17x14 - Percy's Lucky Day

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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17x14 - Percy's Lucky Day

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music playing]

[train horn honks]

♪ They're two, they're four They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks And hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green And brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the Really Useful Crew ♪

♪ All with different Roles to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds Or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills And round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

[narrator reading title]

One morning, Percy was at Wellsworth Station.

He was doing his favorite job, pulling the mail train.

The mail for Wellsworth was being unloaded,

but Percy was daydreaming.

As Henry whistled from the other platform...

-[train whistles] -[man sneezes]

...Percy mistook a man waving a green handkerchief

for the guard waving his flag,

and Percy set off too soon.

Stop! You're not unloaded yet!

[train squealing]

[all groan]

[narrator] Percy had to wait

while all the letters were recovered.

[train whistles]

Oh, Percy. That's bad luck.

[Bill giggles]

That's not bad luck, is it, Ben?

Quite right, Bill. That's carelessness.

[Ben laughs]

[Percy sighs] Now I'm running late.

[narrator] Percy was hurrying to make up for lost time,

when he spotted something on the line.

Oh, no! Pumpkins on the line.

[train squealing]

[pumpkins squishing]

Ugh! What a mess.

And my wheels are all gummed up and sticky.

[narrator] Poor Percy would have to wait

until the mess was cleared up.

He wasn't having a good day.

[train hooting]

Oh, Percy, what happened?

Oh, Hiro, I've been running into trouble all day.

Don't worry, you're just having an unlucky day.

[narrator] Percy remembered what Thomas had said

to him earlier.

[Thomas] Oh, Percy, that's bad luck,

bad luck, bad luck.

[narrator] Percy wondered if maybe he was an unlucky engine.

At Maron Station,

Sir Topham Hatt has had some strong words for Bill and Ben.

Your careless work this morning has caused

confusion and delay.

To make sure no more crates fall off your cars,

one of you is going to have to push from the back.

You can be the back engine, Ben. It was your careless driving

that caused the crates to bounce off.

What? No way.

-I'm not going at the back. -[Sir Topham] Ahem.


[narrator] At last, Percy arrived at Ulfstead Castle

to deliver the mail.

He mentioned his bad luck to Stephen.

Bad luck? You still got your four wheels

and a full set of pistons.

You should count yourself a very lucky engine.

I know, but today, I--

You know, a lot of engines

used to worry about being unlucky.

Some would carry a lucky charm to bring them good luck.

Ha! I still have my lucky horseshoe.

I could do with some good luck today.

I tell you what, why don't I give you my lucky horseshoe?

Thank you, Stephen.

Thank you so much.

I'm sure from now on I'm going to be super lucky.

That's right, Percy! It's bound to make all the difference.

[train whistling]

[narrator] Percy's wheels were still sticky

from hitting the pumpkins earlier.

This made him jump suddenly,

as he started out of the station,

he didn't notice the horse shoe rattle loose.

Percy! Hey, hey, Percy! Oh, dear.

[narrator] The next day, Percy was on time

when he went to collect and deliver the mail

and he didn't have any accidents.

In fact, Percy was having such a lucky day,

that Sir Topham Hatt entrusted him

with a really important special.

Now then, Percy,

I would like you to take this gift,

from me, to the Duchess of Boxford.

No problem, sir.

[train whistling]

[narrator] As Percy chugged proudly

up to the summer house,

he puts all his good luck down to his lucky charm.

[cool music]

[Duchess gasps]

[train whistling]

Later that day, things were still going well for Percy,

but not so well for Bill and Ben.

This is all your fault, Ben.

No, it's your fault, Bill.

You were pushing too hard from the back.

No, you were pulling too fast from the front.

[train whistling]

[narrator] Percy felt even luckier

when he saw Bill and Ben, he wanted to help.

Bill. Why don't you try and pull Ben back to safety.

I tried that, Percy, but Ben is too heavy.

I'm not heavy.

Yes you are, you weigh tons.

Maybe I can pull Ben back.

Are you sure you can do it?

Oh, yes. I've got a lucky horse shoe.

A lucky horse shoe, where?

But it's right...

[Percy gasps]

it's gone! Oh, oh, no.

I'm so unlucky, I've even lost my lucky charm.

Oh, no, oh, no.

Hey! What about me?

Sorry, Ben. I can't help you now.

[train whistling]

It's no good, Ben. I'll have to try again on my own.

-[Bill groaning] -[metal screeching]

Whoa! Help, Bill!

[Bill grunting]

I'm trying! I can't hang on much longer!

[Percy gasps]

Lucky charm, or no lucky charm.

Bill and Ben need my help.

[narrator] So Percy was coupled up to Ben,

and he started to pull.

Then, Sir Topham Hatt arrived,

just in time to see little Percy pull Ben to safety.



Thanks, Percy!

Yes. Thanks, Percy!

[narrator] Sir Topham Hatt was very impressed.

Well done, Percy. Well done.

You are a really useful engine.

Thank you, Sir!

[Percy gasps]

[narrator] Then, Percy remembered something.


Now then, you two.

Who is going to tell me what happened this time?

It was your fault, Bill, you tell him.

You're the one who came off the rails, you tell him.

-[Ben] You pushed me. -Oh...

-[Bill] No, I didn't. -[Ben] Yes, you did.

-[Bill] No, I didn't! -[Ben] Yes, you did!

-[Bill] No, I didn't. -[Ben] Yes, you did!

[Bill] No, I didn't!

-[Ben] You did. -[Bill] I didn't.

[narrator] Percy arrived at the Ulfstead Castle grounds.

He had to tell Stephen that he'd lost his lucky horse shoe.

[train whistling]

Your horse shoe brought me luck, Stephen.

It was a really lucky charm,

but then, I'm so sorry, I lost it.

But, Percy, it's here!

When you left, you dropped it.

You never had it with you in the first place.

So, all the good luck I had earlier,

delivering the mail and getting the special.

That was your own luck. It happens.

Sometimes good. Sometimes bad.

You know, Stephen, I don't think,

I believe in lucky charms anymore.

Well, I don't really believe in lucky charms either.

I was just trying to cheer you up.

Thank you, Stephen. It worked.

Well, that was lucky then.

[both laugh]

[narrator] Percy realized that he didn't need

a lucky charm to do his job.

He just had to work hard and believe

that he could be a really useful engine.

[train whistling]

[children singing]

[theme music playing]
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