07x14 - Substitute

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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07x14 - Substitute

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss

♪ When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪

- Have you done?

- Just about.

I hope this isn't going to happen on the day, Vinnie.

It'll be fine.

PA: Hasn't changed much in seven years.

Let's hope they've forgotten about us.

Ha. I doubt it.

Right, then, girls.

Come on! Move it, move it.

Lucy, get your stuff and get out.


- I'm sorry.

- Sorry, madam.

- Whose hat is that?

- Sorry, it's mine.

Well, put it on and keep it on at all times. Be prepared!

Come on, you two.

Come on! You need to say excuse me to that man.


Girls, come on, hurry up.


Go to the old camp site. I'll find my way back.

How are you, then, Dermot?

Hello, Mr Deighton. Hop in.

GUIDES: ♪ ...really want to show it

♪ If you're happy and you know it nod your head

♪ If you're happy and you know it stamp your feet

♪ If you're happy and you know it stamp your feet

♪ If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it

♪ If you're happy and you know it stamp your feet

♪ If you're happy... ♪


I'm not dead yet.


I'm just trying to get some sleep.

Morning, Sergeant Blaketon.

How are you this morning?

I'm lying here

like a sitting duck.

A target of every well

-meaning do

-gooder in the district.

Thank you.

No peace whatsoever.

I'll pop back later when he's finished.

Er, Maggie.

Visiting time is two till five.


Well, you heard what the gentleman said.

He wants a bit of peace and quiet.

Naturally, I am aware of that.

Jolly good.

Neil. Don't play the arrogant doctor with me.

Not in this hospital.



You reckon he's ready for out then?

Champing at the bit.

You'd think he'd be looking to take his foot off the pedal.

Some people are impervious to warnings.

When did you get yours, then, Alf?

- Less of that.

- Morning, lads.

- PHIL: Only just.

- You have to go to Elsinby.

There's some tack missing at Willow Farm.

So it's that time of year again.

Horse fair.


Big problem here, are they?

It's a magnet for every rogue and vagabond in the north.

Oh, great. I'd better go show them what's what, then, eh?

So when am I getting out, doctor?

Don't be in too much of a hurry, Sergeant.

I've got things to clear up at the station.

I'm not retiring for a few months yet, you know.

I'm afraid you won't be going back.


We've done some tests.

As a result, we are recommending that you do not return

to active duty for medical reasons.

What medical reasons?

There's a risk of a further attack if you're put under stress.

I understand your sick leave is due to continue

until your retirement date.

But they haven't appointed my successor yet.

I wanted to be there.

Hand over.

See him in place.

I am sorry.

He's not in.

How do, Claude.

What can I do for you, Mr Stokes?

I've got a bit of problem you might be able to help me with.

OH, aye? What sort of problem's that then?

I want to buy my girlfriend a horse.

Shouldn't be a problem. It's the horse fair on Thursday.

I know it is, but I can't bid, can I?

Now with my father being the auctioneer.

Besides, I don't want him to know.

Where do I come in?

I want you to bid for me.

I'll point the horse out and give you the money.

Will you? I don't come cheap, you know.

- I'll see you right.

- You certainly will.

GIRL: What's the hold


GIRL : Problems.

Don't think she wants to let us on her field.

I think you're right.



Bit of a snag, girls.

The farm's changed hands since I was here last.

And this farmer doesn't want us to camp.

So what are we going to do?

Well, we'll find somewhere else.

There must be lots more places round here, eh?

This way, girls, come on. Put your hats on.

- Where's Oscar Blaketon?

- I'm sorry?

Sergeant Blaketon.

- He's off sick.

- Who's in charge, then?

They've never left you in charge, have they, Alf Ventress?

- What's the problem, Jean?

- The Deightons are back.

The Deightons? How do you know?

I've seen them. Large as life.

I don't know how they have the nerve.

- I want something done about it.

- We'll deal with it.

Like you did the last time?

I said we'd deal with it, Jean.

You better, or I'll phone Division. Right?

Who was that?

Jean Clarke.

Her husband was a copper here.

Who are the Deightons?

Tinkers, thieves. Scum of the Earth.

Seven years ago John Clarke caught them

nicking things from parked cars at Thirsk Racecourse.

And they beat him up.

Didn't they get done for it?

No, we couldn't hang it on them. It was them, though.

We knew it and they knew it.

Sounds like we should keep an eye out for them.

I want you to do more than that.

I want to find out where they're hanging out.

They used to have a place over at Cross Winds.

Do you want me to go up there on my bike?

Yes. See how many there are, and what they're doing.

DERMOT: That's the one. Big fellow out front.

What's it called?

Anwick Flyer.

- Have you got an interested party?

- In Ireland.

PA: He'd pay good money for it. Top whack.

DERMOT: We can take him any time you like.

Oh, yeah?

The cops would be on to us straightaway.

I know a horse like him.

We can substitute the one for the other.

He'll be gone before they find out.

And when can you get the substitute?

He's coming up for sale at the fair.

We get him cheap, swap them over, make a run to the Liverpool ferry.

You'll be in Ireland counting your money before they find out.

What's up?

Thanks. GASPS

Sorry. We're lost.

Yeah, I can see that.

We're looking for Aidensfield,

but are we going in the right direction?


No, no, it's three miles back the other way.

Is it? Oh!

We were due to be camping at Farmer MacKenzie's, but...

MacKenzie? He's flitted. He's gone somewhere near Scarborough.

Yeah. So I'm told.

Do you know of a place we can go?

Oh, er, I might.

We can pay.

Can you? I think I can sort you out.

Tell them to get in.


MIKE: I've found them, Alf.

They're in Aidensfield.

There seems to be a couple of kids,

and some women selling pegs.

Do you want me to move them on?

ALF: 'Stay there, I'm on my way.'

MIKE: 'I can handle it.'

I know you can handle it,

but I'd rather you waited for me.

Hang on a minute, just hang on a minute.

Hang on, hang on! Let me get this undone.

Jumping about... Right now, you can...

LIEUTENANT: Girls, be careful.

SIGHS Is this it?

Don't worry about it looking a bit untidy.

I like to keep it looking natural cos it's a working farm.

But don't worry. You'll enjoy yourself.

What about facilities?

It's round the back.

No, no. I was asking about water.

Oh. Aye, there's a pump.

Pump... Food?

No problem. I'll let you have some eggs straight from the chickens.

I can get you some milk

and Alfred will probably get you the odd rabbit or two.

I'll get you a big sharp knife.

- It's great. Can we stay?

- I'm not skinning a rabbit.

- What, love?

- I don't eat rabbit.

Don't worry. Have a word with them, will you?

Are you in control or not?

WOMAN: Lucky white heather!

Ma'am, sir, white heather!

Come on, let's clear this front.

Leave her be.

Right. I'm sending for the police.

It's a free country.

ALF: Not if you're blocking the road it isn't, Deighton.

Well, look who's here!

I thought you'd been pensioned off.

Well, you thought wrong, didn't you?

Let's get this lot on its way.

We've not got what we came for yet, Constable Ventress.

I'll have to arrest you for obstructing the highway.

Are there enough of you here to do that?

If that's the way you want it, yes.

Leave him!

You'd better go.

You might be right.

I'd hate to see a public brawl.

Come on! Time to go!

Nice to see you again, Constable Ventress.


- Maggie.

- I don't want to see you.

I've come to apologise.

What for? Existing?

For today at the hospital.

Oh, that! For treating me like dirt in front of all and sundry.

Fine. OK. Apology accepted.


Neil, I really,

really do not want to see you.

Look, OK, by some weird fluke,

you got this job at Ashfordly.

The only way we can make it work is by steering clear of each other.

It wasn't a fluke.

What do you mean?

I came here on purpose.

I wanted to be near you.

SIGHS I need to talk, Maggie.

Hello. Can we have some water, Mr Greengrass?

What, again?

- Please.

- Come on.

GIRL: I've got some more wood, Anna.

Oh, good.

Is that a fire?

It is. We're cooking our evening meal.

- They're burning my fence.

- No, they're not.

It's just a pile of old wood.

It might be a pile of old wood to you.

That's chestnut palings, that is.

KATHY: We've got the eggs, Lieutenant.

- Well done, Kathy.

- What eggs?

You said we could have eggs.

I didn't mean for you to help yourself. Look!

They've let all my chickens out!

Oh, Kathy, what have I told you about closing gates?

Here, take this. Put that fire out while I get these!

Help him, girls.

Help Mr Greengrass!


She's going to be so angry!

GREENGRASS: Get them down here, will you?

I thought you were supposed to be Girl Guides. Come on!

OK, so you need to talk.

Right. Fire away.

Goodness knows what about.

We didn't have very much to say to each other four years ago.

You know very well what about.

Not that, Neil.

I'm not talking about that.

No, and you never would, would you?

It's there between us, Maggie.

I thought I could just...

...walk away,

go abroad, but it hasn't worked.

I can't get it out of my head.

I can't get on with my life, Maggie.

The past is the past, Neil.

You have got to let it go.

I've moved on. I'm happy now.

No, you're not.

You're skating on thin ice.

No, I'm not.

Yes, you are! One false move and you'll go under.

I'm fine.

You're just the same!

The same hard, brittle Maggie, never letting herself think.

Just like you were four years ago.

- Let go of me.

- You're not happy.

Please! I don't want this conversation.

Look at it.

Face it.

Let's at least try and talk about it.



Oh, hello, Alf.

How are you getting on?

Well, I'm coming out.

The day after tomorrow.

Oh, that's good, isn't it?

Out, but not back.

I've been finished.

They're keeping me on sick leave until the date of my retirement.


Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

It's a bit of a shock.

Well, I had hoped to end it on a different note.

Anyway, I'll be in. Clear my desk.

Actually, Sarge, if you don't mind,

er, something's cropped up.

I need your advice.

Well, what is it?

The Deightons are back.

- You're not serious.

- Yes, Sarge.

Some people have more neck than a giraffe.

Have you warned the Clarkes?

Jean was in first thing.

They'll be back for a reason.

Well, there's a race meeting at Thirsk on Saturday.

Maybe they're planning another raid.

That's what I thought.

Well, you keep on top of them.

They'll expect it but they won't like it.

Yes, Sarge.

Why did you do it, Neil?

Why did you leave me just when I needed you most?

Because I couldn't stand your silence.

I couldn't cope any other way.

So you cut me out.

There wasn't anything left to say.

There was everything left to say.

You didn't tell me how you felt.

Wasn't it obvious?

Not to me.

And so you just walked out on me?

I'm sorry.


How do you think I've felt all those years on my own?

Looking after other people's babies, toddlers,


He would have been three now.

Or four.

Or starting school...

I don't want to be saying all this.

Maybe if you hadn't hidden it, it wouldn't be so raw.

By the time I was ready to talk, you'd gone.

Have you talked to anyone else?


I've known other babies die in the same way since.

All of a sudden in their cots.

I've helped the parents.

But you didn't tell them about us?

No, nobody round here knows.

And I don't want them to, Neil.

Right, er...

Have we done that, then?

Do we feel better now?


It's too late, Neil.

Didn't bring us any closer at the time.

I don't think we can comfort each other now.

You're hard, Maggie.

I have to be.

Was it our fault?



What do you want, Alf?

I'd like to have a word with John.


Well, I was just passing. I thought I'd call in.

So, you've got a guilty conscience after all these years.

It's not that.

You know I wish it hadn't happened.

I couldn't have stopped it even if I'd been there.

You could have tried. At the least, you could have nailed them.

I just want John to know that we're keeping a close watch

on the Deightons whilst they're on our patch.

A close watch?


My husband had a career. A future. He was going places.

One day he took a risk and it was all snatched away from him.

Look at him now. He's a wreck.

So don't you think you can come round here with your boots shined

and your promises and think that it's quits cos it isn't.

It'll never be.

Not until the Deightons are caught and sent down.

When you've done that, then you come calling.


Hey! What's going on?

It's reveille, Mr Greengrass.

Not here, it's not. Put a bung in it.

LIEUTENANT: Come on, don't be so miserable.

MUSIC: 'Mighty Mouse' by Mr Bloe

DERMOT: What do you think?

You did very well.

When does it come up?

This afternoon.

I've seen the horse I want. He's black. Called Stonebreaker.

Well, can't you point it out when it comes in?

I can't go in there. My father'll see me.

Here's the cash.

Are you sure this'll be enough?

I want some change out of that.

Do you? I'd better take my commission out before I start.

- Hold on, what...

- Look, I better get going

cos they'll be starting and I'll probably miss it...

What were it called?


MIKE: Well, Greengrass is here.

Aye, so he is. Well, it's his kind of place.

How's that?

Well, let's say horse dealing's a bit of this and that.

And one thing that Claude's not averse to is a little bit of either.

There they are.

Ah, I've got them.

MIKE: Who's the other fella?


Dermot O'Kane. He's nobbled a few horses in his time.

Now, you keep an eye on him, and I'll stick with Pa and Vinnie.

And watch out for which horses they're interested in.

Perhaps they're not here for first races after all.

AUCTIONEER: Stonebreaker. Fifteen and a half hands.

Some form. Placed at Uttoxeter and Southall.

Do I hear guineas?


- Deighton's bidding.

- AUCTIONEER: Do we have ?


Why's Deighton bidding for an overpriced nag?




- Come on.

- No.

. Any advance on ?

AUCTIONEER: Going once.

AUCTIONEER: Going twice.

The cops are taking an interest.

Sold to Claude Jeremiah Greengrass.

Cash only.

ALF: Something's going on.

Claude was bidding for some bloke down at the entrance.

- Yeah, I know him.

- You do?

Looks very shifty to me.

Well, so would you, if you'd just given Claude Greengrass some money

and the auctioneer was your father.

What puzzles me is why did Deighton bid?

Good man.

Better get the horse back before he sells it on.

Do you have an address?

I know where Greengrass lives.

Right, do it tonight.

And no cockups.

Oh, I can't see, Lucy, you're not meant to cover my eyes.

You're going to have to take it off and start again.

Oh, thank goodness you're here, Maggie.

Hello, everybody. ALL GREET HER

Looks like you could do with some help.

LIEUTENANT: This is Nurse Bolton, girls.

She's very kindly agreed to come and help us with our First Aid.

MAGGIE: So, er, where are you from?

York, miss.

Right, well, er, the sort of things that happen in the country

can be quite a bit different to the sort of things that happen

in a city like York.

GIRL: What sort of things?


Fewer scalds and more snake bites, for a start.

So let me start by showing you how to splint a broken leg.

Then we'll learn how to make a sling

and then you can make me a cup of tea.


Have you got anything for hayfever?

MUSIC: 'Conquistador' by Procol Harum

♪ Conquistador your stallion stands

♪ In need of company

♪ And like some angel's haloed brow

♪ You reek of purity

♪ I see your armour

-plated breast

♪ Has long since lost its sheen

♪ And in your death mask face

♪ There are no signs which can be seen

♪ Though I hoped for something to find

♪ I could see no maze to unwind

♪ Conquistador a vulture sits

♪ Upon your silver shield

♪ And in your rusty scabbard now

♪ The sand has taken seed


♪ And though your jewel

-encrusted blade

♪ Has not been plundered still

♪ The sea has washed across your face

♪ And taken of its fill

♪ Though I hoped for something to find

♪ I could see no maze to unwind

♪ Conquistador there is no time

♪ I must pay my respect

♪ Though I came to jeer at you

♪ I leave now with regret

♪ And as the gloom begins to fall

♪ I see there is... ♪

Everything ready?

Just like you said.


We'll just have to wait.

They won't do it until after dark.

♪ Though I hoped for something to find

♪ I can see no maze to unwind

♪ Though I hoped for something to find

♪ I can see no maze to unwind. ♪



Who is it?

Shh. It's us.

What's up?

You've got visitors.

I can see that. Put them lights out.

What are you doing here?

ALL: Shh!

There's two men creeping around outside.

How do you know?

They've gone into the stables.

Go outside for a minute.

Let's go.


Stay where you are, girls.


Just stay back. OK?

What on Earth do you think you're playing at?

ALL: Shh!



Come back! Come back!

Will somebody tell me what's going on?

If you'd have kept your mouth shut we might have found out.


Where's Vinnie?

He's coming. I had to leave him behind.

They were waiting for us.

- Who?

- Greengrass!

And some kids! They must have heard us.

Look what I've found!

How did he get here?

There'll be a car nearby.


Mr Bradley. You're just in time.

Here, have that one.

Oh, great. Cheers, mate. What, Alf not in, then?

Not yet. He's making the most of Blaketon's absence.

Quiet night, then, was it?

Yes. Occasional perk of rural policing.

PHONE RINGS Here we go.

Hello. Ashfordly police.


It's Mrs Ventress.

ALF: Come on, let me out!

Shut it!


I'm warning you!

Carry on like that and we'll put a gag on you!

I want a drink.

Get him one.

What time is it?

What's that to you?

My shift starts at nine.

Well, you've missed it.

They'll come out looking for me.

No, they won't.

I remember you from the old days.

They'll think you've gone AWOL.

Untie me. I can't drink like this.

Suit yourself.

- What'll we do with him?

- Take him with us.

Dump him when we're safely out of the country.

Fix him a gag. I don't want him shouting at us all day.


No, Mrs Ventress.


Not been home all night?

Where did you leave him yesterday?

He was keeping an eye on the Deightons.

- Is his car outside?

- Well, I didn't notice.

What's happened to him?

Morning, Bellamy. Bradley.

- Sarge.

- Morning, Sarge.

What's going on?

Er, well, Alf's gone missing.

He hasn't been home all night and the car was not returned.

You tried to get him on his radio?

That might be a useful first step, don't you think?

Yes, Sarge.

'Control to Delta Alpha

- .'

'Alf. Alf, are you there?'


PHIL: Still not answering, Sarge.

Where are his last known whereabouts?

Well, PC Ventress and I were at the horse fair yesterday,

watching the Deightons.

He stayed with them afterwards.

And that was the last contact, was it?

No. He called at seven, said he was parked outside The Black Dog

in Elsinby. He was waiting for the Deightons to come out.

MIKE: There seems to be some sort of history there, Sarge.

You've met Jean Clarke, have you?

Damn right.

Well, Ventress was on duty with Clarke the day he was att*cked,

although he wasn't there when it happened.

He's always felt badly about that.


Well, it was suggested that he was out placing bets at the time.

He denied it and it was never pursued.

Either way, he's got it in for the Deightons.

He feels he owes it to John.


I want to report a theft.

Theft of what precisely, Greengrass?

I thought we'd seen the last of you.

An horse, hands. It's a black one called Stonebreaker.

MIKE: Isn't that the horse you bought yesterday, Mr Greengrass?

Not been here long but he don't miss much, does he?

The Deightons were bidding for it too, Sarge.

I seen them off, though, didn't I?

They seemed keen to get their hands on it.

PC Ventress wondered why they wanted it so much.

Yeah. So did I. As a matter of fact, I think it's them that's nicked it.

Well, it seems the Deightons may have the answers

to a good many questions.

The sooner you two get out there, the better.

- I'll mind the shop.

- But Sarge, I thought you were...

Never mind that, Bellamy.

Don't go too fast, Maddy.

And stay in the marked area.

Good luck!


Off you go.

Right, let's warm up.

Out, in, out, in...

Where are the men?

- They're working.

- Where?

On the road.

We'll take a look around, then.

Help yourself.


Good luck, girls.

Off you go!

MUSIC: 'Mustang' by The Shadows

What are you up to?


Don't look like nothing, does it, Vinnie?

- No.

- I'm leading the paper chase.

Better get on with it then, hadn't you?


What's that noise?

It's the foal. You've upset it.

Hush there, or you're for it!

Off you go, then.

This place is going to be swarming with kids soon.

Not if you shift the trail.

Blaketon says there's been a car found abandoned

off the road at Carlton.

What make?

Ford Pop. Let's get up there.

Have you done, then, boys?

For the time being.

Steady now, old boy. Steady!

We're going in circles.

No, we're not.

We've come right round that wood.

No, we haven't. That one was different.

We're lost.

I think there's a road over the other side.

And how do you know that?

Well, look.

I'm tired.

Come on. We've got to keep going.

It's behind you.

Look, over there.

That's it.

Come on.

Go on.

LIEUTENANT: Well done, Maddy! Well run!

Everything go all right?


Good. The others shouldn't be too far behind you now.

Go and have a sit down over there.

Which way now?

It was stupid coming in here.

We're lost.

What time is it?

It's stopped.


- Kathy!

- Are you all right?


No sign of Alf.


Except this.

What's it say?

I don't know. I need a decoder.

Blaketon might have a better idea.

He's been translating Alf's scribble longer than me.

Come on.

Is she dead?

No. She's breathing.

We've got to try and keep her warm.

Shouldn't one of us go for help?

And end up at the bottom of another cliff?

Then what?

We'll light a fire.

They'll come looking for us. We'll be all right.

- What's up?

- The others were on a paper chase.

They should have been back before now. I'm getting really worried.

Get in and we'll go and see if we can find them.

I tell you what, Maddy knows the route so why doesn't she go with you

and I'll hang on here just in case they turn up.

- See you later.

- OK.

Well, he left The Black Dog at pm.

Following Deighton.

Hang on.

A second camp.

Does this mean anything to either of you?

No, Sarge.

Well, according to this, there is one.

Maybe that's where they've taken Greengrass's horse.

And a pound to a penny, that's where Ventress is.

- So you'd best find it.

- It could be anywhere, Sarge.

I know that, Bellamy, and you're not going to find it

sitting around here on your backsides, are you?

No, Sarge.

The only lead we've got is the theft from Greengrass's,

so I suggest you start your enquiries from there.

MIKE: Right, Sarge.

Come on, Maddy, back in the car.

Just gone in there, Miss.



We're looking for three young girls. Have they been this way?

There's been nobody come this way.

If you do happen to see them,

could you show them the road back to Aidensfield?

If we see them.

PA: There's people noseying about.

What you going to do?

We'll move.

Check the copper is secure.

And the horse.

Is he all right?

He's had a go, haven't you, old fellow?

Better tighten them up.

Right you are.

How's that for you, then, PC Ventress, sir? That suit you?

I suppose that Sebastian Stokes has sent you.

No. Why?

Cos he's been here screaming and shouting

accusing me of nicking that horse I got him.

Yeah, but you've already reported the theft.

I know, I told him, you know what he's like,

he wouldn't believe me, would he?

What's she doing here?

Phil, I hoped I'd find you here.

Three of the Guides are missing, maybe lost on the moor.

They were due back an hour ago.

Which way were they headed?

Foss Wood and back.

I've been over, there was no sign of them.

We'd best help you look for them then.

I don't suppose you saw Alf on your travels, did you?

No. We saw some tinkers. Pretty unhelpful characters.

- Where was that?

- Near Foss Wood.

- By the caves.

- Where the trail fizzled out.

That'll be the second camp then.

It's a bit dangerous round the Foss.

Claude, you'd better come with me.

I hope they find us soon.

Is she all right?

She's a bit cold.

Let's cuddle her. Keep her warm.

All right.

Inspector Allen, this is Ser...

Oscar Blaketon, Ashfordly.

We have a problem, sir.

One of my officers has been abducted.

We need to set up some road blocks.

Thank you, sir.

MUSIC: 'Shakin' All Over' by The Lords

♪ When you move in right up close to me

♪ That's when I get the shakes all over me

♪ Quivers down the backbone

♪ I got the shakes down the kneebone...

We're early.

We'd best lie low until we're sure the stable lads have gone home.

Be quiet. I think I can hear summat.

I think there's somebody down there. Be careful.

There's a big drop!

Kathy! Lucy!

Here! We're here! Over here!

Did you check Ventress?

The copper?

He wasn't there.

You fool! Get after him!

They're bringing them out now, Sarge.

'One girl was brought out on a stretcher.'

Slight exposure for the rest.'

I was hoping Alf might be with them.

Afraid not, Sarge.

MUSIC: 'Blackberry Way' by The Move

♪ Blackberry way

♪ Absolutely pouring down with rain

♪ It's a terrible day

♪ Up with the lark

♪ Silly girl I don't know what to say

♪ She was running away

♪ So now I'm standing on the corner

♪ Lost in the things that I say

Get past him!

Get past him. Get him onto the side!

♪ Goodbye, Blackberry Way

♪ I can't see you

♪ I don't need you

♪ Goodbye, Blackberry Way

♪ Sure to want me back another day... ♪

Come on. Come on!

What's that?

Watch out!

Oh, come in, Alf.

Good to see you in one piece.

I just popped round to the Clarkes', Sarge.

Yeah, I thought you might. How did they take it?

Very happy.

Good. You did well.

Isn't it a bit late, Sarge?

Can't you come back tomorrow and finish it?

No, I'd rather do it now.

Get it over with.

What are you going to do?

Well, I'm looking at one or two possibilities.

Well, you're going to be missed.

Look, I want to get over for last orders. Will you join me?

Not tonight, thanks.

Another time, though.


Go on, then. You'll miss it.

Oh, right. Thank you, Sarge.

Well, I'll see you, then.

You can count on it.
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