mr Fenton.

And one of my officers will be taking a statement from you

in due course.

Meanwhile, if you wouldn't mind waiting outside.


What exactly is going on here, Rowan?

It wouldn't surprise me if Oxley had done it deliberately, Sarge.

It's hardly the kind of behaviour you'd expect

from a retired librarian.

No, Sarge, but he recking that Fenton had been drinking

on the day his grandson got injured.

He's obviously had a few today.

We need a medical examination before we can take it further.

I'll call the doctor, Sarge.

I want you to find a phone box and I want you to call this number.

Tell him who you are and you tell him what's happened.

And then you tell him from me that I want him to get this sorted out.


So this is where you've been hiding yourself.

Thought you'd lost me, did you?

Jo was a bit worried when you didn't turn up at the pub.

It went completely out of my head.

Well, as long as you're all right.

Did you visit the old places, then?


How was it?

I'd be lying through my teeth if I didn't say it was a bit upsetting.

You know what they say about a good cry.

Not me.

I've always done all my crying on the inside.

So how are you feeling now?

I'll survive.

Mind you, I'm not sure that I'm fit to be let out on my own yet.

Why's that?

I've lost my cap somewhere.

Can't imagine where.

Yes, sir.

Of course, sir.

I understand, sir.

Goodbye, sir.


Doctor's here, Sarge.

Well, give him my apologies.

Tell him we won't be needing him after all.

How come?

Having read these statements, it's pretty obvious to me

that this is nothing more than a blatant attempt on Oxley's part

to get his own back on Fenton by having him arrested.


You can tell him from me, if he did cause this accident deliberately,

he can think himself lucky

he's not being prosecuted himself.

But, Sarge...

That's all, Rowan.

Are you sure we can't persuade you to come with us?

No. Off you go and enjoy your film.

I'll settle for an evening by the telly.

Are you sure you'll be all right on your own?

Will you stop fussing and go?

The porter came and dropped it in.

It was found this afternoon.

The driver got a real fright.

He saw a man on the line ahead of him

and had to make an emergency stop.

What happened?

Nothing, fortunately.

At the time, he was convinced he must have hit him.

But when they checked there was no sign of the man.

Was he able to describe him?

Not really. But he said he was wearing a cap.

And while they were searching

they found that in the middle of the track.



How's your dad this morning?

He's gone for one of his walks.

He hasn't lost a cap, has he?

As a matter of fact, he has. How did you know?

One's been handed in.

Did he say where he'd lost it?

No. Why?

Oh, no reason. I'll see you later.


SONG: 'Walk Hand In Hand'

♪ Walk hand in hand with me

♪ This is our destiny

♪ No greater love could be

♪ Give me your hand

♪ Walk with me

♪ Walk hand in hand with me

♪ Oh

♪ This is our destiny

♪ Give me your hand

♪ Walk with me ♪

Hello, Frankie, love.

Oh, hello.

You're Frankie?

Well, my real name's Frances.

But Cyril always calls me Frankie. Don't you, Cyril?

How long have you been Cyril's financial adviser?

You what?

Years, haven't you, love?

In fact, I wouldn't know what to do without her. I really wouldn't.

I bet.

In you get, my love.

Oh, Cyril! I can't get in there.

There's hairs all over that seat.

How did they get in there?

Don't look at me, I finished moulting years ago.

I wouldn't like to think that fleabag of a hound of yours

hasn't been in there.

Try not to think about it, if it upsets you.

Oh, let's use my car!

I've been dying to show it off to you.

So, you like your new wheels, then, do you, love?

Oh. You spoil me.

You really do.


Hello, Maggie.

I'm just through in the kitchen.

Is Jo's dad back yet?

Not yet, but he's due. In fact, he's overdue.

What do you think of him? Is he all right?

Well, he's obviously very depressed. There's no question about that.

His wife's death's hit him very hard.

Why? Has something happened?

No, I just want to have a chat with him. That's all.

I'll catch up with him later.

"Control to Delta Alpha Two


Delta Alpha Two

-Four receiving.

Nasty one for you, I'm afraid, Nick.

A bloke's been pulled out of the river near Cotter's Bridge.

"Is he dead?"

Yes, from the sound of it.

Any description yet?

"Male aged between and ."

Right, I'll... I'll get down there.

Excuse me.

su1c1de, do you think?

No. I don't think so.

What a shocking thing to happen.


Do you know,

this was where I proposed to Fiona.


I don't believe it!



What are you doing?


What are you taking my picture for?

What are you taking my picture for?!


Charlie, enough!

Get out of here. Before I k*ll you!


Out! Out!

Well done, Charlie(!)

That's what I really call keeping a low profile.

What did you expect me to do?

You could've tried talking, instead of trying to break his neck.

I'm sorry, Charlie, I've had enough of this little lot.

I've had it up to here.

Enough's enough!

Well, go on, then! Who needs you!

Edith, what are you doing here?

- I've come to see you, of course.

- Me?

That's right. Shouldn't you be in bed?


Cyril said you were practically at death's door yesterday.

Death's door?

That's what he said.

What else would keep him here

after you and him haven't spoken for years?

Where is he, anyway?

He's gone to have a look at a weekend cottage.

Really? I've been on at him for ages to find us a cottage.

But he said we couldn't possibly afford it.

What? You mean you don't know owt about it?


Ah, well, he probably wants it to be a surprise.

A surprise?

Ah, well, in't it nearly your wedding anniversary?

You think that's what all this is about, do you?

I'd put a coin of the realm on it.

You know what Cyril's like.

He always was a bit of an incurable romantic.

Well, the sly monkey.

And there I was, thinking he were up to something.

Aye, and he was. But not what you thought.


Because last time I told him

I wouldn't be just the house I'd take him for.

It would be the business as well.


He's up at this cottage now, is he?


Do you know where it is, Claude?

No. No, I don't, actually.

Ah, well, no matter.

I'm sure he'll not be long, eh?

And I'm sure there must be a nice cup of tea going, mustn't there?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, course.

But do you think it's really fair to be waiting for him?

How do you mean?

Well, you know, it'll spoil his surprise, won't it?

It'd ruin everything for him, wouldn't it?

How can I have been so insensitive?

I'll get off now while the going's good.

Would you like me to drop you at the railway station?

No need, Claude. I'll make my own way.

There you go.

Thank you.

So, why were you taking pictures of Mr Fenton?

To accompany my letter to the local paper.

Drawing their attention to the fact

that there is apparently one member of this community

who is above the law as far as the police are concerned.

Leave it with me. I'll look into it.

Don't try and fob me off with excuses again.

He isn't just guilty of injuring my grandson and destroying property.

But he also assaulted me.

I thought for a moment he was going to k*ll me.

Take my word for it, Constable, he's a very dangerous man.





I thought I might go home tomorrow, Jo.

Oh, Dad. So soon?

I've got to get back to work and get on with my life.

The last thing you and Nick want is me hanging around.

You know that's not how we see it.

It doesn't make it any less true.

Anyway, I've another reason for going home tomorrow.

I'm not going to sell the house.

What changed your mind?

I'll tell you one day.

Sarge? Can I have a word?

What about?

I've just had Alec Oxley in,

claiming that Mr Fenton assaulted him.

Oh, I see.

Right. My office. Now.

Charlie Fenton.

Otherwise known in East End circles as Charlie Powell.

Ring any bells, does it?

Wasn't he involved in that mail robbery down London docks last year?


He was the one that got away. Except he didn't.

He turned queen's evidence, shopped the rest of the mob

in exchange for a new identity,

and a ticket for him and his girlfriend to sunny climes.

So what's he doing up here?

They reckon he wouldn't be safe in the Home Counties.

There's a contract out on him.

Half the villains in the land looking to collect.

I wish you'd told me before, Sarge.

I've been under strict orders not to tell anyone.

I wouldn't have known myself,

if this Oxley business hadn't come up.

I started getting telephone calls

from a very senior officer at Headquarters.

Anyway, I haven't told you anything, have I?

Message received?

So what do we tell Oxley?

We tell him we're continuing with our enquiries.

Enquiries which will, within the next hours, become redundant.

Because, by then, Charlie Fenton will be lying on a beach,

at least , miles away.

Come on, then.

Edith? Here?

- Who's Edith?

- What did you tell her?

More than I should have before I realised.


How were I supposed to know she knew nowt about it?

I said who's Edith?

Edith is Cyril's missus.

You told me your wife was dead!

That'd be wishful thinking. Edith.


Hello, Cyril.

And this is...?

Frankie is Cyril's financial adviser.

So that's what they're calling them this year.

And does she realise she's not your first

"financial adviser" you've had?

Or even the hundred


-first, come to that.

Look, I can explain, love.

You'll have every chance to. In court.

Where I intend to skin you alive.

Now hand them over, please.

- What?

- The keys.

To MY car.

I thought you said it was YOUR car!

It is!

I think you'll find the word is "was".

CYRIL: Shut up. Just shut up.

It wouldn't surprise me if she starts doing weddings.

I'd put your names down, if I were you.

Have you spoken to Mr Weston yet?

I still haven't found the right moment.

What about Jo? Are you going to tell her?

I don't know, to be honest, Eileen.

I think I'll wait and speak to her dad first.



Yes, Superintendent.

Well, it's about time. When?

We'll be there.



Lisa? Don't hang up. Just listen to me, will you?

Right. I've just heard from the fuzz and we're on for tomorrow.

Yeah. At last.


-class tickets.

Now, what I need to know is are you coming with me or ain't you?

Good girl.

Got a pen handy?

Yeah, so what train are you coming down on, then?

OK. See you then.



Who is it?


Lisa. We wondered where you'd disappeared to.

Well, in fact, we've been out looking for you, haven't we, Larry?

Now then. How's Charlie?

And while we're on the subject, where is he?

Jo's late.

She'll be here, don't worry.

Oh, by the way, this turned up.

Good Lord. Where?

On the railway line up by Renfield Cutting.


The train driver said there could have been a nasty accident.


He thought he might have run someone over.

Someone wearing this cap.

Do you want to tell me about it?

What's to tell? I was up there feeling sorry for myself.

I was about to ask if you had any idea how bleak life can look

when you've lost the woman you love.

But you have, haven't you?

What changed your mind?

Jo. The thought of what it might do to her.

Look, don't say anything about this to her, will you?

I'm not going to contemplate anything so stupid ever again.

You must have thought of it.

There were moments, I suppose.

But then I have a daughter, too.


Nick, promise you won't say anything to her. Please.


So Frankie just took off, did she?

Aye. Selfish devil.

Mind you, she'll not be hanging on to that car much longer

once the bloodhounds get a look at the books,

and Edith finds out who's been paying the HP.

Look, about that money I gave you

Gave me? You mean the money you owed me and paid me back?

Well, I'm a bit short at the moment.

So if you could see your way to let me have some,

I'll make sure you get it back. You can trust me.

Cyril, I trust nobody and that includes me.

I can't get away without money.

Unless you'd like me to come and live with you.

All right, you've made your point.

Try and let me have it back before I peg it.

Bye, darling.

Bye, Dad. See you soon.

Bye, Nick.

And thanks.

Good morning, Constable. Which way is first class?

Are you leaving us so soon, Mr Fenton?

Much as it breaks my heart.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I just wish Dad had stayed a bit longer, that's all.

Well, he needs to work it out on his own. He'll be OK.


Hello, Charlie.

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪
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