16x17 - Welcome Stafford

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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16x17 - Welcome Stafford

Post by bunniefuu »

[whistle blowing]

[upbeat music]

♪ They're two, they're four, They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks And hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green and Brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the Really Useful Crew ♪

♪ All with different Roles to play ♪

♪ 'Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills and 'Round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

[narrator] " Welcome Stafford"

Spencer is a snooty engine.

When he visited Sodor,

he races past the other engines

and thinks that this makes him very grand.

Spencer thinks he is the most special engine on Sodor.

One morning, Spencer was feeling particularly special.

Good morning, Thomas.

Good morning, Spencer.

You look happy.

I am.

Today, I have a very special special.

I am to meet Stafford, the new shunting engine,

and show him 'round the island.

I finished my jobs for this morning.

I'd like to meet Stafford, too.

Then you would better pump your pistons, little fellow,

and follow me.

[narrator] And Spencer a whooshed away to

He pulled up in a swell of silver steam.

Hello, Steam Works!

[narrator] But no one was listening to Spencer.

They were all too busy with Stafford.

I said, hello!

[narrator] Victor sighed.

We heard you, Spencer. Hello.

Come and meet Stafford.

[narrator] Spencer puffed over to Stafford

just as Thomas chuffed in.

Hello, Stafford. I'm Thomas.

Hello, Thomas.

Stafford is very special.

Tell him why, Stafford.

[narrator] Stafford blushed.

I'm an electric engine.

I have a battery, not a boiler.

That's very special.

That is why I have been chosen

to show Stafford to the island of Sodor.

Puff along, Stafford.

The island awaits.

[narrator] Victor sighed.

No. Mr. Silver Steam.

Stafford can't puff.

He has a battery.

And there is something very important

to remember about batteries.

I know about batteries, Victor.

Run along, Stafford.

[narrator] Victor whished.

Batteries run out!

[narrator] But Spencer wasn't listening.

The island will think I'm very grand,

showing them an electric engine.

[narrator] Stafford rolled up.

Just one thing, Spencer.

First, I will take you

to the Sodor Search and Rescue Center.

They will be amazed.

[narrator] And Spencer weeshed grandly away

with Stafford following close behind.

The Sodor Search and Rescue Center was a long way away.

Just one thing, Spencer.

[narrator] But Spencer wasn't listening.

Spencer. I say, Spencer, can you hear me?

[narrator] Spencer didn't hear Stafford.

He was too busy whistling and weeshing at the children.


Spencer, my battery's running out!

[narrator] And Stafford rolled to a stop.

[Stafford] Oh, dear.

[narrator] Spencer steamed

into the Sodor Search and Rescue Center.

Hello, rescue team.

I have the special special of bringing you Stafford,

the electric shunting engine.

[narrator] The rescue team looked and looked again

at the space on the track behind Spencer.

Spencer sniffed.

Say hello, Stafford.

We may be missing something here, Spencer,

but there's no one with you.

[narrator] Spencer felt silly.

Fizzling fire boxes.

Stafford must be lost.

I will find him.

[narrator] And Spencer steamed swiftly away.

Spencer found Stafford. His battery was being charged.

Whatever happened to you, Stafford?

[narrator] Stafford sighed.

I'm sorry, Spencer. My battery ran--

Please, I know about batteries.

Misty Island awaits.

[narrator] And Spencer whooshed away

with Stafford following close behind.

Misty Island was a long way.

Stafford was worried.

Just one thing, Spencer!

[narrator] But Spencer still wasn't listening.

Spencer! I say, Spencer, can you hear me?

[narrator] But Spencer was too busy whistling

and weeshing to the children.

I'm afraid my battery's running out again, Spencer.


[narrator] And Stafford slow to a halt.

[Stafford] Oh, dear.

Here we go again.

[narrator] Spencer steamed into the logging station.

Bash, Dash and Ferdinand were there.

Hello, Misty Island locos.

I have the special special of bringing you Stafford,

the electric shunting engine.

[narrator] The Misty Island Locos looked and looked again

at the space on the track behind Spencer.

Say hello, Stafford.

[trains giggling]

Is Stafford very small?

Or maybe he couldn't make it?

That's right.

[narrator] Spencer felt even sillier.

Blistering boilers.

I must find him.

[narrator] And Spencer chuffed crossly away.

Spencer found Stafford.

His battery was being charged again.

Stafford, what is the matter now?

I'm sorry, Spencer.

The thing is, my battery runs--

Please, battery schmattery.

The duke and duchess of Boxford await at their summer house.

[narrator] And Spencer thundered away,

with Stafford following close behind.

The duke and duchess of Boxford summer house

was a long way away.

Stafford was even more worried.

Just one thing, Spencer!

My battery is going to--

No, Stafford, we're late.

Your battery is fine.

[narrator] But Stafford's battery wasn't fine.

It had run out of power.

Spencer! Spencer!

Oh, nevermind, Spencer.

[narrator] The duke and duchess

were waiting by their summer house.

Spencer whooshed in grandly.

Hello, my duke and duchess.

I have the special special of bringing you Stafford,

the electric shunting engine.

The duke and duchess looked and looked again

at the space on the tracks behind Spencer.

Stafford's not there.

You've lost him.

Did you let his battery run down?

[narrator] Spencer groaned.

Oh, I think I did, sir.

We must find him at once.

[narrator] And Spencer steamed sadly away

with the duke and duchess.

Once again, Spencer found Stafford

having his battery charged.

The duke and duchess were thrilled.

What a splendid little engine.

We have to meet the Fat Controller now at Knapford.

Pump your pistons, Spencer!

[narrator] But Spencer's pistons couldn't pump

and his boiler couldn't bubble.

All the long journeys meant Spencer had run out of coal.

Oh, dear.

Stafford, could you help him please?

Happy to help.

Oh, the shame.

[narrator] So Stafford shunted Spencer

all the way to Knapford Station.

Everyone was excited to see Stafford.

Nobody noticed Spencer.

I only have one thing to say

to such a really useful engine.

Welcome, Stafford.

And everyone cheered.

[upbeat music]

♪ They're two, they're four, They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks And hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green and Brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the Really Useful Crew ♪

♪ All with different Roles to play ♪

♪ 'Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills and 'Round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

♪ Thomas, he's the cheeky one ♪

♪ James is vain But lots of fun ♪

♪ Percy pulls The mail on time ♪

♪ Gordon thunders Down the line ♪

♪ Emily really knows Her stuff ♪

♪ Henry toots and Huffs and puffs ♪

♪ Edward wants to Help and share ♪

♪ Toby, well, let's Say, he's square ♪

♪ They're two, they're four, They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks And hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green and Brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the Really Useful Crew ♪

♪ All with different Roles to play ♪

♪ 'Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills and 'Round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪


[upbeat music continues]
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