13x15 - Daniel

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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13x15 - Daniel

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪


- There it goes again. - What?

She keeps getting those false contraction things.

- Braxton Hicks. - That's right.

Just the last day or so they've been really noticeable.

- Here we go. Babies again. - Shut up, Bernie.

I was a martyr to those with our Maureen. Awake all night.

It's all right for you, Bernie. I get this all the time.

I like babies. I like getting all the stuff ready and that.

Well, thank you, David. I'm glad somebody's interested.

It's amazing how much stuff you've got already, isn't it, Gina?

Yeah. I've got little cardies and nighties and booties.

- Aww. - I'll tell you what, Jen.

There won't be room for Oscar and me by the finish.

We'll be in the ruddy shed.


Phil! What have you got?

Well, what does it look like?

♪ Rock-a-bye baby in the tree top ♪ ALL LAUGH

Behave yourself. What are you doing? I'm practising, aren't I?

Oh, I'm off.

♪ ..on the tree top ♪ CHAIR FALLS OVER

- Clear off, go on. - Not until you tell me the truth.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, I think you do.

- Get off. - Oi! Break it up!

- Now get out of my pub now. Go on! - You heard what the lady said.

Come on. And you. Out.

And don't come back.

Who on earth were they?

Oh, the younger one works up at the hall, I'm afraid.

His name?

Ian Stamper, he's a new underguard. I've never seen the other bloke.

I think I have.



Aaaaagh! Aaagh!

- Aagh! - Liz!

MUSIC: 'S.F. Sorrow Is Born' by The Pretty Things

I'll go back to the hall in case he goes home.


♪ Family laughter behind the windows

♪ Or a Christmas tree

♪ Then a couple from up north

♪ Sorrow and his wife arrived

- ♪ Before the sun had - Mr Blaketon.

♪ Left the streets

♪ They were living inside ♪

We haven't got a name for the victim yet, Sarge.

But he should be arriving at Ashfordly General

in about half an hour. Over.

RADIO: Right. let me know when you've caught the other bloke. Out.

IF we catch him.

Good luck.

Gina, leave that.

Just get upstairs and turn in. WE can do this.

Are you sure?

Of course, love. You need your rest.

Right. OK.

- Night, then. - Night-night.

Good night.

Do you think she's all right?

She looks a bit tired to me.

So would you if you were seven months pregnant.










What is it?

- Gina? - I keep getting these twinges.

Hey, come on, love.

We asked Liz about them, didn't we?

They're just those false contraction thingies.

I know, but they're getting worse. I'm scared.

I'll tell you what, I'll phone Liz.

Good idea. Just to put Gina's mind at rest.

There's no need to worry. Honestly.

It's all quite normal.

OK, this is the name and address he's given.

Thank you. And it definitely looks as if the injuries he sustained

were caused by the broken bottle.

Can I talk to him?

- I'm afraid not tonight. - What?

I'm sorry.

This is a criminal case, Dr Merrick. I'm here to talk to the victim.

Call again in the morning.


- Steve. - What? Don't do that.

- Any sign? - No.

I lost him at the top.

This is hopeless. He could be anywhere by now.

Yeah, even back at the hall.

Come on. Let's go and find Norton.



She must still be at the hospital with that bloke. Give it to me.

I'll phone the maternity unit.

I don't know what's going on, Oscar.

But they're bound to say, "Bring her in," aren't they?

You go and get the car ready.

- Well, what about Phil? - We'll tell him when he comes back.

- I'm not going without him. - Where did he go?

Well, he went after that bloke, didn't he?

I'm not going.

Look, Di, if you don't mind driving, I'll go up to the hall

and find out if Ben Norton knows where he is, right?

Right. Come on, Gina. Let's just get you there, shall we?

In you get.


So, he's one of your gardeners, he's been with you three months

and these are his, er...

His digs, yeah.

And he definitely hasn't been back tonight?


Well, he can't have got too far without a vehicle.

- What? - Er, yeah...

His van's upside down in one of your fields, I'm afraid, Mr Norton.

Right, he's got to be somewhere.

Either out in the moors or on the estate.

I don't understand it. I interviewed him myself.

He had all the right references.

- Ah, Bellamy, thank goodness. - What?

Nothing to worry about, but Gina, she's just gone into hospital.


- Frequency? - minutes.

- Oh, Phil. - What's going on?

You are...?

The baby's father. Gina?

I'm afraid your wife may have gone into labour.

What? But she can't have.

- She's not due for months. - It's all right, Mr Ward.

Everything's at a very early stage.

- Bellamy. - Sorry?

- His name's not Ward, it's Bellamy. - Hold on.

Everything's at a very early stage, so...?

So we're going to try and halt the process.

We're going to give her some dr*gs to stop the contractions.


- Well, will it work? - I'm hopeful.

The waters haven't broken, the cervix is still closed,

there's no bleeding. The baby is fine.

Even if we only delay things for a week or so, it'll all help.

Every day we keep that baby inside you is a bonus. Yes?

- Yeah. - All right?

- Yeah. - Good.

well, I'll see you in the morning.


Excuse me. You wouldn't keep anything from us, would you?

Phil! What do you mean?

I don't know. Are you sure the baby's all right?

Come here. Listen to that.



- Morning, Crane. - Morning, Sarge.

- Any sign of Stamper? - No.

I put a full description out last night, but no-one's come back.

Oh, and Sarge?

The man in hospital did give a false name, as we thought.

- His real name is Robert Flint. - Flint...

Oscar Blaketon remembers him all too well.

Apparently he was a suspect in a big dr*gs case down in Whitby

a few years back. Guilty as hell, but they couldn't nail him.

Well, in that case, I'd better get myself over there

and talk to him right away.

You take yourself to Whitby and ask around the pubs and clubs.

- See if you can glean any gossip. - Yes, Sarge.

Except, if you go out to see Flint, I can't.

- Why not? - Well, I can't leave the station.

- Where's Bellamy? - He's up at the hospital.

Gina had a bit of a panic last night and...

Yes, I do know. Jenny can hardly think of anything else.

- When does Ventress get back? - Next week.

Well, Bellamy better get himself in here sharpish.

I can't run a police station with just one constable.

- Definitely no more pain? - No, doctor.


So far so good.

- She's all right? - Well, she seems to be.

If this carries on, we might even allow her home in a few days.

You never know.

Well, that's great, isn't it?

But you're going to have to be careful from now on in.

No more work, afternoon rests.

And I don't want another night like last night. I didn't sleep a wink.

If anything ever happened to you, Gina...

Oh, no. Look who's here.

What does he want?

I'll be back in a minute.

Are you aware that I'm already a man short, Bellamy?

Well, yes, Sarge. But I wanted to see Gina on the way in.

I want you on duty, on time,

whether your girlfriend happens to be in hospital or not.

Yes, Sarge.

Right, I want you up at Ashfordly Hall finding out all you can

about Ian Stamper. Now.

And Bellamy, this is not just about some pub brawl.

There's a strong possibility that both men are involved

in the Whitby dr*gs scene.

I think you've been a little less than frank with us, sir.

For a start, the address you gave us doesn't appear to exist.

Which is a bit odd, you must admit.

And then there's your name. George Smith?

Well, come on, sir.

I think it's more along the lines of Flint, isn't it?

- Leave me alone. - Robert Charles Flint.

- Of Cork Way, Whitby. - Nurse!


COUGHS I'm going to be sick.



I'm all right. Honest. I'm all right. Ow!

Oh, doctor! Doctor!

- Which stable? - It's this one. In the loft.

We never go up there normally,

but we were looking for some bits and pieces.

Yeah. And found Sleeping Beauty instead. Now...

Quiet as you can.

Let's try and find him asleep, eh?

For crying out loud. Keep it down.

I'm sorry, Phil. Gina's bad again.


How's she doing?

Every three minutes, doctor.

Doctor, do something to stop it.

- Give me some more of them dr*gs. - I'm sorry.

Oh, but they worked last night. They worked really well.

I'm afraid things have moved on. Labour is now inevitable.

There's nothing we can do to hold it up.

- Is the delivery room free? - Yes.

Well, let's get her along quickly, shall we?

Try to relax, Miss Ward.

It'll make everything a lot easier.

Look, survival rates at over weeks

are really very good these days.

- You mustn't worry. - Ohhhh. Ooh.

I'll phone the neonatal team.

MUSIC: 'Music Train' by The Honeycombs



I've been stuck out here for half an hour, Crane. Half an hour!

Couldn't get hold of Bellamy on his radio,

couldn't get hold of you on yours.

You do not ever, I repeat, EVER

close down this police station.

- Do you understand? - It was an emergency.

- I had no option. - Don't argue with me!

I'm here to see Miss Ward.

Oh, doctor. I'm looking for Gina.

- Excuse me. - Georgina Ward?

Mr Bellamy. Come in.

I'm sure Mother'd love to see you.

- Gina. - Phil.

We've got a little boy.

A little boy?

- That's right. - Well, was that...

Yes, that was him, just going down to special baby unit.

- Why? Is he all right? - Oh, yes.

I didn't see him. They just whisked him away.

I didn't even hear him cry.

Prem babies often don't, dear. Believe me.

A little boy?

A little boy!

Oh, that's amazing. Oh, Gina, well done.

If you could go outside for a minute, Mr Bellamy.

The doctor has to put a stitch in.

I want to see him. I want to see my baby.

You will, very soon.

Actually, it's probably better if she doesn't see him just yet.

Not until he's stabilised.

- How do you mean? - Well, it's nothing to worry about.

But he didn't breathe straight away, that's all.

- Didn't breathe? - He's all right now.

We got him started. But he may need some help to begin with.

- I see. - Don't look so worried.

It's quite normal with these little ones.

Look, why don't you go to the parents' room,

get yourself a cup of tea?

And then, when mother and baby have recovered a bit,

you can both go down to the unit and say hello.

I've got a son.

I've actually got a son!



Oh, Liz, just in time.

What's the news? How's the baby?

- He's fine. - Ohhh.

And come on, how much did he weigh?

- lbs. - Awww.

Tiny. And what does he look like? Has he got red hair like Phil?

- And how's Gina? - What is this? questions?

No, he doesn't have red hair, it's dark. And Gina's doing very well.


Di, will you please stop saying awwww!


Right, come on, everyone. Let's wet the baby's head.

It may be our turn next.


Dr Merrick...

Are you going back to the hospital later?

It's just, I've, er... Well, I got this for Gina.

That's lovely, David.

- Look at that. - Awww.

Right, everyone! Raise your glasses!

The toast is Gina, Phil,

and the little 'un. - ALL: Gina!

Phil! And the little 'un! Hooray!

- Cheers. - Chink.


Come on in. There's no need to be afraid.

Just don't expect him to look like a full-term baby though, will you?

He is very small.

Come through.

I know it looks a bit alarming.

You see, this is a ventilator to help with his breathing.

This controls his oxygen levels.

This shows his heartbeat.

This tube is to feed him.

And this regulates his temperature.

Oh, my God.

He's gorgeous.

- So, these clubs in Whitby? - All said the same.

That a man answering Stamper's description has been hanging around

for the last few weeks trying to flog LSD tablets.

LSD, eh?

A particularly nasty drug.

So near and yet so far, eh, Crane?

He'll be miles away by now, having given you the slip twice.

Yes. Sorry, Sarge.

Well, at least we know where Flint is.

That's something to be grateful for, I suppose.

Oh, Sarge...

- Phil phoned in. - What now?

Well, erm... I think he wants to apply for some leave.

Have you given him a name yet?


Hello, Mr No-name.

You can touch him, you know.

Just... open that little window there.


There you are. He likes that.

Talk to him.

Let him know you're here.

He'll know your voice.

Now then, fella. The nurse reckons we've got to give you a name.

What do you reckon, then?

Would you like to be... a Marmaduke,

or a Cedric, or... - Phil.


What about Paul?

There was a Paul at school.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't I fetch us some tea, eh?

Get our old brains in gear.

Hello there.

- An intra...? - An intraventricular haemorrhage.

A tiny leak from the blood vessel to the brain.

It's very common in premature babies.

So what will happen?

Oh, with any luck, it should clear up all by itself.

Obviously, we'll be keeping a close watch.

We might decide to transfer him to York.

You get these setbacks with prem babies, Phil.

It's always a rollercoaster.

Bleeding in the brain?

- I mean... how will it affect him? - Well, look at it this way.

I've known much worse, and the child's grown up to be % OK.

We're doing everything we can.

Fingers crossed he'll be absolutely fine. See you.

Is Gina in there with the baby?

I'll pop in and see her.


Oh, come on, Phil. You heard what Dr Roberts said.

There's every chance he's going to be OK.


Don't tell her. Please?

Oh, don't take one now, Phil.

It's just for the record.

Say cheese.

Having your photo taken with all this silly clutter round you.

It's not fair, is it, eh?

Hey, erm...

Shall I tell you what I thought of when I was getting the tea?



Yeah. I really like it.

Daniel Bellamy.

With the middle name of Oscar, like we said.

Daniel Oscar.

Danny when he's little.

Dan when he's grown up.

And Daniel...

when he's been naughty.

What do you reckon?

- Hey. Hey, come on. - I'm sorry.

I'm not very good at this.

No-one is.

I can't feed him, I can't hold him,

I'm just worried all the time.

I feel so useless.


Why don't you go out and get a breath of fresh air, eh?

You've been in here all day.

Go on.

Go and have a walk around for ten minutes.

Mm? Go on.


I like it, too.



Look at that.

Really strong.

MUSIC: 'Spoonful' by Cream

♪ Could fill spoons full of diamonds

♪ Could fill spoons full of gold

Ian. Are you there?

Come on. It's me.

♪ ..will satisfy my soul

♪ Men lies about it

♪ Some of them cries about it

♪ Some of them dies about it

♪ Everything's a-fightin' about the spoonful... ♪

There we are. A whole ounce.

Who's a good boy, then?

We've decided to call him Daniel, by the way.

Oh, Daniel! Oh, that's a lovely name.

It is nice, isn't it?


Now, then.

Who do YOU look like?

What do YOU think?

I think he's a bit like my dad, you know.

Oh, but with your features.

- You know, the mouth and that. - Yeah?

And all this lovely hair.

I wonder where that comes from.

From YOU, Gina.



It's all right. Don't worry. His heart rate dropped, that's all.

If you'd just like to wait in the parents' room.


How is he?

As I was, er, telling your fiance earlier,

overnight, your baby had a small cerebral bleed.

I didn't want to worry you.

It's something quite common in tiny babies.

Yeah. And?

I'm afraid he's had another.

And this time it's a big one.

I'm sorry.

This is hard to say.

But I'm afraid he won't recover.


The doctors have done everything they can, Gina.

The damage to the brain is just too great.

And... er, if you both agree,

we think it would be kinder to take him off the ventilator.

Off the... But...


No, no.

You said if things got any worse, you'd transfer him to York.

I'm sorry. But with a big bleed like this...

What are you saying? What is he saying?

- Phil... - No.

What about a second opinion? That's what we need.

- We need a second opinion. - Phil, listen.

We've got to do everything we can! For Daniel's sake.

I'm sorry. No-one can do anything more for him.

I'm afraid his vital organs are already failing.

Can I hold him?

Yes, of course.

I'm so very sorry.

Sorry, did I give you a shock? Torch.

Get them out again.

Nice place you've got here. Nice and quiet.

- What are you doing? - On the table.

Come on.


If you say that once more...

Excuse me. I'm sorry, you can't go in there.



The pub's shut.

It's not even : yet.

I'm so sorry.


For letting you down.

- What? - Me and my stupid body.

It's no good thinking like that, Gina.

Well, why did it happen?

Was it cos I didn't rest enough?

Maybe I should've stopped working.

- He tried so hard to stay alive. - Do you want to know what did it?

It was those two men in that stupid fight.

I didn't want to say anything before cos I didn't want to upset you.

- But THAT'S what did it. - What?

There was nothing wrong with YOU or our baby.

It was the shock of the fight.

Don't worry. They won't get away with it.

- Phil, what are you talking about? - I'll k*ll them when I find them.

I'm not listening to this!

I mean it, Gina. They k*lled our baby.

Phil, I was in labour long before the fight.

It's just that I didn't dare admit it, not even to myself.

MUSIC: 'The Persuaders (Theme From The Persuaders' by John Barry

PC Crane? He's come back.



Well, well, well.

And you swore blind you weren't dealing.

I'm not.

Oh, I see. So you, personally, need doses of LSD, do you?

Your brain must be more scrambled than I thought.

If you know what's good for you, my friend,

go back to where you came from.

Get my meaning?

Yeah. Well, I was going anyway.

Leave them.

Come on, Flinty. It's my life savings, that is.

And my face doesn't half hurt.

Go on. In that corner.

Go on. Both of you.

Go on, or I'll sh**t.

Don't say a word.

- Watch out! He's got a g*n! - Shut up.

Shut up.


- Gina. - Come here, love.

Come on.

- At least I'm home. - Yes, you're home.

Let me take that.

You go and sit down.

- I don't know what to say. - I'm so sorry.

So very sorry.

LIZ: We all are.

- There just aren't the words. - Yeah.

If there's anything I can do,

- like, you know, the funeral or... - Not now, Bernie.

For goodness' sake.

It's all right.

It's nice of him to think of it.

David, thanks for the lamb.

He had it by his cot all the time.

Please don't cry, David.


Yeah. Yeah, she is.

Right, I'll tell her.

Liz, that was Merton. They've cornered those two lads at last.

They need a doctor up at the hall.

All right, Flint. I know you're angry,

but this is not the way to get what you want...

- No funny business. - Come on, mate.

There's no way you can get yourself out of this.

Shut up!

And YOU. You're way out of your league, aren't you?

The biggest mistake you every made, trying to muscle in on my patch.

I didn't know, Flinty. I promise I didn't!

- I just thought I'd make a few bob. - Shut up!

Now listen carefully.

Right? This is what we're going to do.

why don't you just calm down, throw the g*n away,

and we'll sort something out.

Steady. Backwards.

Keep looking at this g*n. Right.

We're gonna walk out that back door and keep on walking till I say stop.

One sound and you're dead. Right?

Go on, keep Mr Plod happy. Do it, Stamper!


You get us a getaway car, right? And we'll release Mr Norton.

When I tell you, you step outside.

- Give me the g*n! - Oh!

Hey, steady on. Steady!

STEVE: Phil!

m*rder*r! SIREN

MERTON: Bellamy!

Are you all right?


But not stirred.

I'll take a full statement in the morning, all right?

- What was going on in there? - A small-time dr*gs dealer.

He got tangled up with the big boys. Oh, and I got taken hostage.

- Nasty. - Mm. At g*n point.

My whole life's been flashing before my eyes.

I could certainly do with a drink. Will you join me?

I don't think so, Ben. Thanks.

Not tonight, anyway.

- How's the baby? - He died.

- Liz... - Good night.

Right. Up you come.

Now, I've run you a bath and put some nice stuff in it.

Where've you put the pram?

Now, listen, love.

Where's Daniel's things?

In the box room.

- I thought... - How dare you touch his things!

- well, I only... - That's for ME to do.

I'm sorry. I was just trying to help.

Look, I don't need any help.

MUSIC: 'Yesterday' by Marianne Faithful

Where's Phil?

- Good night, sarge. - Night, Crane.

♪ Suddenly

♪ I'm not half the one I used to be

♪ There's a shadow hanging over me

- ♪ Oh, yesterday - Are you coming?

♪ Came suddenly... ♪

I'll just get this out.

- I don't want my flat all muddy. - Your flat?

- Aren't you going back to the pub? - No.

Oh, Phil.

Think straight.

It doesn't matter how many people Gina has around her.

She needs YOU.

And YOU need HER.

I'm coping.

You can't cope.

Not on your own. Nobody can.


You and Gina sat together with that baby for two whole days.

You need to be together now he's gone.

You're the only people that can truly comfort each other.


There is no comfort.

How could there be?

I'll never get over this.


I only knew him for two...

..two days.

It's not much, is it?

You go and be with her, Phil.

And take a week's leave.

That's an order.


There you are.

It's nearly midnight, Gina.


Would you like a drink?

- It might help. - No, thanks.

Would you like to talk?

I'll go up.

I thought you could, er...

..you could tell me about Daniel.

Daniel Oscar.

I was very honoured.

I wish you could've seen him, Oscar.

We were going to ask you to be the godfather, you know.

We never got round to a christening, though, did we?

I'll have to sort the funeral out with Bernie, of course, but...

Well, after that, all back to normal, eh?

At least you won't have to find a barmaid, eh?


I just...

I loved him.

Oh... Phil.
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