13x19 - Nowhere Man

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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13x19 - Nowhere Man

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

MUSIC: 'Man of Mystery' by The Shadows


Hi, Liz.

I hear you had a mystery man arrive on your doorstep this morning.

How's he doing?

Physically, he's fine.

He has a few bruises and a nasty bump on the head.

But he also has some memory loss, which I think is genuine,

but I couldn't tell how severe it is. That's why I brought him in.

Any idea how long it will be before his memory comes back?

It's impossible to say. They're giving him an examination now.

We should know more when the results come back.

It could just be a short-term response to the head injury.

Can I leave it with you, Steve? I need to make a start at the surgery.

Of course.

Bernard, I've been thinking.

We were afraid of that.

Have I accomplished enough?

When I look back at my life, can I say that I, Vernon Scripps,

have fully maximised my potential?

You've had a couple of successes.

Yeah. Had a couple of failures, it has to be said.

- One or two. - Well, it's not good enough.


I want to leave my stamp on the world.

When I shuffle off this mortal coil,

I want people to remember the name "Vernon Scripps".

Don't think there'll be a problem there.

I want them to remember the contribution I left to society.

I want to make my mark.

David, don't move.

- Hey? - Stay exactly as you are.

MUSIC: 'Helule Helule' by The Tremeloes

Successful business without the effort.

A seminar by the world's leading entrepreneur, Victor Mackey,

at Ashfordly Masonic Hall.

- Vernon... - It's today.


Destiny calls.

I know this is difficult,

but try to recall as much as you can about how you got here.

Don't you think I've tried?

Look, we're not doctors.

We'll try and help within the limits of our capability.

Unfortunately, we can only function on evidence and deduction, Mr...

Exactly. I don't even remember my own name.

All I've got is...


A number five bus ticket. It passes though Aidensfield.

There's your starting point. Take Mr... Sorry.

To Aidensfield, see if he remembers anything or anyone remembers him.

Something might jog your memory.

STEVE: Sarge.

Still no sign of Mrs Walker?

I asked her to come and see me first thing.

She seemed quite agitated yesterday, didn't she?

I'll call round and see her. I'm concerned about those bruises.

I'm sure she didn't get them falling over.

And supposing you get her to admit to domestic v*olence, what then?

It's difficult, but it's better than her keeping it to herself.


I'll see you later, then. Are you still finishing early tonight?

Finally, we get to choose our living-room curtains.

At least, we're supposed to be, assuming nothing comes up.

Right. What have you two got on today?

Well, I'm checking out those stolen bikes.

And I'm giving a talk this afternoon on road safety at the school.

You can forget the bikes for the time being.

Get down to the bus depot.

We need to speak to the driver who picked up our mystery man.

Find out where he got on, was there anyone else with him, etc.

- On you go. - Sarge.

Ventress, I suppose you should do your road safety.

First, check the missing-persons list for a description of our man.

Let's see if that throws anything up.

Er, yes, Sarge.

MUSIC: 'Bus Stop' by The Hollies


MAN: Very useful. Didn't you think?

Yes, I think we can apply a lot of that to our own project.

I'm glad we came.

Er, wonderful seminar, didn't you think?

Yes, very interesting.

I don't mean to intrude,

but I couldn't help noticing you're not local.

I was wondering if you were looking for somewhere appropriate

to hold a business discussion?

That might not be a bad idea, actually.

I trust you can recommend somewhere suitable?

Oh, I was thinking of the Ashfordly Hotel.

Funnily enough, I'm on my way there now.

Why don't you tag along?

Why not?

Vince Edwards. Harry Blane.

Vernon Scripps. Pleased to meet you.

It's this way.

Look on the bright side. At least there's no fractures or damage.

- But still no memory. - Sure.

But according to the doctors, that should only be temporary.

Excuse me.

I feel really tired.

I'm not surprised.

You must have been wandering round half the night.

Let's get you to Aidensfield.

Hopefully, something should look familiar

and you can have a sit-down in the pub.

♪ Every morning I would see you waiting at the stop

♪ Sometimes she'd shopped... ♪

Excuse me! I'm looking for the bus that goes over the Windridge Moor.

This one? Thank you.

Hi. Did you take this bus over the Windridge Moor yesterday?

No. That's not on our roster, mate. Sorry.

Thank you.

HARRY: Well, the market projection indicates a tenfold return

on investment in the first six months.

VINCE: I think that's a bit optimistic.

I'd be quite happy if we doubled our money in the first six months,

then consolidated and watched it grow tenfold in the third quarter.

That's what I admire about you, the cautious approach.

Forgive me for interrupting, but from what little I heard,

I gather you could have a problem with distribution.

- Yes. You see the problem is... - Harry! Shut it.

Don't be daft. We're on the verge of a gold mine here.

We know nothing about this Mr Scripps.

Oh, I think you'll find in this neck of the woods

that my discretion, integrity and honour are legend.

You see?

Mr Cripps,


we've managed to secure the UK franchise

for the world's most revolutionary wrapping product.


What do most people around here use to wrap things in?

Well, the people I know use newspaper.


- Newspaper! - But no more.

In the future, you and the rest of the world

will use polypropylenetetracarbohydrate.


Or to give it its proper name, Supremo-wrap.

I must admit that sounds a bit catchier.




Put it away. You don't know who might be watching.

- How does it work? - Advanced thermonuclear physics.

Scaled down.

It's incredible. You'll make a fortune.

- As long as... - What?

We can find the right partner to come in to secure the Northeast.

We're Southerners, we don't know the area,

but we have go back to the manufacturers

with nationwide coverage.

So that's why you were at the seminar,

looking for go-getting entrepreneurs.

Exactly. But there don't seem to be many here.


I think we should go back and forget the Northeast.

Maybe we can do the deal without it.

I don't know. Perhaps we should stick around a bit longer.

There's bound to be some far-sighted visionaries around here somewhere.

We're not after hopefuls.

They'd have to invest in the franchise to prove commitment.

- It's going to make a fortune. - It's true.

What would it cost to invest?



We're not open yet, Steve. You should know that.

Yeah. I was hoping you could help us out, actually,

and my friend here could do with a... a sit-down.

- Oh, him. - You know him?

I do, yeah.

Giving him hospitality isn't something I'd normally want to do.

Yeah, he's been coming in here with a woman for about, er, six months.

Yeah, about every three weeks.

That doesn't mean they're having an affair.

I know that, but one afternoon she got really upset.

I overheard him begging her to leave him... her husband.

How do you know she was talking about her husband?

She said she could never leave him, that her marriage meant more to her.

Then she got really upset,

and your friend asked if he could book a room for her.

She was in too much of a state to go home.

SCOFFS A fine story, that.

I mean, I wasn't keen, but...

Hang on a minute.

Right. Let's have a look.

Yeah, here we are.

Well, he didn't sign this, she did.

That's better than nothing.

Mrs Walker. , Hunters Avenue, Ashfordly.

Thanks, Oscar.

MUSIC: 'Man of Mystery' by The Shadows




I have seen the future!

And it's polypr... pr...

preleprop... propyely...

Plastic wrapping! It's going to make me a fortune.

Oh, no! What happened? You've met someone at the seminar?

I have, indeed, and they've got a revolutionary new product.

- Plastic? - Yes, Bernard, plastic.

I think someone's already invented plastic.

I know they did, but this is different.

Don't tell me.

If you invest in their scheme, you'll make a fortune?

- Who told you that? - Call it a wild guess.


You and I are going to the library.

- I found the bus driver. - And?

Our chap flagged him down on top of Windridge Moor.

The man was in a right state, but the bus was empty, so they stopped.

Dropped him at the surgery. PHONE RINGING

The conductor still charged him, mind you, hence the ticket.

Windridge Moor?

Sarge, it's Crane. For you.

Yes, Crane?

All right.

Pay Mrs Walker a visit.

And, Crane, good work.

Ventress, what's the position with missing persons?

Nobody fits the description, Sarge.

It looks like our man may be a bit of a Casanova.

His lady friend could be just the person to clear this mystery up.

Bellamy, get over to this address and meet Crane there.

Right, Sarge.

Mrs Walker?


Mrs Walker, are you there? It's Dr Merrick.



I'm going to get help!

Steve! Thank goodness.

I can smell gas.

It's Mrs Walker. I think she might have done something stupid.

Mrs Walker!

Stand back.




LIZ: She's still breathing.

- Steve? - STEVE: Give us a hand!

Let's get her out.



- Have you got her? - Yeah.

Do you recognise her?


I've no idea.


What do you want all these for, again?

Because I'm an astute businessman, David,

and when I decide to invest in a product,

I make it my business

to find out everything there is to know about it.

Not only does it make me seem knowledgeable,

but it can give me a negotiating edge

when it comes to finalising the contract.

- Oh, right. - Right. Let's have a look.

The molecular structure of a polymer

determines the properties of plastic.

Huh! Well, that's seems straightforward enough.

The molar mass and composition

provide important information

regarding the relationship between molecular structure

and synthesis using preparative fractionation.

Right. I'm off.

What? Just when it's getting interesting?

Oh, OK.

The molar mass and com... com... provide...

molecular struct...

Organic molecules cons...


...consist of carbon to carbon...

STEVE: Lucky you were here to treat her. Why were you here?

- I was worried about her. - Worried?

She called to see me yesterday.

Can I ask why?

I suspect because she wanted to talk to a woman GP.

I can't say any more than that.

I was concerned about her and asked her to come and see me today.

She didn't arrive.

Steve, what's going on? What were you doing here?

We think our mystery man may have some connection to Mrs Walker.

She did have some bruising.

- Is there a Mr Walker? - Yeah.

I'm going to the hospital, wait until Mrs Walker comes round.

Hopefully, she'll shed some light on all this.

Why don't you look round the house,

see if you can find a contact for the husband?

- Good idea. - See you soon, Liz.

OK, sir.

MUSIC: 'Goodbye My Love' by The Searchers

♪ Goodbye

♪ My love

♪ Goodbye

♪ My love

♪ Though I love you truly

♪ It was meant to be

♪ That I'd lose your love

♪ Goodbye, my love

♪ Goodbye

♪ So long

♪ My love

♪ Be strong

♪ My love


♪ This love can't go on

♪ So take care, my love

♪ Goodbye, my love, goodbye ♪

Excuse me, Sister.

It's very important that I speak to Mrs Walker.

Any chance I can see her?

I'm sorry. She's very unwell. I can't let you in there.

Could you let me know as soon as she's feeling stronger?

When the patient's well enough,

I'm sure you'll be the first person to know, PC Crane,

but, for now, she must be left in peace.

Thank you.

There you go. That should liven you up a bit.

Good. I'm off to seal my future and fortune this afternoon.

David said you were researching this poly-wolly stuff.

I must say, it makes a refreshing change

to see you treating a project so conscientiously.

How are you feeling about it?

Refreshed, Bernard. Strangely refreshed.

I still think it's a daft idea, myself.

Bernard, leave the vision to the visionaries.

Anyway, I may not do it,

depending on what sort of deal I can negotiate.

Oh, hence the research?

Eh? Oh, yes! Exactly.

- Sister? - I'm glad you're still here.

It's Mrs Walker. She's disappeared.

- Disappeared? - She was left for just a moment.

Now she's gone. You've got to find her, Constable.

She's in a very unstable state.

JENNY: Hello.

What are you doing here?

Jenny, about this afternoon, I'm really sorry.

- But something's... - Come up?

Well, there's a surprise.

Oh, Jenny.

Don't worry about it, Dennis. I'm quite used to it by now.

- We'll go tomorrow. - We'd arranged to go today.

Please don't. We've been though this so many times before.

Yeah, don't I know it.

I'm sorry, but I'm getting bored of being second-best.

Your job always comes first.

- You know it's not like that. - Isn't it?

I hardly ever see you.

Every time we make plans, you let me down.

I'm trying to make a home for us.

You just don't seem very interested.

It's just some curtains and I'll be happy with whatever you choose.

- You don't need me there. - That is just it!

We're supposed to be doing these things together.

This is OUR home and I ended up choosing that on my own.

You were too busy even to look at houses with me.

But I love our home. Look...


Aidensfield Surgery.

Yes, he is.

It's Steve. For you.

Yes, Crane?

I don't believe I'm hearing this. I'll see you back at the station.

It's Mrs Walker. She's done a disappearing act.


Look, I really have to go.

Harry, Vince, how are you?

Good lunch? Mm.

I've been having a little think about that problem of yours.

I might be able to help.

Oh, yes?

I've got a little bit of spare capital

looking for an investment home.

I may just be prepared to put it your way.

Thanks, but I think we'll be able to keep the franchise

and leave the Northeast out of it.

Oh, a mistake, if I may say so.

Why's that?

Because the Northeast is ready and waiting for Supremo-wrap.

What do you think?

Well, we could give it a try, I suppose.

How much did we say, again?


Ah, that was before I became an expert on polymers and plastics.

What are you talking about?


In my view, a successful partner

should not only be knowledgeable about the area,

but also about the product.

That's why I've researched everything

in the field of plastics-associated issues.

There's nothing you can tell me about polypropylenetetracarbohydrate

or the long chain that...

goes with the molecules

and the... the syntha...

erm... thing.

Anyway, I reckon four hundred quid and I'm in.


- Four hundred and fifty. - It was nice knowing you.

Oh, very well, five hundred.

- Have you got the cash? - Not yet.

I've got to liquefy some of my assets,

but later this afternoon?


Oh. Right.

Fortunately, there's one born every minute.

Lost her? How could you just lose her?


I want you up at Mrs Walker's place.

Talk to the neighbours, see if any of them can tell us anything.

And keep an eye out for her. Lord knows what sort of state she's in.

So I've got to cancel the road safety talk then?


Sarge, Mr Walker works for VG Electronics.

- So? - He's not been in work

and they're concerned cos he's never taken a day off sick before.

- I see. - And there's something else.

When I was up at the house,

I noticed a picture of our mystery man,

which means they know each other. - Excellent work, Bellamy.

Get yourself over to VG Electronics and talk to Walker's boss.

His colleagues, the tea lady.

Anyone who might have an idea where he might be.

Yes, Sarge.

And, Crane, I think it's time

we had another chat with our friend, don't you?

He's in the interview room, Sarge.

How did your meeting go?

Oh, er... very well.

Oh, dear! So?

You are now looking at the Northeast franchise holder

of the world's foremost wrapping product, Supremo-wrap.

How much is this going to cost you?

Well, considering the potential for profit...

How much?

Notwithstanding the work's been done...

How much?


- How much?! - Only .

And you have?

Well, a little nest egg

from a previous successful business venture.

About... £ four and tenpence.

So you need another... quid?



I'll pay you back with interest. Loads of it.

Not a chance.

- Oh, Bernard! - No!

Can you tell me what your picture would be doing

in the Walkers' photograph album?

I've been trying to think, but I've no idea.

You're obviously a family friend,

and it looks that you've been involved with Mrs Walker.

Look if... if I knew I was having an affair, I'd tell you.

Do you think I enjoy l-living i-in this vacuum?

Do you think it's fun having no idea who you are?

No, I don't think it's fun.

But nor do I think you're telling the whole truth.

I think there's something out there that can be laid at your door,

and this loss of memory is very convenient.

I'm going to find out who you are

and, if you've been up to anything untoward,

I'll find out what that is, too.

Ah, there you are, David. It's a lovely day, is it not?

Er... Yeah.

Do you know, I was just thinking about

that Post Office account of yours.

- No. - Eh?

Mr Scripps, he's told that you'll be asking.

- Oh. - He said I'm not to get involved.

Not get involved?!

Surely quid is a small consideration

when you'll be part of the biggest revolution since... sliced bread!

Oh, come on, David, this could be our big chance.

Well, I haven't got quid to give you!

I suppose I could let you have... £.

David! What a pal.

A noble gentleman.

Now I just need six quid.

I'll tell you what, to show how grateful I am,

take the afternoon off.

I know it's your turn to do the taxi shift, but I'll do it.


Well, are you sure? It's supposed to be a busy afternoon today.

Oh, is it?


Nothing much at VG, Sarge.

No suggestion of any marital discord?

Not that anybody knows of. People say Mrs Walker's shy.

I think it's a case of opposites match.

What about our amnesiac?

I flashed the photo around. Nobody recognised him.

So he's not a works colleague.

All right. Let's talk to the bus crew again.

Get them to show you the exact spot where they picked him up.

If we can get him out there and walk him about,

maybe something will jog his memory.

Right, Sarge. Sarge...

Steve says you don't go in for this memory loss stuff?

I'm keeping an open mind, Bellamy, that's all.

MUSIC: 'Well Well Well' by The Seekers

♪ Well, well, well

♪ Who's that a-calling?

♪ Well, well, well

♪ Hold my hand

♪ Well, well, well

♪ Night is a-falling

♪ Spirit is a-moving all over this land

♪ God told Noah build him an ark

Come along! Come along!

♪ Rain started falling water start to climb

♪ God said a fire not a flood next time

♪ Well, well, well


♪ Well, well, well

♪ Hold my hand

♪ Well, well, well

♪ Night is a-falling

♪ Spirit is a-moving all over...

Mrs Walker!

♪ The Lord said fire come on Judgement Day... ♪


Dennis, it's me. I've just seen Mrs Walker in town.

Great. Thanks for letting us know.

At least we know she's still in the area. And still alive.

'Shall I carry on looking for her?'

No, Ventress is on his way there so he'll pick her up if she heads home.

- 'OK.' - Right.



DENNIS: 'Alf? Any luck with the neighbours? Over.'

Nothing yet, Sarge.

One woman thought she recognised the mystery man from our description,

but didn't know who it was. Over.

'I want you keeping an eye on Mrs Walker's house.

She's been spotted in the area,

and I want you there if she heads for home.

We don't want her doing anything stupid. Over.'

OK, Sarge, I'll let you know if anyone turns up. Over and out.


You've just had a call.

Not any more, Bernard. I've had enough.

Ashfordly Hotel. You'll like this one.

Your inspirational speaker, Victor Mackey, wants to go to the station.

Well, I can't take him.

Why not?

- David, where are you going? - Fishing.

No, you're not. I've got a fare for you.

But you've given me the afternoon off!

I can't collect Victor Mackey, can I?

He thinks I'm a hot-shot businessman not a taxi driver.

Oh, for goodness sake, Vernon!

Go on, David, I'll pick him up.

Thanks, Mr Scripps.

And this is my only contribution to your harebrained scheme!


Well, according to the driver, you came from this direction.

Well, let's go and see, then.

MUSIC: 'Man of Mystery' by The Shadows

See you tomorrow. Cambridge, right?

Ah, the East Anglian franchise.

I thought we sold the East Anglian franchise,

several times over in fact.

We did. But that was nine months ago.

The mugs who got their fingers burnt then

ain't gonna turn up to a seminar on business success, are they?

They'll be too ashamed.

So, we'll follow on as soon as Scripps comes in with his .

And gets his franchise "contract".


Right, sir, to the station, then, is it? No problem.

- Had a good day? - You could say that.

Anything look familiar?


If it helps...

I believe you're telling the truth.

Thanks. It does.

PHIL: Over here!


Down there.

Looks like a blow to the head. It's definitely Walker.

Identification plus Phil recognises him from the photos.

All right. CID have been informed

but it'll take them a while to get here.

- How's our man? - Pretty shaken up, Sarge.

- Did he recognise the body? - He says not.

- But you don't believe him? - Well, not now.

- Why not? - See what's in the hand.

Piece of cloth?

Looks like the pocket from his jacket to me.

Well, it certainly puts our friend at the scene.


What have I done?

I'm arresting you on suspicion of the m*rder of Kenneth Walker.

You are not obliged to say anything unless you wish to do so,

but what you say may be put into writing and given in evidence.

Do you understand?

Crane, let's get him back to the station.

Bellamy, you'd better wait here until CID arrive.

Here you are.

Get that down you.

What am I?

- The world's biggest chump! - Oh, don't be too hard on yourself.

It sounds as if this poly-whatsit thing was quite convincing.

Well, it was. Well, it'd have to be for me to fall for it.

But a couple of con men! Just my luck!

I doubt you're their only victim.

It sounds as if plenty of folk fell for the same routine.

What are you going to do now, then?

Go ahead with it.


I am fed up of being taken for a ride.

They're going to learn that no-one messes around with Vernon Scripps.

You'll need a solicitor.

I've spoken to a local firm. They're sending someone over.

What happens now?

Now we pull out all the stops to find your friend Mrs Walker...

hope that she can shed some light on this whole mess.



DENNIS: It certainly looks that way.

So I'd appreciate your cooperation in helping us find Mrs Walker,

starting with everything you can tell me about her.

Well, there's not much.

She presented with bruises

and it was clear to me they'd been inflicted by somebody else.

But she was reluctant to talk about it.

I asked her to come in this morning.

When she didn't show, I was worried, and called to the house.

So she seemed troubled?

Yes, but... I never thought she would try to...

Do you really think they k*lled her husband?

All I know is we'd better find her.

Maybe I should come with you. She might be more willing to talk to me.

Thank you.


Ashfordly Police.

Oh, hello, Vernon.

What do you mean, con men?

We're up to our eyes in a m*rder enquiry here, Vernon.

OK, OK. Well, let me make a note of it.

That's all I can do for the time being.

We're on our own.

Stupid of me thinking the local plods'd do anything to help.

Well, you'd better come up with a plan or they'll be gone.

We'd better get our thinking caps on.

♪ Gonna find her

♪ I'm gonna find her

♪ I'm gonna find her, yeah

♪ Now searchin'

Mrs Walker?

♪ Searchin' every way


♪ Oh, yay

♪ Oh, Lord, now searchin'

♪ Yeah, searchin'

♪ Searchin' every way

♪ Which way, oh, yay

♪ I'm like that Northwest Mountie

♪ You know I'll bring her in someday

♪ We're gonna find her ♪


This is my assistant, David.

An auspicious day, eh? Start of a new venture.

Er... Yeah, right.

Oh... Are we going to have something to drink, Mr Vernon?

What an excellent idea, David.

A little something to celebrate our new partnership.

You order it, whatever you fancy, and put it on our account.

Me and Harry will go and get your contract.


Sorry, Steve, there was nothing more I could do.

Er... I'll get back to the station.

Er... But if you could let Merton know.

Over and out.

♪ We gotta get out of this place

♪ If it's the last thing we ever do

♪ We gotta get out of this place

♪ Girl, there's a better life for me and you


♪ Somewhere, baby

♪ Somehow, I know it, baby

♪ We gotta get out of this place

♪ If it's the last thing we ever do

♪ We gotta get out of this place ♪

Alf just radioed in, Sarge.

Mrs Walker did head home, but she saw him and ran off.

She jumped on a bus before he could catch her.

Oh, no.

Maybe Alf should be pensioned off.

But it was a number five bus, the same one our amnesiac arrived on,

heading out to... - Windridge Moor.

You don't think she's gonna try and join her husband?

It's not entirely out of the question.

Contact Bellamy. Tell him to take cover, and that we're on our way.

Wait here till Ventress gets back, then come up there and join us.

But stay out of sight. We don't want to scare her off again.


MUSIC: 'Anyway That You Want Me' by The Troggs

♪ If it's love that you want

♪ Baby, you've got it

♪ From the depth of my soul

It's her.

♪ Baby, you've got it

♪ But I've been watching you

Oh, damn.

♪ Girl, there's no need to explain

♪ Anyway that you want me


♪ Anyway that you'll make me be... ♪

- DENNIS: Please, Mrs Walker. - Please, wait, Mrs Walker.

- Now just stay calm. - Leave me alone!

DENNIS: Please, Mrs Walker, we don't want to harm you.

- Go away. - LIZ: It's all right.

Everything's going to be fine.

I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to talk. I...

I felt there were things you wanted to tell me.

- You can tell me now. - It doesn't matter now.

All that matters is that... two men are dead and it's all my fault.

Who's dead, Mrs Walker?

My husband...

and my brother.

DENNIS: We know about your husband.

But why do you think your brother is dead, too?

They're both dead.

There was an argument. It... It all got out of control.

What was the argument about, Mrs Walker?

Was it about the affair you were been having?

Affair?! What affair?

I'm happily...

was happily married.

DENNIS: Mrs Walker, tell us what happened.

He followed us up here. They were arguing.

Keep out of my business!

Martin, my brother, was sticking up for me, like he always did.

But there was no reasoning with Ken.

He went for Martin and they struggled and...


...until they went over the edge.



The two most important people in my life, dead.

Your brother, Mrs Walker,

did you meet him in the Aidensfield Arms?

Your brother's not dead, Mrs Walker.

He sustained a nasty head injury and he's suffering from amnesia,

but he's very much alive.

Alive? But...

But where is he? Where's he been?

He's at the station, Mrs Walker.

He's been with us all day, trying to piece his life together.

And now you can help him.

MUSIC: 'Release Me' by Engelbert Humperdinck

♪ Please release me

♪ Let me go... ♪

Ah, Mr Scripps. Yes. I've got your contract!

Throw the book at them, Alf!

Oh, yes. Steve told me you'd called.

Come on! Mr Scripps!

I presume there's a logical explanation for this.

Well, of course.

VINCE: You can have your money back if you want.

He'd been working so hard.

All his life.

He was a wonderful salesman.

But things develop so fast these days.

Younger men were joining the firm.

Ken was falling behind.

He just didn't understand the new technology.

Then he started drinking.

And he got violent?

Martin found out. He wanted me to leave Ken.

I couldn't do it, but it helped to talk about it.

He discovered that I'd been meeting my brother.

What happened?

He told me I had to stop.

He was afraid that Martin would persuade me to leave him.

He discovered we'd been meeting at the pub

so we'd taken to walking on the moors.

But he found out about that as well.

And then...


Why didn't you call us after the accident?

I wasn't thinking straight.

All I could think about was just being with my husband and brother.

And now?

Well, now I know I still have my brother.

And he needs me.

We'll help each other through this.



Liz told me you'd had a tough afternoon.

Yeah, I'd much rather have spent it with you.

So, do you think either of them will be charged?

That's hard to say.

I've written a report for the Coroner,

told him I think it's a case of accidental death.

It doesn't matter that Mrs Walker didn't report the accident?

As far as she's concerned, that's exactly what it was. An accident.

It's not as if she failed to report a m*rder.

Poor woman.

Let's just hope that Martin Everett recovers.

Then at least she's still got her brother.

That's amazing, Vernon. A whole g*ng of con men by yourself?

Well, with a bit of help from my trusty comrades here.

- So what tipped you off then? - Entrepreneurial experience, Oscar.

The real entrepreneur has to have a product that's going to sell.

And quite frankly, plastic that clings, I don't think so!

And that name! Supremo-wrap!

Not very inspiring is it?

What's it supposed to do then, this plastic?

It's this thin film that you cover stuff with and it's waterproof.

- Waterproof? - Yeah, it...

- It clings to surfaces. - That's right, isn't it?


Well, there you are then. Cling Film!

That's a better name, isn't it?


Stick to the day job, Gina. Cling Film!

Who on earth is going to buy something with a name like that?!

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