17x04 - Gordon Runs Dry

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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17x04 - Gordon Runs Dry

Post by bunniefuu »

[train whistle blows twice]

[Thomas & Friends theme plays]

♪ They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red, and green, and brown, and blue ♪

♪ They're the Really Useful crew ♪

♪ All with different roles to play ♪

♪ 'Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends! ♪

[steam blows]

[Narrator] Gordon runs dry.

It was a hot sunny day

on the island of Sodor.

Thomas was making his way

to Knapford station with Annie and Clarabel.

-[train whistle blows] -[train bell rings]

Sir Topham Hatt had asked Thomas to work

on the main line pulling the local.

But first, he needed to fill up his water t*nk.

Gordon was waiting for Percy

to bring his coaches

so he could pull the express.

Where are my coaches?

I shouldn't be kept waiting.

[Thomas laughs]

Maybe you should fetch your own coaches, Gordon.

[scoffs] Big engines like me

don't fetch their own coaches.

I pull the express,

the most important passenger train

on the island of Sodor!

Local trains are important, too!

Local trains are too slow.

They stop at every station.

The express only stops

at big, important stations.

[train whistle blows]

[Narrator] At last, Percy arrived with Gordon's coaches.

[train whistle blows]

And Thomas went to the water tower

to fill up his tanks.

[train whistle blows twice]

Make way for the express!

[Narrator] Paxton was hurrying down

from the Blue Mountain quarry

with a big load of stone.

He didn't know that Gordon was approaching

from the other direction.

The signal changed to red

just as Paxton was approaching it.

He had to stop very quickly!

[wheels grinding]

[long whistle blow]

Express coming through!

[Narrator] A big stone flew out

of one of Paxton's cars,

and bashed off Gordon's boiler!

Sorry, Gordon! Are you okay?

That stone gave you a nasty thump!

Yes. Paxton, I'm fine.

You can't damage a big,

strong engine like me so easily.

You should be checked for damage though, Gordon.

Nonsense! I have to hurry. The express must not be late.

[Narrator] And Gordon hurried on his way,

[train whistle blows]

without waiting to be checked over.

Gordon hadn't gone very far

when his boiler began to run dry.

That's funny,

I thought I had plenty of water.

[Narrator] Luckily, there was a water tower just ahead.

I'd better stop, and fill up again.

[Narrator] But the passengers were not very happy.

-They didn't want to be late. -[train whistle blows]

Gordon hurried on his way as quickly as he could,

but he hadn't gone very far

when his boiler felt dry again.

I can't keep stopping for water or I'll be very late!

I must think about something else!

[Narrator] So Gordon decided to see

how many stations he could think of.

Let's see.







a lake..


[Narrator] But then he passed a lake

he started to think about

needing water for his boiler.

Mustn't think about it.

Must keep going!

This is the express!

[Narrator] Next, Gordon passed a stream,

he could hear the lovely, watery sound.

So he whistled very loudly

to take his mind off it.

[loud train whistle blows]

But when he came to the next water tower, he had to stop.

The passengers were very cross.

They were saying they thought this was a fast train,

not a slow train.

Gordon needed water.

His boiler was almost empty.

Sit back, everyone.

I'll be very fast now, just you watch!

[Narrator] At last, Gordon arrived at Wellsworth station.

He stopped to let passengers on and off.

You're running very late today, Gordon.

Oh, I'll make up the time, Henry.

You'll see.

[conductor whistle blows]

[train whistle blows]

[Narrator] But no sooner was Gordon

out of the station,

and his boiler started to feel dry again.

I mustn't stop! I mustn't stop!

I need to be fast! I need to be fast!

[Narrator] Gordon saw another water tower,

but this time he didn't stop.

[dramatic xylophone]

[Stationmaster] The next train will not be stopping

at this station.

Please stand well away

from the edge of the platform.

Express coming through!

[train whistle blows]

[Narrator] Gordon tried to keep himself going.

Hurry, hurry! Express coming through.

[Narrator] But, he simply didn't have enough steam,

and soon he couldn't turn his wheels at all!

Thomas was chugging happily along with Annie and Clarabel

when he noticed a wet trail on the track.

I wonder what that could be.

[Narrator] Then, Thomas saw Gordon standing up ahead

with the express.

What's the matter, Gordon?

Why have you stopped here? This isn't a station.

I've run out of steam.

Ah, you must have a leak in your boiler!

I saw a trail of water on the line.

A leak in my boiler?

How could that happen to a big,

strong engine like me?

Hello, Thomas!

Hello Gordon.

[Narrator] Then Gordon remembered.

The stone!

[Narrator] Gordon had a hole in his boiler

where the stone had bashed him.

Oh, the indignity.

I should've listened to you, Paxton.

I should have been checked over

after the stone bashed into me.

Well, yes.

Don't worry, Gordon! I'll take your passengers.

I may not be as fast as you,

but I have a full boiler.

And I can shunt you to the Steamworks, Gordon.

I may not be as fast as you,

but I am very strong.

[Narrator] So Thomas took Gordon's passengers

in Annie and Clarabel,

and Paxton shunted Gordon's empty coaches onto a siding.

Then Paxton tried to push Gordon,

but Gordon wouldn't budge.

[Paxton grunts]

Um, Gordon, have you got your breaks on?


Well, take them off, won't you?

How can I push you with your brakes on?

[Narrator] Gordon was very proud.

He didn't want to be pushed,

but if Gordon didn't let Paxton push him,

he wouldn't be going anywhere at all.


[Narrator] So Gordon took his brakes off,

and let Paxton push him to the Steamworks.

Everyone was very surprised to see Gordon

being shunted along the main line.

He wasn't a very fast engine now.

Oh, the indignity!

[Narrator] Gordon arrived at the Steamworks

to have his boiler repaired.

Soon, he looked as good as new,

but the other engines still thought it was funny

that Gordon had let his boiler run dry.

Don't forget to fill your t*nk up, Gordon!

Steam engines need to have water.

And watch out for flying stones!

-[trains laugh] -[train whistle blows]

Gordon was not amused,

but he was much more careful

about looking after his boiler.

[steam blows]

[Thomas and Friends theme plays]

[train whistle blows]

♪ They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks and hauling freight ♪

♪ Red, and green, and brown, and blue ♪

♪ they're the Really Useful crew ♪

♪ all with different roles to play ♪

♪ 'round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ down the hills and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends! ♪

♪ Thomas, he's the cheeky one ♪

♪ James, is vain, but lots of fun ♪

♪ Percy, pulls the mail on time ♪

♪ Gordon, thunders down the line ♪

♪ Emily, really knows her stuff ♪

♪ Henry, toots and huffs and puffs ♪

♪ Edward, wants to help and share ♪

♪ Toby, well, let's say, he's square! ♪

♪ They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight ♪

♪ shunting trucks and hauling freight ♪

♪ red and green and brown and blue ♪

♪ they're the Really Useful crew ♪

♪ All with different roles to play ♪

♪ 'round Tidmouth Sheds or far away ♪

♪ down the hills and round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends! ♪

[trains whistle blow in sync]

[steam blows]

[Thomas and Friends theme music plays]
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