12x17 - The Third Man

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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12x17 - The Third Man

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, why does

♪ a love kiss stay

♪ in my memory? ♪

- Evening, lads. - All right?


- OK, Harry. What have you got? - Did you get the money?

Yeah, but I told Sgt Merton you had something special.

Oh, don't worry. It's gold. Pure gold.

There's a bullion shipment due to cross the moors on the A,

on its way from Southampton to Middlesbrough.

The driver's been bribed to make an unscheduled stop

at the Haworth Point car park.

Urgent call of nature.

Where did you get this information?

The driver's an amateur. He blabbed to a...woman I know.

- So, when's it going down? - Tomorrow morning.

That doesn't leave much time.

No, I'll need more details.

Tomorrow morning, Haworth Point.

What more do you need? - Names.

Vic Hawking and Len Dowd.

Vic Hawking? I take it they'll be armed, then?

Have you ever known Vic Hawking not to be?

So, you're off at the end of the week?


Back to sunny Spain. - You'll be fine, Oscar.

And you won't have to keep signing in when you get back.


And this is the bar, as you can probably see.

Oscar. This is my niece, Susie.

- Ah, and very welcome she is, too. - Hi.

So, you've come to stay with your Auntie Gina?


GINA: Right, then. I'll show you your room.

Follow us, David.

Ooh, sorry.

A bit of a handful, I'll bet.

Well, it can't be easy for her, coming to a place like this.

She's used to the bright lights of Manchester.

Well, she'll be company for Gina whilst you're in...

All right. You've made your point.

Right, sir. Yes, of course.

I'll expect you later, then. Goodbye.

It's true?

Crosses the moor tomorrow morning.

DI Shiner wants to bring in Harry, in case he's holding anything back.

Ah, it's lovely to have you here.

- You don't have to pretend. - What?

Well, we both know I'm here as a punishment.

It's not punishment.

Your mum just wanted to get you away for a while. She's worried.

Yeah. Did she tell you why?

She said you got in with a bad crowd...and one lad in particular.

Jamie. His name's Jamie Leyburn. People just don't understand him.

Like the bloke he pulled a knife on?

- It was self-defence. - Does he always carry a knife?

Oh, I don't expect you to understand, living out here.

And anyway, he's been punished: six months in borstal.

- So, why's Louise sent you to me? - Cos I was visiting him.

She went mad at the thought of me going into that sort of place.

Well, I'm not surprised.

Look. I know I might seem as old as the hills,

but I know what it's like at your age.

So, why don't we have some fun while you're here?

Fun? There's nothing here,

except fresh air, according to Mum.

And since when does she know everything?


Have we got a deal, then?

- Deal, Auntie Gina. - There is just one rule, mind.

I can't cope with the "Auntie" bit.

So, it's just Gina from now on. OK?


- Thanks, Oscar. - You're welcome.

Hi, Doctor. How are you settling in?

Oh, just about finding my way round.

But I'll never finish unpacking those boxes I've brought with me!

I don't know what's in half of them.

I'm the same, and I've been here years!

I think, once I've unpacked, the place will seem less strange.

It doesn't feel like it's mine yet. - No.

You need to stamp your personality on the place.

Well, I've hung up my pictures, but it hasn't helped.

Oh, you need to redecorate.

I couldn't help noticing: that waiting room's a bit, well...

- Dull? - Exactly.

Do you know anyone who could do it?

As it happens, I do.

Myself and my colleagues would be more than happy to do that for you.

We have considerable experience in the painting and decorating field.

- Your informant's done a runner? - Yes, sir.

Well, I can't say I blame him. Vic Hawking's not a man to cross.

- Certainly isn't. - So, I'll organise my men.

Make sure everyone's here at : for a briefing.

Yes, sir. Will do.

Decorate the surgery? I'm far too busy.

Bernard, think of it as a service...

to the sick. - I thought we were decorating.

And if all goes well, she wants us to do the living room.

Put shelves up and so on. There could be a lot of work in it.

I've got two cars booked in for servicing.

And there's the butcher's big end. You do it.

I can't do it! I've got a taxi service to run.

And buy paint and things. - I can't take the day off.

And I've got to drum up trade.

I'm busy!


David... I want you to do a good job.

Not just a good job. The best.

The whole future of our business,

not to mention the community,

the sick and the needy,

are relying on you.

So, what would you be doing in Manchester?

In a club, most likely.

- Are you old enough to get in? - Yes! How old do you think I am?

- Phil, Steve, can I have a word? - Hi, Mike. How's the world of CID?

- Fine, thanks, Gina. - CID?

The police? I'm surprised you let them in the pub,

let alone speak to 'em!

VERNON: There must be something here.

Left over from decorating the front room.

That was years ago.

David, things don't just disappear.

Anyway, if "nothing's too good for the sick,"

why not just buy new brushes?

Because wasting money helps nobody.

What's in this box?


You see? I told you we had everything.

Oh, well, I suppose a new brush is just about in order.

But promise me you'll look after it better than that.

Wagons roll.

So, Bellamy and Ventress follow the bullion van in an unmarked car.

The rest of us, with armed backup, will be here:

the car park at Haworth Point, where the ambush is due to occur.

MERTON: Right. Everyone clear? Any questions?


Aidensfield Arms.


Do you know what time it is?

Oh, right.

OK, yeah. I'll let them know. I'll call you back later.


Oh, I left my fags in my uniform.

You can do without them for one day.

You two go ahead and pick up the van.

Nearly left you behind.

Wouldn't want to miss this, would you?

No. Sorry, sir.

I had to take a call. - Anything serious?

Aidensfield Arms. There's a girl staying there,

whose boyfriend just escaped from borstal.

Manchester thought he might come here.

- When did he go missing? - Just after lights out,

so ten, maybe. - Last night?

We can manage with one less.

If he stole a car, he could be here already.

Stay behind and follow it up.

- She's not up yet, Steve. - Can you get her up?

GINA: What's the hurry?

This Jamie character would be stupid to turn up here now.

He can't be that bright. He got caught and put away.

Well, yeah. She's only just woken up though.

I don't want you questioning her in her nightie.

- Aw! - Come back in half an hour or so?

Yeah, all right. I'll get a description of him circulated.

Then I'll see what the little madam has to say about Lover Boy. Right?

Where do you think the name Bellamy comes from?

Dunno, Alf.

Why? Where do you think the name Ventress comes from?

Oh, Ventress? He was a venturer.

Adventurer? You, Alf?

You hardly strike me as a Christopher Columbus type, mate.

Hold on, what's this?

This looks like him.

ALF: Yeah, that's the number.

ALF: Delta Alpha - to DI Shiner. Suspect in view.




Haven't got time for all this.

What on earth?

- Is the good doctor in? - Upstairs.

Wait a minute, Vernon. I'll get her if you tell me what is going on.

We've been engaged to redecorate the waiting room.

I need her to choose her colour scheme.

That's it. I'm off.

Don't forget, you've got to pick up Mrs Winstanley in ten minutes.

If you could get the doctor to make her colour choice, then tell David.

David, you've got the note? - There.

Right, well, don't forget to read it.

JENNY: David doing it on his own?

It's only a small paint job.

Stay there and do nothing.



Right, one of you across there. The rest follow us.

I thought a nice, warm, apricot colour.

Something welcoming and soothing,

- but cheerful. - But...


Would you get that for me, Jenny? It's bound to be a visit.

Hello, Aidensfield... No, I'm sorry. Dr Merrick...

It's for you.


For the last time, James, the answer is no.

Do you not understand that word?

No, never. And please don't phone me again.

Are you all right?

Sorry. It's none of my business. - No, it's not that.

He just can't believe I could actually leave.

I don't know how to make him see.

Well, you sounded pretty clear to me.

Let's hope so. If he rings again, tell him I'm with the milkman.

- Or the fishmonger. - Or the painter.

- Speaking of which... - Don't like the colour?

No, no, it's not that. It's just...Vernon Scripps.

Well, he's not the most reliable bloke in the world.

It's just a splash of paint, Jenny.

What could go wrong?

MUSIC: 'Put A Little Love In Your Heart' by the Dave Clark Five

♪ Think of your fellow man Lend him a helping hand

♪ Put a little love in your heart

♪ You see it's getting late

♪ Oh, please don't hesitate

♪ Put a little love in your heart

♪ And the world will be a better place

♪ And the world will be a better place

♪ For you and me

♪ You just wait and see

♪ Another day goes by Still the children cry

♪ Put a little love in your heart

♪ If you want the world to know We won't let hatred grow

♪ Put a little love in your heart ♪

Mrs Winstanley!

You know, I thought the doctor would make me late.

She's so keen for us to get started on that waiting room.

And then, of course, there's the rest of the surgery to do.

And she asked particularly for you, did she?

Well, she wouldn't want any other Tom, d*ck or Harry, would she?

Oh, no. A lady in her position needs to project the right image.

And I'm sure you're just the man for the job.

You know, it's amazing what a coat of paint can do for you.

- Do you really think so? - Yes. It's a whole new start.

A new, younger image.

You wouldn't have time to come and look at my front lounge?

Only the paper. My husband, you know. He put it up before he er...

Do you know, Mrs Winstanley,

it just happens I think I could just about squeeze you in.

Oh! I'll go put the kettle on.


Oscar, have you seen Susie?

Well, is she up in her room?

♪ Listen

♪ Do you want to know a secret?

♪ Do you promise not to tell?

♪ Woah-oh

♪ Closer

♪ Let me whisper in your ear

♪ Say the words I love to hear

♪ I'm in love with you

♪ Closer Let me whisper in your ear

♪ Say the words I love to hear...

Oi. Behind you.


- Are you all right? - Yeah!

You took your time.

Well, I've come from Manchester, haven't I?

Steve! Have you seen Susie?

Police! Run!

- Ow! - Are you all right?

- What do you care? - Come on.

- You pushed me deliberately! - You got in my way.

Thanks for warning him. - I didn't know he was there.

Oi! Where do you think you're going?

Home. I'm not staying here. I hate it!

Come on. Let's get you to the doctor. It might be infected.

Oh, great! So, now I'll get some awful country disease.

Come on. Go easy.


David! David! You can't put the chairs like that.

I've only got one sheet, so I have to put them in the middle,

or they'll get paint on them. - Where will the patients sit?

Could they...stand?

- What if paint drips on them? - Sorry, David. You can't do this

during surgery hours. Wait till this evening.

I'm staying with friends tonight,

so you'll have the place to yourself.

Well, what do I do now?

Couldn't you rub down the woodwork?

Yes. Yeah, I'll er...

Dr Merrick. Could you have a look at my niece?

She's fallen on rusty barbed wire.

Come this way.



Er...sorry. I was just...

- What is he doing? - I don't know.



Well, it looks clean enough,

but you might have a tetanus jab, just in case.

An injection?

Will it hurt? - Just a little, when I give it.

And you might be sore for a day or two.

How did this happen?

That policeman, Steve, pushed me deliberately.

He was chasing after my boyfriend.

I'm sure it wasn't deliberate.

So, what's your young man's name?

Jamie. We're going to get married.

Have you known him long?

When someone's right for you, you just know, don't you?

Not necessarily.

Don't rush into something you might regret.

Why do people always insist on giving you advice,

even when you don't want it?

MUSIC: 'The Court of the Crimson King' by King Crimson

So, we've narrowed it down to Cinnamon Twirls, Pink Jacobean,

Knotted Ivy and Romantic Roses. Right?

Oh, it's such a difficult choice, Mr Scripps,

though I do like the idea of Romantic Roses.

Roses, right. And very nice, too.

On the other hand...

..the Pink Jacobean would go better with the furniture.

Jacobean, right.

Er...wasn't I supposed to be taking you somewhere?

Oh, of course!

Do you know, I'd quite lost track of time!

Well, if you leave the key with me, I'll drop you off,

and I'll get my assistant round here straightaway

to get started.

You're not...doing the job yourself, Mr Scripps?

Now, don't you worry. Bernard is very reliable.

When you come home this evening, you'll have a whole new look.

PHIL: Why are they stopping here?

They're supposed to be stopping at Haworth car park.

I'll go take a look.

Radio Shiner. I don't know what they're watching,

but it's going down here!

Delta Alpha - to DI Shiner.

We've been had. You and Mike help your lads.

Leave Hawking to me.

Armed police! Come out with your hands where we can see 'em.

Come on. Come here. Cuff him.

Get a move on. Nice and quickly.

And yourself.

Come on. Come on!

Right. Now get round there.

Alf! Bring the car round!


Are you all right? - No. I'm not all right.

I think I've broken my ankle.

- Do you want to interview Hawking? - First things first. Bradley?

- Yes, sir. - I want to talk to your informant.

Let's find that bullion van. It can't have disappeared.

What is it?

The car left at the scene, sir. Stolen last night

from a caravan site near Whitby.

- Figures. - Found that escaped prisoner yet?

Just came back to run a check on him.

- I thought I'd help... - Just stick to the job in hand.

Excuse me? I'm looking for Alf Ventress.

Yeah, he's through there. Please take him home.


Ah, Alf. How are you doing?

Oh, it's just a bad sprain.

I'd feel better if you'd wheel me outside

so I can have a f*g.

That battleaxe won't let me have one.


I can do better than that.

She says I can take you home.

Oh! Brakes.

- There we go. - Drive slowly.

I'll have a lot of explaining to do once I get home.

Have you seen Harry?


Excuse me, sorry to interrupt...

- Excuse me, mate. Is Harry inside? - No, not today.

Bernard, I need you to go to Mrs Winstanley's when you've finished.

Mrs Winstanley?

She needs her front room decorating.

Vernon, it may have escaped your notice, but I run a garage.

Bernard, I've got to get this business off the ground.

And I promised her it'd be done today. She's expecting you.

Why me?

Because she wants the best. And I'm busy.

When did you make this arrangement?

This morning when I took her into town.

She's left the keys. - If you arranged it this morning,

how come you're only telling me now?

Because you said you were busy today!

She's not back until tonight

and how long does it take to put a bit of wallpaper up? Here!

- We're doing a bit of hunting. - In the car?

Two men hanging around a car park with a shotgun?

It's legit. Licensed. And the car wasn't hot, was it?

- You've both got records... - Face it, Mr Shiner,

you've got nothing on us.

We've nothing to charge them with.

Even the car wasn't stolen.

Can you believe it? - Not really, no.

Almost like they knew they'd be picked up.

Gives them a cast-iron alibi.

Watched by half of North Riding CID.

Good point.


No luck finding Harry then? - Not as yet, sir, no.

At least interview the van driver, soon as you can.

He's fit now according to the doctors.

Let's get him to admit he was paid to stop by Hawking.

That would at least give us conspiracy charges.

Why would he admit to anything that would incriminate him?

- Fear. - If he's double-crossed Hawking

he'd be terrified he'll come after him.

Right, Sarge.

♪ Talk to me

♪ Talk to me

♪ It's heaven being here

♪ When you talk to me...

I'm going to my room.

If that's all right wi' you.

You see our problem, Mr Hawking.

We had information you and Len Dowd would be in that car park, armed,

and you were going to carry out a gold bullion robbery.

But someone else did the robbery before the van got to you.


Any ideas?


- Oh. Are you still here? - Is she still upstairs?

She was when I popped up a while back.

Look. When I rang you to say what had happened,

I expected you to pick the lad up before he got here.

Not park yourself in my kitchen for the duration.

He wants to see Susie, I want to keep her safe.

He's not a hardened criminal, just a kid who got caught with a knife.

On more than one occasion.

And he's been known to use it. - What?

I had no idea.

When he escaped last night, he put one of the warders in hospital.


- Susie said he's... - A dangerous criminal on the run.

And he may well be armed.

I'd be much happier keeping a watch outside, believe me, but...

I'll make sure she stays in. After what you've just told me.



GINA: Can I come in?

I wanted to see if you were all right.

You're just as bad as all the others.

Keeping me in and watching my every move.

Look, if you help Jamie, you could end up in prison.

I am in prison, aren't I? Here.

- How are you feeling? - Not good.

The doctor says you're OK to talk.

Not now.

- Give us a minute, will you? - OK. See you later.


I think you're gonna want to talk to me now.

No. Later.

That might be too late.

- How do you mean? - Hawking paid you to stop the van.

- That's daft. I've been injured. - He paid you to stop the van

in Haworth Point car park, not a lay-by down the road.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Vic Hawking was waiting in the car park. That's where we arrested him.

We were watching when the ambush took place

so we know he didn't do it. - But...

He's not a happy man, Howard.

Not a happy man at all and neither am I.

Because we're going to have to let him go.

We don't have anything to charge him with.

He's going to come looking for you.

David, I need your help.

We've got a rush job on thanks to Vernon.

I've been stuck at the garage all day. What are you doing?

I'm watching the ceiling.


Because it won't stay up.

Where did you get this? It's as old as the hills.

I found that in the shed.

Well, no wonder it's not sticking up.

I've got some more outside, I'll get it for you.

Oh, thank you. What did you want me for?

Not to worry, it looks like you've got your hands full here.

I'll manage.

You've got to help me.

Vic Hawking will k*ll me if he thinks I've double-crossed him.

Someone must have offered you a lot of money to take a risk like that.

No. You don't understand.

I wasn't paid to change the rendezvous.

I thought Hawking had changed it.

How do you mean?

Len Dowd came to see me.


Yeah. He said the plan had changed.

So he was the one who arranged the change of location.

I wouldn't double-cross Vic Hawking. I wouldn't dare.

You've got to help me. You've got to tell him it wasn't me.

How's it going, David?

Oh, fine. I'm just going to paint the walls.

I want you to do a good job for the doctor.

I can't stop, I've got other appointments.

They didn't have any apricot paint

so I've done what you're always telling me to do.

I've used my head.

MUSIC: 'I Want Candy' by The Strangeloves

♪ I know a girl who's soft and sweet

♪ She's so fine, she can't be beat

♪ Got everything that I desire

♪ Sets the summer sun on fire

♪ I want Candy...

Hello? I'm back. Oh!

You must be Bernard.

I were just about to start stripping.

Oh. Mmm.

♪ Wanna see her with her hair hung down

♪ Ain't no finer girl in town

♪ Candy's just what the doctor ordered

♪ She's so sweet she makes my mouth water

♪ I want Candy

♪ I want Candy...


Mr Scripps. Bernard.

I'm having second thoughts about the pink Jacobean.

Well, if you need more time, I can always come back later...

No, just let me have a think.

Perhaps you could hold it up for me.

Oh, yes.

That'll do nicely.

♪ Bom-ti-bom-bom-doo-bee-run-run

♪ Doo-bee-doo-bee-run-run Doo-bee-doo-bee-run-run

♪ Bom-ti-bom-bom-doo-bee-run-run

♪ Doo-bee-doo-bee-run-run Doo-bee-doo-bee-run-run

♪ Met a girl last night

♪ Bom-ti-bom-bom-doo-bee-run-run

♪ The moon was shining bright

♪ Bom-ti-bom-bom-doo-bee-run-run

♪ And suddenly I knew it was a miracle come true

♪ Yesterday I was blue...


- Are you all right? - Yeah.

- Anyone see you? - No.

Right. Come on, let's go.

♪ In the pale moonlight

♪ Bom-ti-bom-bom-doo-bee-run-run

♪ I kissed and held her tight... ♪

It's not easy to shift that much gold.

- It'll have to be melted down. - Len must be banking on us

not letting Hawking go before the gold's moved on.

Could he have been planning to use the smelters Hawking had set up?

It makes sense.

We've still got to get the gunmen.

If we let Len and Hawking go, they should lead us to the gold

and the third man.

Len will expect Hawking to follow him.

Not if we tell Len we're going to detain Hawking on a holding charge.

- That's a risk. - Is it one worth taking?

Let's charge and release Len tomorrow.

Me and my lads will stick with him.

Then when he's safely out the way we release Hawking and follow him.

Two chances of following them to the gold.

That's got to be enough.

Oh! I don't believe it.

A cold night. I don't think she was equipped for a night in the open.

We can be sure she wasn't alone.

We'll probably find them tucked up in a B&B.

I hope so. She's just a kid.

- What? - Yeah, a mouthy kid, sure.


I trust Mrs Winstanley's a satisfied customer, Bernard.

Not as satisfied as she'd have liked!

I want a word with you.

Where's he going? We've been round here once already.


- They've lost Len. - We have to let Hawking go.

I'll wait till the DI gets back. I can't pull Phil or Steve

off the search in case the girl is injured.

There's no-one to man the station. - I could follow him up on my own.

We need two people for this.

A little bird told me you could be in need of some help.

Boy, are we glad to see you, Alf.

Right. Let's bail Hawking.

Or it could be that I wanted to get away from Mrs Ventress.

Here. Is there anything else I can do to help?

Well, a cup of tea wouldn't go amiss.

Before you lot disappear and leave me to it.

MUSIC: 'What Becomes of the Brokenhearted' by Jimmy Ruffin

Hope you find her.

PHIL: Steve!


Steve, they've been here.

Spent the night in a barn.

Farmer heard them this morning having a right old row.

- Where'd they go? - Follow me.

♪ As I walk this land of broken dreams

♪ I have visions of many things

♪ But happiness is just an illusion

♪ Filled with sadness and confusion...

Hello again.

Where's lover boy?

I don't know and I don't care.

He's nothing to me.

MERTON: Yeah, this is them now.

Well, it doesn't look like he's planning to take any prisoners

when he confronts Len.

Now, easy does it.

We don't want to spook them just yet.

Are you warm enough now?

So, he's heading down to Whitby?

He said we could hitch a ride to the Continent

in a smelly fishing boat.

I'll take the bike, you get Susie back

and I'll see you down in Whitby.

Right, let's get you back to Gina.

I suppose she's cross.

Well, you caused her a lot of worry putting yourself at risk.

- I didn't think... - No.

I never did at your age, either.

But you want to try thinking sometimes before you do things.

It'll save a lot of apologising later.

It just seemed so romantic - running away with a wanted man.

You've got to admit, he's really good-looking.

- He's not my type. - He looked great.

But...he really weren't that bright, you know?

I said we should head for London, but he wanted to go to Marrakesh.

He didn't even have a passport. Never been abroad before, you see?

Unlike you, of course.

I've been to Majorca.

A man of your age should be flattered by attentions of a lady.

Flattened more like.

Bernard, you're letting the side down.

You'll have to go round and finish the job.

Over my dead body. Vernon, she nearly had me for breakfast!

MRS WINSTANLEY: Hello? Mr Scripps?

Ah, Mr Scripps.

I thought it was your car outside.

Only, I wanted to clear up last night's little misunderstanding.

Oh, I'm sure that won't be necessary.

Oh, I know you'll understand.

It just transpired that...

Bernard wasn't quite, erm... up to the job.

- I see. - But, he did assure me

that you would be more than willing to finish what he started.

Ten o'clock tomorrow morning?

I do hope that's convenient.

SONG: 'Johnny B. Goode'

♪ Down in Louisiana Close to New Orleans

♪ There lies a little wood back in the evergreens

♪ In a little cabin made of earth and wood

♪ There lived a country boy called Johnny B. Goode

♪ He never learned to read or write so very well

♪ But he could play a guitar just like a-ringin' a bell...

Get off!

♪ Go Johnny, go, go, go... ♪

Perfect timing.

You've caused us all a great deal of worry. Do you know that?

We've got enough problems as it is without you adding to them.

Here. That'll warm you up.

SUSIE: Thanks.

And I am sorry, Aunt...


Just as long as you're all right.

Do you want a cup, Oscar? - No thanks, Gina.

Best be getting on.

Make sure everything's straight before I leave.

You think he'd be more excited about going to Spain, wouldn't you?

Going abroad isn't always fun, you know?

No. I can't believe I was really thinking of going away with Jamie.

I mean, he's just so stupid.

Well, we all make mistakes, especially where men are concerned.

All of us.

Mind you, that Phil Bellamy...

Well, he's all right, though, in't he?

Quite sweet, in fact.

For a policeman.

Are they in there?

The rest of you, follow me.

HAWKING: After all I've done for you.

What? Finished all the work? Take all the risk?

You were well paid.

That's Harry.

I don't believe it.

- Your informant. - Yeah.

A bit late in the day for the likes of you to turn to armed robbery.

Retiring. One last job.

Well, you've got your wish. This is going to be your last job.

Both of you.

Come on, Vic.

Police! Drop your g*ns now.


Not your day is it, Harry?

So, this time I've got all three and something to charge them with.

Come on, David, get the door open.

I'll wait till she gets here.

But it's freezing.

- Oh, here she is. Right. - Oh, good. I'm glad you're back.

David's just about to show us his handiwork.

Unveiling my waiting room. I'm looking forward to this.


Well, get the wretched door open.

I hope you've done a good job.

The future of our business relies on this.

Don't worry, I have done.

I can't wait to show you. Come on.

Come on, everybody in.

Well? What do you reckon?


A particularly bilious shade of green.

They didn't have any apricot so I've used greengage.

Well, cos it's almost the same thing, isn't it?

Oh! And there's something else.

It's like you said, Mr Vernon.

All I was asked... and a little bit more.
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