Soylent Green (1973)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Soylent Green (1973)

Post by bunniefuu »

First stage remuval.

Streets pmhibited
In nun-permits in une haul.

Streets pmhibited
ta nun-permits in une haul. bruught ta yuu by
Suylent Red and Suylent Yellu w...

. . .high-energy vegetable cancentrates. . .

...the miracle {and
a! high-energy plan/(tun...

Because at its enurmuus papularity,
Suylent Green is in shurt supply.

Remember, Tuesday is
Suylent Green Day.

And nuw, Guvernur Santini.

Thank yuu, Richard. Thank yuu.

It's a pleasure ta be able ta talk
tn the peuple a! the city a! New Yurk.


Hey. What did you dig up
in those cases I gave you?

Matthewson. ..


Out of your jurisdiction.
across the city line in Philadelphia.

Chergov. m*rder.

Went home yesterday.

Donaldson. multiple r*pe.

Has a record in the Bronx.

Can be extradited.

Get him the hell out of Manhattan.

What about Zolitnikoff?

Well. give me time. will you?

You've been telling me that
for the last three days.

Well. I can't locate the files.

I spent hours on it
at the Exchange today.

Talked to every other book
who was there.

You know. there are 20 million guys
out of work in Manhattan alone...

...just waiting for my job
and yours too.

What the hell kind of miracle
do you want of me?

I'm just an ordinary police book.
not the Library of Congress.

I don't know why I bother.

Because it's your job.
Besides. you love me.

-That margarine's turned.
-Son of a bitch.

Zolitnikoff. no record.
Matthewson. no jurisdiction.

Chergov. home.
And Donaldson. extradite.

Why don't you eat something?

-|'m not hungry enough yet.
-|t's not bad.

Tasteless. odorless crud.

You don't know any better.

Oh. for--

You know. when l was a kid... was food.

Before our scientific magicians
poisoned the water...

...polluted the soil.
decimated plant and animal life.

Eggs. they had. Real butter.
Fresh lettuce in the stores.

I know. Sol. You told me before.

How can anything survive
in a climate like this?

A heat wave all year long.

A greenhouse effect.
Everything is burning up.

Okay. wise guy.

Eat some Soylent Green and calm down.

-|'|| hustle some more on Tuesday.
-You do that.

I don't want to get caught
in another riot.

Get off. |'|| charge up
the batteries before I go.

You know.
I'm getting pretty sick of you.

Yes. but you love me.

Night shift again. I'll be damn late.

So get something to eat.


-Go with God.






Hey. Mr. Donovan.

l have something for you.

Get inside.


Handmade. isn't that?

Do you have the words straight?

I won't understand them
if I live to be 100.

You won't.




It's good to hear you laugh.

-Come on and play.
-No. thank you.

-Thank you for the toy.
-|'m glad it amuses you.

Let me do something for you.

FIELDING: Are you ready. Miss Shirl?
It's getting late.

Go ahead.

According to the inventory.
we're low on everything.

| demolished five saucers
with one rocket.

Not bad for an amateur.

-|'ve got your curfew pass.
SHIRL: Oh. good. I thought I'd lost it.

That makes it 279 0'5 and 15 cents.

Sign it. Brady.

Mr. Brady?

Think I forgot? I didn't forget.

You asked for something special.
and I got it. Come on over here.

How often can I offer a customer
something really fantastic?


Beef. Miss Shirl.

Beef like you've never seen before.

What do you want?

You. Mr. Simonson.

I knew soon.

They told me to say
that they were sorry...

...but that you had become unreliable.

That's true.

They can't risk a catastrophe. they say.

They're right.


...this is right?

No. not right.


To who?

To God.


I made the routine check.
He was alive at 10:35.

-What was your name again?

-Charles what?
-Just Charles.

It's perfectly legal.

God. we haven't had any trouble here
in years. not years.

The scanners and alarms
went out of order last Thursday.

-Come on. Let's have a look.
-Yes. it was Thursday.

The original manufacturer's
out of business.

Our men fabricate replacements.

Takes them forever. just forever.

I'll have to tell the other tenants.

What do I do? Call each of them and say
Mr. Simonson in 22A was slaughtered?

We should have more guards.

-I told management--

We should have more guards.

Detective Thorn. 14th Precinct.

Tab Fielding.
l was Mr. Simonson's bodyguard.



-Personal or building?

-Where's Simonson?
-In the living room.

Let's go.

-What was his full name?
-Wi||iam R. Simonson.


-Rich what?

Lawyer. Politics.

THORN: Say. does this building
have a food inventory?

Yes. sir.

Wouldn't you know?

Get me some booze.

-That's not within your jurisdiction--

You're not working for him anymore.

Your contract's been canceled.

I've been paid to the end
of the month.

Get the bottle.

Your boss didn't put up much of a fight.

He wasn't the type.

THORN: Most people like to live.
-If you say so.

You're a dream.

Bourbon! Son of a--


Where were you. bodyguard.
when they were butchering your boss?

-He sent us out shopping--

The girl and |. You know. Shirl.


Well. we got back at 11. I saw the
jimmy marks on the door and ran in...

...but obviously it was--

You know how to write?


Why don't you go in the foyer
and write me a statement.

...and your employment number. Okay?


He'd be alive if we hadn't gone out.

Now. you have nothing to regret.
He told us to go.

I think he wanted to die.

Honey. it wasn't anybody's fault.

Working on your report?

-l was just trying to--
-Yeah. I know.

Hey. what's your name? Shirl?


Come on in here a minute. Shirl.

Come on.

Shut the door.

Let's see your hands.

How many times you been
in trouble with the police?

-I can't hear you.


No fresh bruises.

He didn't knock you around. huh?
You're a lucky girl.

-He never hit me.

I wished he'd lived forever.

-Un|ess you were fooling around.

-With the bodyguard maybe?
-No. I'm straight.

Ask Charles. I don't cheat.

Come on.

I'd never risk my job.

When you came back.
did you see the body?

Just for a moment.

-Was it like it is now?
-Yes. like it is.



What's your arrangement here?

| stay for the next tenant.
if he wants me.

I may have to see you again.

All right.

Okay. Shirl. That's all.

Right. Wagner.

Hatcher's got you
working a double shift?

Me and everybody else.

-No wonder you look lousy.

Here. You better sign for him.

Just so we understand.

Where are they taking him?

-What's the difference?
-Tell me. please.

He'll be driven outside the city
to a waste disposal plant.

When my grandmother died...

...there was a ceremony.

-I remember.
-I know.

You got your report?

What about the death benefit?

We hold it. pending next of kin.

There is no next of kin.

You can file a claim in 30 days.

l was thinking of Shirl.

Sure you were.

Hey. Wagner!

Give me a lift home?



Hey. Sol!

What are you doing home?

What time is it?


-New paper.
-Have some pencils.

Chelsea Towers West.

“Soylent Oceanographic
Survey Report...

...2015 to 2019."

Two volumes.

-Where in hell did you get all these?
-Off his shelves.

I love them.

What the hell?

Oh. my God.

This Simonson was a great man.


Love apple.

Isn't that beautiful?



Oh. my God.

How did we come to this?

Why the hell don't you get out of here?
Go back to your foolish work.

Come on. Sol. Don't take it so big.

Look. we're doing okay.

We're doing fine.

We're doing lousy...

...just like when l was a boy.

Nobody cares. Nobody tries...

...including me.

I should have gone home long ago.

Come on. I need you.

Simonson. William R.

Number ACX2167D.

Hey. Callahan. busy house tonight. huh?

So we'll double up the Tuesday
riot detail here at 62nd tomorrow.

That'll leave us thin up here at 101st.
so we'll back up with scoops there.

Got that?

So you finally made it.

-Do you know what time it is?
-You're the one with a watch.

lcan't. The damn thing won't run.

Let me see it. Maybe I can fix it again.

Huh. Okay.

Oh. let's see.
The Matthewson m*rder....

He's in Philadelphia.
out of our jurisdiction.

His wife's been lying.

We'll pick her up if we can find her.
Here. Sign.


I'm working on it.

Which means you still
haven't got a damn thing.

How old is So! Roth now?

He's doing all right.

He's had it.

It's time for you to get another book.

-|'|| make arrangements.

-Sooner or later.
-Not now.

Well. it's your job.


...when he caught
some punk burglarizing his apartment.

-Well. what do you say?
-It was an assassination.

Just like that?

One: The alarm system was out of order
for the first time in two years.

Two: The bodyguard was
conveniently out shopping.

He used a meat hook instead of a g*n
to make it look like a punk.

Well. what's for Mother?

One bill for me. 50 for Kulozik.
50 for you.

Ten for Wagner from your end.

-Simonson must have been big.
-How big?

-Who did the inside work?
-For my money. it's the bodyguard.

-What about the furniture?
-Like grapefruit.

You never saw a grapefruit.

You never saw her.

Come on. Shove.

-You know what I really think?

I think it's really busted this time.


WOMAN: Ouick-energy yellow Soylent
made of genuine soybean!

Ouick-energy yellow Soylent
made of genuine soybean!


Watch where the hell you're stepping!

What may I do for you. sir?

Thorn. 14th Precinct.

We run a clean building here. Mr. Thorn.





-Who's there?
THORN: Police.


Just a minute.

l' m not dressed!



Let me see your badge.

Open up.

All right.

Detective Thorn. 14th Precinct.

Sorry to make such a racket.
I want to see Mr. Fielding.

He isn't home.

-You Mrs. Fielding?
-|'m Martha Phillips. I live here.

I just met Tab yesterday
in connection with a case.

I had a few more questions
I wanted to ask him.

-Would you know where he is now?

When will he be back?

I don't know. He just left.


New furniture?

-|'ve been with him for four years.


Hey. this is really a terrific place.

That's rice.

Yeah. I've seen it before.

Tab does pretty well for himself.
doesn't he?

-He's got a good reputation.
-Who with?

-The people he works for.
-Who's that?

You know. Chelsea West.

Yeah. Well. when he gets back.
tell him Detective Thorn was here. Okay?

Anything you say.

Come on in here a minute. will you?


I haven't seen an incinerator for years.


What does?

Really a nice place you got here.
Really nice.

Plenty of room to move around.


We were very lucky to get it.

-I haven't been very nice.
-You're just fine.

I should have offered you something.
Mr. Thorn.

If I'd had the time.
I would've asked for it.

Son of a bitch.

Oh. Hmm.







I haven't eaten like this in years.

I never ate like this.

And now you know
what you've been missing.

-There was a world once. you punk.
-Yes. So you keep telling me.

I was there. I can prove it.

I know. I know.

Oh. nuts. People were always rotten.

But the world was beautiful.

It's late.

I gotta get to work.

What have you dug up on Simonson?

I've got a handful of reference work
20 years out of date.

You throw out a name
and you expect a miracle.

Simonson. Sol. Report. huh?


Biographical survey. 2006.
Last one they published.

Simonson. William R.

Born 1954.

Evidently unmarried.

Graduated Yale Law School in 1977.

Principal partner. Simonson.
Borden and Santini.

-Governor Santini?
-Ho|d still. There's more.

In 1997. he was the director of
Holcox Manufacturing. Norfolk. Virginia.

Specialist in manufacturing
freeze-drying equipment...

...for commercial food processing.

And in 2018...

...Holcox was acquired by Soylent...

The board of Soylent?

Your dead one
was a very important man.

Unnumbered copies.
Officially. they don't exist.


-What else do you want?

Well. law. Soylent. oceanography--?

Across the board.

Across--? Oh. that's impossible.

Check the Exchange.

Check the Exchange.
I need you to tell me that?

You know. I was a teacher once.
a full professor. a respected man.

Make a special effort. will you. Sol?
This case is for real. for a lot of marbles.

-For who?
-Never mind.

-Don't forget to pick up the water ration.
-|'|| do that. I'll die if I don't get water.


-Taste that.
-Taste what?

Taste it.



Hundred and fifty bucks a jar
of strawberries.




ID is RC105.

Get me the 14th Precinct.

Thorn. how about paying us a visit?

I can't. I'm following up
the Simonson thing.

He's damn good at it.

Big deal.

Would you believe bodyguards are
buying strawberries for 150 D's a jar?

You'd better report in here right away.

Yes. sir. first thing in the morning.

That was Thorn.

He's a damn good cop.

Appreciate the difficulty. Ed.

But the department wants to cooperate
with the governor's office. right?

Whatever you say. sir.

It looks like a fair-complected man...

...maybe someone close to you.
a protector.

And if we refer back
to this card back here...

...if you look at it. the time sequence
indicates a three-month period.

So things are looking up a bit. Kathy.

Thank you.

-Your hair looks beautiful.
-Thank you.


Who is it?

Thorn. Detective Thorn.

I had a few more questions
I wanted to ask.

Having a party?

Just my friends.

It's okay.



That's great.


It's still over 90 out there.


You know. if I had the money.
I'd smoke two. three of these every day.

Come on in here.

On the bed.

This is a nice place.
the way it's fixed up.


He was m*rder*d. you know.

Robbery had nothing to do with it.

You understand?


-Did he have any relatives?
-I never heard of any.

Did you meet his friends?

Sure. I met some of his friends.

What were their names?

-I was never really introduced. you know.
-Oh. come on. Shirl.

Well. there was a Mr. Lempeter...

...a man called Tompkins...

...and somebody called Santini.

That's all I remember.

He didn't bring people up here
very often.

Santini's the governor.


Where did you go with Simonson?

No place.

Shopping once in a while.


He took me to church.


What did he do there?
He prayed.

And he talked to a priest.
That's about all.

-Why would he take you to church?
-He didn't say.

Why do you think?

I think he just wanted
to have somebody along.

He was very strange towards the end.

He didn't touch me for months.

I saw him cry more than once.

Old people do that.

Do they?

I can't figure this Simonson.

If I was like him. rich. important...

...plenty to eat...

...real bourbon...

...and a girl like you... wouldn't see me in church.

What are you doing here?

I've been looking all over the building
for you. I'll teach you to break my rules!


Furniture stays in units!

I've told you before.

-I mean it!

CHARLES: I'll get rid of the whole--
-Hold it!


We give them a day off a month.
We don't have to.

You'd think they'd be grateful for
what they've got here. Wouldn't you?

I'll tell you. Charlie...

...they're here because I called them
for questioning.

-|s that so?

Don't you believe me. Charlie?


You should have told me.



You wanna file a complaint?

What do you say. Charlie?


I wonder if any of these girls
want to file a complaint against you.

Maybe not.

Maybe they want to keep it friendly.

I hope so.

Don't you. Charlie?

Don't you?


Get the hell out of here.

Look. maybe we better all go.
Come on.

Come on.

Come on. baby.

Charles isn't as bad as some.

Don't you ever get mad?

What for?

I left my stuff in here.

It's still dark.

You could stay a while.

You could wash up.

I'll make you breakfast.

Why should you?

SHIRL: There's plenty of food
in the refrigerator.

Charles wouldn't dare make trouble
for you now.

I got work.

I don't wanna be alone.

I'm frightened when I'm alone.

There's nothing I can do for you.

I got nothing to give.

The new tenant is coming
to look over the place.

He may not want me.

This is like my home.

I've been here along time.

You could take a shower
and let the water run as long as you like.

You got....

You got hot water here.

Very hot.


I haven't had a hot bath....

I'II rub you down afterwards.

All right.

You turn that air conditioner on
all the way.

All the way up. We'll make it cold.
like winter used to be.

-What about breakfast?
-Anything you like.

-An egg.

-No. strawberries.
-|'ve never seen strawberries.

All right. An egg then.
Who the hell needs strawberries?


Mommy! Mommy!

Mommy. Mommy. Mommy.

-Hey. Sister.

Mommy! Mommy!

-Where's the priest?
SISTER: You'll find him over there.

Thorn. Father. 14th Precinct.

My name is Paul.

Have I done something?

No. I'm investigating the m*rder
of Mr. William Simonson.

-Who do you say?

Quite an important man. a rich man.

I have no recollection.

-You talked to him.
-Did I?

No doubt about it.

A rich man.

Yes. I remember.

We don't see rich people here anymore.

There isn't even enough room
for the poor.

There's just too many.

Far too many.

-My memory's eroded.

Do you need some space?

I need to know what he said to you.

-Are you sure he's dead?

-Rea||y dead?
-He's dead.

-What did he talk to you about?
-Come back tomorrow. I'm very tired.


Father. did you hear his confession?

There should be a requiem mass.
but there's no room.

-Should I make room?
-This is very important.

I can't help you.

Forgive me. It's destroying me.

-What is?
-The truth.

The truth Simonson told you?

-A|| truth.
-What is it?

What did he confess?

Sweet Jesus.

You heard me. The Simonson case is
officially closed. Felonious as*ault. Sign.

Yesterday you agreed
it was assassination.

I'm not gonna falsify that report.

Oh? Got a suspect?

I've got leads.


I told you there's been a tail on me.

Something stinks here.

...was torn apart with a meat hook!

You can't sweep that carcass
under the rug. Who bought you?

You're bought
when they pay you a salary.

Who's they?

High and hot. They want this case
closed permanently! Sign this!

You sign it!

If I close and somebody higher and
hotter wants to know why. it's my job!

Sign it. I'll cover for you.

I won't put my job on the line
for you. Hatcher. Not my damn job!

Hey. big shot.

Hatcher says you're on riot control.

Great. That really makes my day.

This was once called Gramercy Park.

Now it's the only tree sanctuary
in New York.

Not at all. Donovan. Not at all.

Your secretary told me
where to find you. It's urgent...

-...or I wouldn't have come out here.
-I understand.

Now. what is it?

I'm to inform you the board
is determined to resolve...

...the Simonson investigation
immediately. sir.

-I thought it was resolved.
-Yes. sir.


Perhaps because he went
to church yesterday.

-What does that mean?
-It was Simonson's church.

The cop spoke 20 minutes
with the priest.


The same priest who heard
Simonson's confession.

I don't wanna hear any more about it.

I can't hear any more about it.

Just do what you have to do.

Bless me. Father. for I have sinned.

It has been six months
since my last confession.

A real bargain. folks.
Synthetic footgear.

MAN 1:
Plastics. Plastic ware.

We have a large assortment
of plastic ware.

Some are a little chipped.
Others have hardly any cracks.

Ouick-energy yellow Soylent
made of genuine soybeans.

Soylent crumbs! Two D's a kilo. Nothing
cheaper in the market. Come and get it.

MAN 2: Soylent buns!
Get your genuine Soylent buns!

MAN 3: Keep moving right along.
Soylent Green. Soylent Green right here.

They gave me a quarter of a kilo.

I stood in line the whole lousy day.
and they gave me a quarter of a kilo!

Do you believe that?

They're running out of the damn green.

KULOZIK: This crowd will blow.
THORN: I know.

Got the scoops standing by.
but I don't know if they can handle this.

When you gonna make
the announcement?

As soon as I get up the nerve.

About five minutes. I guess.
Better pass the word.


This is the police.

This is the police. This is the police.


I am asking you to disperse.

The supply a! Soylent Green
has been exhausted.

You must evacuate the area.

The scuups are on their way.

The scuups are on their way!

I repeat: The scuups are on their way.

Today is Tuesday!





Why would you leave that door open?


Mr. Fielding.

You're all there is.

-Who pays your bills?
-I do.

Yeah. I know.


You get life for that. jerk!


How about that big.
fat Soylent Corporation?

Do you work for them like Simonson did?

How much did they pay you
for that one?

Does Soylent buy your strawberries?

Anybody tails me.
bothers me one more time...

...I'II come back here
and k*ll you both. Got it?

Get off my back!



I was worried about you.

-What happened?
-Never mind.

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter.

-Good evening. Mr. Roth.
SOL: Good evening.

Thank you.

-Good evening.
BOOK 1: Good evening. Mr. Roth.

BOOK 2: Mr. Roth.

Good evening. Your Honor.

I assume you have a priority
police problem.

Yes. Your Honor.
It's about William Simonson.





Thorn. It's curfew.

How do you feel?

A lot better.

I did the best I could...

...but I still think you should go see
the police doctor.

He might relieve me from duty.

You need a rest.

-We could go to another city.
-What for?

They're all like this.

-The country?
-That's not allowed.

Those farms are like fortresses.

-Good land's gotta be guarded...

...and Soylent factories
and the plankton ships.

You know. there are idiots in this world
who wanna take everything we've got.

It means there's no place
for us to go.

That's right.

Why should we?

You be careful now.

Keep the scanners on.

Don't go anyplace without a bodyguard.

The new tenant comes tonight.

He'll like you.

You're a hell of a piece of furniture.

Don't talk to me like that.



It's horrible.

You must accept it.


The evidence is overwhelming.

-Simonson was a member of the board.

The corporation knew...

...he was not reliable anymore.

They feared he might talk...

...and so he was eliminated.

-Then why are they doing this?
-Because it's easier.

I think “expedient“ is the word.

Good God.

What God. Mr. Roth?

Where will we find him?

Perhaps at home.

Yes. at home.

I waited two whole damn years for an
apartment to open up in this building.

It's a nice place.

-How long have you been here?
-A long time.

How old are you?


Charles said you were 24.

That makes us both liars.

All right.

All right.

I sleep late.
I like a big breakfast and no lunch.

I'II organize the dinner menu.

Sometimes it's business.
and then we have to be alone.

Sometimes it's fun. and then we like
a girl who's fun.

Are you fun?


May I help you. sir?


And your favorite color?

Orange. I guess.


-Light classical.
-|'m sure you'll enjoy it.

Sign here. please. Mr. Roth.

-A full 20 minutes?
-Oh. certainly. Guaranteed.

Thank you.

This way. please. Mr. Roth.

Good evening. ma'am.
May I have your name. please?

Well. I see that orange
is your favorite color.


-You want Mr. Solomon Roth?
-That's right.

This way. please.

My God.

-I want to see him.
-That is prohibited during the ceremony.

Well. I can assure you--

Open that damn thing right now...

...or I swear to God
you'll die before he does.

All right! All right.

Sol. can you hear me?


Thank you for coming.

-0h, dear Gad.
-|'ve lived too long.


I love you. Thorn.

I love you. Sol.

Can you see it?


Isn 't it beautiful?

Oh. yes.

I told you.

How could I know?

How could I...?

How could I ever imagine?




Listen to me. Thorn.

Thorn. listen.


I can't hear him.

Do something. damn it!

Yes. Sol.


Yuu've gut to prove it, Thurn.

Go to the Exchange.

Please, Thurn.

You've got to prove it. Thorn.

The Exchange.

Go to....







MAN: Dispatch.
-Thorn. ID RC105.

Get me the 14th Precinct. Urgent.

Just a moment.

-The circuit is in use.
-We||. break in!

It's a 6-1 priurity.

Look. get me Chelsea Towers West.
Apartment 22A.

-Cut in if you get the 14th.


-Shir|. it's me.

Oh. Thorn. I'm so glad.
I have to talk to you.

No. there's no time.

I want you to stay with him always.

Oh. Thorn. I want to live with you.

Just live.

MAN: I have l.t. Hatcher.
-P|ug him in.



-Thorn. where the hell have you been?
THORN: I'm at the Exchange.

Hatcher. help me.










There's another one over there.

-Hey. punk. are you with us?

-Did I get him?
-Yeah. you got him. all right.


...get to the Exchange.

You gotta tell them they're right.

But let's take care of you first.

You don't understand.

I've got proof.

They need proof.

I've seen it. I've seen it happening.

They've gotta tell people.

-Tell them what?
-The ocean's dying. Plankton's dying.

It's people.

Soylent Green is made out of people.

They're making our food out of people.

Next thing. they'll be breeding us
like cattle for food.

You've gotta tell them.
You've gotta tell them.

I promise. tiger. I promise.
I'll tell the Exchange.

You tell everybody.

Soylent Green is people!
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