14x12 - In Sickness And In Health

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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14x12 - In Sickness And In Health

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss

♪ When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪

♪ Something tells me something's gonna happen tonight

♪ I read in the papers

♪ That Gemini people will make it tonight

♪ Stars will be shining

♪ My sign is aligning with love... ♪

SIGHS: Thank goodness.

I've a flat tyre. I don't seem to have a jack.

Oh, dear, I don't know if can help. My husband usually...

SHE TURNS OFF ENGINE Let me have a look.

♪ Little by little, by little

- ♪ By little, by little... - I think it's somewhere in here.

- ♪ Little by little, by little - Oh, yeah, here it is.

SHE YELPS Shut up and you won't get hurt.

♪ You're messing up my life

♪ Tearing me apart

♪ Breaking up my world

♪ And I'm giving up my heart

♪ Little by little, by little

♪ By little

♪ I'm losing all my pride...

No, please. Please don't take me.

I don't want to go.

I don't want to go!



She's been given tranquillisers.

Then why's she still so distressed?

Side effect of the dr*gs, I'm afraid.

Must be something you can give her to calm her down properly?

Long term, yes.

If she is suffering from some form of mania,

lithium will eventually help control her mood swings.

Then why not give her that?

Mental conditions like this are very hard to identify precisely.

Like I said, now we've stabilised her

we need to think about getting her some form of specialist treatment.

It'll take time. The hospital's miles away.

You know she doesn't want to go?

I know.

Perhaps if you'd come back in the morning, try talk her round.

♪ I'm losing all my pride

♪ It's really getting bad

♪ Hurting deep inside

♪ Is a-making me go mad

♪ Ooh

♪ Little by little, by little

♪ By little

♪ Little by little

♪ Bit by bit

♪ I'm going crazy and you're causing it

♪ Little by little

- ♪ Bit by bit... - Anybody out there?

♪ I should stop caring but my love won't quit...


♪ Little by little, by little

♪ By little, by little, yeah. ♪

Things just got on top of her, Oscar. It could happen to any of us.

I think there's a bit more to it than that, Gina.

So you're with Dr Trent, are you? You'd like to see her put away?

Of course not. Don't be silly.

Come on. There's a wedding to think about as well.

Oh, yeah? Chin up. Teeth and smiles, teeth and smiles.


Sorry I'm late. Stopped to check a car on the moor.

Left with its boot wide open. Nobody seemed to be around.

Probably a courting couple with other things on their mind.

I suppose so. After all, love is in the air.

For some maybe.


A properly organised wedding needs a checklist, Rosie.

Here, have a look.

Can I have a Scotch and three halves, please, Gina?

Flippin' heck. You've more boxes to tick there than an MOT.

All going smoothly then, Vernon?

The secret, of course, is to leave nothing to chance.

I've just been round to the printers

to pick up the church service programmes.


No omissions, no names misspelt

and the hymn numbers in the right order.

They've followed my instructions to the letter.

My dad's offer to pay for everything was very generous, Ben.

I know, I know, it's very good of him.

I just wish you'd warned him against trusting Vernon Scripps.

He only had two days before he had to go back to Ireland.

He had to give the responsibility of the organisation to someone.

Vernon Scripps, responsibility and organisation

do not belong in the same sentence.

He's offered his services for nothing. I can't interfere now.

The biggest day of our lives

is in the hands of the most incompetent man north of Watford.

Vernon's heart is in the right place.

Will the wedding cars be?

I'm keeping a very tight eye. Don't worry.

Come here.




Is that you again?

Say something for goodness sake!

I'm now going to tell you where to pick up your instructions.

What have you done with her?

Please...don't harm my wife.

Follow instructions, leave the police right out of this

you'll see your wee wifey again.

Promise me you won't harm her. SHE HANGS UP


Here's a list of the GPs in the whole region.

Avoid the ones with an asterisk.

One tends to hear a lot of "Delighted to help out, my dear.

"Always pleased to be of service to the fairer sex."

I recognise the syndrome.

So, that's pretty much everything.

How was Jenny yesterday?

Still refusing treatment.

Can I help?

Possibly. Dennis may need some support this morning.

AS GROUCHO MARX: Marriage is a great institution.

Then again, who wants to live in an institution?

Well, it's a funny line, yeah?

It was funny when Groucho Marx said it.

The best man is supposed to say something amusing about the groom

not just crack old jokes.

Well, I hardly know Ben.

I should never have agreed to doing this in the first place.

Folks expect a proper witty speech from the best man.

It's a highlight of the reception.

And thank you for your huge encouragement.


You reported a vehicle abandoned in suspicious circumstances, yes?

On the moors last night. It was still there this morning.

- Anything come up? - No report of it being stolen.

I'm waiting for details of the current owner.

Ah, well. Meanwhile, we have orders from HQ,

another crackdown on unpaid road tax.

So I'd like you two out there checking those disks. On you go.

How are things at the hospital, Sarge?

Not good, I'm afraid, Alf. Would you mind taking calls for me?

I won't be available for an hour or so.

- Right. - Thank you.

This is supposed to be a free country.

I can discharge myself whenever I want.

That's not quite the position, Jenny.

Mrs Jennifer Merton to you. I'm not your patient.

I don't see what this has to do with you.

What Dr Trent means is it's our duty, as doctors,

to decide on your future treatment, together.

You can't make me go to this mental asylum.

It's not an asylum, Jenny.

Dr Lawson wants you to go into the psychiatric hospital

for a short stay. - Don't try and butter me up.

You betrayed me and I will never trust you again.


you're suffering from a form of manic psychosis.

You need treatment from specialists.

Suddenly, I'm a mad woman. If you know so much about it,

why are you sending me away to other doctors, then?

Jenny, no one's saying you're a mad woman.

Before I was forcibly brought in here, I was doing a responsible job

looking after our house, feeding you,

ironing your precious police shirts, your precious uniform.

Now, how can I manage all that if I am so mad?

Jenny, love, please...

You want to send me away to a madhouse

because you want to be rid of me.

Well, I'm not going. I'm leaving whether you like it or not.

Jenny, listen to the doctors. You can't just leave.

Jenny, please...

Leave this to us.

This must be very distressing for you.

It's more distressing for Jenny

and she seems to be getting worse in here.

Maybe you should let her come home with me.

Dr Lawson can't allow that.

When Jenny's manic, she's at real risk of harming herself.

What are we going to do, then?

If she won't go voluntarily, she'll have to be sectioned.

What if I don't agree to that?

We'd prefer it if you did but, in the end, we can insist.

Surely, her family must have some say.

The decision can be made by two doctors,

without reference to relatives.

I think you should listen to professional advice, Dennis.

Speaking as a doctor or a friend?


The sooner she gets proper treatment, the better.

- Anthony! - Don't you dare lock me away!

Get off me! Get off me!

Leave me alone!

- Leave me be! - All right.

Get off me!

All right, we're just going to take you back to your room.


All right. HE SIGHS

If there's no other way...

No, no, please let me go!

SHE SOBS Oh, please!

I'm really sorry to be leaving Aidensfield at a time like this.

Don't be.

You and Ben must live your lives to the full. I wish you well.

Thanks, Dennis.

From what Dr Lawson says,

this psychiatric hospital has an excellent reputation.

I know it must seem bleak at the minute

but I am certain you are doing the best

any husband could do for his wife. It will be all right.

Thanks, Liz.

I bet, with a good scrub down,

wash away the grease and the grime, you'd be a real smasher.

I don't know about that.

There, Rosie.

Oh, thanks, Oscar.

I'd like a quiet table for two if possible.

All our tables are quiet. We don't encourage noisy customers.

No, sorry, I...

You can have a table in the snug, Mr Trent.

Thank you, Gina. It's Matthew, please.

Let's wait till I know you a bit better, eh?


Good timing, darling.

The lovely Gina's just organised us a table.

I haven't time for more than a sandwich. I'm running late.


The house that Vernon Scripps suggested is off the market.

One or two worth looking at though.

Oh, this one's lovely.



Started first time. There's petrol in the t*nk.

There's nothing to indicate that it's broken down. Over.

VENTRESS: "Rob, I've just heard back from Records."

The car's registered owner is a Mrs Angela Price,

Beechwood Drive, Ashfordly. Over.

"Not known to us, is she? Over."

No. Beechwood Drive's very smart.

No ne'er-do-wells live round there.


♪ I'm looking for a girl

♪ Who has no face

♪ She has no name

♪ Or number

♪ And so I search

♪ Within this lonely place

♪ Knowing

♪ That I

♪ Won't find her

♪ But I can't stop this feeling

♪ Deep inside of me

♪ Ruling my mind

♪ I feel no sound

♪ Don't know where I'm bound...

I understand they're sending her to a psychiatric hospital.

- A loony bin? - A mental hospital, Phil.

Poor old Merton.

Oh, hi, Sarge.

We was just taking a break.

I've checked the town centre.


Walker's covering the villages.

Actually, there's something I want to tell you.

I've requested leave for domestic reasons...starting tomorrow.

And Division have agreed that as longest-serving officer, Bellamy,

you will be acting sergeant.

Oh, really?

Oh... right.

I don't know when I'll be back.

I have to consider what's best for Jenny.

♪ She has no name

♪ Or number. ♪

Yeah, it looks great, this. Just the job.

Yes, well, it wasn't the cheapest quote,

but you get what you pay for in life, David.

You didn't pay for it. Dr Merrick's dad did.

I am responsible for the budget, David.

Morning, Vernon, David.

Marquee looks good. What happens if it rains though?

Fully waterproof and the side flaps go up in a gnats under two minutes.

You thought of that, then?

When I undertake a task, Ben, I think of everything.

Now just stop fretting.

It's not me. I trust you implicitly. It's Liz. She's a bit concerned.

You know what brides are like about their special day.

Tell her not to worry her pretty little head.

Caterers meeting next, David.

All looking good here, Ben.

Yeah, so far.

Listen, I know you've got a lot on your plate

what with the wedding and everything,

but could you take a drive up to the Top Farm for me?

It's vacant. Jake Armitage gave up the tenancy about a week ago.

I know. I've just done a short sublet for some tourists.

Oh. I didn't realise.

I'm sorry. Must have slipped my mind.

If you just make sure everything's in order up there.


Good morning, Gordon.

I understood this was a personal visit.

Aye, don't mind the uniform, it is.

Oh, right.


It's, er,

very personal, in fact.

I'm afraid my wife has what seems to be a long-term illness.

I'm...very sorry to hear that.

Naturally, there are certain financial matters arising from this

that...I need to discuss with you.



Good to see you both. How's everything going with the wedding?

Absolutely fine, Gerry. Er, David, suitcase.

The tent's up. It's got side flaps you can close up in case it rains.

Lord be to God, what will they think of next?

Mr Vernon always says you should be prepared for every advent...


Eventuality? Indeed, you do. That's a fact.

So sorry I'm late, Dad.

Not at all. Vernon's arranged a taxi for me and everything.

Thank you, Vernon.

You're doing a first-rate job all round by the sound of it.

Ben had a word with me earlier.

Did he? Don't mind him, Vernon.

He's just anxious that everything runs smoothly on the big day.

I know you'll do a grand job, myself.

I have no worries on that score.

Nor should you have.

I'll grant an increased overdraft facility.

I'll organise an arrangement

with the branch near where your wife will be treated.

Thank you, Gordon. I appreciate it.

Yes, our wives are very important to us, aren't they?

How's Angela?

Oh, fine, fine.

Up to her eyes with this weekend's WI fete.

Well, thanks again, Gordon.

Find out what he wants.

- Hello? Can I help you? - Hi. I'm from the estate.

Just a quick call, check everything's OK.

Oh, it's fine. Lovely spot up here.

My boss asked me to look in on you.

I can assure you we're treating the place well.

No breakages or anything like that.

No, I'm sure.

My husband's out walking,

but you're welcome to come in and inspect the place.

No, that won't be necessary.

Perhaps you'd care for a cup of tea?


Well, actually, I'd better get on. I'm getting married tomorrow.


She's a lucky wee girl, whoever she is.

I'd better get back. Enjoy your stay.

I don't think he knew anything.

You'd better pray he doesn't.

Then I ask you to take your vows as man and wife.

"Do you blah, blah, etc."

Then the best man passes the ring...

Do you...have a ring?

Oh, I'm not the actual best man. That's Constable Walker.

He can't be here, because he's...

a constable, so I'm like the...second best man.

Er, David, the vicar knows all that. I gave you a stand-in ring.

Oh, right, so y-you want the thingy now?

It's all right. We can pretend.

No, we can't pretend. Let's rehearse this properly.

There we go. It's not, it's not a ring as such,

it's more a washer from the garage.

David, it's a ring!

For these purposes, it's a ring. Now, can we please get on?

It is a bit greasy. Maybe we'll just pretend as Liz says.


Then I pronounce you man and wife, blah-de-blah,

the organ plays da-de-da, and you walk back down the aisle together.

Blah-de-blah? Da-de-da? How am I supposed to take timings from that?



MR PRICE: Yes, what is it? Can I help you?

I'm PC Walker. I'm looking for Mrs Price, your wife presumably.

- Is she in? - Erm, no, not at the moment.

- What's this all about? - Could we discuss this inside?


Yes, that's her key.

Have you any idea why she would leave the car like that?

HE SCOFFS Angela's a bit scatty sometimes,

forgets where she's parked, leaves it for days.

But why park there in the first place? It's miles from anywhere.

Well, she likes going for walks. Probably met a friend on the moors,

came back in her car, forgot her own. She's like that.

Still, I'd like to talk to her myself.

She's not breaking any law leaving it on the moors, is she?

Where is she, sir?

Visiting a friend in York.

I don't know the number. She's away for the weekend.

Well, I'll keep hold of the keys for now.

If she contacts you,

ask her to phone me at Aidensfield Police Station.

She can come and collect them.

Now, listen, Vicar, you're going to have a full house for once

so don't go milking it and letting the service overrun.

The real difficulty is the distance.

The specialist hospital is miles away.

Have you thought about transferring?

No sergeant posts are currently available.

If I do transfer, I'd have to accept a demotion.

It's a tough prospect, once you've had stripes.

I know. But if Jenny were put under section, she'd need my support.

Dr Trent? I was just coming to see you.

Liz phoned from the hospital. We need to get over there now.

Liz asked me to delay the sectioning

until she talked to your wife once more.

We all felt that sectioning should be a last resort.

I thought it was worth one more try to persuade her to go voluntarily.

- And? - She wants to talk to you.

We're close by if you need us.

How you feeling?

Sorry about the row earlier.

Liz said you wanted to... talk to me.

And I so want to talk to you.

Jenny, my love.

You know I love you, don't you?

I so love you.

I'm frightened, Dennis.

Really... scared about what's happening.

If I do as they say...

..will this treatment make me better?

They say it will, but...

..it would be so much better if you agreed to go yourself.

I'm terrified about what's happening inside me.

It's like...

..all the wires are crossed.

All right.

I'll go.

But why is this happening to me?

Oh, my darling.

It's the pits, darling. The back of beyond. Absolute pits.

Tonight? I've got some dreadful blokey stag do at the local boozer.


Anyway, how about that nice little bar, King's Road, Tuesday night?

That's the one.

Oh, sorry, old girl, I've got to go.

Hello, darling.

Just a quick call to the... estate agents.

- One whisky. - Thank you, Oscar.

Right, this should steady the nerves.

No need to be nervous. Marriage makes a man.

How would you know? You've never been married.

It's a saying, David.

One that explains quite a lot in your case.

You're right, Billy.

What I meant was, marriage can teach a man many things.

Yes. You learn how to be the man of the house, wear the trousers

and tell the wife what's what.

You also learn to duck when she tells you back.


♪ Well, let me tell you 'bout a girl I know... ♪

My idea of heaven, a room full of ladies...

..and vintage champagne.

This is wonderfully generous of you, Matthew.

- Ta. - And Rosie.

Oh, I've never had proper champagne before.

Then let me introduce you to its pleasures.

You look wonderful. I'm used to you in those nasty overalls.

Give over.

I'm, er, not being funny but isn't a hen party meant to be just for hens?

That's right, you'd better be getting along, darling.

The chaps'll be wondering where you've got to.

Hint taken. Sadly, ladies, I must leave you.

Erm...enjoy the champers.

- Bye, darling. - Bye.

- Bye. - Thank you.


I know Jenny means a lot to you.

We're just trying to do our best for her.

Well, let's hope so, eh?

- Cheers, girls. - Cheers!

We'll see how she settles in, but I'm a bit more optimistic now.

Oh, that's good news.

Will this affect your decision to transfer?

I haven't had time to take it in yet.

I would like to stay.

Ah! Here he comes!


To the groom! Enjoy your last night of freedom, Ben.

If I know my own daughter, even out in exotic Africa,

you won't be able to stray far.

It wouldn't even cross my mind.

I had a tempting offer this afternoon. Just walked away.

Oh, did you indeed? Who's been giving you the eye, then?

That holiday tenant out on Top Farm.

Countrywoman of yours, Dennis, by the sound of her voice.

From Glasgow, was she?

SCOTTISH ACCENT: My husband's away.

Will ye no step in for a wee cup of tea?


Must be Edinburgh. Glasgow, we drink our tea out of the saucer.

We've been watching you, Gordon. We saw the police come round.

They found Angela's car.

I didn't tell them anything, I swear I didn't!

"I do hope not, Gordon."


ALL: ♪ I'm getting married in the morning

♪ Ding dong the bells are gonna chime

♪ Pull out the stopper

♪ Let's have a whopper

♪ But get me to the church on time. ♪

Drink, Sarge?

I'd like to, but it's been a long day. I'm away home.

Ben'll understand. Oh, there was one more thing, Sarge.

You know Gordon Price, the bank manager, don't you?

Aye, I saw him today actually. Why?

That abandoned car's his wife's.

He made light of it. Said she's scatty and does it all the time.

Did you speak to her?

No, she's gone away, he said. To York.

Oscar. ♪ ..the bells are gonna chime!

♪ Pull out the... ♪

They're her friends. I don't know the number, I'm afraid.

Gordon, you told me that Angela was busy with the WI fete this weekend.

I didn't want this getting around.


She's been having an affair. She's left me.

So she's just walked off across the moors

leaving her car with the key in the ignition?

She must have met her lover there. Went off in his car.

I know I...should have said all this to your constable.

It's honestly not a police matter.

♪ He's no ruddy use to anyone

♪ He's no ruddy use at all... ♪

You're confident all will go smoothly tomorrow, then?


SLURS: Because of meticulous planning, Gerry.

Everything's organised to the last detail.

Like the maiden voyage of the Titanic.

You know, Bernard, it's no wonder you became a funeral director.

Who is this lover?

I don't know.

You and Angela always seemed a very happy couple.

Well, appearances can be deceptive.

I find it hard to believe that Angela's run off with another man

and you've no idea who it is.

Why are you lying to me, Gordon?

Where's Angela?

If you don't tell me where she is, I'm going to have to get CID in here

and turn this place over.

She's been kidnapped.

They said...

They said they'd k*ll her if I told the police.

They mean it!

- Morning. - Morning.


Manage to get any sleep?

None at all.

I'm certain no one's watching the house.

Division'll have men on hand at the bank.

I don't care about the bank. I just want my Angela back.

Have you thought any more about those calls?

I told you, female voice, quite posh, but...muffled. That's all.

Local accent?

She was never on that long.

Anything at all? Any wee detail that might give us a clue?

Hang on.

She once said "wee wifey". I suppose she could be Scottish.


Sorry, Ben. Is Walker with you? I need to speak to him, and you.

They're expecting Gordon Price to let them into the bank in an hour.

He's convinced they'll k*ll his wife if he doesn't.

And we've no idea where they're holding her?

We have one shot in the dark.

The woman who called Price had a posh Scottish accent.

The woman you mentioned up at Top Farm?

She was Scottish. Yeah, she sounded like Miss Jean Brodie.

You know the layout inside.

Look, I know it's your wedding day,

but do you have to time to come up to the farm with me now?

Looks lovely, Liz.

It's got a mind of its own, my hair.

You have done an amazing job, given the challenge.

Give over. You look absolutely beautiful. Ben's a lucky man.


What a vision.

If you weren't my daughter and I wasn't old enough to be your father

I'd marry you myself.


Relax, fellas. They'll have gone to the pub for a bit of Dutch courage.

I've searched there. I've searched everywhere.

Nobody's seen either of them.

Lord Ashfordly said Mr Norton's Land Rover's disappeared as well.

What's happened?

How many doors into the house?

Just front and side.

There's a living room on the right between them.

She came from there when she opened the door.

I'll take the front. Walker, you go in at the side when I say, yes?

What do you want me to do?

You stay here. You're a civilian.

Besides, you're getting married today, aren't you?

Come on, answer.

Phil? Is that you?

Look, I'm sorry to bother you, but we can't find Ben or Rob anywhere.

Gina, we've got something big on. I can't talk at the moment.

Something's up.

He hung up on me.

Oh, Liz!

You look gorgeous.

Indeed, indeed, you do.

You all look a bit...

There's nothing wrong, is there?

Er...no, no, no. Everything's tickety-boo. Isn't it?

- Yes. - GINA: Yeah.


Morning. I'm a police officer.

There've been a few burglaries recently at isolated properties.

Do you mind if I pop in and look at your security arrangements?

We're only on holiday here. You need to contact the owner.

Excuse me.

If you don't mind... It's all right, Mrs Price.


- Was he alone? - I didn't see anyone else.

Oh, we're there, all right, two squad cars, some officers armed.

He's bluffing.

We're at the bank as well.

You men won't get away. Your position's hopeless.

Even if they are out there...

..I'm holding a g*n.

I've got hostages to bargain with.

If you're stupid enough to come here unarmed and alone,

it's your position that's hopeless, pal.

- Someone's out there. - Tell them to show themselves.

Walker! Stay down!

You all in position? WALKER: Yes, Sarge, we're all here.

BEN: Got the front covered as well!

They're on this side as well!

You're nicked.

Walker! Grab her.

Everything OK?

What do you think you're doing here? I told you to stay away.

Just a couple of jokers in wedding gear, you stupid Scotch cow!

Armed police! Don't move!

Is Angela all right?

We've just had the call. She's fine.

- The constable will take you home. - Thank you, Officer.

Well done, Sarge. You were brilliant.

It takes a brave man to...

Aren't you two supposed to be in church or something?


♪ Drawn by Thee

♪ Our sons aspiring...

Their car's due in precisely seconds.

I mean, I thought of everything that could go wrong.

How can you plan for the groom and best man vanishing into thin air?

Of course, they'll blame me, won't they?

Oh, yes. "Oh, yes. Vernon's blown it again."

It's so unfair, David.

♪ Word of God

♪ Our flesh that...


No, wait, Mr Vernon! They're here.

Sorry. Sorry. Is Liz here yet?

Due any second. Now, get in!

♪ I sat me down

♪ To write a simple story

♪ Which maybe

♪ In the end

♪ Became a song...

Never again, David.

Never again.

Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?

I do.

I, Ben Arthur Norton,

take thee, Elizabeth Nuala Merrick, to my wedded wife.

I, Ben Arthur Norton, take thee, Elizabeth Nuala Merrick,

to my wedded wife.

To have and to hold from this day forward.

To have and to hold from this day forward.

For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.

In sickness and in health.

You look beautiful.

♪ ..I thought to go exploring

♪ And set my foot upon

♪ The nearest road

♪ In vain I looked... ♪

Marriage often works best when husband and wife are different,

when opposites attract.

That's certainly true of Liz and Ben.

Liz is witty, sensitive,

intelligent and beautiful.

And Ben is...

Ben is...

Well, Ben.


Ladies and gentlemen, a toast to Liz and Ben Norton

and a long and happy marriage.

ALL: Liz and Ben!

Come on, you two.



Nice speech. Very funny.

Thanks. All my own work.

And put it on the cake. Ready?

Big smiles. Bigger!

That's it. And cut!


VERNON: Well done, Matthew.

Give me the film. I'll get the prints done.

Oh, righto.

You're a powerful man, Vernon. I have to give you that.

- It was nothing really. - No, no, all thanks to you.

A special day passed off flawlessly.

I envy you two going off to Kenya.

It's a wonderful country. I wish you all the best.

Thank you very much.

- We're just popping off to change. - God bless you, my girl.

I propose a drink whilst we're waiting. Come on, Vernon. Drink up.




Scripps! Scripps!

I knew this'd never go off without a hitch.

He's jinxed, is my brother.

Oh, here he comes, the hero of the hour.

They say you'll definitely get a commendation.

He was great. Cool as you like.

I just dropped in to say...

Oh, Bellamy's still in temporary charge till you hear from Division.

I'll do the best that I can till you get back, Sarge.

I'm sorry to say I won't be coming back.

As of this morning, I have resigned from the force.

You see, not so long ago I took wedding vows myself.

They meant everything to me that day and they still do now.

I know my first duty is to my wife.

But I'm proud of you all as a team.

I want to thank you for the hard work you do,

for the service you give to this community.

I'll miss this part of Yorkshire.

I'll miss you.

That's enough.

Good luck.

♪ I'll always remember you like a child, girl

♪ Baby, I love you

♪ But if you wanna leave take good care...

Do we have to go in an ambulance?


The doctors have agreed to let me take you by car.

♪ Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

♪ It's hard to get by just upon a smile

♪ Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

♪ I'll always remember you like a child, girl...

Thank you, Dennis.

♪ Oh, baby, baby it's a wild world...

Everything's going to be all right.

♪ It's hard to get by just upon a smile

♪ Oh, baby, baby it's a wild world

♪ I'll always remember you like a child, girl. ♪
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