17x17 - No Snow for Thomas

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Thomas & Friends". Aired: 9 October 1984 – 20 January 2021.*
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British series Based on The Railway Series books that follows the adventures of Thomas, an anthropomorphised blue steam locomotive on the fictional North Western Railway on the Island of Sodor, and several other friends Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, and Toby.
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17x17 - No Snow for Thomas

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music playing]

[train horn honks]

♪ They're two, they're four They're six, they're eight ♪

♪ Shunting trucks And hauling freight ♪

♪ Red and green And brown and blue ♪

♪ They're the Really Useful Crew ♪

♪ All with different Roles to play ♪

♪ Round Tidmouth Sheds Or far away ♪

♪ Down the hills And round the bends ♪

♪ Thomas and his friends ♪

[narrator reading title]

It was winter time on the Island of Sodor.

The wind was cold and it looked like it would snow

very soon.

[train whistle blows]

So all the engines had to wear their snowplows.

[train whistle blows]

Hello, Edward, all ready for the snow?

Oh, yes, Percy, better to be safe than sorry.

[narrator] But Thomas didn't like wearing his snowplow,

so he puffed into a siding and did something very cheeky.

I can leave my snowplow here and pretend I can't find it.

[narrator] So Thomas played a trick on his driver.

He told him that the snowplow didn't fit

and had to be removed.

Now I won't have to wear it anymore.

[narrator] Thomas puffed back to Tidmouth Sheds.

Thomas, where's your snowplow?

I can't find it.

If it snows, I'll just have to go out without it.

[owl hoots]

[narrator] That night, it did snow.

The island of Sodor was soon covered in a thick blanket

of fresh white snow.

And when the engines puffed off to work the next morning,

they were all wearing their snowplows, all except Thomas.

Sir Topham Hatt was not happy.

Thomas, as you don't have your snowplow,

you will have to wait in the shed.

It is too dangerous to go out without it.

Very well, Sir.

Emily, since you have your snowplow,

you must clear Thomas' branch line for him.

Yes, sir.

[train whistle blows]

[narrator] Thomas was delighted.

I don't have to wear my snowplow.

[narrator] Emily was cross.

She wasn't snug and warm, she was clearing snow

on Thomas' branch line.

It's not fair.

Why do I have to wear a silly snowplow and Thomas doesn't?

[children laughing]

[narrator] Then she had some children laughing.

They're probably laughing at me because I look so silly

with my snowplow on.

[narrator] This made Emily even more cross,

but as Emily cleared the tracks,

she saw the children playing in the snow.

[child laughs]

Some were playing on sleds and some were rolling

great big snowballs.

Oh, the children aren't laughing at me.

They're just having fun in the snow.

Maybe the snow can be fun after all.

[narrator] Thomas was still in the shed,

it seemed like a very long day.


At least I don't have to wear my snowplow like Emily.

[Emily shouts with glee]

[narrator] But Emily was having a great time now.

[Emily cheers]

She was having so much fun,

she cleared the tracks in no time.

[train whistle blows]

Emily, as you have done such a good job

clearing the tracks, you can take Annie and Clarabel

out on Thomas' branch line.

Oh, thank you, Sir.

[narrator] Emily was very pleased.

Back at Tidmouth Sheds, Thomas was very bored.

I wish I had something to do.

[train whistle blows]

I don't know why you don't like your snowplow, Thomas.

Clearing snow is great fun.


And now I get to take Annie and Clarabel out

on your branch line.

[narrator] Thomas was very surprised.

But they're my coaches, that's my job.

You can't go out today, Thomas, not without your snowplow.

[narrator] Thomas watched as Emily was coupled up

to Annie and Clarabel.

[train whistle blows]

See you later, Thomas.

Bye, Thomas.

Hope your snowplow turns up soon.

[narrator] Thomas wasn't happy at all.

He wished he could go out in the snow

with Annie and Clarabel.

Then Thomas had an idea.

If I get my snowplow, Sir Topham Hatt will let me

pull Annie and Clarabel.

[narrator] So Thomas puffed quietly away.

Thomas looked for the siding where he had left his snowplow,

but none of the sidings had been cleared.

They were all covered in snow.

They all looked the same.

Oh, no, the snow has covered up my snowplow and hidden it.

[narrator] Thomas didn't want to go back to the shed.

He wanted to pull Annie and Clarabel in the snow.

Maybe I don't need my snowplow.

After all, Emily has cleared my line.

[narrator] So Thomas puffed away to find Emily.

Then there was trouble.

It started to snow again.

I must find Emily, I must find Emily.

[narrator] Thomas puffed as hard as he could

through the falling snow

but the snow was getting thicker

and thicker and soon Thomas was well and truly stuck.

[Thomas] Oh, no.

[narrator] The snow kept falling.

It got higher and higher.

Oh, help, I wish I hadn't hidden my snowplow now.

[narrator] Thomas thought he would be stuck all day

and all night.

His foot plate was frosty and his funnel was freezing.


No one will ever find me here.

[chuffing and puffing sounds]

[narrator] Then Thomas heard some chuffing and puffing.

I wonder who that could be?

[train whistle blows]


Hello, Thomas.

I'm so pleased to see you.

-Thomas, what happened? -Are you stuck?

We went to look for you in the shed,

but you weren't there.

[narrator] Sir Topham Hatt looked cross.

Thomas, you were told not to go out without your snowplow.

I'm sorry, Sir.

I hid my snowplow and now I can't find it anywhere.

That's why we've been looking for you.

We found your snowplow buried in the snow.

Thank you Emily. Sorry, Sir.

[narrator] Thomas was very happy

to have his snowplow back.

From now on, I'll always wear my snowplow when it snows.

I'm glad you've learned your lesson, Thomas.

Tomorrow, you can clear the tracks for Emily.

But before that, I've got something to show you.

Follow me.

[train whistle blows]

[narrator] Thomas and Emily puffed through the snow

and soon they arrived at the field

where the children were playing.

[Thomas] Wow, look at all those snowmen.


I think that one looks very smart.

Very smart indeed, Sir.

A snowman needs a hat in this weather.

-Oh! -[children laugh]

Clearly, I must try to keep my hat on as well.

[group laughing]

[train whistling]

[children singing]

[theme music playing]
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