01x10 - iWant a World Record

Episode scripts for the TV show, "iCarly". Aired September 2007 - November 2012.*

Moderator: Riverbunny1313

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Carly hosts her own home-grown web show, iCarly, Carly and sidekick Sam's regular Web casts ultimately feature everything from comedy sketches and talent contests to interviews, recipes, and problem-solving.
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01x10 - iWant a World Record

Post by bunniefuu »

Man, I feel bad. I hate to see a teacher cry like that.

Yeah, but come on, when you're a substitute teacher and your name is Mr Buttburn, what do you expect?

Yeah. - Hey, there's Sam.

What are you reading?

The Jonas Book of World Records.

This thing's full of top-notch freaks, mutants and psychos.

All your favourite things. - I know!

Check this out. - "World's fattest priest"?

Eight hundred pounds! - Holy flab!

And this'll excite Freddie.

This year, they got a whole new section for world records in technology.

Yeah, well guess what? I don't even care about...

Give me the book.

"Most Downloaded lmage, Fastest Computer Processor."

Most boring words ever.

Hey, hey, check this out.

"World's Longest Continuous Webcast."

Really? - How long?

"Twenty-four hours, eight minutes."

We could beat that. - Totally.

And think about how much buzz iCarly would get if we did break that record.

I could get my face in the same book as the world's fattest priest.

Oh, my gosh, I would die.

Hey, Buttburn. - It's not funny!

It's my name!

Hey, Buttburn!

Poor Mr Buttburn.


In five, four, three, two...

I know, you see Somehow the world will change for me and be so wonderful Live life, breathe air I know somehow we're gonna get there And feel so wonderful It's all for real I'm telling you just how I feel So wake up the members of my nation It's your time to be There's no chance unless you take one And the time to see The brighter side of every situation Some things are meant to be So give your best and leave the rest to me Leave it all to me Leave it all to me Just leave it all to me iCarly S01E10 iWant a World Record Okay, and if we break the world record, we definitely get our picture in the book?

Ask her if she knows the fat priest.

I'm not asking her that.

Yeah, I'm still here.

Why are you obsessed with fat priests?

I'm not. I'm obsessed with the fattest priest.

The chubby ones mean nothing to me.

Sure, I'll check all the rules online.

Okay. Thank you so much. Bye.

What'd they say? - That they'll send a person out here to monitor our whole webcast, and if we go longer than 24 hours and 8 minutes with no interruptions, iCarly'll be in the Jonas Book of World Records.

I cannot wait. - There's just one problem.

What now?

What are you guys gonna do for 24 hours in front of the camera?

Yeah, what are we gonna do? - Well...

We're not doing "Tech Time with Freddie."

But the iCarly viewers would love it.

I could talk about dual-density memory chips, the importance of backing up your personal data...

I'd like to back up over your personal data with a truck.

Whatcha doing? - I'm looking for my drill.

I think it's in one of these bins.

Help me look.

Let's see...

Hey, it's my jar of sand that I got from Mexico.

Hey, here's your drill. - Yeah, thanks.

Maybe you should get rid of some of this stuff.

I should, but I shan't. - Is "shan't" a word?

Possibly. But whether it's shan't or shisn't, I am gonna use all this stuff to make a supertastic sculpture that I will call "A Supertastic Sculpture of Stuff."

I know, not a great name for a sculpture.

No, it is shnot.

All right, girls, let's break us a world record.

Ready in five, four, three, two...

Hey, people, welcome to iCarly! - Are you wide awake?

You're not? - Then...

You are now! - You are now!

Which is good...

...'cause you're gonna need to stay awake with us for a long time.

Why's that, Carly? - I think you know, Sam.

Tell me anyway.

'Cause me, Sam, and our technical producer Freddie are here to break the record...

...for the world's longest live webcast ever!

So we can be in next year's Jonas Book of World Records!

And to make it all official...

...here's an actual representative from the World Record Committee, Marilyn Raymer!

So, Marilyn, go over the rules for our viewers, would you?

Well, to beat the world record, your webcast must be continuous and last longer than 24 hours and 8 minutes.

You can't stop streaming, no breaks, and someone must be awake and doing something on-screen at all times.

Awesome. - We got it.

By the way, Carly mentioned to me that you might enjoy having this.

No way! It's the world's fattest priest!

Look at him!

All right, calm down.

Now over here is our countdown clock...

Which tells us exactly how much time is left till we break the world record.

And to make sure Sam and I keep up our energy, our tech producer, Freddie, has pre-set a special timer...

We don't know when it's gonna go off!

But when it does, you're gonna see some...

Random dancing!

Okay, now we're introducing another new segment...

...which we call Street Fishing! - Street Fishing!

We're gonna cast our line all the way down to the street below and see what we can catch.

I forgot my lucky fishing hat.

Like it?

Hey, hey, I think you got a tug on the line there.

Pull it up! - I'm pulling!

Well, reel it in. - Got it!

O-M-G! We hooked a baby.

Throw it back! - I can't throw it back, it's a baby and...

Just kidding! - Just kidding!

It's a fake baby! - See?

All right, throughout this whole marathon webcast...

...Carly's brother Spencer is gonna stay awake with us...

...while he's building an insane sculpture.

So let's check in with him.

Remote cam up.

Hey, Spencer! - Yo, Spence!

Hey, Carly! Sam!

So tell us about that sculpture you're making.

Okay, as you can see, it's sort of a mish-mash of various parts and items, and when I'm done, a lot of the pieces are gonna move around and spin, shake, rattle, roll, and things of that nature.

I will fix that.

Okay, Spencer, we'll come back to you in about an hour.

I will be here!

Oh, God!

Okay! - Okay!

And coming up next on iCarly...

Hi. - Hey, there.

Is it cool if I hang out down here for a while and monitor the webcast on my laptop?

It's just a little crowded upstairs. - Yeah, sure, sit.

Get yourself comfy.

All right.

That's a cool sculpture you're working on there.

Thanks. I'm kind of free-forming it, you know?

I just reach into these bins, grab whatever my hand finds, and then boom, onto the sculpture it goes.

Fun. - Yeah.

I love it 'cause you never know when you're gonna find push-pins!

Get them out, get them out, get them out!

The blue one! The other blue one!

I think we're bonding!

Okay, as you can see by our fancy countdown clock right over there...

...we have 14 hours and 39 minutes left till we break the world record.

So what are we gonna do next, Carls? - Well, we could...

What? - What, Freddie?

Come on, let me do it. - Fine. You can do it.

Hey, people. I'm Freddie Benson, the technical producer of iCarly, and this is a new segment I like to call

"Tech Time with Freddie."

So, Freddie, What fun technological thing do you have to show us?

I'm glad you asked, Carly.

I'm gonna show you guys this new high-tech light bulb.

It's filled with zenite gas, which means...

Random dancing!


Okay, Freddie.

Oh, man! - What is that smell?

Zenite gas.

You guys made me drop my bulb, and it broke.

Go get that fan!

And open a window Your bulb smells worse than you.

Okay, while we de-stinkify the studio... please enjoy this video sent in by one of our iCarly viewers

...who enjoys tickling himself.


This tickling kid's hilarious.

His laughter is contagious!


Okay, that's enough tickling.

And now it still really smells in here.

Thanks to Freddie.

But we're still gonna move on to our next segment...

...which we call...

Fun with Bacon!

This is the source.

Okay, everybody get out of here right now.

Get down to the lobby.

Why? - What's going on?

There's some sort of unusual gas leak coming from this room.

That was just my light bulb. See, it broke and...

No, no. All you kids, out. - We can't leave!

We're half-way to breaking a world record here!

Random dancing!

Why are we dancing randomly?

We can't stop our webcast, or we'll be we'll be disqualified!

And we won't get in the book with the fat priest!

Fat priest?

Forget the fat priest! We have to stay here!

You're gonna ruin our world record!

I don't give a flying fidoodle about your world record!

Now all of you, down to the lobby, right now!

But... But what if...

There is a gas leak! You guys have got to get out of here!

Wait! Okay, we're still in the middle of trying to break the record for world's longest continuous webcast...

Which we will do...

So right now, please enjoy the following argument.

We can't stop this webcast!

We're trying to break a world record here!

There is a gas leak!

You guys have got to get out of here! - There's no gas leak.

It was just a stinky light bulb!

I don't know what caused it.

This is serious business. I mean it. Out!

Okay, what's going on?

This old dude's trying to make us leave!

Just for a few minutes till we determine that... Old dude?

Marilyn, is it okay if we stop our webcast just for a few minutes?

I'm sorry, but if you stop, I'll have to disqualify you.

Okay, people, we're having some issues here, but just keep watching iCarly.

We're not going off the air until we break the world record.

If you kids are not out of this room in 30 seconds...

Freddie, can you keep the webcast going down in the lobby?

Sort of, I'm good on camera battery, but the one in my laptop won't hold a charge.

It's got to stay plugged in.

We'll keep it plugged in! - How?

I'll handle it! - She'll handle it!

How you gonna handle it? - I'll handle it!

You have 10 seconds to get out of here.

Help me get the stuff! - Move!

Okay! You're now witnessing the very first ever iCarly webcast to go completely mobile...

This is heavy. - Thanks to three dozen extension cords of various colours and girths. - So, so heavy.

We're currently moving down the back stairwell of the building.

It's hurting me. - We're on our way to the lobby, where this webcast will continue, uninterrupted.

Okay, we're down! - We did it!

Okay, building's all clear. You can come back up.

And now... - We go back up!

This is worse. I hate this cart.

More fun coming down.

Okay, we've been coming to you live and uninterrupted for 18 hours and 48 minutes.

Which means we've only got 5 hours and 21 minutes left to go

... before we break the world record.

So, come on, how about you and me go get some blintzes?

Blintzes? - Yeah, they're thin, sweet pancakes, filled with soft cheese, usually served with jelly or jam.

I told you, I have a boyfriend.

Yeah, well, is he filled with soft cheese?

Is he served with jelly or jam?

He's a really good guy. Actually, I met him through work.

He holds a world record. - For what?

Going the longest amount of time without blinking.

Not blinking? Well, I can do that.

Spencer. - Wait, I blinked. Here I go.

You can't break his record.

Yes, I can. Darn, I blinked!

And starting now. Okay, now.

Wait, now.

Hi, we're tired.
So, what are we gonna do next, Sam?

I don't know. Makeovers.

Yeah. Makeovers.

Aren't we pretty?

I feel like a princess.

Now what?

Let's go live to Spencer downstairs, working on his sculpture.

And he's asleep. - I'll wake him up.

Freddie, throw me the duct tape.

Hit the elevator button.

Next we're gonna have...

Random dancing!

Doing this webcast is getting difficult.

But luckily we planned for this.

We've got the perfect way to stay awake.

And now...

We're gonna stick our heads in tubs of ice water.

We're gonna stick our heads in tubs of ice water.

To keep ourselves up.

On three.

One, two, three.

Whoa, Nelly! - That woke us up.

And now on iCarly, our next guest is the only person we know who actually likes to be awake at 5:30 in the morning.

He drove here all the way from Yakima. - My granddad!

Good morning, Carly. Sam.

How are you so awake this morning?

Yeah, what is wrong with you?

I have lots of energy because every morning I exercise.

And who doesn't love exercise?

That would be most Americans.

And that's the problem.

When you kids are my age, don't you wanna be able to do this?

Pretty impressive, Granddad. - And nice socks.

Thanks! I could do this all day.

That's great. Wonderful. Keep... Just come in this way.

See, if you girls would do a little more exercise and eat plenty of fibre you'd feel better and have more energy.

Sure. Yeah. - See, when I was your age...

And that was Carly's granddad.

Now, since we're less than five minutes away from breaking the world record...

...it's time for our grand finale.

That means "big finale." - Thank you, Sam.

So now, take a look at my brother Spencer's...

Completed sculpture!

Impressive. - Fabtastic.

Thank you, Carly, Sam, but you've seen nothing yet.

Nothing? - Yet.

See, this isn't just a sculpture of a bunch of random items.

This is a sculpture of a bunch of random items that move!


You see that?

You got all your basic movements happening here.

You got your back and forth, your to and fro, Your willy and your nilly. Over 137 moving parts.

Amazing. How did you decide to take all this...

What's going on with the lights here?

Hey, how much electricity does that thing draw?

You know, a bunch.

The power! - Unplug the sculpture!

Hurry! - Spencer.

Okay, okay. Problem solved.


We were down for about four seconds.

Well, that's not a problem. Right?

I'm sorry, guys. To break the world record, your webcast had to be continuous.

No! - Come on!

Haven't you ever heard of the five-second rule?

That's for eating food off the floor.

Well, I feel that rule could apply here nicely.

I'm really sorry. - Wait.

I'll fix this.

Don't you think you could overlook those four unfortunate seconds when the power went down?

The world record book doesn't take bribes.

Especially not Skee-Ball tickets.

I need those.

Twenty more of these, and I get a gigantic harmonica.

Well, sorry we didn't break the world record.

So much for getting our picture in the book with the fat priest.

We'll see you here next time on iCarly.

And we're out.

You guys.

Whatever. - What do you want?

You're making me feel guilty here, like the whole thing was my fault.

Oh, yeah.

Marilyn. - Hi, Spencer.

This is my boyfriend Calvin.

The guy who never blinks? - That's right.

Not a chance.

Hi, Marilyn. - Hi, Carly.

What's up? - Well, even though you guys didn't break the record for the world's longest continuous webcast, I did a little research and Spencer did break a record.

The world record for "Most Moving Pieces on a Sculpture"

is 128 moving parts.

Mine's got 137. That's more. - He's also a math whiz.

So you're saying Spencer broke a world record?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

Oh, my God. You get to be in the world record book!

Way to go, Spence. - Good job, Spencer.

If I could just take a picture of you with your sculpture, I can get it all processed in time for the next edition of the book.


Make sure my hair's parted right.


What if I'm not the only person that worked on the sculpture?

Well, the rules say all participants would have to get credit.

Carly, Sam, Freddie...

Yeah? - What's up?

Well, I...

I forgot this one last piece to the sculpture, and my hands are really sore.

Would you guys mind putting it on there for me?

We can do that.

Yes, let's help our friend Spencer finish the sculpture.

Right there.

Get it in there good.



Since they helped me finish the sculpture, I guess we all have to get credit and be in the picture.

Those are the rules.


Wait, I think I blinked. - I didn't.

I can see why you love him.

And I have another little surprise for Sam.

Father McGurthey?

Coming. - No way! The world's fattest priest?

He's here?

He is. Coming down the hall, right now.

Dear God, he fell through the floor.

Do you think you've seen everything new there is to see at iCarly?

Is that what you think? - Well...

You haven't. No. - You ain't...

You can see new videos... ...new pics...

...new blogs...
...new games...

...new lunch meats.

There are no lunch meats at iCarly. Com.

Can we fix that?

The point is you can see tons of new stuff.

Stuff you've never seen before.

All at iCarly.com. - ICarly.com.

You think we've said iCarly.com enough?

Yeah. Wait, no.
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