15x08 - The Good Samaritan

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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15x08 - The Good Samaritan

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

MUSIC: 'The Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys' by Traffic

♪ If you had just a minute to breathe

♪ And they granted you one final wish

♪ Would you ask for something

♪ Like another chance

♪ Or something sim'lar as this?

♪ Don't worry too much

♪ It'll happen to you

Damn it.

♪ And the thing that disturbs you is only the sound

♪ Of the low spark of high-heeled boys ♪




- Put that back. - I've come for what's mine, Adam.

You took what weren't yours years ago.

You can't let it go, can you? Annie's dead!

She passed away last week.

Still wrecking lives?

- Did you hear what I just said, eh? - I heard you. I heard you!








Oh, come on.

Miller's going to have a fit if we've lost these duty rosters.

Well, where did you last see them?

Well, if I knew that, they wouldn't be lost now, would they?

Well, maybe the sarge put them somewhere.

Well, we can't ask him, he's away all week.

I don't know who's worse. PHONE RINGS

Ashfordly Police Station.


Right, OK.

Thanks for that. Bye. HANGS UP

There's been a robbery at Lee Farm at Marston Ground.

Mr Lee's been found unconscious with head injuries.

Right. Come on, Geoff. Come on, Rob.

Alf, don't be losing any more files.

This is it, boys.

Come with me.

Is she going to... die?

HELEN: I can't say, Mr Boaden.

This sort of heart condition can lead to death.

Or it may heal itself. I'm sorry.

Is there nothing that can be done?

They are developing mechanical heart valves in the United States,

and carrying out surgery there.

But there are no operations available in Britain yet.

There must be someone somewhere who could do something.

We can't just leave her to... die like this.

That might not happen, Mr Boaden.

I can't live with "might."

We don't deserve this.

No sign of forced entry.

He was unconscious the whole time,

so the postman didn't get anything out of him.

He said that Mr Lee's car's gone, though, and it's normally here.

- Right. What kind? - A Ford Prefect.

- He doesn't know the number. - Get the details off his insurance.

Rob, do you know him?

No, not really. He keeps himself to himself, mostly.

Well, he's not a wealthy man, that's for sure.

Yeah, you'd think, but look at these.

Where did you find these?

A couple of tens under the table and a couple by the dresser. £.

That's a lot of money to have lying around.

Geoff, I want you to stay here,

see if you can find out anything unusual about Mr Lee.

Rob, you come with me.

We'll go to the hospital to see him when he wakes up.

But there's a definite presence...

The usual, please. David's paying.

- Am I? - Well, someone's got to.

And I'm having a little local difficulty.

Well, go on, get your money out.

STEPHEN: Well, you won't catch me believing that.

Ghosts are figments of the imagination.

And you've always had that. - JAMES: I know what I felt.

It was heavy and oppressive and I didn't like it.

OK, OK. I accept you felt an atmosphere in our lodge.

Well, that's one thing.

But going from that to saying that ghosts exist...

well, that's a big leap. I think you ate too much cheese!

- What are you doing? - Shh! I'm all ears.

So, what? You felt a sense of someone?

- Of something other. Yes. - Tosh!

Landlord, another couple of pints over here, please.

Yeah, right. Coming up. Gina, two pints.

Where are they staying?

They've hired the old Wharton Place.

They're up here on a walking and fishing holiday. Why?

Just curious.

You just keep your nose out of their business.

They're valuable customers. That's how I'd like them to remain.

Do you understand me?


Mr Lee, this is PC Walker and I'm Acting Sergeant Bellamy.

I can see that.

- How are you? - I've been better.

Well, can you tell us what happened to you, Mr Lee?

It's my business.

Well, I'm afraid we need to know. We think a crime has been committed.

Is that right?

If you were robbed, then other people in the area might be at risk,

and we don't want that happening to them.

So, can you tell us what happened?

My brother att*cked me.

- Your brother? - Joe.

I heard a noise, came downstairs and found him in the kitchen.

- Does Joe live with you? - I haven't seen Joe for year.

Didn't want to see him, neither.

Well, what did you fight about?

The past. Things done.

Now it was the postman who found you. He says your car's gone.

- Should it have been there? - Joe's taken it.

You say he robbed you, yet we found £ on the kitchen floor.

That's a lot of money. Why did he leave it?


How do I know? I were unconscious at the time.

All right. Where does Joe live, Mr Lee?

Joe lives in Whitby.

"We look upon her picture.

Sweet memories we recall of a face so full of sunshine

and a smile for one and all."


I don't know why you like reading them. It's so morbid.

It's my business, Rosemary, and it's not morbid.

These in memoriam notices tell you so much about people.


Well, folk find it difficult to say what they feel.

But what they put in these notices tells you more about them

than it does about the departed. - Hmm.

- Hello, Bernie. - Oh, hello, John.

What can we do for you?

Do you know anyone looking for a van?

- I'm thinking of selling this one. - Oh, business must be brisk!

Are you going for a big shiny new one?

No. It's, erm... It's Amy.

We've had some bad news, Bernie, it's knocked us for six.

She's got a heart problem.

- Oh, no. - Yes, it's very serious.

Alice and I have talked about it and we're going to raise money

to get her to America for an operation.

It'll cost hundreds, but the van's a start.

I'm so sorry to hear that.

Of course I'll ask around for you.

If there's anything else we can do, you know, just ask.

Thanks, Bernie.

Geoff, how did you get on?

Well, we've put a call out on the car,

but nothing yet, Sergeant.

Good. Good.

Alf, what do you know about the Lee family?

Oh, as hard as nails.

Fought with anyone, as soon as look at them.

Adam Lee, he went to prison for assaulting a bank manager,

but it was a long time ago.

Joseph, he was the drinker, gambler. Bit of a ladies' man.

Right. Well, if you remember anything else, you tell me.

Oh, I remember there was bad blood between them.

I'll ask Mrs Ventress.

Alf, have you got an address for our Joseph Lee?

Right here.

Right. Thank you.

Right, better radio Rob. He's on his way to Whitby. Thank you.

♪ Like a hurricane around your heart

♪ When earth and sky are torn apart

♪ He comes gathering up the bits

♪ While hoping that the puzzle fits

♪ He leaves you

♪ He leaves you

♪ Freedom rider

♪ Here it comes ♪

There's lots of blood inside. Smeared all over the place.

Look at this.

Blood on the handle.

It suggests that he was bleeding before he got in.

Yeah. He must have taken a right whack.

Then there's these.


And then there were the notes in the kitchen.


Right. Well, scenes of crime are on their way.

So, why don't you go to Whitby and see if Joe made it home?

Will do.

Amy's sleeping in here. In our bedroom.

You'll need to keep it warm in here.

John says he's going to make some shutters, and that'll help.

I'll get the district nurse to come and visit you.

She might be able to help with blankets and anything else you need.

I'm concerned that you're able to cope with what's happening to Amy.

I can cope. It's John I'm worried about.

He's a good man, but if things go wrong for him

he worries himself to...

He's a worrier.

But he has a strong faith, and that's helped him.

All we wanted was a baby.

We tried for so long.



I hope you find him first.

- Who's that? - Joe.

You're not the first to come looking for him since Annie died.

- And you are? - Bert King.

- Who's Annie? - His wife.

God bless her, and I hope he does.

Cancer, poor girl.

I don't know how she put up with his gambling.

And who's been looking for him?

People he owes money to, that's what they say.

- Do they say where he's gone? - No.

No, they don't.

But if he'd any sense, he'd be long gone from here.

Right. Thanks. Toodle-oo.

- Have they got an a la carte? - Oh, course they have.

Fine lobsters there.

- Excuse me. - Mm?

Are you staying at the Wharton Place?

- Yes, we are. - Oh, better you than me.

The place is haunted. STEPHEN LAUGHS

Oh, there's people stayed before in Wharton Lodge

and found themselves haunted.

They had to ask me to get rid of it,

cos I'm a bit of an expert in the field, you see,

even though I say it myself.

I've felt something.

Yeah, a lumpy bed, and you ate too much cheese.

Now, it don't do to laugh.

No. There was a terrible disaster there once in ,

the Wharton Embankment Crash.

And it were all blamed on one man,

the wheel tapper.

See, he were meant to check the wheels that night,

but he didn't do his job right and a wheel split.

And the train fell off the tracks and turned over.

people died.

And they say now that that wheel tapper

taps his way round trying to do his job too late.

And all around is the terrible stench of death.


What did you feel?

- I felt a heavy... - BOTH: Atmosphere.

Well, as interesting as this old wives' tail is,

oh, not that you're an old wife, of course,

but we do have a dinner reservation, so if you'll excuse us.

Well, don't say I didn't tell you.

And if you need any help, I'll be here.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

Come on, lad, I need a lift.

The garage says there wasn't anything wrong with the car.

He must have just lost control. No mechanical failure or anything.

- And no sign of Joe? - Well, he didn't go to Whitby.

And it looks like he was owing people money.

A neighbour said his wife died recently, as well.

This money in the car. What do you think?

Since he was owing, why leave it?

Likewise, why leave the money in the house?

What do you think they fought about?

I think we're going to have to ask Mr Lee.

MUSIC: 'Try Me' by The Tremeloes

♪ It's good to see the light

♪ I know you've been taking me for a ride


♪ And if you don't think I'm wise

♪ Why don't you try me?

♪ I'm telling you, baby

♪ I'm on my way back on

♪ Yes, I'm on my way back home

♪ Oh

♪ All right, yeah

♪ Oh ♪


Ooh! Ooh!




- John? - What?

What are you doing?

I've made a start on them shutters.

Will you be working late?

A bit longer.

What is it?

Oh, it's just seeing Amy lying there sleeping.

I can't believe this is happening to us.

Oh, come on, love.

All we can do is pray.

And what good will that do us?

We're going to be all right.

ADAM: I've answered your questions and I want to go home.

ROB: You haven't told us the whole truth, though, Mr Lee.

We want you to start doing that now.

It might help us find your brother.

I don't want him found. I want what's mine.

- What is yours? - He stole £,.

That's a lot of money to keep in the house.

- Where do you keep it? - In my cupboard.

- All right, if Joe had the money... - There is no "if".

Did you hurt him, Mr Lee?

I told you, he att*cked me, stole what's mine.

Now, are we finished?

We still need a statement from you, Mr Lee. You have more to tell us.





Ugh! What's that smell?

Good grief! I'll open a window. Hang on.


- Stephen? - Ugh, what?

Listen. What's that?


Something loose somewhere. You check upstairs. I'll go in here.











So, what have we got?

We've got an as*ault, a robbery, a crashed car,

a missing brother who didn't return home to Whitby.

And then there's the money in Adam Lee's house and the car.

And he's not wealthy.

And he's not speaking.

Alf, you said that the Lees were fighters.

Did Mrs V remember anything?

Well, she said there was trouble between them over a woman,

but a long time ago.

All right. Adam Lee's house... is here. Yeah?


And the car crashes here. So, where's he going to go?

The moors.

No. The station.


Well, it's only a couple of miles away.

OK, I'll retrace his journey. There must be some sign of him somewhere.


It's stopped raining.

It'll be nice for a landscape expedition.

If you like that sort of thing.

Go on, Oscar, what do you say?

Well, I'm not sure I want paintings all over the pub.

It'll be an attraction.

When we have the art exhibition, the paintings will be by local artists,

so you'll be helping the community.

And any money from sales, we can give half...

- At least half. - To the Boadens.

It's all in a good cause.

What kind-hearted landlord could refuse a deal like that, eh?

Oh, well. Go on, then.

- I'll give it a whirl. - Yes!

Thanks, Oscar. We'll see you later.


MUSIC: 'Turn Turn Turn' by The Seekers

♪ To everything turn, turn, turn

♪ There is a season turn, turn, turn

♪ And a time for every purpose under heaven

♪ A time to be born, a time to die

♪ A time to plant, a time to reap

♪ A time to k*ll, a time to heal

♪ A time to laugh... ♪

So, who are we going to get to go in for this exhibition

for the Boadens, then?

Well, there's Joanna Simpson.

She can bring a selection of her watercolours.

There's the Belton family. They're all very keen.

I think everyone will want to contribute.

- And there's you. - I'm not ready for that.

You've been ready for a long time.

I know!

It's lovely here.

"I will make a palace, fit for you and me,

of green days in forests and blue days at sea."

That's beautiful. Who said that?

Robert Louis Stevenson.

Of course, there's no sea for miles.

Well, you can pretend to be prosaic, Gina,

but you don't fool anyone.

- Oh, do I have to? - Yes, you do.

You always liked dressing up as a lad.

- Did I? - You did.

Now, this is a service I'm doing for them men up at Wharton Place.

They fancy a ghost night and that's what you're going to be, a ghost.

Well, are you sure this is what they had in mind?

Very sure.

Now then... look ghostly.



Here, come on.


Oh, no!


You're good for me.

And you're very special.

You know, once I ran away when you tried to kiss me?

Well, I won't run away now.



PHIL: What about this cut on his head?

We won't know until the postmortem.

But for now, it's a suspicious death.

Thank you, Doctor.

Any sign of the money?

No, nothing. Except these were in his pockets.

An engagement ring and a letter addressed to Adam Lee.

- From his brother? - I haven't opened it. No-one has.

It was posted years ago.


Mr Scripps?

Mr Lee.

Can I help you?


It's a wheel tapper.

Good, isn't it?

I didn't like any of it, so I'm bedding down in here again tonight.


At least it doesn't smell so bad downstairs.

Oh, suit yourself.

In the meantime, I've got word to the owner,

and much against his will, he says he'll come over tomorrow

and check out the plumbing.

Typical here, of course. Always tomorrow.

You know what to do now?

What are you doing?

I'm preparing your stage.

- Is this right, what we're doing? - It's right.

Ah. Oh, now what?

Oh, hang on.


- Are you OK? - I'm fine.

Ha! Let's find the fuse box.


- What's that? - The chair.

Excuse me.


It's what I heard last night.


It's coming from there.


Oh, James!


- Hello, Mr Boaden. - Doctor Trent.

- Can I have a word? - Yes, of course.

You know people have been saying they'll raise money to help us?

Well, we've got some savings, and with that added together

we've decided we're going to go for that operation you talked about.

- You mean go to America? - Yes.

So can you start helping us make arrangements?

Well, to be honest, I'm not really sure what the protocol is.

- Are you sure? - As sure as we'll ever be.

There must be someone you can call.


Yes, of course.

I'll start with the consultant in Ashfordly.

And there are people I know in London who I'm sure could help.

Thank you, Doctor.

We're trying to make sense of your story, Mr Lee.

You say that you were robbed by your brother.

That's what happened.

And that he took your car.

And then we find him dead on the moor.

I'd like you to think very carefully

before you answer this next question.

- Did you put him there? - No.

- Just tell the truth, Mr Lee. - That's what I am doing.

You don't seem very upset about your brother.

I'm not.

Right. Well, shall I tell you what I think happened?

I think that Joe turned up to the house,

and you indeed did have a falling out.

I think that you fought. He may have hit you first, I don't know.

But he was badly hurt.

So, you wanted him out of the house.

You dragged him out,

and you took him to the car... - That's not true.

You took him to your car and he died.

So, you dumped the body,

took him to the trees and you manufactured that crash.

And this £, is just a story, isn't it?

It's not. And I want it back.

It was natural causes. He had a heart condition.

The car crash might have triggered it.

- And what about his clothes? - Over there.

You can't take them out of the bags, though.

We've still got Mr Lee down at the station.

Phil thinks it was him that moved the body.

- He'd have had great difficulty. - Why's that?

He came to see me a few weeks ago with an injured shoulder.

He can't carry anything.

Sorry. What is that?

I don't know.



PHIL: We found these on your brother.

- You've opened it. - Yes, I have.

Do you know what's in it?

How could I? I never opened it.

It's addressed to you.

It's from a woman called Annie.

- It says, "Dear Adam..." - I don't want to hear it.

It explains a lot, you know?

How she left you for your brother nearly years ago.

Please. It's a private matter.

Well, the problem is, it makes for a perfectly good motive for m*rder.

You've admitted yourself that you hated your brother.

But I didn't k*ll him!

If you tell us what happened, Mr Lee, maybe we'll understand.

It seems you and Annie were engaged.

You weren't a very good catch.

But she loved you.

Then you went to prison,

and when you came out, she was with your brother.

Now, that... that has to hurt even after all these years.


Phil, can I have a word?

Well, it may be of no significance.

Joseph Lee died of natural causes, but there's something else.

Adam Lee couldn't have lifted the body.

- Well, how do you know? - Helen told me.

He'd damaged his shoulder a couple of weeks back.

He can't lift a thing. He's getting treatment for it.

So, you're telling me we've got the wrong man?

Phil, I think you'd better hear what Bernie's got to say.

It may be something and nothing.

But I was only saying to Rosie the other day,

they tell you more about the people that put them in

than they do about the departed.

- What do, Bernie? - In memoriam notices.

Thank you, Mr Blaketon.

Have you had a visit? From the dead?

There's been an atmosphere and things have happened.

Well, I told you. I did warn you.

You also said that you helped the people in the house before.

I did.

So, we were wondering if you could help us.

You said you could if it came to that.

Oh, I don't know. No, it's not a good place to go back to willingly,

especially when I've challenged them before.

You see, I'd have to steel myself and prepare.

And even then...

No, I couldn't do it. I'm sorry.

- We'll pay. - It'll be professional rates, mind.

I am a professional.

- £. - Ten.

- Six. - Eight.

- Six guineas. - Done.

Mr Lee,

you asked Mr Scripps to place that in the paper for you.

"My heart will always belong to you."

ROB: Just tell us something, Mr Lee.

Help us understand.

Mr Lee?

Annie. Annie.

Her father was the bank manager.

He wanted the best for her.

She could have gone to university.

I was just a farm labourer.


Joe, as you know, was my older brother.

He always took everything from me. He was a bully and a thief.

Well, I'd asked Annie to marry me and she'd said yes.

But her father... he forbade it.

He kept threatening all kinds of things.

And one day when he was threatening, I just...

I hit him.

And I went to prison for as*ault.

And while I was in there, Joe... he took her from me.

Take your time, Mr Lee.

Her father threw her out and they... ran away together.

That's when... she sent me that letter.

And I wouldn't read it.

I couldn't read it.

- And you and Joe? - We never spoke again.

I hated him so much.

I knew when he came back Annie were dead.

He told me.

And I knew he'd come to steal from me again.

Our mother had left him nothing, nothing in her will.

That's where the money came from.

Can I go now?

So, now we know there was money.

Who's got it, then?

And who moved the body?

I had to tell them.


And now you can tell me summat.

Where've they buried her?

Well, Tattersall's did the funeral.

I should imagine she's in St Hilda's.

So, where's the money?

Well, to find that we have to know where Joseph Lee was when he died.

I've been trying to work out how his body got where it was.

And that there was sawdust in his clothes.

If he'd taken the route I think he would've gone

after his car broke down,

he would have passed the east side of the village.

I think it was there that something happened to him.

I told the hospital I'd check up on you, Mr Lee.

I was sorry to hear about what happened.

Are you all right?

I need help.

I never told Annie.

I can't read.

Well, he'd have come this way.

And if something did happen to him here,

John Boaden might have seen something.


They left half an hour ago.

- Do you know where they were going? - Mm-hmm. The station.

- Right. Thank you. - Thank you.

"I was having our baby, Adam.

But you won't know that."

"My dad threw me out of the house

when he found out I was having your baby,

and after all that happened between you and him."

I had nowhere to go.

You were in prison...

and Joe was there.

Smiling Joe."

Would you like me to stop?

Please, go on.

"Our baby died, Adam,

before he was born.

And I am sorry.

I hope you will know that I never meant to hurt you.

If you ever forgive me, I will leave Joe

and come that day to you.

I will wait to hear from you.



Would you take me to St Hilda's churchyard, please?


Oh, flipping Norah!

Right. Come on.

MUSIC: 'Catch a Train' by Free

♪ Catch a train to my place, uh

♪ Call me when you get into town hey

♪ I'm gonna meet you at the station

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ You can tell me why you're feeling down

♪ Is it your mother

♪ Though she tends to shout a bit

♪ But she's got her problems too... ♪

PHIL: John Boaden?

I have some questions I'd like to ask you back at the station.


I sense the whole house is affected.

A very strange, heavy atmosphere in here,

and we're going to have to work hard to shift it.

You're going to have to be strong and brave,

and not afraid to deal with whatever might happen.

What might happen?

Sit down with me.

Now, we have to be still.

Join hands.

Eyes closed.

I didn't k*ll him.

Go on.

I prayed. I asked for an answer. I found him.


He was dead on the path.

I looked in his pockets to see who he was

and there was this money.

It was £,.

Where is it now?

It was an answer.

Our daughter's dying and he was dead.

Why did you move him?

I wanted him far away from us.

So no-one would know.

No-one except PC Walker here.

MUSIC: 'Clothes of Sand' by Nick Drake

♪ Who has dressed you in strange clothes of sand?

♪ Who has taken you far from my land?

♪ Who has said that my sayings were wrong?

♪ And who will say that I stayed much too long?

♪ Clothes of sand have covered your face

♪ Given you meaning but taken my place

♪ So make your way on down to the sea

♪ Something has taken you so far from me

♪ Something has taken you so far from me ♪

Is there anybody there?

Is there anybody there?

One knock for yes.

Two knocks for no. KNOCK


- Is that a yes or a no? - I'm not sure.

I'll try again.

Now, is there anybody there?

One knock for yes, two knocks for no.


I thought you said you were professional.

And indeed I am.

And there must be somebody there because they're knocking.

Well, perhaps they're shy. Or just stupid?

Are you the wheel tapper?


Bang goes that theory, then.

Mr Quinn, I know that there is somebody there.

And the spirits can be very offended.


Are you a railwayman? KNOCK

Ah, now we're getting somewhere. KNOCK

Now, steady on! I haven't asked a question yet.

Is Mrs Armstrong pulling our leg?


Was there ever a rail crash near here?


Mr Quinn, are you suggesting that I am a fibber?


I am suggesting that you're a fraud.

I bet you've got a block of wood strapped to your knee

the same as I have.

Well, then you have been interfering with the messengers.

I also checked with the local library.

And they'd never heard of any accidents on Wharton Bank.

I've only got one word to say to you,

you... horrible cynic!



Right. Let's find out how she caused that pong.

He took it cos it was there,

and because he wanted his daughter to live.

I said I don't want charges.

- What happens to them now? - They won't go to America.

Can I, er... speak to him?

- I'm very sorry, Mr Lee. - No. No.

It's for you.

You can't do this.

I lost someone once.

Didn't speak about it.

I was too proud, too proud to be helped, so...

You're a young family, got your whole lives ahead of you, so...


All right.

- The usual, please. - No spirits, tonight?


The usual... please.

It's been ghostly quiet 'til you came in.

We found it behind the wardrobe.

We reckon it's a victim

of the Wharton Embankment Railway Crash in .

That's a new one on me. What happened?

Oh, it was a terrible tragedy. Lots of fish died.

But we reckon this one's special.

It's the sole of the dead!


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